The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1918, Image 4

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ConinilHKloHortf Proceeding.
December 31, 1917.
Board of county comlsslonors met
purHuant to adjournment, prosont
Springer. IIonnlngliruuHon, Koch find
county clerk.
The following claims wore nllowod:
0. K. Pnlmor, road work, $7.00.
About thirty 'per cont of tho land
owners of Lincoln county have filed a
petition with the county commis
sioners asking that body to Include In
tholr estlmato of -expenses a sum suf
ficient to employ n county agent for! Claim of Ous Drlngnian for com
the ensuing yoar. The board will blned cattle chuto and brldgo op road
consldor tho matter at a mooting to be south of brldgo south of Sutherland,
hold noxt Monday. J2G0.00.
This Is a matter that a number of Alloon Gantt, office oxpenso, $33.00.
wldo-awako farmers took up a couple L. A. Gumbrol, salary and ,cash
of months ago, hold two meetings nnd Horns, $75.00.
effected a temporary organization. Anna Anderson, caro of Emma
Slnco that time tho proposition has Anderson, $35.00.
beon oapouscd by farmors In n number A. S. Alien salary county clork, $137.
of tho precincts, and the filing of tho Esslo Wessburg, clerk county Judge,
potltlon shows to what oxtont they $55.00.
woro successful In obtaining namos Roy Wilson, tldputy sheriff, $83.33.
of thoso who favor tho county agent Geo. U. Dorit, county physician,
plan. The canvassers tor slgnaturos $00.25.
to tho potltlon did not by any moans, A. J. Salisbury, sheriff, $145.80.
hQwevor, reach all tho farmors of the
county, and It Is probable that a big
majority of thorn aro In favor of a
county agont.
: :o:-: 4
Fnyo Elder, clerk to Co. Supt., $55.
Alloon Gantt', visiting schools, $88.70.
Alleen Gantt. salary, $133.33.
E. II. Springer, services and mileage,
l W. Ilermlnghauson, sorvlccs nnd
American Jtnllrnnd .lieu In France.
Back from the firing line In Franco mileage, $113.G0.
comes word of tho service that has S. J. Koch, sorvlcos and mileage,
bon performed , by railroad men from $77.00,
America. Now it is known that for
months bofpro tho nrrlval of the first
"Sammy" on tho scono, woll equipped
bodfes of mon drawn from the Ameri
can railroad systems had boon holp
ing Halg to win his victories. ' Cana
dians and Americans worked sldo by
side, lnvlnir track, building brhlcos.
moving trnlns, handling goods, and $11.42,
conorallv surtnortlntr tho army with a Oi E,
sorvico of porfoctlon which has been $53.90.
tho ruination of . German military
piano.. "With lnoxplicablo fatuity,
German high coinmnnd appears to
liave rolled on its own estimate of tho
ability of tho British to organize trans.
portatlon sorvicc, overlooking tho most
ossontlal factor, that of tho adaptabil
ity of tralr-od men from Amorlca.
These have turned the tide of battle
on tho west front, for thoy havo done
J. R. Itltnor, road work, $222.50.
S, M. Soudor, olTicc expenses, $113.
A. S. Allen, office expensos, $74.92.
Paul G. Moyor, platt and field notes,
C. E. Oldfathor, hauling gravel, $175.
John Boyle, road work, $33.00.
E. II. Springer, frloght charges,
The Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
1008 West Fourth Street.
For tho treatmorit of Medical, Surgical
and Obstotrlcal Patients.
Anderson, dragging roads.
A. R. Leavltt, road work. $38.25.
A." II. Anderson, road work, $40.50,
J. F. Kelly, services, $1.50.
Ingward Holm, dragging roads. $38
Frank Fredorlcl, road work, $5.00.
Adjourned to January 7th, 1918.
A. S. Allon. County Clerk
Card of Thanks.
Wo deslro to thank tho frlonds who
what tho Gormans doemod impossible, so kindly assisted during tho sickness
and havo given tho lighting men sun- nnd aftor tho death of our beloved
port that has holpcd them to win. husband and brother. We aro espec
Added to these ploneors aro tho rogi- lally gratoful to tho people of tho
monts that wont over with Pershing, Baptist church.
and all tho traditions of tho American Mrs. Wm. M. Hay, West Chester, la
railroad man at his best aro being up
hold whoro sorvico of tho sort ho can
glvo counts most for humanity. When
tho story finally Is told, tho railroad
man wil dosorvo a placo on tho llrst
pago, along with tho soldier nnd.tho
sailor. Omaha Boo.
Rov. Moses Hay, Greenville, Tcnn
MIsb Mary Hay, Columbus Jet., Ia
Mrs. John Lllja. Columbus Jet., Ia.
Mrs,. Sorbors Jones, West Chester, Ia
450 head of whlto faced threeyear
old heifers, $C5 por head. Delivered
In Donvor March 1st, 1918.
170 head, 80 por cent whlto faces
$02.50 por head, dollvored in Denver
Mnrch 1st.
200 young white facod cowb, $55
por head, for immediate dollvory in
50 young Red Durham cowa, $55
Rclallers (o Sign Food Pledge.
"Wo pledge ourselves to glvo our
customers tho 'benefit of fair and
modornto prices, soiling at not more
than a reasonable profit nbovo cost
to us."
Evory retailor in Nebraska, soiling
fnoilntllffu will lin natn.t In tl.n
ale pilgo ;inn tnlno dls- IT 'V? Immod,al deHVry Bt Ft
play In his. placo of business a postor '7 "'
with tho pledge, which will" Do fur
nished by tho United Statos Food Ad
"The postor pledgo will put ovory
'. retailor in Nebraska on record for his
Government." said Mr. Wattles. Fednr
nl Food Administrator, "and it will M'1'0110 Illk- 1008
IflVft him HMlTintlllnr in fllanlnt lit 1.1.. I '! ?03 !
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North ol Postoflicc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th.
fdsntific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement caaci.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D.
J. B. Rcdfidd. M. D.
V. Lucas, M. D.
J. S. Simms, M.D
Successor to
Drs. Rcdfleld & Redflold
Offlco Phone 642 Roa. Phone 076
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics. -
Office: Building and Loan Building
p,,Q. I Office 130
Phones Residence 115
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8, p. m.
Office Black 333 Res. Black 1020
Office: First National Bank Building,
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Phone 308
' Dentist
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
All Colorado natives.
Wq always keep 50 or 75 head In
tho local stockyards. Will sell any
numbor nt any time.
720 East Fourth Stroot,
Ileal Estate, Fire, Tornado and Ilnll
Insruanco. Special Agents Globe
LIfo Insurance Company.
Corner Front and Dowoy Sts., UpBtairs
Phono Red 672. North Platte, Nob
Notice of Sale.
Notlco Is hereby clven that by vlrtuo
of a chattel mortgago dated on the
11th day of October 1917 and duly filed
In tho offlco or tho County uierK oi
Lincoln County. Nobraska, on the 11th
day of October 1917, and executed by
John Smith to Clara Stegcmann to so-
curo tho payment of the sum or.
$737.51 and upon which there is now
duo tho sum of 5707.51.
Default having been made In tho
payment of said sum and no suit or
other proceeding at law having been
instituted to recover said debt, or any
part thereof, therefore, I will soli tho
property therein deaccrlbcd to-wit:
40 acres of matured, standing and un-
husked corn located upon tho follow
ing described premises to-wlt: South
Wost Quartor of Soctlon 35, Township
14, North of Rango 31, West of tho 0
P. M.. Lincoln County, Nebraska, at
public auction nt tho boose located
unon said described premises on tno
9th day of January 1918, at 1 o'clock
p. m. of said day.
Dated December 17th, 1917.
dl8J8 Mortgagee
llOAIl NO. 410.
To nil whom It mny concorn:
Tho special commissioner appointed
to locate a punuc runu no
Commencing at the Southweat corner
of tho SouthwoBt quarter of beotlon
twenty-five, township ten, range tnir-ty-omi
Tand running thenco east one mile
on section line ueiwuuu i,, ,.;
ty-uvo ana thirty-six ,IU1VV, '"ia W
range thirty-one, connecting "s No.
141 nnd 170. has reported In favor of
tho snmo as follows: .,.
Beginning at tho corner to hoc t Ions
25, 2fi, 35 nnd 30, T. 10 N., It. 31 W., and
running thonce east on lino between
Sections Kb unci ao, m
Notice To Contractors.
Call for Bids on State Aid Brldgo at
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebr.
Sealed bids will be received until
3 o'clock p. m. Tuesdny, January 22,
1918, at tho office of the County Clerk
In Lincoln County, North Platte, Nebr,
for the construction of a concrete
brldgo across tho South Platte Rivor
located approximately one mile south
of tho City of North Platte. Bids will
bo received for tho construction ql
One reinforced concrcto arch bridge
composed of 10-50 ft. concrcto nrencs,
with concrete piers and abutments,
resting on wood piling as por plans
and specifications. Bids will bo re
ceived on the yardage basis for making
1111s in approacnes anu surfacing.
All bids must bo sealed and nccom
panted with a cash deposit or certl
fled check made payablo to tho County
Treasurer, Lincoln County, for tho
sum of $5,000.00. All checks must be
certified to by a bank In Nebraska.
Bids will bo publicly opened at the
offlco of the County Clerk, North
Platte, Nebraska, at 3 o'clock p. m.,
January 22, 1918. A copy of the plans
and specifications are on file in the
office of tho County Clerk and the
State Engineer, and may be had upon
application and payment of $5.00 at
tho oftlce of the State Engineer.
Thj; State and County reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
Geo. E. Johnson, State Engr,
d21-j21 A. S. Allen, County Clork,
City of North Platte. Lincoln County, In
tho Stnto of Nebraska.
Said bonds to bear dato of March 1,
1918, nnd the Interest on enld bonds to
bo payable on tho 1st day of September,
1918. and on tho 1st day of March and
on tno 1st day of Soptcmbor of each nnd
every year thereafter, until all of the
Intorcst on said bpnila shall have been
Said bonds to be numbered consecu
tively from 1 to 30 Inclusive, and the
Interest thorcon to bo evidenced by
coupons thcroto nttached.
Bonds No.'s 1, 2 nnd 3 to become duo
nnd payable on tho 1st day of March.
Hon (Is No.'s 4, 5 and 0 to become duo
out-iiuiiD .u ------r , Hne-I isontis ino.-s 4, u ami u to uecomo auo
W'SWl on VM'ffiE to SS- "ft WW. on tho 1st day of March.
ncct with Iloacl No. 141.
t .. .1 i.. n n - .1 n i t . .
.InmnnnU 1)U HUB II Ui fl ( O Illlll V L II IJliCUIIin Illin
muAsV XTin ?Lomrttto'cXZ aye. payable on the 1st day of March,
u; lorrk.,or rnbf0S?PhO918O0or?SSh "ondH No.'s 10,11 and 12 to become
rt',?..ra1,. (ln .?.f.. ?MJti?. tJ?Sr5SS2 duo and payable on tho 1st day of
roau Will 1)0 lUiuwuu .w-w- I Mnrnli. 10.15!.
Dated at North I'latte, Nebraska, this
20th day of December, 1917. AITM .
County Clerk.
Bonds No.'s 13. 14 nnd 1G to bneomn
due and payablo on tho 1st day of
March, 1933.
Bonds No.'s lfi, 17 and 18 to become
duo and payable on tho 1st day of
March, 1934. ;
Bonds No.'s 19. 20 and 21 to bocohm
duo nnd payablo on the 1st day of
rr ii I, ... ti r nnnnnrn:
A U ill! HWl.l V . . . '
Tho snec al commissioner npiiuiuiuu Alnrcn. 1935
tn Innnto a lilllillp rond 118 fOllOWS: ltnnilii Nn'a 9V!. !.1 nnil 91 tn lir..,,..
CommonciiiR at the Northonst corner ,iuo nml payable on tho 1st day of
of Section five, In township twelve March, 1936.
nnrlli Kinro thlrtV WGSt. Ill IjlnCOlll Vn.'n 9R 9R nn.l O1? In
County, and running' thence west on ,iuo nn,i payablo on tho 1st day of
nnd C to tho northwest corner of Sec- Bonds No.'s 28, 29 and 30 to becomo
tlon G, township 12, range ju no eaiuu- (U0 amj payablo on tho 1st day of
UBiicd. nns renoricti in iuvui ui jxinrcn. luas.
an mn na fnllnuM! I A twl ul.rill Mm llnnwl nf ...
BoginnliiK nt the n. i-.. corner ol bcu- nilssslonors of the County of Lincoln,
tlon G, T. 12 N., It. 30 W nnd'runnlnK tho stat0 of Nebrnska, levy a tax In
thenco west two miles between Sec. o tlle yuAr 19i8 ami ln eacn nnd OVory
nnd fi, T. 12 N., It. 30 W.. nnd Sections yottr thereafter sufficient to pay the
SI. .12. .13. T. 13 N.. It. 30 W.. tO the N. r,.rnt n., ml,l l,nn,1. nn.l ,,(yilA. ...
W. corner of said section 6. . , pay five per cent of the principal thoro-
uujeuiiuuB uiuiuw u v.i.... OI as proviuen ny mw; nnu in tno year
damages must be filed in tho o I ce of 1928( ftnd each and evory year thero
tho County Clerk on or boforo 12 o clock nf tor sufficient to pay the principal of
iiuuu ui V i i ,ri i aniu uonuB as inoy uecomo uue, until
huuii ruuu win uu ouiiicient tax nas ucon levied to pay
erenco thereto. ........... ... all of tho principal of said bonds as
Dated at North i'latte, NeDrasKa, tins rovlded bv law: and such tax both fnr
day of December, 1917. interest and principal to bo levied upon
'County' Clerk. fetVec'lngu r0perty ,n Silkl Ea8t
ItOAD no. n:t
Said bonds to bo used for tho nurnnnn
of constructing n sorlcs of wagon
To all whom it may concorn: bridges across the following streams,
Tho speclnl commissioner appointed to-wlt: the North Channel of thn Plnttn
to locato a public road as follows: ltlver, the south slough of the Tlatto
commencing ui me eeciion nno iiivcr, anil tne worth ana youth bran
tho north of Sections nineteen (19) and dies of tho l'lnttn nivor. hpcinninu- nt
twenty (20). running south a distanco nolnt on tlin North linntc nf tin nnrtu
of 3 miles, between the following sec- channel of tho Platto Hlvor, whore a
Mnnti Cantlnno nltiatnon M 0 nml (WAtl. wntlmnlA. fi irnl.nt i. o n .
ty (201 nnd flections thirty (30) nml villngo of Brady. Lincoln County,
twentv-nino (29) and Sections thirty- NnhrnHkn. rutin! n f In n HnnthiVfntArnU
ono (31) nnd thirty-two (32), all in direction, intersects the north bank of
township thirteen (13), rango thltry- the said North Channel of tho Platto
four (34), Lincoln County, Nebraska, Hivcr, and thon across snid North
has reported in favor of the same aa channel of tho Platto lllvrr to a point
follows: on the south bank of said North Chan
Beginning nt the cornor to Sections noi nf tim pinttn mvtr wiim ani.i nnn
17, 18, 19 and 20, T. 13 N., U. 34 W. of conects with the Public Highway No.
the Cth P. M., and running thenco south 183; thence commencing on tho north
on section lino 3 miles between bectlons bank of tho south slough on tho Section
iv umi-u. .j nnu ou, oi uiu; .-, ouiui niio uetween Sections twenty-two (22)
township nnd rnnge, terminating there. Und twenty-three (23) in township
iHi uauuiKus w uujcuuuiio inuiuiu ui iweivo uzj wortn, or range twenty
claims for damages thereto must bo seven (27) West of tho 0th P. M. then
nicd in tho office of the County Clerk
on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of the ; 6th bank of said south slough connecting
day of March, 1918, or such road will be with Public Highway No. 43; thenco
allowed without reference thereto. commencing at the north bank of tho
Dated at North Platte, this 20th day North branch of tho Platto River on
of December, 191 1. ,TTXT said Section line between said Sections
County Clerk.
twenty-two (22) nnd twenty-three (23),
thence south ncross said north branch
of the Platto River to the south bank
thereof, connecting with said Public
Highway No 43; thenco commencing
at the north bank of the South branch
Estate No. 1509, of Mary J. OHaro,
Decoased, in tho County Court of Lin-
nnln nnlintv MAlirn ulrn
North Platto. i Tho Stnto of Nebrnska, ss. Creditors
of said estnto will tnke notlco that the
'" I Mann 1 1 -! I wl nfnannt nilnii nml (ifltArv
T . 0 m, . mi ' tllllU lllllllVU Wl lilUOCIIlUllUII UIIU llllllh
1 r "l1 1 1 nti n tt XT Pn Mrn tinllllnnl . . ii
storo Hlinwlnc llinf u nnnnnmiinJ 1 iiuumo .1 . vutvui, jiiniuiiui oi claims against saui estate is Apru
Bt ,0. "b .. 10 lR coonrtlK economist of Harvard, wants tho noo- ? S!r 8m.?"t ? E.8.:
twlth ho United Statos in this great T !' "lo l" thto is November 30. 1918.
u 1 1 11 . I plo to glvo up tobacco and candy and sit nt the county court r
war. Wo deslro that evory retailor in ,inln u,fn tIm WIir Wlint wnillll ,,,., .county on JanufCry 4, 1918.
tho stnto sign this pledgo as soon as
pOBHlblo and display tho postor.'
that I will
room in said
linlr. mln tn ..... HT1,, ,,,,,,,1.1 l.,., I CUUIliy UI1 dUUUliry 1, 1U1B, III U U C1UUK
holp win tho war. What would uecomo ft, ,n, nd on April 4, 1918, at 9 o'clock
of tho tobacco dealors and candy mnk.'a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow.
crB? Calloused must bo tho
which would turn 'em out into a cold' H'1
... ,11., IU IVWU.VV, VA,,lllltlU, llUtll. tilll.T,
nf niHllut nil nlnttviH nfifl nhlnntlnnR
iiuart nuiy nicu. uiso. m. khunuii
County Judge,
Tho plodgo will bo distributed
through tho traveling salesmen or tho unloollng world,
wholesalers mimilvlnir th ft Htntn tin ill 1
It is qulto Rlmllar to a plodgo which Accounts of the Gorman (ihrlstmas
ihn wimWnWu ..i 1 Htuto women nnd children openly beg-
. ,n ,., , B(l 1,1 tho ' snow covered BtroptB for . interested In said Kstato tako notlco
..w., mv joiuuur win ouon tood to nppoaso tholr hunger, nnd that tho Administrator has lilcd a nnai
ImprwB tho sorlousnoa of tho war up- riptfl took place in some of tho towns. , ad T'iotlt'lon1 for iiWa;
on thoso who havo not roallzod to tho 0nl' V10 rlcn onJoyort n Kood, but or-1 and dlschnrgo as such, which have been
nMWt avw.t .i.... ...!... mmii' iiinnor anu lor tins inoy naiu set ior iieurmfr i.
uaumi 'jiibi iniiu iuih war
Kstato No. 1400 of Krnnk Schick, do
ceased, In tho County Court of Lin
Tho State of Nobraska, to all persons
dlnar dinner and for this thoy paid set for hearing boforo said court on
hlirb nricos. as niunli iih Sf.0. Most ' January 4, 1918. at 9 o'clock a. in., when
l'or Rale,
of the ohurches ln Gornmny were clos.
od, owing to lack of coal.
: :o:-
102-3 will roach tho vitals of some o
I till till VMlUt M.lV'.llI I (Un, ...
,, .. .Hu..a. i uuiit) vuiuii ia ii iiidi, .uiiDiii ...... ... ....... .......... v.. , .
'"" nf lMlth Cnvitll thn Ttixl Prima iniran tlco tl,ut n potltlon has boon filed for
liliatiiriilletl rSnrminiK llnwt ifi.ifUinr i ... ! i ' f, i f .uroHa. nurs , the probato of an instruinont purport-
iiiiMiiiruiMou Germans .n list lleglsler. shot to death in llolglum by ordorB oflnltf to bo tho last Will and Tostamont
aro any unnnturulUud male 1?,n' wntl hl8, ""Polling motive or enro ""'"" ''
In Lincoln county above tho s "oltio ii iiornonnl nccount with tho!
tor of said Will, which
T ,1... ..!...... ........... ... I
Hocsohold goods of the Into Rov. rv,vnii .. ,.in.i ,,t r,,i rim..
AVm. Hay. I'hono Ulnok U77. O. 0. don, Ga., tin avenging blade or bullet
Wood, 910 M 3d street 102-3 1 will roach tho vitals of some of tho
If thuro
frrv if f i 1 M(r.n. A . it. . . a . . I
t umiiuuii juiuB, iiiuy must ragis- ::o;'
ter during the week ending Fobruary Dota J. Slump, wlfo of Georxe Slump,
4th. This thoy can do by applying to or buthQrlaml, has llled a suit In tho d20Ji5
n postmaster. This registration will "VVS, ,w '., r. . u'u" "'U1
involvo tho gnthorlng of detailed In- whlIo onrouto h6mo from Choyonno n
formation concerning tho business, window of tho car In which sho was
rolatlvos and habits of evory German, riding foil ncross hor loft arm with
tnrrothi.r with bin nhntnr.,,,1. nn.l. fl 1110 lC0 UHlt IHUO B110 lins
you may appoar and content tho samo
iiaieu jjocomuor 1, ini,
a I20. 13. PUKNCH.
(U1J4 , County Judgo.
i, 1 .i 1
Partition Snle.
By virtue of an order directing the
referee to make a sale, which order
was Issued from the District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a de
cree of partition and the confirmation
of the referee's report rendered in
said Court, wherein Charlotte S.
Woodward Is plaintiff and Henry T.
Woodward and Norah Woodward, his
wlfo; G. T. Halloway and Cressie
Halloway, his wife, and L. C. Mitchell
and Edna Mitchell, his wife, parties in
possession of said lands, are defend
ants; and to me directed I will on the
25th day of January, 1918 at two
o'clock P. M. at the East Front Door
of the Court House in North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska soil nt pub
lic auction to tho highest bidder for
cash the following described real es
tate, to-wit:- all of Section five (5), in
Township sixteen (16) North, of Range
Twenty-olght (28), West of tho 6 P M,
and all of Soctlon Thrco (3), in Town.
ship Sixteen (10) North, of Range
Twonty-nlno (29), West of tho 6 P M
all of which said lands being located
In Lincoln County, Nobraska. That I
will offer said lands as a whole ln ono
tract and that I will offer said lands ln
two parts, ono being all of Section
Five (5), in Township Sixteen (1G)
North, of Rango Twenty-eight, West of
the G P. M. ; tho otbor being all of
Soctlon Three (3), in Township Six
teen (1G) North, of Rango Twonty-nlno
(29), West of tho G P M. If the bid
upon tho wbolo of said two sections
exceeds the highest total bids upon
each of said two sections I will accept
said bid for all of said lands', but If
the snld two highest bids upon tho two
separate tracts exceeds the highest
bid for the wholo of said lands I will
accept snld bid upon tho two separate
Dated this 17th day of Dec. 1917
dl8J22 O. E. ELDER, Referee
ICstato No. 15'-'4 of Caroline Franzen, do
coaaed. In tho County Court of Lin
coin ("oinitv. Nebraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, To all por
hoiim Interested in said estate take no-
ml for tho up
ease as Kxecu
lias been sot
for lioartng heroin On January 18. 1918,
at 1) o clocic 11. in.
Dated December 81, 1917.
nico. is. inucNCH.
County Judgo
been unnblo to porforih work of any
Kstato No. 15S0 of Anna-M. O'Rourke
docoaHod, in tno county court 01 Liin
....... . . T.Knnulrn
1.-UIII iuillllj , .cwi nanii.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said ostato will tako notlco that tho
Hum limited for tiresentatlon and til
ing of claims against said Kstato Is
April 25, 1918, and for settlement of
said Kstato Is December 21, 1918; that
I will Bit nt tho county court roonwin
said county on January 25. 1918. at 9
o'clock n. m., and on April 25, 1918. nt
u o ciock 41. in.. 10 roceivo, examine
hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and ob
Joctioiis (liny lueti.
d25J22 County Judge
Department of the Intrrlor,
Horini iNo. uDokju.
gor prints.
. . , 1. .. ,.. 1.
;uur uiu lugiHiunug no miisi carry .;o::-
n certiflctUo card, and mnv not nlinni?n Slnco tho war began the net decline
-his plnco of rosldonco without np- ,n u' u, ."H 1,10 "nU8U B,V4 lc
, . murkot has boon 21 por cent. This
provnl of thoJpoltco and postmaster. ,. as taken nine., nt diim,, ,,HrU
.isolation of tho Regulations will be with an occasional upward trend of
nuitlalinMn Ktr 1 tm ninn frw 41. I PfTlutf1llMtU1n frirrut find A 11 v lnt 'PI11
tiriusu siocic marKot at tno prosr-nt
tlmo would 1)0 ("niiilHlih.rulilv IiIl'Iioiv
Beginning January 15 tho Union it is uirrood.if it worn not -fnr iiu ih ..
(Raclflc-Northwostera will instltuto a turbed condition on this sldo of tho, v- s- Lml olllce nt "'"ft .V?'
' . . . wntni. v r, .,. 1.. i ....i. . iJecomner is, uif,
Notlco is nereuy given mat iiomoi
W. Hniiim. of North Platte, Nebr., who,
on Boot, zg, ivu, made iiomesteau en
try. No. 05830, for NWU Section 34
Townehlp 10 N., Range 29 W. Cth
l'rlncipal Meridian, has llled notice o
Intention to make llnal three year
proof, to establish claim to tho Innd
above described, beforo the Tloglster
nnu icoceivor, nt Norm rinue, wenr., on
tne tit 11 uay 01 I'euruary, ivia.
Clnimant .names ns witnesses:
Silas Llttlo. of North Platte'. Nebr.
C II. Schaofter, of Stapleton, Nob,
win I'ltmnn, or stnpieion, iseur,
Robert Uatle. of Stanloton. Nebr.
1.1 T t7AXTIO
...... - . - u. u. 14.?.
sioro lato, 50. tnry uovoiQpmonts of tho near future d2C-0w . UeBlstor.
..'nfitnfl uvatntnLfnr inn bfinnnt nf nnu. water. Wo aro now ln a sluniD such
o,u i,n,. on Mn 1 nnd wi.n.i nH Gr0ftt Britain Biifforod from oarlior
BongorB riding on Nob. 1 and - when , tho Wftr It ,H (,U0( tho Eng8h,non
thoso trains are luto arriving nt dos- think, hocojuao of our uncertainty ovor
tlnatlons. If trainB Nob. 1 and 2 aro tho war and tho fooling that taxation
two liourB, or leas than thrco, lato niU8t ' heavy and long contlnuod us
when reaching destinations, passon- coino' rroUrcustned,8to Al
gors will bo glvon $2 rofund on tho ox- condition brought about by war it is
cobb faro; if throo hours lato nnd Iosb expected that tho market will show a
'than four, $3; if four hours and Iobb recovery. Whothor that comos In tho
: IV n i,n,. xt w months or must wait for n
inan nvo, r, uu ... - year or two doponds upon tho-mill
ui ro. 11 in 1110 boutnwesi quaria- ncr0Ss said south branch of tho Platte
nnoStinn nrMiVii VP nVinJriS Silld bridges being approximately 200S
nee In a northerly, northeasterly feet in ientrth morn nr Iphh nnil nil
f .Jm T Mm situate witnin saia uast iJiatte
LiV ' n?e i?n ni a? ? Precinct, and to be of sufllclent width
1 ?5!5 Si '" two teams to pass each other at
To whom it may concern:
.T,Lclal.iCmmi?.sr ilJJ')0lnted of tho Platte ltlver on said section line
T Detweon saiu sections twenty-two (22)
yuuiiueiiuiiiK i o uuiui. ny, " .. and twenty-three (23). thence south
iV!SiS,-1t l"..."i.? ,Vl l8i.i?" across said south branch of tho Platte
and northwesterly
tho west one-hair
i. ...... ..i. . . .. .
imuuhii tn neni nail yit. Qcuiiuii oui I fOV tWO tPfltTlR to nnRR nnnh ntlinr nt
thence north on sVctlon line between Oon with the plans" and enecin-
sectlons 28 and 29 of said last town- StlowXrod'lM
ship and range three-fourth of a mile, state Engineer of the State of Nobras-
thenco In a northeasterly, northerly Ua nnd 8,(1 bonda to be approximately
"?ffie.?ter. ?w2iPtf2i?.iSS?,55 of the entire costof theq
n o 7i V. ' . VrT . :. 7 : "r'r siruction oi saiu onages as neretororo
tlon 21 to tho auarter section cornor be- Pet 'Fth' and the entire cost of which
tween section 28 and 21 townshln 15 . PPro?'Iniy s xty thousand
north, range 30 west,
it.... 1. ...... .. .... I .... .. n
iiiiu uetwccii auukluiiH V uiiu ai, ig iliiu i ... ,..,.. .i.i.i ... . r , - "
17 of sa d townshln and range to a .V.'.".? u. ."' '".. p y!1:
..i... ,.i,... it ,. -.i. r. v. ier -s. ejections IZJ to 166 inclusive, of
IIUUII H'fUUL I. IIUI III W J. iuu I.UI- . 1. ...... I 1 ....... . , , , , , ' --
tier of Sections 10, 17, 20 and 21, thence "eJ'sed ,bt.atuts ot,Ke stfite ?f
in a northeasterly direction through fH' 'm tneyear i1,913, and .ncts
the west half of sections 1G and 9 amendatory thereto, sald amendatory
through the southwest quarter and the S".! ?,ii" iT llaGe. .Tur V110
east hair or section 4 or said last ,,"' .r'"0 "l
township and range to a point on the nf VTD, , f
nortn line or saiu section 4 aoout zv
To Edna J. Kennlson und Kin
nlson, her liusbantl, llrst and real
n mn o unknown!.
You are hereby notified that Sam
uel Haynle, as plaintiff, commenced
an action, against you as defendants
ln tho District Court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, on Dccombor 14, 1917,
the object of said action being to
quiet title, ln the plaintiff nnd against
tho defendant, to nil of Section Nino
(9), Township Nino (9), North of
Hnngo Thirty-two (32), Wost Cth P.
M., as against clouds upon tho title to
snld land caused by tho recording of
the following warranty deeds, purport
ing to convoy said lands, to-wlt:
A deed made by W. B. LoVequo and
wlfo to T, E. Baldwin, dated and ac
knowledged on March 8, 1912, and re
corded on Octobor 29, 1912, In Deed
Record A 12 at pago G74 of tho records
of Lincoln county, Nobraska.
A deed mado by said T. E. Baldwin
to Finis E. Downing, datod Dccombor
17, 1912, and recorded on Dccombor
23, 1912T, ln Deed Record B 5 at page
11 of tho records of Lincoln County,
A deed mado by said Finis E. Down
ing and wlfo to tho defondant Edna J
Klnnlson, dated Octobor 8, 1913, and
recorded on Jununry 3, 1914, in Deed
Record B G at page 249 of tho records
of Lincoln County Nobraska.
And to cancel, annul and set asldo
Bald doods, and to enjoin the defend
ants from asserting any claim of title
or interest ln or to tho land above do-
scrlhcd.or any part thorcof.
You aro required to answer said pe.
tltion on or boforo tho 25th day of
January, 1918.
By WM. E. SHUMAN, HIb Attornoy.
Should the State of Nebraska fall to
illtill iuiu oi 1 14 ncviiuii ttusut. mv .... i. i . . . , , ,
chains west of tho northeast corner of Bt such aid. then the bonds of said
said section 4, thenco northerly and l;,, f'i"0 .li".?1. n?reby, ortlerod
westerly across sections 33 and as. ' "'V" -Y" " .ooucu.
township 1C, rnnge 30 to tho soctlon
linn liatitrinn onnrlnna 96 o n 1 Ofi li c n rr I
northerly along said section line bo- , ''Kn Sfe 7hlr.t,yH,0"?a"d go1'
tween sections 28 and 29. and sections lars ($30 000.00), In "East Platto Pre-
21 nnd 20 tb ii noint about one-fourth clJ'5l "rmge iipnus'', in denominations
of a mile south from tho northwest cor- ot u thousand Dollars (Jl.000.00) each
ner of section 21 and thonce In a north- be"rln,B'nterest at the rate of six per
,,..,. .n,inn on nmi cent per annum, navnblo semi-annual-
nuni tit. u.i uvi jaa 11 v. ... . . v. . . n j ...... i . i .. .. . . ; -. - , , . ,
17 to tho northwest corner of soctlon 17, ;f,'",lc',CB.1: u"iJ i'"iiciiiai payauie at tne
across sections 7 and C to a point on n, c?u"Ttlsta)t,e f Nebraska, In the
tlia nnH, nf ann.lnn R nKnt nna. City OI NOTtll PlattC. LlllCOltl COlllltV.
' v' . ' ' .'..' ,'-V.l"ii ..jw... ...... . . . ,. . ...... . . . . , . , . , , , 1 '
fourth of a milo east of tho northeast !" oiuw ui nouniaKn. aniti ,on"B
corner or Section ti, has reported in f ."""f" 'i',"i " iu nt thn antvin fnMnwa- Interest Oil BAld bOllllS tO DO I).1Vill)l(l On
Beginning at Station No. 11 of Road .l"u oi oepiemuer, iui6, nnu on
No. 11 in tho southwest auarter of the 1st clay of March, and on the 1st day
section 4, township 14 north, rango 30 ' toeptemuer, or eacn and every year
,i,nut pnnnlni. M.onnn 1,1 n n nr- i h an a t nl r t hOl'eaf t OT. Until all Of the Interest On
and northwesterly direction through the f aid bonds shall havo been paid, and to
southwest quarter and the northwest lovy a tax In the year 1918, and In each
quarter of said section 4, and through "u every year inerearter suincient to
the southwest quartor anu tno west t' l""'c' " uomub, am
V.nlf nf M,., nn.thm.iit nnnrlni. nf aan- SUlIlClOnt tO D.IV ilVO llf'T Cf'tlt nf tllQ
tlon 33, township 10 north, rango 30 in.n" rai uruvioou uy mw;
west, to tho southwest cornor of sec- and in tho year 1928, and each and
tlon 28, township 15 north, range 30 every year thereafter sulilclont to pay
west, thonce nortn on section line De- j nm" iunu aa umy ue-
l. ...ilnnn oc nml on. n 1 ,1 tnu-n. COtno due. Until sufllclent tnv linn linnll
ship and rango three-fourth of a mile, pevied to pay all of the principal of
inenco in a nortneastoriy anu norm- uo uuw u; ww, mm auun
ti,. ,ii.,in ti.n ,nrh. tilX both I Of interest nnil nrlnrlnnl tn Im
west quartor of said soctlon 28 and levied upon all of the taxable property
tnrougn the wost one-nan oi soutn-i ,u,-r x SS, . . ..
west quartor of section 21. township VAGalnst'-i Issuing Thirty-thousand
ir, nnth . in ,i.Di tn thn minrtnp Dollars ($30,000.00). In "Knst I'lnttn
soctlon corner between 'sections 20 and precinct Bridge Bonds", In denomlna-
1 tl.nnn nn.l. nn nnnllnn linn hn. tlOHS Of OnO tllOUSand DnllnrS
tw'een sections 20 nnd 21 and between ($1,000.00), benrlng interest at tho rate
sections 16 and 17, said township nnil ' i i'" niiiiura, imyaoio
of the Countv
County, Stnto of
or Nortn i'latte,
e of Nebraska.
west quartor ot southwest quarter. ?aia uonus to uear date or Aiarcit i.
nnd the nortwest quarter of soctlon lfi juis. nnu the interest on saiu Donas to
and through the solithwest quarter of u .Payauie on tne iBt uay or hoptomoor.
southwest quartor of section 9 to a "i i"e ioi uuy oi iarci uiiu
point on lino between soctlons 8 and 9, on tho 1st day of Soptomber, of eacliand
township 15 north, rango 30 west, every year thereafter, until all of the
about 20 chains nortn or tno soutnwest '" uuimo mivc "ii
nn-n nf do i nil II thnnAA nnrtlll IIIIIU. illlll LI, 1UV.V IL lil. 111 L11U .VUUI LVIO.
on lino between said soctlons 8 nnd 9 and In each and every yoar thereafter
to a point about 108 rods south of the sulllclent to pay the Interest on said
nortwest cornor or saiu pection v, """ ii" "i lu i" n
thenco in a northoastorly direction ot the principal thereof as provided by
through tho northwest quarter of said law, and In the year 1928, and each and
Hectlon 9, nnd through the southeast every yoar thereafter sufllclont t6 pay
quarter of southwest quarter and the the principal ofsaid bonds as they bo-
wost half of southeast quarter and come duo, until sulllclent tax has been
if nf nnrthnnHt levied to nay all of tho nrlnelnnl of
quartor of section 4, townshln ir north, biuu uuiiuh us provmeu uy law, anu such
ffiiiirA .-in wnnr tn tnn nnrni iitw. nr aa i mji uulii lui ii ibiuhl uiiu iiriiinmni rn iia
section 4 about 22 chains wost from the levied upon all of the taxable property
northeast corner or said section 4. '"J::1"' 'iinio i-recinct.
All nlilnntlnna Ihnrntn nr n n nm fnr i nose VOIH1ET in ravor or snlil nrnnnnl.
damngos must be filed In the office of foil shnll mark tholr ballot with an
;iork on or before 12 -;, ueioro ine paragrapn ueginninR
anu those voting
rnngo, to a point about 3U rous soutn .-....iu..ii,. nuc i
nf tl,n nim.l... unntlm, nnrnnr hntivnnll PaVnblO nt tllO OlllCO
said sections 1C and 17. thonce in a Treasurer of Uncoln
northeasterly, northerly and north- eorasKn, in tne uity
wnutorW .llrnr.tlr.ri ll.rniiirl, thn nnrf ll . I 11 11 CO I n COUnty. Stilt
the County Clork on or boforo 12 uororo the par
o'clock, noon, ot tho 18th day of Fob- with tho word ''FOR1
ruary. 1918, or such road will bo allow
cd without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platte. Nebr., this
11th day of December, 1917.
dllJ4 County Clork.
notich. or spkciaii. hi.kction is
Notice Is hereby given that a special
election will bo held In East Platte
Precinct, In Lincoln County, State' of
Nobraska, on the 29th day of January,
1918, at which tho following proposi
tion will bo submitted to tho voters of
snld East Platte precinct, to-wlt:
"Shall the Board of County Commis
sioners of the County of Lincoln, stnto
of Nebraska, Ibsuo Thirty thousand
Dollars ($30,000.00) of 'East Platte Pre
cinct Brldgo Bonds', in denominations
of One thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each
bearing Interest at tho rate of six per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
Interest and principal payablo nt the
Office of the County Treasurer of Lin
coln County, State of Nebraska, In the
ngalnst said proposition shall mark
tholr ballot with an "X" before the
paragraph beginning with the word
Said election shnll be open at 8
o'clock A. M. and continue open until 8
o'clock P M. of said day, and tho polling
places of said East Platte Precinct will
be. at the School house on Section throe
(3) In township eleven (11) North, of
range twenty-seven (27) "Wost of tho 6
P. M. at which all of the votors living
In said precinct south of the south
branch of the south channel of tho Platte
ltlver in said Precinct will cast their
Kallo.t?.-. nd at the Woodman Hall In
tlie Village. of Brady, In said Precinct,
at which all votors living ln said Pre
cinct nnd residing north of the south
bank of tho south branch of the south
channel pf tho Platte River shall cast
their ballots, on the 29th day of Janu
ary, 1918."
By order of the Board of County
Commissioners of Lincoln County,
State of Nebraska, made on the 24th
day of December, 1917.
d27J24 A. S. Allen, County Clerk.