ScmMifccklu Stfhuit. IKA L. HAKE, Editor nnd L'ubllslior SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Ycnr by Mull In AdTnuco. . . .$1.25 Ono tfcnr by Carrier In Advance $1.50 Entered at North I'latto. Nebraska, Postofftco as Second Class Matter. FJtlDAY, 1'KIHIL'AHY lsfr 101b i'lxs jkCsti:in uojikx rOK 1VOKK ON 1'AIUIS National registration of women available for work on farms is plan ned by tlio Dopartmont of Labor as ono of tho advance stops in a cam paign to obtain a sufficiency of farm labor for overy section of the country during tho coming Hoason. A. L. Dorkman, chief of the division of farm sorvlco, announced that overy effort will bo made to meet tho ex pected shortago of farm labor by u plan to mobilize tho available won and women In every community In tho country. A special farm service man will bo stationed In moat of tho 05 fodarul employment ugonclos of the- country, Mr. Eerkman said, and in nddltion postofflcos in the small farming com munities will bo usod as recruiting t stations, tho postmastor or Homo other roproeontatlvo clttzon acting ns comi munlty labor agent. "Tho most serious farm labor shoii ago last yoar waa in tho east," otiid Mr. Dorkman. "Tho Industrios thoro filling war orders took mon who oth erwise would have boon available for farm work by tho offer of attractive wages. The farmers will havo to in crease, wages more than they havo to goi men 10 come irom mo cities, nicy have not raised wages anywhere I.i proportion to their increase in prolltB." Wornon, Mr. Horkman continued will bo needed for truck gardening fruit gardonlng, dairying and other light forms of labor, but they will not bo called upon for tho heavy work so long as mon aro avallablo. "Tho collogo girls and women of . tho loisure classes who aro ready to respond to a call for workers as a matter o pat-lotic sorvlco," Mr. Bork- ;nmn said, "must ho doponded upon chlofly for tho woman labor that will tbe needed." ::o:: lVAIt NOTES. Red Cross appropriations for work in Italy from November 1, 191', to May 1, 1018, total $4,771,990. Four tonB of shipping capacity are required to transport a Boldlor, and anothor ton Is nocosaary for his equip ment. In. addition, it takes GO pounds of Bhlp capacity a day to kcop mm suplled,wlth food, clothing and am munition. A million checks a mouth will soon bo going forward from tho bureau of war-risk insurance to safeguard Amorica's fighting forces and famillos. Applications for soldiers and Bailors for Insuiranco aro near 14,000,000,000. Tho number of women omployod In munition factories has Increased tram 3,600 in 1910 to more than 100,000 In 1917, according to a report mnda vo tho National Lcaguo of Women's fcur vico, nnd 1,200,000 womon aro engaged in Industrial work which is directly or indirectly necessary to carry on tho war, A recent comparison of health re ports from troonu In Mm ttnitn,i stma and' tlio Expeditionary Forces shows tho admission rato to hospitals to uu greater nmong tho mon In Franco. Admissions to hospitals In ono week iti the Expeditionary Forcos, figured .P.n a basis of 1,000 men, were 45.2; in the United States, tho rato was S3. 7 per 1,000 mon. In tho overseas forcos tho non-offcctlvo rato (tho total num . bor of men excused from duty for any Jnjury or ailment, whothor or not or dured to hospital) waa 54.1 per 1,000; In tho troops In tho United States it was 40.4. A statement by tho Provost Marshal . uuiiurni buowb mat or 859,150 lotal discharges for dependency 743.141, or 80.50 pur cent, wero for wlfo or wife nuu ciniuron; widowed parent, 0.51 per cent: lnflrm narout. r,.7K nor miik .motherless rhlld, O.Gfi per cent; minor orphan brothers nnd sisters, 0.58 per coin, ui tno totnl of 1,057,303 men certified for Borvlco in tho National . Army 418,309, or 39.50 per cent, are Hatod us Involuntary conscripts thoso who failed to appoar or filed un successful claims for exemption or discharge. Voluntary consorlpts thoHo who filed no claims for exemp tion or discharge numborod 039.031. Wo havo soen and hoard much of tho proposal of "100,000 airplane" to bo provided by tho United Stntos with in tho noxt year, in a country whero ono groat Industry producos l.BOO.OuO "l0 3rB por your' lho fabrication of 100,000 pianos might seem easy, but actual figures hasod upon throo years of practical experience in the wir show tbat thoro aro now botweon 40 nnd 50 men of tho auxiliary sorvicos ronulrod for each active machine at tlto front. If this same ratio should bo ndhnrcd to In our Hnrvlnn it moan that somo 4,000.000 mon would uu required in our aeronautical de- tiarfinoilf nn fnrnl trn anil lint unni ports of dobarkatlon and tho lighting :o: : Substitute for Flour. Tho Lincoln Journul Btatos that tho roou administrator has enumerated tho following as substitutes for Hour: Corn moal Corn .Btarch Corn grits Corn .Hour Hominy Barley flour and wholo barley Ityo and ryo flour Oat meal (rolled oats.) i- Buckwheat "out Potato flour (not potatooa.) fJweot potato flour Soya of bean flour (not beans.) Fetorlln flmir The food administration has made no ruling on corn Hakes and cortuln other cereals. For ho rocont, thoso will not be Included as'substltutos for wltlto flour. -::o: MIhb M. Sioman, Btoara baths and Swedish Massago. ladlos and gontlo men. rtiono 897. Brodbock bids. 85tf HEMSTltANTS A HE SUMMONED FOIt nilSICAL EXAMINATION. a v (uiiuniii(j iv(inu uuvo wi ujhuu nr rniintv finvn tinnn uittn tnnniwl in nniump ior pnysicai oxamiuaiion next uuu - day, tho board concluding that as the work is rushing, tho examinations .... . .. . inigiii uu won do given Sunday as any othor day: yhas. A. Nolson, Brady Vemo E. Peterson, Gothenburg Win. O. llubenthaler, Gothonburg John It. Wing, North Platte Otto V. Johnson, Sutherland Hoy E. Hoton, Maxwell Hay L. Eberly, North Platto Nick Kladoanco, North Platto John Gray, North Platto ueo. I. Frazlor, North Platto W. W. Slobold, North Platto Fred J. Andorson, Sutherland Hay T. Harvey, North Platto Claudo O. Drake, 'Maxwoll Jessie J. Darnell, North Platto Ohas. A. Howard, Wcllflcot Antoh Lowls, North Platto Arthur A, Howloy, Sutherland Fred W. Dick, North Platto Geo. H. Hazco, North Platte Omar It. Hoton, Maxwoll Walter S. Brewer, Sutherland Frank H. Bechan, Nortli Platte Arthur Nelson, Donmark Lewis' F. Bechan, North Platto John H . Cook, Maxwell Saml. A. Johnson, Gnndy Earl P. Wyloy, Sutherland Frank C. Griffiths, Dickons Wm. Connor. North Plnttn Tho thirty registrants who aro to appear for examination next Monday aro as ionows: Horman W. Frederick, North Platle uiaronco m, uean, North Platte Harr,y O. James, Donvor J. F. Schaffor, Wlllard Frank E. Hnlnos, North Platte Walter H. Beauchamp, Horshey Francis F. Nolan, North Platto Elbert T. McDormott, Fnrnam Petor J. Illhl, Brady Ilarvoy It. Anderson, Maxwell . Joo Partay, Horshey Thcpdoro Andorson, Brady Thos. II. Caso, Forks Hoy Lannini North Platto C. Taul Harrington, North Platto Hufus C. Ilarvoy, Sutherland Wm. M. Hltnor, North Platte Frank II. Parish, North Platto Fay E. Coates, Horshey Lester Adams, North Platto Elmer L. Smith, North Platto Ora H. Carr, Blgnoll ChUS. I. Maglo, Maxwoll Clai-onco E. Bolls, North Platto Harloy It. Warner, North Platte Arthur Hcndrlckson, Brndy Domltrlus Karljorls, North Platto Honry D. Carlson, Brady Claudo F. Argent, Wallaco Beryl Moyors, North Platto These mon have been called to ro port noxt Tuesday: Wm. A. Garten, North Platto Honry L .Anloy, Brady Adolph It. Shlvoloy, CurtlB ' EUIa I-'ranklln, Pino Bluffs Olnf ilokonson, Omaha Hermlng Andorson, Brndy Earl Hardosty, Brady Forest Eberly, North Platte Clifford Qarter, Brady Sldnoy Barrackmnn, Curtis Gilbert Peters, Cheyenne Gordon Powers, North Platto Fred Evans, Hershoy v Alfred Montgomery, North Platto'1 "Wm. Schlltz, North Platto Win. Hehrnmlnr. ftirtlu Hobort Chamberlain, Sutherland jyrus i'oters, Sutherland Hnymond Burger, North Platto Win. Kcegan, Fromont Stephen McWHllnms, North Platto Honry Robinson, Maxwoll Sylvestor O'Marra, Kansas City Thos. Parsons, Brady . Orla Wright, Wallaco FranKIln Chrlstenson, Curtis Hoy Hedborg, Chndron Irod Isbrandton, Brady Carl Ekborg, Brady Olon Oox, Sutherland : ;o:: (Jraduatlon Exercises. Tho first class to graduate from a School of Mothods In Wostom Ne braska Will rocolvo thnlr illnl the .North Platto Christian church 1-rlday night, February 1st. Dolcgatos troni mnny towns In this Bectlon of tho stato havo boon spending the week In pursuing a special courso in Biblo School training ur.dor the In struction of rollglous education specialists, Eight courso of study havo boon offered In this first school. Mr. Gray L. Cook, of Indlannpolls, Uullapa prosontod a courso on I'.lble school podagogy, and adult work, Mrs. K. E. Hodgoilon, of St. Louis, ollored a courso on missions and young pooplos work, Mrs. Ida M. Irvine, of St. Louis, prcsontod courses on organization nnd administration nnd olomontnry work, and It. C. Harding, of Omaha, offorod a courso on Bible study. Forty studonts havo enrolled and thoso completing courso successfully will bo promoted Friday ovonlng. You nro cordially Invited to bo prosont at the oxorclsos. Tho pro gram will begin at sovon o'clocl . All intorMtod In Bible school work or any church are especially welcome. Brother T. A. Llndonmoyer tho pastor of tho church, Paul B. Halns, tho District Blblo Splwinl rnculty. nnd mombors of tho church will glvo you a cordial wolcomo. COMMISSIONERS ' IMtOCKEWNOS Januury 28th 1918. Board of county commissioners mot, prosont Springer, Hormlnghaiuon, Koch and County Clork. County clork Is hereby dlroctod to correct tax list, 1917 for Bort Loach as to valuo of porsonal property, Item No. 42 from $1,000 to 100? error In assessing, Also coroct 1917 tax as to lots n. 7. 8 Sec. 28-13-28 from $1,500 to 3l.0ro for roason that barn wns burned In 1910, E. C. Hostotter, brldgo work S17.T. Commenced oliofkinir Pm,n rn.,, books. Adjoufrnod until tomorrow. Jnnuary 29, 1918 Board met samo as yesterday, full bond and county clork. Continued clicking County Trcns. books. Mom) or W. II. C. Woodhurft us County Judgo appcovod. Wm. Johnsoiu bridge wk. $113.70. Adjourned until tomorrow. For Sale Two' lots and two houses, ono ton room and ono flvo room, all modorn oxcopt heat. "Will trado for land. Inqulro of J. Hahlor. lOOtf NKIIKA8KA FAKMEHS 1VILL I'KOIUJCE MOKE POIMi. NcbrflSkft linfl COtlG ftVnr thn Inn In ; n nnt, . . imuuuuihk campaign wen on to "fty per cont. Not content with giving Undo Sam what hd asked for,' ",- i.uuu nuuiuanu mrmoru nave I agreed to n third to a half bigger In crease-man was originally plannad. itecoruB compiled by tho agricultural extension servlco show that farmers in tills Btnto havo rallied to tho coIoim by agreeing to raise on an average nearly thirty per cent moro hogs in stoad of the twenty per cent that th government requested. Tho eighteen special workers which tho government npppinted sixty days ago to start tho campaign went oiT the road Friday and called tholr part of tho work done. Tho pffico In Lin-1 coin, In chargo of Prof. Kennet'i Warner, will remain open during the , spring, howeyor, and tho remainder of, tho campaign will bo concentrated In1 work accomplished by the Lincoln! office. ) Deflnito unswers have boon received from 4,000 farmors in Nebraska, who, will breed on 'an nuerptrntn si nnn more SOWS tills Wltllnr. V.ntiU tLn:Taiim(ininn...LI. i who replied on tho card gave the' number of sows bred last yoar and Mfk 1. ...tit ,Z . , i uumra o win orecu mis year. Tlieso Cards Rhnw nn nvnro I.,, of nearly thirty 'per cont over last!"one year. The national significance of the', announcement Is realized whon one recalls that the government asked for an avorago increase of only fifteen percent In tho entlro country, and Nebraska has nearly doubled that. -::o:: TESTED AND PKOVEN There Is u Heap of Solace lu Belli? A bio lo Depend Upon 11 "Well Earned Hcpulnllon. ror montiiH Nortii Pinn havo seen tho constant xprosslon of praiso ror j Joan's KIdnoy Pills, n-.t' read about he rnnil none m this locality. What other rJ . HIWJ remedy over produced such convinc ing proor or merit 7 111. C. HoirorH. Prnn nf lmrnno, Btoro, 514 Locust St., North Platte. L ' f - - - w& UCIllUDtJ Huya: unco in a while my kidnoys mivu oocomo fiiKnrnnrni! nmi if 1 didn't attend to them right away I would get in bad shape. My back wouui occome lamo and there would bo a steadv acho In II. wimn t ft..i to stralgthen up after sitting down, iv nimiji limn wouiu caicn me. i know my itiunoys wore tho cause" of It, for at SUCh Union thav nolml tnr rin.. especially at night. Doan's ICidinuy i-iua .aave .aiwayp 'reilQYOd'OTryjigns of such troublb, putting my' kidnoys in a good condition. T Unnw'o can bo doponded upon and I am glad iu luuumiuuiiu mem. I'rico GOc, at all dealers. Don't HimOlV aBK ror n kldnnv ui Doan's Kidnpy PUls tho samo that mr. uogers. nad;,, Foster?Milburn o., migrs., uuiraio, N. Y. -r Thoso wiuitlnir sain j ...... v ., I. llllj Jmow soon, as I linvo dates iitilllo for furcli . I;i I. L. AUCTIONEER. ' i -, SUTHERLAND, NEB., DEKRYBEKHY & FOItBES, Licensed Embamors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 538. Notlco of 1'ctltlon. Estato No. IfiSR nf Vn,,t W Snydor, deceased In tho County court of Lincoln Countv. Noh The Stato of Nebraska, to all por- boiib interested in Bald Estate tako notlco that a petition has neon filed ior uio appointment of Charlos M. ftuuivan ns administrator of said estate, which has bocn sot for hearing on Fobruary 22, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated January 28, 1918. Wm. II. v.. wnnniTiiuM J29-3wks. Countv .Tllfliro- Nollco to Creditors. Estate No. 1G2C nf TTnnrv Ti. r.n.,l...a deceased In tho Cim wuih ouniy, iNoorasua. ' .-..v v , vt illl- 1110 State of NohrnRkn. hb Prn.lif OrS Of Said OStnln Will tnk-n nnllu llml tho tlmo limited for presentation and mine ot ciuiniB against Bald Estato J.i Juno 1st, 1918, and for Bottlomont of said Estato Is Janunrv 2R. inii. tint i win pit at tlio county court room In said countv. on Mnrnh i. mm nt o tf JK V o'clock a. m., and on Juno 1, 1918, at v ociocjc a. in. to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and oojecuons duly hied. Win. H. C. WOODHUHST, J29-4wks. County Judge Sheriffs Snlo By vlrtuo of an ordor of salo Issued from tho District Cnin County, Nobrnska, upon a decree of lurcciosuro romiorod in as id Court whoroln Nichalas Adamy, et al.. Is plaintiff, and Mary Adamy is defend ant, and to mo dlroctod, I will on tho 2nd day of March, 1918, ,it 2 o'clock P. M., at tho oast front door of tho Court House in North Platto, Lincoln uouniy, fsoorasKa, sou at Public Auc tion to tho hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy said decroo, Intcresti and juoaiH. mo louowing uoBcnueu proper ly, io-wu: North East Quarter (N. 13, 4) of section bIx (0), In Township Blxteen (16), North cf Hango twenty-flight (28), West of tho Cth P. M.. and all of lot Fifty-six (6B) of Platto Vlow Subdivision of n part of Section Three (3) Township Thirteen U3) Range Thirty (30). Dated North Platto, Neb., January, 25th, 1918. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. W. A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. x. r j 4",,"0 SatlSiactlOIl. TOr dQIOS see V n II 1 mm . . . a. r. LlQDaUGn. North flatte ' - "l 4 IttClC. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoflice. Phone 58 , A modern Institution for tho scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. lucas, wi. D. J.B. Redfield,M.D. J. S: Simras; M.D E. IV. FETTER, Physician X RAY ; Office: First National Bank Building, ' DR. HAROLD A. FEJTNER Osteopath. Belton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Res. Black 1020 Office phone 241. ReB. phono 217 L. C. D R O ST , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - .Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building; DIENER & KENNEDY Heal Estato, Fire, Tornado and Hal) Insrunncc. Special Agents Globe LIfo Insurance Company. Cornor Front nnd Dowoy Sts., Upstairs Phono Rod 572. North Platte. Nob. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dontist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nebraska, Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Farmers this la tho vpnr am tlio time of the year to get stock to eat un vmir rnndli fnH T Imvn nn hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs and ewes, und 500 cattle. Come and talk to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. My best reference, I'm alway dated ahead. L. M. McCLARA AUCTIONEER. Phone at my expense for dates. OGALALLA, NEB. HotfyUul Phono Black 033. House Phone Black 633 IV. T. PRITCHARD, Graduate Vctorlnnrinn Eight years a Government Veterinar ian, nospual 218, south Locust St. ono-lialf block southwest of the Court House, WE PAY TOP PRICE FOR HIDES AND FURS. Furs are Big Price Bring them in. We buy all kinds of Junk. North Platte Junk House NOTICK, T. Tlnnfnn Tnvlnr itnfAtnlnnt ...tti PP.U00 , .on tho 9th day of Octobor, district court of I,tncoln County, No uraskn, ngalnst HnlU defendant, the onlerf nml nrnvor nf wUXnU r clo8o n certain tax sale ccrtlllcato dated .luvtmDor , iuiz ior taxoH in the s'titi Sf S?r Jl10 y,oar 15n 011 Section 7, Township 15, ItnnKo 28, Lincoln County, Ncbraskn, also subsequent taxes legally levied on Bald land, paid iib follows: liny 1, 1913, J22.4I, tnxa for tho-year 1912; May 1, 1914, $29.01, inZVi, f.or U,e. yclAr 1913: May fs?-.12'.J'?,s ior th0 ycar May 1, 1916, $28.97, taxes for the year 1915 J'ay 1 1017, 26.32, taxes for tho year 101 C. That there is now duo on said linn (tin ntltn nf t991 61 rM ...1.1.1. with Interest from this dato plaintiff inayp ior n uocreo mat tlercndant bo required to pay the same, or that mild premlsos may he sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday tho 26th day of Fobruary, 1918. Dated this 8th day of January 1918. . M. UHUHY, Plaintiff, JtG f8 Muldoon, His Attornoy. XOTICK POU VUIIMCA'I'ION I)i'l"irnirnt of llic Interior. Serial No. 0G0SG V. 3. Land OfCIco at North Platte, Nebr. , , Jan. 9, 1918 Notice Is hereby Riven that Philip L. Burmood, of Somerset, Nobr. who on May 16, 1914, made Homestead en try, No. 0608G, for N of SWU, sec- flnn 1 I", tntrndMn in XT n nr nth Prlnnlnnl TfirMlnti im mA,i of intontlon to make final thrco year luuui, iu csiaDiisii ciaim to tno land finnvn rlnapplharl nfen Tl 1... i t -" . v. , u u . w i vile i.ciait;! nuu uctcivcr, m iNorm 1'iaiie, rveDr.. on ma loin nity oi i'oo., lais. iviniiTinni names as witnesses: Perry O. Mullllcln, of Somerset, Neb Clinton II. Selby, of Somerset, Neb. Jay Lawyer, of Somerset. Neb. John T'lllln. nf Hnrnorant MK J12flG E. J. EAMES. Iteclster SHIMUI'P'S SAMS. BY Virtue or ant onnrcn SALE Issued from the District Court of umcoin uounty, Nebraska, upon a de- uree 01 ioreciosuro renttored in said court, wherein George W. Ruff Is Plaintiff and Alice D. Montcnmnrv William W. Montgomery and Joseph A. .Markfco are defendants, and to me unttioii, i win on tno ititn uay or icb., 1918. at 2 O'clock P. M.. nt thn p.nat frnnt door Of the Court house In North TMnttn Lincoln County. Nebraska sell at public auction to tno nignest uiuuer ior cash to (satisfy said decree, rendered In said action In favor of the plaintilff and also tno uecreo ronuereu in ravor or tho de fendant and cross-petitioner Joseph A. Markeo, with interest and costs, the following described property: Tho North. West quarter, of section twenty, and tho West half of section twenty- nine, in townsnip tnirteen, North or rang thirty. West of the 6th P. M.. and also the follbwlng: Commencing at the South East corner of section nine teen (19), Township thirteen (18), range thirty. (30), West, thence West five chains along South lino of said section; thence Parallel to the East lino of said section thirty (30) chains, thenco East two chains; thence North thirteen chains; thence West two clialnu; thence North fifteen and 7-10 chains; thenco East parallel to the South line of thes North East ouart- er (NEK) of the North East quarter of section, nut tiu it. south oi said line flvo chains to a point on the East line of said section thence South along East line of said section to beginning con taining 26 3-4 acres of land West of the Btn y, ai, in Lincoln county, NcurasKa. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Jan. ytn. JlCflG A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff Legal Notice. To M. A. Jbhnston, first name un known and wife Molvlna Johnston, Ed win A. Morgan and Bertha Morgan, and J. W. Kirks, first name un known and Callio S. Kirks, his wife and u. W. Cameron, first name un known and Cameron, his wife, first namo unknown: You aro hereby notified that Georgo van Zandt has filed his potltlon In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, against you and each of you, Impleaded with others, the object and prayer of which said potltlon is to foreclose a certain mortgage made and exocutod by M. A. Johnston, first name unknown and Molvlna Johnston, his wlfo, upon tho following described lands situated in Lincoln County, Ne braska, to-wit: South Half (SVt) of Section Seven (7). Township Eleven (li) N. uango Thirty-three (33). West of the Cth P. M. and the amount claim ed to bo duo plaintiff upon said mort gago is the sum of $1,631.83. 'You will make answer to said peti tion on or before tho 18th day of Fob ruary, mis, or your default will be taken and docreo entered ns in said potltlon prayed. George Van Zandt.Plantlff. J8fl By Evans & Evans, his attorneys. Notice lo Contractors. Call for bids on Stato Aid Brides nt North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska. Sealed bids will bo received until 9 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, Pebr. 27th. 1918. at tho offlen of tho rvinntv Clork In Lincoln County, North Platto, iNournsna, ror tno construction of n concroto bridge across tho South Platto river located anDroximatolv mm mllo SOUth Of tho Citv of Nnrth Plnftn Bids will be received for the constrnn. tlon of: Ono reinforced cnnnrAtn nrrli hiMrn composed of 10-60 feet concret s arches with concrete nlors and nlmtmonta rostlng on wood piling as por plans ami speculations. Bids Will bo received nti 11m vnrd basis for making fills In annroaehoH and surfacing. All bldsimust bo sealed and nucnm. panted with a cash deposit or certi fied check made navablo to tlio rmmiv treasurer, LIncoun county, for tho sura oi ?t,uuu.uu. aii ctiecKs must be certi fied to by a bank In Nebraska. Bids will bo nubllclv nnonod nt thn office of the county clerk, North Platto, neoraBKa. at a ociock A. m. Fob. 27th, 1918. A CODV of the nlnn.4 nml specifications aro on fllo In tho office of the county clerk and the Btato en gineer, and may bo had Upon applica tion and payment of S5.00 at ilm nrrinn of the stato engineer. Tho state and countv rnnnrvn thn right to reject any and all hlds. OEO. E. JOHNSON. Stato Engineer A. S. ALLEN. Counlv OlorU- J2B-f2G. ' ' Legal Notice. To Arthur Battlos, Hannah Battles, Itlchard B. Spelts and Spelts his wife, first and roal namo unknown. You and each of you aro hereby notified that George E. Warren has commenced an action against you in tho District Court of Lincoln County, to foreclose a certain mortgago made executed and delivered by Arthur Bat tles and Hannah Battles to tho U. S. Live Stock Comoany, conveying tho north one-half nf Knot inn minni..n (17), township sixteen (1(5), north of range thirty-two (32), west of tho Gth , ,1" L,nco,n County, Nebraska, which said mortgage and notos secur ed thereby wero for valuo on tho 19th day of July, 1012, transferred and as signed and sot over to Georgo I). Warren, who is now owner in good ralth thereof. Z... You aro required to answer said petition on or before tho 18th day ot Feb uary, 1918. George E. Warren, By E. C. Hodder, iH His Attorney. Sheriff Sale. By virtue of an order of snlo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Louis L. Stoll Is plaintiff, and L. N. Strittmattcr, et. al are defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 23rd day of Fobruary, 1918 nt ..uP' m" at tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy said docreo, interest and costs, the following described property, to-wit: All of sectons ono (1) and three (3) in township sixteen (16) north of range thirty-one (31) west of. the Cth 10gatedNorth Platte' Neb., Jan. 19th, . A. J. SALlSminV. hnrlff lnc r f I.1 1 .... 1 t 1 Estato No of Cora H. Osgood. deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho state of Nebraska, to all per sons interested In said estate take notice that tho admlnstrator has filed a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which havo been set for hearing before said court on February 15, 19 J 8, at 9 p clock a. m when you may appear and contsst the samo. Dated Jan. 18th, 1918. GEO. E. FRENCH, Co. Judge. NOTICE. S tptonOC,tn0,,?1?0 "dMf -Hfl,S and prayer of which are to foreclose a Ember PiaST10 ted No" SYorthVearDTir.oi; &ee sr Zll1 ?iUorrt0S. WU) of section nine- Raen,go(18)twentyV.e?gPt WLlnVn County, Nebriskn. olo ubwSSSnt tes egally levied on said laml?.qpa"d as follows: May 1, 1913. $3.51. tdx-i for the year 1912; May i, 1914 $374 taxes for the year 1913; May 1 19in' Mav 1? 1917 1 tre8, f.0r tlHi year t6 ioar 'rrXr'.v5,87'. taxefi fr the year 191G. That there Is now clue on sni.l Wrl5o Jnterest from this dato plaintiff KaMr." 5W. ?M defen.dPant8nhe : uio name, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount fntmH .i..-. omioijr ilia neY.UnnanrS Xl tPanswer said t V- . wciwio iuuiiuav tup Tifn day of February. 1918. tn milieu mis i4tn day of January, 191S. nv a A.5?U3X. Plaintiff, J15-fS uiuuuii, ms Attorney. NOTICE OP DRCIIEE OP IIKIKSIIII' nta TCz-v 1 T 1 J -m w I . ,ioo0r, A"."1 "nnie jj. House. ...v...ul. ,, county court of Lln cohi County, Nebraska. rnltn 1iIm.. .1 1 i -flip hiilr ,,l.OIS nnl all persons 1116 Heirs. nrp(1tfrfo n., n sons Interested In" the sa 1 s" fSt0, , V,,U tnke noM that on nlo E. House, filed hir nntnin. alleging that tho said Minnie i" House died intestate on or ter.y 1016, n resident of 7i "-"j, uuuin laKoia; and that i nto a k i V,, ,lax.u.' 'nneritance In vnwi, ViiG..6' S,ock thlrty-flve (35) in John'if w TC.,lanlberla''. So. Dako al John IJ. W. Lincoln, a brother aea RS olnl' nt? a,1 North Platte. Nob. Cora JL ni.nrfe.R .Bl?'teli-. aso 41. residing at Bra- V?" if,,'"' "i iMortn i'latto. Neb., a i fe n,CC' ase 42' resld'" at That all tho debts of said decedent Lift,be.?",JVi'lL .d praying that If- r, .......... mti iiiiun oo waived and a & a"'8" 'arring'credltors and rufut nf k,,,leh,P of her heirs and the MnMMent tS.8'1'11 "al estate, in iQisPent!t,oV'ln, be heard February ir th'r.Rt 9. ;lMk a. m. at the office of tho County Judge in said county Jan 22-FI2; -o. judge. iNOtlCO Is hnrnhv nlirAn u .... loin uay of Janunrv 101 s conimiBslonors of Lincoln County" Ne braska, proceeded to make arid Vlt'l make tho following mh1ui!S i pensos for tlin vonr mm 10 ca- General fund , ' ten nnn r.n comuy Agent 1T0U0 v .Speclnl lliill,lKf wo. J ...... 1 300.00 Osgood Predict bridge bond and Internal nm a Blrdwood bond and Interest l.COO.OO ? "l bon(1 and Interest. .. . 1 500.00 1 latto bond and interest 1,500.00 Ilostwlck bond and Interest.. 500.00 -r?h .b.omi a"'' Interest. . . . 500.00 fcast Platte Tree net hnmi n.,,i Interest o nnn nn x. , School lNrlcH No. 1 Bond and interest. .... ,$12,006.00 m L Ilontl. and Interest 1 750.00 No. 23 Bond and interest..,.. 'ko.OQ No. 37 Bond and Interest.... 2,000.00 'cultural society i 000 00 h- H S0"! and Interest 100.00 Mn ?5! an Jnterest 2,500.00 nl V,ond. and Interest 300.00 vn ?Sr"IV"u.una,,nlere8t"". 200.00 i. i:r ;" mm interest.. No. Ill Bond and Interest.. 200.00 200.00 i. iix ""u ana interest 152 nnt1 and Interest 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 No. 122 ,Jond nn(1 interest-.'.'.'. 12? J501"1 Bnd Interest.... No. 131 Bond and Interest.,.. ICo. NO. -V 1 2,000.00 Da inn nn r - n ..................... JJo. JO 30oi00 No- 130 200.00 E. II. SPBINOEn, F. W. IIEltMINlHAUSEN, S, J. KOCH, Commlsslonars.