The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 28, 1917, Image 1

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No. 100
ill ti nnnin
Oub Nelson, whose home Is north
west of Horshoy, Is at tho General
hospital In this city suffering from a
self-inflicted wound from a revolver.
Nelson, who Is a bachelor and lived
alone, telephoned a neighbor Wednes
day morning that he was sick and ask.
cd the neighbor to come and do his
feeding. Tho neighbor responded, and
upon entering the house found Nel
son apparently suffering from stomach
trciuible. He went out and fed and wat
ered the stock and upon returning to
tho house found Nelson lying on the
floor with n wound from a 32-calibro
rovolvo'r In tho left breast. Dr. Sad
ler, of Hershoy, was summoned who
gave first aid and the wounded man
was brought to this city. An X-ray
examination located the bullet in the
fleshy part of the back, having passed
through the lung and close to tho
' heart.
In- a letter written at Kelly Field,
' Texas, Dcember 21st, Jolino Antonides
says he has been assigned to Squad
ron 237 of the Aero section and that
by the" time tho letter would bo re
received he would bo on his way to
Hazelhurst, Long Island, to an Aero
"station. Antonides enlisted as a sten
ographer but so far had done no work
in that line, but has been acting as
drill sergeant and as such Is on his
.way to Long Island. Carl Harris,
who enlisted at the same time, has
passed tho trade examination of a
photographer and is now stationed at
Camp Charles, Louisiana.
Mrs. W. J. Stuartwho spent several
.days at Camp Cody visiting her son
Harris 'and othed North Platte boys In
a letter expresses hor gratification at yourself or family.
finding tho boys looking so well. They:
aro clear skinned, their complexion!
fine, many of them have Increased in
JPweight and been rounded out, and as a
whole they are a healthy looking
bunch. Mrs. Stuart says that if the
mothers of the boys were to get a
glimpse of them they would not worry,
as to how they are getting along.
Wanted Man and wife to work on
Organize fur Armenian llclicf.
At a meeting of citizens held at the
Chambor of Commerce rooms last ev
ening committees wore named for a
wakening.nn Intorost in, and to solic
it funds for, tho relief of tho tho Ar
menians and Syrians who have beon
victims of the atrocities of tho Turks.
In order that tho full oxtent of tho
sufferings of these peoples may be
known to tho people of North Platte,
a public meeting will be held at the
Franklin auditorium noxt Friday ev
ening, at which an address will bo do
Elliott wont to Oinalin this
Up to Inst evening 1)53 quostionairos morning to visit relatives,
had been mailed out to Lincoln draftod L,rg Prnnk Uttrll0n wnB n vlaltoinn
men, and more than half that numborj for a (lay or two this week.
mm responuou uy caning on some
membor of the advisory board und
having the quostionniros filled out.
Although all of tho twenty or more
lawyers In town aro participating in
this work, each serving at certain
times each day or week, it Is taking
up much of the tlnio of each Individual
livered by an Omaha speaker, probably attorney, and a3 It is pHroly a "labor
J. L. Kennedy or C. H. Howell.
Tho following committees were ap
pointed: Publicity, A. F. Streltz and
Rev. Lindenmeyer; arrangements for
public meeting,, Rev. Koch and Dr.
Smith; chalrmon of ward soliciting
committees, Rev. Hull First ward, F.
T. Redmond Second ward, Horshoy
Welch Third ward and Chas. Hendy
Fourth ward.
The annual ball, of Elkhora Lodge
No. 28, li. of L. F. and E., will be held
at the Lloyd noxt Monday cven-
Ing. This is always the last function
of the dying year, and the public for
more than thirty ydtirs past has year
ly accorded It a patronage that filled
the floor and gallery. It Is always
of love," and not of financlnl recom
ponse, they find that It takes much
time thnt they feel thqy could woll
employ in other work. However, none
of thorn are complaining. A. IJ, Hoag
land, Will Woodhurst and one or two
others who aro not laywers, have been
nsslsting In the work.
Tho classification of tho registrants
will probably begin today or tomor
row. This classification work will be
no small task, and the exemption
board will havo a "steady Job handy
homo" for some time to come. It Is
probable that about tho Wmo tills
classification lias uoen completed, a
call for a second draft army will bo
made, and this moans more work for
the exemption board
Ten or a ifozcn quostlonnlres so far
nicely conducted, tho best dancora of
the town aro always there, and much sent out have been returned, the por
enjoyment is taken in "dancing the sons to whom they wero sent having
old year out and tho now year In."
Those who attend arc certain to have
an evening of pleasure.
inducement of all stores
left the country. Tho majority of those
returned were addressed to Moxicans
are offered you by The Leader Mer
cantile Co. Tho store Is packed jam
full of bargains in dry goods, cloth
ing, women's ready to wear, millinery,
shoes, and everything you need for
Red Cross Campaign Lags.
Tho campaign for Red Cross funds
In North Platte and probably in the
county at largolags since Christmas,
but Chairman Temple hopes to infuse
a little "pop" in tho workers today,
The result in North Platte up to last
evening was: Annual members 1956,
Conductor Arthur Dlakcsloy, who is fourteen $5.00 members, five $10 mem
tho oldest trainman In point of service bers, two $25 members, , eighty-six
on tho Union Pacific his sorvicc cov- magazlnof subscriptions; total money
erlng nearly forty-threo years is of received $2,003.00.
the opinion that now, as tho Union Secretary Tomplo is of the opinion
Pacific has passed into federal control that In the county outside of North
and operation, that he Is entitled to Platte the membership will mot bo lesa
the rank of major. We unhesitatingly
endorse Conductor -Dlakesloy
motion to the rank of major, and so
ranch. Everything furnished except certain is ho to receive the rank that
furniture. A permanent position. you may witu propriety now address
Phone 790F031 or write C. P. Howard, him as "Major,"
Route B, North Platte. 100-3
H. E. Church.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
At 11 a.' m. Sneclal music. Solo
Miss Esther Antonldles. Sermon Dr.
Epworth League C:30 p. m.
Special music and sermon at 7:30
p. m. Themo The Bite;
than 1,000, and may reach 1,200.
The apportionment of members to,
Lincoln County was twenty per cent
of Its population or 1,800. It Is there
fore probable that tho County will fall
abqut 700 short of Its apportionment.
Mrs. Pcalc Lnlilto Itcst.
The funeral of Mrs. "Franklin Penle,
who died in Denver Saturday evening,
was held at the Episcopal church yes
E, R, Goodman went to Omaha last
night to attend a state meeting of the
Christian Science societies at which
plans will be perfected for organized
wnr rftllnf
... ., torday aftornoon, Rt Rev. Geo. A.
uivemu.y "' 7""" " Beecher, of Hastings, conducting tho
store. Big volume of bargains in every I ' . ..J . .
department of The Leader Mercantile .
1 WE
At this aerry holiday season we extend to, you our
heartiest greetings. In the year just dawning may you have
a full share of health, happiness and prosperity.
' As we review the business of the past year we have
to be grateiul to the many people of this community for the
very generous patronage given us.
and assure you that we will endeavor to merit a con
tinuance of the liberal support accorded us in days gone by.
The year 1917 will be long remembered for its events
of great national importance. What 191K will bring forth
no one knows; but this we can confidently say; "the principles
upon which this business is built honesty, courtesy, a
square deal to all", will stand as firm as ever, no matter
what happens. x
And so, as we extend to you the season's greetings and
thank you for past favors, we solicit a continuance of your
valued patronage, assuring you of best qualities, lowest
possible prices and fair treatment at all times.
Harcourt Clothing Co.
Peale, Jr,, Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peale, of DenVdr,'
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Park, of Aurora, 111
and Mr. and Mrs. Coker, of Sutherland.
Many of the old-time friends paid
their last respects to this worthy wo
man who for so many years took an
actlvo Interest in the affairs of North
: :o; :
Last Quoin lo Go February 15th.
A spocial from Lincoln to tho Bee
dated yesterday says: 1
"Nobraskas last quota of 15 per
cent for the draft will not bo made
before February 15, according to
message from Washington rocelved by
Govornor Neville. Local boards, how
ever, win no oxpecteu to canunuo to
sond men undor the old draft.
Begin Work on New Garage.
Construction work on tho Hondy-
Oglor garage, for which McMichaol
Bros, havo tho contract, started Wod
nosday when a force of men began tho
work of oxcavatlng for tho foundation
walls and the basement. Matorlal for
tho building is also being assembled
and tho work will -bo pushed as rapid
ly as tho Avoathor will 'pormlt.
: :o: :
Chlros mill Turner Fined.
Nick Chlros, who was found guMy
of gambling and Charley Turner, who
pleaded guilty to handling booze In an
Illegal manner, wero glvon their
sentences by Judgo Grimes this week
Chlros drew a flno of four hundred
I dollars and Tumor ono hundred. Both
mem paid tho monoy Into court.
The mothers of tho Sammy Girls
have formed a club and will do Rod
Cross work, make surgical dressings
and all kinds of Red Cross lmndago
clrclo work.
NowBpapor spaco doos not pormlt us
to quote prices, but a visit to tho store
will convlnco you of tho real bargnlns
In women's ready to wear, millinery,
dry goods of all sorts, underwear and
shoes, and. In fact everything olso In
Tho Leader Company's storo at big
money saving prlcos. Tho real bona
i fldo annual Inventory salo to closo out
everything preparatory to starting
noxt soason nnow,
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Storo. tf
Mrs. Geo. W. Finn wont to Denver
last night to visit her sister for a few
Mrs. Joseph Weoks returned to
. . i
Grand iBlnnd yesterday after a visit
with hor sons In this city.
Mr. nndldrs. Thos. Golden returned
toyalloy Junction, la., yostorday aftor
' . ... . i
Visiting relatives ror sovorai nays.
Miss Jcsslo Babbitt has accepted a
position as olorlc in tho offico of Diet.
Fotemnil McGraw, beginning work
WDdnesday morning.
Mrs. Ralph Garman has been con
fined to -the house for about thrco
weeks, suffering from a general break
down of the physical forces.
' Dr. Hoxlo, of North Dakota, Is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Hoxlo,
coming here to attend the wedding of
his niece, Miss Helen Hoxlo.
Miss M. Siomnn, steam baths nnd
Swedish Massage, ladles and gontlo-
men. Phono SU7. urouuocic duie. sou
The Sammy Girls will meet this ov-
ening at tho court room in tho federal
building, All tho girls aro urged to
bo nresent as It Is to bo a very im
portant meeting.
frho funeral if tho lato D. S. Thomas,
who died at Hot Springs, S. D., last
Saturday, was hold from tho Prcsby
torlan church yesterday afternoon,
Rev. Curry conducting tho services.
This 2nd annual Inventory salo Is
euro to attract immense crowds of
eager bargain seekers. Tako. advan
tage and attend this salo every day at
The Leader Mercantile Co.'s.
A special meeting of Dlv 88, B. of
L. E. will bo lieltl at K. or V. nan Hun
day, December 30, at 2:30 p. m. for the
nurnose of Delegate to G. C. of A. Bro.
jw.RichardBiaklngjilsroport. M.
Hayes, unioi engineer. .
Commlsioner HermlnKhnuaen in
spected the North river bridge yostor
day and found n number of stringers
and piles that need bo replaced. These
repairs will probably bo made this
winter In order to strengthen tho
structure boforo the spring floods
A lot of the biggest bargains in dry
goods; big lot of dark and light out
ing flannels at 13&c; a lot of standard
nrlnts at 9V6c a yard, worth up to 15c
Silks and dress goolls at pricos. that
will astonish you at Tho Leader Mer
cantile Co.'s.
Dr. N. McCabo, Dr. O. H. Crcsslor
and Dr. J. S. Slmms, of this city, anil
Dr. W. W. Sadlor. of Hershoy, have
been appointed as tho medical ad
vlsory board for Lincoln county. Tho
board organized last evening by tno
election of Dr. McCabo president nnd
Dr. Slmms secretary.
Tho Tribune is told that Loy Eyerly,
living northeast of Hershey, has sold
in stack tho alfalfa from forty acres
for tho sum of $3,900. To an outsider
It would appear that land that will
produce pructlcally $100 worth of al
falfa por acre per yoar la worth pos
sessing, and that tho ownor la making
"easy money."
Our Ibuylng power always ready
with the cash to lay In largo quanti
ties of merchandise whon it can bo
gotten nt a prico onablos us tn. most
casos to undorsoll other stores. Wo
havo piles and- stacks of goods bought
long before high, war prices had taken
placo. Thoso goods tho pooplo can
now buy "nt Tho Leador Mercantile
Co.'s nnd savo lnrgo sums of monoy
Pross dispatches today stato that
Order No. 1 to bo Issued shortly by
Director Gonontl of Railroads McAdoo,
will provldo for the pooling of all
traffic and facilities, the common use
of terminals, tracks and cquipmont.tho
hauling of froignt by tho shortest
routo regardless of billing or routing,
nnd tho retention of all present officers
and flmployes of railroads.
::o: :
Does the ring you
got-Christmas fit?
Sizing rings is work you can have done by our repair :,
department. Wc con give you prompt service, nnd the
charge will bo n very moderate one.
Have you n looso stone you intend to have set "some
time? Why not use the money you received for Christ
mas to havo this gem mudo up into n ring, or pin or other
Consult us about this. We will be glad to submit designs
nnd estimates.
C. S. Clinton
Jowolor and Optician
At the Sign with tho Big Ring.
Carroll Chambers ariirrled.
A card recolved at this offico today
announces tliat unaries uarron
ChPinbors, formerly of this city, and
now captain In tho 14Ctb U. S. Infantry,
wbb married at Cloveland, Ohio, on
Christmas day to Miss Marjorlo Gra
ham, of that city.
Garngo nt rear of 703 irost Firs!
. fi mom house nt 502 west Eighth
Lurgo barn for six horses, 71 i North
The sedan has a wonderful hold on public favor.
Its special appeal to women has bad a great deal to do
with this.
'The beauty of it and the convenience are un
deniable. In a year of radical weather-changes like thisone, its
popularity has naturally increased.
It will pay you to visit us and examine this car.
- The gaBolino consumption is unusually low. .
Sedan or Coupe, $1350; Winter Touring Car or Roadster, $1050
Touring Car, Roadster or Commercial Car, $885;
(All prices f. o. b. Detroit) '
North Platte, Neb.
Under the Auspices of
B. of L. F. and E.
-At the-
Lloyd Opera House
Music Furnished By
Doucet Orchestra
Dance Ticket $1.00.
Spectators 25c.