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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1918)
Stat Jlortlt cmi-Mifelilir Swlrata. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.. JANUARY 1, 191 8. No. 10 b JJNGINKEK GE01UJK LAN MX I A Satisfactory Year. IK A CRITICAL CONDITION.' Vlowed from all nnglos and making I duo nllowanco for disappointments, Engineer Georgo Lannln fell from an, the year 1917 was about as satisfactory engine at the round housp at nine, for tho pooplo of North Platte and o'clock yesterday morning and has Lincoln County as could bo oxpocted. since been In an unconscious and crltl-j It Is true tho farmors suffored a big cal condition. At the time of the! loss In wheat, and so:t corn resulted In accident ho was standing on the stops on tho front end of tho engine doing work on the electric headlight, when cither his feet slipped or he lost his balanco and fell to the ground, alight ing on his head aud shoulders. He was at once conveyed to his homo In the Fourth ward and a physlcan sum moned who upon examination found a shouldor bono broken and tho un- another loss, but this has been made up to a great extont by tho high prices of cattlo, hogs, hay and tlm othor 'products they havo sold. That tho farmers aB a whole are In a pros porous condition Is attested by tho un usually heavy deposits In all the banks of the county, and of course, the far mers and cattlemen own a big share of those deposits. fortiunate man suffering from a frac-i In tho county towns merchants ro turc of the Skull. Tho result of . port satisfactory business, at least all tho brain trouble cannot be known for I wo havo talked with so report. a day or two, but the condition of Here- In North Platte tho year ended with tho largest total volume of bust ness ever transacted In the town, and business men express themselves as satisfied that business was all that could bo oxpocted. In tho way of commercial buildings North Platto made much progress, but as to residences erected the rowmber was smaller than In any year for a 3lcAI00 PROMISES TO 11A1SK I SALARIES OF ALL EMPLOYES .Many Licenses Issued. I During tho year 1917, County Judge! i i . i i . , , . . ! r runcn lBBiiuu two iiuiuii i.'u mm nuv ontoen llcousos to wed. This breaks Washington. Secretary McAdoo will the rccor,i 0f any 'previous yoar, and pay his ono and a half million railroad omployos more wagoa shortly. This) was definitely agreed upon and an nounced. Tho incroases will bo paid all omployos, whothor mcmbors of tho motherhood or not. At tho present tho numbor was lncronsod to some ox tont, at loast, by girls becoming "war brldos." Transfers of City Property. Recent transforH of nltv nrntinrtv iimo mo secretary ?s wonting cm Include tho following traffic congoatlon. Much of the traffic, .t n. Heolur to KvnrntL Mr.frmw. lot is to bo diverted from the wost to 1G nml 0RBt lmK o; ,ot 15( block 3( reacn uio easi via rsew uneans aim t Town Lot Co.'s addition. $2,200. other southom 'ports. A com plot oj change will gradually bo made, to speod up tho handling of war material. .:o: Engineer Lannln Is considered very critical. At eight o'clock this morning he had not regained consciousness. Tho skull fracturo Is on tho back "part of tho heaTl. ::o:: Itnll Draws Big Crowd. TVio 'innnnl linll irlvnn nt tlin T.lovd last evening by tho locomotive fireman 1 decado. This was duo to tho high cost attracted a large crowd of both dan-1 of building material and labor, pros cors and spectators, tho former filling, pectivo builders deciding to wait until tho floor and the latter tho gallery.. 1918 to ascertain If prices would fall. The hall and stage was nicely dec-j In this there will bo disappointment, orated with bunting and flags, and for with a continuance of the war with tho gay crowd present made -a throughout the year prices aro pretty vorv nroHv cpunn Dorrnt'H orchestra! certain to stiffen rather than weaken. furnished splendid music and received1 Taking Into consideration tho fact merited encores. I that we have been at war for six The committo anticipated the wants months, wo bollovo that tho people of of the big crowd- and loft nothing un- Lincoln county should feel satisfied done that would add to tho enjoyment with tho progress made during the of each individual. Joint Installation. Joint Installation of tho recently oloctod officers of tho Woman's lteltcf Corps and tho Grand Army of tho He public will bo held at tho Odd Fel lows' hall noxt Saturday, January 5th At 12:30 the mombors of tho W. R. C. will sorvo a flno chicken dinner to C. C. Long to Robert Snlcettl, houae and lot on oxtremo north end of Locust strooU $2,fi00. Emma Llerk to Goorge V. Candos, lot G. block 78, $2,500. ::o:: : Tonus of District Court. Judge H. M. Grlmofl has announced tho following tonus of court for 1918 for tho sovornl countlos in hla district: Lincoln County Jnnunry 28th, (Jury), May 20th, llocembor 2nd, (Jury). Kolth April 29th. (Jury), October 21t, (Jury). Douel April 15th, (Jury), Octobor 14th, (Jury). Dawson February 25th, (Jury), June lid, Novombor 11th, (Jury). Cheyenne April 1st, (Jury), Soptom bor IlOth, (Jury). Klmb&ll March 18th, (Jury), Sopt. 10th, (Jury). Mcl'hurson May 13th, (Jury), Sept. 9th. ::o:: Mr. and Mtb. D. M. Tatum and thrco children roturnod Saturday night from a visit In Texas. Dr. J. W. Butt, who had boon visit- Poultry Show Opens Tomorrow. Tho fourth annual show of tho Lin coln Oountv Poultrv Association, will open tomorrow at tho Lloyd opera mg nis moinor, mrs. n. a. w ane lor a houso and close Saturday. Secretary wcok. ion yesterday lor iuh nomo in J. A. MacDonald Is confident that the uarcion uuy, Kansas tlio old soldiers nnd following this! exhibits will bo large, and basos tnls To all appoarances tho Union Pacific ,i m,h i.,otiinim nr nfiinnra will 1 conlldonco. on the appHcactlons that Is being operated in tho aamo old way i, 1,-1,1 ? ,! r Mm .linnor tlm havo boon mndo for ontries. Some of as boforo tho govornmont took ovor old veterans arc expressing themselves, u,e'f at birds In the state will be on the road, nnd It is hardly probable as fooling delighted at tho prospects, f mm " '" " i . V ni. IIIUIIIIID Will UlllMY lllUb U chango has occurred so far as his work of having a good dinner and fool very kindly to tho members of tho corps for this evidence of their good-will . : o : : . . or hlB working conditions are con- irrowincr less each week, and it Is nrob- able that within tho noxt thrco weeks C. F. Sponcor, room G. itoynolds During building, real estate, rami loans, and : :o: In tlio now brown shade. Price $0.00. Just received Ladles' Nino Inch Hoot THE HUH. year that ended last night. : :o: Tho fuel administrator at Omaha has permitted dealers In that city to raise tho nrlce of Rock Springs lump Emmett Moody, of Kaiser, Col., is the coal from $9.00 to $10.25 per ton. tThe guest of his brother E. E. Moody whllo1 same coal has been selling In North enrouto to Missouri. Platte for $9.75. Plans Completed for Addition. Aw.l.ltrw.t Tnnl lina nmmilfif ml tllf tllfero Will 1)0 bllt foW COSCS. viu..v f- - . ----- -- . - . -..r -, fr. tlm n.l.llilnii in tltn TIntnl MIO last toil llaVS KOVen enSQS liaVO " I nuiiUKiuimB. y. K. umiuuuv w ..n.n win, tt,n onvnrai,Mi nf fim ilnvolrinotl. six of theso dnvelnnlnc a all kinds of Insurnnco' and ibondB. second floor of tho building on tho cor. I wcok ago within twenty-four hours, Agent for the old lino Bankors Auto ner nnd tho addition or a third story, but since thou but ono caso Iiuh boon Insurance Co., of Lincoln, Nob. forty additional rooms are provided. I roportcd. This last caso is in tho 'Ihoy insuro you against loss by llro, Each room will have hot and cold homo or A. liulott in tno iuuu diock on thoit, tornado, liability and proporty water, heat and bo connected with a west Fourth streot. damngo and collision. In fnct a com bath. Theso additional rooms will' s:o:: ploto covornge. A spoclal policy for nlaco tho McCabo In a position to take Preachers Pressed Into Service. farmers. Soo mo for rates. Phones care of tho traveling public and qlace. chairman French, of tho advisory ofc,co Blnck 394' residence BInck 580. it in tho front rank of Nebraska hotels. KEITH THEATRE MONDAY, JANUARY 21. OLIVER MOROSCO, PRESENTS The Ever Popular Hawaian Romance TUC iJIjli By RICHARD WALTON TOLLY 1 " Author of - - " "OxMAR-THE TJ3NTMAT5:IllR, AND "THE FJLAM13" OF PARADISE -WITH HAWAIIN - SINGERS - AND - PLAYERS PLAY- THAT- MADE- HAWAIIAN- MUSIC POPULAR - IN - AMERICA THE SEE THE - AWE .VOLCANO INSPIRING SCENE Usher in the New Year with a Res olution to Econ omize as much as possible. If you follow this resolution and bank the tuning, your Hank account will grow. It will help you to economize If you uso GOIU MKHAL FLOUIt, which Is guaranteed to make more bread to tho sack und Is far superior In quality than any other Hour. You will uso It Kventunlly. Why not Now! If your grocer cannot supply you, 'phono !)!). LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON Husbands are Generous. It will surprlso pcoplo In North Plntto and Lincoln coumty to learn that thoro aro a great many men In tho city and county who glvo all their earnings to their wives. This Condi tion Is developed by tho questionnaires in which aro the questions "How much do you onm?" nnd "How much do you glvVyour wlfo?" According to tho statomcntB of many of tho registrants every cent is turned ovor to tlio wife, who pockots tho cash, and supposedly pays all bills ovon for tho cigars her husband smokes. Theso statements, however, may surprlso tho wives, nt least some of them, who wero not a waro that thoy had boon receiving all tho money their husbands earned. Vhon .tho registrant cortiflcs that ho earns J$i200 a year and gives his wlfo $1200,-ttho board Is tempted to wonder who supports tho .husband. The Hal)pj;'IIour club will meet Fri day of this Svook with Mrs. Kosb'au, who will bo assisted by Mrs. Miller. All mcmbors nro requested to bo pres ent early as thoro will bo an election of oiflcorfl. ''4, ' Lndlos' Auxiliary meetings. Tho Group meetings of tho Baptist ladies auxiliary will meet Thursday, January 3rd, as follows: Tho Now Group at tho homo of Mrs. Browning, 802 East Cth street Tho Blblo Group with Mrs. D. B. Louden, 112 So. Chostnut. ., Tlio Queen Esther's In tho church basemont, each mombor bringing suf ficient liumch for ono person. ' 1 All mombors nro urged to bo present nt their respoctlvo places to holp plan on the work for tho now year. . . :::: Special! Ono tilled off on ladles' Coats and Suits. TIIK IIUH. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS John Bratt loft this morning for Denver to visit his daughter and trans act business. Mrs. M. Buckley returned to Denver this morning after a visit with hor mother Mrs. Mary Baker. Georue Freed has returned from Illinois where ho spent Christmas and a few days following with the homo folks. , I. L. Stobbins and daughter B6rtha went to Grand Island this .morning where the latter will enter a business college. The Economy Knitting Club will meet Thursday afternoon nt tho homo 6fr,Mtt?.i:jWr-VanI)oran, -902 - west Third street. W. It Malonoy W. J. Landexaf and J. T. Ke6fo, Who attended tho'K. C Initiation' at Hastings Sunday, are now sight-seeing in Kansas City. Mrs. James Hart and Mrs. A, Lid dell leave tonight for Omaha, tho former to remain a couple of weeks, the latter a few days. Miss Lola Kelly, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Kelly, was married Saturday to B B. Adkins, of Kearney, 111., Rev. Lindenmoycr performing the ceremony. County Attorney Keefe, who spent Christmas week with relatives in Sioux City, and from there went to Kansas City, will rotnirn home tho iat ter part of this woek. Visit the store In person as wo can not tell you all the wonderful bar gains. Wo have only a few listed in adv. in this newospaper. Look for the Leader Mercantile Co.'s. A Haippy and Prosperous New Year to nil Tribuno readers. Keep smiling. bo patriotic, do "your bit" willingly. and constantly havo in mind the wol fare of the boys who aro fighting for us, Registrants who wero among the first to illo their questionairos aro now receiving notice of tho class to which they havo been assigned. Howovor, those who studied tlio quostionalro wero protty well satisfied as to the class to which thoy would bo assigned by tho exemption board, especially the unmarried men. Our annual Inventory sale now on in full blast. Those of you peo'ple that wish to save on what you want, don't fnil to attond the gront salo at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. After talking with boys from Camp Funston, Camp Cody, at naval and hos pital training stations and from other branches of tho service, wo nro protty well satisfied that Uncle Sam is taking good caro of his soldlor and sailor boys. Practically every boy who has boon homo on a visit says he has gained In weight, ho bus a good com- 'ploxlon and a cluar eye, and wo havo yot to hoar one make complaint. board, has invoked tho assistance of the ministers of the city to help fill out questionnaires for registrants, and It Is needless to say that theso preachers havo consented to assist in tho work. This advisory work became a llttlo too heavy for tho attorneys; It was taking practically all their time, and addi tional help being necessary tho call to tho ministers was made. AUTO LIVERY SInco I have sold tho garage am doing auto livery from the North Side Barn.. Day or Night. Telephone 29. Wo make a specialty of drives to sulcs nil over tho county at tho rate of five cents per mllo per person. Tlioso who havo sales throughout tho country plcaso let mo know. Also a few cars for sale. Julius Nogensen. Finishing Work Goes Slowly. The Interior Hnlshlng work on tho now depot goes forward rather slowly, and It will be a month or more boforo tho building will bo ready for occu pancy. Tho plumbing and steam fltt-i ing is moro belated than any othor class of work, but every effort is iput forth to hurry this, work along, Tho Hln flnnrn hnv hnnn Inlil. nml ntirnon- Sbd are "well bIqiie with' tho' wood worn. : :o: : Hrakcinan Hies on Train. Passenger Brakeman E. E. Porklns. of Council Bluffs, died on train No. ;i early Sunday morning between the river brldgo nnd tho depot. A porter on tho trnln spoko to Perkins as tho train was crossing the brldgo, and up on arrival hero when tho observation car was entered by an omployo the lifeless body was found In a chair. The body was takon to tho Malonoy morgue, prepared for burial and ship ped to Council Bluffs Sunday night. ' : :o: ; Brady Soldier Dies. Corporal Ray E. Harnnn, whose homo was at Brady, and who died at Camp Cody December ,20th, was buried at the Ft. McPherson national ceme tery Wednesday of last week. Tho deceased enlisted in Company a in North Platto in July, 101C, nnd later transferred to Company L, of Gothenburg. Ho was with tho troops on tho Mexican border, and witli oth ers discharged In February, 1917. Last July ho was again called Into sorvlco as a member of Company L, which Is now a part of tho 134th Infantry. ; :i: r Engineers Will Glvo Smoker. Division 88, B. of L. E., will havo an Installation of officers at tho K. P. hall Wednesday evening, January 9, at eight o'clock, and following that ceremony will Indulge In a smokor. Ono fenturo of tho smoker will bo tho presentation of International badges of the U. of L. E. to W. H. Flkcs, Wil liam Whltlock and Fred Frcdrlckson, former Union Pacific onglncers, but now out of service and on tho pension list. Tho badgos aro prosontod to those who havo been mombors of tho Broth erhood of Locomotlvo Engineers for forty or moro yoars. The i)rosontatlon of thoso badgos Is a feature that should call out ovory mombor who can pos sibly attond. : o: : Gorman Food Supply Short. Washington. Tho food situation In Gormany is far moro serious than has previously boon believed, nccording to official information disclosed. Theso reports indicato that tho Germans aro lcoling tho pinch of hunger, the Infor- uiation being bnscd on official data at hand. It Is bollevcd that tills cniidl-l Mr. Ford Owner; watch out for the TWISTER" One of our competitors is resorting to what is known with insurance men as "Twisting" A- ..'.Is' HP . which is unlawful in Nebraska, in trying to induce Ford owners to TRADE THEIR FORDS for another make. If you are Considering a Trade we request, at least, a conference with you be fore making any change. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., Phone 34 North Platte, Neb. For tho first tlmo In tho past nlno months I can ninko an Immediate do- llvnrv of n nmlp-n Urntlinru toitrlt... nr winter car. This condition will bo ,o whhl tho, German empire is ro slinrt. Hvnfi n wii nninmni.iinu ,.,,,1 ' ponslblo for the present peace movo. freight cars aro Bhort If you want a ,a polntod out, however, that the ttor get it to- "'Ormans aro noi starving uj uuain or Dodgo Brothers car, bettor day or at least place your order. You will sco Dodgo cars soiling at tho greatest premiums ever known by spring as tho shortage is inovitable. J V. ROMIGH, Dealer. Miss Ilolen Tatum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tatum, of this city, was married at St. Mark's Episcopal church in Denver Saturday to Harry G. James, a former switchman of this city, but now similarly employed in Denvo. Mrs. James had accompanied hor paronts on a trip to Texas, and was married upon tholr return to Den ver. Sho had lately been employed us stonograt)hora for Hoagland & Hoag- land, and is a bright and attractivo girl. Mr. and Mrs. James will make their homo In Denver. that thoy aro blooding whlto, having c f.nsldorablo resources of foodstuffs at lnnd to meet such an Immediate (morcency. It Ib also stated that Micro Is llttlo hope for Gormany get ting any food from Russia this wlntor, as tho latter country Is Jtsolf on tho point of starvation. .:o: :- Negotiations for tho purchase of a largo part of tho Cuban sugar crop now being harvested and amounting to an oUImated 3,000,000 tons, for tho uso of the United States and its allies havo been vlrtunlly completed by tho In ternational committee and tho Cuban committee, appointed by President Menoal of Cuba, It has boon anounc- cd. Tho price was said to bo $4, GO a hundred pounds, f, o. b. Cuba. THE UNIVERSAL CAR In these busy days quick' transportation from place to place is of the greatest importance. Time becomes more valuable every day. We cannot lengthen the hours, but we can crowd more "doing," more business into every day if we have quick and economical transportation. Tho facility to go and come quickly is surely in the power of owners of Ford cars. Always ready, summer and winter, al ways dependable, always economical, the Ford car today commands the respect, confidence and ap preciation of the people, regardless of all distinctions of class or trade. The Ford i3 the universal car on merit nlone; it has earned its universal popularity through giving universal satisfaction in universal service. You require a Ford car because with i,t you can make the days more valuable get more money and pleasure out of your time. Runabout $345; Touring Car $300; Coupelet $560; Town Car $645; Sedan $695: One-Ton Truck Chassis $600. These prices fi o. b. Detroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO.