The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 28, 1917, Image 12

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    IKA L. BARE, Editor and Publisher
Atjnpon today ovory railf'diJy In the
united statos will patw Into tuo pos-
SirnscniPTlOV iiates- mtiwlon una control oD iho United
Ono Year by Mall In Advance. . . .SI "51 atat08 Bovomnient. Socretary McAdoo
Ono l'car liy Cnrrlcr In Adrnncc $l0l wl'l ' tho director general of the
. I rvlflrn.ift.i ......In...
jmoreu ni worm riaue. NcurasKn,
Poatofflco as Second Clasa Matter.
A Iilltle Friendly Advice.
' The Tribune dlsllkos to havo any ono
got Into trouble, and lionce It would
ndvlsu cortaln pro-Gormans In North
Platte and Lincoln county to do less
talking. If thoy 1 n m 1 h t In pursuing the
trnck thoy aro In, grlof Is In sloro for
jthom. This Is no throat; It Is just n
little bit of friendly advloo, with the
Information added that practically
oVory nlan In North Plntto and Lincoln
county who has publicly made un
patriotic remarks Is known and his
namo Is in "the book.". When tho ax
falls it will fnll hoavlly.
0 bllimry.
Honry Doobko was born In Ontnro-
vlllo, 111., Sept. 7th, 1876; died In
North Platto, Doc. 21Bt, 1017. Ho was
.qonfirmod as a youth in tho Lmthoran
ohurch with which ho wns Identified
until his death. IIo Jnovod to Lincoln
county with his parents in 1895, rtisld
Jug horo until his death.
I in ID felt M l.rrwl 1... 11.. . - . 1 1. .. n..u
urothors and two Ulsters.
Tho funornl was hold from his lato
homo on Monday last with interment
at Roscddlo cemotory. Rov. Koch had
charge of tho sorvlcGsat tho house nnd
tho inombers of tho Mooso lodgo at tho
I. R Gllbort and family wore Christ
ina Kuonta of rolatlvos In Cozad.
11, AV Lawboad and family .spont
Christmas with rolatlvos in Kearnoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nowmoyor havo
boon visiting friends In Central City
Jamos Hart was called to Choyonno
Wednesday by tho sorlous Illness of
n frlond.
'Mr. and Mth. T. L. Green and
daughter havo boon guests of relatives
In a rand Island this wcok.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Distal aro ro
Jolclng ovor tho arrlvnl of a baby
daughter Christmas morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Esholman and Mr.
and Mrs, Hugh Bird, spont Christmas
with relatives In Sutherland.
Frank J. Taylor, of Bt. Paul, Nob.,
Is vlBltlng his slstor Mrs. J. II. Curry
whllo onrouto homo from n business
trip to Ogalaila.
Tho Epworth Longuo will hold Its
Blxth annual watch mooting and party
In tho Loaguo room of tho Methodist
churcr Monday ovonlng, Docomber
;tlnt. A pnrillnl InvllnMm, l !....
w. ...... iiMiuuuii 10 uAiuiiuuu
to tho young pooplo who would like to
meet with thorn.
Tho big cost In getting ojjt big nows
papor ndvortlsomont quoting prices,
during tho grout Invontory salo will
.be ollmlnatod nnd this money spont In
giving greater bargains to' tho tfooplo.
You must como to tho store and see
real monoy-anvlng bargains nt The
Leador Co.'s.
.Episcopal Church Services Sunday.
8 a. nl, holy communion.
DMfi . m., Sunday school.
11 n. m., morning prayor and ser
mon. 7:30 p .111.. Sunday school festival
In n statement accompanying the
presldont's proclamation IHuud Wed
nesday Ib a statemont in which It Is
announced tlintj when congress ro
artonnilod he would aak that dollnlte
guarantees bo glvon that tho railroad
properties will be maintained In ns
good ropalr and ns com pic to equip
ment ns whon taken ovor, and that the
not operating Income In each case
shall equal the averago not oporatlng
Income of tho throe years preceding
Juno 30, 1017.
Prosldont Wilson says In his state
ment: "I have exorcised tho powors
ovor tho transportation systems of tho
Country which were granted mo by tho
net of congross of August, 1916, bo
cause It has become Imperatively nec
essary for mo to do so.
"This Is a war of resourcos no loss
than of mon, porhaps ovon moro than
of men, and It Is noccssary for tho
sources that tho transportation sys
tems of tho country should bo orgnn
Izod and employed under a single nu
thorlty nnd a simplified method of co
ordination which has not provod nos
Bible under privnto management and
"Tho commltteo of railway execu
tives who have boon co-onoratlnc with
tho govornmont In this all-Important
mattor havo dono tho utmost that It'
wn3 posslbo for them to do; havo done
It with patriotic zeal nnd with great
ability; but thoro woro difficulties
that thoy could neither escape nor
"Tho public lnterost must bo first
served, nnd, In addition, tho financial
Interests of tho govornmont and the
financial interests of the railways muBt
bo brought under a commo'n director,
tlraduale Dentist
Ofllco over the McDonald
Stat Hunk.
Miss lloxlc Weds.
MIhh Holon Hoxlo, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Frank Hoxlo, was married nt
the home of hor paronts on west Fifth
I streot Wednesday afternoon to Dana K.
j Hammond or Santa Anna, California.
J The coromony was porformed. by Rev.
.Curry, of tho Presbyterian church, In
j the presence of members of tho family.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond loft the same
levelling for Santa Anna, whero thoy
will nmkn fhnlr linnin ATr llnnimmi.l
Judge Grimes finished the last case Is dean of n college In the California
of tho Docombor term of court Wod- town, and has the distinction of being
needny, but will begin tho grind again 'tho youngest man In this country In
ua January zom, wiiion win Do tlio such a position. It was whllo tho bride
was visiting in California a couple of
yoars ago that sho mot Mr. Hammond,
first term for 1918
No mattor what bargains you can got
olsowhero, theroJs blggor bargains nt nntl tl10 acquaintance then formed cul-
I f n 4 .1 I u 1 1.
Tiie Leader Mercantile Co.'i annual' ",",u"m 1,1 1110 marriage wouncsuay.
Invontory salo. I T,1 Broom comes of a vory wealthy
' ramiiy. i
inu stiaio oar association win moet n , .... ....
l T Innnln .! . 1 . , . "1 1 O. I 11U11 JUUIIU , HUU HOI HpOIU I1U1C 1
vn.n t,? ?? y tomo.rro but.of the time at home since the family
,. .iioM 1 woing auBeni in
" ' "'"-x.callforn n and also In th TTnumii
s so; :-
The Story of a Tragic Love.
"Tho DIrd of Paradise," which will
bo prosentcd nt tho Koith January 21st,
is a Bu'por molo-drama telling of tho
tragic lovo and solf-dostructlon of Lu-
ana a beautiful Hawaiian princess. Re
sisting tho demands of tho priest to
ueconio a Goddess of Polo.Lunna meets,
loves and marries an Atnorlcan doctor.
Finding that sho cannot hold his love.
sbo returns to hor pooplo and lcarn3
that a volcano ls In oruptlon. Know
Ing that, according to hor bollef, If bIio
offers hersolf a human sacrifice to
Polo tho or.uption of tho volcano will
cease and dlsnstor will not overtake
her friends, bIio hurls horsolf Into tho
molten lava.
Tho scones of tho piny nro In Ha
waii, aro beautiful, and a foaturo aro
flvo Hnwaltnn slngors and ukolole
Commissioner Hermlnghausoii who
largoly handles tho county charity,
especially tho demands In North Platto,
says tho applications for relief so far
this winter havo not been as many as
usual. Ho has weeded out somo of
tho professional nlinB-scokors; tho
"undoHorving follows" as he terms
them. Hy doing this tho charity ex
penses of tho county havo boon con
siderably lessoned.
C. F. Spencer, room G. Reynolds
building, real estate, farm loans, and
and Phonographs. W. R. Mnlonoy Co.
nil kinds ot Insurance and bonds.
Agent Tor tho old lino Bankors' Auto
mobllo Insurance Co., of Lincoln, Nob.
Thoy Insure you against loss by .fire,
thoft, tornado, liability nnd property!
damage and collision. In fact a com
plete covorngo. A spoclal policy for
fnrmors. Soo mo foe rates. Phonos
offloo Black 391, rcaldonco Black C80.
registrants that nono of them will
ThoSovcnth Nebraska reglmont, of
which North Platte's governor is
colonel, ls at last to receive federal
recognition, after a wait that has al
most exhausted -tho patloncc of the
most foroboarlng member.
Tho Altruist bible clnss of tho
Methodist church will hold a konslng
ton at the homo of Mrs. Harry Porttfr
this afternoon. All members aro cor
dially Invited to como nnd brlngtholr
It Is not likoly that North Platto
Islands, whoro sho was employed as a
teacher, yet she ls known to many of
our people ns an unusually bright afiil
attractive young woman. For several
months prior to hor marriage she had
been filling tho position of clork In tho
offlco of District Court Clerk Prosser.
Sen Ices of Christian Church."
Lord's day morning, Dec. 30th, nt
9; 45 n. m. Blblo School, communion
and sermon. Tho nlcht service will
begin nt 7:30 o'clock nnd will consist
of evening worship and sermon. '
Monday night, Dec. 31st, is the timo
Bet for the annual
ompioyos win so far aB tliolr work lu innnMm
concerned, bo affected by the Union grogntton should attend this service
Pacific going undor federal operation. Reports of tho officers and various de
Whothor thoy will bo sworn Into the' nartmont of th rnlt will 1m
federal service ls not known, but pos-!sonted at that timo. The election of
slbly this may occur.
George LeDloyt tells us that tho
sugar boot piles at Nichols have bean
pretty well cleaned up, though quite a
tonnage btlll remnlns at Blrdwood. He
BnyH a considerable per contngo of tho
alloed beets havo frozen and thawed
nnd aro In a mushy and moldy con
dition. ,
It Is understood that the Western
Union ls planning on opening an
office in tho business district. Tho
company finds that tho average busi
ness man Is adverse to walking sever
al blocks to a telegraph offlco when
tho office of another company Is close
at hand.
All the women's coats to boclosed
out In four lots: All tho cloth coats
up to $18.50 on salo at $12.95! nlF'Thn
cloth coats un to $20.50 on skin nt
$15.85; all tho cloth coats up to $
on salo nt $19.65; all tho cloth coatsup
io tot.ov on Baio at szu.C5. All must
go out quickly. Those prices will sell
cm ut The Leader Mercantile Co.'s.
During November Nebraska. Colo
rado,. Michigan and Arizona combined
saved 1,232,208 pounds of red meat' by
obsor.vanco of meatless days, and
saved 727,285 pounds of , white Hour , Buali and Dick.
uy ooHorvanco or wiioatless days. The
figures ore made puhlic by tho food.
administration. Thrco states, of which
Nebraska was one, saved 221,229
pounds of BUgar by limiting tho
amounts sold to consumers.
officers for the onsulng year will take
Place. u s.r.'t.i-
The aiinunl roll r.nll nt ihn
ship will occur and each iheber Is
requested to respond with a verse of
scripture or some item of Interest
from personal experience. Refresh
ments wll be served and a general
good fellowship service ls anticipated.
T. A. LIndenmoyer, Minister.
: ;o: :
First Lutheran Church.
Rev. C. Franklin Koch, Pastor
Sunday School. 9:4R nVWir
Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Special
sermon on the question, "Will A Man
Rob God?"
Evening worship, 8 o.'clock. New
Year's Message, 'The Expulsion
Power of a Now Love."
On Sunday afternoon there will bo
conducted tho Annual Every Member
Strangers -and friends welcome at
all -the servlcos of tho church.
::o: :
Presbyterian Church.
Tho sorvlces at tho Presbyterian
church Sunday aro as follows:
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 d. m.
Junior C. E. 3 p. m., leaders Misses
Christian Science Service Sunday at
11 a. m. Building and Loan Bldg
room 25. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to tho public,
i" Morrill Dentist
Keith Theatre
ii i iw 1 1 imfm i t ni
gwicirr - victomt
How to Start your Account In our
Christmas Thrift Club
Perhnpyou havo not started one of
these nccouhft because you didn't know
exactly how to dq.ifc
t is very simple. In the first place it
floesn t mattor what amount you wish to
secure by a certain time next year, what
purpose you want tho money for, or how
much you con afford to lay aside from your
income. t
Jt decide these things for yourself
according to what your needs, desires and
circumstances are, and then come , in and
ask for a "Thrift Club" membership record
to suit your requirements.
Come in today if you can.
This means you, whether you ore a
younjster or a fcrown up, whether you live
in the city or in tho country.
McDonald State Bank
Wed. &.Thurs.
January 2-3.
In the lirchtest story over screened. The story of a real detective
nnd a ilirl who wns linton. Thi klnH f
gleet their job.
Adults 2Sc. Children 10c.
We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn
Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage
and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed
and all kinds of Grain.
Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST.
Leypoldt & Pennington,
North Platto people expanded so
much energy during tho week preced
ing Christmas that thoy aro "resting"
the remainder or this week. Tho
quloUido of tho town Is reflected by the
comparatively few
O. D. Eolls, of Pockhnm precinct,
was In town yesterday, having ac
companied his brother this far on a
trip to Denver. Mr. Eoll8 wns Red
Cross solicitor for Peckhani nreclnct.
people on the and whllo In town made a roport to
Socretary Tomplo.
rojt vol' i
With Christmas behind us, tho New
Year stands near nt lmnd.
Will It bo a happy New Year for
you? It can bo, but you must make it
so. The mice of complete happiness
remains "ilways tho same, "HARD
Resolve to savo somo money this
year, thon como horo with ono dollar
or more, deposit It, receive your bank
book and kcop your account growing
throughout the coming year.
You will nnd in so "doing that It Is
easier to keep the resolution for tho
Savings Account makes It a fact.
Platto Valley State Bank
Office 5-6-7 Building & Loan Bldg.,
Permanently located in NortK Platte, Nebraska.
Poultry Show
EY 2d to 5th, 1918.
The Lincoln County Poultry Association will hold
its Fourth Annual Show in the
in North Platte on the above dates. This year of all
others the association is trying to promote the Poultry
industry of the Cummunity in support of the Food
Administrator of our government. Every person who
possible can should use their spare time to try and
raise a few birds of some kind, this will greatly aid in
the meat supply of the country.
t On exhibition at the show this year, will be some
of the best birds of the country. All ready every
exhibition coop of the association has been spoken
for, but more are coming, gradually .becoming a great
poultry producing people here in Lincoln Co. and
you will be pleased to see the fine pecimens that
will be on exhibition. One of the best judges of the
country will be in charge and free information will
be given to anyone who wants it. $1.00 for member
ship entitles the member to exhibit any number of
fowls he or she wants too.
The exhibition is backed by the Chamber of
Commerce of No'rth Platte and makes possible the
offering of many splendid premiums.
For any information address J. A. MacDONALD,
Secretary, or M. C. ROGERS, President, North
Platte, Nebraska.