The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 12, 1918, Image 1

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No. 9
f lor tit Mmk
IVHjIi KXLIST 25(1,000 31 KS
ron'Tin: SI1IL YAltDS.1
T. C. Patterson, chairman of the
county council of defenso haa been
notified that an attempt to enlist at
least 250,000 skilled workmen In ltn
ship yarda volunteer reserve will be
made this week by tho emergency Hoot
corporation through registration wcok.
Tho purposo In establishing tho re
serve Is to create a body of skilled
workers who can bo called on for
service In the ship yards as they are
Tho organization Is to bo composed
of workmen who are willing to give a
good day's work for a good day's pay,
workmen who aro not asked to
sacrlflco present positions to rush
madly off to the ship yards, which
may not bo able to accommodate them
for the moment, but who stand ready
when called upon to do a particular
Job for a particular wage In a particu
lar placo, and who enroll thomsolvos
so that when needed they may bo
readily reached.
Chicken Supper This Evening.
The ladles of tho Episcopal church
will serve a supper In the church
basement this evening commencing at
5:30. Tho menu will be: Creamed
chicken and biscuits, mashed potatoes
cabbago salad, cako and coffee. Prlco
40 cents.
Hereafter we will not make any
charge for delivery or charge accounts.
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to acknowledge our In
debtedness to many friends for their
helpfulness to us in our recent breav
ment. The gifts of flowers, tho ex
pressions of love and sympathy, and
the deeds of neighborly kindness, are
all most sincerely appreciated.
Mrs. R. D. Thomson,
Mrs. A. B. Swarthout,
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baker
and family.
Episcopal Services.
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1918.
8:00 a. m. Holy communion.
7:30 p. m. evening prayer and ad
dress. Subject: "Tho Creeds."
Friday evening, St. Pauls chapel
North SIdo.
7:30 p. m. evening service and
Rev.. Arthur Dlttes Jones, Recto''.
Junior Itcd Cross Campaign.
Beginning today and continuing
until Washington's birthday, a cam
paign to Increase tho membership of
tho Junior Red Cross will bo conduct
Tho Junior Rod Cross is a depart
ment of tho Amorlcan Red Cross be
lnnclnrr to tlin school children rf thn
United States thru which they can I
find oxprosBlon In every form of
patriotic service. As Pcrsldcnt W11-;
son, who indorsos this movomentj
says: "Learn by doing kind things
under their teachors direction to ho'
tho future good citizens of this great'
cothtry which wo all love."
Tho aim of tho American Rod Cross
in establishing a Junior membership
Is primarily an educational one. It
otTors to school children a release of
energies, stimulated at the present;
tlnio by unusual conditions, through j
organized activities for others. It
toronosos. however, not to coasu Its
I work with tho cossation of the war,
I but to continue In the timo of peace
1 its efforts to Inculcate tho highest
duties of cltlzensshlp, involving all
the Ideals for which the Red Cross
struggled before tho war.
Tho Rod Cross authorities bellovo
that tho Junior membership, if prop-j
erly developed, will become one ofj
tho niost Important branches of tho,
Red Cross work on nccount of tho'
great educational services and tho
amount of supplies and funds contri
buted by It. It should also crcato an
Interest among tho now Junior mem
bers which will lead to their future
enrollment as senior members of tho
Red Cross.
Tho plan of organization is to use
the school class room as a unit and
tho school body as a group under its
own officers, tho school teachers,
membership In tho Junior Red Cross
Is not obtainable directly by tho in
dividual but through group or unit
membership. By this Is meant hat
when a school Is enrolled as an Auxi
liary, such enrollment automatically
makes every member In the school a
member of the Junior Red Cross. The
membership fee Is 25 cents for each
child In the school. This fee. can bo
raised In various ways, either by the'
child making the payment or by tha
school giving entertainments or earn
ing the money in" performing service
of one kind or another for which
money can bo collected.
Have you seen the now Girdle top
corsets. E. T. Tramp & Sons.
at Amsterdam Sunday from Brest1
Tho county exemption board haa
been notified that tho last fifteen per
cent of Lincoln county's quota of the Lltovsk, Russia has declarod the state
national army win not bo called, at of war nt an end and has ordorod the
tho onllstmonts from tho county have demobilization pf the Russian forces I
moro than made up tho quota duo from ,on all fronts. Tho dispatch says that'
tho county. Tho remaining fifteen per tho prosldont of tho Bolshevik dele-1
cent of tho quota would havo taken Ration nt Bitting Sunday stated that'
A man named PIpor was arraigned Lnat Thursday thero woro flvo
In tho county court yesterday after-, hundred and forty-sovon embargoed
noon for invading tho sanctlly' of tho cars In tho local yards, but since thon
According to a dispatch rocolvodj Allen Tift homo, Mrs. Tift being
named In thof enso. Piper pleaded not
guilty and tho caso sot for hearing
February 24th. .
this numbor has boon somowhat re
duced. Thoso aro cars consigned to
Chicago and other points east of tho
Mississippi river.
seventeen men, and tho enlistments
since tho draft havo reached forty
with sovoral moro now "In sight."
Lincoln county will not, thoroioro
send any moro men to the camps until
another call for men is issued, and tho
date of tho next call may not bo made
for sixty or moro days.
Tho local bord will, however, sum
mon moro men for medical examination
in a few days.
i ::o::
James Patterson Dead.
A wlro received by Victor Von
Cooti announced tho death of Jair.od
Patterson at Fonda, la., Saturday.
Tho deceased was well known In
North Platte, as for a numbor of years
he lived on a ranch north of town.
He moved to Iowa si.: or seven years
ago. Interment will bo n.ado nt Council
Births In Comity Last Year.
According to statistics Issued by
tho Btato board of health, thero were
238 blrtlu In Lincoln county during
1U17. in sex ill were boys and 97
girls. Two hundred and eleven of tho
fathers wore native born and 219
of the mothers native born, leaving 27
foreign born fathers and 19 foreign
born mothers. Four pairs of twins
were reported.
:o: :
Ford Building U-Boats.
Henry Ford Friday wired Secretary
Daniels that the keel had been laid for
tho first "vest pocket" U-boat fighter.
This vessel Is being built along entlro-l
ly different lines from anything now;
sailing tho seas, particularly with a
view of defeating tho subsea activities.
Work on these ships, a large numbor
of which are to be made, Is being
rushed. Ford has promised to turn out
one of these boats each day.
Chlchcn Brings $107.
A chicken donated by the State
Farm was sold at auction at tho
Sammy Girls' entertainment. Friday
evening and brought a total of ono
hundred and soven dollars. The fowl
was sold, donated back and resold a
number of times. The highest price
paid on any one bid was thirty dollars,
who wastes
a crust of bread
prolongs the war
Whim Ininnlii wnn ilnalatlmr nnncii
stops formally out of tho war by act'
or tho Bolshevik government, which
soizod tho reins of power In Pctrograd
last Novombor and nlmost Immediate
ly" opond poaoo negotiations with thi
central empiroB.
The authority of t,hls government
seams virtually unquestioned at pros-!
ent In northern Russian and tho Tou
tonlc powors already havo assured tho
cossation of oven nominal hostilities
along irtually all tho remainder of
the original long lino In tho onst by
signing a peaco with tho Ukraine and
isolating Rumania.
: :o::
Boys Working in Ship Yards.
Verno Markeo, Lawronco Murrln
and Dewey McGrow, who loft a week
ago for California, bogan work yes
terday in a ship building plant near
Long Boach under tho foromnnshlp
?f Cochran Patterson, a former North
Matte rcaldont. Tho boys receive
$3 .GO for an eight-hour day, but aro
given an opportunity to work over
time each day If thoy so deslro. This
ovortimo gives them a dally wago of
$5.00, Loren Hastings and Leslie
Baro aro working In tho came yards
Tho two latter boys writo that thoy
arc enjoying tho country and are
pleased with tho work. Ab tho boys
becomo hotter acquainted with the
plant thoy will bo advanced to easier
and better paying positions.
Arthur Piimer giving his check fonunrql ,of the. late Louis Thooleoko'.
inui sum. j. i. tvcoio oincisuou as
auctioneer and the very KratifyinK
result of the auction was largely due
to his persuasive eloquence.
Getting Ready for tho Liberty Loan.
The Lincoln county council of de
fense is now getting out index cards
showing the amount each resident
donated to tho Red Cross and Y. M. C
A. wnr work funds, and tho amount
subscribed for Liberty loans. Then
following will bo tho financial stand
lng of each one and the amount of
forthcoming bonds ho can afford to
buy without crippling him The system
is to bo carried out all over the United
States, and Is preparatory to the next
campaign for subscriptions to tho
Liberty Loan. This "may seem like
digging into a man's private affairs
but In these war times anything that
will tend to. help tho government goe3
whether wo like it or not. Tho real
patriot Is tho follow who accepts
things as they come and says they
arc good.
: :o: :
Hereafter wo will not make any
charge for delivery or charge accounts
: :o: :
The Economy Knitting club will
meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs
Ed. Burke, 814 east Sixth streot.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist
Robert, tho Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jean Co-pin, died Sunday night
of pncumona.
For Rent Rooms furnished for light
housekeeping. Phono Blk 941. 9-2
Today Is Lincoln's birthday and Is
being observed as a legal holiday by
the banks nnd the county offices.
Tho Episcopal guild' will meet nt tho
rectory at 2:30 Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Joseph Roddy and Mrs. A. J.
Frazler returned Sunday ovcnlnc
from Omaha where they, attended tlie
,n Ij wV
SU 1 1 s
4awaraFn -.asm
Suits and Coats were never designed
more cleverly meeting all the requirements
U of the strictly modern women.
Quality of material the best work
manship that will bear the most critical
Our prices are inducement for you
to consider one of these garments.
E. T. Tramp & Sons.
We nre able now to supply your
Wants on muslin underwear, all now
spring merchandise. E. T. Tramp &
"Jimmie" Dugan, who had beon con
fined to tho houso for a month or
more by sickness Is able to bo out on
tho streets.
Trenches for placing underground
tho Western Union lines on Front
street are being excavated. This con
dult will ruu for a distance of two and
ono-hali blocks.
At tho Macabccs meeting last Sat
urday Mrs. Lucy Skinner waB elected
Rocord keeper. Tho members will pay
their dues at the office ono door north
of tho postofflce.
"Tony" Jeffcrs, u former North
Platto boy, now master mechanic at
Cheyenne, camo down yesterday to
transact company business and to
visit relatives and friends.
Carl Lunkwltz, of tho BIrdwood
country, found guilty of assaulting his
two nieces, wns assessed a fine of $100
and commanded to pay tho costs.
Lunkwltz produced tho cash.
Ono Tom 1 yenr old nnd hens for
Bale, and would like to trade 3 your
old pony for organ. Write Mrs dir
Partridge, City. 9 2
Now spring drossos on dlspluy at
E. T. Tramp & Sons
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. llnpfor and
daughter Mary will leavo tho latter
part of tho week to visit several days
with their son Charloy, who Is a
Btudent at tho state unlvorslty.
We are authorized agents for tho sale
of War SiuIng Stumps. ltoxull Drug
Tho regular mooting of tho Twen
tieth Century club will bo hold this
ovoning in tho Fodernl court room at
eight o'clock. The domestic science
department will havo chargo of tho
program .
Tho Sammy Girls extend their
thanks to thoso who assisted in mak
ing tholr entertainment such a pro
nounced buccobs. Especially aro tholr
thanks duo to Mrs. W. J. Tlley and
J. T. Keofo.
Mrs. Milton Doollttlo entertained
nt her homo In Los Angolos ono day
last week a score or moro North Platto
ladles who aro visitors in or near
that city or who were at ono tlmo
residents of North Platte. No doubt
that afternoon was decidedly enjoyable
to all.
Motor Car Service
My business is to sell as much satisfaction in your
purchase of a motor car as is possible. I am selling
nothing but good cars, and the owners of my Dodges
Chandlers and Cadillacs can speak for themselves.
I intend to give you better after-service than you
have known before, for my new place of business at
6th and Locust Streets was built for that one pur
pose. You want quick and dependable transportation
and I sell it. It might pay you to see and talk with
0 wasEsgsswB
'Service fr Our Owners'
North Platte. Neb.
Dental Work In One Day.
, Full Set oi Teeth.
removed: GOLD INLAY made and set.
All work guaranteed to be satisfactory.
All instruments sterilized after each,
' . - v , u
patient. ' ' S
Miss Anna Bostwick, Ass't.
Mcdonald state bank bldg.
rent a farm. Phono
Tho high school basket ball team
will play tho Lexington team at tho
Franklin auditorium next Friday
ovoning. Tho local team has beon a
little easy for opposing teams lately,
but we aro assured "tho worm will
turn." As a preliminary tho girls
tqnms will play. Tho samo old prlco
2Ci! with a dime added for reserved
Evorett Evans, a member of tho
battleship Toxas crow, now at Nor
folk, Va., had tho Index linger of his
right hand amputated a fow days ago.
The finger wns badly mashed quite a
while ago and an attempt made to save
It, but amputation finally became
neco88ary. Everett Bays ho now has a
personal grlovanco against tho Kaiser
In Your House
Have you one? If not, now is the time
to buy one. $4.13 cash will do it.
Or you can save up your quarters and
Sixteen Stamps and 13 cents buys the
"Baby Bond" a War Saving Certificate on
which Uncle Sam pays 4$ interest com
pounded quarterly.
Your money is needed to help win this
&reat war.
Start Buying Thrift Stamps Here Now.
McDonald State Bank
and Is anxious to get even.