THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATT2, NEBRASKA. FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PEACE PARLEY AT BREST-LITOVSK DIGGING FOR COAL IN THE ASH HEAPS OF NEW YORK First photograph received In America from the Ilusso-Tcuton pence conference at Brest-Lltovsk, showing the con' ference In session nnd Prince Leopold of Bnvnrln signing the ngrcoment for an nrmlstlce. Some Idea of the scnrclty of fuel In the Hast Is gained from this photograph, showing poor people of the East Side of New York dicing for coal In the city ash heaps on the site of the $12,000,000 courthouse that Is to be erected. RUSSIAN WOMEN OF THE BATTALION OF DEATH DANCING IDEAL TRAINING GROUND IN CUBA FOR AMERICA'S FIGHTERS i A division of United States mnrlnes Is being given Intensive training In a camp near the battlefield of Snn Juan, Cuba, and finds the conditions Ideal. The photograph shows a Lewis machine gun battery practicing at the Snn iJuan blockhouse. Fighting Is new to the Itusslnn women, nnd the tension for them Is much grenter than for the men. To relax from their warlike vigilance, they hold dances nnd piny games In their camp. This unusual photograph shows a few of the women entertaining the other members of the regiment. They all belong to the Battalion of Death. FIRST PICTURE OF THE "RED GUARD" NIGHTINGALE OF THE CAMPS HE PROTECTS SCOTLAND The first photograph to arrive In this country of members of the bolshevlkl "Bed Gunrd," about which much has been henrd during the overturning of tho provisional government. AMERICAN SCHOONER AFIRE OFF FRANCE r Admiral Cecil Burney of tho British nnvy who Is In command of the fleet Imtrolllng the const of Scotlnnd. GIVES HER FATHER'S SWORD Miss Donna Ensley, whose singing, has cheered thousands of soldiers lnl National army and National Guard' camps throughout the United States' lias sailed for Franco to sing to th American soldiers In the trenches. Mlsst Easley Is a colorature soprano, and her, singing so nroused the appreciation ofjl the men thnt tho name of tho "nlghtin- iriiln nt tlm nrmv nnimis" vnn irlvpn' " " " " 4 ...... C"l - I her. She has covered tho country frouv Cody In the West to Devena In tho East, and she has toured tho South,; visiting practically every largo camp., While nt Kelley Held, the nvlatloi.. training ground near'Fort Sam Hons-, ton, she was taken up In one of th new biplanes. TAKING A SHOT AT AN ENEMY AIRPLANE Resharpcnlna Files. To toshnrpen llles wash them In warm potash water to remove tho dirt and grease, then wash In warm water, and dry by heat, Put ono and a half1 pints of wnrm water In a wooden. ..'!. put in the Hit, and then add three ounces of blue vltrol finely pow- ilei eii, and tnree ounces or borax, Mix; well, and turn the flies so thnt every om may come Into contact with the) mixture. Add ten and one-halfj uiiKvft of sulphuric acid, and half an ounce of elder vinegar. Uomove thu Photograph of an American schooner olf St, Nnzalre, France, ablaze from , Mus " short time, dry, rub with These Australian machine gunners are In a hole formed by a sheH shnttered tree. They nre hnvlng n pot-shot nt n Boche nlrplnne. "OLD CONTEMPTIBLES" RETURN TO LONDON stem to stern. The ships of the allies hesitate to go to the rescue of bunting crnfr, for German commanders hnve adopted the decoy of u simulated ship In distress to bring their prey within torpedo distance. olive oil, and wrap In porous paper.. Coarse files should be kept In the mix ture for a longer time than line ones. Marquise de Crequl do Moutfort de Courtlvron, wife of a member of the French war mission In Washington, hns presented to the state of Virginia the sword worn by her distinguished fathor, the late prince of Pollgnac. who rose to the rank of general In the Confederate army. Mine, de Courtlv ron was Agnes de Pollgnac. Her popu Jarlty among those who have enter tained the commission bus been marked Oiliecrs of the tlrsi sev n UImmi .i- i.f tin British army that entered the war In Franco, called by themselves the "Old Contemptlbles," were given a groat reception In London when they returned from prison camps In Germuny.