MotKer'Sa birthday Certainly one should remember it wit) qn expression of love and honor other ttihn just words, Mother does so much for each of us, Shares' so much with us, we've become accustomed to lUving her things all of us get benefit from. c i i i i. j ! r ra.. one lines sucu gu is yea. uui icis iiiuiyu her birthday present a purely personal one something for her own use. Jewelry is above all things the individual and personal present, Mother learned a long time ago that Clinton's is the best place to buy jewelry. ; ,( You will find appropriate ornaments here, and she will be a little more pleased when . she sees our imprint on the box contnining the gift. C. S. Clinton Jeweler and Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. i'.n LOCAL AND PEIWONAL Miss Gertrude Dakor spent Sunday With friends in Gothenburg. For Farm Loans see Gono Crook, Room 4:Koith Tlioatro building. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, i ; J. D. McoDnald returned to Omaha Saturday nftor spending sevoral days in town. Miss Illldcgardo Clinton Saturday evoning from a friends in Lincoln. Roy Cantlin is out of tho general hospital after taking treatment for ten days for a threatened attack of pneumonia and for inurics received in a recent railroad wreck. For Ront 040 acres, 70 acres broke, balance pasturo and hay. Good house, largo barn, windmill, resorvolr, milk house nnd garage. S. R. Carnoyf 321 South Dowoy, North Platte, Nobr. Mrs. Geo, B. Dent who had Been, in 'a hospital at Omaha for sevoral weoks, KNIGHTS OF COLUMIIUH WILL HOLD A FAIR. The Knights of Columbus will hold a fair April 2d, 3d and 4th, ort the third floor of thoif new building. Committeos to arrange for the fair havq been appointed and are now at work arranging a program that will be! sufficiently varied to guarantcoH big1 attendance each nleht. Tho committee' .has enlisted assistance of tho mclnbeW. of tho Catholic Girls' Club,ahd this I lMln.. 1 -.1.1 . 1.1 .l -.1 ... A.. I in v-yi uim lu uuu uuiibiuui uuiu vim lu the proceedings each evening. The object of tho fair is to assist in raising funds for furnishing tho K. C. hall, and tho promoters hopo to have programs that will result in attend ants getting tho. worth of tho money they; expend. Fiirthor announcements of iho fair will bo mado later. ;io:; Cnfclcria Stumer. Ladles Aid society of tho Methodist church will hold a business meeting next Tuesday afternoon In tho church parlor. Members aro urged to bo pres ent. Commencing at 5 o'clock tho Methodist ladles will servo tho people with a careterla supper. ::o:: I'roposo Clinrlty Rail. The next move of the Sammy Ciris will bo a charity ball to bo given im mediately after the close of the Lenten season. Tho object of tho ball will be to raiso funds for buying yarn, and one-half of tho net proceeds will be given to tho Red Cross. Tho date of tho ball will be announced later. We desire to inform you thatwe will pay the highest prices for ; :o: Orders were received Saturday not to furnish cars for hay shipments. How long this order will hold 1b not known. Through the efforts of tiio federal government Loypoldt & Pen nington were put in communication with parties In Texas who were sorely In need of hay, and had seventeen cars i . rni.innn1.,ilinmn Qnmlntr - .Tw TlnYlf nn il n (ai- nlilnmnn, . 1 . .. . 1. II.... It visit with going to Omaha to accompany her for hay order came' Saturday after- homo. Mrs. Dentin recovering nicely, noon I f mm thn nnnrnnnn I . n isoveny wurioio is sintering irom a fractured arm which sho sustained 1 A. F. Sodorman will soli at public Obtain Our Quotations Before You Sell The Harrington Merc. Co. Office First National Bank Building North Platte, Nebraska in a fall a fow days ago. Girl wanted. Mrs. J. V. Romlgh, Phono 309. F. L. Moonoy loft Sunday for Ex celsior Springs.. whoro ho will remain forjfa-couplo of weeks. "Slump out tho wnr" with War Sin- auction at tho Sodorman ranch 11 miles southeast of North Platto on February 19th, twenty-two head of cattlo, one horso colt, chickens and n lot of farm machinery. I now havo catalogues from Falr- Completo Protrrain. Tho committee appointed to arrange a program for tho celebration of tho flnlflrm nnnlvnranrtr 9 tr Tl Ti f Elks on Monday evening of next wek,?rlctxlTist lu thof ?mp,,oy .f ho havo about completed their work. A reception will be hold at eight o ciock ronowetl by a musical program, FARM Rl'RKAU SELECTS ! HERT RARHER AS AGEXT. I At a meeting of the officers of tho newly created Lincoln county farm bureau Saturday Bert Barber was elected to tho position of county agent and will assume his duties as such - t i. ft i mi. i ii e . i Barber is an oxcellent one, for ho has been a farmer by vocation, and is a graduate of Nebraska agricultural col lego at Lincoln. He spent a year or more In South America as an expert tings Stumps. For Halo at flic Hex'nll! Phono Red 732, or addross P. 0. box Ilrug Store. bury Nursery for distribution to those and by special features and then winning goou uiock ui tuir prices. Dispatcher R. L. Nowbcrry has been transferred to Choyionno, assuming Jlls" duties at-that terminal Saturday. For Sale Puro Bred Vhlto Rock Cof.'kfrfilB. V. XI. TTlHlinlRtrnln .Phnnn Slack 920. 8-?. Mrs. T. L. Greon and daughtor Kathorlno and Mrs. Iryln left Saturday- for a visit with rolativos in Grand ilslaiul, Mb -PJrtf 11r3. O. R. Ilandloy, who had been visiting her paronrs Mr. and Mrs. Victor VanGootz, returned to Omaha Sunday. C2G. R. braska . McFarland, North Platte, No- 7-tf. Tho now G00.000 gallon Btcol tank at tho rouind houso was placed in ser vice Saturday. Tho capacity of tho i pumping plant on tho bank of tho north rlvor Is proving moro than dancing. RofreshmOnts will bo served 'lho committee Is making arrange ments to entertain at least 150 Elks and their ladles. o: Will Initiate Rig Class. Tho Knights of Columbus will initi ate a big class of candidates Sunday. March 2d by which time It is ox- amplo to supply tho maximum amount! Iocted that the furnishings for the hall of water needed. m uluir now uuiiumg wm nave ar- m,.. ...... I vod. Tliq membership of tho class xum vuuiiu, auiiiimi, ui ini uity ( nas already reached fortv-olclit. nnil It is believed that by the date sot for tno initiation tho number will not bo less thon seventy. Prominent mom- , borB or tho organization aro expected Guy Pitt, of Arthur county, has boon in. town for several days, having been last wook in. announcing that called horo by tho serious lllnoss of , senger englns woro boing who enlisted in tho Iowa national guard ami wottTto Doming, has recent, ly bc6n.fiont to tup offlcors' training school'at 'Cnmp Stariloy, Texas . Ho was ono.of thrco selected out of 250 to be presnt at tho initiation. jlui hub jiiKiiur uuiy. The Tribune was a llttlo promaturo pas-run his mother. Mrs, Olive Pitt. t through to Cheyenno. However, thlj .,, , , ,., sorvico Is now In vogue, tho flrnt . After a visit of soyoral months with! ...., to M throllhb ' thn ..,, nor Hiaier, Mra. W. II. MoDonald, iinnllnc No 19 vc3tordav mornlntr Miss Carrio Bolton loft Frlrfiw nvnnlnL' """""t- 1N0- 1J yoaioruay morning. for her homo in San Diego, Cal. Found nt tho Lloyd opera houso Saturday morning ladios' muff and trator " "ut V kill 1 1 1 W VI J ing at Tribune offlco and paying for this notlco. John Korto, an oarly settlor In tho south part of tho county, brought IUb sixteen year old son to tho Gonoral Hospital Friday to submit to an aporn .tlon for iiornla. Cyrus Fox, of Garfield, was in town Saturday transacting business., Ho had Just returned from a trip to east ern Iowa whoro ho found two foot of snow on tho lovol. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Whlto wont to Omaha Thursday ovonlng and rodo Imck tho following day with Mr. White's brothor, a promlnont Now York business man, who was enroute to California. To straighten out confusion with rogard to oxchaugo of wheat for flour at tho mill by fnrmors, Food Admlnis- Wattlos has emphasized this rulolng: "Farmors may oxchango wheat grown by them for flour at the mill for not moro than a thirty days' supply." A half dozon or moro signal main tainors Btatlonod betweon Kearney and this torminal woro horo Friday and Saturday attending a school of in struction. Evory two weeks a class of maintainors working between Grand Island and Cheyenne aro brought horo for instruction. : :o: : Stores For Jtcnt. Tho stores of tho Masonic Tcmplo will bo for ront nftor March 1st. Will partition to suit tenants. For parti culars sea A. F. Stroltz, Custodian. Gtf. PAULINE FREDERICK IN 9 "DOUBLE-CROSSED A Paramount Picture Action? Yes! Thrills? Yes! Suspense? Yes! in this gripping story of politics, love and intrigue. Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. ? DR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEQRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospitol. Homeopathic medicine for acute ond chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there is no system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. Hospital Phone 110. r AUTO LIVERY Siuco I havo sold tho garage am doing auto llrcry from tho North Side Barn,. Day or Night. TclophoHO 20. SVo make n specialty of drlrca to sales all over tho county at tho ato of flro cents per mlle-por person. Tkoso trlio haro sales tlirouglteut tho country please let mo know. Also a fow cars for sale. Night Call Jlod 682. Julius Mogensen. : :o: : Alderman Hay Goes to Lincoln. Alderman Dave Day went to Lincoln buturciay nlcht for tho nurnosn nt Jnk Ing possu-uio'i of n soven-chair barhe Btiop which his 1atlicr-in-1n.w. Mr Hnhn had contracted to purchase for him. Ttj sali will he confirmed if air. iMy liuiis everything satisfactory Davo is a splendid and popular youni man who wo will nil rogroat to lo3e should ho decide to locate in tho capital city. ::o:: Sholton Wins Ensllr. Shelton defeated North Platto in a basket hall gnmo nt tho auditorium Friday evoning by a score of thlrty olght iO sovon. Tho team work of tho visitor was superb, while tho local boys lucked this requisite and failed to take ndvantago of tho opportunity U11U1 Ull. Brazilian government. His knowledge ! of crop growing and live stock raising and his ability to analyze conditions, and suggest remedies particularly fits him for tho position. He is full of energy, a tireless worker, and Is cer-j tain to bo of great assistance to the farmers and stock growers of tho county. Agent Baber will have his offlco after March 1st in tho Chamber of Commerce rooms and will be glad to meet all farmers who como to town. Tho Tribune feels vitally interested in tho organization of the farm bureau and tho appointment of the county agent and offers its services to the bureau and to Agent Barber in what ever way it can best serve. ::o. : ltiiildliig Works Under Ground. Passengers arriving at Now York from Amsterdam assert x that tho! Krupp gun works, at Essen, aro being! 'rebuilt, this time under the ground.) Tho latter action is being taken as the Germans fear ejctenslve air raids byj American flyers In tho future. Tho Krupp works were partly destroyed I by a conflagration several months ngo.l the entire plant being damaged and out These sections of tho gun works I aro being rebuilt underground and It, Is understood all of tho plant will be rebuilt In time. Tho passengers all; state that activities of Americans in tho air are greatly feared in Gormany, particularly along tho frontier towns and manufacturing centers, whoro It1 is iiiougnt tho eftorts of nirmen will be concentrated. CATTLE FOlt SALE. Will havo on saio at tho local yards n ur uuoui I'euruary loth, one hun dred head White Faced Cows. Also six milch cows soon to bo fresh. Will sell any number nt nny time, C. RAUCH & SON, 720 East Fourth Street. Phono Black 1008. North Platto. : :o: : . nostaurnnt keepers aro not per mitted to servo moro than two ounces of wheat bread to ono customer at any ono moal. Vhoy havo not been request ed to do so, thoy havo been command ed, nnd. If thoy violate the cnmmniiil .thoy suffor a sovoro penalty. Evorv week there Is a tightening up on tho food proposition, and tho ond is yot far away. By tho middlo of tho sum mer wo will bo reminded in a thousand ways that wo aro at war. Now Is tho time to got a good selec tion in n suit. E. T. Tramp & Sons, Big Poland. Clilnn Hog Snlo Eeb. 27 On account of the tovere snow storm Fob. 8, our sale was postponed to Yveunesday, Feb. 27. Thero can pos itively bo no postponement then as somo of the offerings will farrow in March . Sale will bo comfortably and conven iently hold in largo barn. Should it bo an Impossible day again anything unsold will be sold at private salo. t 50 of tho topplost Poland China's to bo put up anywhere. If Interested in this offering send for a catolog. Parties from west coming on local can stop off at Markel on the farm, or later trains will bo met by automobiles and conveyed to tho farm free of charge. 9-4 J. O. ANDERSON. : :o: : Sixteen Allen Enemies Register. During last weok sixteen Grman alien enemies registered at the locn postofflco, a smaller numbor than was expected. Postmaster McEvoy is ol the opinion that thero aro soma who Riinillrl rnrifltr whr Vinvn nnf ilnnn Wore you over double-crossed? Prnii. ably at somo timo in your llfo you what Uioy aro expected to dd. ueiiovou somobody has doublo-cross- Under tho original order tho dato for ed you for porsonal gain or to do you registering closed Saturday evoning, an injury, but Paulino Frederick, in. but Postmastor McEvoy has been noti- wUv..., uuv-n 1.11,0 iu oitvu. uuu uiiii 1110 umo nas ueen exienued until tomorrow ovenlng. ::o: tho roputatlon of her husband. Surely you will bo intorostod in seeing this on Thursday and Friday at ths Crystal theatre. For Salo Ono of tho ulcost and host sixicuymouorniiousos in North Platto. tho ovonlng of February 28th. Tho Ten rooms, down stairs finished iu object of this meeting is to acquaint uuru woou, iui oasomont, garugo in Food Conservation Meeting. A food conservation mooting will bo hold In tho Franklin auditorium on' connection hoatod from furnace. Cor nor lot nnd nico lawn. This property Is only two years old. Is woll locatoil and tho owner Is willing to Bacrifloo for quick sale. Price $5,500. Terms. MILTONBERGER & LEININGER. Mon not of soloctivo sorvico ago who aro aociiBtomed to handling horses havo opportunity for specialized sor vico in tho enlisted Voterlnary Corps, onllstmontfl for which aro now being takon. Tho 2.000 won wnntod lncludo veterinary and agricultural students, farmors, atablonion. and others who havo had oxporlonco handling horses. Pay ranges from $30 to ?5G a month, with clothing, fowl, and quartors. Ap plication for onllatmont may bo mado at any army recruiting station. "" If tho bowols are cloggod wp poisons got Into tho blood causing loss pf Btrongth, Bkln eruption, dizziness and vertigo (blind staggers.) Prickly Ash Bittors will opon tho bowols, drlvo out tho impurities and rostoro strength, onorgy and cheerful spirits. Prlco $1,25 por bottlo. Rlnckor Book tho 'peoplo with the exact condition of food stuffs and the absoluto necessity of conservation. Tho mooting will bo addressed by Dr. R. II. Wllber, of tho Stanford University and Evorett Colby, of Orange, N. J., and probably Miss Kolly, of tho University of Wis consin. Theso speakors havo mado a study of tho food situation and will glvo tho real facts. Thoy aro sent out by Stnto Food Administrator Wattles. Thoso wanting salo dates let mo know soon, as I linvo dates inndo for March. R. I. SHAPPELL AUCTIONEER. SUTHERLAND, NEB. . ROBERT WARWICK IN "The Silent Master" UNIQUE ROMANTIC THRILLING Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. FEBRUARY 13 AND 14. CHILDREJOC. j Poultry Wanted WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING PRICES FOR POULTRY THIS WEEK. ,f - . .. hens... .e:?.::22c SPRING ROOSTERS. 20c OLD ROOSTERS I Oc DUCKS AND GEESE... 17 C Bring us your surplus this week, and get ready to hatch a big lot this spring. Your Uncle needs them. North Platte Produce Co. rvw'H m i i & ! a QUICK easy starts in tho coldest winter weather nnd light-nine-like nlck-nm whm you open the throttle these are yours when the motor Is running on Red Crown Gasoline. Red Crown vaporlaea readijy even when the motor Is Btone-cold. The cylinders draw in a full charge of gas that explodes at the first tiny spark. That's why Red Crown saves the batteries of your starter, And If you want a sudden burst of speed In dodg ing through traffio, or on a country rdadyou'll get it If Red Crown Gwollnois In the tank. For every drop Is full of punch and power. And evory gal lon Is like every other galloadependablo andf pure. Get Red Crown wherever To see the sign at our Service Stations and all gdod garages. The best winter lubricant is Polartne. Flows freely In sero weather j oils perfectly at any temperature. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Ncbuikt) OMAHA 3 & Drug Co., Spocial Agonts.