Nil Ffiimnii'lwis IsP meet It is said by noted eye specialists and every per son should kngw the condition of their eyes. While the" defect is so small in some eyes that it does nqt give the least trouble, in other eyes it causes HEADACHES, EYEACHES AND SORE EYES. If you are in doubt about your eyes consult our "Optometrist about them he will be frank about them and will tell you if glasses are necessary or not. .1 GUARANTEED NOT TO BREAK We grind our own lenses. . n HARRY DIXON & SON. WmMINQ MAX JYILL TACKLK , CASK MVLK " FKHJIIWJIV 22 d. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate- Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAXATO) PERSONAL Manager Brown, of the Brady Tele phone exchange, was a Business vis itor in town yesterday. The county commissioners convened in session yesterday for the trans action of general business. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Store. " Tho nal XoiKiibo:! will meet at tho K. P. hall at three o'clock Wed nosdav afternoon. Lunch will be served. For Sale Several Aberdeen Polland Ancus Bulls. 10 to 12 months old Address Frank ifibele, Mortn i'iaue, or Phone 798F2. day or night. Phone 247 for efficient cab service Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Tlioelecke have returned from Omaha where they wore called by tho illness and death of Mr. Thoelecke's father. For Rent Threo rooms for light housekeeping and one furnished room. Phono Black 414. 9-2 The order closing amusement places on Tuesday have been recalled, the Crystal and Keith theatres will be open as usual this evening. Will Moloney, Charley Pass, Will Landgraf and Lee Simon were in Stapleton Sunday soliciting members for the Knights of Columbus Fred D. Wright resigned his posi tion as reporter for the Telegraph yesterday and will probably return to Chicago. Miss Sarah Kelly is doing tho local work. The furnishings of tho Wilcox Dept Store are now being moved to the new K. C. building, this work being donq gradually in order not to seriously Interfero with tho transaction of busl ness. Henderson Fashion Form Corsets in the new spring styles, both in the front and back laco. We have a corset to fit each Individual figure. B. T. Tramp & Son. Tho $25,000 gymnasium erected at Caran Funston by money raised in Ne braska and for the use of Nebraska soldiers at that camp, was dedicated Saturdays Governor Nevillo was pres ent and assisted in the dedication per vices. Mrs. Wilbur Cully and Mrs. Dan Valerius tendered a farewell party at tho home of the later Friday after onon to Mrs. R. L. Newborn. A largo number were present and a very enlovable afternoon spent. Luncheon was served and at the close Mrs Newbern was prosonted with a piece of sliver as a token of tho lovo and esteem in which sho Is held. Mrs Newbern -will leave soon to mako her home In Cheyenne. ,:o: : Wun led. North Platto general agent for Guar dian Life Insurance Co. of America Send reference to A. J. Grulk Koarnev. Nob. 9-2 HogslG Ceitsartd Better infor Worms lt ui iiwiiiiiwiiSiiniSii liiii i?i iwliiSntS NOW is when all your stock needs special attention, because the change from pasture to dry feed is one of the most critical periods of the year. YOU can lose more pounds of summer gain through November neglect than you can get back all winter. KEEP up the good condition keep up the summer thrift keep out the worms. DR. HESS STOCK TONIC Drives Out tho Worms. Mokes Stock Healthy 25-lb. pail costs $2.00 100-lb. drum costs $6.50 Why Pay the Peddler Twice This Price? Remember, we have no peddler's wagon and horse expenses to pay. That's why ,ve can sell you Dr. Hess Stock Tonic at these rock-bottom prices. And, remember that you get your money back right here at this store if Dr. Hess Stock Tonic doesn't do all we claim for it. , NOW IS TUG TIME TO FEED DR. HESS POULTRY PAN A CE-A It Will Start Your Pullets and Moulted Hens to Laying. The 1?exajflk Drug Store. Tho Wyoming man who offered .to bet live hundred-dollars that ho tjhn rldo tho Cnao mule, and whoso but was accepted by Caso and Ida associates, has placed in the hands of F. C. lelsttckcr a certified check for $500, and Caso ,1ms dopositcd a check for similar amount. February 22d Washington's birth day has beon sot as tho dato when tho Wyoming man will attempt to rt-j what no man has pa far been ablo to do,1 rldo tho bucking niulo. During tho past two years many riders havo made tlio attempt, and among them havo been some of tho best riders in tho west. A number of other wild west stunts will bo given in connection with tho attempt to ride the mule. ro: : Successful Entertainment. Tho entertainment given by tho Sammy Girls at the Lloyd opera houso was an unqualified success, tho re ceipts reaching nearly ilvo hundred dollars. Tho attendance was greater than tho seating capacity of tho hall and evory attendant had good words to say of the program, which was under the direction of Mrs. W. J. Tlley. Ono featuro was "Tho Soldier in" Dreamland," a Dontornimo written by Mrs. McKenna, of this city and Interpreted in a very interesting man- ner. Tho entortainmont as a wholi was well worthy tlio largo attendance. Especially pleasing was tho Httlo tots who dramatized the song "I've JUBt a pain in my Sawdust." Another event was tho calling of Mrs. McQraw to tho platform by J. G. llcoler and tho presentation of American Beauty roses to the sammlo's mothers by the sammy uirls. "This "ls" Life." If you are blue or tired and weary come and see George Wnlsh, in "This is tlio Life," at tho Crystal theatre to nignt. If you feel O. K. como nlong and Georgo In bis new photoplay will make you feel better. In fact lies good for every mood. Tho titlo of the 'nlav succests what it is like. Mr. Walsh, son of a rich father, doesn't care about work. Ho refuses to mix his ukulele and his motion pictures -with business. HU father, in tho hope of reforming him, sends him with a cargo of munitions to bouth America. On the boat is a band. , of revolutionists. These George mistakes for a motion picture troupe. ne gets into a real, Ilvo revolution and acts with vim, still belloving he's in the movies. Tho complications bring about tho arrest of Geortro and Mm sentence to be shot at daybreak. nut ueorgo Is not readv to lie shot at daybreak or anv other Mmn. Wn uses his tricks to escape and then ho rescues a girl held by tho revolution ary band. Ho had believed tho girl was a motion ''picture star. She's really the daughter of an American consul In South America. : :o: : Ho You Need Seed This Year? Altho my appointment as Countv Agont does not take effect until March' nrst, yet It is desirable to know who wants seed tins year, particularly neeu corn, nnu who has a surplus, before that time. Therefore, tho Farm Bureau of this Food Will Win the War LARGK part of tho world is coming to the position that Belgium Is In ; com ing to Ihe stage where tho pri mary nnd Im portant thing 1 n 1 1 f o is enough f t o d to keep nllve. Food has now taken a domi nant position In the war. Tho American people must preparo themselves to sacrlllce far more than was at first thought neces sary. The cold fnefs are: France, Italy and England havo Just enough food to keep them going ten or twelve weeks. When America's food shipments stop tho allied nntlons begin consum ing into this slender store nnd begin n swift march Into nctunl famine conditions which would mean defeat In short order. Europo then must live on America's surplus. Your saving increases our available stocks Just that much and actually feeds some person in the countries with which wo nre associated In our war against the Centrnl Powers. Our surplus wheat has already been shipped to the nlllcs. U. S. FOOD ADMINISTRATION : :o: Ileal Kslato Transfers. Tho following conveyances woro re corded In the county clerk's office yesterday . Nick Roth to Otto J. Zagor south west quarter section 34-13-34., $5,200. J. H. Leu to Frod Carr, east half southwest quarter and lots -3 and 4, section 31, and south half section 32-9-31, $2,500. Gustaf Larson to W. J. Shlnkle west half southwest quarter section 18-14-32, $G,000. x Albert Norlln to J. H. Mapes south west quarter section 3-13-33, $5,040. Carl Lenqulst to Frans G. Franzcn east half southwest quarter section 18-14-34, ?G,400. Foil SALE The Grocery Department of tho Wilcox Department Store. Arrangements can be made for lease on nresont location. ThiB Is an ex ccptional opportunity to buy a cash businoss with a well established trade. Tho Btock is exceptionally clean Reason for selling Is that wo aro re moving to tho Knights of Columbus building, which was planned to take ioaro of tho dry goods part or our business only. I ; ;o: Owlnc to lack of co-operation, wo linvn ilonldnrt to abolish our charco of cotmty asks all farmers to list thnir ton cents for delivery, nnd 2 por cent wants in this matter with A. R. for chnrgo accounts. Wo will adhere Leavltt, North Platte, and thoso hav- Strictly to the food administrator ing a surplus to mako It known that Prices, and as thoy aro based on tho we may supply thoso needing it. cash and carry iplan, wo muist Insist Tho government has fixed the price on our customers paying their ac of seed corn in this state as fallows: counts every 30 days Pure bred seed testing 90 per cent and bettor $5.00 per bushel. . This should be sufficient inducement for thoso having seed to Bave lt, for besides being patriotic It is also clearly profitable. BERT BARBER, County Agent. : :o: : Abandon Charges for Delivery. Through lack of co-operation, those grocers who, upon recommendation of tho state food administration and tho stato council of defense, inaugurated a charge for delivery and a-charge for credit, havo abandoned tho plan. It is probable, however, that retailers will sooner or later need retrench their expenses for there is but little doubt as tho war progrsses the government will continue to draw tho reins tighter on them, ust as it will on tho bank er, the baker, the butcher and other uro of potash classes or business . it Is estimated that the cost of tho delivery system of. tho North Platto grocers and butchers Improved is not iosb man oignty uoiiars per day. NOTICE Hereafter we will not mako any charge for delivery or charge accounts. LIERK-SANDALL CO. ::,:: RUSH MERCANTILE CO. Several lines of tracks havo been laid between the Locust street and Willow street crossings and connected up with tho tracks laid for tho former coal yard. This gives a couplo ad ditional miles of trnck for expodlto switching . Our suits aro sure to pleaBe you, como and seo them. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho Happy Hour club will hold a Valentino warty at the homo or Mrs. W. Thompson, Friday evening. Each membor Is requested to bring valontlno. A McPherson county resident who was In toWn Saturday stated that parties had beon In that county lately taking leases on lakes with a view of establishing plants for tho manufact Mary had a little hen, That acted very queer, Sho always laid when eg"gs were cheap, But quit when they wero dear. Try a package of Magic Egc Savor: 25 cents a package. McMIchaol Gro cery, 408 So. Dewey, or Mrs. E. Burg ner, 815 No. Locust. 7-2 A collision between a Dodgo and a Ford car occurred Saturday ovoning at tho corner of Sixth and Locust, the Ford being overturned nnd windshield, steering wheel and fohders broken. but tho driver escaped unscratchod. Tho Dodgo was driven by a Mr. Christiansen tho namo of tho Ford driver was not learned. For Sale 2 horses, 2 mules and a Oakland car modol 33, Inqiriro H. M. ulumo, North Side Garago. 9-tf For quick action and Miflsfactory sale list your land with Thoclocke. tf , Roy Banks and Mrs. F. Elliott loft Sunday night for Chicago whoro thoy will purchaso' a spring stock for the HUD. Tho Lonton season begins tomorrow nnd will bo observed by communicants of several local churches. Do you have spoils of dizziness and everything turning black boforo tho oyos7 Theso are symptoms of torpid liver and a clogged condition of tho bowols. Tako Prickly Ash Bitters and get rid of the misery. It is tho right thing for such dlsordors. Prico $1.25 per bottlo. Rlncktfr Book & Drug Co. special Agent. For llcnt. farm of 1C0 acres 2V. miles from Koystono. Omaha Furn lture & Carpot Co., 1211 Farnam St Omaha, Nebr. 9-1 A NICKEL A DAY IS YOUR SHARE If You Can Save More, Then Moro I Your Sharo. i If every person In Nebraska were to Iny aside a nickel each day during , tho year of 1018, lt would mean the Bavlng of nenrly $2(5,500,000 In thl stato this your. This Is Nebraska': sharo of tho War Savings Stump loan If everybody In tho United State oaved n nickel n day during tho yenr, lt would mean tho raising of $2,000 000,000. This Is the total amount of tho Wur Savings loan. FIvo nickels buy a "Thrift Stamp, Sixteen of tho 25-cent "Thrift Stamps' pasted on a card can be exchanged with n few cents for a War Savings Stamp. War Savings Stumps cost 14.12 each until February 1, and then one cent moro each month until the ond of tho year, and on January 1 1023, can bo redeemed at any post offlco for $5. If you do not want to keep Wnr Savings Stamps until tho dato of mn turlty you can cash them ut the post offlco any time on 10 days' notice, and get what you paid plus tho Interest earned to dato. ( ANOTHER iWAR SAVINGS V STAMP J FOR SALE at the REXALL Drug Store THE UNIVERSAL CAR It's no longer necessary to go into the details describing the practical merits of the Ford car overybody knows nil about "The Universal Car." How it goes and comes day nfter day and year after year at an operating expense so small that it's won derful. This advertisement is to urge prospective buyers to place orders without delay as the war has produced conditions which may interfere with normal production. Buy a Ford car when you con get one. We'll take good care of your order get your Ford to you soon as possible and give the best in "afterservice" when required. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. This is the machine you have been hearing about with swinging wringer and latest improvements. North Platte Light & Power Co. "IF YOU HAVE TRIED EVERY THING ELSE WITHOUT RESULTS, TRY CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS ANDGET WELL." ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES CONSULTATION and SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE! DR. L. D. SMITH CHIROPRACTOR. Office 5-6-7 Building & loan Bldg., Permanently located in North Platte, Nebraska. WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and. Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. TP- J. B. J1EDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUBOEON Successor to Dra. lledfleld ft ItedQold PHYSICIAN &1 SUIKIEONS HOSPITAL Offlco Phono 312 Res. Phono G7( DOCTOB D. T. QUIGLEI Practice Limited to ' jfk Surgery and Hudlum Therapy 78 City National Bank Buildlaf. Omaka, Nebraska,