UtA L. HARE, Editor mid Publisher SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Ono Year by Mali In Advance . . ,$1.2o Ono Year by Carrier In Adrnnco $1J0 Entorod at North Platto. Nebraska, Postofflco an Second Class Matter, FJtlDAY, JAM'AItV 25, 101S. UNITKII STATES TJtOOl'S TO (3UAKI) OMAHA'S INDUSTRIES. Onialia lndustrlon will bo guardod by at least 300 soldiers from tho United Statos Guard. Although no order has been sent out designating the location of guard units, army of llcsrs nro confident that Omaha in dustries aro of sufficient importance in war time to bo given federal pro tection . Tho German homo has been offered to tho government for uso as a bar racks and will probably bo usod for thoso troops. Two battalions of United Statos Guards aro now being organized from men between tho ages of 31 and 41. Provious military experience is usually sufficient grounds for waiving tho age limit If applicants aro in sound health. Tho guard Is being rocrultou at the regular army recruiting stutions, Spanlsh-Amorican war veterans aro especially being urged to enlst. All mon enlisting in UiIb branch will be stationed as near their homos na prac tical. The duties of this organiza tion will not take Its member outsldo of tho United Statos. -Omaha Hoe. ; ::o:: nr Items. An embargo has boon placed on tho exportation of butter, except to na tions associated with tho United States in war. Christmas gifts for tho expedition ary forces aggregated CCO tons. Hund reds of thbusands of pounds of tur keys purchased In eastern markets and rofrigorated on tho ships, to gether with great quantities of cran berries, sweet potatoes, and mince meat, -wont to tho forces ovorseas, in tho United States every camp was tiiprlied w't" fresh turkoy and tho usual Christmas acce ssorles. Upon tho recommendation of Goncral Pershing commissions havo boon is sued to sovoral American citizens who havo soon service with tho Layfayotto Escadrlllo of tho French array. Christmas mall this year wa? 25 per cent heavier than ovor before, accord ing to tho Post Offlco Department. Tho congestion wbb loss, however, becauso tho packages woro mailed oarllor than In former years. Vigorous campaigns nro on in ucv oral States to Incroaso tho uso of wood for fuel In place of coal. In Virginia convict labor Is employed to iprovldo wood for fuel. Tho Federal Trndo Commission has granted to threo American firnin II conso to manufacture and sell two drugs which heretofore have been con trolled by onomy aliens under Ameri can patents. q ; U. S. TO HAVE SUGARLESS AS WELL AS EGOLESS DAYS. Chicago, Jan. 23 In addition to present meatloss, wheatless and pork loss dayB tho people soon will bo com pelled to obsorvo sugarless ami egg loss meals, according to Ilniry A. Whoolor, federal food ndmlnlBtrntor for Illinois. "Announcement will bo undo from Washington as soon as plans aro com pletod," Mr. Wheoler Bald today. "To what extent tho food conserva tion rules will bo mado more strln gont has not as yet boon determined by-tho food administrator, Tho prlmo factor In tho proposition Is to draft tho ordor so that It will apply to nil equally." Mr. Wheoler Bald tho now order prohnblyv would not bo uPBlled to hotiBoholds, but Its observance by all hojojs and restaurants would Hkoly ho uiiuio compulsory. t ! t;o' - AH Mills (o lie Licensed. All Hour mills must now bo H- conscu. Formerly only thoso mills with a capacity of 75 barrels of flour por nay or moro woro roqujrou to tnito out ti license. A now ordor which nu just roncueu i-oi Aumm- isirnior waiuos roquiros tno neons-, Ing of all mills of loss than 76 bar-1 rels por day capacity. Th'H malum a ciean swoop or an mills, tho 70 barrolB por day refers to either whoat or ryo flour, or both . All thoso mills must apply for 11- consos to tho llconso dopnrtmont of uiu lennrai icon ntuniniBt-aiion on or of $6,000.00, All checks must bo cortl boforo Eobrunry 15. j nod to by a bunk In Nebraska.' ::;: ' Bids will ho publicly oponod at tho Business failuros in the United office of tho county clerk, North riatto, States for tho year 11117, says the Lin-1 Nebraska, at 9 o'clock A. .M. Fob. coin Trndo Hoviow. totaled U.Qn, an 27th, 1918. A copy of the plaiM and against ro.498 for the yonr 191. Tho i upocMciUlons are on Hie In the office llabllltloH pf failures in 10)7 In tho of tho county dork and tho state di sunited Statos woro $10,000,000 less; glneor. and may bo had upon nppllca than thp liabilities tho provious yoar. tlon and payment of $G.fl0 at the office JfObruHka had 113 falluroR in 19)7 of tho stnto onginoor. .which compares with 1J17 failures in Tho stato and county rosorvo tho -lOlg. Tho liabilities of tha failures! right to rojoct any and all bids, in Nebraska for 1917 woro $753,975 as, OHO. E. JOHNSON. State Englnoor uigainst v$1.178..G70 as tho liabilities A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. , of Nebraska failuros in 19tii, J25-f2G. CONSULTATION and SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE! DR. L. D. SMITH CHIROPRACTOR. Office 5.6-7 Building & Loan Bltlg., Permanently located in North Platte, Nebraska. ItAIIiHOAIlS SHOW .SLUMP IN EARNINGS l'OR 1017. Washlngton, Jan. 23-Tho rail roads' not revonuo from operations In Novomber was $94,280,000 or $21, 000,000 less than in the same month of 191G, according to final monthly tabulations today by tlw intcrstato commerce commission. For the 11 months ending with Novomber aggre gate not revenue amounted to $1,099 344,000 ns compared with $1,143,571, 000 In tho corresponding period of tho year beforo. All sections of tho country showod decreased earnings. Eastorn roads' roportcd net revenue of $31, 393,000 as compared with $42,002,00 in No vomber 191C; westorn roadM $15,738,- 000, as compared with Su4,770,000 and southorn roads $17,143,000 as compared with $18,034,000. .:o: : ASKS THAT NO FOOD HE SENT TO SOLDIERS. Tho Council of National Defense, State Councils Section, hits sont tho following letter to all Stuto councils: "Wo onclose copy of a resolution by which tho Council of National Defense asks tho public to discontinue sending food to tho camps. In tho Jntorost of food conservation and health you will appreciate tho importance of giving wide publicity to UiIb message in your State. The waste referred to can bo checked only by getting each soldier's family and friends to realize that they individually aro tho persona askod to stop. Tho Council of National De fense desires to inform tho people of tho country that abundant food Is sup plied to tho soldiers and satloni in tho camps and-cantonments and that tho sondlng of food to theso mon by tholr friends and families Is not In nny re spect necessary; that the nggrognte quantity of food thus privately sent is enormous; and that much of It having been conveyed long distances In heated oxpross or mail cars is more or less spollod and consequently injurious to tho health ol the, men. Therefore, In thointerost to tho conservation of food nnd also tho health of the men tho Council of National Defense request tho public to discontinue tho sondlng of food stuffs to tho camps? : :o: : The Farmers' Part. Lot's do It, brother farmer, what do you' say, "Go ovor tho top" In tho very same way Our bravo soldiers aro doing ovor In Franco; Now Is our time, now Is out chanco l or whllo tho allies nro w nnlng tho world's grentest battle Wo must furnish food by raising grain, sheep hogs and cattle. For feoding tho world is tho problem right now And It nil doponds on the mnn behind tho plow. Lot's do It, brothor farmor, what do you say Though we might not mnko a penny in dollars won't pay, But wo will know down deep in our heart In this great struggle we'll bo doing our part; We'll bo striking a blow at the kaiser's autocracy And help win for tho world peaco and domocracy, So lot's break the record In our J.918 crop And show to tho world we've gono "over tho top." J. W. F. ' : :o: : For Sale Two lots nnd two houses, ono ton room and ono flvo room, all modern excopt heat. Will trndo for land. Inquire of J. Hahlor. lOOtf Notice to Contractors. Call for bids on State Aid Bridge at North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne braska . MIMO mil uu tuuujTt;u until 9. o'clock A. M.. Wodnosday. Fobr. '27th, 1918, at tho offico of tho County Clerk in Lincoln County, North Platto, iNoorasKa, ror tno construction or a concrete bridge across tho South Platto river locatod approximately one mllo south of tho City of North Platto. Bids will bo rocoived for tho construc- tlon of Ono reinforced concroto arch brldgo composed of 10-50 foot concrete arches with concrete piers .and abutments, resting on wood piling as por plans and enec lent ons. Bids will bo rocoived on the yardago basis for making Mis in approaches nnd surfacing. AU bids must bo soalod nnd accom panied with n caBh deposit or cortl- flod chock mado payablo to the county tronsuror, Llncoun county, for tho sum "IF YOU HAVE TRIED EVERY THING ELSE WITHOUT RESULTS, TRY CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS AND GET WELL." ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES An Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chan,' Tollllon, of Nichols, precinct, passed away Tuesday night.' Mrs. II. P. Ilcnckcl will entertain tho J. F. F. club Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 29th, instoad of Mrs. Andy Mo Govern. I W. A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. Terms reasonable guarantee satisfaction. For dates see J. F. Clabaugh, North Platte. Phone 201. Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska. Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Farmers this is the year and the time of the year to get stock to eat up your rough feed. I have on hand and forsale, 3000 feeding lambs and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come and talk.to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. WE PAY I TOP PRICE 1 for' . Jp HIDES AND FURS. Furs are Big Price Bring them in. We buy all kinds of Junk. North Platte Junk House Geo. B. Dent, , Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building I Office ISO Phone f Residence 116 Hospital Pbono Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PltlTCHARD, Graduate Votorlnnrlun Bight years a Government Voterlnar Ian. Hospital 218-iouth Locust St.. one-half block ooutbwest of th Court flouar DEIiliYBEHRY & FORBES, Licensed EinbulmorN Undertakers nnd Funeral Director Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black G88. NOTICK. T. Denton Taylor, defendant, will tike notice Hint on the 9th day of Octobnr, I'JiT, iiiiiintilT men itiH petition in the district court of Lincoln County, N lirnHka. nxaliiHt suld defendant, the object nnd prnyer of which are to fore-t-lone a cortaln tux salo certllloate dated Kovemuei' i, isiz ror laxen in tne xnm of $19.41 for tho year 1911, on Section 7, Township IB, Ilanve lis. Lincoln County, Nebrnska. also uuhsaquunt tax ah legally levied on mild land, paid rh follows: May 1, 1913, $82.14, ttws for the year 1912; May 1, 1014, $29.01, taxen for tho year 1913; May 1, 1915, $29.12, taxes for tho yonr 1914; May 1, 1910, $28.9", taxoB for the year 1915; May 1, 1917, $2CJ2. tuxos for the yoar 1918. That thero Is now due on said lion the sum of $223.83, .for whioh sum. with Interost from this date plaintiff prays for a decroe that defendant bo roqulrod to pay tho same, or that uanl promises may be sold to satisfy tho amount found due. You aro roqulrod to answer snld peti tion on or before Monday the 26th day of Fobruary, 191S. Dated this 8th day of January 1918. M. DIIU11Y, Plaintiff, By A. Multloon, Ills Attorney. Jl&.fS. NOTICK POU l'lTIIMC.VI'ION Deiuirtiiirnt of tlm Interior. Serial No. OG0S5 IT. S. Land Office nt North Platto. Nebr. Jan. 9, 1918 Notice Is horohy given that Philip L, Burinood, of Somerset, Nebr. who on May 16, 1914, made Homestead en try, No. 00085. for NW of HWtt. sec tion 15, township 10, N.. range 31, W. Oth Principal Meridian, has lllcd notice of intention to make tin at threo year nrnnf. tn nntnhllHh claim to the lnnd nbovo described, beforo tho Register nnd Rocolver, at North l'Jntto, weur,, on the J6th day of Feb., 1018. Claimant names as witnesses: Perrv O, Mulllkln, of Somerset. Nob. Clinton H. Solby, of Somerset. Neb. John Pulls, of Somerset. Neb. .1 jay Lawyer, or Homersei, bd. J12fl"i li. J. EAMES, Register. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hill Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped XItny and diHgnustic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. J. B. RedWOI.D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D DR. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. Helton Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Offico Black 333 P.es. Black 1020 Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DIENER & KENNEDY Ileal Estate, Tire, Tornado and Hall Insruance. Special Agents Globe LIfo Insurance Company. Corner Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs Phono Jted 572. North Plntfr. Neb. My best referance, I'm nlway dated ahead. L. M. McCLARA AUCTIONEER. Phone at my expense for dates. ' OGALALLA. NEB. SIU2IUKI"S SAI.13. HY VIItTUM OP an mini nw SALE Issued from the District Court of i.incom t-ouniy, Nebraska, upon a de cree of foreclosure rendered In said court, wherein George W. Ruff Is piaintllT and Alice D. Monteomerv. AVlllIam "W. Montgomery and Joseph A. Markee are defendants, nnd to inn uirecieu, i win on me lotn tiny or t'eo., 1918, at 2 o'clock 1 M., at the east front door of the Court house In North Platte. ijincoin uouniy, ieurnsua sell nt public nuction t,o tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, rendered In snld action In fnvor of the plalntilff and also the decree rendered in favor of tho de feudnut and cross-petttlorler Joseph A. Markee, with Interest and costs, the following . described property: The North West quarter, of section twenty, and the West half of section twenty- nine. In township thirteen. North of rang thirty. West of the 6th I. M.. and also tho following: Commencing at tho South. EaBt corner of section nine teen (19), Township thlrteut (13), range thirty (30), West, thence West five chains along South line of snld section: thence Novth Parallel to the TCnst lino of said section thirty (30) phnliiH. thence East two chains: thence North thirteen chains; thence West two chains; thence North fifteen nnd 7-10 chains; thence Enst pnrallel to tim Smith lino of tlm North East Quart er (NKVO of tho North East quarter of section, but uu n. nouin oi iuu una llvo chalnB to a point on the East lino of said section thence South along Last lino of said section to beginning con taining 26 3-4 ncres of lnnd West of the fith P. M. In Lincoln County. Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Jan. JlOflV18' A. J. 'SALISBURY, .Sheriff. j Legal Notice. To Mi A. Johnston, first name un known and wife Molvina Johnston, Ed win A. Morgan and Bertha Morgan, nnd J. W. Kirks, first name un known and Calllo S. Kirks, his wife nnd C. W. Cameron, first name un known and Cameron, his wue, first namo unknown: You arc liorouy notified that Georgo Vnn Zundt Una Med his petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nniirnnlta. ncninst vou nnd each of you Impleaded with others, tho object and prayer., of which said petition is to foreclose a certain mortgage mado and executed bv M. A. Johnston, first name unknown and Melvina Johnston, his wlfo, upon the following described lnnila situated In Lincoln County. Ne braska. to-wit: South Half (S'l of Section Sovoh (7), Township Eleven (U) N. Uango Thlrty-threo (33). Wost of tho 0th P. M. ami tho amount claim ed to bo due plaintiff upon said mort Kago Is tho sum of $1,631.83. You will make answer to sam peti tion on or before tho 18th day ot Fob rimry.- 191S, or your dofnult will bo taken and decree entorod as In said petition prayed. George Van Zandt.Plantlff. jSfl Dy Evans & Evans, hls.uttornoys Lfiirnl Kotlee. To Arthur Bnttlos, Hannah Hattlos, MchardTS. Spelts and Spelts, his wife, llrst and real name unknown You and each of you aro hereby notified that Georgo E. Warren has. comiuoncod an action against you in tho District Court ot Lincoln County, to foreclose a cortnln mortgage mado, executed and delivered by Arthur Bat tles and Hannah Battles to tho u. s Llvo Stock Company, convoying tho north nnn.hnlf nf Section HOVGllteoll (17), township Blxteen (16)', north of rango thjrty-two (32), west ot tno uiu P. M.. Lincoln County, Nebraska, which said mortgage and notes secur ed thereby woro for value on tho 19th day of July, 1912, transferred nnd as signed and set over to George' El. "Vnrron, who Is now owner in good faith thereof. You aro required to answer said petition on or beforo tho 18th day ot Feb uary, 1918. ueorge u.. warren, v.nouwT, j8-fl liiB Attorney, E. IV. FETTER, I'liyslcinu X RAY Office: First National Bank Building. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of salo issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decroo f foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Louis L. Stoll is plaintiff, nnd L. N. Strlttmattcr, ot. nl. nro defendants, nnd to me directed, I will on tho 23rd day of February, 1918 at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho oast front door of the Court Hoiufie in North Piatt, Lincoln County, Nobraska, soli at public auction to tho hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described proporty, to-wlt: All of sectons one (1) nnd throe (IS) In township sixteen (1G) north of range thirty-ono (31) west of the uth P. M. Dated North Platte, Nob'., Jan. 19th, 1918. , A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff. Xotlco of Final Jtcporf. Estate No of Cora II. Osgood, deceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The stato of Nobraska, to all per sons uncreated in saw ostnto take notice that tho admlnstrator has filed a final account and roport of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been set for hearing before said court on February 15, 1918, at 9 p'clock a. m. when you may appear nnd contsst tho same. Dated Jan. 18th, 1918. GEO. E. FRENCH, Co. Judgo. NOTICIO. Bessie Swnnder nnd Sarah Mullllian. ,?ondnnt5 ivU1 talt0 notice that on tho 9th day of October, 1917, plaintiff fllod his petition In the district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against snld defendants nnd each of them, tho object and prnyor of which are to foreclose n certain tax sale certificate dated No vomber 4, 1912. for taxes In the sum of $5.62 for tho year 1911, .on tho South west quarter (SW) of section nine teen (19) Township fourteen (11). Rnnge twenty-eight (28), Lincoln County, Nebraska, also , subsequent tnxes legally levied on said land,, paid as follows: May 1, 1913. $3.51, taxes for the year 1912; May 1, 1914, $3.74, taxrs for the yonr 1913; May 1. 1915, Toi4!?' InV or tno yenir 1914: Mny 1 191C, $3.02. tnxes for tho year 1915; ?o1 1,197, Jr,-S7., taxes for the year 1910. That there Is now duo on said lion tho SUm Of $36.64. for Ufl,l.l, ,,,. with Interest from this dnto plaintiff I'.tvjp mi- u uecreo mat oerenuants ho required to pay tho same, or that snid promises mny be sold to sntlsfy tho amount found due. You nro reaulrml tn nnnu..f cnU -petition on or before Mondny the 25th uuy ui reoruury, 11)18, Dated this 14th day of January, 1918. M. DRURY, Plaintiff, T1. By A. Muldoon, His Attorney. NOTICE OF IJKCUKK OP IIHIHSIIir Estate No. 1534 of Minnie E. House, utttuDuu, in me county court or Lin coin CountV. NehrnRk.1. The heirs, credltois and all persons j. ne uoirs, creuuors nnci all per ouiio interested in tno said es tato will take notice that on the Jlth day of January, 1918, Emily M. Garrison, an heir of said decedent Min nie iii. nouse, moo her petition herein aueging tnat the said Minnie E. i.uum: men intestate on or about January 10th. 1916. a resident of oruie iuuniy, soutn .Dakota, and that at the time of her death was the owner of, or had nn Estate of Inheritance in Lots 4. 5, 6, Block thlrty-Ilvo (35) In li.i "". a own lot uompanys na snld Ijincoin County, Nebraska, and that UILIUII IU lurill 1'intft. rVAhrnulrn In aiiuucation nas ueen made In the ntate for the annolntment of nn nrlmfn. iHiraior. xnat sno loft surviving her J. Eugeno House, a husband, nirn 4fi. residing at Chamberlain, So. Dakota. luiin tj, 1J1IH.OU1, ii oroiner, age on, residing nt North PIatt. NaIi run. at Clark, n sister, aire 41. reslrll ne nt Tlrn. dy, Neb.; Emily M. Garrison, n sister, n.K0 . residing at North Plnttc, Neb., Mny Wilcox, a niece, ago 42, residing nt SandlniuH. Cal That all the debts of said decedent have been nald. nnd nrnvlnir thnt r- gulnr ndminlstration he .nlvpil nml n nuui'ce ue entered narring creditors and fixing the date of her death and thn il. greu oi Kinsnip ot her heirs nnd tho right of decent to snld real estate. Said petition will be heard February 15, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. at the offico oi tno i-ounty Judge in said county. GEO. E. PRENCIT. Co .Tiwliro Jan 22-P12. I'Ntitnnte of Uxiu'iiho. Notlco Ih herebv irlven thnt on thn ICth day of January, 1918, the countv commissioners or Lincoln county. Ne braska, proceeded to make and did mai'e tuo following estlmntu of o. ponsoH for tho yoar 1918. General fund $00,000.00 Brldgo fund 40.000.00 Road fund 40,000.00 County Agont 1,500.00 Mkm'IiiI lliilltllng. No. 3 $ 300.00 PriTlnot nnd Bridge DlNtrlctN Osgood Precinct brldsce bond and Interest $ 750.00 Hlrdwood bond and Interest 1,500.00 S. P. B. bond and Interest 1,500.00 Platte bond and interest 1.500.00 Bostwlck bond and Interest.. S00.0O Horshoy bond and interest.... 500.00 East Platte Precinct bond and Interest 2,000.00 School IHxtrict.N No. 1 Bond and Interest $12,000.00 No. 7 Hood and lnterent... 1,750.00 350.00 2.000.00 No. 23 Bond and Interest.. No. 37 Bond and intercut.. A-rrU'Ulturul Society No. 47 Bond and interest... No. 65 Bond and Interest... No. 07 Bond nnd Intercut... No. 9 Bond nnd Interest... No. 105 Bond and Interest.. No. Ill Bond and Interest.. No. 119 Bond and Interest.. No. 120 Bond and Interest. No. 122 Bond and interest.. No. 126 Bond Hiul Interest.. No. 131 Bond and Interest.. No. 26 No. 33 1,000.00 100.00 2,500.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 30000 300.00 2,000.00 , 300.00 300.00 No. na No, 00 No. 130 200.00 13. II. SPRINGER P. W. HHRMINGHAUSEN, S. J. KOCH. Commissioners. NOTIC12. OP SPKCIAI.. UI.HCTIOX IN 13.VST 1'I.ATI'U PRECINCT. Notlco Is hereby given that a special election will be held In East Platto Precinct. In Lincoln County, State of Nobraska, on tho 29th day of January, 1918, nt which the following proposi tion will bo submitted to the voters of said East Platto precinct, to-wlt: "Shall the Board of County Commis sioners of the County of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, Issue Thirty thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) of 'East Platte Pre clnct Bridge Bonds', tn denominations of One thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each bearing Interest at the rate of six por cent per annum, payable semi-annually, Interest and principal payable at the Offico of the county Treasurer of Lin coln County, State of Nebraska, In the City of'North Platte, Lincoln County, In tho Stato of Nobraska. Said bonds to bear dato of March 1, 1918, nnd tho Interest on said bonds to bo payablo on thd 1st day of Soptombor, 1918. nnd on the 1st day of Mnroh nnd on tho 1st day of September of each nnd evory yonr theroaftor, until nil of the Interest on Bnld bonds shall havo beon paid. Said bonds to bo numbered consecu tively from 1 to 30 Inclusive, nnd the Interest thereon to be evidenced by coupons thereto attached. Bonds No.'s 1, 2 nnd 3 to becomo due and pnyable on tho 1st day of March. 1929. Bonds No.'s 4, C and 6 to become due nnd payable on the 1st day of March, Bonds No.'s 7. 8 and 9 to becomo duo and payable on the 1st day of March, Bonds No.'s 10.11 and 12 to become duo nnd payablo on tho 1st day of March, 1932. Bonds No.'s 13, 14 and 15 to becomo duo and payable on the 1st day ot March, 1933. nonus ano.'s io, 17 and 18 to becomo duo and payablo on tho 1st day of March. 1931. jjonds no.'s iu, 20 nnd 21 to becomo uuo ana tmvabic on tho 1st day of March. 1935. lionds No 's 22. 3 nnd 24 to bocomo on the 1st day of duo nnd iiavable March. 1930. Bonus No.'s 25, 26 and 27 to becomo due and payablo on tho 1st day of March, 1037, uonds no.'b 28. 9 and 30 to become on tho 1st day of due and payablo March. 1938. aiiu snau the uoaru or county .Com missioners of the County of Lincoln. In tho Stato of Nebrnskn, levy n tnx In tne yenr iyi, nnu in oacn anu ovory fear iiicrcaiter suuicicni to pay tho ntcrcst On said bonds, and sufficient to pay llvo per cont of the principal thore- ot ns proviucu oy law; anu in tno year 1928, and each and every year there after sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as thoy bocomo duo, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of the principal of said bonds as provided uy law; anu such tax both for Interest nnd prlnclunl to bo lovled unon all of tho taxablo proporty In said East 1'iatto frecmct. Said bonds to be used for the nurnnsn of constructing a sorlos of wagon bridges across tho following strenms. to-wit; tno iNortn unnnnei or tne I'latte River, tho south slough of tho Platte River, and the North nnd South bran ches of the Platte Rtvor, beginning at a point on tne iNortn uanK or the north chunnol of tho Platte River, where a continuation of Market street of the Village of Brady. Lincoln County, Nebraska, running In a southwesternlv direction, intersects the north bank of tno said worth cirannoi of the Platto River, and then across -sald North Channel of tho Platto River to a point on tho south bank of said North Chan nel of tho Platto River, where said lino conects with tho Public Highway No. 183: thence commencing on thn north bank of the south slough on the Section line oetweon sections twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23) in township twelve (12) North, of rango twenty soven (27) West of the 6th P. M. then across said south slough to the south bank of said south slough connecting with Public Highway No. 43: thence commencing at the north bank of thn North branch of tho Platte River on said Section lino between said Sections twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23), iiicncu souin across saiu nortn orancn of tho Platte River to the south bank thereof, connecting with said Public Highway No. 43: thence eommnneinir at the north bank of tho South branch of tho Platte River on said sectlbn line between said Sections twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23), thenco south across said south branch of the Pldtte River to tho south bank therof; all of said bridges being approximately 2003 teet in leugtn, moro or less, anu an being situate within said East Plnttn Precinct, and to be of sufficient width ror two teams to pass each other at any point on said bridges, and to be constructed of concreto and steel, and to comply with the plans and specifi cations propared and furnished by the State Engineer of the, Stato of Nebras ka, and said bonds to be approximately one-half of the entire cost of the con struction of said bridges ad heretofore set forth, and the entire cost of which Is to bo approximately sixty thousand Dollars ($60,000.00), ono-half of which is to be borne by the State of Nebraska, Atd, as lirovlded for In Article 5, Chap ter 28, Sections 123 to 133 Inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebrnskn, for tho year 1913, and nets nmendatory thereto, said amendatory acts being Chaptor 57, page 150 of the Session Laws of the State of Nebraska, for the year 1915. Should the State of Nebraska fall to grant such aid, then the bonds of said East Platte Precinct hereby ordered voted upon, shall not be Issued. The ballots to bo used at said special election shall have printed thereon: "Por" issuing Thirty-thousand Dol lars ($30,000.00), in "East Platte Pre cinct Bridge Bonds", in denominations of One thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each bearing Interest at tho rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Interest and principal payable at the Olllce of the County Treasurer of Lin- coin County. State of Nebraska. In the .City of North Platte, Lincoln County, in tno state or NeorasKa. said bonds to bear dato of March 1, 1918, and tho Interest on said bonds to be payable on the 1st day of September, 1918, and on tho 1st day of March, and on the. 1st day of September, of each and every year thereafter, until nil of tho Interest on said bonds shall have been paid, and to levy a tax In the year 1918, and In each and evory yoar thereafter sufficient to pay tho Interest on said bond?, and sufficient to pay flvo per cent of the principal thereof as provided by law, nnd In tho year 1928, and each and ovory year thereafter sulilulent to pay the principal of Bald bonds as they be come duo, until sudlclent tax has been levied to pay nil of tho princlpnl of said bonds as provided by law, and such tax both for Interest and principal to be levied upon nil of tho taxablo property In said East Platte Precinct. "AgalnBt" Issuing Thirty-thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), in "East Platte Precinct Bridge Bonds", In denomina tions of Ono thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), bearing Interest nt the rnto of six por cent per annum, payablo soml-annually, Interost and principal pnyable at tho olllce of tho County i.oui tioti.i, in nits iiy ui ixuri.li i miiu, Lincoln County, State of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear dato of March 1, 1918, and the lntorost on said bonds to bo payable on the 1st day of September. 1918, and on the 1st day of March and on the 1st day of Soptetnber, of ouch and every year thereafter, until all of the Interest on said bonds shall have been paid, and to levy a tax In the year 1918, and In each and every year theroOTtor sufllclout to pay tho Interest on said bonds, and sulllclont to pay llvo per cont of the principal thereof as provided by law, and In the year 1928, and each and overy year thereafter suPlcIent to pay tho principal of said bonds as thoy bo como duo, until sulllclont tax has been levied to pay all of tho principal of snld bonds ns provided by law, nnd such tnx both for Interest nnd princlpnl to bo levied upon nil of the taxable proporty In said East Platto Precinct. Those voting In favor of said proposi tion shall mark their ballot with nn "X" before tho paragraph beginning with the word ''FOR" and those voting against said proposition shall mark tholr ballot with nn "X" before the pnragraph beginning with the word "AGAINST". Snld election shnll be open nt 8 o'clock A. M. nnd continue open until 8 o'clock P M. of said day, and the polling plncos of snld East Platto Precinct will be. at the School house on Section threo (3) In township eleven (11) North, of range twenty-seven (27) West of the 6 P. M. at which nil of the voters living In said precinct south of the south branch of tho south channel of thePlatte River In said Precinct will cast their ballots, nnd nt tho Woodman Hall In tho Vlllnge of Brady, In said Precinct, at which all voters living In sold Pre cinct nnd residing north of tho south bank of the south branch of the south channel of the Platte ntver shall cast their ballots, on the 29th day of Janu ary, 1918." By order of tho Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, State of Nebraska, made on the 24th day of December, 1917. U27JI4 A. 8. Allen, County Clerk.