The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 08, 1918, Image 1

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No. 8
T. C. Byrno, E. F. Folda and 0.
T. Eastman, tho formor two state
chairman and state secretary respect
ively or the stato liberty loan commit-!
tee, and the latter manager of the'
Omaha branch of the federal reserve I
bank, spent yesterday In town organ-1
lzlng Districts No. 1 and 2 for tho
next loan drlvo. Thoso two districts i
represent about a dozen counties In
the west part of tho stato. Each of tho
two districts has a chairman, who
appoints a chairman In each county.
In the afternoon tho county chairmen
of District 2, of which F. L. Moonoy,
of this city is the district chairman
met in the federal buildng and spent
several hours hearing tho plans out
lined for tho coming drive, and dis
cussing tho conditions in tho several
counties In the district. ;
In the evening a public meeting was
held in the federal court room and
addresses made by Messrs. Byrne,
Folda and Eastman, J. G. Beeler, J.
J. Halllgan, T. C. Patterson and J.
T. Kcofo. At this meeting fifty or
more representative business and pro
fessional men wero present.
Following this public meeting, tho
Omaha man hold a school of instruc
tion for the. county chairmen of dis
trict No. 1 who reached hero on trains
arriving after 10:30.
Tho basis of tho bond apportion
ment for each county in Nebraska will
be made upon tho Individual deposits!
In tho banks, though the percentage of
the deposits which has not been
dlflnitely decided. Lincoln county
with about $4,000,000 of deposits will
probably bo asked to subscribe not
loss than $400,000. This drlvo will be,
made in conjunction with tho county!
council of defense. Work on preparing
the cards giving tho financial standing ,
of all cltlrcns in the county has
started. After tho net financial con
dition of each man has been ascertain
ed he will be notified of tho amount
he is expected to subscribe.
It should bo borne in mind that tho
government must have the money to
prosecute tho war; that If it Is not
given freely drastic measures will bo
Imposed. If the government can con
script men to go to war. It can con
script the money of those who stay at
Miss Illldegardo Clinton left yostor
day morning for Lincoln to visit
Lowia Kelly camo up from Lincoln
yostcrday to spond tho week end with
his parents,
Mrs. J. J. Ilarrigan and son ar
rived from Grand Island last ovening
to visit relatives.
Miss Abbio Shlroman, of Kearney,
is tho guest of Miss Mayme Plzer, hav
ing arrived Wednesday evening.
For Salo Pure Bretl White Rock
Cockerels, V. R. Flshclstrain .Phono
Black 920. 8-2
A vory pretty home voddlng took
placo last evening at 7:30 when Miss
Holon Dorothy Waltomath, daughter
of Mayor and Mrs. Henry Walto
math, became tho brido of Mr.
Charles Scdrlc Dixon of this city.
Tho coremony was performed byj decorations.
Rov. Koch of tho First Lutheran
church asslstod by Dean Bowker of; and tied In llttlo individual wedding
awect peas wero usod, tlod with tulle
in all shades. Sinilux and farns wore
used profusely throughout tho beauti
ful rooms.
Tho guosta, which consisted of the
relatlvos of the bride and groom,
enjoyed an olaborato llvo course din
ner. Tho rain-bow color schomo wns
carried out In tho courses and table
Tho wedding cako was
olaboratoly Iced In dlftoront colors
tho Episcopal church in tho midst of! cake boxoa. Misses Mario Bowon and
palms, ferns and lilies. , irma Johnston assisted. j
Preceding the coremony Mrs.) Mrs. Charles Dixon Is well known
Arthur Tramp sang "At Dawning,", horo, having graduated from tho North
after which tho bridal party ontorod tq Platte high school. She attonded tho
tlin utrnttiR nf Mm T .nlionirrln wnilillntf Rhifo Ilnl imrallv nf T.innnln. Rim la
march playod by William Waltoinath, 'popular and accomplished and has a'
lirnHinr or tho liriiln. Tim Alprwlmflnhn . wliln pfriMn nf frlnnils.
Miss Floronco Iddlngs, a student at nmrch was played for the rocosslondl. Tho groom Is a graduato optome
trist from tho Northorn Illinois collogo
at Chicago. Ho Is in buslnoas with
his father.
A host of friends oxtond congratula
tions and best wishes to this young
After an castorn wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Dixon will llvo in their new
! home, a gift from tho brldo's parents,
a business college in Lincoln came Tne brldai couple knolt on roso satin
homo yesterday to attend tho Dixon- Din0ws -whilo tho marrlace vows wore
Waltemath wedding
Little boys blue bib overalls on salo
In small sizes at 69 cents at Tho
Leader Merc. Co.
The brido, who entered with her
father, was gowned In brides satin
embroidered in pearls, fashioned with
J. B. McDonald, of Omaha, arrived sldo cascades of satin with tulle frlllj
In town JWulnesdav. rmnlnir lmr luiand sllvor laco and caught withNa
officiate as best man at tho Dixon- lover's knot of silver ribbons.
Waltemath wedding last evening.
Up to the mlnuto styles In millinery
is already blng shown at The
Leader Merc. Co.
Christian Science service Sunday,
11 o'clock a. m. Wednesday evening
meetings every week at 8 o'clock.
Building and Loan building, room 25.
Tho music and art department of the
Twentieth Century Club will meet
Tuesday, February 12th at three- p.
m. with Mrs. W. B. Brown, 1303' E.
Sixth street. A largo attendance is de
sired as thcro Is Important business to
Spring styles In women's and MIsseB
suits and coats at The Leader Merc.
bodice was square cut and made With Mr. and Mrs. Waltomath, at 523
angel Bleoves of tulle, also cmbroldor- west Fourth streot.
ed in ipoarlB, and hor veil was a cas
cade of tulle with a head dress Of
orange blossoms. Tho bouquet was
a shower of -whlto sweot peas and ww (jr)Ccry Dppnrlmciit-of Hie Wilcox
unes oi uio yauuy aim imu mr ub Jlpnnruucnt Store.
center lavender orcnuis, anu was ueu Arrangements can bo made for lcasq
with maidenhair fern and whlto tulle on present location. This is an ox
ribbons and lilies of the valloy. Vlcoptlonul opportunity to buy a cosh
jiiisB Aima marie waucmaui, um business with a well established trade,
maid of honor, woro flamo bluo clmrvT- Ti,0 Ht0Ck Is exceptionally .clean.
llese, embroidered in Bilver. She rtfinqnti fnr RnlHtii ia (lint wn arn rn-
carrled a silver staff on which wis moving to tho Knights of Columbus
fastntifirt n shower botinuct Of red .
4 UUIIIII1I() Mllltl UUO jrjllll tllt MllkV
roses, whlto sweet peas and bhe'caro of tlfe (ry B00ua pIvrt of our
vioieiB aiacneu wun run, wmiu mm business only.
Tho bride's maul, Miss inoronce
Iddlngs, wore a gown of Nile green Tho schools at Maxwoll havo been
precinct, had a hearing before tho In
sane board this week and was adjudg
ed a fit subject for the state institution
at Hastings. Neighbors testified that
Mrs. H. H. Hemphill and brother
Robert, left the first of the week for
Anlsley, Nebr., whero they will spend
several days visiting their parents.
Miss Esther Hogsett went to' Omaha
this morning to spend several days
Visiting relatives . i
I luiB. d. i-i. vuu inoiui, ul uiwiiui t tulle made With a basque effect. Bhort clnsoil on amount, of tlin nrnvaloncn of
anlnnt ItnH a hnnrinrr hnrnrn thn in. . . . t . . P t
anu run anu sne carrion a coionuu Gorman moasles.
Imiinnnt nf valnYirtir aurnnt nnna frnpfi.
f.,n .i,f m, invonrtor I The high water by melting snow and
' . .... . inn nvnrf mu'nil tliA T.lnnnln Tllfrliwnu
t 7T tan W.Iain Wn tomnt I .mialn rwf THO . . ...... ...v. .....w.. i, ..j,
her actions at times become vlolont hfide acted as flower girl She vfna Tuesday between Maxwell and North
and thatshe mado dire threats, In ad-l attired in a simple pink taffeta ma'do Platte. County Commissioner Springer
uiuuu iu uuiug irrunuuui. over silk lace and trimmed ' with Da' ,,u ,,,w i' un""s
Mrs. Rasmussen, Mrs. Cornwell.l flowers In pastel shades. She carried roa.d n11 th,s year building a roadbed
Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Forklns -were! a basket of pink and white sweet peas. " ttn v"""1'
pleasantly entertained Wednesdayj Tho bride's mother was becomingly Maxwell Tolepost.
afternoon by tho teachers o tho Lin, gowned In lavender charmeuse with
coin school. In Miss McVey's room I cold and real laco trimmings. She
tho Juniors read in a most charming wore a dainty corsage of violets . j jr Xt
manner. In Miss Deinor'a room the Mm. Arthur Traran wns dressed In B
guests wore shown the drawings the rose pan-velvet. I i MOTHER
. I 1 I v t . ar . . . B
cnimren wero wonting uu wmuii wui u, jnmes uoyu wcuoiium 01 umana I WAS C1UIHCC
fine, in, Mlsn Smith's room the "nunlls nr.ted ns hpst man. ! IWflK AVIHNi
sang a patriotic song and at tho closel The rain bow color scheme prevail-' STAMP
uiuy tiuiuiuii mu iiuk in u jjtiuiui.ii; t:u in my iiurury, aiuu in uio .uuuiik
m&nMOfi.. . , '..,,". ." "'room. Bdta'kcta of rain-bow colored
Some real INSIDE FACTS about the inner workings of that Bogie Man "lumber
trust" and our own iniquities as members of that industry. Facts and Proofs that
are open to the closest investigation of ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANY TIME.
Tho Tuscania steamship of tho Cun
ard lino, having on board 2,173 United
States troops, was torpedoed by a
Gorman U-boat olt tho Irish coast
Wednesday night nt olovon o'clock.
Tho ship was convoyed by English
vessels, and tho total loss Is placed
at figures varying from 101 to 210.
Tho rotnalnder of the soldlors woro
roscued and takon on board by tho
vobsgIb acting as convoy. Tho torpe
doed vosnel Is roportod to huvo re
mained alloat for several hours, giving
tho mon on board an opportunity to
be transferred to tho other vosboIb.
Help oamo quickly in rosponso to
calls and almost all on ship board
woro picked up, other than thoso kill
ed by tho explosion of a torpodo or
injured. Scores woro nlloat for hours
on tho wator, iplcked up by units of
tho patrol Hoot which was In oasy
range. Tho saved woro landed on tho
Irish coast and are being woll cared
for. Tho British Rod Cross Is rushing
both supplies and holp to thoso mon.
Tho war department annonunced
that Its records showed tho following
woro on board tho Tuscania:
Headquarters detachment and Com
panies D. E. and F. of tho 20th en
107th engineer train.
107th supply train
107th military poltco.
100th aero squadron.
lCStli noro squadron.
213th aero Hquadron.
Replacement dotachmonts Nos
and 2 of tho 32d division.
Flfty-ono casual offlcersv. M
Secretary Baker,
First, wo must bo, because tho public has so thought for many
years, though wo ourselves have never realized It. And to load ANV
industry with that reputation seems to be a favorite and popular pas
tlmn with tho public, who very seldom have any opportunity for
learning the real facts of tho case,
Second, we must bo because an inspection of our books shows
that we have "trusted" our customers sufficiently Ij enable them, in
periods of financial depression and hard luck, to make good their
dream of a HOME. If these are the requisites of a "Trust," wo are
fully qualified. '
We are your fellow townsfolk. Men who believe In this com
munity. Men who have invested their time and labor and money
and lives in this community. Men whose sole excuse for being In
this business Is to hotter enable this community to grow and become
and remain prosperous. Men with tho same fecjlngs tho samo ambi
tions the samo code of commercial and social lifo as tho other house
owners and taxpayers of this town who are outsldo of this so-called
"lumber trust." Wo are men who can succeed only through retaining
your patronage by deserving It.
Our Four-Fold Modem Measis
of Helping Our Customers
The man who wants to build lias a right to expect his lumber merchant,
no -matter how small tho establishment, the proper kind of service. And
through our new afflialion with the Keith Corporation, and its splendid corps
c nationally known authorities in Artistic Construction we are equipped to
'give you the 4-fold help in solving your building problems impossible with
out such expert assistance.
We conceive that tho Retail Building Material Business is n
PROFESSION and is at the foundation of all community growtli
nnd progress and prosperity. Wo have the highest idea for our busi
ness anil our placo ia the community and wo bellovo and trust that
our endeavor to maintain that ideal and to llvo up to It will have a
good effect on this community, in which wo are trying to make a
reasonable living and to ho worthy and loyal citizens.
Wo uim to carry continually in stock just tho sort of materials
you need for your building. We can supply the ordinary and most
of tho extraordinary domundB at once and what might bo called tho
unusual, or super-extraordinary, we can securo on very Bhort notice.
We havo Impressed our sources of supply with our standards and
we shall absolutely guarantee every bit of material we SELL to be
exactly what wo SAY IT IS and what you BUY.
We can tell you tho KIND of a
BUILDING you need wo an toll you
tho KIND of MATERIAL best suited
for that job wo can tell you oxacciy
MUCH COST 1b required. Wo know
our materials their wearing qualities
their looks, their powers of resisting
stresses or weathor, their suitability all
about them. And this Information is
freely yours on request. Also if you
ask something wo do not happen to
know, wo have quick access, through
the Keith Corporation, to tho authority
no that particular matter, and tho cor
rect answer Is secured for you In the
quickest possible time.
by making it EASY, ECONOMICAL
and SATISFACTORY for you to build
anything from, a Uowcr box to a Home,
from a sleeping porch to a ' Complete
Farm Equipment. And in tho hundreds
of Prlzo Designs of tho Internationally
famous Keith Corporation whoso repu
tation extends over tho third of a cen
tury wo havo a starting point for your
Investigations whoso value to YOU, for
BUggOBtlvo powor,,for Inspiration, for de
tailed instruction, cannot bo overesti
mated. Wo oarnestly invito your in
spection of our qualification to SERVE
YOU rogardlcss of your present Inten
tion to purchase.
Recruiting Officer Comes Monday.
Tho Trlbuno is requested to an
nounce that a recruiting officer of tho
U. S. army will bo hero next Monday
with hcadquartors In tho Federal
building. All branches of tho servlco
aro open for enllstmont.
Some of tho branches of tho eorvlco
do no lighting at all, but uso indn that
aro oxportB at tholr trado. They
are as much needed as tho fighting
Married men can onllst In these
non-combatant branches, , -and if they
havo no trade, thoy can learn one,
thorohy enabling thorn to hotter sup
port tholr familloB after tho- war.
Tho Lltoraturo department of tho
Twentieth Century club wns entortnln
cd by Mrs. J. Plzer, iisslstcd by Mrs.
Roy Mohlman, Tuesday afternoon.
During tho business sosslon Mrs. Y.
A. Hlnman, Chairman of tho commlt
teo on "Americanization of Foreign
born Women," gave a vory good re
port on tho beginning of tho work.
Tho following program was given:
Evonts of Johnson's and Grant's ad
ministration, by Mrs. M. E. Scott;
Events of Hayes' and Gurfiold's ad-
! ministrations, Mrs. W. F. Crook;
, Events of Cleveland's and Harrison's
(admInistratlons by MrB. C. Trotter.
flira. Tramp Bang two songB wnicn
wero very much appreciated by those
present. Tho department will meet In
two wooka at tho homo of Mrs. T. C.
Thlrty-slx woro present at tho moot-
! Ing of tho W. O. T. U. hold at tho
I homo of Mrs. A. P. Kolly Tilesday
attornoon . A Francis Wlllard program
in n'nffitomnnt wns rendered. A feature of tho aftor-
fntimil vnatorilnv rnlnMvn in ihn Tna. noon Was tllO Bplcndld nddrOSB .given
canla Blnklng, said that tho world Is v Rov. Curry. Mrs. Scho 1 gavo a
now fighting an adversary who has ahort talk on "Missions and Purity,"
refined and mado moro dondly tho Vul Mrs ' Payn. Ba.X?. a rml,.nB ,n M10
stealth of tho savago warfare Ho Wo Francis Wlllard. A solo by
stated that tho sinking of ,rtn Am- Miss Whlto wan much enjoyed. The
orican transport will servo to nwakon NrUi Platte union will assist tho Rod
tho pooplo or tho United States to Cross in making bandages on tho third
tholr danger, will unite tho pcoplo of Tuesday of each month.
this nation to support of tho admlnls-j
tratlon solidly and will make all world first Lutheran Church.
Til S10'1 t0 PUt dWn Qulnquageslma Sunday. Morning
this military menace. worship at 11 o'clock with pro-Lenten
::o',: message "Ia it nothing to you?"
Mrs. Clyde Cook returned this Special music. Evening worship, 7:30
morning from Grand Island whoro alio o'clock. Special sermon. Sunday
visited frionds and attended tho B. of school nt 9:45.
R. T. Ball last night. 1 Rovi C. Franklin Koch. .Pastor.
America's Greatest exponent of the smile
in his funniest offering
A satire on the indoor sports of society versus the
close to nature idea.
Monday and Tuesday, ' February 11-12.
With tho Bill of Material, wo give absolutely FREE
OF CHARGE, a complete, full sized, working set of
Blue Prints and Specifications, doslgned and prepared
by the Keith Corporation America's most famous
Architectural and Construction Artists and Exports.
Here is refinement culture cut in steel
and wood with skill and an appreciation
of those things most sought for in a mod
ern Motor Car.
Here, too, is comfort, fascinating fash
ion, and-here, too, is strength enduring
strength and power; both perfecting the
protection we have ever sought for those
who travel near and far, at home, abroad, v
on boulevard, highway or on seldom
traveled trail within a NASH SIX.
We Can Do It.