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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1917)
THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA. MEN OF THE NAVIES LIKE BIG FAMILY American and British Sailors Best of Friends, Says Writer. JACKIE LIKED IN ENGLAND Fight Among Themselves nnd All That Sort of Thing, Says Charles Daw. barn, but No Happier Crowds Could Be Imagined. London. Writing In tho Dnlly Chronlclo on "Tho United States Fleet In Being" nnd discussing America's In Valuoblo services, Charles Dawbarn Days: "It Is not tho American way to fenr publicity. Undo Sam likes to act In Iho brond cyo of day nnd to liavo his poods emblazoned for his own encour agement, nut Iho English nro Recro tlvc perhaps this is one of tho revela tions of tho war. In any case, n veil of Rllcnco lins been dropped over Ameri can naval action In tho scrvlco of tho allies In conformity with British tra ditions. Being in Home, tho good Americans do ns Rome docs. In this particular Homo holds Its tongue and looks wlso. Not tho least of American services to England Is her readiness to becomo dumb and anonymous, because that Is tho Immemorial way with tho British navy. "And yet 11 would not do to suppose that our cousins liavo not contributed very sensibly to tho reduction of tho ferll which awaits us on Iho water ound tho const. Sir Eric GeddcB paid fmndsomo tribute to them In his maiden speech ns first lord In tho com mons. Tho United States 'Jackie' Is p fino fellow, nnd ono of his finest at tributes Is his speedy adaptation to tho now conditions of scrvlco In European Waters. Ho has becomo our own Jack Tar's firm friend. The Family Feeling. "Gratifying examples of co-operation botween tho two services nro fur bished every dny. Officers nnd crcwB pf tho two fleets llko each other so well flint they 'get mad' at each other, ns the Americans nay Just ns If they were members of thoBnmo family. "In courts of Inquiry both services participate when both nro Involved. Perhaps tho senior olllccr will be Brit- WAITING FOR CUSTOMERS Desplto tho presence of food admin istrators, fuel directors, and othur ene mies our bitter and undefeated pneiny, JNcost of Living, holds sway In the capital itself. Hich and poor alike patronize tho stalls of tho well-stocked markets nnd tho products of tho near-South appear in great abundance. Thero is no Bear city of food here, but thero nro no de liveries and no charge accounts. Sat urday Is tho big market day aud no doubt our food director . received many of their Inspirations whllo pass ing through thu crowded luues of the markets, where every conceivable cdl bio is offered for sale. MAKE REAL CITIZENS Americanizing America Feature of D. A. R. War Work. Calls on Women to Make All-Amerlcan City or Town of Place Where They LJve. A now opportunity forwmen to help in tho wnr Is offered i)ytho Nn tlonal Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, through their war relief committee,- of which Mrs, Matthow T. Scott Is chairman. It Is Mmdlng out n call to the women of tho country to make nn all-Amcrlcnn city or town of tho nlnco in which tlioy live. It nnks enlistment for this spe cial scrvlco which yorks directly with tho unusslmllntcd immigrant, Ignorant ef or Indifferent to America's history, customs nnd luws, unpledged to sup port our ling, rearing n family with un American vlowi of life nnd rending only foreign language papers. Ish and tho two juniors American, or tho senior will bo American nnd the others British. Tho unity is such that British and American destroyers swing nt tho samo buoy nnd follow each other In their sea practices. At sea they exchnngo signals; on shore they tiso tho same clubs and huts. At one base n converted cinema hall Is now a rendezvous for the bluojnekets of tho two nntlons. There they frntcrnlzo In the most cordial manner. Between scenery painted by sailors nnd in front of nn orchestra of destroyer musicians English nnd Amorlcnn nrtlsts sing their songs and deliver their monologues to their brothers of tho sen. "Tho Incessant work of tho destroy ers and patrol boats In convoying troopships or merchnnt ships, or In chasing tho submnrlnc, has not blunted tho edge of tho snllormnn's keenness. If you speak to him nbout his present 'motler,' nnd compare It with his peacetime labors, ho will declare that tho luttcr were heavier to bear. Thero was tho eternal maneuver for the ac tion which never came, and, after It, olllccrs had to analyze tho thonrnHml results. Navigating and engineer staffs lived In nn atmosphcro of paper prob lems. Nowadays thov nrn swrrnf nnn. Thero Is no time for them. And the Hplco of dnnger has given zest to tho dally round. To understand that, ono must understand the psychology of the snnor. Danger Is Real. "Ills danger Is real enough. Hydro planes nnd other appliances have not proved a sulllclent solution. Tho only MATA-HARI Dancer Convicted of Spying for Germany, a Stoic to Last Moment. EYES ARE NOT DANDAGED Gazes Calmly at Execution Squad Awaiting Order to Fire Fatal Vol ley Confesses She Was In the Pay of Germany. Paris. In the gray dawn of n Tues day morning n tall, graceful woman stood erect before the targets on tho VIncennes rlllo range. Ucr unbandnged eyes gazed calmly at n sqund of zouaves from n Moroccnn regiment. A slgnnl from their commanding officer and tho sharp crack of tho zouaves' rifles cut tho early morning nlr. The woman fell bnckwnrd to tho ground, her face upturned to the sky. Mnta Ilarl, tho dancer whoso charms hnd captivated the capitals of Europe, had paid tho price of being found out. She died convicted of being u spy In tho servlco of Germany, of having be trayed for money tho country that hnd sheltered her and had npplnuded her art. Mntn-IInri died as Bho had lived mistress of herself nnd her emotions. When nwnkened on the fatal morning In her cell nt Saint Lnznro sho know that tho end wus nt hand. Sho quick ly nttlrcd herself in n dnrk dress trimmed with fur, which sho hnd w6rn at her trial. Putting on n long coat and n large felt hat, she announced that sho was ready. Tho llttlo proces sion pnsscd through tho dork corridors to tho ofllco of the Warden. Hero Maln-IIarl .wroto two long letters. She, was tho least affected by tho suspenso of any In tho party. Says Last Good-Bys. Handing tho letters to her lnwycr she hado tho prison officials good-by and, escorted by tho prison guards, she entered n military nutomobllo ac companied by tho two nuns nnd Cap tain Bnurchardnn. Arriving nt tho fortress of VIncennes Bho cnlmly stepped out of tho mo'tor, turning to help ono of tho nuns to nllght. Then tho condemned woman was taken to tho ofllco of the governor, where the last formalities were quickly gono through, after which Mata-IIarl again entered tho automobile, which started for the rifle range, this tlmo escorted by n squadron of dragoons. On tho range nil preparations for the execution were rendy. A detach ment jot Infantrymen in their bluo-grny uniforms wero drawn up, forming n hollow square tho targets being nt They hopo to Tiring uiiout tho day when tho alien, becoming naturalized, shall tako tho oath of nllcglance to tho flag Itself, not to tho man administer ing the anth In a court room; when n ballot Is put Into his hand accompanied by an American ling, with full respon sibility nnd honor of ownership; when It Is obligatory that he learn tho Eng lish language; when ho shall bo com pelled to send his children to public school; nnd when certain days of tho year shall bo called Amerlcanlzntlon days, on which resident nllcns shall tako tho oath of allegiance. Many of tho "Daughters" nro work ing sorlously on this project, giving 11 lustrutcd lectures in settlements nnd schools. Bhe 8tayed at Home. Winchester, Intl. Mrs. Sarah J, Sea graves of this city, who has Just cele brated her ninety-third birthday, has Jived iu Winchester since 1850, nnd since 1807 has not been In tho business district of tho town until tho other dny, when hor grandson took her in un uu tomoblle for u ride about tho city. rcnl solution Is man and ship power; the policeman on the spot to catch tin? thief. "A hit, a palpable lilt, perhaps, nni yet the result Is uncertain. This Is the common cxperlcnco of submarine chas ing. You nro never certain of your bag. But whatever Gorman apologists may assort, tho number of 'tin fish' dis posed of by our nlly steadily grows greater, and tho system of convoys a number of ships 'In n bunch,' surround ed by destroyers has at least this ad vantage, that It brings tho enemy to the defense force nnd thus obviates n scnrcli for him. And In 'taking enro' of tho tralllc, British and neutral, In the sen lanes lending to these Isles, thd United Stntcs nnvy Is performing n duty csscntlnl to our existence nnd re affirming the old mnxlm consecrated once before nt sea that blood Is thick er than water." 6 FEET 7 INCHES NOT f TOO TALL FOR ARMY $ Little Bock, Ark. W. E. Hale, t n farmer, appealed to tho local $ draft exemption bonrd to ills- chnrgo his son, W. P. Ilnlc, be- 2 cause the lad Is "Just nnturnlly too tall for tho army." But tho board rejected tho application. The young soldier Is 0 feet nnd 7 Inches from tho solos of his feet to the top of his head. S Umbrellas $15 Each. Havre. Tho price of umbrellas In occupied Belgium hns been fixed nt 75 francs ($15) each by German authori ties. 1 the further end. Tho firing platoon of( zouaves was In tho center, the men standing nt nttcntlon. Tho nutomobllo stopped nt tho entrance to the squnro and Mnta-Hnrl stepped out. Sho gazed unmoved, nlmost disdainfully, nt the? setting prepnred for. her flnnl nppenr-j ance, in much tho samo - manner na sho had regarded tho audiences thatj hnd npplnuded tho exotic dnnces with which sho had startled Paris. In the1 background stood n group of officers from tho VIncennes gnrrlson, many of whom hnd been witnesses of tho con demned woman's stngo triumphs. With her lawyer on ono sido and ono of tho. nuns On tho other sho passed un shaken In front of the silent, wnltlngj troops. I Arriving In front of the targets Mntn-IIarl bade these two good-by embracing tho nun ns sho stretched; out her hnnds to n waiting gendarme; who held tho cord with which they wero to bo bound. Tho commnnder. of tho plntnon raised his sword and, tho volley rang out, tho corpse was taken to ' n military cemetery nnd' burled In n section set npnrt for the! Interring of executed criminals. Mata-IIarl. whoso namo wnn MnrJ guorlto Gcrtrudo Zello, gave Paris a' now sensation to talk about when some fifteen yenrs ago she mado heri first appearnnco nt the house of well-known opera singer, where in a mystic danco she divested herself of a number of veils which wero tho only gnrments sho wore. She was a rc4 mnrkably hnndsomo womnn, tall anu dnrk, with n skin' that was almost bronze In color. This gave rise to tho! statement that sho was a Javanese,1 but sho wns of Dutch parentage and' had married In her youth a Dutch army officer, from whom she was dl-' vorccd. At her trial her guilt was so conclu sively proved that sho flnnlly con-' fessed sho had been In tho pay, of tho Gorman secret police for n number of years. Sho' had utilized her wide no; qunlntanccshlp In Franco to collect In formation of military value which shq transmitted through secret channels to Berlin, receiving In return large sums,' of money. Profit on Sheep. Enu Clnlre, Wis. A clenr profit of $20 n head from n flock of 275 ewes, with tho wool clip averaging eight pounds, nnd nn Increase In numbers of 108 per cent Is tho cheerful outlook reported by n Bayfield county sheep raiser. This flock master expects to market 85 ram Iambs averaging from 00 to 05 pounds ench this fnll. Each of the 275 owes carried on tho farm will produco an nverngo of more thnn $30 n head this year, represented by her wool clip nnd thu snle of her lambs for mutton. , AMERICAN TO REBUILD TOWN Dun-Sur-Meuse In France Is Promised Restoration by Man of Same Name. Paris. Tho Inhabitants of tho little town of Dun-sur-Mcuso aro convinced that, after all, there Is a lot In n unme.! For, thanks to tho fact that Its pat-; ronymlc happens to ho tho samo na that of n wealthy and generous Amorl-J can, tho ravages caused by war will soon bo mado good. The munlapol council of Dun-Rur-Mouso has met in Paris to bo present ed to Its "godfnther" who has under taken to rebuild tho town. 8ees Belled Buzzard. Mnrtlnton, W. Vn. The belled boz- zuru was nctunuy seen nenr hero .Tastier D. Dlllnv wMi ...nt. by his farm. Dlllcv hnnrrt Mm tinki. a ut.ii, wiu Buiiuu npjmreimy coming from overhead, nnd In looklug up ho snw a largo buzzard Balling over, with tho bell tied nround his neck. Tho bell tinkled nt every movement of tho bird's body. SHE HAD LIVED Thanksgiving Day Especial Event in Washington WASHINGTON. Thanksgiving time brought n brightening of Washington hearth fires nnd turkey-scented Invitations in honor at tho lnda nbout us iln nntlonnl livery who nro far from hoSie and mother. Itnto tho Thanksgiving ' lnn.l .1.1.. lt.L .lt.1 L 1 . I .. juuuiu lino yvui uiiu uiu iiui uuusi it khnki-covered guest or so. Father and mother plied high the strangers' plates Jocosely. Never mind the mist in their eyes. "Yes, I'm proud of my Jimmy; but I'm not n heroine. I'm Just his moth er I" Exalted eloquence I They had n grand memorial service for Jimmy at Evansville, Ind., his home town, when the dread word came thnt Prlvnto Jnmes B. Greshnm, enlisted nt nineteen such n kid I was one of tho first three Americans killed In the trenches of northern France. And Jimmy's ,mother in her nngulsh, thnnklng God for the proud gift of such n boy, sobbed ,out to those who would fnln console her. "I'm not n heroine I'm just his imother 1" And I'm rather Inclined to think that she was both. "Please Invito mo where there's n kid that I can mind while Its mother is getting dinner," nn enlisted man urged when Wnshlngton's Thanksgiving invi tations began to circulate nmong tho camps. And nlmost every mother of n baby, touched in her tenderest spot, bid to hnve that especial man to turkey. A kiddie nlwnys seems to touch the soft spot underneath n khaki coat. Tho other night there wns nn Interesting vaudeville entertainment given ,by patriotic local telent before the men nt Washington barracks. Tho wee (daughter of Representative Klncheloe of Kentucky aocompnnled her mother to tho performance. Mrs. Klncheloe, n versatilo artist, was ope of the headllners jof the excellent bill. The orchestra was filling up the spnee between two numbers with n strenuous rendition of "Over Thero" when tiny Miss Klnche loe, Just three yenrs old, escaping from her protector, inspired by the stirring 'strains, scrambled up on tho low stage and began to dance in n spontaneous baby way that overwhelmed, the soldiers with delight. The regular program had to wait. The laddies wanted more of the baby. Grown folk were every day affairs. A kiddle was n treat. Government Departments Hard Pressed for Room TOE treasury department Is in the market for 185,00) square feet of floor space for ofllco purposes, and Is having groat difficulty In getting evw; n smnll portion. Other government departments are hard pressed for ofllco WORE SPACE which partly solved the demnnds far mm by taking over n large number of npaitmcnt houses, nnd are still badly in need of office nccommodntlon, are expecting relief by March 1, when It is contemplated that the big wooden buildings nt Sixth nnd B streets, the site 6f the old Union station, where Garfield was shot by Gulteau. will be ready for occupancy. Three sections of ono largo building will be rendy before March 1, it was eald today by an officer of the government. Tho treasury department has not such good prospects for early relief, al though the supervising architect of tho treasury is rushing plans for the new .trensury annex to bo built nt Pennsylvnnla nvenuo nnd Madison place, adjoin- ,ing tho Bclnsco theater. It Is planned will be n permanent one, ready for the treasury by September 15, 1018. Would Fight to Prove Nationality of Bambino IT IS n street of second-hand. smells. Also, thero nre noises the Babel shrill of foreign parent voices outclashed by tho raw Americanism of their jun lors; tho insistent call of the push-cart, and always, always the comings and goings of Job-lot humanity that must .. buy other people's cast-offs, because everybody knows why. But nt ono corner the other morn ing the sun lay like a yellow blanket ;on the pavement and the leaves swirled jdown from the trees ns if dying were u gny sort of dance. Also, there wns n box, nnd on the box sat a small girl In blue holding n baby with rings In its enrs. The girl was n skinny little tnckeV, with a dark face, mostly eyes, nnd as she cuddled the buby her croon ing voice somehow suggested olives, Vesuvius, wnyslde shrines and banunq carts. But there was nothing Latin about the fat, bald-headed baby, except, the rings In its enrs.' As the two mado n picture worth looking nt, the woman paused and offered the baby an applo from n bng. "She Amerry-ean baby" the girl explained It with a pride that was sdme thing flue to see. "She is not no dngo. She have earrings becnuse my mar iner sho say so, and her saint name is Mngdalena but my par-per he say It is Maggeo for Amorry-oan and If she he n boy sho be president, mnybee." "Why, that is splendid. And whnt Is your name?" "I urn Marrec-ah, after tho Moth-er of God. My mur-mer glvo me to. bet at the cathedral In Mllnn. I wear bluo nil the time I am a child. When ) nm becg I hnve a pink ribbon bow in my hair and u green dress nnd felluh to go with. But the bambino no, the babeo sho come when wo got here. No boy shall call her dago. I will light heem. I will keel heem if he call her dago." That's about nil, only Ono would llko to know in advance whnt America will do for Mnggce, whoso saint's name is Magdalenn, when sho Is no longer n fat, bald-headed baby with rings itrher ears. Opinions as to the Training of Officers Differ ACOMPREFIENS1VE plan to train reserve officers and. their more systematic ( employment In the wnr lias been submitted to the secretary of wnr by tho Training Camps association. In addition to establishment of n school or schools for training of officers, to con 's vt f'rZTS J J s J, V" CjS CC ' the war department to ubnndon all training camps for officers and to obtain a supply of officers in future solely from the ranks, with tho training for commissioned grades given nt the liend quarters of the several military divisions. Apparently the proposnl that reserve officers be sent to Franco for train ing under uctunl wnr conditions and then returned to train the Nntlonnl army does not appeal to the war departmenf. It was said there thnt reservo officers nro being sent to Frnuco us General Pershing muy require them, nnd that alrendy about 2,000 have been assigned to the American expeditionary force hi Europo at General Pershing's requeat. The explanation was made, howler, (hat theee officers would remain in France. CAHTAL la Mil I II mm accommodations for employees, nid it will not be until various new buildings authorized by congress are completed that real relief will come. The government's executive nnd administrative nctlvltles . are now so badly scattered throughout the city that persons having business with Uncle Sam often find trouble in locat ing tho particular bureau or division they arc looklug for. Many times they are sent from one place to another. The war and navy departments, floor space nt the beginning of tho war to have this $1,250,000 building, which she is AMEiyvr-CAn) n&nv tut ik V HOT 10 DA CO -NO Slfc-E-E, tlnuo without Interruption lustend of for n few months only, ns in the train- "S camps, uio association recommends that u certain number of reserve olll- ccrs should bo sent to Franco for actual experience with the troops In the field nnd Inter brought homo to act as instructors of troops being prepared for war service. Tho association also notes an ob jection to tho understood purpose of MM Wl I 1 S?S jCA 11 v WHITE LEGHORNS FOR SHOW Main Points Aro That Fowls Should Be Snow White, Free From Color Foreign to Variety. ' In exhibiting Leghorns tho main points nre that tho birds should be ( white that is to say, snow white, with due amount of luster nnd free from brnsslness. crenmlness, "greenness" (o jterm usually referred to the Immature i condition of the feather commonly found in young stock), gray specks nnd color foreign to tho vnriety. Tho comli in single-comb vnrietlcs should hnvo fivo points. The pullet should weigh; three nnd one-half pounds, tho hen four pounds, tho cockerel four nnd one-half pounds nnd tho cock bird five nnd one- i White Leghorn Cockerel. half pounds. Tho ear lobes nro re l quired to be white, nnd should moro thnn one-third of tho surface be cov ered with red In cockerels and pullets, same would bo disqualified, but this Is allowablo in hens nnd cock birds. Feathers other than white in any part of plumage aud shnnks other than yel low would also disqualify tho White Leghorn. Other general disqualifica tions nre ns follows : The presence of; stubs, feathers or down on tho shankd or between the toes, side springs, squir-i rel tail, etc. ' COMFORTABLE FOWL IS BEST Poultry to Do Well Should Not Be Ex posed to Severe Weather In Fall and Winter. That farm flocks nro often too much, exposed to tho weather, and that tho' farmer would realize moro from lils' poultry if he did not nllow them out doors during tho fall and winter, are, without doubt, established facts, saya A. 0. Smith of the Minnesota experi ment station. The Iden often ndvanced that poultry can withstand nny nmount or degree of cold wenther provided it is dry, is not borno out by experienco. Poultry should not bo exposed to eli their wind or rnln in tho nutumn. House tho birds comfortably if you wish eggs. Keep them in tho housd hfter tho ground freezes. Let them out only during tho .middle of the dnyj ns a rule In the fnll after the frost comes. If you cannot tako tho trouble, ,to get them in early in the afternoon, keep, them in. HANDLE PULLETS WITH CARE; Make All Changes .Gradually and Keep' Roosting Quarters Dry and ( ' Well Ventilated. Pullets beginning to lay should bo handled with exceptional care. Do' not think because they have started' ito lay that you should confine them in their winter quarters. Make no changes on them till the wenther will permit; then take plenty of tlmo In vnrylng tho ration. Make all changes gradually. Keen the roo'stlng quarters ''dry, well ventlluted, but boarded up tight on tho north, east and west sides. They should then have a comfortable house, and when handled by n enreful, person who understands tho nature of tho hen they should produce nb'un dnntly. FRESH EGGS DURING WINTER Demand Far Exceeds Supply and Prices Rule Exceedingly High Give Heno 8ummer Feed. t Tho demand for strictly fresh eggs during tho lnte fall and winter months far exceeds tho supply, prices rulo very high during that period and the breed of hens nnd tho system of man aging them thnt will produce n good' egg yield at this time of tho year Is being much sought after. This can be nccompllshed by starting in the fall' with a good laying strain of fowls' und managing them in n systematic way, giving them hummer conditions Iu feeding throughout tho winter. RIDDING SOILS OF GAPEWORM Effective Measure' Is to Plow During Winter Freezing Weather KHIs Insects. Winter phmlr.g Is r. i effective meth oJ of rld.llng Polls of tho gnpcworin. This worm causea tlio so-catied "gapes" in little rhlcU, and can o:ly result from contiuulwued soil. Whi ter plowing throws tho worms to, or near tho s irface, v. hero freezing weather qujckly cnd- t.Vir exl,tcucc.