The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 28, 1917, Image 4

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    IltA L. HAKE, Editor mid Publisher
Ono Year by Mnll In Advance. .. .$1.2.")
One Year by Cnrrlcr In Adrnnco $l-"0
Entorod at North Platto. Nebraska,
Postoffico as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY. DKt'KMHElt 28. 1!)I7.
Offlco of County Defense Council.
North Platto, Nobr., Due. 20, 1917.
Editor of Tribune:
During the drive for Rod Cross mom
borshlp my attontion was called to a
number of slandoroiiB nro-Gorman
statomonts that wore bolng put In cir
culation with tho ovidont purposo of
discouraging tho workers and afford
ing excuses for non-patriotic porsons
to refuse taking momborBhlp. Ono of
tho stories tiiat was peddled out, was
to tho effect: That Leslie Sinuns, who
was homo on a furlough at Thanks
giving had said: "That at Funston the
soldiers woro required to pay for Red
Cross supplies, such as knit sweaters,
socks, otc' In order to run this story
down to its source 1 wroto a letter to
tho commanding officer of Leslie
Simms' company, requesting him to
investigate tho story and" to glvo mo
the results of his investigation. In
roply to this lettor I havo received tho
following letter:
Company Q. 355th Inf.,
Camp Funston, Doc. 23, 1917.
Mr. T. C. Patterson, Chairman,
North, riatte, Nebraska.
Roplylng to your ravor of Dec. 18th
in regard to statomonts said to have
boon mado by Loslio Simms of this
Company about tho salo of nod Cross
mpplioa at this camp, I desiro to say
that I have questioned Simms about
this mater and ho has donied having
mado such a statement. And that
what ho did say was this: That tho
men horo (at Funston) had recolved
Red Cross suppllos, and that ho had
hoard from sotno of tho inon who had
Borved on the Mexican bordor that
theso supplies had boon sold there.
Ropresontatives of tho Red Cross
havo offered to supply swoators, etc.,
to such of tho men that cared to ro
colvo them and UiIb offor has boon
published in this company.
So far as I know or nm ablo to Judge,
tho Red Cross suppllos havo beon given
freoly to such nion as doslro to rocolvo
Very truly yours,
Novlllo C. Flshor, Capt.,
355th Inf., Commanding Co. G,
Any storioa that nro in circulation
calculated to throw discredit on tho
Rod Cross work should bo roportcd to
this offlco at once for tho purposo of
Investigation. Partlos who orlginato
or ropoat scandalous stories or this
kind nro liablo to prosecution under
tho Federal Esplonago Act.
T. c: PATTERSON, Chairman.
cattle'fok sale.
450 head of white- faced throo-yoar
old hoirers, 05 por head. Delivered
in Denver March 1st, 1918.
170 head, 80 por cent whlto facos,
$02.50 per head, dollvorod in Dcuvor
March 1st.
200 young whlto faced cows, $55
por head, for immediate dollvory in
Denver. ,'
50 young Red Durham cows, $55
por head, for immediate delivery at Ft.
Morgan, Col.
All Colorado natlvo's.
Wo always keop 50 or 75 head in
tho local stockyards Will bcII uny
number nt any tlmo.
720 Eust Fourth Stroot,
Phono Blk. 1008. North Platto.
A fow more good used cars for salo
at tho Romlgh Garage. Romomber
thoy nro all guaranteed to you. Tho
tlmo to buy . is now, whon you can buy
safely and cheaply.
You can "do your bit" by asking only
for equipment you must huvo, and mak
ing amy sucu local anu
cans as aro aDsoiuteiy necessary,
Potor Topka, twenty-six years old,
an Austrian by birth, and who had
beon discharged from tho First Caval
ry at Fort Russell Octobor 20th last,
was found dead on tho Smith farm
twelvo mlloB northeast of town Mon
day. Mr, Smith had several stacks of
wheat on tho farm, and Monday wont
to oxamino tho grain preparatory to
thronhlng. An he approached tho
stacks ho noticed lying bctwoon them
tho body of a man, and upon exami
nation found him hatless and shooloss,
and his appearance indicated that he
had beon dead two or threo weeks.
Mr. Smith reported tho finding of the
body first to a neighbor and then noti
fied Shorlff Salisbury, who In company
with W. R. Malonoy drove out to the
Smith farm Monday afternoon and
brought tho body to tho Malonoy
morguo whore it is Doing hold whilo
correspondence Is being had with tho
officers at Fort Russell.
On his person was found his dis
charge from government service on
acount of tuborcular trouble a gold
watch, a small sum of money, a bis
cuit and a ticket from Omaha to
Choycnno bearing tho salo date of
December 9th. Other than being shoo
loss nnd hatless, ho was woll dressed.
A search of the premises around the
stack failed to locato the shoos or hat
belonging to tho dead man.
Tho supposition Is that tho man bo
camo domented, got off a night train
at Maxwoll either December 9th or
10th, and started out toward tho hills,
traveling In a northeasterly direction.
Overcome by the cold ho lnid down
botweon tho stacks of grain and died
from exposure
Check Up The QucNtlounlrc.
To provent some registered men
from ovadlng Borvico In tho draft army
by not giving all information sought
by tho government through its ques
tionairo syBtom, falsely answorliif
cortaln sections, the, government has
appointed special ugonts who trace
down appeal claims. Not only tho mon
who falsely answer to ovndo sorvico
but othors who will not stato sotno
facts in ordor that thoy may bo class!
fled for early sorvico, aro checked over
by these mon.
Tho regulations portainlng to duties
of theso appeal ngonta aro In part as
follows: "Every registrant, and, to a
cortaln cxtont ovory porson in each
community, is Interested In tho action
of tho local hoards on each particular
caso. Thoro will ho many cases In
which local boards havo boon Imposed
upon, but in which porsons nffectod do
not doslro to Inform such board of
facts within tholr knowledge, It shall
bo tho duty of tho govornmont appeal
agent to recoivo such information nnd
to proparo such appeals in cases whoro
ho considers nppoals to bo of lntorost
to tho govornmont."
: :o: : .
Potrograd. A Ilolshoviki manifesto
posted today orders all munition mak
ors to ceuso work on war material, In
asniuch as tho "armlstlco will soon bo
transforod Into a genoral poaco."
Tho manifesto is gonorally boing ac
copted and manufacture of munitions
of war Is already at a standstill. This
announcement was mado today, Thoro
is still sonio fighting in various parts
of tho country,, but Kalodlno's troops
nro not In forco In many localities,
Finland has filed with Germany i
request that hor indopondonco bo ro
cagnlxod nnd it is rumored from tho
Gorman capital that such an action on
tho part of tho kaiser is likoly.
: :o: :
Special ltrhlge Election.
Elsowhoro is published tho call for
a special election to bo held January
29th in East Platto product to voto on
tho proposition to issue thirty thous
and dollar bonds for tho construction
of threo brldgos across tho Platto rlvor
south of Brady. Tho total longth of
tho throo structures will bo 2003 foot
and tho oatltnatod cost will bo sixty
thousand dollars, ono-half tho cost to
bo homo by tho state.
The Soldier's Telephone
Needs Served First
When war was declared,
tho Bell Telephone System
was Immediately plucod nt
tho dlsnosul of tho government.
Tho government has had first call
for local and long dUtnnce telephone
service, as well ns for men, for
switchboards, poles, wlro and tolo
phoncs for uso at army headquarters
and la tho field.
long distance I DCXNdoURBlT
i H
From now until Dec. 25th
we will pay:
$8 for Mixed Iron
$12 for Cast Iron
The Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
1008 West Fourth Street.
For tho troatmont of Medical, Surgical
and Obstotrlcal Patients.
JOHN S. TW1NEM, 31. 1).
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Buildinu
p. . I Office 130
Phone. fgMdonc. 115
Bolton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 Ros. Black 10Z0
Office phone 241. Res. phono 217
L . C . DROST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
iciantific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cassi.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B.Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D
Talk to Me before employing your
Phono Black 9D7.
Licensed Embalmors
Undertakers and Fanoral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phono Black 688.
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your roimn loea, i nave on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewos, and 500 cattle. . Come
and talk to me.
Practlco Limited to
Surfrory nnd Ilndlum Thornpj
723 City Nutlonal Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Office: First National Hank Building.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nobraska,
Ileal Estate, FIro, Tornado and Hall
Insruancc, Apodal Agents Globe
Llfo Insurauco Company,
Cornor Front and Dowoy Sta., Upstairs
Phono lied 672. North riatte, Nob,
Hospital Phono Dlaek 833.
Houaa Phone Ulack 638.
Graduate Veterinarian
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of the
Terms reasonable guarantee
satisfaction. For dates see
J. F. Clabaugh, North Platte.
hone 201.
Don't let a novice monkey
with your radiator.
Let PIcGraw Fix It.
McGraw Radiator Co.
6th & Locust St.
Estnto No. 1524 of Caroline Franzen, do
ceased, in the County Court or Liin
coin County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested In said estate take no
tico that a petition has been nied ro
tho probate of an Instrument purport
Ing to lie the last' Will and Tostament
or Caroline i'ranzon ana tor mo ap
pointment or Fred is. t'ease us isxecu
tor of said Will, which hus beon set
for hearing herein on January 18, 1918,
at 0 o'clock a. m.
Dated December 21, 1917.
d25J15 County Judge
Estate No. 1520 of Anna M. O'Rourke
deceased, In the County court or l.iii-
rnn Cnuntv. Nebraska.
The Stnte of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said ostato will take notico mat tin
tlmo limited ror presentation aim in
Ing of claims against said Estate 1:
Anrll 25. 1918. and for settlement o
said Estato Is December 21, 1918; that
1 will sit at tho county court room in
said county on January 25, 1918, at 9
o'clock a. in., and on April 25, 1918, at
U o clock a. m to receive, examine.
hear, allow, or adjust all claims ana oo
lections duly filed,
d25J22 County Judge
IJepnrtnirnt of the Interior.
Serial No. 05830.
U. S. Land Olllce at North Platte, Nobr,
Notice Is hereby given that Homer
w. iiamm, or worth J'latte, wenr., who
on Kept. zt, rJl-l, made Homestead en
try, no, 00830. ror NWii section 34
Township 1G N.. Rnniro 29 W. Gth
Principal Meridian, has Hied notice of
intention to mako llnal threo year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, bofore tho Register
aim iteceiver, at North I'intte, jNeur., on
the utn my or iourunry, iuis.
claimant names as witnesses:
Silas I,!ttlo, of North Platte, Nobr.
C H. Schaeffor, of Stapleton, Neb.
win 1'itnian, or Htapiotou, isonr.
Robert Ilatlc, of Stapleton, Nebr.
d25-6w Register,
HOAll no. -tin.
To all whom It may concern;
llio special commissioner appointed
to locate a public road as follows:
Commenclnir at tho Southwost cornor
of the Southwest uuarter of Section
twentv-llve. townshin ten. rnniro thir
ty-one and running thonco east one mile
on suction lino between sections twen-
ty-nvo and thirty-six In township ten,
range thirty-one, connecting Roads No.
hi and lTu. lias ronortea in ravor or
the samo as follows:
Hcc nn hir nt tho corner to Sections
25, 26, 35 and 3(5, T. 10 N., R. 31 W and
running thonco east on lino between
Soctlons 25 and 3G, said township and
range, one miio to the corner to sec
tions 25 and 3i, on range lino to con
nect with Road No. 141. '
All object ons or claims ror damages
must lie filed In tho olllco of tho Coun
ty Clork on or bofore 12 o'clock noon
of the fith dav of March. 1918. or such
roail will be allowed without roforqnco
Dated nt North Platte. Nebraska, this
20th day of Decenibor, 1917.
A. M. Al.UIS.N,
County Clork.
To all whom It may concern:
The special commissioner apponueu
to, locate a nubile road ns follows:
CommoncitiK: at tho .Nortnenst cornor
of Soctlon flvo, "In township twoivo
north. nuiKo thirty wast, in Lincoln
Countv. nnd running thence west on
tho north section linos of Sections G
and fi to tho northwest cornor or wee
t on G. townshin 12. ranee 30 lie estnu
llshcd, .has reported in favor of the
same ns rouows:
llBu-lnnlnif nt tho N. E. corner or sec
tion B. T. 12 N.. R. 30 W.. and running
thonco wost two mlloB betwoon Sec. C
and G, T. 12 N., K. so w., nnd sections
31, 32, 33, T. 13 N., R. 30 W to the N.
V. vomer of said soctlon G.
All objections thereto or oiaims ror
dnmages must bo tiled In the olllco of
tho county Clork on or notoro is o-oiocic
noon of the 7th duy of March. 1918, or
such road wui'iie allowed wiinout ror
erence thereto.
Dated nt North Platto, Nebraska, thl:
21st day of Docomber, 1917.
County Clork.
IIOAIl o, u:t
To nil whom It may concern:
The special commissioner appointed
to locato a public road as follows:
Commencing at the section line on
tho north of Sections nineteen (19) nnd
twenty (20), running south a distance
ut u, ,iiu ...M
tlons, Sections nineteen (19) and twen
ty (20) and sections thirty (30) and
twonty-nlno (29) and Sections thlrty
ono (31) nnd thirty-two (32), all In
township thlrtoon (13), range thltry-
S T I 1 1. n ...... . rAI.K..f.l,A
has reported In favor of the same as
follows: .
Beginning at the corner to Sections
17, 18. 19 nnd 20. T. 13 N., R. 31 W. of
Hie Utn i ai., ami ruuimiK inaiiuu suuui
m Moctlnn linn 3 miles between Sections
19 and 20. 29 and 30, 31 and 32, said
township and range, terminating there.
All dainagos or objections thoreto or
claims ror dainnges ineroio mum oo
nieil In the office of the County Clerk
on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 6th
day or Mnrcn, luis, or sucn roau win ue
nlioweu wunoui reierence uierciu.
Dated at North Platte, this 20th day
It L8l1s !
Successor to
Dra. Redfield & Redfield
Offlco Phono G42 Ros. Phone 670
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby glvon that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on tho
11th duy of Octobor 1917 and duly filed
In tho offlco of tho County Clerk of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 11th
day of October 1917, and executed by
John Smith to Clara Stogomann to se
cure tho payment of tho sum of
$737.51 and upon which there Is now
duo the sum of $707.51.
Default having been made in the
payment of said sum und no suit or
other proceeding at law having been
instituted to recover said debt, or any
part thorcof, therefore, I will sell tho
property therein desccrlbed to-wit:
40 acres of matured, standing and un-
husked corn located upon the follow
ing described premises to-wit: South
West Quarter of Section 35, Township
14, North of Range 31, West of tho G
P. M., Lincoln County, Nebraska, nt
public auction nt the house located
upon said described premises on tho
9th day of January 1918, nt 1 o clock
p. m. of said dny.
Dated December 17th, 1917.
dl8J8 Mortgagee.
Notico To Contractors.
Call for Bids on Stato Aid Bridge at
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebr.
Sealed bids will be received until
3 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, January 22,
1918, at tho office of tho County Clerk
in Lincoln County, North Platte, Nebr.
for tho construction of a concrete
bridge across tho South Platto River
located approximately ono mile south
of tho City of North Platte. Bids will
bo received for the construction of
Ono reinforced concrete arch bridge
composed of 10-50 ft. concrete arches,
With concrete piors and abutments,
resting on wood piling ns per plans
and specifications. Bids will bo ro
celved on the yardage basis for making
fills In approaches and surfacing.
All bids must bo sealed and accom
panled with n cash deposit or certi
fied check mado payable to tho County
Treasurer, Lincoln County, for the
sum of $5,000.00. All checks must bo
certified to by a bank in Nebraska.
Bids will bo publicly opened at the
office of tho County Clerk, North
Platte, Nebraska, at 3 o'clock p. m.,
January 22, 1918. A copy of the plans
and specifications aro on fllo in the
office of the County Clerk and tho
Stato Engineer, and may bo had upon
application nnd payment of $5.00 at
tho office of the State Engineer.
Tho State and County reserve tho
right to reject nny or all bids.
Geo. E. Johnson, State Engr,
U21-J21 A. S. Allen, County Clerk
Partition Sale.
By virtue of an order directing the
reforee to make a sale, which order
was issued from the District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a de
cree of partition and tho confirmation
of the referee's report rendered in
said Court, wherein Charlotte S
Woodward is plaintiff and Henry T.
Woodward and Norah Woodward, his
wife; G. T. Halloway and Cressie
Halloway, his wife, and L. C. Mitchell
and Edna Mitchell, his wife, parties in
possession of said lands, are defend
ants; and to me directed I will on the
25th day of January, 1918 at two
o'clock P. M. at the East Front Door
of the Court Houso in North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska soil at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real es
tate, to-wit:- all of Section five (5), in
Township sixteen (1G) North, of Range
Twenty-eight (28), West of the G P M.
and all of Section Three (3), In Town.
ship Sixteen (1G) North, of Range
Twenty-nine (29), West of tho G P M.,
nil of which said lands boing located
in Lincoln County, Nebraska. That I
will offer said lands ns a whole in ono
tract and that I will offor said lands in
two parts, ono being all of Section
Fivo (5), in Township Sixteen (1G)
North, of Range Twenty-olght, West of
the G P. M. ; tho other bolng all of
Section Three (3), in Township Six
teen (1G) North, of Range Twonty-nlno
(29), West of tho G P M. If tho bid
upon tho wholo of said two sections
exceeds the highest total bids upon
each of said two sections I will accept
said bid for all of said lands; but if
tho snld two highest bids upon tho two
soparate tracts exceeds tho highest
bid for the wholo of said lands I will
accept said hid upon tho two separate
Dated this 17th day of Dec. 1917.
dl8J22 O. E. ELDER, Referee.
To Edna J. Kennison nnd Kln-
nison, her husband, first and real
namo unknown:.
You are hereby notified that Sam
uel Haynie, as plaintiff, commenced
nn action, against you ns defendants,
in tho District Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, on December 14, 1917,
tho object of said action being to
qulot tltlo, In tho plaintiff and ngnlnst
tho defendant, to all of Section Nino
(9), Township Nino (9), North of
Rungo Thirty-two (32), West Gth P.
M., as against clouds upon tho title to
snld land caused by tho recording of
tho following warranty deeds, purport
ing to convoy snld lands, to-wit:
A deed mado by W. U. LeVeque and
wifo to T. E. Baldwin, nnd ac
knowledged on March 8, 1912, and re
corded on Octobor 29, 1912, in Deed
Record A 12 at page G74 of tho records
of Lincoln county, Nobraska.
A deed mado by said T. E. Baldwin
to Finis E. Downing, dated' December
17, 1912, and rocorded on Decomber
23, 1912, in Deed Record II 5 at pago
11 of tho records of Lincoln County,
A deed mado by said Fiiiis E. Down
ing and wifo to tho defendant Edna J.
Klnnlson, dated Octobor 8, 1913, and
rocorded on January 3, 1914, in Deed
Record 11 G at pago 249 of the records
of Lincoln County Nobraska.
And to cancel, annul and set aside
said doods, and to enjoin tho defend
ants from nssertlng nny claim of title
or interest in or to tho land above do
scribed.or any part thereof.
You aro required to answer said pe.
tition on or before tho 25th day of
January, 1918.
By WM. E. SHUMAN, His Attorney.
LIMIT 2000
Soldiers and Drafted Men
J. E. SEBAS J,Jtf. Stnto Mer.
Office: BrodU-oh BIdg.
Phone Office Rcu 612
Residence Red '48
Estate No. 1465. of Caroline Schick.
Deceased. In tho Countv Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
The State of Nebraska: To all por
sons interested in the said Estate take
notice that the administrator has tiled
a final account nnd report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement nnd discharge as such,
which have been set for hearing before
said court on December 28, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m., when you may appear and
contest the same.
Dated November 28. 1917.
c!4d25 GEO. E. FRENCH,
County Judgo.
Estate No. 1509, of Mary J. OHarc,
Deceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Creditors
of said estato will take notico that the
time limited for presentation and filing
of claims against said estate is April
4, 1918, and for settlement of said Es
tato Is November 30, 1918. that I will
sit at the county court room in said
county on January 4, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a, in. and on April 4, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH
dl-Jl County Judge.
Estato No. 1520 of Anna M. O'Rourke,
Decceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
The Stato of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested iii said Estate, take
notice that a petition has been filed for
tho appointment of Charles O'Rourke
as administrator of said Estate, which
has been set for hearing heroin on De
cember 21, 1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated November 28, 1917.
dl-dl9 GEO. E. FRENCH,
County Judge.
Estato No. 1470, of George Schick,
Deceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nebraska: To all persons
Interested In said estate, take notice
that tho administrator has filed a final
account and report of his administra
tion and a petition for final settlement
and discharge as such, which have been
set for hearing before said court on
December 28, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.,
when you may nppear and contest the
Dated November 28, 1917.
d4d25 GEO. E. FRENCH,
County Judge.
Estate No. 1406 of Frank Schick, de
ceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all persons
interested in said Estate take notice
that the Administrator has filed a final
account and report of his administra
tion nnd a petition for final settlement
and discharge as such, which have been
set for hearing before said court on
January 4, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., when
you may nppear and contest tho same.
Dated December 7, 1917.
dllJ4 County Judge.
To whom It may concern:
nu jiui:iui uuiumisaiuiier appuinieu
to locate a road as follows:
Commencing at Station No. 11 of
Rond No. 11 in the Southwest quarter
of Section 4, township 14, north range
30 west of tho 6th p. m., running
thenco In a northerly, northeasterly
and northwesterly direction through
tho west one-half of said section 4 and
through the west half of Section 33,
township 15 north, range 30 west, ot the
nortwest corner of said section 33,
thence north on section line between
sections 28 and 29 of said last town
ship and range three-fourth of a mile,
thenco In a northeasterly, northerly
nnd northwesterly direction through'
tho northwest quarter of said section
28 and the southwest quarter of sec
tion 21 to the quarter section corner be
tween sections 28 and 21 township 15
north, range 30 west, thence north on
lino between sections 20 nnd 21, 16 and
17 of said township and range to a
point about 25 chains north of tho cor
ner of Sections 1C, 17, 20 nnd 21, thence
In a northensterly direction through
the west half of sections 16 and 9
through the southwest quarter and tho
cast half of section 4 of said last
township nnd range to a point on the
north lino of said section 4 about 20
chains west of tho northeast corner of
said section 4, thence northerly nnd
westerly across sections 33 nnd 28.
township 16, range 30 to the section
line between sections 28 and 29, thence
northerly nlong said section line be
tween sections 28 nnd 29, and sections
21 and 20 to a point about one-fourth
of a mile south from the northwest cor
nor of section 21 nnd thenco in a north
vest direction across sections 20 and
17 to tho northwest cornor of section 17,
thence on a west and north direction
ncross sections 7 and 6 to a point on
the north line of section about one
fourth of a mile east of tho northeast
corner of Section C, has reported In
favor of tho samo as follows:
Reginnlng nt Station No. 11 or Road
No. 11 In the southwest quarter of
section 4, township 14 north, range 30
wost, running thenco in a northeastely
and northwesterly direction through the
southwest quarter nnd the northwest
flimrrnp nr until un.t, In.. , a. .
......,, it anu inroHgll
the southwest quarter and the West
l'.nlf tno northwest quarter of sec
tion 33, township 15 north, range 30
west, to tho southwest corner of sec
tion -'8. township 15 north, rango 30
vest, thence north on soctlon lino be
tween sections 28 and 29 said town
ship nnd range three-fourth or a mile.
JioeJlfi.",.n northensterly and north
w.2JerIy lVroctln through tho north
M,t,,.aiUar,tor r isalu "oction 28 and
through tho west one-half of south
ir. haitw of soctlon 21, township
15 north, range 30 wost, to tho quarter
section corner between sections 20 and
tVnJi!lei,C0.i nortJi 0,1 sctton lino be
tween sections 20 and 21 and betwoon
ctlons 16 and 17. said townshin and
range, to a point nbout 30 rods south
Sii.i 'o!.uiartor.2ectlon corner between
i sect'on'J 10 and 17. thence In a
northeasterly, northerly nnd north-
wo8t0rln5;,llltroct,on through tho noi-tll-i
.i lter of southwest quarter,
km thSnV.S"1 1ua.rtr of section 16
SJJ.T.i !irouBh the southwest quarter of
Bouthwcst quarter of section 9 to a
townSH1'i,V0 Jjotweon sections 8 nnd 9,
township 15 north, range 30 wHt
cornetr2fClialtn,8 nof,th "outhwe" t
m, x?L L??UX 80Ct n 9. thence north
?n n"ibfh ecn Bnhl sect ons 8 nnd 9
nn?,S,nt ab0Ut 108 r0t,S HOUth Of tho
.wl1 corner of 8iJd boctlon 9?
th?Sulh'nthnano,rt,Ica.8terly direction
secMnn h tnn,orthwest quarter of said
Suarkr At 1n,d..,thro4Kh tlle southeast
west L?t southwest quarter and the
Ji,,81.! of southeast quarter and
auartSr,oftYre8t ha,f ot northeast
rnneo Ji!5U.on .1- township 15 north,
section x n.VoVl6 .north "no of said
?iorti?ni.a7,t 22 Sha,.n.8 We8t from.the
aii . c?rner of said section 4.
.ln'i0"01'008 thereto or claims for
the 1 eoeifnSiu!ii b? flled ln th0 lce of
i.'iri?unty Clerk on or before 12
?ua?vk,i9ni0n,Vof 'J'6 18,th day of Fefc
K'.J ,8j r,8Uch r0ftd w' be allow-
nY, ,out. reference thereto.
iif?,atHel n North Platte. Nebr.. this
11th day of December, 1917. '
dllil A'a ALLEN.
UWJ County Clerk.
Court Hoaaa,
County Clerk.