The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1918, Image 3

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What Lydia E. Pinkliam'a
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman
Portsmouth, Ohio." I suffered from
Irregularities, pains in my Bide and was
so weax at umcs l
could hardly got
around to do ray
work, and as I had
four in my family
and throo boarders
it made it very hard
for mo. Lydia E.
Pinkhnm'a Voge
tablo Compound
was recommended
to me. I took it
and it has restored
my health. It is
medicine for woman's ailments I over
jaw." Mrs. Sara Shaw, R. No. 1,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this
medicine and wroto this letter in order
that other suffering women may find
. relief as she did.
Women who are suffering as sho was
should not drag along from day to day
without giving this famous root and
herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vege
table Compound, a trial. For special
Advice in regard to such ailments writo
to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn,
Mass. The- result of its forty years
experience ia at your service.
Scheme of Food Swindlers.
Rationing has' Its drawbacks. Re
ports from Holland state that tho In
genuity of tho food swindlers knows no
bounds. Within tho Inst few weeks
many have gone to private houses rep
resenting themselves as Inspectors un
Her the distribution law, and by some
plauslblo pretext obtnlned tho resi
lents' food cards or carried oil all tho
trail able provisions.
CatMThal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications an they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There Is
nly one way to euro Catarrhal Deafness,
ind that Is by a constitutional remedy.
through the, Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces
it tho System. Catarrhal Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of tho
mucous Uning- of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
hen H Is entirely closed, Dcafnoss Is tho
result. Unless tho Inflammation can bo ro
luced and this tube restored to Its nor
nnl condition, hearing may be destroyed
torever. Many cases of Deafness aro
mused by Catarrh, which Is an inflamed
tondltton of tho Mucous Surfaces.
iaso of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by HALL'S CATARRH
All Druggists 7Cc. Circulars freo.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Meant Business.
She I like tho way the men had of
:nlklng In the days of old when knights
rero bold.
He How did they talk?
She They had u habit of saying,
'All, marry, will 1 1"
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay
Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound,
ind oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can
put this up or you can mix it at home at
very little cost. Full directions for mak
ing and uso come in each box of Barbo
Compound. It will gradually darken
itreaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft
ind glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not
iticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv.
Sugar Produced in Paraguay.
Paraguay Jn 1017 produced 738
tons Uf Hlgffr .onfonrth homo con
sumption requirements.
To keep clean and healthy tnko Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu
lato liver, bowels and stomach. Adv,
Chicago may qualffmUrio to check
NttUog Brouiht Relit! Until Dou'i Wen Uitd.
Wudrful Improvement Wu Effected.
"I had such awful cutting pains
In tho small of my back and hips, I
often had to cry out," says Mrs. Er
nest Wicthoelter, 550 Madison St.,
St. Charles, Mo. "Tho pain was
knlf e-llko and I couldn't turn ia bed,
In fact I was inmost
helpless. My feet and
ankles swelled badly,
my hands were puffed
up and there wero
swellings under my
"I often got go
dltry I had to sit
down to keep from
falling nnd my health was complete
ly broken down. The kidney secre
tions pnlncd terribly In passage and
in spite of all tho medicine I took,
I kept getting worse until I was a
"By chance I read about Doan'a
Kidney Pills and bought some. After
I had used half a box thcro was a
chango and I continued to improve;
the pains, aches nnd swellings left
and my health returned."
Bworn to before me,
WM. F. WOLTHIt, Notary PubHo.
May 25, 1017, Mrs. Wlethoeltcr said:
"I think as highly of Doan'a as ever.
Whenever I have used them, they
haVo benefited me."
Get Doan'a at Any Store. 60c a Box
no more neceuirr
thanSmallDox. Amy
experience bai demonstrated
toe almost mlraculoui effi
cacy, and bumleuaesa, of Antityphoid Vaccination.
BencclnatedNOW by rou phnlcUo, you and
four ftmlly. It U more vital than home lniutasce.
Alk your phplclan, draeslat. or lead for liars
yea bad Trpbolil" telllse of Typbold Vaccine,
erulU from use, and dinger from Typhoid Carrlert,
Pniuitm VeMtnti aad 8tn tnJet U. S. Uemi
Tbi Cuttir UbtraUry. BwWry, Cal., Celine, IIL
W. N. IV OMAHA, NO. 2-1918.
Hr. WktbMlur
r --, y
Associations Are Now Making It Pos
sible for Farmer to Sccuro Servlco
of Purebred Sire.
Tho owner of n largo herd of grndo
cows can well afford to own n first
class bull, and bull associations aro
now ranking It possible for the owner
of n small hord to own n shnro in a
good, well-bred bull. A co-opcratlvo
bull association Is n farmers' organi
zation tho chief purpose of which Is
tho Joint ownership, use, and exchange
of hlgh-clnss, purebred bulls. If skill
fully mnnnged, these associations
should bo eventually tho greatest sin
glo fuctor In tho upbuilding of our
'dairy herds.
To build up n vnluablo and profitable
jdnlry herd, careful and Intelligent
jinnnngentent must be combined with
(Selection and breeding. Ill treatment
Animal of High Class.
and Insufficient or unsuitable feed hnvo
modo many n well-bred nnd carefully
selected herd unprofitable. All cows
should be .well bred nnd well fed. It
never pays to keep n cow that does not
pay n fair return for flrst-cluss feed
and enrc.
Dirt Is Cause of Production of Much
Poor Milk, Cream and Dulter
Wash Separator.
Much poor milk, crenm nnd butter
arc produced-because of dirty titen
slls. It 13 not necessnry Unit tho dirt
bo present lu sulllclent quantities to
bo seen by the naked eye In order to
.render the can unfit for use.
Tho unclean separator is another
common source of contamination. Tho
'separator should be taken npart and
carefully washed and scalded after
each separation. After the separator
parts and utensils hnvo been cleaned
and dried, they should have n clean,
dry appearance and should -not bo
greasy to the touch.
A greasy coating on tho Interior of
,n milk can will spoil milk or cream In
a very few hours. It doesn't cost any
more to keep the utensils clean and tho
results obtained arc moro satisfactory
In every way.
Test Proves That Animals Drink at
Pond or Creek Only Enough to
Satisfy Cravings.
It Btnnds to reason that In winter
tho water given milking cows should
not bo icy. Many farmers boast of,
tho fact that they own creeks or ponds
to which their cows have access In
cold weather. And while this saves
work and expense, It is hard on tho
cows, though tho farmers clulm it is
not. If you wnnfc to test tho matter,
let your cows go to tho pond or creek
und drink through tho ice. Then,
when you have returned to tho sta
ble, carry In water that Is not lower
than about CO degrees Fahrenheit, nnd
sco how your cows will go after It.
This proves that they drink at tho
pond or creek only enough to sntlsfy
their immcdlato cravings nnd not
enough to fill their bags with milk.
Ral&e All Heifer Calves From Good
Cows and Keep Purebred Glreo
Have Good Silos.
To mnkc tho dairy business pay tho
best, ralso all tho heifer calves from
good cows and keep purebred sires, Is
tho ndvlco of Wear Brothers of Illi
nois who Bpeak from experience. Ilavo
good silos nnd put nil corn raised In
tho silo. Have plenty of alfalfa nnd
clover liny. Cows must bo well housed
and given plenty of water to get best
light- for Winter months
-Darkness Has Deteriorating Effect on
General Health of Herd and
Affects Eyesight
The durk dulry stall is more likely
to be In evidence during the winter
months than In tho summer, us soma
farmers seem to think the bnrn must
bo closed us tightly as possible. Still,
Jlght Is not only au essential to com
fortublo quarters, but darkness has a
deteriorating effect on tho general
health of the herd, the eyesight being
especially nffected.
Preparations Should Begin Year Bc
foro Planting Keep Soil Well
(By M. A. BEESON. Oklahoma Experi
mental Station.)
In preparing tho seed bed for alfal
fa you shosW begin n year or two be
fore you wish to seed by planting n
cultivated crop, keeping tho ground
well cultivated and freo from weeds.
Corn is a good crop to proccdo alfalfa.
Tho critical period of nlfnlfa is tho
first six weeks of tho life of tho plant.
Tho ground should bo plowed early
mil deep. It should bo freo from
weeds nnd ns free ns posslblo from
weed seed. It should bo well tilled,
but firm up to tho surface when seed
ed. Fall seeding In September with
out n nurso crop is considered tho sur
est method to follow. However, If
there IS not n fnvorablo season and
sufficient moisture In tho fall, you may
sow nt corn or cotton planting time in
tho spring. From 12 to 15 pounds of
Reed per ncre is amplo if tho seed Is
clean nnd strong.
When It is sown with n grain drill
attachment, on wcll-prcpnrcd seed bed,
and when sown carefully nnd not too
deep, from 10 to 12 pounds of seed Is
qulto sufficient Tho seed is small
and docs not need to bo sown too deep
Just bo you get it Into the moist
Greatest Profits May De Expected
Where Fertilizer Is Placed on
Poorest Soils.
Greatest profits may bo expected
from a ton of manure when it is used
on tho poorest soil on the farm.
Tho vnluo of a ton of manure when
used on soils of different fertility is
illustrated by two scries of plots nt tho
Ohio experiment station. Corn with
out any fertilizer or mnnuro has yield
ed 48.07 bushels per acre for 12 years
In a rotation of corn, oats and clover.
In another scries not moro thnn 40
rods nwny, the yield of corn for 10
years has averaged only 35.17 bushels,
the other crops of tho rotntlon being
wheat and clover. Originally tho land
was tho same, but its treatment prevl
ous to the time these experiments be
gnn made this difference in fertility.
Eight tons of barnyard mnnuro with
820 pounds of raw phosphate rock per
aero has produced nn Increase in corn
yield of 30.08 bushels on the poorer
soli. On tho rich land tho same nppll-
cntlon with 1,000 pounds of raw pllos
plmto rock bus Increased tho corn crop
only 17.80 bushels per acre, oven though
three times us much of tho phosphorus
carrier wns added. Tho total yield on
tho manure land has been nearly tho
same Jn both cases.
Arranged to Enable Tinsmith to Rap
Idly Join Sheets Without the
Use of Solder.
Tho Scientific Amerlcnn, In illustrat
ing and describing a metal roof invent
ed by J. H. Perry of Mlddlctown, N.
Y says :
"Tho object of this Invention is to
provide a sheet metal roof arranged to
cnuble n tinsmith or other person to
rapidly Join the metal sheets for form
ing tho roof-sides nnd tho rldgo with
out the uso of solder and, to render the
Joints rainproof nnd thereby prevent
Sectional Perspective View of Sheet
Metal Roof With Parts Broken
leakage, uso is made of metal sheets
provided at each side with an upturned
ubuttiug member terminating In an in
ward and downwardly bent flange and
n peak-shaped seam cap fitting over
tho flanges.
One of Feeds Ordinarily Thrown Away
or Permitted to Rot in Pile
Where Threshed.
Ono of the feeds ordinarily thrown
nwny Is straw, which Is wasted or per
mitted to rot in tho straw pile where
threshed. The average straw crop
from the cmull grain harvest, when
properly taken care of, stacked und
protected until fed out, will help won
derfully In tho wintering of horpes, cnt
tlo and sheep. Straw should be fed In
rncks arranged so It can be forked
down to the stock fresh every dny, und
the left-over and refused stuff thrown
out for bcddlug. Feed sparingly each
day, and what salt is given may be put
on tho straw ns light brine, Just enough
to carry a slight salty taste; this will
add to tho palatable quality of the feed
nnd Induce It to bo freely taken up by
all fodder-eating animals.
Zeal and Labor Spent In Cultivation
Will Not Make Up for Lack of
If you neclccted to Insure plenty of
high qunllty seeds for next year's
planting all tho zeal and lubor you may
spend in cultivation will not make up
for lack of foresight In saving the good
Useful In Leveling Plowed Ground and
Breaking Clods Boards Held
Together by Bolts,
This plank drag comes in handy for
leveling plowed ground and breaking
clods. It is 8 feet long and mado of
five l-lnch boards, 8 Inches wide,
writes Chnrlcs Schrocder in Oklnhoinn
Farmer. Tho boards overlap one an
other a Uttlo Just ns shown, und they
Handy Plank Drag.
arc held together by being bolted, nnd
by nailing on tho scantlings as shown
in tho drawing. A chain is passed
around under tho front end of tho
scantlings with tho slnglc-trccs nt tho
other cud to hitch on tho team.
Ordinarily an Acre of Crop Will Sup
port Twenty to Thirty Shoats
Other Uses for Weed.
An acre of sweet clover ordinarily
will support 20 to 30 shoats. Many
other uses for this erstwhllo weed nro
told In Farmers' Bulletin No. 820, pub
lished by tho United Stntcs department
of ugriculture, Washington.
Stock may refuse to cat sweet clover,
at first, but if they nro kept on the
field for n few days they will soon de
velop n liking for It. It will furnish as
much pasture during tho sensou ns any
other legume, with tho possible excep
tion of nlfnlfa.
Sweet clover also makes a flrst-clasi
hay if it Is cut befora It gets toe
coarse, and It is n remarkable soli
builder. It is one of the best honej
plnnts because of tho largo amount ol
nectar it produces. Beekeepers wouli
do well to plant at least a small patch
of it solely for honoy purposes.
Dream Is for Macadamized, A&phalt
Surfaced Road From Alaska
South to Panama.
Good road ndvocntcs should turr
their eyes upon tho Pacific coast states
where their hobby Is reaching a devel
opment nowhere else approximated 1c
tho United States. The dream of the
Pacific coast Is for a macadamized, as
phalt-surfuced highway from Aluska
south to the Panama canal. Tho reali
zation of the project so far Is tho ac
tual voting by the state of California
of a bond of $18,000,000,000 nnd
by the public interest aroused In Ore
gon, Washington and British Columbia
which promises early legislation foi
the continuation of tho California high
Reduce Loss of Young Anlnihls by In
fectious Diseases by Cleaning Sta
bles Thoroughly. k
A good Job for the first rainy day.
From 0 to 10 per cent of tlie young
nnlmals are lost each year from such
Infectious diseases as calf scours, hog
cholera, blackleg, contagious abortion,
navel Hi of sucklings, distemper and
other infectious diseases.
Itcducc this loss of young nnlnmls
from infectious diseases by cleaning
the stable thoroughly and disinfecting
with whitewash to which has been add
ed 2 per cent crude carbolic acid or 0
per cent coal-tur dip. This Is easily
applied to tho walls, celling and floors
with n spray pump.
Such Indoor Work as Cellar Floort
and Barn Floors May Be Suc
cessfully Performed.
-Indoor concrete work such ns cel
lar floors and barn floors under cover,
may be dono successfully in winter, it
proper precaution Is taken to keep th
concrete from freezing. Fence posts
nud coucreto blocks may bo made suc
cessfully indoors during the winter,
Dut outdoor work in concrete Is not
ndvlsahlo after tho tempcrnturo is be
low 45 degrees. If you huvo some out-
fildo concrete work to do In cold
wenther, you must keep tho concrete
from freezing by heating tho Ingredi
ents, using warm water and covering
so tney will not freeze.
When Closely Confined Chickens Will
Need Soma Kind of Meat
Grain la Not Enough.
Fowls confined in close pens, yards
or runs where they hnvo little chance
to get insects will need somo kind of
meat. Grain will not supply enough
protein nnd mineral matter for best
To supply this demand for protein
and mineral matter meat meal, meat
scrap or tnnkngo is generally fed
Laying hens especially need somo of
these forms of feed. Young chickens
will thrive beiter if fed meat lu some
form occasionally.
i 1 ym 1 1 mS 1 i
' r ' "
Ono Drawback to Fall of Rain Is That
Roads Aro Made Impassabto
for Several Days.
But for ono fact, all of us could re
Jolco In this rn.rn, meaning ns much
ns it docs to tho growing crops. Tho
ono drawback u the unfortunate fact
that tho rain will make tho roads al
lnost Impassable for several days. But,
tho rain is not to bla no for this statu
of affairs. We aro. We ought to have
roads on which tho only effect of rain
would bo to wash them clean Just ns
t does wlllt tho city pavements. And
t's not for tho Joy-riders nlono that
We need Buch roads, says Wichita
Eagle. If wo had good roads, farmers,
kvho enn't work in their fields nfter a
rain, could do their hauling on such
jdnys. Now tho rain that prevents
working tho fields prevents hauling to
market, except light loads, und nt a
prohibitive cost. Tho' wagon haul of
agricultural products Is Infinitesimal in
distance, as compared with tho mil
and wnter hauk yet it costs actually
more, according to government sta
tistics. For tho benefit of the farmer
wo need good roads.
No Better or Cheaper Way of Keeping
Highways In Good Order Than
by Using Implement
Boad dragging is so simple nn under
taking, providing tho rond to bo drng
gcd is first graded, drained nnd shaped
profierly, that a summary of its bono
fits cannot bo presented too often,
.writes George B. Harrison in Farmers
Mall and Breeze. Anyone can mako n
(drng nnd even n boy can keep a plcco
of road In good shape with tho, proper
Instruction nt tho beginning. A 10
Inch or 12-Inch log between 8 nnd 0
'feet long or two 8 by 12 plnnks with
,2 by 0 reinforcing strips of tho same
jlcngth, four cross sticks, n chnln,
tbonrd.s for thp platform and a jsotnl
wenrlng Btrlp nro certainly procurnblo
1 Tho theory In rond dragging which
has proved practicable for road im
iprovement is to smooth and shnpo up
itho puddled earth of it road' to fill tho
,ruts and holes and forco the water off
tho roadway. "Puddled" earth on. n
Iroad Is tho wet enrth which has been
worked up by traffic so that it is dense,
nnd when compacted will not lot tho
pvntcr seep nwny. If this compacting
is dono without any direction ruts nnd
.holes appear and hold tho water nnd
jinnko n bad road. But If tho puddled
enrth be spread smoothly over tho sur
face of tho road with somewhat of n
.rounded effect it dries firm and hard,
Road Drag Hitch.
and tho water, lnstcnd of standing in
tho rond and. making tho holes deeper,
must run off to tbo side nnd tho trav-
cicr tins a goou rouu.
Tho road draggcr, or "dragmnn," ns
ho usually is called, Is llko n clay work
er when ho shapes up tho puddled
earth and smooths tho road. Ho puts
.the surfacojn condition nnd gets tho
standing wnter off, and the ronilbnu
'dries In that condition lnstcnd of hold
ing tho wnter nnd letting tho traffic
work the ruts deeper. Tho dragmnn
could not shapo this up with dust any
more thnn tho clay worker could fash
ion his imago with dry dirt. But If lie
jgcts out right rffter a rain, while tho
(enrui is pumiica, no can worit ms ronu
and tho traffic will help him, for tho
water will bo forced out and off tho
surface. That is why It is so Import
ant to drng when tho roads nrc not too
dry to puddle or compact. Perhaps
tho traffic Is sufficient to cut up tho
road after It is dragged, nnd this dis
courages tho man who does tho drag
ging. But in that caso ho should fol
low over tho road and do it again it
necessary nnd win tho fight for n good
road, If ho waits until tho rond is
dry because tho vehicles rut up his
dragged road he will simply plane off
tho surface nnd not remove tho troti;
We. If ho drags a second or perhaps
a third tlmo he will work toward n
hard surface, impervious to water and
with n minimum of dust, which Is tho
ovldenco of a well-dragged highway.
Perhaps, if tho vehicles cut a road
when It is first being dragged, the driv
ers may bo persuaded to drlvo by tho
Bide, if that is feasible, while tho road
in first drying out or freezing.
Follow the Good Road.
Follow tho good rond and it will
lend to n good town and by many n
good farm.
Dragging Publlo Roads.
It Is not difficult to provo that drag
ging tho public roads regularly at tho
proper tlmo probably is tho most eco
nomical method of highway Improve
Road Dragging Is Ahead.
Even nt maximum costs rond drag
ging Is ahead of other mnlntennnco,
both ns to results and for economy.
Use Full Width of Road.
Get tho truffle to uso tho full width
nf inn rnnrlwn v
Compounded of vegetable
drugs in a perfectly appointed
laboratory by skilled chemists,
after tho prescription of a suc
cessful physician of wide ex
perience, and approved by tho
experienco of tens of thous
ands ia tho last forty-fivo
Parana's Success
rests strictly on its merit as a
truly scientific treatment for
oil diseases of catarrhal symp
toms. It has come to bo tho
recognized standby of tho
American home because it has
deserved to be, and it stands
today as firm as tho eternal
hills in the confidence of an
enormous number.
What Helped Them Mny Help You
Get our freo booklet, "Health
and How to Have It," of your drug
gist, or writo direct to us.
The Pcruna Company
.Columbus, Ohio
Distemper Can Be Controlled
bx tistnir nn. David nonrnrf'
ltcort thn
Practical Homo Veterinarian
?f ml tar f roo booklet on Aiionuoa
n Uinvs. If no dealer In your town.
Dr. Daild Robirtt' Vtt. Co., 100 Brand Aurue, Waulitha, Tflv
AtolUt prraratlon ot merit.
Halp to cradlcata dandruff.
ForRaitorina Color and
BaautrtoCray or Faded Hair,
toe, and ttw at Uroreliu.
Nebraska Directory
u Omaha, Nobraika
Rooms from $1.00 up single, 75CeutH up double.
Champion Kerosene Engines
Bowshor Feed Grinders
Hand and Power Feed Cutter
Done promptly.
Free price list.
Hooverize Tire Cost
Tlrea are constantly odranclne In
price. It pajb you to hnvo worn-out
tlrea robullt. We rebuild with new
tread, repair weak partH nnd rellne,
pimrnutcelnir you a tire that will girt
mileage of new tlrea nt half tbo cost.
To rebulld,-3" tlreH 88.25 HU" (10.76)
4" IH.G0S 4H" $18.25: 6" 20.M. Blow
out or rluicut rcnalrs onlr. tier ae
Hon, 3" tire M.OOi SH" f3 ! 4" $1.00; 4W" J1.60.
Bectlonnl repairs guaranteed for life of tire. A
One Btocliof tubes nnd rclltierscnrrted lu atook.
Rentiers only, cemented In 3" tlrex KM; &K'
$4,001 4" $I.Wt W $5.60, 5" $8.00. We pay Vf
press or parcel post ono way.
718-20 So. lGth St. Omalin, Nebr.
Knitting Not Permitted.
Knitting, while pcmilsslhlo In tho
gallery of tho Iiouho of representatives
In Washington, 1b forhldden in tho sen
rttc. A lady wearying of tho discussion
In tho house tho other tiny, went over
to tho senate. Whllo listening to tho
dehnte, sho tool; out her knitting. Noth
ing had hcen said nhout it in tho houso,
but when sho began to Unit in the sen
ato sho was Immediately stopped. Sen
atorial dignity must ho preserved.
important t Mptnors
Examlno carefully every bottlo ot
OASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants und children, aud seo that it
Bears tho
In Uso for Over U0 Years.
Children Ory for Fletcher's Caetoria
Kaiser Eats War Food.
War menus recently figured on the
kaiser's table, for he Is reported to
liavo entertained tho chancellor, Von
Illndenhurg, and Von Ltidendorff to
vcgctablo soup, pulling and cheese.
KeepliiB the Quality Up
Ours fur Colda ana urlp, U now We wr trox. u
account of the advance in tbe price of the tlx dlf
forunt Medicinal, Conodntrated Hitractaand Obena
Icals contained in LAXAT1VU UHUMOUUlMlNi.
It wu necejisary to lncreate tbe price to tbe Drof
flit. It b stood the un for a Qnatter ot Orat
ory. ItlituedpyeYaryOlTtlUedNaUon.
8afety Flrsi
When n wlso man reaches tho top
of tho ladder he immediately proceeds
to hatter down tho hatches.
A postal card to Garfield Tea Co.. Brook
lyn, N. Y,, asking for a sample will repay
you. Adv. .
Philadelphia may compel truants to
go to work In factories.
When your Eyes Need Cart
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Smarting Jntt Mye Comfort. 10 cants at
uruRgltta or tnali. Writs for Vrea Hre Book.