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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1917)
i In Justice to Yourself Come to T his Great Remova . i . . . , f if If nan I . 1 THE is! I H I! 1 M i t if if if B 1! j.t .t it j.t if i.t H jt j.t J.t :.t .t if if if i if if if if if if if if if if if $ if if if if if if if if if if if tf V CD M H Z O Q I L I" Promptly as the clock strikes nine, Saturday Morning, December 29th, the doors of this big store owned and operated by Wilcox Department Store at North Platte will swing open and the greatest sale in the history of this section will open. NOTHING WILL BE RESERVED. NOTH ING HELD OUT! And this sale is bound to prove the greatest public benefit this section has ever known. Only Fourteen Days and this sale will be only a remembrance, a memory of money saved, so come and come in a hurry to this great REMOVAL SALE. A Wonderful jjj llfl lll In the Hands of PIERPONT BROS., Sales Expen Opening Day Special For Women As an inducement for early attendance on the opening day we will sell to the first twenty women who enter the store after doors are open Saturday a regular $1.00 Bungalow Apron for 5 Cents Come Early Be the Lucky One Dry Goods Specials Ono lot of Dltick and Wool Dross OQn Goods, $1X0 valuoc, now JuG Dross aingham20c valuo, now ""Uq Dross Gingham, 18c valuo, now "jC Porcalb, 3G Inch, 20c valuo, now 7C Porcalo, 30. Inch, 2Cc valuo, now 9C Dross Qhlffons, 40 Inch, now 89 C Extra Flno Sorgo Dross Goods, 30 Inch, CQ now uOu Plaid and chocked Dross Goods, f 1.50 QQn valuo, now uwu Black Chlftfron Taffota, 30 Inch, M HQ now p I iUu Fourteen Day Bargain Feast People it is seldom you have an opportunity to buy good dependable merchandise at such drastic reduc tions with all classes of goods soar ing skyward in price and the end not yet in sight. This sale offers saving opportunities that should be grasped by every man and woman who has any regard whatever for the laws of economy: pill up the the tank of your car and hike to th big sale. You'll find it the bargain surprise of your life. Fuel For the Fire aOSSAltl) COltSETS Models 254 and 307, $3.00 and $3.50 values now Gossard Corsots, modols 659, 453, $5,00 and $G.G0 values now. . Ono lot of corsots values up to $1.50, now... Ono lot of Corsots val uob up to $3.00 now $2.29 lols 204, $3.98 79c $1 .48 House Dresses $1.25 value, now House Dresses $1.50 . value, now Children's Gingham Dresses, $1.00 values, now j3G Children's ,SiVk Poplin and Wool Drosses, values up to $5.00," now 98c $1.29 $3.79 Nothing Reserved 89c 47c Moil's Bib Overalls, heavy Bluo Donlm Men's Bluo Strlpo Work Shirts Mon'B Union Suits, ribbed, and ileeco lined, regular (JM MQ $1.75 valuo ip I iHO Ladies Silk Waists, lino Crope do Chine, $3.75 valuo $2.98 Georetto and Cropo do (JJQ QQ Ghlifq, Waists at ....PJiJU ' x: Fino Georgetto Waists CO AO at $5.98 and pDrfO SIGNED, SEALED AND SWORN TO- The Store With A Reputation Of Hj We wish it to be clearly understood that this is a genuine Removal Salq. with our immense stock of winter merchandise on hand there is no doubt that tremendous crowds from miles around, to take advantage of this GREAT SALE stock of high grade merchandise. Read Every Word of this Bill Then Hurry! LADIES' CLOTH COATS Ladies' Cloth Coats ues, now Ladles' Cloth Coats, uo, now Ladies Cloth Coats, uo, now 1 $14.48 $25.00 val- $16.48 $35.00 val- $22.48 LADLES' CLOTH COATS Ladles' Cloth Coats $50.00 val ue, now ' Ladies' Plush Coats, $35.00 val ue, now Ladies' Plush Coats, $40.00 val ue, now' $33.48 $35.00 val- $27.48 $40.00 val- .$33.48 LADIES'" CLOTH COATS Ladies' Cloth Coats, last Reason's styles, values up to AQ $18.00, now p I rtO Ladles' Heavy Cotton Coats, $3.98 now Children's Coats go at. $3.98 $5.48 $7,48, $ fia( v Read! It's Up To You To Act 11c Flno Prints, 15c valuo now '. Silkolines, 3G Inch, 20c valuo, now 17c Light Outing Flannol, best quality, now ITB Dark Outing Flannol, boBt quality now . Satcons, ,30 Inch, 35c valuo, now 15c 27c Fancy Silks, oxtra qual-nf j O lty, ?a.uo vaiuo, now qj nu Colored Taffeta, 30 Inch, now 10-4 Bleached Shooting, now 81x90 Seamless Sheots now 42x3G Pillow cases, now $1.29 43c $1,03 1712G MEN TAKE AWAY THESE HAKGAINS Hero wo havo ono lot of Men's fine gun metal calf button and laco Shoes, were good valuos up to $4.00, now goingat .$2.98 EXTJtA SPECIAL Hero wo havo ono lot of Men's Russia Calf and Gun Metal Shoes, button and laco, values up to $3.50, now going at .si -ail" MEN, HEHE ARE SOME DANDIES Good every-day Shoes como in a nico soft patent colt and gun metal calf, button and lace, values up to $G.00, now going, at . . . . $2.48 Me WANTED- Twenty-five ex tra salespeople those with experience preferred. Apply to manager. Positively no goods sent Oil approval or refunds during this sale. Boys' high cut Storm Boots, $4.00 values, now going nt $3.49 Boys' School Shoes just the shoo for hard knocks; suro wore good valuos at $3, now going at... $1 .48 This Store will befcl FRIDAY, DECM in order to complete the final of the biggest, best and netot Lincoln County Nebraska Sale Begins December 29th, at Don't Forget the C WILCOX III I'll! NORTH PLATTE Hurry! The High vost or Living is Now Being