i ' SlmlWttU Stibium. IKA L. IIAItll, Kdllor mul Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Olio Year by Mnll In Advance....? 1.25 Oho Vcar by Cnrrler In Adrnnco $I0 Entered at North Platto. Nebraska, Postofflcc as Second Class Matter. TUtfSOAY, JANUARY J5tli, 1018. (iovcrnor Appeals to Patriotic Citizen. Lincoln. Jnn. 12. 191s Everv 'patriotic cltlron, every honest 'person hns aluty to perform In connection' "with tho present military classification. Local boards aro not all-knowing and' many fraudulent claims for doforred uiusHiuuiiiiuii win buuuuuu uiiiuat) 1 .... tn .1...- ...111 .1 ....iAr.H 1 . . ' '10 hoards aro assisted by tho Information which tho iieoplo of tho surrounding community havo. Each registrant, his wlfo and friends, who has an honest' claim for doforred classification,'! Should understand that only class V Is( an oxon.pt chum and that all othor( classes aro subject to 'call for sorvlco and that every man fraudulently put Into Class IV Increases tho liability for Borvlco of ovory man In that class, ovon tho his order numbor bo boyond that of the man Improperly placed. It thoroforo behooves thoso pooplo es pecially to soo to. It that tho lcral board gots information us to such Im proper claims. A local board cnn'uml It Is Its duty, to re-classlfy it' man whenever they find that ho has beon 'Improperly classified or that circum stances havo changed relative to him so that his classification has becomo B' Incorrect and tho local board should mako such reclassification" no matter how long a time has elapsed slnco tho formor classification. Such Informa tion should bo glvon to somo mombor of the local board or to tho government anneal ngont for tho county, but may also ho River to tho district board. . Nobraska newspapers aro rcquoatcd to publish this Information as widely ns posBlblo. KEITH NEVILLE, Govornor. ::o: Federal Insurance. Exposuro to tho oxtra dangors of war .makes tho cost of llfo Insuranco in 'prlvato llfo Insuranco companios prohibitive. It -was, thoroforo, ,a plain duty and obligation for tho Government to assumo tho risk of Insuring bun drcds of thousands ur our soldiers and Bailors who aro making tho supremo . sacrifice. Under thin law, ovory sol dlor and sailor and nurse, commlssloiii . od and enlisted, and of any ago, has ' tho right, between now and February 12, 1018, to tako out llfo and total-dls ability insuranco up to $10,000 at very low cost, with tho Government without ' medical examination. This right Ib puroly optional. Tho soldlors and , sailors aro not compollod to tako in . (Buranco. but If thoy deolro to oxorclso ?.-tho right, thoy must do so boforo tho 12th of Fobruury, 1018Tho cost ranges ' irom 05 cents monthly ut tho ago of 21 to ?1.20 monthly, at tho ago of 61, for each $1,000 of Insuranco. This is a uall charge on a man's pay small In Jpoportlon to tho bonoflts It may bring Tho promlunis will bo deducted from trills pay, If ho doslros, thus-eliminating ..troublo on his part. To provldo ndqunto 'protoctlon until i-'ouruary 12, 1018, during tho period when tho soldiers and sailors are learning tho detalla of this law, tho uovornmont automatically Insures , each man and womon, commissioned or , enlisted In tho military sorvlco of tho United States. It pays tliQ man $25 n month (tiring total pormanont dls auiuty; ir no dies within 20 years. It pays tho rest Of 240 mnnthlv Inolnll.' monts of $25 each to his wlfo. child, arit,mt wiuowod mothor. ;:o: VmiNton Murderer Suicides-' OAMjT FUNSTON.-WIth tho finding hito today of tho body of Capt. Lewis It. Whlalor of Saltan, Kan., In hla tiny ofTIco at tup national army canton, mont hpro, tho mystory which bod sur rouudod looting last Saturday of tho army bank and tho subsequent murdor of four men and sorlous wounding of a fifth Is bolloved to havo boon oloared up. Tho murders wore committed wllh a -hand axo. Capt. Wblslor killed hlmaolf, firing two shots fron a rogula tlon army norvlco rlflo Into his head. Tho first bttllot glanced downward thru on'o chcok, but tho otlior wont turo ami lodged In his brain. Tho sttlcldo follow ed a general order from hCadquortors Instructing all captains at tho canton, inqitt to report and Havo tholr linger 'prints taken. r j " i-:;o:r 1 1 With two foot of snow on tho ground, ! thy tomporaturo a dozen or moro de grees holow zoro and a strong wind Jilowlng, railroad traffic in Chicago was, completely tied up Friday, Saturday and Sunday. During Uiobo v4n,vfl tho Union Pacific trains woro I'ninde up nt Omaha, 10 Chicago cara i for the Pacific coast reaching tho lat .or city. Trains on the Union Pacific , nava.bopn running lato, .1 V : iMIss Lorotta Walker has .roturnod frora Keyto"Be whore she vlalted two wpka with friends, ix Qf A?kw,K Satuay on a btiBt. a trip tp Angletoi, Texas. TDK COUNTY AflKNT. Now that Lincoln county, through Its farmers' bureau, Is to havo after July 1st, nn agricultural agenf, ilio following conversation, taken from the Kimball Obsorvor will acquaint our farmor readers as to Just what tho agent does (Kimball County has had such an agent for several years.) "Mister, I hope you will pardon my curiosity, but I notice this Ib a county agent's office. I have heard of county clerks, county treasurers, and the county sheriff at home used to be qulto nn important porson. but this Is my n. li trw1 11 nt tn In n finiitWo n mini W0l,i(i yo mm,i telling mo Just what and girls 'club work. Each color shown you ,i0. Maybe I can loarn somothlng'a dlfforont line of work, like 'pig club, noW( sowing, cooking, garden, potato and au right, sit down and I'll try to' others.. Wo try to kop tho hoys and ton you a few things I do. In the first girls Interested In farm work ami wo nlnnn vnn will nrnlinlilv wnmlnr nlirmt- h,0 organization of this work." "That's Just what I was going to n9k about." "Well, this Is a sort of a .triangular organization, a combination or tho U. s. Department of Agriculture, the University of Nebraska, and tho County Farm Bureau . Tho UnlTed States and the state furnish $l,i00 and tho county horo furnishes a like amount." "How Is that amount raised-in tho county. "Woll, that varls. In somo coun tlos It Ib by private donations, but a bettor plon is as it is here. WIipiiJ ever ion por com or uio lanU owners of any coitnty petition tho county com missioners, tho board Is privileged by( law to sot asldo a cortaln amount for county agent work." ! "Who directs tho work then In tho' county, tho commissioners." "No, ah association is formed of i farmers from whom officers and directors aro elected. Those men in consultation with tho porsori theyi select ns agont decldo about the work; ior uio year. You boo that iputu It right up -to tho farmers themselves, "All right, I soo about tho organiza tion, now about tho work carried on. I nptlco a bunch of grains and corn thoro, what do you havo to do wllh thorn." "Woll, that corn thoro Is some that was shipped In from tho north. You soo this wostorn county Is .growing eo fast that ovory spring many now and somo old farmers demand moro socd corn than can bo found. Wo try to got corn for them that Is adapted. You know that wbon the average Eaht. em Nebraska or Iowa farmer cornea out horo ho wants to ralBo his old Variety of corn. That wont do hero. All he will get Ib foddor as It will not mature. Ono thing wo do then Is to soo, ns far its wo can, that good ad apted seed of all kinds Is avallablq and tho right varieties planted,." "I boo that ought to bo worth some thing to nny now country. I would' have planted Eastern Nebraska com If I hadn't been told othorwlso." "Besides tho adaption ond wo work on plant diseases too. Wheat and oat smut troatmonts ard omphoslzod and recommended. Until n thing Is gen erally known nnd' believed In wo enrry on demonstrations at dlfforont places to provo It ono way or anothor to Mie farmers' satisfaction." "How about llvo stock, do you buy and soli them," "No, not as a business. Wo try to get In good puro bred stock and slrou and work on Improvomont of what we havo. For Instanco, this year, al though this Isn't a big hog country Uko oaatorn Nebraska, twonty pure-bred pigs woro brought Into tho county whore thoro woro hardly any boforo." "I BUnnOBO. too. VOU (In vntnrlnnrv I work." "No, only In tho common dlBoasos can bo iprovontcd largely by vaccination. For Instanco, blnckloij horo Is qulto provalont nnd Is a sorlous dlscaso whon wo havo bo many cattlo. Wo havo Instruments horo and vacclit'. also so that tvhonovor I am asked to I go out and show tho owner how to uso tho Instrument and vncclno, lotting him do part of tho work himself so that horoaftor ho will understand It. For Instanco, last month I vaccinnted noaiiy four hundred bond for about a dozen farmers. "What Is that list of things on tho board. Looks something Uko tho want ad pago ot tho homo pa'por." "Oh, that's tho oxchango list. You soo who a man wants a milk cpw or w Beedor or a Betting lion or almost anything ho loaves noto of It horo whoro it is listod and porhapB tho next follow In has that very thing to Boll but didn't know who wanted It. This farm bureau tends to get tho two together.. Tho oxebango buskins amounts to sovoral thousand dollars yearly." WKWK& "Woll, that llstons good to mo. My wlfo at homo wanted a dozen :puio bred Leghorn hens this fall and I wanted a corn blndor. Now I boo yon havo both listed thoro. If wo had a list Hko that at homo It would bo a bis help. That corner looks like a baggago room. What do you do koop packed to movo at any tlmo. It looks Hko you woron't going to stay horo long." "Oh, thoso belong to somo follows out hero digging spuds, You soo we run a labor buroau horo and all tho follows that drdp Into town come hero. Farmers lot mo know whon thoy want hdlp and I see that the fellows get out to the various places. For Instance, here last month In potato and tnres'h tlrtld I put out flfty-nlno follows'-from this office. " y "Well, that's about two a day,. Djints having tho farmers loaf around town looking foY help doesg'C It. That tyould be worth sovoral dollars to a busy man I should think. "What" aro those big' hoadod pins sticking In that county map. Looks Hko tho cartoon of Mutt' moal ticket after Jeff had shot nt It with a shot gun." "Each pin there represents whore a boy or girl lives that Is In tho boys' find that tho club work is a very good way to do It. It glvos thorn a chance to cam somo money and thoy learn things on the side without realiz ing It. Wo havo almost a hundred boy and girls In tho county In this work." "I soo lots of potatoes hero as Scend from Act l 8f thejj HavvaiiaH Roniance "The Bird of Paradise", Celette Scudder as Luana, John Warner as Paul. KeitlvTheatre, Jan. 21. CONSULTATION and SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE! DR. L. D. SMITH CHIROPRACTOR. Office 5-6-7 Building & Loan Bldg., Permanently locnlt'd in North Platle, Nebraska. At Botlj Ends of the Thermometer Polarine stands up under engine extremes. Flows freely at zero. Doesn't congeal in cold weather and make starting hard. Lu bricates at the first stroke of a stone-cold engine. When the motor is hot Polarine keeps right on lubricating perfectly. Doesn't. run thin or "breakup and lose its oiling properties. Prevents burned bearings, scored cylinders and other troubles due to overheating and poor lubrication. Setde vowrwinter oiling problem right fight now I Fill your crankcase with Polarine. Get it at any of our numerous Service Stations and at all good garages. Look for the sign. 'olarin Red Crown OuoHne girti greats power tad most mUi per pJlo STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (Nebraska) i. came but on the train, I suposo you do Boinworlc with thorn on scab and other diseases." 1 "Yes, this year our "potato Work has boon to gel seed troated'and planted on clean land It doesn't do nny good to treat and then put tho seed on land that-has been In potatoes for several years. Crop rotation is as Important as tdsting. Besides scab there aro a lot of other diseases that cut down tho ylold greatly. Hill election is the best way to get away from these and this Is what wo aro advocating In order to get a dlscaso freo seed for a seed patch." "What Is that chart there. Looks like tho rise and fall of pork this fall from Its high porch." 1 "That Is a chart of potato pricos. You see tho Market Nows Bulletin Is Issued and 'sent to all the potato growers horo who ask for It. This gives thorn the dally market all over tho country and holps thorn In market. Ing. Last year sovoral of our growers " hero ald It saved them several thous-j 1 and of dollars, by 'preventing selling "IF VOU HAVE TRIED EVERY THING; ELSE WITHOUT RESULTS, TRY CrIlR)?3CriC , SPINAL 1 adjijmss - And gstlWell." ACUTE and CHROMIC DISEASES 5 Meat . . Omaha atia low prlco." Vell, I guess I've bothered you enough. I begin to see what a county agint i8 ttnd that ho has plenty to (lb. Thanks for your troublo In telling mo this. Good bye." Good bye, cbmo In again." STOLEN TREASURES OF ART Germany Will Hold Rare Collections Taken From Franco and Belgium Unless Peace Terms Interfere. Will one of tho peace conditions In volve a return to Belgian nnd French art treasures removed by tho Ger mans slnco 1014 from tho occupied territories? asks tho New York Eve ning Post. Until tho present war's outbreak, overyono bus supposed tho custom of nntlons changed slnco Nnpoleon's time, so lhat It would no longer bo possible for a conqueror to fill bis mu seums with plunder. That supposi tion, Hko so many others, seems to havo been given the llo by the kaiser,' whoso agents arc said to have, emp tied the Antwerp nnd Brussels mu seums for the benefit of Berlin. Even tho omnoror's ernndfntber, In tho wnr of 1870, took practically no toll of Paris art treasures. Malice has ascribed this moderation to the lack, In that Spartan genera tion, of appreciation for nrt, wnicn lou those enrller Invaders to confine their activities, for the most part, to or molu clocks and silver services. Tho modern Prussian, however, from tho, prown nrlnco down, has becomo a dilettante, nn nrt connoisseur. Ilcnco tho very thought of clennup made of art objects. Berlin, willy nllly, Is to bo made a world nrt center. If tour ists prefer Paris because of Its great er natural charm, they will, in any event, bo forced to visit the Prussian capital lu order to soo Rubens "De scent From the Cro3S." A mononolv of the world's potash supply, and n collection of stolen art, Is to keep the world at Germany's mercy unless the terras of pence pro vide otherwise. SAYS., CANNERS,, WERE BUSY President Peck of National Food Com mission Asserts American Women Do Not Waste Food. minrlos Lnthron Peck, president of tho National Emergency Food commis sion, said at a dinner in Washington that the women , of America nave canned 500,000,000 Jars of fruit and vegetables. 'Thov who charce tho American woman of today with food waste," he said, "are as Ignorant nsthe huckster was." "A huckster said to his mate: "'Gee, Bill, you look down In tho mouth 1' 'Ain't I cot cause to look down In the mouth?' said Bill. J3very thing's gone wrong with me lately. First, nn automobile runs into and kills my hoss. Naturally, I try to comfort my self with a few boors, and get pinched for drunk nnd disorderly. They gim me n week, and when I get back home I find my wife's gone off to her moth er's with peritonitis. "What?1 said the other huckster. What? That Dngo Ice cream juggler down Middle alley? Poor old Bill!"' ALL ENEMIES MEET IN BERNE St -sets Are Thronged With Thousands of Men Who Have Been Interned Must Wear Uniforms. At nny time of the dny In the Swiss capital one sees the uniforms of both sides on tho streets, for there are thou sands of French, British, Germnn nnd Belgians Interned In Switzerland, and according to the rules of tho game, they must wear their uniforms, In or der to mnke tho breaking of pnrolo harder, writes Will Irwin In the Sat urday Evening Post. My first sight of n German Fritz clumping down tho streets In his neu trnl green uniform nnd bis stout mill tnry boots gave me n kind of shock of surprise. It Is three years now, since In Belgium I last beheld a free man In n German uniform. Today I saw dozens of men In French uniform pass other dozens In Gorman uniform Each pnrty to these meetings would look straight attend, pretending ho had not noticed. For the benefit of the entente peo pies the shops aro displaying such signs ns those: "Swiss Manufacture." "Same Composition ns , the Gen man Preparation, Out of Strictly Swiss Origin." "This Lino Made of Swiss and English Materlnl." Knowingly to buj German goods Is tho same cardlnnl sin among the French, American and Eng lish toious here. NOTIfH. TlesHle Swandor and Sarah Mulllhan defendants, will tako notice that on the utn day or uctonor. ivh. ninintirr mo his petition In the district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defendants and each of them, tho object and prayer or winch are to foreclose cortaln tax sale certificate dated No veniber 4, 1912, for taxes In the sum o jij.ti- ior uio year imi, ,on ine soma west auarter (SWVi) of section nine teen (19) Township fourteen . (14) Kn litre twentv-elclit (28). Ilncol County. Nebraska, also subseauen taxes leprally levied on said land,, paid ns follows: May 1, 1913, $3.51, taxes ror the yonr 191a; fliay i, in, 3.-m, tnxfs for the yonr 1913; May 1. 1915, 3.46, taxes ror tno year in: amy i 1916. 13.02. taxes for tho year 1915 Mny 1, 1917, $5.87, taxes for the yenr 191B. That more is now uue on sain lien the sum or 136.64. ior wnicn sum with Interest from this date plaintiff prays ror a decree that tierenunnts no renulreil to nay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount tounu nue. You are renulred to nnswor said petition on or before Monday the 25th any or t'enrunry. iib. Dated this 14th day of January, 191S . m. imuitY, J'lntntirr, By A. Muldoon, Ills Attorney. J15-f8. . Tiitntitcflvn nr thirty Nhrth PtnHo innti linvn linnrv nmnlnvnil fnr inn rlnVn' past on tho Ico harvest at tho Gothen burg lake. They go down ou tho morning local and return on tho,. ovcnlng local. For (I nick action and satisfactory gale list your land with Thoclccke. it NOTICH. I. Benton Taylor, defendant, wUl tnko otlce that on tho 9th day of Octobar, 917, plnlntlfT tiled his potition in tho istrlct court of Lincoln County. Ne braska, against said defendant, tlio object and nrayor of which nro to fore close a cortaln tax Halo certificate dated November 4, 1912 for taxes In the sum r ior ino year ivii, on oeuuun , Township IB, llanKe 28, Lincoln County, Nobrasun, also subsequent taxes legally levied on saiu lanu, paiu ns follows: May 1, 1913, $22.44, taxes for tho year 1912; May 1, 1914, $29.01, taxes for the year 1913; May 1, 191G, 29.12, taxes ior the year iyn; niny l, 01 (!. S28.97. taxes for the year 1915: May 1, 1917, $26.32, taxes for tho year .910. That moro is now ciue on sam len the sum of S223.83. fdr which sum. with IntoroBt from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that dofendant bo required to pay the same, or thot said nreinlses may ho sold to satisfy tho amount found due. - . . You nro required to answer saiu peti tion on or before Monday tho 2Gth day of Kobrunry, 1918. Dated this 8th uay oi January lais. M. DHU11Y, I'lalntlft, Hy A. Muldoon, Ills Attorney. 15-f8. Ill tho District Court of tho United Slates for tho District of Nebras ka, North rial to Division. In the matter of Henry S. Hasklns, Bankrupt. Case No. CO, In Bankruptcy, Volun tary Petition. Order for rinaLIcotlng of Creditors. At North Platto In said- district on this 10th day of January, .A. D. 191S. before Walter V. Hoagland. referee In bankruptcy. This cause camo on for hearing upon tho filing and reading of the report of L. Basklns. trustee, showing that he had converted all of the bankrupt's estate Into money and that there was a balance on hand of $5GG.33 for the purposo of paying the costs, expenses and dividends to tho creditors. Tho Court finds that although the year has nQt expired for tho filing of claims and no dividend has yet been paid that the amount of money in the hands of the trustee for the disposition to the creditors will be so small as to not warrant tho expenses of declaring two dividends and to keep tho estate open for that purpose. It is therefore ordered that a final meeting of the creditors be hold at the office of Walter V. Hoagland, referee In bankruptcy, at North Platte, Ne braska on the 24th day of January, A. D. 1918 at nine o'clock a. m. That at said time the account of the trustee wijl be examined, order made for the payment of all expenses or saiu estate and the balance on hand will be dis tributed In ono dividend upon all claims that have been filed and allow ed by that time and said estate will be closed up at said meeting of tho credi tors. It is ordered that any persons who have not filed their proof of claims shall do so on or before the said final meeting of the creditors. It Is ordered that ten days notice of this meeting be given by mall to all the creditors and persons Interested In said estate as shown by tho record. WALTER V. HOAGLAND, Referee in Bankruptcy In tho District Court of the United States, for tho District of Nebras ka, North Platto Division. In the matter of Jacob J. Gettman. Bankrupt. ' , Caso No, 54, In Bankruptcy, Volun tary Petition. Order for Final Meeting of Creditors. At North Platto In said district on this 10th day of January, A. D. 1918- before Walter V. Hoagland, referee In bankruptcy. This cauBe came on for hearing upon the filing and reading the final report of Byron 'B. Oberst, trustee, of the estate of said bankrupt heroin. Tho court finds that the trustee has con verted all of the estate of said bank rupt Into money npd there Is a balanco In tho hands of tho trustee of $1G0.53 for tho payment or tno costs anu-ex penses and for distribution to tho creditors. Although no first dividend has been paid and tho year for the fil ing of claims has not expired and that tho funds In the hands of tho trustee is not sufficient to warrant tho holding of said estate open that the dividend, If any, to tho creditors will bo. very small. It Is thoroforo ordered that a final meeting of the creditors of tho estate of Jacob J. Gettman, bankrupt, will be held at tho office of Walter V. Hoag land, referee in bankruptcy, at Nortli Platto, Nebraska on tho 24th day of a. m. That nt said tlmo tho ronortu of tho trustee will bo oxamjned, said estate closed and whatever funds there will bo for distribution to the creditors wllfc bo ordered paid' In one dividend without further notlco to the creditors. It Is ordered that all creditors having claims against said estate which have not been filed and proved file tho said proof of claims on or prior to said final meeting of creditors. It is order ed that ten days notice of this ordor be given by mall to all creditors of the bankrupt and to all persona interested fin said estate as shown by Uio record , Waltor V. HOAGLAND, Referee In Bankruptcy.