The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 28, 1917, Image 5

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i I 1 1
All JUr
RAISE your hat to the Glad Now Year !
Raise your voice with a hopeful cheer I
Mako a vow that while it stays
You'll mako the most of its glorious days,
What? That sort of resolve is old?
Sounds like a talc too often told?
You've made it every New Year's day,
Then frittered .the live-long year away?
Well, s'posing you have? What's that to do
With thiB particular year? It's new!
New, you grouch, not the same old kind
Of muddled up year you've left behind I
Now each day and each minute too I
Now; each second is fresh-laid, now!
New for tho things you've left undone!
New for the races you haven't run 1
New for ambitions unachieved ! .
New for mistakes unrctricved ! . '
New for unfinished efforts too !
New for the things you mean to do I ' ..
Never one day in its hill of faro
Is like another day anywhere.
And if a year can be fresh and new
Why in tho dickens can't you be too?
You can! So wash from your care-stained face
Of memory's dirt the Inst small trace.
Put on Ambition's garments bright,
Light your cigar with the Futuie's light
And say to yourself : "The old year's dead.
Bury it deep ! Look right ahead !
Hero's a New Year laid out for me,
As full of chances as it can be,
So out of my way and let mo go !
It's up to me, and by jiugs ! I'll show I"
Then start ! And keep at it ! Hang on ! Stick !
You'll notice the difference mighty quick,
And you'll find, beforo t's half-way through,
It's the Happiest kind of a year for you !
Paul Wttt.
fm "
i . . J l '
"8o We Start Off th New Year With Lofty Resolutions. We'll Quit Drink
i In', or Chewln' or Smokin or Swearin'. Maybe Our New Reeolutlons Ml
Include All of 'Em."
No sooner iB th' spirit o' Christ
mas givin' exhausted till wo're seized
with th' spirit o' rotrenchin' an',
after a season o' spendin', with th'
Now Year jest around th' corner wo
(Unconsciously fall int' a retrospec
jtivo mood an' take a personal invoice
an solomnly resolve tf make a better
showin' both morally an' financially
lat th' close o' th' comin' year. So
wo start off th' New Year with lofty
resolutions. We'll quit drinkin' or
ichewin' or smokin' or swearin'.
Maybe our now resolution '11 include
all of 'em.
But we never seem t' think o' th'
many other things we might elimi
nate from our program for th' com
in' year that would not only better
our chances in th' hereafter but
which would mako th' path o' life
far pleasanter for those who by force
o' circumstances are compelled t' tol
erate us.
So let those o' ua who aro perfect,
aside from smokin', drinkin', chow
iu' an' swearin', dig around a little
an' see if wo can't find a few things
besides th' ole moss covered habits
aforementioned that wo could cut
out with profit t' ourselves an' those
wo mingle with.
Next t' thinkin' only o' ourselves
ih worst habit is tryin' f savo
over'thing wo make. I don't know
which feller a community has th'
least regard fer th' one who licks
up over' penny ho gits his liands on,
or th' feller who holds on t' over
cent that comes his way, but I havo
iny suspicions.
Livin' beyond th' outskirts o' oui
incomes is another habit that is
worse than either smokin' or swear
in' an' a habit that is doin' much f
create a widespread distrust in so
ciety. Bobbin' Peter th' grocer,' f
pay Paul, th' auto dealer, kin have
but one result.
Wo never hear o' our women folk
raakin' any New Year's resolutions,
Ther's many things they might re
solve t' do besides cuttin' out eggs.
Ther resolutions might have
blightin' effect on clubs an' billiard
rooms an' other refuges fer th' hen
pecked an' homeless, but they would
help t' revive that feelin' o' love an'
respect fer women that Eccms f bo
goin' out o' style these days.
Good resolutions accompanied by
a great flare o' trumpets last about
as long as an ico cream cone in a
Turkish bath. Th' feller who boasts
that he's goin' t' quit emokin' never
throws his pipe very fer, an' th' fel
ler who proclaims from a store box
that he's thro' with th' demon rum
is about as reliable as th' statesman
who says he's thro' with th' Bepub
lican party.
- Lot's do somethin' original this
year an' gather up a whole lot o:
nasty little characteristics an' try t'
do away with 'cm fer good. We'vo
all got 'em. If you can't find 'em
ask somebuddy who knows you t'
point 'cm out. They're there.
Ther's lots o' folks who don'
chow or smoke or swear or drink who
carry a full lino o' mean traits.
(Copyright, Adams Newspaper Service.)
Any one cun bo thankful (or what
he hns. It requires n pooullor framo of
mind to bo thankful for what wo
Tnko two calves' hearts, one-half
pound of pork sausage, one small
onion, Ono bay leaf,
one half-cupful of
strained tomatoes,
nnd salt and pep
per to taste. Pur
boll tho hearts tin
til tender, cool,
trim and stuff tho
cavities with saus
age meat1 Plnce
them In a baking dish and dust with
Hour, salt and pepper. Make a sauce
of a tnblespoonful of Hour, one cupful
of tho water la which the hearts were
parboiled, tomato, onion chopped, cel
ery chopped, nnd the bay leaf. Cook
ten minutes ; season to tuste nnd strain
over tho prepnred hearts. Plnco In u
brisk oven to brown. Servo hot or cold
cut In thin slices.
Tapioca may be molded and served
sprinkled with minced rnlslns and u
few nuts, making a pretty dish and
adding variety. Servo with top milk
and crenm.
Currant Jelly cut in cubes added to
itwo tnblespoonfuls of chopped mint,
and tho grated peel of a fourth of nn
ornngu adds zest to lamb or venison, us
wo uro not eating Inmb this year.
Boiled Rice With Flo Sauce. Cook
rice na usual except It Is cooked In a
double boiler and skim milk is used
to cook It in Instead of wnter. This
makes a more nutritious dish and espe
cially good for children. A hard sauce
may bo used if preferred to the tig
sauce, yet this is unusual and very
nice. Stow the flgs, depending upon
tho slzo of the family to be served;
add lemon julco and a little of the
grated rind with a bit of butter added.
Servo hot.
Kidneys en Casserole. Put three
tablespoonfuls of sweet fnt Into a cas
serole after frying in it ono small diced
onion, ono carrot, ono slice of turnip,
a diced stalk of celery and a hunch of
sweet herbs. Add nine sheep's kidneys
cut in halves nnd cook for four min
utes. Add a cupful of water, two ta
blespoonfuls of lemon Juice, three ten
spoonfuls of Worcestershire snuco, a
few button onions and mushrooms nnd
'seasoning of salt and pepper, pnprlka
And grated nutmeg with n clovo of gar
lic. Cover the cusserolo and cook ei
ther on top of tho range or in tho
'oven for two hours. Servo hot from
tho casserole.
a wooden spoon, gradually fold in hnll
a pint of crenm beaten solid, two tablc
snoonfuls of nowdorod mn;r nnd tlid
beaten white of ono egg. Servo Iri
wldo rimmed glasses lined with mncn'
Truly wise you aro not, unless your
wisdom bo constantly changing from
your childhood to your death. Maet-erllnk.
do to ttl Even an electric button
won't accomplish anything unless It Is
pushed. When men and women have
their Ideals and work In common, the
world will bo helpod along with some
thing like electric speed.
Anybody who Is fortunnto enough
to hnve n ham to boll should uso every
caution to havo It well
cooked and well season
ed, for ham Is ham these
Soak tho ham over!
night and In tho inorhj
Ing put to cook covered
with sweet elder. IntaJ
the kettle with the ham
nuu some icnvcs and root or celery,
nn onion stock with half a dozen
loves, n dozen peppercorns, n coupld
of bay leaves, and lacking elder, u cupJ
ful of vlnegnr nnd threo tablespoonfuls1
of brown sugar added to cold water;
When tho liquid comes to n slow boll,
let the kettle be set back where It will
ust simmer until It Is done. Tha
time nllowcd for cooking will depend
upon the size of the hnm. If It Is ovor-i
cooked nnd falls to pieces when cut
It Is ruined. Cool the hnm lu thd
liquor In which It was cooked. Skin
the hnm, spread with brown sugar, dot
with cloves nnd bnke In tho oven until
brown. Servo hot or cold cut In wafer
like slices. A dish Ht for an epicure,
Rice and Sultana Croquettes. Pick
tho stems from a cupful of sultnnn
rnlslns ; wash a cupful of rlco and ndd
three cupfuls of milk ; cook until tho
rice Is tender, adding a half teaspoon
iui oi sair. wnon icnuer, nuu ma
yolks of two eggs, one-fourth of n cupi
ful each of sugar and butter nnd n lltJ
tie splco; mix well nnd set nsldo to
becoruo cool. Form In balls, dip In
egg, roll In crumbs and fry ono mlnuto,
in deep int. Serve with
Orange Sabayon Sauce. Bent onq
whole egg with two yfllks until thor;
oughly mixed ; ndd half a cupful of
sugar and bent again. Add half n cup
ful of orange Juice nnd tho Julco of.
half n lemon. Set over boiling water.
nnd cook until it thickens slightly.'
Turn nt once Into n cold dish.
Casseroled Calves' Hearts. Fry an
onion In n few slices of bacon; roll
four calves' hearts In sensoncd flour
nnd brown them all over. Put in n hot
casserole, add a cupful of stock, n
shredded pimento, nnd hnlf n ten
spoonful of mixed spices. Cover tho
dish tightly, then bnko for two hours.-
Servo garnished with tho hncon.
To omit desserts entirely Is rather
too much of n strain on our loyalty, for
wo must remember that
a pleasant meal nlds di
gestion, nnd If wo would
keep well to be able to
do our work In tho world,
our food must bo nt-
tractlve ns well as whole
some. Tho children would
be disappointed to bo de
prived of their dessert,
nnd as this Is the time
when a bit of candy
which has been denied between menls
may safely bo given, or nny other
sweet which wo aro teaching them to
eat more sparingly of.
Butter Scotch Mold. Cook together
one cupful of brown sugar and two tu
blcspoonfuls of shortening, using enro
not to allow it to burn. Pour this into
threo cupfuls of scalding milk jind
cook until the butter scotch Is melted,
then pour it over two tablespoonfuls
of gelatine soaked In one-fourth of a
cunful of milk. Stir until dissolved
und begin to stiffen, then ndd a cup
ful of boiling rice. Mix well and pour
into a mold.
Other nttrnctlve ways of serving rlco
for thoso who object to the old-fnsh
loned rlco puddings, may be made by
lining n mold with sliced fruit nnd
packing It with rice, pressing It down
until firm. Servo with either cream or
fruit sauces.
Prune Dumplings. Tnko a cupful
of flour sifted with u teaspoonful of
baking powder nnd a quarter of a tea
spoonful of salt, mix with good rich
milk to make n drop butter. Grease
small cups, drop In u little bntter, then
add a spoonful of Btowed prunes
with some of tho Juice, add an
other spoonful of tho batter and put
tho cups into a pan with boiling wit
ter, enough to steam them without
boiling Into tho cups. Steam "well
covered for 10 minutes. Servo with
pruno Julco and cream. A baking pow
der biscuit dough may bo made, rolled
out and covered with chopped stewod
prunes, n little spice If liked, and. a
few chopped nuts. Itoll up, cut In
Btnnll rolls, plnco In n baking pan to
bnke. Servo hot with cream or fruit
Banana Fluff. Uso tho red hnnnnas
for this dish. Peel four and cut them
Into dlco, squeezing over a little lemon
Juice und covering with a small cupful
of ginger sirup that has been drulned
from a Jar of preserved ginger ; allow
tho fruit to remain covered for at least
I two hours, then mash to n paste with
Tho reward of a thing woll done, Is
to havo dono It. Emerson.
Walt to bo ready, but do not strive
against clrcumstancos.
A now nnd very handsome devel
opment of tho tunic appears In this
unusual dress of gray suttn, trimmed
with bands of sealskin. If over nny
frock was designed, versatile, enough
to play a greater number of roles in
tho days drama, tho memory of tho
fashion wrltor falls to recall It. Hero
is n costume, with n detachable collar
of fur, which needs only n touch to
make It quite In plnco on tho street,
nt dinner, at almost nny plnco that tho
rounds of tho day will carry its wearer.
Tho tunic nnd ovcr-bodlco In one
look Hko ono of those slip-over nffnlrs
that appear In dresses nnd blouses and
sweaters of approved style. In reality
It fastens nt tho left side, with snap
fasteners under n knot of satin-covered
cord at tho waistline. Tho do-
Blgn is so slmplo as to hardly need
description, which Is ono sure sign
that It Is tho product of a genius. Who-
ovcr la to bo credited with It wedded
Tho last word In knitting bags Is a
patriotic design made of' red, whito
and blue satin ribbon, by wny of com
plimenting the colors. Tho red and
white predominate, nnd ribbon threo
Inches wldo Is stitched together In
stripes to form n capacious bag.
Three Imndsomo now bags nro shown
hero two of them to uso wherever n
bag Is needed nnd ono mndo for a
sowing bug. One of them appears to
bo Inspired by n Chlncso lnntorn, an
other brings to mind nn Indian ennoe,
while tho sewing bag suggests that
somo flower suggested it. These
fancies nro helped out by tho color
Ings used, ns well ns tho shapes.
The luntcrn bng Is of heavy blnck
ribbon brocaded with vivid blue, green
and light tun color, nil emphasized by,
a sprinkling of black, und nil ns glow
ing ns theso colors nro in Chinese
silks. It is lined with bright green
satin, which nppcara In a rufllo at
It may bo ncccssnry to cut down
somo of tho expense of Christmas
candy mnklng, but It will
not bo quite n fair thing
to cut the young folks
off with too small an ul-'.
lowance. ns It is to them
such n pleasure to mako
nnd give.
Orange Dainties. DIs-l
solve three cupfuls of!
brown sugar und four tin
blcspoonfuls of butter In
n cupful of hot water ;j
then add n pinch of crenm of tartar,
nnd boll until It forms u hard ball
when tried in com wnter. Add ono tea-;
spoonful of ornngo extract, two cup-
nils of chopped cnnuled ornngo peel,-
two cupfuls of chopped nuts, a foWi
drops of orange color and set aside to
cool. Then bent until creamy nnd
drop from tho cud of a teaspoon on.
waxed pit par.
Fruit Caramels Put two cupfuls ofl
sugar In a saucepan, ndd half a cupful
of milk mixed with four tnblespoonfuls
of condensed milk, nnd dissolve slow-;
ly over tho lire; then ndd nn eighth of
a teaspoonful of cream of tnrtnr and
boll eight minutes, stirring nil thd
time. Add four tablespoonfuls of but-l
ter cut In small nieces, one tensnoonful
of almond extract and ono teaspoonfu(
of roso extract; then boll until a sirup.
forms a hard ball when tested In cold
wntor or until It reaches 250 decreets
by the thermometer. Itemovo tho pnnj
from tho lire, let It stand for ono mln-.
ute, then ndd two tablespoonfuls of;
fondant, two tnblespoonfuls of chopped;
preserved ginger, six stoned and chop
ped dates, two tnblespoonfuls of
preserved cherries nnd two tnblespoon
fuls of nuts. Wnrm the nuts nnd stlrj
nil together until tho tnlxturo begins to
sot. Pour Into n wnrm buttered tin,
nnd mark in neat squnres beforo it la.
cold. Wrap caramels In wnxed paper.'
Honey Drops. Tnko n tnblespoonful
of strnlned honey, ono cupful of sugar,
a tnblespoonful of butter and n cupful
of boiling water, stir until dissolved,
then cook t4owly until It threads, add
a half tenspoonful of almond extrnct
and pour tho boiling sirup on tho
white of ono egg beaten stiff. Dent un
til cool, ndd n few nuts nnd drop be.
foro It loses its luster on buttered
plates, In small nuggets.
tho smart apron front to n full tunic
skirl nt tho sides and buck and dem
onstrated Unit they wore mndo for
each other.
Tho underdress Is a pluin slip of tho
satin with rather close-llttlng coat
sleeves. Tho neck Ik split to form n
V-shaped opening with turned-back
rovers. 'I no giruio is merely u ennio
cord, covered with satin, so smoothly
that It bespeaks an expert needle wom
an's work. It defines tho wulstllno
loosely nnd Ih held in Just the right
position with tho simplest of knots nt
each side than In front, whero It loops
over. Tho bulls of seal-sklu mako a
perfect finish for tho long ends.
In tan or tuupo or gray, or In dark
shades of other fashionable colors, this
model will provo Itself an asset In the
wurdrobo of nny woman, nnd especial
ly useful to her who wants to mako
ono dress answer tho purposes of two
or three. Hcsldes this It Is u delight
to tho woman of discriminating taste
who will appreclato Its distinction.
Satin and seul-sklu do not need elaboration.
With tho rising tide of Christmas
shoppers a current sots toward tho
ribbon counter In search of novelties.
Tho ribbon department rarely disap
points Its pntrons. From unfulling
springs of insplrnllon, tho deslgnors
of novelties bring, ouch year, tho most
cxqulslto of bolonglngs, personal, and
for houso decoration, mudo of ribbons.
Hugs, it goes without suylng ulmost,
uro tho item of greutcst interest and
importance ut tho ribbon counter this
year. Tho knitting bag Is n bndgo of
patriotism nnd bus mado itself almost
as lndispensublo ns a lint or gloves.
Hugs nro not to bo clussed us novel
ties but certain kinds aro now and
thero nro many now ways of making
thorn, many novelties In ribbons uro
used for thorn.
tho neck of the bag. Tassels of Jado
and silk nro suspended nt the sides.
A small cap of grcou satin nppcars
ut the bottom of tho bug and u big
green bead, on n black silk cord hangs
from it. Tho same cord Is used for
Tho cunoo bag Is In pnlo tan nnd
gold brocade with n crocheted top por
tion mudo of chenille and Hat tassels,
also with crocheted tops. Theso and
the handle nro nil In light tan, but n
vivid green satin lining gives ltfo to
the colorings.
Plain rose-colored satin Is used to
line tho bug of liluo molro ribbon with
four petal-like tubs of bluo und roso
brocaded ribbon about tho top. It Is
suspended by narrow bluo satin rib
bon nnd nn unexpected but effective
touch of gold appears In tho tnssol
at tho bottom.
For Winter Coats.
Not all women get their conts ready
made. And thoso who do not nro inter
ested In selecting materials to havo
their coats mado up. Velours, soft
and tldck nnd velvety, head tho list of
fashionable weaves. Ono mny choose.,
most any color und any ono of tho
several good qualities, liollvln's, too,
aro high In favor, and thes nro even
more expensive. - and liner than the
velours. Tho colors uro charming
tho softest, prettiest shades Imagin
able. Scotch tweeds for durability
these aro always rellublo, and In good
style this your, as they wcro lust year,
and likely to bo nextl Zlbellnes nro
hero ugaln silky nnd warm and
promise to mako attractive winter