The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 18, 1917, Image 4

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.What They Are and How to Buy Thorn
At the last session Congress aiillior
Ued uu lasuunco of two billion dol
lars In government Kccurltles In
amounts of 25 cents and 5 dollars.
The 25-cent securities are known as
Thrift Stamps." The G-iIollnr slzo
nre called "War Snvlnns Stamps."
Tlio Secretary of the Treasury was
given until January 1, 1018, to dispose
of those securities.
The congressional act authorizing
tho War Certlllcato Loan provides
that no person can own more than
ono thousand dollars' worth of these
securities. The obvious reason for
this was to prevent tho loan being
taken up by big Investors, whlc'i
would otherwise have been done on
account of the high rate of Interest
Tho small amounts In which the
war savings securities can bo obtain
ed Were made to ullow overy mnn,
woman and child In tho country to
aid In loaning tho government money
for the prosecution of the war. Tho
6-dollar war savings stamps when nt
tached to n certlllcato nro practically
government bonds. Tho stamps pay
4 Interest compounded (piarterly,
which Is equivalent to about 4.
The 25-cent stamps will not bear In
terest, but when ono saves sixteen of
thorn and turns them In for a G-dol-lor
war savings stamp, tho Investment
begins to draw interest. The 5-dollnr
Btnmps carry tho highest rate of In
terest tho government hns ever paid
on money It has borrowed.
Tho thrift stamps, as well as tho
war savings stamps, will be on sale
ot post olllces, banks, stores and
numerous other authorized agencies.
During December 1017 and January
1018, sixteen 25-cent thrift stumps
can bo turned in at any authorized
ngency with twelve cents, or a total
of $-1.12, and a fi-dollar war savings
tninp can bo obtained. This stamp,
whll'o worth only $4.12 when bought,
will nt the end of live years be
worth $5.00, and nt that time can bo
cashed at any post oflleo for that
.During December this yenr nnd
January of next year fi-dollar war
avlngs stamps will cost 51.12 each;
In February, ?I.1:5; In March, $1.14;
In April, $1.15; nnd so they will cost
ono cent moro each month up to
December 1018, when they will Bell
for $1.23 each.
A card Is given with tho first 25
cent thrift stamp on which sixteen of
tho stamps can bo pasted. When ono
purchases a 5-dolIar war savings
fltamp or turns In a card with sixteen
thrift stamps on It and twelvo cents
extra, ho gets a 5-dollnr war savlnca
tnmp and n war savings ccrtlflcnto
tlint has room for twenty of tho war
snvlngs stamps. Tho name and ad
dress of tho purchaser Is written on n
cortlllcato when bought. If It Is lost
nil the finder has to do Is to droit It In
tho mall box In nccordanco with thu
instructions on the card nnd It will bo
returned to the owner.
One can buy ono hundred dollars'
worth of war savings stamps for
$82.40 during Decembor of this year
nnd Janunry of next yonr, nnd n littlo
more ench month throughout tho year.
"Wlion that amount of stamps U
nought, ono will get n certificate con
tnlulng twenty stomps which Ave
years honco, or on January 1, 1023,
will bo worth $100.00. Anyone can
buy thrift stamps or war savings
stamps In any nmount up to $1,000,
If oho buys war savings stamps
and does not want to keep tham for
tho period of five years, they can bo
cashed any time at tho post ofllce,
The wur savings stamps nro not
subject to tax except Inheritance
taxes or on Incomes over $5,000 per
Tho Secretary of the Tronsurv hn
alloted to Nebraska tho salo of twn
ty-slr million dollars' worth of war
anvlngs stamps, which means about
20 per person In tho state. The or
ganization to sell the stnmns In No
braska Is centered In Omaha under
the direction of Mr. Ward Burgess
who has tho tltlo of State Director
Assisting him is nn executive coin
roltteo composed of O. T. Hastman,
C. E. Dufllc. Ouy O. Klddoo. ro.
Folda nnd Joseph Barkor. Frnnk
BUlltn Is State Publicity Mnniienr nnd
H. O. Palmer field secretary. There
will also bo n chntrman In each coun
ty and a coinmltteo In each town
the state.
"A Military
Gtntral Dodgi.
FROM its beginning, the Union Pacific has been
"The National Railroad," a patriotic institution.
Lincoln and other great men urged its construction
for national protection and development.
In thoso cold, wintry days a good
warm coat, mndo of slllc 'plush or
volour, fur trlmmod, will bo greatly
appreciated by your lady lovo. Lnrg
ost selectiou In town nt BLOCK'S,
The prophetic vision of those
who founded this great railroad
during a period of national stress
is now apparent in these times of
international conflict. Again the
Union needs its Union Pacific.
The Union Pacific is doing its
utmost to expedite the enormous
war shipments from the Treasure
States it serves. Grain, cattle, min
erals, lumber, wool and oil are
needed as never before.
For new equipment alone the
Union Pacific is spending over
$16,000,000 to give American peo
ple and industries still better ser
vice. This is aside from even greater
sums necessary for double-tracking,
additional yard and engine
facilities and other improvements
designed to add to the traffic carry
ing capacity of the property.
Just now some of our ordered
equipment is unobtainable for im
mediate delivery because our Allies
must be served first so we will
win. The Union Pacific and The
Union Pacific States mus use
available equipment to its greatest
The 41,000 employes of the
Union Pacific and the 11,000,000
people of the western weajth-pro-ducing
states now have an interna
tional obligation to fulfill.
Were Lincoln te speak today in
behalf of the Union Pacific, as he
urged its building, he would insist
on those high service standards for
which we are striving.
Union Pacific System
Joins East and West with a Boulevard of Steel
For information write to
Why BUffor with Indigestion, dyBpop
sla, torpid liver, constipation, sour
stomach, comlng-up-of-food-nftoroat
Ing, otc, when you can got a sampl
bottle, of Grcpn's August Flower free
at Stone's Pharmacy, This modlclno
has remarkabla curative proportlos,
nnd has demonstrated its efficiency
by fifty years of success. Headaches
are often caused by a disordered
AwgHst Flower Is put up In 25 and
75 cent bottles. For salo In all civilized
A Christmas Favorite
finilE toys are so new jangled, with
j their (tie or an k s and
They make a fellow wonder how a boy
can run ihc things;
You mustn't twist 'cm that way an'
vou mustn't far or shake
For tear you'll jolt their innards or a
artvw wheel will break.
But the jumpin' jackf He will wriggle
his knees-
An' he'll hump his back just as gay as
iiou vlcase:
An' he don't wind up an' he don't run
An' his pants ty red an' his coat is
He climbs the stick with a whack-ty-
whack I
Iloorah for the brave old jumpin' jackl
He isn't quite so stylish, an' he only
costs a dime,
But he is lithe an' limber an' keeps
busy all the time
A-bobbln' an' a-noddln' with a caper
an' a 7iop
A'bototn' you a thank-ye toftcn you
jump him to the top.
Ho, the jumpin' jack I He will jiggle
and prance,
An' he'll bend his back like he's doin'
a dance;
With his arms 'way up an' his legs
'way down, ,
An' his painted grin like a circus
He slams around tcfft a tohack-ty-'
Hoorah for the fine old jumpin' jackl
I reckon I'm old fashioned when it
comes to Ohrlstmas toys,
But was there any finer thing when
you an' me was boyst I
Remember him a-grinnin' from your
stockin' that-a-wav. I
All ready to go jumpin' up an' down
all Ohristmas day!
Ho, the jumpin' jack! He toould wob
ble his knees
An' he'd hump his back with aston
ishin' case;
He would jump 'way up an' would sit
'way down,
An' he tickled us xohen he came to
He was best of all in old Santa's
Hqorah for fftj good old jumpin' jackl
Chicago Post.
An Unexpected
Christmas Present
ONE ChrlHtmns day some years
ago Almns templo of tho Shrln
ers of Washington gnvo its
annual dinner to tho poor. It was a
woll-plnnned affair, generously contrlb
Mod to, and turned out a big success.
But tho moBt notablo thing about It
was not on tno program and mado tho
ut or uio occasion. Whcnovor mom
ers of tho templo think of tho celobra-
On tllOy CllUCklO Over their iinnmoMArl
Christmas gift.
While the Shrlnors wero feeding
ih&lr guests xlim CPmo, to tiwll hall
150 loaves of broad. The huge six
foot Snntn Clims was busy crncking
Jokes ns he wnddlcd nbout nnd took
down tho gifts from tho Christmas
tree. In tho middle of ono of his sto
ries there entered another big, fnt
Santn Clnus, cnrrylng n colossal bns
kct full of bread, nnd behind him wero
threo or four negroes, nlso carrying'
bnskets of brend. Ono of tho Shrlner
committeemen nt once Inferred thnt
Borne ono had sent ti gift of brend to(
be distributed nnd signed n receipt for,
tho 150 lonves. In n few minutes they
were handed nround to tho bends of
families, nnd nn additional smllo of
Christmas Joy went around everywhero
with them.
When tho festivities were nearly over
and tho crowd had begun to dlsperso
(i mnn came running In nnd asked tho
Committeemen :
"Did you get 1C0 lonves of bread?"
"We did," was the reply.
"What did you do with It?"
"Gnve It a way."
"Well, thnt was an order for tho
Carroll Institute. It enmc hero by
nlstnkc. But It Is nil right. Wo nro
rind you gnvo It nwny, nnd If you need
noro let us know." And the mnn went
uvny, evidently fully satisfied with tho
ncldent. Now York Times.
.t Li63.ScS 1
Don't let a noviceinonkey
with your radiator. ,
Let McGraw Fix It.
McGrawRadiator Co.
6th & Locust St.
Mrs. Santa Claus.
'ray, who Is It haB a reason
To bo sorting pretty toys
That will (jo this festtvo season
To irood littlo girls and boys?
'ray, who Is it that Is hurried
To tho point whoro sho cries, "Laws;
' doclaro It has mo worrlodl"
Why, It's Mrs. Santa Claus t
Sho Is such a busy woman!
My, but she's a busy woman I
Such a very busy woman!
Vhy, sho has to fix the labels
On the thliiRS In Santa's pack!
Toys and books and muffs and sables
Soon ljo'll carry on his back.
Ind, slnco men nro so forgetful,
, All hts clothes she must prepare,
Tor when men nro cold they're fretful,
And then children must beware!
So she's quite a busy woman!
My, but she's a busy woman!
Such a very busy woman!
rtom tho pot thero comes a savor
That betokens best of cheer.
Ilio cooks things to curry favor
While ho's currying tho deer.
I have heard 'tis merely rumor
That old Santa's temper's bad.
She must koep him in good humor,
0 the children would be sad.
So she's quite a busy woman!
My, but sho's a busy woman!
Such a very busy woman!
t-Qrlf Alexander In St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
"Pill Box" Defense.
The "pill box" defense nppenrcd In
tho flernuin lines some time this yenr,
snys tho Scientific Amerlcnn. Tho
"pill box" Is the British soldier's nnmo
for n snmll, round, concrete block
house which contnlns German machine
gunners. Tho "pill box" nppenrs to
bo tho smnllest of German concrete
defenses, some of which nro nothing
short of fortresses In every sense ol
,tho word.
' Tho "pill box" strategy, which has
,bcon offset by heavier allied gunfire,
'comprises tho use of shell holes, trees,
rocks nnd every other avallnblo Bhel
ter for machine guns, Instead of the
old Btylo rows of trenches. In other
words, thero Is a "zone of defense."
Tho organization of this zone of de
fense is such that tho aerial observ
ers of tho allies cannot detect the In
dividual machine gun posts ; henco di
rect hits by artillery becomo almost
lmflosslblo except by moro chance.
From now until Dec. 25th
we will pay:
$8 for Mixed Iron
$12 for Cast Iron
The Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
1008 West Fourth Street,
For tho treatmoht of Medical, Surgical
and Obstotrlcal Patients,
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given lo Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Offics: Building and Loan Building
Phnn I Office 130
Phon" Residence 116
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Offlco Black 333 Res. Black 10ZU
Terms reasonable guarantee
satisfaction. For dates see
J. F. Clabaugh, North Platte.
Phone 201.
LIMIT 2000
Soldiers and Drafted Men
J. E. SEBASTIAN. Stnto Mm.
Office: Brodbeck BIdg.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
IIuvo a wide acquaintance among
buyers. Phono mo at my expense. LIto
Stock a Specialty. Will also hnndlo
Thoroughbred sales.
For Sale at
Harness and Saddelry.
Every pencil will dehorn 50 calves
from 10 days to 10 months old for
A forfeit of $5 for any calf that
fails to dehorn. Call end get one.
Phone Red 456.
Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217
L . C . DROST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for ths
cientific treatment of medical,
surgical nnd confinement caief.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield. M- D. J. S. Simms, H.D
Talk to Me before employing your
Phono Black 997.
Licensed Kmbalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your rough feed. I have on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
ana talk to me.
Practlco Limited to
Surgery and Bndlnm Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Office t First National Bank Building.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platto, Nebraska,
Succossor to
Drs. rtedfleld & Redfield
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 67C
t.' r. XT'. -I II.... (1-1.1 . . .
DpceuBed. In tho Cotmtv Court nt T.ln.
coin County, Nebrnsku,
Tho State of Nobrnslm: To till per
sons Interested In tho snltl Estate take
notice thnt the administrator has fllcd
a final account and report of his ad
ministration nna a petition for final
settlement and dlscharirn nn nunli.
which havo been set for hearing before
said court on December 28, 1917, at 9
o'clock a, m., when you mny appear and
contest tho same.
Dated November 28, 1917.
d4d2C " GEO. E. FRENCH,
County Judge.
Estate No. 1509, of Mary J. OHare,
Deceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho Stnte of Nebraska, ss. Credltorn
of said estate will take notice that tho
time limited ror presentation and nunt
of claims acainst Bald estate Is April
4, 1918, and for settlement of said Es
tate Is November 30, 1918. that I will
sit at tho county court room in said
county on January 4. 1918. at 9 o'clock
a. m. and on April 4, 1918, at 9 o'clock
a. in., to receive, examine, hoar, allow,
ur iiujuhi an claims anu oujcctiona
duly nied. GEO. E. FItENCII
U4-J1 County Judge.
Real Estato, Flro, Tornado and Hall
insruance. Special Agents Globe
Llfo Insurance Company.
Cornor Front and Dowejr Sta., Upstairs
ritono Hod 672. North Platto, Nob.
HoaplUl Phoae Black C38.
House Phono Black 688.
Graduate Veterinarian
Bight years a GoTernmeat Veterinar
ian. Hoflfttal ZlBttoat Locttst Bt,
one-half Mock soatfeweet of the
Court flout,
Decceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
sons Interested In said Estate, take
notice that a petition has been nied for
the uppolntment of Charles O'Rourke
as administrator of said Estate, which
lias been set for hearing herein on De-
tcinuci -i, l jii, ui a u ciock a. m.
jjaieu jxovemoer as, iui7.
d4-dl9 GEO. E. FRENCH,
County Judgo.
Estate No. 1470, of George Schick,
Deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska: To all persons
interested In said estate, take notice
that tho administrator has nied a nnal
account and report of his administra
tion and a petition for final settlement
and discharge as such, which have been
set for hearing before said court on
December 28, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in.,
when you may appear and contest the
Dated November 28, 1917.
d4d25 GEO. E. FUENCII,
. County Judge.
Estate No. 1511 of Llbble Johnston,
deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coln, County, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nbraska, ss. Credltora
of said estato will take notice that the
time limited for presentation and nilng
of claims against said estato Is March
14, 1918, and for settlement of said es
tnte Is November 9, 1918; that I- will
sit at the county court room In said
county, on December 14, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m., and on March 14, 1918, at
9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine,
hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
n!3dll County Judge.
Estate No. 14 GG of Frank Schick, do
ceased, in the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said Estate tako notico
that the Administrator has filed a final
account and report of 1i!b administra
tion and a petition for nnal settlement
and discharge as such, which have been
set for hearing before said court on
January 4, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., when
you may appear and contest tho same.
Dated December 7, 1917.
'U1J4 County Judge.
( He-ad vertlsement.)
To whom it may concorn:
The special commissioner appointed
to locate a road as follows:
Commencing at Station No. 11 of
Road No. 11 in tho Southwest quarter
of Section 4, township 14, north range
30 west of tho Gth p. m., running
thenco In a northerly, northeasterly
and northwesterly direction through
the west one-half of said section 4 and
through the west half of Section 33,
township 16 north, range 30 west, ot tho
nortwest corner of said section 33,
thenco north on section lino between
sections 28 and 29 of said last town
ship and range three-fourth of a mile,
thenr.e In a northeasterly, northerly
nnd northwesterly direction through
tho northwest quarter of said section
28 and the southwest quarter of sec
tion 21 to tho quarter section corner be
tween 'sections 28 and 21 township 15
north, range 30 west, thenco north on
line between sections 20 and 21, 1G and
17 of said township and range to a
point about 25 chains north of tho cor
ner of Sections 1G, 17, 20 and 21. thence
In a northeasterly direction through
the west half of sections 1G and 9
through the southwest quarter and tho
cast half of section 4 of said last
township and range to a point on tho
north line of said section 4 about 20
chains west of the northeast corner of
said section 4, thence northerly and
westerly across sections 33 and 28,
township 1G, rango 30 to the section
line between sections 28 and 29, thenco
northerly along said section line be
tween sections 28 nnd 29, and sections
21 nnd 20 to a point about one-fourth
of a mile south from tho northwest cor
nor of section 21 and thence In a north
west direction across sections 20 and
17 to the northwest corner of section 17,
thenco on a west and north direction
across sections 7 and G to a point on
the north lino of section 6 about one
fourth of a mile cast of tho northeast
corner of Section G, has reported in
favor of the same as follows:
Heglnnlng at Station No. 11 of Road
No. 11 In the southwest quarter of
section 4, township 14 north, range 30
west, running thenco In a northeastely
and northwesterly direction through the
southwest quarter and the northwest
quarter of said section 4, and through
tho southwest quarter and tho west
half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion 33, township 15 north, range 30
west, to tho southwest corner of sec
tion 28, township 15 north, rango 30
west, thenco north on section line be
tween sections 28 and 29 said town
ship nnd rango threo-fourth of a mile,
thence in a northeasterly and north
westerly direction through the north
west quarter of said section 28 nnd
through tho west one-half of south
west quarter of section 21, township
15 north, range 30 west, to the quarter
section corner between sections 20 nnd
21, thence north on section line be
tween sections 20 nnd 21 nnd liotween
sections 1G and 17, said townBhlp nnd
range, to a point about 30 rods south
or the quartor section corner between
said sections 1G and 17, thence In a
northeasterly, northerly and north
westerly direction through the north
west quarter of southwest quarter,
and the nortwest quarter of section 16
nnd through the southwest quurter of
southwest quarter of section 9 to a
point on line between soctlons 8 and 9,
township 15 north, range 30 west,
nbout 20 chains north of the southwest
corner of said section 9, thenco north
on line between said sections 8 and 9
to a point about 108 rods south of tho
nortwest corner of said Action 9,
thence in a northeasterly direction
through the northwest quarter of said
section J), and through the southeast
quarter of southwest quarter and tho
west half of southeast quarter nnd
through the west half of northeast
quarter of section 4, township 16 north,
range 30 west, to tho north line of said
section i about 22 chains west from the
northeast corner of said section 4.
All objections thereto or claims for
damages must be filed In the office of
the County Clerk on or before 12
o clock, noon, of the 18th day of Feli-"""y.'918-
or 8ch road will bo allow
ed without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platte. Nehr,, this
11th day of December, 1917.
(SEAL) 'a 8. ALLEN,
unit County Clerk.