The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 08, 1918, Image 1

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Wxt Borth
No. 103
m mm rm niiniTT
Recommended Food Prices.
Fair prices recommended by Prlco
Committee for Lincoln County, Nebr.,
nnd published by authority of the
Federal Food Administrator for said
Sugar, per potoid 9 cents.
Flour Nobraskit No. 1 Patent, 48 lb.
sack, $3.05; Nobrasku No. 2 Patont, 48
lb. sack, $2.95; Government specifica
tions, 1st grade, 48 lb. sack, $2.85;
Government specifications, 2d grade, 4S
lb. sack, $2.80.
Rye Flour, 12 lb. sack, 75 cents; G
lb. sack, 40 cents.
Graham Flour, 12 lb sack, 75 cents;
G lb. sack,, 40 cents.
Corn Meal, 12 lb. sack, 75 cents; 0 lb.
Back 40 cents.
Potatoes, Nebraska, per pound, 2V&c.
Butter, creamery No. 1, per pound,
55 cents.
Eggs, best No. 1 storage, per dozen,
44 centB.
Bread, U. S. Standard loaf, 10 oz.
loaf,, 10 cents; 24 oz. loaf, 15 cents; 32
oz. loaf, 19 cents: 48 oz. loaf, 28 cents.
These prices are for cash over tho
counter. An additional charge may
be made for delivery or credit to
Aid Society Klccts Officers.
Tho Christian aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon In tho church
bapomont. Tho refreshment commltteo
will bo prepared to servo a large
crcowd. All are Invited.
The newly elected officers for 1918
are Mrs. Groves, president; Mrs. Frank
Elliott, first vice-president; Mrs
Fredrick, secretary; Mrs. VanCleave,
Tho Elite Club will bo entertained
Wednesday evening of next week by
Mrs. Andy McGovern.
.The next regular teachers' examina
tions will bo held ono day only, Satur
day January 19th, at the usual places.
Suthcrlnnd Store Burglarized.
Following tho burglary of tho Gan
son storo at Ilorshoy several weeks
ago when $C0O worth of goods woro
takon, tho storo of E. & W. Cokor at
Sutherland was entorod Saturday
night and merchandise consisting of
rain coats, shoes, clothing, silks, nnd
other articles appropriated. Tho valuo
of tho goods stolen amounts to soveral
hundred dollars tho exact figures not
at this tlmo known. Entrance was
gained by breaking tho glass In tho
front doors. It Is probablo that tho
thieves are those who looted tho Iler
shey store.
A Successful Poultry Show.
The Lincoln County Poultry Show
which closed Saturday, taken as a
whole, was a vory successful ono. The
exhibits of poultry woro large, tho
quality of tho birds ranked high, and
tho attendance was large, Indicating
that a lively Interest Is taken In poul
try In Lincoln county.
In many counties In tho state poul
try shows were abandoned by reason
of tho war, but tho promotors of tho
Lincoln county show wisely concluded
that It. was a good tlmo to boost the
InteroBt in poultry and eggs as food
products, hence the show. .
.:o: :
Service Of Installation.
Tho pastor of the Lutheran church
Rev. Koch, jvlll bo Installed Wednes
day evening, January 9th,. at eight
o'clock. The Rov. Wm. T. Kahse,
synodlcal superintendent of missions
will deliver tho charge to pastor and
congregation and conduct the rito of
Joint Installation. f
Tho G. A. 11. and tho W. It. C. hold
their annual Joint Installation of of-)
ilcors Saturday at tho Odd Follows
hall. Tho attendance was largo and
tho aftornoon very pleasantly passed.
Ah Trumpeter Rltner blow tho moss
call tho soldiers with tholr wives form
cd in lino nnd marched to tho dining
room where a sumptuous dlunor of
chicken, beans, salads, ico croam and
cako was served by tho W. R. C. Fol
lowing dinner a tlhort program was
given and the officers thon lnstnllcd.
Col. Patterson romnlns as commandor
of tho Post and Mrs. Nolllo Dickey is
tho new corps president.
No post or corps In tho state has
such line quarters as are donated by
tho Odd Fellows of this city and tho
post ' and corps membors nro
over grateful for this courtesy shown
.LOCAL and veronal
Sofl Water Shampoo, Klcctrlc Mas
sage. Coatns' Beauty Parlor, over 31c
Iionald State Bank. Plioncl0:t2.
P. A. Whlto returned Saturday from
Omaha, whore he had boon visiting for
sevoral weeks.
with an appeal greater than ever hefore in
Keith Theatre, Wed. & Thurs. Jan. 9-10.
Tho Travel and Study Club met nt
tho home of Mrs. F. W. Rlnoker laBt!
ovonlng. Pnpors woro contributed as
follows: "Chicago and the Lako Cities
Industrial America," Miss Laura Mur-1
ray; "A Woman with a Natlonnl
Vision," Mrs. M. E. Scott; "Tho Con-1
tnQMUiuiui uuiu luiiLdiiii, ill inn
Walkor; "Origin of Clirlstmas Customs
and tho Christmas Community Spirit,"
Mrs. E. R. Goodmnn.
Tho work room for tho Robekah Red
Cross auxiliary will bo open all dayl
Saturday on tho third floor of tho1
federal building for tho making of:
hospital garments. Tho donation of n
sewing machine for this work would
bo greatly appreciated.
Conductor Joe Moonoy roturned
yesterday from Eureka Springs, Mo.,
whero ho spent soveral weeks. Ho re
sumed his run this morning, feollng
much bettor than before going to the
Bratt, Goodman and Buckley, who
have 3,000 bushels of corn on tholr
farm south of town, shipped In yestor.
day 153 stock hogs to which to feed
tho corn.
Tho regular monthly meeting of tho
Twentieth CenV.irv Club will bo h-.'ld
this evening In the court room In tho
federal building. All members nro
urged to bo present.
.Guuruutccd Human Hair Switches
nt $,".50. Coatcs' Beauty Parlor, over
.McDonald State Bank. Phono iu:rj.
The Rebekah .kenBlngton will moet
at the hall Friday afternoon. Business
of importance will be transacted and
a, lunch will be sorved. Mombers and
their friends are Invited.
'D. B, Dick loft Sunday for a wook's
buslnoss visit In Omaha and Lincoln.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist
Tho Club Novlta will moot Wednoa
day afternoon with Mrs. Will Baldock.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Storo. tf
Mrs. B. V. McKonnsy will lrnvo
shortly for Seattle, Watlt., to make
liur home.
Tho Catholic Girl's Club will moot
in the bayommit of thu parochial
school this ovonlng
Mrs. F. J. Dunn returned Sunday
from Wood Rlvor whore she had boon
visiting relatives for a couple- of
Tho Catholic, laflloa will hold an ox-
ohnrigo at tho"- Malonoy storo next
Saturday and tho usual lino of baked
goods will bo on. Bale.
Irving Johnson,, now at Camp Cody,
writes that ho lias gained sixteen
pounds during his stay there. Ho Is
enjoying life at that camp.
All mombers of tho G. -Is A. to tho
,B. of L, E. aro roquostod to bo present
at uio insiaiiauoa 01 ouiccrs nt uio
K. P. hnll noxt Friday afternoon.
January Clearing Sale
Greeted By Hundreds
Women of North PJatte and vicinity
know the meaning of a real
Clearance Sale.
Is The Slogan Here
- -
Seventh Regiment Disbanded.
Tho SoVonth Nobraska 'Regiment,
which Govornof Novlllo was- to com
mand as Colnel was disbanded yester
day by ordors from Washington. Elgh-
toeh hundred men had enlisted in tho
regiment, tho majority of whom will
enlist Immediately In tho army or
Govornor Nevilles resignation was
conditional upon tho Sovonth bolng
called Into sorvlce, and by tho muster.
Ing out of tho roglmont ho contlnuos to
bo Nobrnaka fl chief executive
: :o: ;
Calls Off Penco Conference.
Russian efforts to havo Germany
acnulosco In tho trunsfor of tho poaco
Gorman control, to tho noutrnl city
of Stockholm apparently havo failed.
An official statement Issued at Ber
lin says that a Gorman crown council
meeting discussed tno Russian do-i
maud, after which It was announced
the sittings had been temporarily sus
G'orinim Troops Revolt.
A London dispatch dated Sunday,
says: A dispatch received horo from
tho Russian wlrolcss sorvlco says that
26,000 German soldlors In the region
oast of Kqvno havo rovolted.
Gorman dosortors stated that In con
sequent of tho government drafting
all soldlors below tho ago of 35 for
dispatch to tho wostorn front, tho
nforo-mcntloncd numbor of men ro
boiled and inarched out of tho battlo
Thoy then ontrenched themsolvos
with rifles nnd machine guiiB against
tho other Gorman uults. Tho Gorman
military authorities havo boon powor
lcss against tho rovoltors and aro
trying to cut off tholr food supplies.
The Gorman dosortors doclarcd that
ono of tho motives for tho rovolt was
that Uio sending of troops to tho
western front was a contravontlon of
the Russo-Gorman firmlstlco ngroo-mont.
-.:o: :-
; Arthur DeGrnw, the Buick enr ropro-
lltnHvn wlm linnn mnliio- tlilu
city his liiadniiiirtora for b!x months,
ion. anuiruay or a ousiness trip to
Lincoln and iunsn3 city.
Miss Maude Reeso, who had beon
spondng vthc holiday vacation as the
guest of Mrs. John McGrnw, returned
to urann isianu tsaturaay.
G. M. Young, who was up from Modi
Iqine precinct yesterday, said ho had
Husked 130 acres of corn, and was not
yet through. About ono bushel out of
ovory twcnty-llvo is good hnrd corn.
Mrs. Androw Llddoll, who submitted
ti) an operation for goitre In Omaha
tho latter part of last week, Is reported
to be In n critical condition. Her chll
dron wore summoned to Omaha Sun
day night.
Ed Rebhnusen has on exhibition at
tho Otten cigar Btore a red fox which
ho killed In Wymoning nnd had mount'
ed In Denver. It Is a splendid spec!
men of tho animal and mounted In nn
exceptionally life-like manner.
A local restaurant keopor -tells us
that tho South Omaha packers, from
..,!.... l. i.t i-
Uio prlco of beof carcassos three centB
a pound last week and this in fnco of
&- report that overy cooling room of the
paokprB irf:rJtfued rrbnv'tdn7,ttf;bottonf
wltl beef. Had tho packers Mr'.' 'Wat
tles permission to bopst tho prlco?
nlfrlR Rovfnrtli nnil TTnrl Pnllionn nt
this city, write that they recelvo llfty
flvo cents an hour as machinists In tho
McKeen motor plant at Omaha, and
mat uy putting in overtime thoy aro
enabled to earn as high as forty-flvo
dollars a week. Tho McKeon plant Is
now working exclusively for tho feder
al government, nnd Is crowded with
IjETho meeting of ' the Et-a-Virp Club
wffs held at the homo of Mrs. A. J.
Salisbury Wednesday afternoon. An
election of officers was bold nml Mm
following officers olected for tho ensu
ing year: Mrs. TUqy, president: Mrs.
Salisbury, vlco-nrosidnnt; Mrs. rilnkov
collector; Mrs. Buchflnck, secretary
and treasuror; Mrs. John Dick, repor
ter, Tho clhb aB a whole doclded to
glyo ono aftornoon a month to Red
uross work.
Air and Mrs. J. E. Hood have re
ceived from their soon Archlo, who is
on the u. a. S. Rnnlcr In south Pnclflc
waters tho menu card of tho Thanks
giving dlnnor sorved at sea. Tho din
nor conslstod of soven courses, nnd
wus as elaborato as would ho sorved
in any first-class hotel In a largo city,
ovldonco that tho hoys on the warshins
are well fed. Another son, Hartloy
Jioou, is llroman on tho U. S. S
Susquehanna In Aalantlc wators. Tho
I lattor vobboI was ono of tho Intornod
German boats.
Tho Sammy a Iris aro making
Fronrh surgical drosslngs and aro
using old materials. Any ono having
old linen, muslin, turklsh toweling,
bei-8prcads or outlng-llanucd that
thoy can glvo tho Girls please call
Black S2 and the bundlo will bo
.called for.
Tho degree team of tho local Coun
cil of tho ICnlght8 of Columbus, accom
panied by a half dozen other membors,
wont to Sidney nnd Initiated a class of
forty Into tho Stdnoy Council. This
addod mcmburshlp was secured during
tho past year. Tho North Platto mem
bors roport vory cordial treatmont
during thor visit.
.:o: :-
Mrs. John H. Day loavos tonight for
Donvor whero sho will moot'Mrs. Crfdy
Boal who Is returning from a visit
with her husband at Camp Cody.
Tho delivery car of tho North Platto
Laundry was consldornbly damaged
Saturday when It turned over while
turning a coruor. Tho driver, Cy
Nunr, had a leg Injured.
A farmor Friday ovonlng tied his"
toam to n polo In the south "part of
town, a vicious dog jumped up and bit
ono of tho horses on tho noso, causing
tho animals to break looso and run.
Thoy collided with a tolophono olo
nnd In falling ono of tho horses. broke
two of its legs. Tho animal was
immediately Bhot by tho owner.
Clean Up Now.
, Now Ih Uin tlmo in linvn vnnr Innliln
work done hoforo tho spring rush.
I havo a lino lino of Impor to select
from. P. O. Deals. 2'
Tor Sale.
Housohold goods of the lato Rov.
Wm. Hay. Phono Black 377. O. 0.
Wood, 010 E. 3d street 102-3
Some Money Saving Prices Mn4
Ladies1 Black and Colored Shoes
in Broken Lines
Black patent vamp, dull kid
. ton, also black gun metal,
u 'Ai -IK.'-arf;., JNtonond lace, high aijow5:l
Alblack glazed kid and black
patent vamps with dull kid
tops, button and lace, high and
medium heels.
Black kid vamp with pearl
grey cloth top and quarter.
We have other styles that arc equally good values. Drop
( in and sec our display.
Wit - c an oiiVA i oi
iKini - vicveikV' (jut
Washington. It was nnnouncod to
dny as ortlclal that nn Increasing of
the draft ago to forty-flvo years Is ''a
possibility of the near future, this
statomont bolng based upon a talk
ninyo by General Crowder. Tho latter
statcu that if the ago limit should bo
raised It would bo mainly to reach out
aitor sKiiiod labor and to distribute
tho burden of tho war.
No official action has yet boon taken
on tho calling out of tho men who aro
twenty-two since Juno of last year
and each successive class of twonty
ono In futiiro years, as suggested by
Crowder. Nolthor has an official stato
mont beon mado rolatlng to calling
only men of the first class to tho colors
but this plan Is generally favored by
military mon.
(JATTLB Vrilt 8 A IE.
450 head of whlto faced three-year
old holfors, $65 per head. Dollvored
In Denver March 1st, 1918.
170 head, 80 por cont whlto faces,
$02.50 por head, dollvored In Donvor
March 1st.
40 head whlto faced cows In local
!10 head coming two-year old steers,
In local yard also.
All Colorado natives.
Wo always keop 50 or 75 head In
tho local stockyards. Will sell any
number at any'tlmo.
720 East Fourth. Streot,
Phono Blk 1008) ' North Platto.
Production, business, and finance will
exert every atom of energy in reclaiming
the security and promoting the success of
Our Nation.
' The McDonald State Bank works hand
in hand with each client and any man in
our community who comes here for service
and cooperation.
You, as a new friend, are just as wel
come as those of lonfc years of dealing here.
McDonald State Bank