Win w , THIRTY-THIRD YEAJt. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 4, 19)8. No. 102 v KAlSKK'S pback plans SL'UJtMSI) BY .RUSSIANS. A crisis 1b ncnrlng in the Itusso Gcrnnin penco negotiations and indi cations nro that a doflnito break is not far off. Tho Russian government has de manded that tho conference, which was tQ have reconvened on January 4, be transferred to Stockholm, and has protested against the German atti tude regarding cccupicd territory. A resumption of hostilities is. not improbable should tho Germans1 do cllno to meet tho Russian demands. Emperor William and the rulers of Germany apparently arc aroused over( the suddon charigo in tho situation and the German and Austrian secretaries' are roported hurrying back to Brset Litovsk with new instructions. Gorman military and political lead, ers conferred with tho emperor and thoro is a widespread demand through out Germany that tho ItelcliBtag be convened immediately. ::o:: The Platte Valley Bank and Tho Oasis have loft at The Trlbuno offico very handsome calendars, both do-: picting fair woman. The First Na- Innnl nlcn fnnf rHinf na Ann rvp Ha vfenicnt wall calendars. The Episcopal Guild' at their meet ing yesterday decided to become an' auxiliary to the Red Cross and will go' in a body to the general work room next Thursday. Tho Methodist aid will become an auxiliary and will give ov- Anotlicr Service Cut. Within twenty days, 3,000,000 miles a year will bo added to tho 10,000,000 miles of passenger train service elim inated slnco thoboglnning of tho war by tho westorn railroads. . It was do cldtd at tho -nmcunco Jn Chicago of oxocutivo officers of those railroads on Wednesday. Tho conference reported no accumulation of freight in Chicago, and a junvy Movement of coa Chicngo, during tho last two weeks. Every railroad representative report e'd that his road was doing everything posslbio to carry out tho pdlicy out lined in the president's proclamation and In tho order of Director General McAdoo. O.MiY .mi:n of class , ON'K WILL in: callki) LOCAL AM) I'EHSONAL ' Washington, Jan. 3. Provost Mar shall General Crowdor, roporting tcH congress today on tho progress of Uid arart, for the -first time a1 dofinlto proniltfa ;nd aim of tho gov ernment not to tnl-o for nrmy fluty; ,.uu. uuu, u.use usieu mi. ff(Jm n vl.u wUh r0mUve8 i.naire W. J. Landgrnt will return today from a visit in Kansas City and Oma ha. Attorney C. L. Basking transacted profoMlannl buslnow in Ognlnlla yes-' tnrdny. ! MfiW Laura Murray roturncd yoster-. NKIUtASKA JtOADS I'll ML EFFECT GOVERNMENT CONTROL cry other meeting to Red Cross work, Junior Red Cross Drives. Tho Junior Red Cross drive Is tho January feature of tho national so cioty, Tho campaign to organizo all 'the school children of tho nation in tho Red Cross society is scheduled to bo laiunched nt tho ond of this wjjok, according to Washington headquar ters. Organization of tho Nobraska cam paign is now under way, preliminary arrangements having been slightly de layed on account of absence of Red Cross official from Omaha. School children who took out $1 member ships in the Christmas week cam paign will automatically become mem bers of tho junior society, stato offi cials announce. '. ; :o: : You will miss it if you fail to attend Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s sale. It's a money-saving event for the 'people. Usher in the New Year with a Res olution to Econ omize as much as possible. If yon follow this resolution and bank tho saving, your Hnnk account will grow. ? It will help you to economize If you , use GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, which is guaranteed to mako more bread to' the sack and Is far superior In quality than an!- other Hour. You will uso It Eventually. Why Hot Now I If your grocer cannot supply you, 'phono 99. AUTO LIVERY Since I have sold tho garage am doing nuto livery from tho North Side Darn.. Day or Night. Telephone 29. Wo mnko u specialty of drives to snles all over tho county at the rnto of five cents per mllo per person. Those who have sales throughout tho country plcnso let mo know. Also a few cars for sale. , , Julius Mogensen. .This classification ixcludos mnrrUd men entirely whose wlvoa or faniilUM are dependent on hom for supnort and othor mon with dopandonts. Gonoral Crowder does this on tho estlmuto that 1,000,000 men plvyslcally nt tor army duty will bo available from class ono. This number ho thinks sufficient for tho prosont mill tary needs of tho nation, but to as suro tho future supply for thoso needs ho recommends that men who have become 21 years slnco JuncG, 1917, (tho first draft), and who bocomo of ago hereafter shall be added to class ono as they become available. This will insure, tho general estimates, a supply of 700,000 mon a year. In tho Interest of fair distribution of tho military burden, Gonoral Crow dor proposes that tho quotas of Btates or districts bo determined hereafter on tho basis of the number of men in class one and not upon population. . Class ono comprises: e Single mon without dopendont rela tives, married men who have habitual ly failed to support their families, who are dependent upon wives for support or not usefully engaged, and whoso families are supported by incomes in dependent of their labor; unskilled farm laborers, unskilled industrial laborers, registrants by or In respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made, registrants who fall to submit questionnaire and in respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made, and all registrants not included in nny other division of tho schedule. The plan places upon unattached single uion nnd married mon with in dependent incqmes most of the weight of military " duty, for tho number of men In .hot other divisions of class one are' very small. v ::o: The Best Costs Less Polarinc's lubricating efficiency measured in terms of miles, makes it the cheapest oil in the long run. Even if Polarine did cost more by the gallon (which it doesn't) it would pay to use it. For Polarine retards depreciation. Saves repair bills. Reduces upkeep. You never need to be satisfied with any other oil. Wherever you may dc here or a hun dred miles from here you can get Polarine. It is sold everywhere. Fill your crankcase with Polarine today and abolish oiling troubles all winter. Get it where you see the sign at our Service Stations or good garages everywhere. xlapine the Ideal Winter Lubricant Red Crown Gaioline gives greatest mileage. Vapor ize, readily makes starting easy on coldest days. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . (Nebraska) Omaha Guaranteed Human Hair Snitches for $,")..'(). fontcs' lleauty Parlor, over McDonald State Hank. Walter Anderson, former driver for York's feed store, but who a year ago went to Omaha to accept a. position died yesterday in a hospital in that city. Ho had been in tho hospital since March 1st. Ho was well known among'North Platte's young folks. Lost Bar pin set with threo dia monds. Finder please leave at Hotel McCabo and receive a liberal roward. X The kaiser's work at Brest-LItovsk was too coarso oven for the trustful Bolsfiovikl, a suro sign that it could not bo accepted anywhere olso! Bee. For Salo 1G-Btall barn with hay loft. Inquire of Robert Salcotti. 102-9 A cement block gnsolino station is bolng erected on tho Burke lot nt the' jorner of Locust nnd Sixth. Mr. and Mrs. Soth Sherwood, now lo atod at Sidney, have bean spondlng fhls week with friends In town. i Miss Ituth Pattorson, who had been visiting at tho Patterson homo for ton' teys, returned to Omaha yoBtorday. Tho sale of all snlos Is tho annual Invontory salo bojng Uendor Mercantile Co. hold by Tho More Fame for Stuttgart. Stuttgart, which French nvlntors bombed recently, Is tho original homo of tho aircraft engine. It wns In Stutt gart thnt Daimler evolve! tho Intor nnl combustion engine which n French man, with nn cyo to utility, quickly turned to account In the first practical motor car, says tho Christinn Science Monitor. Ilere, too, Count Zeppelin evolved his monster nlrshlps, tanking use of the knowledge which trials and experiments In tho big D(.lmler works had served to bring to light. Facts such as these seem more pertinent at these times thnn the other reasons for Stuttgnrt's fame'. She bus, as every ono knows, a famous music academy, and her repytntlon for music is cer tainly far older thnn that vfhlch sho has acquired by her machinery ; also, It is unspoiled by anything of tho nn turo which has made the very word Zeppelin a byword In civilized countries. Mr..and Mrs. J. B. Jeter roturned 1W evening from n three weeks' visit in Indianapolis and othor enstorn points. Tho B. P. O. Elks dancing club hold an onjoynblo dance nt tho homo last -evening. Tho attendance was larger than usual. Soft Water Shampoo, Electric Mas sage. Oolites' lleauty Parlor, over 31c Doiiald Slate Hank. Miss Lillian McCrackon, who has been visiting hor sister Mrs. H. M. Grimes, will return to. Boulder, Col., Sunday. I Tho Coatos Boauty Parlor lias mov ed from over tho Hlnman garago to a new location In tho McDonnld bank building. Dr. Geo. B. Dent hns boon spending tho past few -days In Omaha, having accompanied Mrs. Dent to that city Tuosday night. Rev. A. C. Hull is in Omaha thlB week attending meetlugs of the Bap tist educational committee nnd the Baptist stifto board. ' . 1 jflwsr Edlth'Pnhbrsoh' loft yesterday for'Choteau, Mont., to resumo hor School after sppnding the 'holi day vacation with her pnrcnts. Lost Crochotlng -bag, containing money. Return "to Mrs. Robert Arm strong and recelvo reward. Roy and Dick Banks loft last night for San Diogo, Cah, whero they have boon called by tho Illness of tholr mother, Mrs. W. T. Banks, A telogrnm was recoived yesterday advising them to'conie. Tho knitting department of tho Red Cross will make a shipment of knitted goods tho early part of next week. All thoso who hnvo knitted garments are requested to complete nnd hand them n as early as possible. You must visit tho store each day of tho sale. Many now lots arc being brought out every day, all at bargain prices at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s, All tho millinery, Including pattern hats, is being closed out at Tho Load or Mercantile Co.'s. A tlmo to Bnvo money. Up to last evening GOO registrants of" Lincoln counfy who had filed their questlonalres, hud been classified, and 350 more will bo classified today. Tho groatcr porcentago of thoso classified havo gono into class one, which in cludes all single men without absoluto dopicndoncles or married mon who havo been married since May 18th.' My annual January salo begins the Cth and lasts until ovory hat s sold. In order to mako room for Spring goods arriving I am closing out'ovory hat .at very romarkablo figures. My hats from $10.00 to $15.00 will bo sold nt $5. Othors marked to soli up to $5.00 at $1.50 and I will also have trimmed hats for $1.00 and $.75 each. VILLA WIIITTAKER at BLOCK'S. Mrs. Magglo Rosondnhl was takon to tho stato. asylum at Hastings this morning by Mrs. Lottlo Kockon. Mrs. Rosondnhl was sent to tho asylum from Dawson County nnd obtaining somo relief was paroled. In Omaha advices stato that govern ment oporatlon of rnllroads has boon rosponslblo in hundrods of startling changos affecting wostorn railroads. Union Pnoluc, Missouri Pacific and Burlington roads, In compllanco with orders from 'jemltry McAdoo. huv. stopped all freight nnd passongor so liciting, and hundreds of solicitors find- themselves out of positions. Tho solicitors aro ordered to hold thom selvcos in readiness for othor posi tions, and nro instructed that tholr salaries will continue for tho balnnco of tho mouth Many of tho frolght agents havo been Instructed to dovoto thomsolvcs to tho Inspection of car- loading and unloading, to boo that tho cars aro. filled to capacity and un loading is promptly dono. Advertis ing dppartmcnts of all tho roads men tioned havo boon practically wiped out and advertising of all kinds brought to a close. By govornmont ordors the Missouri Pacific has boon given au thority to uso tho Illinois Contral Mis. sourl rivor bridge, a privilogo tho Mis souri Pacific has been trying to so curo for years. This gives tho Mis souri Pacific ontrnncb. into Council Bluffs and westorn Iowa. .:o:: Dnrkcr Dread. Lincoln county housowlvos should not find fault nor complain if in tho futuro their broad does not como out f r flirt rtifAn nt ii1tttsv n rt i t n t rt 1 ttMi will bo n reason for this darker .loaf, and a good roason, for tho mills of tho country tho North Platto electric mills Included nro making flour by n dlfforont procoss; a process directed by tho govornmont As a result a greater porcontngo of flour Is obtained from tho whont, and tho quantity of "shorts" is loss. Tho flour is not quito so white, but it is moro nutrieiouB and tho bread will havo greater hunger-staying qualities and glvo greater strongth nnd fat to tho consumer of it. It is a govornmont regulation that will help rathor than lnjuro ns. :o: : This week quite a number of Trlb uno subscribers havo visited tho of fico and planked down a year's sub scription and romarked that thoy-had ombarked on tho "pay ns you go tilan." This is a good year nnd a good tlmo of tho year to go on tho cash system, and thoso who adopt it will find nt tho ond of tho year that it has taught them economy. Wo bollovo that a good many peoplo In town will agreo with us that a telephone nnd an open account nt tho grocors or butchers loads to a cer tain oxtrnvagtinco that will not oc cur' if tho party visits tho grocor or butchor in porson nnd planks down tho cash. Whon you hnndlo tho money ploco at n tlmo you aro moro lively to fully approcltlto Its valuo. :o::- Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovor Stono Drug Storo. tf Mr. Ford Owner, watch out for the "TWIS TER " One of our competitors is resorting to what is known with insurance men as "Twisting," which is unlawful in Nebraska, in trying to induce Ford owners to TRADE THEIR FORDS for another make. If you are Considering a Trade we request, at least, a conference with you be fore making any cHange. ' HENDY-0GIER AUTO CO., Phone 34 North Platte, Neb. Had Hidden Wealth. For twelve yoajr-s Michael Kennoy, onco n Brooklyn water inspector, lived In n smrtll furnlRhed room nt 2789 Mor ris nvenuc, tho Bronx. Ho seldom' uhe meantime her husband moved to Bpoko to nnyone, nnd when he Avns ac cidentally asphyxiated, by gas tho po lice had no way of ascertaining, whether ho hnd any relatives. It was known ho owned tho two family houso In which ho occupied a oom, nnd ho was given a dccentbur-. lal. , ,.,,..- Tubllc Administrator Hammer went to tho Morris uvenue houso recently nnd searched tho room in hope of finding information which might lend to relatives. In bureau drawers ho found bank books representing depos its of ?20,000. Under nn icebox thcro was $2,011 In bills, and hidden in tho hair of an old settee was $100 in gold. X'-rth Platto and accopted employment vjj,h tho U. P. At frosont tho hus bitnd Is confined to tho house by pnou monla. Going cast on u aBt frolght Tuesday afternoon Unglncor Lawhcad, when nca. Overton, notlcod .a woman ap proach tho track. Whon tho ongino was within thirty feet of tho woman, Bho deliberately throw herself across tho track, hor knees rostlng on tho rail with her boHy on tho outaldo. Both limbs woro Bovored. At tho investiga tion it devolopod that the woman had but lately been discharged from ono of the stato insthio asylums, With Coal Out of Sight It is genuine economy to heat small offices, cashiers' booths nnd similar places with a Perfection Heater. Burns eight hours on one gallon of kerosene. It is more comfortable too, as you can control the Perfection Heater so as to give nny degree of warmth you want. Clean, good looking and dur able; moved from placo to plitco more cnily riinn n small chair. Really inexpensive. At hardware, furniture and de partment stores. Moro than 3,000,000 Perfection Heaters now in use. PERFECTION K.rour gtee$ bat mull: Standard Oil Company (Nebraska) Umaha PERElflON I LH EATERS fp8 t