The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1918, Image 1

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Nauru platte, nebm January is, jSih.
No. 1
Firemen Leiue fur Coin cut Ion
Eight members of the North Plnlto
lire department left this morning for
Fremont to attend the annual conven
tion of the state volunteer firemen's
The members going wore: Cy Rus
sell, J. It. Urook, Emll Trnub, Chus.
May ItuIId This Year.
We aro Informed that tho Lutheran
building fund has now reached nearly
fifteen thousand dollars and that tho
prospects for starting the construction
of a new edifice this year Is excellent .
The amount on hand Is about one-half
tho estimated cost of a building that
Sandall, Frod Dck, Adam Christ and tho congregation considers will he
J. It. Ilasklns. Tho boys anticipated commensurato with the needs of tho
a "big time." lover-growing membership.
::o:: I .:o::
Hargcaiit lloul to Training Camp.
Sargeant Cody Iioal, of Company E.l
stationed nt Camp Cody, has been ,
Lutheran Brotherhood Mectlni,'.
Forty-six members of tho Luthorau
llrotherhood were tho guests of Emll
selected as one of the candidates for Merschled last evening at his npatt-
tho officers training school at Leon menta at tho North Platto Floral Co's
Springs, Texas, and Is now at that plant. Several hours were sfpont In
camp. Sargeant Fred Peterson Is at goclal conversation and listening to
Sammy (J Iris Meet.
Sovonty-flve or more Sammy Glrlu
and a numbor of guests enjoyed n
talk given by Evangelist Hunyon and
songs' rendered by Mr. Campbell , at
tho work room In the fcdoral build
ing last evening. Hov. Runyon'a talk
was along tho lino of the sorvlco the
women of tho country nro rendering
tho government, and highly commend.
ed tho work being dono by the Sammy
Girls. Letters wore read from soven
soldier boys acknowledging tho rc-
31 en us Knitters.
Wo have folt certain for some time
that It would come tho man knitter
The llrst to take up knitting In
North Platto Is a bank official, and ho
llnds tho work very fascinating. Ho
has nbondancd his favorite gamo of
"rummao," and Spends nil his ovon
ings making warm garments for the
soldior boys. lie thinks seriously of
organizing a knitting club and has his
eyes on Jack McGraw, Charley Clinton,
John Clabaugh, Arthur Hush, Arthur
Notice to the Public.
We, .the undersigned merchants ol
North Platto,. Nebraska, having boort
Jted Cross Hoods Shipped.
Another shipment of Ited Crojs
goods were mado roady for ox'pressago
the same training cam'p. The friends of
these soldier boys nro cortalnly glad
to learn that they are stepping up
ward. y
: :o: :
Ilaptlst Church Notes.
Tho prayer meeting of the Baptlet
church will 1m? hold this week on
Thursday night at 1:45 instead of on
Wednesday as usual.
Tho pnstor has received a telegranu
from a group of laymen representing
the Uaptlsts of the entire country, who
met In Chicago Sunday during the
great blizzard, requesting him to bo
one of eight men to meet in Grand
Island on Wednesday to organize Ne
braska to face tho challenge of the
conditions to the Baptists of America.
A successful school of reunions edu
cation and Sunday school methods war
concluded a( the Baptist church on
Sunday under tho leadership of state
director Collins of Lincoln. The eigh
teen who completed the course In
teacher training will bo given their
examinations on Thursday evening in
stead of on Wednesday ns previously
selections by the brotherhood quart
ette, composed of Harold Burke, Andy
Yost, Harry Becglo and Claude Wcln
gand. A hearty lunch In which figur
ed sauer kraut and s'palro ribs wore
served by Harold Burke and Claude
Welngand, gowned in women's clothes.
One feature of tho evening wns $3,1)00
In subscriptions to the church build
ing fund.
,:o: :
colpt of knitted goods. Acknowledge- l'lumor, Frank Murray and a numbo;
mont wns mndo of a $5 donation from others who fritter away tholr even
Miss Boyd, a nurse in tho General trying to corral a couple alum
hos'pltal. and n like sum from a friend """ clilps.
in Maxwell, also tho donation of 100 ' ::o::
vards of gauze from the General 1 " N- llfylo Arrive.
hosnltol , Mr. and Mrs. Ilonry Gllfoylo, who
wore married at Lincoln last weiu
called togothor by tho Chairman of yostorday. Theso Included fifty-four
tho Lotnl Food Administration for the sweaters, seventy 'pairs of socks,
purpose of further co-operation wlttf twonty-flvo pairs of wrlslots, eight
our government to tho "end that ,thw scarfs, throo wraps for hospital con-
best nosslblo results nilcht be obtained valoscents and Ono holmot. This
In saving food, man power and all shipment follows GOO 'pounds of stir-
other unnecessary expenses havo unan- Blcal drosslngs and hospital garments
Imously decided that commencing" sent put a few weeks ago, and nnothcr
Monday, January 21st, 15)18. wo ftylj) shlpmoht of similar sup'pllcs will soon
soil all commodities ns per government bo roady. Certainly tho women of North
Instructions Issued weekly, as follows Platto aro
cash over counter and enrry as per
prlcew of Food Commission, a nonllnal
charge of ten cent (10c)
doing their "bit."
have arrived in town and nro at home
F. Wright, at 108 west Third stroot. Mrs. Gil-
: :o: :
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cover, who
had been visiting their son Guy, tor
a cou'ple of months, left Saturday for
their home in Caldwell, Idaho.
Overshoes, we fit them all at prices
you can afford to buy and lay avny
for next season, on sale now at Tho
Leader Mer. Co.
Prisoner Held for Officer
A man supposed to be R
of Adamson, Okl-, but who has been foylo was formerly Mrs. Elizabeth
going under several nssiuned names Karr-Langston. well known In North
Is boing held inUho county Jail await- Platte by reason of her many visits
ing tho arrival of an officer from hero as an Instructor In voice culture
Oklahoma. Wright is wanted on the and who at ono tlmo had a studio hore
charge of wife desertion and also for Hor rosidonco In North Platto brings
a violation of tho Mann White Slavery to local musical circles a decided ac
act. Local officers learned that Wright pulsltlon and to society a woman of
Groat Inducements are offered you
by tho Leader Mor. Co. The store Is wat In Kimball and phoned tho sheriff strong personality.
filled with bargains in dry goods, shoes
women's and misses ready to wear,
clothing for father or son. Visit
store, look.
Tho Economy Knitting Club will
meet Thursday afternoon at the homo
of Mrs. Butler Buchanan, 514 W- 2nd
street. Plenso bring your needles as
we have plenty of ynrn.
Nothing over like it before a flan
nelette Kimona for 79 cents at Block's
Vance Nealo, at one tlmo with the
Stone drug store, but of late living
in Colorado, hns returned to town and
accepted a position with tho Rlnkor
Book & Drug Co. His wife and child
ren came with him.
During the sale you can buy heavy
outing flannel at 13'c per yard, you
can buy standard and best, calicos at
9c per yard at The Leader Mer. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown wtro
called to Kimball Sunday by the death
of :v relative.
there to place him under arrest. This Mr. Gllfoylo Is well and popularly
was dono and ho was brought to jail known as a passengor conductor on
In this city,
tho North Platto-Cheyonno run.
IllK's IniUaie Two.
Tho growing membership of tho U
P.O. Elks was further increased last
January Inventory sale of all heavy
winter goods, clothing for mon, women
and children. Shoes, dry goods. You
can save many dollars now to buy evening when Howard McMlchacl of
wnat you need nt Tile render Mer. :o this city and Dr. Murdock of Ogalalla
Tho Baptist Ladies' Auxiliary will were Initiated. The ceremonies were
hold tholr rocular monthly niootlmr witnessed by District Deputy Ha
tl and 7 per cent Investments.
4 ,1 If I... til .
for all' le- " J"" l,l,Tt unej, or money
liveries and an additional two nor cent rate of interest 11 mIU
... .. ItllV VJtll lit 111 II itml tti'iu4tfit4jt 1m -
(2 per cent) charge for icarrymg all """ .
nnmnWa " ' "IMU l tiller.
Wo nKk the lumrtv co-onerntlon of ""ATT, HOOIWIAN & JlUCKwSY.
tho 'public and wo reallzo that this
will not bo withhold, as tho patriotic
citizenship of North Platto and Sur
rounding community Is a well rec
ognized fne,t throughout tho stutjjf
Nebraska. Signed: i '
R. N. LAMB v
:o:: ,v
Committee Sleeting' Wednesday Nltfht.
Chairman M. J Forbes of tho War
Savings Stamp committee, has issued
a call for a mooting of tho members of it
Thursday, Jan. 17th, nt tho homo of , rison of Grand Island, who wns hero the committee at the Chamber of Com-
Mrs. John G. Mcllvano, who had
boon seriously 111 for a week was re
ported much Improved yostorday.
Take advantage, visit tho storo ovory
day of salo. Many now lots nro being
opened ovory day and sold out at u
big bargain at Tho Loador Mqr. Co's.
No. lUflfi.
Charter No. 3 190. Honorvo Dial. No. 10.
lloport of tho condition ot tho
nt North Platte, In tho state of Nobras-
ku, ai me ciobo or uuhIuchs on Decem
ber 31. 1917.
I.oniiH and 1Im
eoimtH . . . ." iui w sn
-....t r l 11
I'. S. Itoiiiln (tidier (linn
Liberty IIoiiiIm of 11)17) I
IT. S. bonds do-
poHlted to ho
euro circulation
(par valuo) . . .$100,000.00
h. iinmiH aui
Mrs. - Stryson, 30 South Vine street
A full attendance Is desired.
Have you over tried a Henderson
Fashion Form Corset, best made? All
the new spring models on dlsplny at
E. T. Tram'p & Sons.
I to make an official Inspection of the
dodge. Ho complimented Its condition.
and feelingly referred to tho lnrgo
number of Its members who hnd Join
ed the army or navy service. Thu
merco rooms tomorrow ovenlng. There
eertlllcnteH of
indobto d n o 8 h
plodded to se
curo IT. 8. do
poaits (par val-
colors Is ra'pldly approaching twenty
The Happy Hour Club will bo en- thousand, quite nn army in itself.
tertained Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Mcsscraul, 407 South Maple
Mrs. Greeno will assist tho hostess.
Buy a $30.0?) ladles coat at Block's
for $18.45, or a $20.00 coat for $9.95.
nro sixty-five members of this com.
tulltnn ntwl n I title mniHiiiv 41m vltf IV til ue)
uiiviuu wiii iu niin iiitvviiis uiu mij I Total U. S. bonds
be divided Into districts and two or (other than
( more members assigned to onch dls
number of Elks who have Joined tho trlct. Thls ,8 tll0 wcok fol. tho Wlir
Saving Stamp drive, but on account of
tho non-arrival of advertising matter,
Our First Sale
Beginning January 15th
We offer our complete line-of
Bags, HandjjPurses, Pocket Books,
Bags, Traveling Sets, Girdles,
Comfos and Hair Pins.
These goods are all new and up-to-date.
Don't miss this chance of getting the best for your
money. Come early and get your choice.
Fine Line of Hand Purses for
School Girls.
Sale will Continue until Saturday at 9 p. m.
Corner Front and Dewey.
:o:: 1
jrcflovern llcslgns.
Frank J. McGovern resigned his
position with Herstehfeld, tho clothier,
Snturday evening. His long and vory
efficient sorvlco yith Welngand and
McDonald and later with J. B. Mc
Donald made him an Important trade
factor with the storo. Mr. McGovern
has several positions, under consider
,:o: :
Wl) Celebrate Anniversary.
Tho fiftieth anniversary of tho or
ganization of tho B. P. O. Elks will
bo fittingly observed in a social way
by tho local lodge on February lfith.
At tho meeting of tho Elks last even
ing a committee was authorized to
arrange for a fitting social function
that will ho in keeping with tho im
portance of tho event in celebrates.
liberty HondH)
and cnrtlflcatos
of IndobtodiiL-HM
Liberty Loan
lioiHlH, unplcdK
:il4 per cent
and i per cent.
tho campaign In North Platte has lcon !J"';' Hfn,',"l'S7: c0-1
i hi
'.t '
delayed a fow days with the oxpectan
tlon that this literature will arrive.
It Is expected that every momher of
tho committee will bo present "nt the
meeting tomorrow night. '
U. a. bonda
pledKou to mo
euro poHtulsav
denoRltH ID. 000. 00
Sci'urltlen other
than U.H. bonds
(not Including
HtockH) own- - "
od unnledired. 2S.BSS:97"
Total boiuln, ho-
HeeurltlcM. cte.
Stock ot feder
al Hoiiorvo
Hank (JiO per
cont of- mib-
HCl'llltlOll) ....
Valuo of banlc-
inir Iiolihu ... GO. 000. 00
Infinity In bnulc-
iiik noimv.
Real oatate own
ed other than
Imnlclnir Iiouho
Lawful rcHorvo
with I'cderal
KoHeive Hank
CaHh In vault
and net amount
duo from na
tional banks.
The nnnunl January Inventory salo
lasts during tho month, or only 12
days more nt Tho Leader Mercantile
Co. New lots bolng opened up overy
Tho funeral of tho lato Valentino
Schrmnnn was hold from tho Luther-1
an church Saturday afternoon, Row
Koch conducting tho service. Though
tho weather was incloment many
friends woro present. There were
ninny benutiful llornl tributes.
Women of North Platto and tho con
tiguous territory aro missing tho bar
gain ovont of tho year If thoy fall to
attend Block's January rienrance
salo. Prices on many of tho garment
are reduced nearly one-half.
Now spring merchandise arriving,
dally m our Dry goods department
E. T. Tramp & Sons.
L. C. Morrow, district supervisor of
local Order of Moose, arrived In town
yesterday nnd will begin a membership
campaign for that order. Ho has Just P'VroS ..IWl
completed a cnmpnlgn In Grand Is
land that res'ultcd Into about 200
now members.
Wo nro still soiling our wool bats
nt $2.25, a real bargain. E. T.
Tramp & Sons.
The Lutheran Aid society will mUo Nfrom"banka and
Thursday aftomoon in the Fcdoral
building for Red Cross work- On
Thursday of next wcok tho Catholic
ladles will meet at the same place for
slmllnr work.
Tho Walker Music Co. has Jnet
received another largo shipment of
Brunswick Phonographs, alBo 'planofi
Tticir store is again urn oi nrnn
Tho next regular toachors examina
tion will bo hold ono day only, Satur-
. . ' A
day, .lanuary lain, ai mo usual piacqs. capital stock
Alleen Gantt. Co. Sunt... USAumi
If you aro In need of somotlllm; indlvlded proiltH
extra ,11 ne for Infants dresBos v'liild
underwenr we have what you want,
E. T. Tramp & Sons.
hankers, and
trust compan
ies other than
Included in
ItoniH 13. 14
and 15
Chocks on other
banks in tho
samo city or
town as report
ing bank (oth
er than Item
Hedomptlon fund
wun u. n.
Treasurer nnd
duo from U. S.
Tivanuror ....
5,000.00 233,244.31
Total $1,085,018.90
Lay Your Bets on the Boys in the Trenches
By Buying War Saving Stamps
These Baby Bond are the Most Profitable
Investment on the Market
Groups of Persons Are Pledging Themselves to Buy
Saving Stamps on Partial Payments.
Hundreds of Men Each Have Agreed to
Buy a $4.12 Stamp Each Week
Thousands of Children Are Buying the Little Stamps ,J
Lohb current ox-
peiiHOH, Interest
ami taxes nald 11.875.45 13.095.27
Circulating notos .
outtitandlnK .. ' 100,000.00
Net amounts duo
to hanks, bank
ers, and trust
(oth- than In-
culudod in 30
or 31 ) 31,340.91
Individual do- ' ,
poHits subject
to nhoek 514,212.28 ' .:
Cortlflcatos of
dopoult duo in
Ichh than 30 "
days (other
b.v borrowed.. 22.0S3.10
Certllled checks 100.00
CaHbiors checks
nutHtaudliii; .. .',r,r.'.u;i
Time dopotjlls
subject to ro
sorve (paynblo
after 3D days,
or Hiibjnct to 30 '
days or morn
notice, and
noHtal savings:
CortlllcateH of
" deposit (other
than for mon
ey borrowed 220,310.10
Postal uavIiiKH
deposits 8,704.82
Othor tlmo do- . .
posits 10,000.37
War savliiKH de
posit certlflcato
apd thrift
stamp afctuut. 903.09
Othor United
Stutos dcpoults
IncludlliK de- -
posits of U. H.
dlsburslnb' officers 1,000.00 821,923.03
Total $1,085,018.90
State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln as.
I, V. Is. Mooncy, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
tho abovo statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
P. Jm MOONEY, Cashier.
SubHcribod and sworn to before mo
this lltll day of January, 1018.
K. H. OOODMAN, Notary Public.
Correct Attost;
13. P. SEEBEnQEIt,