The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 28, 1917, Image 11

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Grow Grain in Western Canada,
Make Profits, and Show
Greater Patriotism.
Tho nntion-wjdo cry of "Moro EfB
clency" has now renched even tho mosl
remote ngrlculturnl sections nnd then
ts a general Interest amongst tho farm
ers to Increase their products nnd to.
reuuee their expenses. Tho need o
foodstuffs Is greater- than tho world
has ever before known, and every ef
fort Is being used to meet tho world'!
food requirements, becoming mor
apparent every day. While It Is tru
that this dcslro Is attested by a gen
eral patriotism, thero Is an under
lying factor in this extension worli
to secure some of tho benefits that nr
being offered by a ready market al
maximum prices. Wide-spread atten
tion has been given to tho opportunity
In this respect In Western Canada
whero fortunes aro being made In a
few crops out of grain at present
It has been found thnt the open,
level prairie can bo cultivated foi
wheat and other small grains at a min
imum price, and during tho past fe
years the yields havo been moro than
satisfactory. Wheat crops of fortj
bushel to the acre havo been common
In Western Canada In tho last three 01
four years, and with a present avail
able price of over $2.00 per bushel this
means n return on investment and
labor that cannot be duplicated else
where. This Is mnde possible by the
low priced lands that can bo secured
for grain growing. Tho range in price
runs from $15 to $25 per acre, accord
ing to location nnd other local condi
tions. In this period of "moro agricul
tural efficiency" It la apparent at a
glance thnt tho farmer on low priced
but high grade lands, growing hla
grain at n minimum cost, Is reaping
a golden harvest with the highest per
centago of profit.
Tho cultivator of high priced farm
lands has a big handicap to overcome.
in computing Mb proms on a $200 nq
acre farm as compared with tho .agri
culturist reaping ns great, If nol
greater return from $25 an acre land.
It therefore becomes a question foi
tho farmer himself to answer, whethei
ho Is doing himself nnd his country t4
best service, by devoting all his enen
gles to working high priced lnnd thai
yields no better return thnn land tha
can bo secured at one-eighth tin
price. It Is a case of getting elthci
minimum or maximum quantity. Mnnj
havo already decided on the nltcrna
Uve, nnd with their spare money In
vested In nnd now working Western
Canndn lands, they are allowed ti
speak for themselves. Apparently thej
aro satisfied, for wo learn of cases
whero on a $4,000 Investment, in pn
year they havo had their money back,
with a profit of from 50 to 100
Such Is ono of tho steps In progresslvo
ness now being demonstrated In th(
effort to create greater ofllclency. Thi
Canadian Government Is using ever
effort to bring theso conditions to th(
nttentlon of tho agricultural world, Is
order to secure tho necessary lncrensed
grain production bo greatly needed
The farmer In Western Canada is ex
empt from all personal taxes.- HIi
buildings, stock nnd Implements nri
not assessed; and every .encourdgo
ment Is given to farmers to improve
and Increase their farm output. Re
1 duced railway rates are being offered
to new settlers to look over tho coun
try nnd to size up an unprecedented
opportunity In farm'.njr. Advertise
ment At the Movies.
John on being asked whether oi
not ho had enjoyed tho moving pic
ture he had Just seen said sngely: "1
didn't, but it makes no difference now;
it's all over."
Stat of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is
m eenlor partner of ths firm of F. J. Cheney
& Co., doing business In the City of To
ledo, County oJ Btate aforesaid, and that
aid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN
DRED DOLLAR3 for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1S5J.
(Sjal) A. W. Oleason. Notary Public.
en Internally and acts through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Drugcl'ts, 76c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Takes Bride's Name.
Murray Cohen, who married Helen
Bernnys In New York, will hereafter
be known ns Murray C. Bernays to
keep alive the bride's family name.
Keeping the Quality Up
f.AXATIVH 11HOMOQU1N1NH. the WorW-rmoo
Cure for Col4 nJ Grip. U now SOo wt box. On
ftccoautof tho adrance in the prlco of the six dif
ferent Medlelnal.ConcentratedTJitraeu and Cbm
call TiomilneO I ts fLCx AfriVH BUOMO (JUIN1NH
it mi ut ceturr to lncreuo Utp price to tho Dro
Ut. It hai itood tha tett for a Quarter of a OenV
rr. It U nied br ererr Olrluied Nation.
A plrTs idea of n slow young man is
nne'Svho hasn't acquired the hair muss
ing linblt.
Most particular women ubc Red Cross
Hall lilue. American made. Sure to please.
At all cood grocers. Adv.
It Is difficult for a man to be care
ful without being called stingy.
Granulated Evelkf.
3 Sore Eyes. Eye Inflamed by
I Sun, Cmr and Wind quickly
ft, l(v1 h Mtirln. Trv It In
VL .'tri'r' C your Eye and In Dabj Eyes.
TOUR Li LjNoSmirti3f,JntEyeCHBiMt
Kind of Material to Use Will De
pend on Conditions.
Earth Floor Is Economical Where Soil
Is Light and Well Drained Wood
en Floor Makes Harbor for
Rats and Vermin.
(Prepared by tho United Statoa Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Tho kind of a floor to build in your
poultry house whether of earth, wood
or cement will depend on several con
dltlons. Each kind of floor has Its ad'
vantages and disadvantages under cer
tain conditions with which tho poultry
keeper should bo familiar.
Where tho soil is light and well
drained, earth floors nro economical
and sufficiently comfortnblo for tho
fowls. Whero drainage Is not good nnd
on heavy soils, especially thOTo con
tnlnlng much clay, floors of wood or
cement nro generally preferred.
Earth Floors,
A floor of earth needs to be re
newed at least onco a year. If tho
droppings thnt fall upon tho floor nro
carefully removed nt frequent, regular
intervals, much of tho earth Is removed
with them. If tho regular cleaning of
the floor Is superficial, tho earth of
tho floor to a depth of several Inches
becomes so mixed with droppings thnt
Its condition is very insanitary.
W)ien tho poultry keeper has n gar
den, tho manure obtained by removing
tho earth floor of the poultry houso
will compensate for tho labor of re
newing the floor, nnd the new earth
required can bo taken from n conven
ient spot on his own land. When tho
poultry keeper must pay someone else
to take away tho old earth and bring
in new, tho cost will In n few years
exceed the cost of a cement floor.
Cement Floors.
The princlpnl fault of n cement floor
is that it is likely to bo cold nnd damp.
These conditions may be corrected by
covering tho floor to n depth of an
Inch or two with dry earth or sand,
using over this scratching litter of
straw or wood shavings. ' Floors so
treated require as much routine work
to keep them In good order ns earth
floors, but the supply of clean earth
required Is much loss and tho work of
nrnual renovation Is eliminated.
Wood Floors.
Floors of wood are not now much
used in poultry houses except when
tire space under the floor Is high
enough to be occupied by poultry. A
wooden floor close to tho ground soon
rots, while any space under n floor
not high enough to be used for poultry
makes a hnrbor for rnts and other ver
min. The wooden floor of n poultry house
should have a light coating of dry
enrth, sund, chnfC or slmllnr material
to prevent the droppings of the birds
from sticking to nnd saturating tho
Device Described That Will Hofd Re
ceptacle Firmly, But Allow It to
Be Removed Easily.
Many readers will be glad to get
a device thnt will hold an oil can se
curely, but allow it to bo removed eas
ily, writes C. J. Lyndo in Fanners'
Mail and Breeze. It consists of n main
pinto having n large lug, pressed up
Device Holds Oil Can.
to form a support to the can, and two
fiinaller lugs, pressed down to form
stops to n pivoted arm. This arm is
nttnehed by n spring to another arm,
which Is held Arm by bending down
a small portion through a hole in tho
main plate. Two screw holes nro
placed In tho end of the main urm for
attaching It to the machine.
Excellent Method Is to Transplant
Seedlings Into Pots and From
These Into Beds.
Earthen pots can bo used to ad
vantage in tho forcing of lettuce. An
excellent plan Is to transplant seed
lings from flats Into two-Inch pots and
from theso Into tho permanent beds.
If space is at u premium the pots may
bo plunged into the soli of the perma
nent beds, between plants which will
not bo harvested for u month or more.
Lnrge, strong plants may bo grown
In tho earthen pots which will require
not more thnn four or live weeks to
attain marketable size after they havo
been set In the permanent hedx.
Pays to Be Suspicious.
It pays to bo suspicious whenever
you fintVn a sick hog In the herd. Pork
prices aro ton high to tnkp chunces
with hog cholera.
Poultry Manure Valuable.
The poultry manure is n valuable
naset. Tho most satisfactory woy of
storing it is In barrels.
Strips of Iron Strengthen Doors and
Prevent Persons From Walk
ing on Thtnv
Strips of flat iron, one-fourth by ono
inch wide were used to make service
able hinges for cellar doors, and n strip
was attached to each hinge, curled In
the form of n spring, ns shown, pro-
Combined Hlngo and Stop.
vldlng nlso n prnctlcal stop, writes M.
E. Duggan of Kcnoshn, Wis., In Pop
ulor Mechanics Mngnzlnc. Tho usual
difficulty with such doors Is that the
hinges nro soon torn 'looso and the
doors racked to pieces. Theso hinges
act as braces across the doors ns well
as stops.
onmrnUT cno unoccc
The faithful horso that breaks
the land, tills tho crops, hauls
them to market and relieves his
master of drudgery deserves bet
ter care than some of them get.
What Is too good for tho faith
ful horso that works in season
and out of season to make the
farm produce?
Think of your horses when you 1
arc sitting around the fireside
or enjoying tho evening menll
See that they aro comfortable
before you rest for tho night.
If you do this you will enjoy
your rest better, be a better
master and a good citizen.
Necessary During Winter Season to
Prevent Animals From Falling
Examine Frequently.
In winter weather It is necessary
to shoe tho draft horse so as to pre
vent falling and Injury to the anlmnl.
This Is best done by using n calk shoo
with a heavy toe and heel. This will
prevent the horse from falling. A rid
ing or driving horse should not bo
heavily shod. Care should bo taken
that the calks do not protrude, for
there is danger, of injury when tho
horse Is trotting.
Tho shoes should be examined fre
quently to seo if tho calks are ade
quate for the work the animal Is do
Ing. When It is necessary to shoe the
horso with heavy calks, special at
tentlon must bo given to setting tho
heel calk so that there will be no (Inn
ger of Injury to the animal.
Doubtful Whether Cutting and Burn
ing of Tops Is Advisable Where
Severo Freezing Occurs.
In many sections the nsparagus
plants are cut down us soon as the
berries turn red, nnd after drying suf
ficiently they are burned to destroy
any disease germs or Insects that may
be present. In regions whero severe
freezes occur It Is doubtful whether
the cutting and burning of asparagus
tops Is advisable. Tho old tops hold
the snow nnd prevent deep freezing
and the blowing of soil. Some growers
thoroughly harrow the bed after tho
tops are removed, others throw a slight
ridge over the row, hut ridging is not
necessary unless tlur Is iliinuor of In
jury by severo freozlrfg during the win
ter. Where land Is Inclined to wash,
cultivating and ridging in the fall aro
Difference In Profit and Loss In Farm
Ing Often Represented by Good
Good Implements often represent the
difference between profit nnd 'loss hi
farming. Ono man cultivates a field
In ono day; It takes another man one
nud one-fourth days to cultivate an
other the same size. Ono man breaks
a field In three days; It takes another
man four days to break ono the same
size. Tho difference is In Implements.
Tho cost of tho lmplementsuiind their
upkeep may not bo far from the same,
Tho time haa come for farmers to seek
implements and mnchines that savo la
bor and make money.
Warm, Dry Place Is Recommended
Give Opportunity for Exercise
and Variety of Feed.
Always give the rlK warm, dry
place In which to Bleep. Do not ullow
much air space above tho nest. Give
an opportunity for an abundance of
exercise and a variety of feed. It Is
practicable to push them to popular
market weights by the time, thoy are
seven months of age. The gains nro
made more cheaply before that time
than it Is poRflble to make them after
that age.
Interesting Figures Secured by Call
fornla Experts on Pull Required
to Move Wagon.
An energetic nnd Influential organs
lzatlon on tho Pacific const, tho Cali
fornia Stato Automobllo association,
has carried on sonio investigations af
fording definite figures of tho vnluo of
good roads. It secured tho help of Prof.
J. B. Davidson of tho University of.
.California and Austin B. Fletcher,
stato highway engineer, in carrying on
n largo number of tests of tho pull re
quired to movo n standard farm wagon
loaucu io maKO roo gross wcigut u,uw
pounds. This wagon was"" hauled in
somo cases by a two-ton truck nnd in
other cases by n team of good draft
horses, weighing about 1,000 pounds
Tests have shown thnt n pull of 27
to 30 pounds per ton of gross load was
needed to haul the wagon on unsur
fnced concrcto ronds. When tho con
crete was surfaced with oil and screen
ings tho pull was Increased to about 50
pounds. About 05 pounds were needed;
for hauling on water-bound mncadum
and on bituminous concrete lnld on top
of cement concrete. On good gravel
roads n pull of 05 to 82 pounds was
needed, while on looso gravel tho pulb
was 203 pounds, tho highest record In!
any of tho terns. About 80 pounds
wcro rcaulred for hnullnc on bltumln
ous macadam. On earth ronds 02'
pounds wero required for hauling over
n good surface covered with 1 inches
of loose dust, 00 pounds over an ordl-
Road Through California Forest.
nary dirt road with dust 0 Inches deep
in places, and 218 pounds over a
muddy earth road.
Tho significance of theso figures lies
In tho fact that on a good earth road
it is necessary to exert three times'
tho pull thnt is required on a con
.crete road, nnd nearly twice the pull
required on a macadam road. Fur
thermore, when the earth road bo
comes muddy, u condition which does
'not affect traffic on good pavements,
.tho pull Is more thnn doubled.
Determine Important of Country,
Limiting or Aiding Its Advance
Should Be Built
The roads nro an index of tho char
ncter of any country, determining its
Imporiance and limiting or aiding its,
ndvanee. A country thnt Isn't wogrth n
good road isn't worth what Its land
.sells for nnd soon won't be worth llv
ing in. No community that has ever
lmnroved its ronds. has ever recretted
'it, for road Improvement Is a good in
vestment for any community. Since
the roads nro for all the people, they
should bo built by all the people with
stato and federal aid.
Significant Feature of Road Develop
ment Is Construction of Bet
ter Surfaces.
A most significant feature of road
development is tio construction of bet
ter surfaces ns n result of automobllo
traffic, for It is estimated that thero
aro approximately 2.600.000 nutds In
uso on tho roads of tho country, or one
,car for every mllo of rond. Tho mo-;
ror trainc is greater than traffic of a
kinds 12 years ago.
Urges Permanent Roads.
That road-bulldlug along pcrronnent
lines should bo prosecuted as a part
of our national war program was
tho determination of the chamber of
commerce of the United States, nt its
meeting held at Atlantic City, N J,
Roads Expand In Winter.
Concrcto roads expand most in win
ter and contract most In summer, ac
cording to tho United States bureau
of standards, because of increases or
decreases In the moisture they contain.
You naturally feel secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
uico is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medlcino ia Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The tame standard of purity, ftrcngth
and excellence ia maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
Swamp-Root is scientifically compound
ed from vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and Is taken in
tenipoonful doses.
It la not recommended for everything.
According to verified testimony It is
nature's great helper in relieving and over
coming kidney, liver and bladder trou
bles. A sworn statement of purity ts with
every bottle of Vr. Kilmers uwamp
Root. If you need a medicine, you should have
the best.
Tf von ro lrdr convinced that
Rwemn.Hnnt la whit vou need. VOU will
find it on sale at all drug stores in bottles
of two, medium and large.
However, If you wish first to try this
sat preparation send ten cents to ur.
Wr A. Co.. ninshamton. N. Y.. for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. ao.v.
Tako Coverl
Lord Northcllffe, apropos of a Zop
pel In nttack on London, said at a din
ncr in Now York ;
"Nowadays in my country, when wo
want to proclaim a man a fool, wo say
ho hasn't senso enough to como In
out of tho raid."
Because Cutleura Quickly Removes
Them Trial Freo.
On rising and retiring gently smear
tho face with Cutleura Ointment. Wash
off tho Ointment In flvo minutes with
Cutleura Soap nnd hot water, using
plenty of Soap. Keep your skin clear
by making Cutleura your very-day
toilet preparations.
Frco eamplo each by mall with Book.
Addresg postcard, Cutleura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold ovcrywhere. Adv.
When MoIbo Don't Count.
Ono of tho peculiarities of the
leather-lunged Individual Is thnt ho
hasn't discovered that It Isn't tho
nolso of a holler shop that makes tho
Has been used for all ailments thnt
aro caused by a disordered stomach
and lnnctlvo liver, such as sick head
ache, constipation, sour stomach,
nervous Indigestion, fcrmcntntlon of
food, palpitation of tho heart caused by
gases In tho stomach. August Flower
is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion
both In stomnch and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens tho stomach nnd alimen
tary canal, stimulates tho liver to se
crete tho bllo and Impurities from tho
blood. Sold in all civilized countrlos.
00 and 00 cent bottles. -Adv.
Don't repeat the harrowing tare thnt
Isn't verified. Tho chance Is that it's
German propaganda.
Always use Red Cross Ball Blue. Delights
tho laundress. At all good grocers. Adv.
Dcnth loves n shining mark, but love
often picks out n rusty ono.
Where in
$15 to $30
farmers (scores of them from the U.
single crop. Such an opportunity for
ia wonn investigation.
Canada extends to you a hearty
Free Homestead Lands of 160 Acres Each
or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alfeerta. Think what yen can Make with wheat at $2 a bushel and land so
easy to Ret. Wonderful yields also of Oats, Barky and
Flax. Mixed faralag and cattle raising.
The climate la healthful and agreeable; railway fa
cilities excellent; good schools and churches convenient
"Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway
rates to Supt Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Room 4, Dee Oldg., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Acent
Carter's Little Liver Pills
For Constipation
A vegetable remedy that always rives prompt relief In coRstl
pation. Banishes that tired feeling altogether and puts you
right over-night, stimulates the Liver gently, but quickly restor
ing it to full and healthy action, and the stomach and bowels
to their natural functions. Making life worth living:
ftmall PIH
fimill Dot
SaaaU Pries
'No Raise
In Price
Of This
Great Remedy
Th lUnd vd cold cure for SOyeart
la tablet form tare, sure, no opiates
cure cold in 34 hourt grip In '3
dayi. MoncybacklfltfalU. Oetthe
ermine bo with Red top kind Mr.
Hill's picture on It.
Coats leta, gives
more, saves money.
At Any Drue Stor
Peoplo don't seem to enro much
whnt tho fashion is so long ns it 1
conceded to be tho fashion.
Important to Mothers 4
Bxamlno carefully every bottle of
OASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, nnd seo that It
Bears tho
Slgnaturo of(
in Uso for Over no Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatorli
If thero wcro no fools tho fads would
dlo out
Sores and Wounds
If you knew tha wonderful beaU&f
properties of Dr. DaTld Roberta'
AltSOKllKNT-Price 81.00
you would use no other prepuraUon
In tbo trratment of wlro cms. old
sores, poll erll and (inula. It beau
In tba shortest posalble Umo.
Read the Practical Home Veterissriss
Sutfwrrt Imlltt m iferUta la Cl
If lio dealer In your town, writ
tr. 01(14 Roberts' Tit C&, ISO Grits' Annul, Wialwhi, Wis.
pEvery Woman Wnnlse
Dissolved ia water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and iaflam
mation. Recommended by Lydi C.
Flnkham Med. Co. for tea years,
A healing; woader for natal catarrh,
sore throat and sore eyes. Economical.
Nebraska Directory
hogs o sheep STOCK YARDS' OMAHA l
Champion, Koroseno Engines
Bousher Food Grinders
Hand &nd Power Feed Cutters)
Dona promptly.
Free price list.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 51-1017.
Western Caaada vou can buv at from
per acre seed farm land thnt will raise
20 to 4S bashcls to tke acre ef $Z wheat its
easy to figure the profits. Many Western Canadian
S.) havo oald for their land from a
100 prefit on labor and investment
Invitation to settle on her
COLOR Indfont.
A.K Murine E70 Scz&cdy Co., CUcags d