The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1917, Image 8

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United .States Sends Photo
graphs to Germany, Show- .
ing Treatment in Camps.
Negotiations Entered Info to Secure
Best 'Conditions for Americans Cr.p
tured on the Battle Front When
Germans Are Held.
Washington. The United States has
opened negotiations with Germany for
an agreement to govern the treatment
of prisoners of war taken by el titer na
tion. This Is being done with the hope
of securing the best possible conditions
for Americans taken prisoner on the
liottlo front, mid to show Germany how
well German prisoners In tho United
States arc being treated.
Already, through tho lied Cross nt
Geneva, tho United States has begun
forwnrdlng food and other necessaries
to Americans held In Germany, ot
whom there are now more thun one
Get Plenty of Money.
German military prisoners of war In
the United States, besides receiving ev
ery necessity nnd comfort, have tho
pay nnd privileges of their rnuk in tho
Urjltcd States army nud navy. They
nro housed In model sanltury camps,
nud recently ono of tho prisoners send
Ing n letter to his prospective wife In
Germany wroto that tho pny ho would
accumulate during his Imprisonment
would not only permit him to retire
from tho navy, but would set them up
In a llttlo business as well.
Photographs showing the comfort
ablo surroundings of Interned Germans
In thfs country have been forwarded
to Germany by tho war department
through tho statu department and a
neutral agent. They arc Intended to
how that interned Germans aro well
treated by the United States and to re
veal tho expectation of tho United
States that similar consideration will
bo shown American soldiers and sail
ors who may bo cnplured by Germany.
Two clnBses of German prisoners nro
detained In this country. - Ono Is com
prised ot German sailors taken Into
custody when tho United States In
terned various vessels at tho beginning
of the war. The other class Is com
prised of enemy aliens, civilians who
hnvc been arrested nnd arc now being
detained under governmental regula
tions for vnrlous reasons.
850 at McPherson.
Tho principal detention cnriip Is nt
Fort McPherson, Ga., where approxi
mately 800 war prisoners aro held In
custody of tho war department. At
Fort Oglethorpe, Go., there aro 105 en
emy aliens who are not, strictly speak
ing, prisoners of war.
At Fort Douglas, Utah, thoro uro 517
prisoners of war and 80 Interned
Altogether, there aru 1,301 actual
prisoners ot war In custody of tho
war department, and about 400 In
terncd enemy aliens held at tho re
quest of tho department of Justice.
Of this number, about three scoro nro
located at Tnboga Maud, Panama. It
in estimated that Germany la now hold
ing 1C0 sailors taken from American
ships by commerce raiders nnd other
German vessels, besides the first pris
oners taken from General Pershing's
Tho detained Gormnns, wherever lo
cated In tho United States, nro consid
erately trcatod und aro not given oner
ous tasks. Tho duties assigned are
strictly lu aocord with international
Heading und recreation facilities are
provided, and the photographs collect-
Albany, Ore. C. M. Glddlugs
of this city was so anxious to
own somo Liberty bonds ot tho
second Issue that ho borrowed
$1,000 for n yenr at 0 per cent
Interest. As ho will receive only
4 per cent Interest on tho bonds
It will cost him 2 per cent n
year to own the bonds. Old
dings hns plenty of real estato
here, but had no cash with
which to purchase tho bonds.
North as Well as South Profits
From Release.
Quarantine Against Cattle Fever Is
Raised From Great Section
' In the South.
Washington, D. O. An order signed
by Sccretnry of Agriculture D. F,
nouston lifted on December 1 from
05,520 square miles In tho Southern
states the federal quarantine ngnlnst
movement of Southern cattle. It Is
of great Importance to cattle raisers
and dealers of Northern states, ns well
as those of the South.
In regions Infested by tho cuttlo
tick it has not been held safe to Im
port better stock for tho Improvement
In Kouthcrn herds becauso cattle.
freshly brought in from regions whero
tho tick Is not prevalent are espe
cially proao to sicken nud do from
ed from the several detention camps
show German prisoners going through
outdoor gymnastic exercises and stag
ing amateur plays on Improvised stages
In'lho recreation rooms.
Mile. Jnrdy, a patriotic Pnrlslcnne,
starts n now fashion by appearing In
tho Bols de Uoulogne In sabots. Tlio
snbois are all In wood except for the
narrow patent leather toe cap and
American Navy Men Find Food
Cheaper There Than at
Farmers Are Prorperous Beyond
Precedent Young Folk Staying
by the Land Much Better
Off Than England.
Bubo of American Flotilla In British
Waters. When an American uavy man
who has visited Ireland In time of
pence Is asked what has Impressed
him most about Irelund lu war, the
lnevltublo answer Is "Ireland's pros
perity and freedom from tho war-time
restrictions of other countries."
Ilundrods of Americans In tho naval
forces have visited England, Scotland,
and even France. All agree that there
Is more freedom In Ireland, particular
ly less war-tlmo curtailment of per
sonal liberty, as, for Instance, regard
ing restrictions In eating and drink
ing. Thoro Is no conscription there,
no "Defense of the realm act," tew
war taxes.
Certainly when It comes to food and
drink Ireland Is n land of plenty In
couwurlson with England, xnero is
not onlv moro food and drink there
than In England, but It is of better
quality. Aud In most parts of Irelund
It is ohoimer. Meatless aud potato-
less days are unknown there. Potatoes
were never so plentiful. That they
art' cheaper even than lu tho United
States was uuknowu to tho commis
sary department of the American navy,
which recently shlni)ed to tho ilotllln
about 10,000 bushels of potatoes which
were never unloaded. After discharg
ing Its carao of other foodstuffs, the
naval Biipply ship was sent to another
port, whero tho potatoes wcro sold to
tho British government.
Fresh meat also Is cheaper In Ire
land than In England or tho United
States. Tho Americans buy a large
mirt of their meat ashore. Porter
liouso steaks are frotn ilvo to seven
cents a pouild cheaper than in the
United States.
Tho Americans aro impressed by tho
largo portions served In Ireland ns
compared with tho lean ones they get
the fever serins carried by the blood
sucking parasite. The federal quar
antine against tho cattle tick, on the
other hand, has prevented the ship
ment of cattle from Infested sections
for use ns stockers and feeders In free
territory, und permits their shipment
Into freo territory only under quar
antine restrictions and for Immedi
ate slaughter.
Tho release of December 1 Is the
largest amount of territory ever liber
ated at one time since tho federal
campaign ngnlnst the cattle tick was
started In 100(1, nnd, ndded a 5,23-1
square tulles freed In March and Sep
tember, will muko 1017 by fur tho
greatest year so far In tho annihila
tion of tho tick,
Nino Southern stntes benefited by
tho release order, Tho largest bcnetl
clury Wns Mississippi, which was, en
tirely freed from quaruntlno and open
ed a broad avenue of tlck-frco ter
ritory from the Northern stilt es to the
Gulf of Mexico.
Hero of the Marne Carries Them With
Him to Read In tho
ParlR. Talk that tho Immortals mny
elect .Mnrsmu ,ioiirc a mcmncr or. ine
Institute has evoked many stories or
the great soldier's appreciation of liter
ature. One of the best concerns n'
young poet who, on the eve of tho'
marshal's departure for America, pre
sented him with a slender sheaf of his'
Joffro, who Is fond of souvenirs nnd
who brought back hundreds from
America Including enrds of Invitation
and banquet menus took the manu
script. Then desiring to express his
appreciation, lie looked at It and said:
"Poems? Oh, yes, 1 like them." Then
after a pause: "They are just the right
size to slip In one's pocket to rend in
the train."
Cross to Care for French'
Women and Children In
Paris. The bureau of tuberculosis
of the American Red Gross In Paris
Is conferring with the French authori
ties concerning tho care of women nnd
children In France nffected with tu
berculosis. It Is expected that the
American tuberculosis bureau shortly
will begin work on a special lnstltu
tlon, where It will tnp care of n cer
tain number of these cases.
The Hdlth Wharton Sanitarium for
Tuberculosis Patients, which is n sep
arate Institution, will bo ready for
patients November 15.
Keeps Corn 50 Years.
Ilohokcn, Gn. David Cnrter, n vet
eran of the Civil war, has an car of
corn that has eight small ears. Car
ter picked lip this freak car Just lifty
years ago. The corn Is still lb a good
state of preservation.
lu England. For three shillings they
get a meal which Includes soup, fish
or lobster nnd sometimes both, hot or
cold meat, dessert, cheese and biscuits,
and tea or coffee. Tho same meal In
a hotel of corresponding grade in
England would cost at least six shill
Drink, too, Is not only more plenti
ful but of better quality. The drink
ing plnccs in Ireland aro open all day
and until eleven o'clock at night,
whereas in England and Scotland they
aro only open for two hours In the af
ternoon nnd three hours In the eve
In England today It Is considered
indelicate to ask a friend for a match.
In France, matches arc well nigh un
obtainable. All the continental coun
tries are suffering from a mutch fam
ine. Not so In Ireland. Hotels, bar
rooms, and cigar stores all have
matches lu abundance, aud they aro
used with tho same freedom us In tho
time of peace.
Tho Americans see the Irish fanner
prosperous beyond precedent. Tho
sudor In his llttlo trips to Dublin nnd
such resorts ns Klllurncy, Youghul, nud
Glcngnrlff, passes through some of the
richest agricultural country In tho
world. Tho immense amount of laud
under the plow Impresses him, nnd ho
talks with ninny farmers who boast of
the record prices they are getting for
their produce, especially their live
stock. Cows, sheep and pigs nro so
plentiful that the beautiful rolling
landscape is fairly dotted with them.
Neither Is the farmer troubled with
a shortage ot labor, as In England.
Labor Is plentiful nnd of good qual
ity, tho laborers, not only In tho ngrl-
cultural, but also In the Industrial dis
tricts, being largely young men nnd
women. This favorable labor situa
tion Is duo largely to tho fnct that
there has been prnctlcully no emigra
tion from Ireland for three years, nud
the thousands of young men und wom
en who formerly set out for America
each month now remain In the coun
Try Women as Police.
Tacomu, Wash. Women "cops" will
walk beats In this city unless thoro
Is an lncreuso of men applicants for
examinations for policemen, according
to the civil service hoard. Twenty ad
ditional policemen aru wanted, but nn
applications have been received.
German butter ration cut
About One Ounce a Week Is Limit,
per person, saya Copenhagen
Conenhanen. Tho butter mti nn In
greater Berlin has been reduced for
mo winter to tnirty grams, approxi
mately ono ounce, weeklv. vtttv
grains of mnrgarlne nro ulso granted,
lint" the newstmncrs nolnt out Hi
mnrgarlne Is principally water and has
slight mu n live vaiue.
Knnil Administrator vnn,,.
- ..... IIMIUUII
has announced that u special depart
ment would bo organized to enlighten
the people on tho food situation. This
announcement cvokcu mo comment
from one newspaper that "tho stom
ach cannot rend."
Tata Killed bv Match In Powdi-r Can
Butler, Pa. Leroy Willis McKusIck,
three years old.' nnd Joseph McKusIck,
seven years old. wcro killed when tho
iitflfti Iwiv tlinm ii mntnli liitn n 1 K.
wi..t .." .... ...... ., . II
poifhd powder can at their home near
here. The father ot tho Hoys kept the
powuer i or masting.
Truly Wonderful Work
WASHINGTON. In a great white
about Washington monument Is
tho world the Amerlcun Bed Cross headquarters. The business of the Hod
Cross Is not to make war, nnd it should
not properly be called a war machine;
but it has made more preparations for
alleviating tho effects of war than nny
other organization In the world.
Tho Ited Cross Is not, ns is popu
larly supposed, an organization of
physicians and nurses. In .fnct, one
enn't even smell medical odors around
the building. The Ited Cross Is an
organization of trained business men
nud statesmen, who have been formed
Into n body to alleviate the war pangs.
They have gone about their business In
might be called n guide. V.ery little
making, Is done by the national organization, lint this work Is all director
from headquarters.
Not tho least of the duties of the
finances. It will take millions and millions of publicly contributed money tc
keep tho boys "over there" hnppy und
tabllshed n great money-soliciting machine. Through this organization th(
moneys contributed nro diverted In those channels where they will do tht
most good. Ilnrd-heuded business men, unswerved by sentiment, direct thf
finances of this organization.
As n wnr-mnklng machine tho Ited
uftcr-remcdy that any nation knows
Fuel Administration's
MOST Inoffensive nnd unwarllke Is
energy that makes the war move
In one of Washington's fashionable
crray coo, like -f
turn make the war go. If operations
truslve residential war machine nt fuel
not be long before the nation's wur
3 tt
Dr. Hurry A. Garfield, fuel administrator, erstwhile college professor, hni
built u wur machine which would make
pence. It Is the most restful and peaceful of the many wur-maklng estab
llshments In Washington. The hustle
bureaus Is absolutely lucking la the
Perhaps it is the peaceful atmosphere of Williams college that has bcei
transferred to Washington with Doctor
u noiseless war engine.
The fuel administration Is the buby
lngton. As nn organization It Is also the smallest of the war organizations
Less than 100 people are employed by this Important body, which suppllei
the fuel for the nntlon.
This Is virtually n onc-mun wur
surrounded with a lurge stuff of experts. He hns three assistants, nil experti
in their own llrte. Outside of these men the fuel udmlnlstrutlon is operated
by clerks who work nt the direction of Doctor Gnrlleld nnd his assistants
The clerical staff Is not large. There
mnchlne does not require large appropriation for Its use.
It Is generally understood, however, that the hand at tho lever of thh
machine Is the same hand that runs
White Housu hnnd.
Proof That the National
kl ASniNGTON Is "growing up.". Whether we like it or not, und right befon
f our own eyes, the national capital Is changing. Like u beautiful chlh
whom one dny we call "little Mary,"
Into womun's estnte nnd does not enro
to be called "llttlo" any more, thank
you, so Washington has become a little
bit bigger, a llttlo bit different, almost
before wo realized It.
Most of us are not displeased. The
city has a new beauty, an added at
trnctlveness. There Is u rush, u roar,
a crowding and n jamming to which
wo nro not accustomed. But we nro
taking to It like ducks that know they
nre In their own stream, and unless
our stream is so swollen that we nro
wnshed nway in tho Hood until we lose
tloubt. Nobody before ever saw so
one thing. There was u great (lane on
an ox, thnt took up the vtfiole back
chow with a coat like silk and eyes
Those dogs came here with their
to the national capltnl.
I had a friend from Indiana with
newcomers, lie hud ndmireci the puimc miiuungs, iookou at ail the soldiers
walked both up nnd down In the monument, snorted from Arlington to Itocl
Creek pnrk In nn nutomoblle at so much an hour, and done u few other thlngi
like thnt.
At last he stood on F street to
It was there he spoke from his
"Why, It's Just Hko Tern! Haute
Statue of Frederick the
QKlamH long the statue of FrederlcK
LJ to th'e United States 13 yvnrs ago
form some sort of use In the wur
melt 'in mro ouuf Ti
M' SHOOT 'in nfTHl
out dollantly from his pedestal over
Several proposals nro on foot In
made ot this statue and tho Indications
have to come off his perch before long.
has suggested that the statue be thrown Into the Potomac, which Is nenr by
but this plan Is, not likely to prevail,
heroic figure to waste In these war
One suggestion which Is advanced by many army officers Is that tht
dtntuc ho sent back to Wllhelm, not In
and made Into cannon nnd that the
decency into the kaiser's legions.
Done by the Red Cross
mnrblp building overlooking the Mali
the greatest unofflclnl wnr mnchlne In
n businesslike manner. The Ited Cross
actual war relief work, such as bandage
Ited Cross have been the rulslng ol
comfortable. Tho Ited Cross has es-
Cross Is negative, but It Is the greatesl
Help in Conducting War
the war machine which supplies tlu
on the fuel administration. Housed
old residences In the most excluslv
section of the city, from the outsldt
the fuel administration appears entire
ly unwurllke.
Within there uro no evidences o:
wnr, with the exception that there nr
always muny people waiting to sei
the fuel administrator, Doctor Gar
fl"ld. nnd to talk war with him.
Through the wheels of this ma
chine, however, there is the dnllj
grinding which is turning out the fuel
which runs the factories, which li
turn send out supplies, which again It
should suddenly cease In the unob
administration heudquurters, It wouK
mnkers would have to stop their opera
a line nesting place for the doves o:
nnd bustle of other departments ani
fuel udmlnlstrutlon.
Gurileld, but at any rate' he has mad
member of the wur family In Wnsh
mnchlne. Doctor Gnrheld hus not beet
Is no publicity organization and tin
tlie biggest wur mnchlne of nil, thi
Capital Is Growing U
to find the next day that she has grow
fWlW) CL
still 2r(
ourselves, we will remuln pleased, ni
many strange dogs In Washington, fo:
F street the other afternoon as big ai
seat of an automobile. I saw a Chlnesi
ns bright as stars.
masters, who came on the tide of wai
me the other day. He wns one of thesi
watch the afternoon promenade
heart. Hoosler praise enn go no further
1" he said.
Great Becomes Eyesore
the tJreat, which tho kaiser presented
unlucky 13 Is going to be made to per
for democracy, Instead of gazing wltt
haughty and autocratic air at United
States army olllcers ns they enter nnc
depart from the Army War college,
The general public, and espcclnllj
the nnrt of the public that has to visit
the .' ar college. Is getting mighty res
tive over the sight of the knlscr'i
great-grandfather, live times removed
us he stnnds the sole and only stutut
In front of the Wnr college, wlthlr
which American army olllcers art
planning the downfall of his descend
ant. The father of Prusslnnlsm looki
the broad sweep ot tho Potomac
regnrd to the proper disposition to be
are that old Frederick the Great will
Senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma
as there Is too much good bronze In the
Its present form, but thnt It be melted
cannon be sent over to shoot a Uttlr
A. Fight for Life!
Tt Imo hAp.ii fluhfc or dio for many of
ns in tho past nnd tho lucky pcoplo aro
llinin rvhn linvn nilfTnrnd. but TV 110 aTO
now well becauso thoy hecdod nature's
r J 1 it..!.
warning Bignai in timo xo correct muir
troublo with that wonderful now dls
eovory of Dr. Piorco's, called "An-u-ric"
You should promptly hood theso
warnings, somo of which aro dizzy
spoils, backache, irregularity of tho
nrino or tho painful twinges of rheu
matism, sciatica or lumbago. To dolny
1- - ! 1.1 il. .1 .. fn.ia tnrmm
of kidney discaBC, such as Bright 's dis
ease, diabotes or stono in tho bladdor.
To ovorcomo theno distressing condi
tions toko plonty of oxorclso in tho-
nnnn nr. nvnlil n. hnnvv mn!lt dint, drink
freely of water nnd at each meal toko
Doctor JL'lerco's Anuric tuuicis uouu-o
strongth). You will, in a short timo,
flml tlinfe vim nm nnn nf tho firm in-
dOTSora of Anuric, as aro thousands of
iruur neigiiuurn.
Hastings, Nobr. 'Dr. Piorco's rcmo-
dies havo boon used in my homo for
many years and always with moat satis
factory results. Last eummor I lcarnod
of Anuric and nt that timo I was suf
fering greatly with backacho, scalding
wator and bladder weakness. Ono
package of Anuric gavo mo such relief
that it was months beforo I found it.
necessary to tako any medicine. Then
recently I had a recurrence of tho samo
troublo and took Anuric again. This
timo I had equally as good results in
much shorter time. I can honestly
praiso Anuric and consider it on a par
with all Dr. Piorco's other remedies.'"
Mrs. Alico Parks, 1421 W. 5tU St.
Step into tho druc storo and ask for
Anuric, or send Dr. Pierco of tho Surei-
eal Instituto, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial
pug. Anuric many times moro potent
than lithia, eliminates uric acid as hot
water melts sugar. Largo package, C0&.
Sir William MacGregor Years Ano
Gained Distinction by Saving Many
Lives From Wreck.
Sir William MucGregor, G. C. M. G.,
Is n man of Herculean strength In-
leed, until he took pnrt some years
igo In the rescue of some Indian
:ool!cs from a shipwrecked vessel, ho
jtnted that he had not previously real
ized tho value of his great strength,
mys n correspondent.
A broken must wns tho only connec
tion with tho stranded vessel, and over
this, again nnd again, Sir Wllllanv
:lnmborcd with a man or woman on
his back, and more often than not a
hlld also between his teeth, held by
tho clothes.
On a reef below was a woman, who
and fallen overbonrd, having got at
the ship's spirits und become mud
Srunk. Two men who went nfter her
tvere In the act of being swept out
to sen, when Sir William slid down a
rope, seized the womnu's hair between
tils teeth, grasped tho two men, nnd
brought all three to a place of safety,
For this ho received tho Albert Gold
Medal from Queen Victoria, and tho
Clarke Gold Medal from Australia.
Old Stuff.
"What stnrted this row?" luqulred
tho Judge.
"Fighting tnlk. He called me a min
ion." "Whnt had you called him?"
"A varlct."
"You're both about eight hundred
years behind tho times. Thnt might
have been lighting talk during tho
middle ages. It Isn't now."
Senatorial Procedure.
"I nm now beginning to undcrstnnd
about senatorial procedure."
"If It's a poker game It's a meeting.
A request for a small loan Is an Inter
view. If a few senators gnther to sam
ple some prime old stuff It's a confer
ence." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Natural Affinity.
Mnnagcr Do you want this role?
Actor Is there nny "dough" lu It?
Baltimore American.
fits the spirit of
the times per
fectly. It is
Purely American
(without loss I
of pleasure
( ready for
instant use
and is a pleasing,
wholesome, drug
, free drink good
for both young
and old.
"There's a Reason"
. lBTJurrJ5$nm 1