The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 22, 1918, Image 8

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    IltA L. 1JAUK, Editor and Publisher
Ono Yenr by Mall In Advance. ,81.2'
Ono Vcnr by Carrier In AdTnnco 81.50
Entoreil at North Platto. Nobrauka,
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
f . !
MllSl. EXIUnllle Jlt'IUt JlCII.
warned by Cant. Waltor L. Anderson, j
ur riirncMmi of Governor Novlllo, to
get busy with physical examination of
man so that they will not bo caught
napping when a call for drafted nun
is mado. He has also cautlonod local
boards not to send up to tho district
hoards all cases whore a claim for
oxomption hau Iwn mado, m was
urdor the old romilatlona but to Krfiid
mi only caac3 wuorii a claim .s i.'.iIj
jor doforred classification upon p.grl-
oultural of industrial groumiB,
every caso wiioro an appeal is iukuh
by any porson.
Increase In Cost of Living.
According to tho bureau of labor sta
tistics of tho department oi moor, in
m i . ir im f r
the year from November IB, I9lfi, to
Whole advanced 23 per cont. Potatoes
is tho only article that shows a decllno
In prlco. Corn moal advanced 87 por
cent; bacon, 02 por cent; 'pork t-hops,
48 nor cent, beans 39 per cent; and lard,
27 per cent.
Food ns a whole was 48 por cent,
higher oifNovomber .15, 1917, than on
November 10, una, ami por :um
lilchor than on November 15, 1914.
During this (our year porlod corn meal
advanced 12"7 por cont; Hour 10!) por
cont; lard, 104 por cont; bacon, 77
per cont; sugar, 75 per cont; and
.potatoos, 72 per cont. No article dc-
'' alined in prlco.
::: :
The Army Strength.
Thoro woro 1,428,050 onllsted men
.,,! HACflK nttlnnra In tlin TTnltnil
Ftntcs Army nt tho opening of 3918,1
. .... i .. i..,.. n '
ir"l- win "T,n unci a uuu un iuiru uor
...... l.ofn tYmMiinii liw.
tho Nation, according to a statement.
by Secretary of War Baker.
. .... i... 1
uuring mo war wun opnin mij army .
of tho United States at Its maximum)
offlcors. The army in tho field and in I Obituary,
training now is tpractlcally six tlmca1 Francis Elizabeth Snyder was horn
as great as tho maximum numbor.prIl 4th, 1834, In Bath, Now York,
itndor arms In tho Spanlsh-Amorlcanl w,hn threo years of ago sho moved
war. wlth hor Paronta to Upland, Tndlnna.
. . n n A . , I film rnalflnrl 11 TTnlnml ..Mill .......
Auoiu 4u,uuu ouicors wero comram-'
cintm.i fmm ivii urn in Mm twn onrina
of tralng camps, noarly eight times as J
many as tho number of officers In tho
regular army April 1, 1917.
.; :o: ;
JIIhh Until Needier Engnged
Boechor formorlv of this rltv nn.1 tho
f .lln wl n nm.Lnmn f. '
following announcement:
The 'enBasement of Miss Daochor to
Lieut. A. A. Brian of tho Fortieth
United States Infantry, stationed at
Fort Shoridan. has boon announced by
her -parents, Bishop and Mrs George r '
Bcccher of Hastings. MIbs I ecchor McCullough, of Brady; Alber of " c
was one of the prominent members of pher8on county; and Pearl, of Max
hor class at tho University of No- ,ii wt, i,a i n 'i' ...i. ..
braska. Intorested In Journalism tho
waH a charter member of Theta Sigma
F,,'lnduratilnoTn ,or ot,tl10 1
qV i i i . V ijuy indana, thirty-four jgrapdchll-
o the girls' club the Young Women s1 dron and fourteen grcal-gVandchll-Chrlstlan
assooin Ion nud tho Dramatic drc nro ioft t0 mourn hor-losB. Mrs.
u.w. n.,u ,v.-,yuu vuiy mvoriioiu aiui-i
ment on nor proffontatlon or thn lead-1
ing character in "Green Stockings,"
tho iunlor piny. Lloutenant Brian wnB
graduated at tho university and was
a member of the Vikings, an Inter-
fHlnnHlU. ..1 A. I T . '
misBionou ai i-ori anoiung in August,
' ""
.Nobraska's Peedlng Ability.
Food Administrator Wattlos jnnkon
the Htatemont that for every man,
woman and child In Nobraiilca tho
stato produced Inst year 700 poundB
of meat, 017 pounds of Hour and 112
hounds of sutrar. "with .iir wnuinr.ii
liabltfl," says Mr. Wattles, "tho avorngt'
. . .
consumption or Hour per can ta Is
tu-pouiius unnuauy; oi moats, iw
pounds annually, and of sugar, 88.8 certainly deserves tho commendation
pounds annually. If wo did not ocon- Patriotic Keith County. Tho boI
ombo but continued these habits wu.dlera who will wear these comforts
will haw tn fnn,i .,... ,.' would cortalnly nppreclato them if
2,000,000 others, meats to 4Vj mll-
Hon othora and wugnr to 257,500
."Hill If Wn fnllniu ftin uiitrrrnMrtiLi rt
tho Food Administrator and oat 4!
pounds of Hour each weok. 2V. nomulH.
of meat oach weok, and 3 pounds of'
BUgar wieli month, wo can furnish In
addition .the' equivalent of 7!K,0G(il
bushola of hiat, 25 million pou-jaa of i
moats, and GO millions nminrin ist
sugar. '
What a wondorful army vp uan tuko
earo or and foqd, and what-n wonder
ful tribute to the gront Btato or No
braaka. Cal I.owoll former deputy sheriff,
now Bpoclal agent for tho Illinois
Oontral with hondquartors In Chicago
Bpont the latter part of lost wook tn
town vlBltlng rolatlves and friends.
Office 5-6-7 Building & Loan Bldg., -
Permanently located in
A tologram from Rottordarn says
all ratlroad passenger traffic In
Gormany Is being reduced CO por cont.
Correspondent sending tho raportB
say that thoro Is evory reason to be
lieve tho traiiBfor- or troops to the
wostorn front Is the reason, adding
that It Is reported thoso troops are to
bo moved suddenly for concentrated
The shortago of coal In Berlin Is
anothor source of trouble After
oriunloratlng tho llfflcultios, the
TlmeB' cocroapondont writes
'Mulliltiiy li,t tfnn trvtn flf
,4iuniiiib ijui. lift. " M
T..,.uuln,. mllllni-lum mulrnlnu tlia tin.
mivnuC08 t0 ltH adversaries then any
which have yet been made.
The Germans nro longing for pence,
but thoy want 'peaco with victory.
Thoy no longor abuse tholr onomlos
as In tho early days of tho war.
Doubtless tho shortago of supplies
has much to do with the change of
mental nttltude. Tho proudn-sss of
the llosh has given way before the
dlsclpllno of faBtlng. This accounts
for vory mucn j rccont development!
of Gorman policy."
. :o:.
News of Neighboring Counties.
Rev. Maynard, Methodist tninlstoi"
at Chappoll built a fire in tho range
when tho pipes woro frozen, thoro was
nn ox'ploslon thnt ahattorod tho win
(Jow i,ght8( fined tho room wlu, f)vlng
Iron and tho minister oscapod Injury
only by having stepped out of the
room a minute before tho explosion
Arthur Potorson, who had been
niontnllv d'oramred for somo time
hanged himself with a long leather
Htrni attached to a fonco post on his
mother's farm in the north part of
uawson county.
A lowollon man has gone tho limit
by purchasing ono thousand dollars
worth of thrift Btamps.
Tho Lowollon national farm loan
association has loaned ,$37,000 on
Garden county land and tho officers
hopo to reach tho $100,000 mark In a
fow months.
13. M Soarlo, Jr., has sold his inter
est In tho Citizens Bank of O'ralnlla
to O. L. Contrymnn: who barf been
caBhler of tho bank for tho past nlno
m, . ...
Tho mon of Kolth countv have or
Banjwcl a homo guard with A. F. Kehr
cWtn in,J- Class first lieutenant
nnil L. w. Mnrrlnptnn nncnnil llmitnn-
----- .v.
nnt - ... uuui unu un
married to Joromlali Snvdor on Nov.
3d, 1853. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder left
iiiumiiu uuuui iwii yuiirtj uiior luoir
marriage, moving to Missouri in 1855.
After living thoro two yoarB thev camo
1 to Nobraska In 1857 whero thov havo
' . . I 1 iNeurasKa sixty
y.0arfl 11,0 8lxUl Un' f la8t March. TO
imi ....i,. .n.i .
M7y Ellen, "who died elghte n yea
nK0; rjeorKo Snvdor n MC
Klly Kf? of S?New yS";
An,.n wnia ,i. "'.: .:; .
parents. Besides" tlia chlldrnn hor
KSSd. ?eSah Snyder and one
brother, Wlnslow Miles, of Hartford
snydor had bcon a manner of the
Mothodiat church for ovnr Hlxtir vo.irH.
and was loved and res'pocted by all
wn,o (Knew nor.
: :o: :
Iron Cross for Sirs. 1Iobb..
Ml'R. V) T. TInliliu ulinitl1 lir. fl 'Iff I Vil.
ud or decorated with the Iron cross
I Having come to Ogalalla from Brulo
with,, hor big load, In nn Overland, ou
0,10 of 1,10 worst dayB Kolth County
,mB BOon ,n years, In order to be in
tIn,0 wlth Ul Brul contribution of
g""H ir me ueu uro imip-
mo,"t' , , , , ...
Tho road was so badly drifted with
B!,0W( t,mt thoy woro compollod to
till AKnl AIvaIm MH BdMBBAMnl ...IIaH
D"",ut UI tuvunw mm-a.
" " o-imwiiiviiii; num
tUoy uow. V1,0 8C0"frl tl' avo
, caused. kolth County NoWb.
!: -.
Onrmany's latest attompt to destroy
tlie wheat crop of California and other
tto has taken the form of Bhlpmont
to tn,B country of powerful poisonous
pollen to ho distributed by Gorman
ingonts bore in bucIi a manner na to
kill tho entlro wheat output of this
state, according to n bullotln Issued
today by tho gtnto Council for De
For Sale Two lots and two housop
ono ton room and ono flvo room, all
modern oxcopt heat. Will trndo for
land. Innuiro of J. Hnhlor. lOOtf
North Platte, Nebraska.
Terms reasonable guarantee
satisfaction. For dates sec
J. F. Clabaugh, North Platte.
Phone 201.
Phono 208
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nebraska.
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your rough feed. I have on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633. '
Graduate Voturlnarian
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust-SU.
one-half' block oouthwest of" the
Court Houbix
! i.W.r
Llcenied Embalmers . .
CndcrtakcrH and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
III tho District G'ourt of tho United
States, for tho District of Ncbras
ku, North Platto Division.
In the matter of Jacob J. Qottman
Case No. B4, In Bankruptcy, Volun
tary Petition.
Order of Referee on Proceedings, for
At North Patte In said district on
this 10th day of January, A. D. 191S
boforo Walter V. Hoagland, reforoe In
TIiIb cause came on for hearing on
filing nnd rending of petition of tho
nbovo named bankrupt for his dls
charge heroin nnd It Is ordored that
tho 18th day of February, 1918, bo and
tno samo day Is hereby fixed as the
date on or before which all credlt6rs
of, nnd all othor persons Interested In
said estate and In tho matter of the
dlschargo In bankruptcy of tho s-ild
bankrupt ahall If thoy desire to oppose
tno same, tile In my said office at
North PlnHn In nnlil .llutrlnt .tlinln
annearanco In writing In onnosltlon to
the granting of snld dlscharco. and
nlso within ton days thereafter file in
my Bald office specifications on the.
ground of Bald onnosltlon.
Witness my hand hereto at my offico
In North Platto, Nobraska, the day',
ami uato neroin first abovo written.
Rpforeo In Bankruptcy,
T. Denton Tavlor. defendant. ...Ill i.ikn
notlco that on tho 9th day of October,
1917, plaintiff lllod his petition tn thn
district court ot Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against snld dflfemlniit. rl..
w.ijuw unit lutein ui wiiii:ii iuu iu luru-
closo a certain tax salo certificate dated
November 4, 1912 for taxes In the smnlcnSn la tho
7f Townshft 15 yn2nnfc"1 Th?S2
L 10.llB,'U ia. . Jiange 2S, Lincoln
t ouiuy. rs'dirnsia, niso subsequent
taxos legally levied on Hald land, paid
taxes ior tno year May l, iuir,
$29.12. taxes for tho yoaii9i4: Mav l.
1910, $28 97. taxes for tho year 191S;'j8fl By Evans & EvnnB, his attornoys
May 1, 1917, $20.32, taxes for the year I. -
iuiu. -inat inero is now due on saiu
Hon tho sum of $223.83. for which sum
wun interest irom tins date plaintiff
prays ior a uocroo mat (lerennant uo
renu red to nav the snnie. or Mint unl.l
V4 w 'tJ VIIV1 UlllllV) ( Villi 1, tt lt
nronilsoB may be sold to sntisfv the
amount found due
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or boforo Monday tho 25th day
of February, 1918.
Dated this 8th dny of January 191S.
M. DHUP.Y, Plaintiff,
By A. Muldoon, His Attorney.
Drnnrtmriit of tlin Interior.
Serial No. 06085
U. S. Land Offico at North riatto. Nobr,
Jan. 9. 1918 S
Notice is hereby given that Philip
L, Hurmood, of Someraet. Nebr. who
on Mnv 10. 1914. mado Homestead en -
try. No. 00085. for NH of BWV4. ,seo
il,'iVTf,'-iiYt"V. "'f","U.ri'day of July, 1912. transrerrea and ns
Xf"lA t An to mnkn 'flnnl ' tln ven?
proof, to establish claim to tho land
auovo uoBcnueu. ueiore me itegu
a w ... - . I . Y 1 1 . . . ,.
the 16th day of Fob.. 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Y ...... r ll.ln n O. ..... ... tV Wit
John Pulls, of Somerset. Neb.
J12fl5 B. J. EAMES, Register.
.General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern Institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped XUny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Denl, M. D.
J. B. Redfield.M. D.
V. Lu:as, M. D.
J.S.Simms, M.D
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 P.os. Dlack lUZo
Office pflbne 241. lts. phone 217
L . C . DROS T,
4 'Osteopathic I'hyslclnn.
North Platte, - NebraHK.
McDonald Dank Building.
Real EstalB, Plrc, Tornado nml Hnll
Insmnnce. Special Agonts Globe
Life Insurance Company.
Cornor Front and Dewoy Sts., Upstairs
Phono Hod 572. North Plnttc, Noli,
My best referance, I'm alway dated
Phone at my expense for dates
NUKItll'K'S S.VI.K. ..
SALiU Issued from the District Court of
Lincoln county, Melirnskn, upon a de
cree of foreclosure rendered In said
court, wliereln ' George W. Ituft la
piaintirc nnd Alice D. Jlontcomery.
William W. JIontKomcry and Josouh
A. Mnrkeo are defendants, and to me
uirecteu, i win on tne lutn clay ot J?qu.,
1918, at 2 o'clock P. M.t at the enst front
ooor or tno court nouse m North l'latto
Lincoln County. Nebraska sell at nubile
auction to tho highest bidder for cash
to satisfy said decree, rendered In said
action In favor of tho plaiitiilff and also
tno decree rendered in ravor or the de
fendant and cross-petitioner Jdsenh A,
Markec. with interest and costs, the
following described property: The
North West tiuartor, of section twenty,
and tho West hair or' section twenty
nine. In townshin thirteen. North o
rang thirty, West of tho 6th V. M., and
also the following: Commencing at
the South East cornor of section nine
tRii rin. Townshin thirteen (13)
rnnge thirty (30), West, thence West
live chains along South' line of said
section; thence Novth Parallel to the
ICast line of said section thirty (30)
chains, thence EaBt two chains; thence
North thirteen cnams; inence west
two chains; thence North fifteen and
7-10 chains: thenco East parallel to
tho South line of the North East Quart
er (NE!4) of the North East quarter of
section, but 6fi ft. South of said line
tlvo chains to a point on the East line
of said section thence South along Enst
line of said section to beginning con
taining 2G 3-4 acres of land West ot the
Cth P. It. In Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Jan.
JlOflB 1S' A. J. SALilSBUIlY. Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
To M. A. Johnston, first name un
known and wife Molvlna Johnston, Ed
win A. Morgan and Bertha Morgan
and J. W. Kirks, first name un
known and Calllo S. Kirks, his wife
nml n. W. Cameron, first name un
known and Cameron, his wife,
first namn unknown
You aro hereby notified that Georgo
Van Zandt has filed his petition in tho
District Court of Lincoln County,
Mohrnska. acalnst you and each of you,
Imnleadod with others, tno ouject ami
prayer of which said potltlon Is to
foreclose a cortaln mortgage mado and
executed by M. A, Johnston, first name
unknown nnd Molvlna Johnston, hla
wife, upon tho following described
landsBituated In Lincoln County, No
braska, to-wit: South Hnlf (SMi) of
Section Soven (7), Township Eleven
(11) N. Rnnge Thirty-three (33), West
of tho Cth P. M. antl tno amount ciaim
, . . - , . rtt.i vnH. bo due plaintiff upon said mort
go is tno sum or $i,
I YoU W,U nlnko nnBW0P t0 811,(1 PeU
,, ,,- ism, inv nf FaIi
" w"
. ruary, 1918, or your default will bo
ontorert ftS ln 8a,d
George Van Zandt.Plantlff,
Legal Notice,
To Arthur Battles, Hannah Battles,
,,..., ..i Qnnia nn,i Snoltu
' RlCliard bpOUS anil SpeilS
, .
l his wife, first and real name unknown
You ana cacn oi you nro norouy
notified that Georgo E. "Warren has
cormenced an action agaliiBt you ln
thr District Court of Lincoln County,
to forccloso a cortaln mortgage made
executed and delivered by Arthur Bat
ties nnd Hannah Battles to the U. S
Llvo Stock Company, convoying tho
north ono-half of Section seventeen
(17). township sixteen (10), north of
rango thirty-two (32), west of the 6th
p . T.lnrnln Countv Nebraska
1 W-i wncoin county, INeurasKa
.whlcll BOMtmOrtgnge and notes BCCUr-
- od thoroby woro for value on tho 19th
' Signed ttnd BOt OVer to George E,
Warren, who Is now owner In good
Vu re required to nnswor said
petition on or before the 18th day ot
' n rt
I By E. C. Hodder,
j8-fl Hla Attornoy,
Office! First Nntlonnl Hank IJulldlng.
Sheriffs Sale.
Dy virtue of nn order of sale .Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Louis L. Stoll Is plaintiff,
and L. X. Strltt Matter, et. nl. aro
defendants, and to me directed, I will
on the 23rd day of February, 1U18 nt
o'clock p. m., at the east front door
of tho Court Hoiuflo In North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bfrtder for
cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest
anil costa, tho following described
proporty, to-wlt:
All of sectons one (1) and three (1!)
In township sixteen (10) north of
rango thirty-one (31) west of the Uth
P. M.
Dated North Platto, Neb.. Jan. 10th.
A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Hesnle Swnndpr nnd Hnrnli MuUtlinn
defendants, will take notice that on tho
uui (lav or uctniinr. 1.H7. ninintiir nio.i
his Petition In thn illnti-lnt nn i iff nf
iJincoin uounty, Nebraska, against said
defendants and each of tliAin. thn nMm.t
and prayer of which aro to foreclose a
uurinin tax sale certlllcato dated No
ypmber I, 1912, for taxes in the sum of
u.K-s ior uie year iuu, ,on tho South
west quarter (SWV,) of section nine
teOn llH) TOUTlHIllll fnitrtonn n Jl
Range twenty-eight (28), Lincoln
County, Nebraska, also subsequent
taxes legally levied on said land,, paid
as follows: May 1. 1913. $3.51. taxs
for the year 1912; Jlay 1, 1911, $3.74.
taxps for tho year 1913; May 1. 1915,
?2A5, i'ixes for tlle 'cnr 1914 ; May 1.
1916. $3.02. tnxos for thn vonn loir..
May 1, 1917, $5.87, taxes for the year
iiii. iiiui inero is .now iue on saa
lien the SUlll of S3G.R4. for whlrh Hiim
with Interest from this date plaintiff,
iMuyn lur h uecroo mat (lerendaiits bo
required to pay tho same, or that snld
promlsos may bo sold to satisfy the
You are renulred to
petition on or before Monday tho 25th
day of February, 1918.
uaten mis 14th day of January, 1 01 S
. , . M. DItUnY, Plaintiff.
Hy A. Mullloon. ITls Attnrnnv
Estnto No. 1534 nr Mlnntn v.. TTntiuo
deceased, In tho County court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The heirs, credltots and all persons
ine neirs, creditors and all ner
nuns jnfiresieu in the snlil s-
tato will take notice that on
the 11th day of .I.inunrv. 1918. 1
Garrison, an heir of said decedent Min
nlp E. House, filed her petition herein
alleging mat the said Minnie E.
limine men intestate on or
about January 10th, 191 B, a resident of
jiruie v-ounty, south Dakota, and that
tit the time of her death was tho owner
of, or had an Estate of Inheritance In
iiot?, 4V..B Bl0c, thirty-five (35) in
North Platte. Town lot Company's ad
dition tO North Plntto. Kuliraiilra In
said Lincoln County, Nebraska, and that
no application has been made in the
Stato for the appointment of nn nrlmln.
istrator. That she left supvlving her
iii "ouse, a nusoaiul, nge 46,
icoiuiiik in vuamueriain, ho. uakota,
John D. W. Lincoln, a brothpr nr r.r.
residing at North Platte, Neb.; Cora M.
V 11 sister, age , residing at Hra
dy, Neb.; Emily M. Garrison, a sister
aire 54. resldlnir nt Nni-th ti,. tu wi.
May Wilcox, a niece, age 42, resid'ing at
Snndimits, Cal. 4
That ail tho debts f.f said dnonilent
have been paid, and praying that re
gular administration be waived and a
ueuree uo entered oarring creditors and
fixing the date of hor death and thn de
gree of kinship of her heirs and the
right of decent to said real estate,
Said petition will be heard February
15, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. at the offico
or the County Judge In said county.
GEO. E. FRENCH, Co. Judge.
Jon 22-P12.
KMlIninte of Mviipiihp.
Notice Is hereby given that on tho
16th day of January. 1918. the countv
commissioners of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, pveceeded to make nnd did
make the following estimate of ex
penses ror the year 191S
General fund $60,000.00
liriugo rumi 40,000.00
Itoad fund 40.000.00
County Agent 1,500.00
Mivclnl lliilldlnir
No. 3 300.00
Product and Ilrldice IllMfrlctM
Osgood Precinct bridge bond
and interest $ ysjU.uu
Blrdwood bond and interest 1,500.00
S. I1. 1). bond nnd Interest... s 1,500.00
Platto bond and Interest 1.500.00
Ilostwick bond and interest.. 500.00
Hershey bond and Interest.... 500.00
Knst l'latto I'reclnct uoml and
Interest 2,000.00
School DlNtrlctN
No. 1 Pond and Interest $12,000.00
No. 7 Hond and Interest 1,750.00
No. 23 Hond and interest 350.00
No. 37 Bond and interest.... 2,000.00
Agricultural Society ......... l.uuu.mi
No. 47 Bond and Interest 100.00
No. 55 Bond and Intorost 2,500.00
No. 67 Bond nnd Interest. .. . 300.00
No. OS Bond and Interest 200.00
No. 105 Bond and Interest.... 200.00
No. Ill Bond and interest.... zuu.uu
No. 119 Bond and interest 200.00
NT.. 1'n Hnml nml interest.... luu.uu
No. 122 Bond nnd Interost.... 200.00
No. 120 Bond and Interest.... 200.00
No. 131 Bond and Intorest.... 300.00
ko 26 300.00
No. 33 2,000.00
No. 59 .
No. 60 ,
No. 130
, 300.00
S. J. KOCH. , ,
Deiinrtiuent of the Interior.
. Knrlnl Nn. 05830.
U. S. Land Olilce at North Platto, Nebr
December 18. 1917
Notlco is hereby given thnt Homer
W. Hamm, of North Platto, wenr., who,
on Hept. so, l'Jli, mauo uomesieau en
trv. No. 05830. for NWVi Section 34
Townshin 16 N., Rnnge 2!) W. 6th
Principal Meridian, has tiled notice o
intention to mako nnnl thr o year
proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, before the Register
ana iloceiver, at Norm t'laiie, :seur., on
the 6th day or 'eDruary, iais.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Silas Little, of North Platte, Nebr.
C II. Schaeffer, of Staploton. Neb.
Win Pitman, of Stapleton, Nebr.
Robert Untie, of Stnnleton. Nebr.
d2G-6w Register
Notice is hereby given thnt a special
election will be held in East Platte
Precinct, In Lincoln County, Stnto of
Nebraska, on tho 29th day of January,
1918, nt which the r.ollowlng proposi
tion will be submitted to the voters of
said East Platto precinct, to-wit:
"Shall the Board of County Commls
Bloners of the County of Lincoln, state
of Nebraska, issue Thirty thousand
Dollars ($30,000.00) of 'East Platto Pre
cinct Bridge Bonds'. In denominations
of One thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each
bearing Interest at the rate of six per
cont per annum, payable semi-annually,
interest nnd principal payable nt the
Office of the County Treasurer of Lin
coln County, State of Nebraska, in the
City of North Platte, Lincoln County. )n
the State of Nebraska. . ,
Said bonds to, bear date of March 1,
1918, nnd the Interest on said bonds to
be payable on tho 1st day oCScptembqr,
1918. and on tho 1st day of. March, .and
on tno 1st dny of September of each And
every year tliorcaftqr. until all of "the
Intorost on said bonds shall have been
Said bonds td be numbered consecu
tively from 1 to 30 inclusive, and the
interost thereon to bo evidenced by
coupons thoreto attached.
Bonds No. 'a 1, 2 nnd 3 'to become duo
nnd payable on tho 1st day of March,
Bonds No.'s 4, 5 and C to become duo
and payablo on the 1st dny of March,
Bonds No.'s 7. 8 and 9 td boc'otno due
nnd payable on tho 1st day of March,
Bonds No.'s 10,11 nnd 12 to become
due and payable on the 1st day of
March, 1032.
Bonds No.'s 13, 11 ana id to becomo
uo and payablo on the 1st day of
March, 1933.
Bonds No.'s lfi, 17 and is to become
uo and payable on tho 1st day of
March, 1931.
uoiida xso.'fl l'J, zv and 21 to iiccome
duo nnd payable on tho 1st day of
March, 1935.
Bonds No's 22, 23 and 24 to become
uo and payable on the 1st day of
March, 1936.
Bonds iso. b ai nnu zi to nocomo
uo nnd payablo on the 1st day of
March, 1937.
Bonds No.'b 28, 29 and 30 to become
ue and payable on tho 1st day of
March, 1938.
And shall the Board or county com
missslonors of tho County of Llncjoln,
ln the Stato of Nebraska, levy a- tax ln
the yenr 1918, and in each and ovory
year thereafter sufficient to pay the
Interest on said bonds, and sufficient to
pay five per cent of tho principal there
of as provided by law; and ln tho year
1928, and each and ovory year there
after sufficient to pay tho principal of
said bonds as they become due, until
suiucicnt tax uas been levied to pay
all of the principal of said bonds as
provided by law; and such tax both for
interost and principal to be levied unon
nil of tho taxable property ln said East
'latte i'recinct.
Said bonds to bo used for tho nurnose
of constructing a series of wagon
bridges ncross the following streams,
to-wit: the North Channel of tho Plntte
Ulver, tho south slough of tho Platte
Ulver. and the North nnd South bran
ches of the Platto Iliver, beginning at a
point on tno isortn oanit or tno north
channel of tho Platto Ulver, where a
continuation of Market street of tho
Village of Brady. Lincoln County,
Nebraska, running in a southwestornly
direction, Intersects tho north bank of
tno said North Channel of tho Platte
Blvor. and then across sald North
Channel of tho Platte ltlvcr to a point
on tho south bank of said North Chan
nel of tho Platte River, where said lino
conects with the Public Highway No.
1S3; thence commencing on tho north
bank of the south slough on the Section
line notween sections twenty-two (ZZ)
and twenty-three (23) in township
twelve (12) North, of range twenty
soven (27) West of the 6th P. M. then
across said south slough to the south
bank of said south slough connecting
wun I'uonc Highway imo. 43; tuence
commencing at tho north bank of the
North branch of the Platte Itlver on
said Section line between said Sections
twenty-two (22) and twenty-threo (23),
thence south across, said north branch
of the Platte Itlver to tho south bank
thereof, connecting with said Public
Highway No 43; thenco commencing
at tho north bank of the South branch
of tho Platte River on said section lino
between said Sections twenty-two (22)
and twenty-three (23), thence south
across said south branch of the Platte
River to the south bank therof ; all- of
said bridges being approximately 2003
ieei in icngm, more or less, ana all
being situate within said East Platte
Precinct, and to be of sufficient width
for two teams to pass each other at
any point on said bridges, and to be
. . . . .
tunou ucira ui uuncreie anu steei, ana
to comply with the plans and specifi
cations prepared and furnished by the
State Engineer of the State of Nebras
ka, and said bonds to' be approximately
one-half of the entire cost of the con
struction of said bridges ob heretofore
set forth, and the entire cost of which
is to be approximately sixty thousand
Dollars. ($60,000.00), one-half of which
is to be borne by tho State of Nebraska,
Aid, as provided for in Article 5, Chnp-
tff 9R MApHnna 19Q .a 111 f . 1 .. l.. n
the Revised Statutes of the State of
Nebraska, for the year 1913, and acts
amendatory thereto, said amendatory
acts being Chaptor 57, page 150 of the
Session Laws of the State of Nebraska,
for the year 191G.
Should the state of Nebraska fall to
grant such aid, then tho bonds of said
East Platte Precinct hereby ordered
voted upon, shall not bo Issued.
xne ballots to be used at said special
election shall have printed thereon:
p'or"- issuing Thirty-thousand Dol
lars ($30,000.00). ln "East Platte Pre
cinct Bridge Bonds", ln denominations
of One thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each
Bearing interest at tne rate or six ner
cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
interest and principal payablo at the
Olilce of the County Treasurer of Lin-
coin uounty, state or Nebraska, in the
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
in ine state ot jseorasKa. saia oonus
to bear date of March 1, 1918, and the
Interest on said bonds to be payable on
the 1st du: of September. 1918. and on
the 1st day of March, and on the 1st day
oi acpiemoer, oi eacn ana every year
thereafter, until all of the interest on
said bonds shnll have been paid, and to
levy a tax In the year 1918, and In each
anu every year tnereatler suincient to
pay tne interest on said bonds, nnd
sui'lclent to pay live per cent of the
nrlnclnal thereof as nrovlded bv law:
and In the year 1928, and each and
every year thereafter sulliclent to pay
tne principal or said uonds as mey De
come due, until suDlclent tax has been
levied to pay all of the principal of
said bonds asvprovlded by law, and such
tax both for Interest and principal to be
levied upon all of tho taxnble property
In said Hast Platto Precinct.
"Against" Issuing Thirty-thousand
Dollars ($30,000.00), In "East Platto
Precinct Bridge Bonds", fx denomina
tions of One thousii ad Dollars
($1,000.00), bearing Interei t at the rate
of six por cent per .annum, payablo
semi-annually, Interest and principal
payablo at the olilce of the County
Treasuror of Lincoln County, 'State of
Nobraska, in the City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, State of Nebraska.
Said bonds to bear date of March 1,
1918, and the interest on said bonds to
He payable on tho 1st day of September,
1918, and on tho 1st dny of March and
on the 1st dny of September, of each nnd
every year tliereafter, until all of tho
interest on snld bonds shall havo been
paid, and to levy a tax in tho year 1918,
and In each and every year thereafter
sufllclont to pay the Interest on said
bonds, and sutliciont to pay live per cent
of the prlnclpnl thereof as provided by
law, and In the year 1 928, and ench and
every yenr thereafter sufficient to pay
tho principal of said bonds as they be
come due, until sulliclent tax has been
levied to pay all of tho principal of
said bonds ns provided by law, and such
tax both for Interost and principal to be
levied upon nil of the taxable property
In said East Platte Precinct.
Those voting in favor of said proposi
tion shall mark their ballot with an
"X" before the paragraph beginning
with the word ''FOR" and those voting
against snld proposition shall mark
their ballot with an "X" before the
paragraph beginning with the word
Said election shall bo onen at 8
o'clock A. M. and continue open until 8
nnlnn1. 1 1 Hf n P .,..1.1 ,.. .. .1 . 1 . . ..111
o ciock r ,m. or sniu day, and tjie polling
inaces ui sum iasi i'latte i'recinct win
be. at the School house on Section three
(3) in township eloven (11) North, of
range twenty-seven (27) West of the 6
P. M. nt which nil of the voters living
in said precinct south of the south
branch of tho south channel of the Platto
River in said Precinct will cast their
ballots, nnd nt the Woodman Hall In
the Village of Brady, In said Precinct,
nt which all voters living In said Pre
cinct nnd residing north of the south
bank of the south branch of the south
channel of the Platte River Bhall cast
their ballots, on tho 29th day of Janu
ary, 1918."
By order of the Board of County
Commissioners of Lincoln County,
Stnte of Nebraska, made on the 24th
day of December, 1917
(137J24 A. S. Allen, County Clerk.