The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1918, Image 9

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Many people in this section, as else
?rc,',havo sufforod from rhoumntiam
na kidnoy troublo and havo found
-Anuric to bo tho most successful romedy
to overcomo theso painful and dengof
fiua ailments.
i Tho lucky pcoplo aro thoso who havo
juffercd, but who aro now well because
thoy hecdod Naturo'a warning signal in
time i to correct their troublo with that
wonderful now discovery of Dr. Picrco '
jailed "Anuric." You Bhould promptly
seed thoso warnings, somo of which art
dizzy spoils, backache, irregularity of
the unno or tho painful twinges oi
rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago. To
elay may mako possible tho dangerous
zorma of kidnoy discaso, such ni
diabetes or stono in tho bladder.
To overcomo theso distressing condi
tions you should tako plenty of excr
iso in tho opon air, avoid n heavy moat
clot, drink freely of water and nt each
meal tako Dr. Piorco's Anuric Tablots
(doublo strength). You will, in a short
tlmo, find that you nro ono of tho firm
indoraors of An-u-ric, as aro many of
your neighbors. It sells for GOc u pkg.
Send Dr. V. M. Picrco, BufTalo, N. YM
10 cents for trial package
Blair, Nobr. "This spring I saw
Anurio ndvortisod. It was tho first in
timntion I had that Dr. Piorco, with
whom I had doctored so successfully,
tad a kidnoy modicino on tho markot,
nd as I was suffering at that time with
backache and stiff joints, also a slight
dropsical condition, I decided to try
Anuric' I can honestly say it is
equally as good as Dr. Piorco's older
remedies. It is doing tho work of
eloansing my kidneys and I am feeding
much bettor in ovory way. Tho dropsi
cal condition has almost disappeared
and my bhekacho is greatly rcliovcd.
Anurio is tho best kidnoy mcdicino I
fcavo over used." Mrs. L. H. Lothrop,
11 L Lincoln St.
Arsenic Industry Controlled.
With tho idea of further conserving
tho nation's food supply by protect
Ing It from insect ravages, President
Wilson, in n proclamation, has placed
tho nrscnlc Industry of tho United
States under direction of the food ad
ministration. Tho president's nctlon
:omcs in answer to n threatened short
ago in tho supply of arsenical insecti
cides, which are tho fanner's chief pro
tection for his crops nfealnst tho on
slaught of "biting insects."
The symptoms of kidney and bladdei
troubles are often very distressing and
leave the system in a run-down condition.
The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al
most every victim complains of lamo back
and urinary troubles which should not b
neglected, as these danger signals often
lead to more dangerous kidney troubles.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so
many .people say,- soon heals and strength
ens the kidneys, is a splendid kidney,
liver apd bladder medicine, and. being
an herbal compound, has a gentle heal
ing effect on the kidneys, which is al
most immediately noticed in most casci
by those who use it.
A trial will convince anyono who ma;
be in need of it. Better get a bottle from
your nearest drug store, and start treat
ment at once.
ITowever, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure arid
mention this paper. Adv.
To Calculate Amperage.
To find tho horsepower of nn elec
tric motor, If the current Is direct
multiply tho volts by the amperes and
divide tho product by 740. If the cur
rent is alternate- you must multiply
also by tho power factor. Thero uro
meters which glvo the power factor as
another meter gives volt or ampere
Millions of good housewives uso Red
Cross Ball Blue. Each year its saloj
Increase. The old friends use It and
tell others. Red Cross Ball Blue will
mako your old clothes look like new
Ask your grocer. Adv.
Jinny n so-called smart man smarts
becnuso of his alleged smartness.
Constipation can be cured without drugs.
nature's own remeay seiecieu uerDs u
Garheld Tea. Aav,
Bcllovllle, HI., drops German from
school studies.
Colds bring
Tho old family remedy In tablet
form afs, sure, caay to take. No
oplatcj no unpleuuit after effect!.
Curca eoldi In 34 hour Orip In 3
dty. Money back if It falli. Oct the
cenuine noi wun
Red Top and Mr.
Hill's picture on it
24TablUfor 25c.
Win Bald So Young
kuu iMiuu uu qnu .
Itching with
Cuticura Ointment
Shampoo with Cuticura Soap
Sold evrrgwhrrr 3p25i0intmmU3t5QH
ft HU V
it risky to neglect. Take It in hand, and
safeguard your hehh by promptly Ulclm
Interesting Coat Dress
in mill. M ul ii
The Indy In the picture lias on one
of those coats (or is it a dress?) which
lenves us in doubt us-to its Identity.
"Will you remove your coat?" might
bring the answer: "I cannot, this is
also my dress,," without surprising
anyone. The coat-dress proved a con
venience to the tourist who wished to
travel light, especially when designed
to nllow nu extra undergarment upon
need of warmth, and a coat-dress like
that pictured is a thing of beauty and
If you are looking for a garment
versatile enough to play this double
role, he assured you will not find any
thing handsomer than the model shown
here. It is of plain, smooth-faced
cloth, and will appeal to good taste if
we imagine it in gray or tan, or In
darker colors. It Is lifted into tho
ranks of the exceptional by Its decora
tion. This is a bordered scroll In
which cnblo cord, covered with cloth
like that in the dress, is used Instead
of braid. Tho large covered cord,
wound with u small silk cord In a
darker shade of Its own color. Tho
coat Is simple in design with straight.
Millinery Birds
Hats for winter resort wear, nloug
tvlth other apparel for tourists that
Journey southward, are all ready for
the companies of women thnt will
soon turn their bucks upon the lauds
of snow. A glimpse of them Is allur
ing enough to fix a wavering purpose
and determine those who inny to fol
low them to the ends of the
earth; thnt Is to thoso ends that pro
ject theniBelves Into the Gulf of Mex
ico, or tho South Atlantic, or the Pa
cific in California. Wherever they
go they must vie with the best efforts
of millinery designers.
Many of the models prepared for
tourists arc not so distinctly summer
like as to bar them from wear In the
north, but the greater number belong
only In lands of the sun. At the top
of the group pictured, there Is a fino
turban of black slppor straw, with
crown-top of black satin. It Is a typi
cal southern tourist model, beautifully
shaped und pimply trimmed. Its broad
spread of black, glossy wings suggests
(light in a happy course southward.
The black hat at the left, of ma
lines nnd panne velvet, bows to edict
for simplicity In millinery and mnkes
us marvel at the style and beauty of
Its lines. It belongs to no section or
cllmute, being an adaptable hat for
afternoon wear anywhere; and dress
bats of this kind now extend their
usefulness to evening wear also. It
could hardly he simpler, with Its fin.
Ishlng touch merely a pin thut cannot
sven bo classed as "fancy." Its head
Is a long coll of pnnno velvet, and that
(s all there is of trimming, and no one
who sees tho model wishes for more,
to some millions of us who spend our
With Novel Trimming
iii nntag i M XitJ
full shirt, Joined to a semlflttlng,
roomy bodice, having plain coal
sleeves nnd a long, square cape at the1
back. This, with tho turnover coliur,
tho cuffs and belt give nddltlonnl op
portunity to fcaturo the novel decora
tion. The largo scroll pattern, appear
Ing on the skirt is repented in smaller
motifs on the belt, across the cape and
coliur nnd on tho cuffs.
Unexpected details In tlfe costumo
appear In the slit pockets In each slda
of the skirt and In the small scurf'
made to match tho coat. This scarf
Idco has been developed by costumers
la several clever ways, sometimes at
tached to the coat and sometimes not.
The turban worn with this very Inter
esting garment Is evidently a part of;
the outflti for It depends upon a cov.
ered cord to furnish Its decorntlon, but
goes further nnd adds an odd new
pompon which looks much llko a
chrysanthemum mado of ostrich Hues!
Nothing Illustrates better tho "dlllli
cult simplicity," which Is demanded of
designers of tho dress of today, than
this smart coat-dress.
of Passage
winters north this Is the most Interest:
Ing hut In tho group.
At the right the hat of "peunlt"!
braid belongs, llke the butterflies,'
among growing flowers. It Is a novel;
weave In straw In a light turquoise
blue color, with a narrow lace mesh,
woven in two rows In the body of the
hat. The brim Is faced with orchid1
pink volour, and narrow strips of It.
are laced through the mesh In the lint.,
Tassels that finish the trimming are
made of these narrow strips. This Is
something new under the sun, and hats
of braid are shown in all the lovely
light colors thnt herald the spring.
Washable Blouses Popular.
Lingerie blouses will always be pre-f
ferred by some women, nnd many of
them are being shown tlds seusou.
Batiste and fine cotton voile are the
favorite fabrics for lingerie models,1
and line tucking, hemstitching, and
dainty lace edgings constitute the fa
vored trimmings.
Tailored blouses of men's wear sllltj
and of satin are extremely popular
For a Stretched Sweater.
To restore the shupo of a sweater
wash In Hot wuter and white soapsuds;
Rinse In cool water and lay to dry on
n covered table top or other Hat sur
face. Pin the arms up, fasten tho but
tons and lay the whole garment so thnt
tho width Is stretched rattier than tho
1 remember the black wharves and the
And the sea-tides tossing free.
And (ho Spanish pallors with bearded
And the beauty and mystery of tho
Andttho magic of the sea.
A little leftover oatmeal If molded
may be cut in slices nnd fried. If n
piece or two of ba
con or n llttlo meat
or sausage Is added
to It before putting
it In the mold It
will make a mora
nmirlulilm illsh mill
............. .
. ... '
one wuicn may uiku
the plnco of ment.
Chicken en Cas-
role. Prepnro o small fowl as for
Btufilng. ltcmovc legs and wings. Bone
the legs nnd stuff them with tho fol
lowing: Chop the cooked chicken liver,
n half cupful of hnm nnd six blanched
chestnuts. Mix with a cupful of bread
crumbs a hnlf.cupful or more of milk,
two egg yolks. Season to taste with
nutmeg, thyme, marjoram, salt; pars
ley and onion juice. Roll tho fowl
after stuffing in flour nnd brown In
the pan ; place in a casserole, ndd two
carrots, two onions and a half cupful
of uncooked rice with n pint of water.
Simmer one or two hours.
Indian Delight Cook n half pound
of spaghetti in boiling snltcd water.
Chop ono smnll onion, one clove of
gnrllc, a green pepper lino nnd fry In
half n cupful of olive oil until the
onions nro golden, then add a cupful
of condensed tomato, one nnd a half
teaspoonfuls of snlt, cayenne and pap
rika to taste, a half tcaspoonful of
Worcestershire sauce. When thorough
ly heated stir In n half cupful of
cheese. When melted ndd the spnghettl
and a half a can of corn and lastly a
halt pound of hamburg steak, soft
ened with cold water to prevent Its
cooking In lumps. Stir over tho fire
for five minutes and turn Into n baking
dish. Sprinkle with crated cheese and
bake 20 minutes.
California Pudding. Take n cupful
each of raw potato ground, n carrot
and apple, nlso ground, a cupful of
brown sugar, a cupful of raisins, a cup
ful and a quarter of flour, a teaspoon
ful of cinnamon, n hnlf tcaspoonful of
cloves nnd n teaspoonful of soda stirred
Into tho potato. Cream a. half cupful
of shortening with tho sugar, dredge
tho raisins with n llttlo flour. Mix
and steam threo hours. Servo hot
With hard or liquid sauce.
Think that Washington Is slow
Saints above!
Want to get 'em on. tho go?
Want to shovo? h
Want to help for woo or wealT
Listen, Hub:
Put your shoulder to tho wheel
Not the hub.
McLandburg Wilson.
A thick cut of round stenk makes a
most nppotlztng dish cooked In n cas-
serole. Wipe tho stenk
and broil It for two min
utes n each side to scar
the meat nnd hold In Its
Juice. Transfer It to a
stone-covered dish, add
ono pint of Spanish
sauce, one cupful of
small onions which havo
been lightly browned in
hot fat and four table
spoonfuls of any canned
fruit Juice or a little grape jelly. Cover
and cook In a moderate oven for nn
hour and a quarter. Add one cupful
of potato balls, which have also been
browned, and send to the table In tho
Spanish Sauce. Cook together for
ten minutes two tnblcspoonfiila of
sweet fnt, two of chopped onion, two of
Chopped carrot nnd ono tublospoonful
of chopped celery. Add two luble
spoonfuls of flour and cook until a rich
brown; add ono pint of rich clear
stock and stir until thick and smooth.
Add ono tablcspoonful of chopped ham,
one bay leaf, two clovos, sprig of
parsley, a blado of mace and f ait and
pepper to sfnson. Simmer very slow
ly for two hours; add one tablcspoon
ful nf gelatin soaked In u quarter of u
cupful of soup stock until soft; sim
mer for 15 minutes longer, skim and
Combination Rarebit. Tako three
fourths of a cupful of grated clipose,
half a pound of spaghetti cooked until
tender, ono cupful of minced cooked
hum, two tublespoonfuls each of sweet
fat and flour, a cupful of milk, three
fourths of n tcaspoonful of salt and
one-eighth of a tenspoonful of pepper,
a hnlf cupful of dry crumbs mixed with
two inblespoonfuls of ham fat. Huttcr
n casserole. Melt the fat and add tho
flour and seasonings, then tho milk and
cheese, allowing the cheese to melt.
Put a layer of spaghetti In the cas
serole, sprinkle with ham, add somo
sauce, continuing until nil is used, hav
ing the crumbs on top. Unko 15 min
utes In a hot oven. The proportions of
hum, spaghetti and cheeso may bo
varied to suit tho amount of leftovers,
Cauliflower Soup. Select one good
head of cauliflower. Wash and pick
It apart, drop into a kettlo of boiling
water, add a teaspoonful of salt after
a few minutes nnd cook thirty min
utes. Drnln and add to tho water ono
pint of milk, a teaspoonful of scraped
onion nnd n bay leaf. Mix togetheq
two tablcspoonfuls each of flour and,
butter and when well cooked, add to1
the milk, cook five mlnfttes, ndd thai
cauliflower and serve.
Just dolns right-not. striving to be
Or wlso or rich or necking noblo fato;
Just being good and generous and
Just trying bow humanity to save
Ah! that'a the way to live!
Try this good nnd Inexpensive cake:
As we aro conserving on sugnr, yt
seems to bo the good,
custom to go without
frosting on our cakes i 1
Inexpensive Cake. i
Beat to cream Ave tn-i
blcspoonfuls of sweet fntj
of any kind, ndd a cupful'
of sugnr snd an unbcnt-
en egg yolk. Mix welli
one nnd two-thirds cup4
fuls of flour with two!
teaspoonfuls of baklngi
powder, a dash of salt; add this mix
ture to the sugar and egg mixture nl-i
ternntely with n hulf-cupful of cold!
water, beating very thoroughly, then!
fold in the egg white nnd bake 45 mln-j
utcs in n modcrnto oven. If this cako,
Is well-benten nnd carefully mudo It
will havo a lino texture.
Ginger bread, hot and fresh, with,
cottngo cheese and npplo snuco makes'
a most satisfying dessert.
Marshmallow Rice Pudding. Take:
cold boiled rlco und add sugar, spices!
or flavoring, with n beaten egg ond
milk for an ordinary rlco pudding.
Then place on top a dozen mnrshmnl
lows which have been soaked In intlk
for three hours, nnd bake until alight
Apple Omelet. Mix n tnblcspoonful)
of flour Into a smooth pnsto with one-;
third of a cupful of milk ; add a quar-i
tor of a tcaspoonful of salt, a tea-j
spoonful of sugar and a tablcspoonful
of sweet fat, melted, with four well-J
benten eggs. Pare, coro and chop
four large apples, melt a tablespoonfulj
of fat in a frying pan and, when veryj
hot, turn In the apples, stir nnd cook'
until slightly soft. Pour over tho flour.i
egg nnd milk mixture and shako well,'
lifting the edges to prevent scorching
nnd to cook evenly. When 4ho eggs are)
set, dust with sugar and roll out on a.
hot platter. Set In the oven on tho'
grate, or under tho gas flamo to brown;
tho top.
Pimento and Cheese Entre. Take
six canned red peppers, snlt tho ln-j
sides, nf ter draining ; fill with n cupfull
of sharp cheese, grated ; sot on rounds'
of toast, pour tho pimento liquor)
around tho tonst in a pun and baka'
just long enough to melt the cheese.
To snvo moat wo must uso mora
poultry, rabbltit and especially fish nnd
sea foodi, perishable meats llko kid
neys, liver nnd eweotbreads, In place
of beef, mutton and pork.
With eggs ns high In price as theyj
are It seems expedient to plan ourj
meais w 1 1 n o u t;
much reference to
them. They nrd
so nourishing that
when possible, esJ
pcclally when ono1
lias children they
should be used lti
various ways oc
casionally to add
variety to tho diet and furnish tho
growth determinant which Is found In
egg yolk and so necessary for bodily
Southern Rlco Bread. Put two cup-
fuls of boiled rice In a bowl, add two
cupfuls of milk, und tho yolks of four
well benten eggs. Sift In gradually.
one cupful of flour, udd u hnlf tca
spoonful of salt, two tnblespoonfuls
of melted shortening, and the whites
of the eggs benten to u stiff froth.
Turn into u shallow well greased pun
nnd bake 45 minutes In a moderuto
oven. A half cupful of rlco may bo
udded to almost any mullln, gem, or
griddle cako bntter.
Almond Milk Soup, Take a half a
pound of rice, wash well and put into
u double boiler with a quart of milk,
udd one-half teaspoonful of salt and let
It cook slowly until every grain Is ten
dcr und swelled to doublo Its original
size. Widle tho rice is cooking, shell and
blanch u half pound of almonds, chop
them very line, or grind In n meat
chopper, then pound in n mortnr, ndd
a few drops of milk at a time (using
three or four tnblespoonfuls, It will
mako the nuts less oily). When tho.
. it. t . tL A Jl
pasio is smooiu, uuu it to inreo
pints of milk nnd simmer for thirty
minutes. When tho rice Is done turn
It out carefully Into the soiid tureen.
them pour over It the almonds unq
No Voman Auctioneer.
Although thero Is no record thnt a
woman has ever been an auctioneer,
It is on record Hint In May, 1012, the
mayor of Now York, Mr. Gnynor, nn
swered an Inquiry addressed to him
by a womun by saying that thoro was
nothing In tho law to provent n worn-.'
au from becoming an auctioneer.
Strange enough, It was a milliner who
mado tho Inquiry.
European factories each week makitf
about 10,000,000 pounds of artificial
butter with coconut oil as ofbase.
Constipation, indigestion, sick-headachy
and bilious conditions aro overcome by A
course of Garfield Tea. Drink on retins0
Self Deception Easy.
Nothing Is more easy than to de
ceive one's self, ns our affections ar
subtle persuaders. Demosthenes.
Soothe Itching Scalps.
On retiring gently rub spots of dnn
Iruff nnd Itching wltli Cuticura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. For frc
inmplcs address, "Cuticura, Dcpt X,
Boston." At dnigglstc and by mall,
Soap 25. Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
Nuns Fight Flames.
Nuns assisted to fight n flro In Eait, L. I., the other day. A three
Story wood-and-stucco edifice caught
Ore. Bucket lines were formed, nnd 13
nuns who hnd been living In tho build
ing took part, but tho fire was uncon
lucrnblo, nnd tho building wns de
Why nso ordinary cough remedies;
when Boschco's German Syrup haf
been used so successfully for flfty-ona
rears lu nil parts of tho United
States for coughs, bronchitis, colds
settled In tho throat, especially lunfl
troubles. It gives tho patient n good
night's rest, freo from coughing, with
easy expectoration In tho morning,
gives nnturo a chnnco to soothe tin
Inflamed parts, throw off tho disease,
helping tho patient to regain hit
health. Sold In nil clvlllxed countries
SO and 90 cent bottles. Adv.
Virgin Forests of Vast Area In Africa
May Be Drawn Upon for Sup
ply After the War.
Franco Is beginning to llguro out
how to meet an anticipated shortog
In lumber and llrowood nftcr tho war,
The destruction of forests by shell
uro nnd tho heavy demand for lumbei
for barracks and road construction
combine to make a deficit of 1,000,000
cubic feet nnnually.
Beyond tho rongo of shells, on both!
Bides of the front, tho military
woodsmen's nxes linvo drawn henvi
lly on timber from tho North sea to
the Swiss frontier. The consumption
of lumber will lncrenso during tho wai
nt tho rato of 8,000,000 cubic feet n
year; and for several years nfter pencq
Is made, tho demand will continue fo(
tho repair und rebuilding of devastate
ed regions.
Tho solution of tho problem is con
sidered to bo n question of trnnsportai
tlon, and of forest exploitation In th
colonics. Specialists havo calculated
thnt French equatorial and western
Africa, Madagascar, Guinea and nin
do-Chlna possess 875,000 square mllei
of virgin timber land, which cpulq
amply supply Frnnce, and several oth
er countries with fuel and lumber.
When Interest Ceases.
As soon ns tho rat finds thnt ho li
trapped he loses all interest in tin
piece of cheese thnt caused ids dowr
Tho United Stntcs has added 20,00fl
persons to Washington departmental
pay rolls on war account.
is due to the blend'
ing of malted barley
with whole wheat flotic
Wheat alone docs not
possess this rich flavon
is also partly due to
the barley for the
barley contains a
digestive which
wheat lacks.
"There's a ReasorT
The wonderfully easy
digestion of GraoeNtits