The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1917, Image 7

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    ' DIXON'S mmmst
mkram DIXON'S
Make this a Joyous Christmas by your gifts,
chases make it possible for us to offer you
articles desireable for gifts
Early pur-exceptional
Jam Jars, sterling, with
Salt and Pepper, ster
ling Mustard or Horse Rad
ish Pots
Cut Glass and Silver
All-Silver Vases
Large Silver Vases,
up to
25 Diamond Rings,
5 Diamond Rings,
Special good values made pos
sible by early purchases be
fore the latest advance in
Water Sets, per set
$4.00 $5.00 $8.00
Large Bowls $3.00 $5.00 $8.00
. $1.00 $2.00 $3.00'$4.00
Vases from .... -75c to $20.00
The most extensive line of Sparkling
Cut Glass we have ever had the
pleasure of showing.
Watch Specials
20 year gold filled hracelet Watches with 7 jeweled
watch $11.50
25 year gold filled bracelet with 7 jeweled
watch ... $14.00
14K gold bracelet watches . . .$25.00 to $50.00
7 jeweled men's watches, all nickel .... $4.00
7 jeweled men's watches, gold filled .... $6 00
Very fine gentlemen's watches $15.00 to $60.00
17, 19, 21 and 23 jeweled Railroad
watches $25.00 to $75.00
i ' "
f. '
Special in .
Comb, brush and mirror sets . . . $5.00
Large size trays for set .' 2.25
Fine heavy combs 60c to 1.50
200 Manicuring pieces. . . .20c to 50c Mi'Sni
A special Importation of
100 Picture Frames 35c to $2,00
pedal. Japanese Lacquer Ware Special line of Hull's Umbrellas
Trays $1.50 to $6.00 Bowls $1 to $5 Smoking Sets $3 to $8.00 All Silk, Sterling, $5.00 Our Umbrellas make fine Christmas gifts
1 .
Special Cameo, Brooches, Kings Scarf Pins
Special 14K gold Cameo Brooches $5.00 Special 10K gold Cameo Brooches $4.25
Special 10K gold Cameo Rin5s $3.00 to $30.00
Special Gifts for the Soldier Boys
Comfort Kits $1.50 to $10 Emergency Kits $1 to $6 French goods, Pack goods j
Binocular officers' glasses $50 to $80. identification Lockets and Kings,, Service Pins .1
Bracelet Watches $4.50 to $40.00. . ,
Open Evenings until Xmas Vlsit-Ouf Store Early and See All These Special Goods. Open Evenings until Xmas
" i i
Tho temperature dropped twenty de
grees Wednesday afternoon and even
ing and yesterday morning registered
ten degrees below.
Bryon Schott left for Camp Cody
tho first part of the week to spend the
Christmas holidays with his brother,
who is First Lieutenant of Company B.
I would like to tako care of one or
two invalids at my homo. Comfortable
room and good care guaranteed. Mrs.
Pulvor, 520 East 5th. M-3
W. II. Harcourt left for Lincoln yes
terday where ho was summoned to re
port for governmental service. Ho is
a member of tho aviation corps In tho
signal division of tho army.
Wanted Man with some knowledge
of' electricity or storage batteries.
Apply at Room 22. Ritner Hotel.
Word from Kearney tills morning
statod that thirty-seven of tho forty
two head of cattle struck at Iiuda
Tuesday evening by train No. 7 had
beon' killed or had since died.
.We aro now in position to tako a
low,, -more milk customers. Our
product Is bottled on tho farm under
sanitary conditions and is absojutely
fcijro. Delivery every morning. North
Sfilo Dairy. O. II. Covell, Prop. Phono
WF4f c92
Marriage liconsos were issued Wed
nesday to Will Daires, of Chicago, and
Mary Hentcholl, of Omaha, and to
Chas. H. Kldwell and Ruby Tucker of
Tho Wilcox Department Store will
be open evenings until 9:30 p. m. from
Monday until Christmas.
Tho domestic science department of
tho Twentieth Century Club will meet
at tho homo of Mrs. S. C. Mecomber,
4Q8 West Third, on Monday afternoon,
December 17th. Tho subject for tho
day will "Tho Conservation of Fats."
A largo attendanco Is desired. ;
Watches are usofiul as well as orna
mental gifts; they aro a constant com
panion. Our watch values are good.
T. W. Peck, whoso wlfo and baby
have beon visiting at tho Ottenstoin
home for some time, arrived yesterday
and will remain until after Christmas.
Mr. Peck has beon employed for sever
al months as constructor of canton
ment buildings at Llttlo Rock, Ark.
Let your Christmas gift be muBic In
somo form. W. R. Maloney Co.
Tho club Nevita was pleasantly en
tertained Wednesday afternoon at tho
homo of Mrs. Carl Brodbeck. Tho
afternoon was spent In a kenslngton
and the prize of tho contest was won
by Mrs. Sameulson. The guest of the
afternoon was Mrs. Frank Buchanan.
Tho Red Cross work room In tho
Federal building is now open every
work day of tho week. It was opened
on Saturdays to give tho teachers and
students who wished to work but had
no other timo in tho week an opportun
ity to work that afternoon. Any othor
ladles who would like to work, but
aro not ablo on any other afternoon of
tho week, will be cordially welcomed
on Saturdays.
Tho Twentieth Century Club will
have chargo of tho distribution of tho
Christmas baskets again this year.
Anyono knowing of a worthy family
to whom they would llko a basket
sent pleaso phono the namo of such
family to Mrs. R. W. Smith, between
10:00 and 11:00 o'clock any morning.
A soliciting commltteo hasbeonappoln
ted and if any who wish to glvo aro
missed by the committee pleaso phone
to Mrs. Smith to lot her know what
you desire to glvo. '
I. 0. 0, F. SUITEIU
Tlio Encampment branch of the Odd
Fellows will hold tliolr annual Haiti
more oyster supper Friday night of tills
week.. All members of the subordN
unto braucli aro Invited to partake,
also any transient members.
J. GUY SWOPK.Scrlbc.
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Good wnirfiH fnr flYnnrlnnrfwl
girl. Mrs. J S Twlnero Phono283. tf
Train No. 7, Geo. A. Austin engineer,
killed and maimed forty-two head of
cattle at Buda Tuesday ovonlng. A
feeder living near that place bad ship
ped In two cars of feeders, about fifty
head, and after unloading them at tho
stock yards attempted to drive them
over tho crossing. Tho owner had
beon warned to look out for approach
ing trains, but ho apparently heeded
not tho advlco for ho drove them on
tho track Just in timo for No. 78 en
gine, moving flfty-flvo miles nn hour,
to plow Into them, with tho result that
forty-two of tho lify woro either killed
or malned. So great was tho impact
that - ono of tho stcors was thrown
against the block signal post with such
forco as to break off tho post, which
wbb embedded In a cement founda
tion. Just how tho cattlo managed
to bunch themselves so that so many
wore hit, Is hard to determine Tho
front of tho onglno was a mass of blood
and hair.. Tho speed of tho englno Is
tho only thing that saved a derail
ment and a bad wreck.
Engineer Austin has beon running
an englno for forty yearn,- but novor
beforo had ho caused such havop to a
bunch of cattlo.
Music expresses tho Joyous spirit of
Christmas. Pathe, Columbia and
Aeolian talking machines. W. R. Ma
lonoy Co.
Heavy Cholera Loss.
Gago Hollaway, who llvos west of
Blgnoll, roports tho loss of sovonty
hogs by cholera. Ho ostlmatos his
financial loss at fifteen humdred dol
lars. Mr. Hollaway Is feeding quite
a big bunch of stcors, and tho loss of
tho hogs will practically rob him of
tho profit on tho cattlo.
; ;o; ;
FIno assortment of Ladles' handker
chiefs, 5 cents to $IJi0 ,cncli.
; :: :
Jl. E. Church.
Last Sunday thoro was no morning
worship on account of somo adjust
ments that had to bo mado In tho now
furnace. This js In repair now and
tho church will bo warm for all ser
vices. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.
At 11:00 n, m. thoro will bo a special
servlco to which all aro cordially in
vited. Mrs. Wilson Tout wljl spoalon
Red Cross Work, and tho pastor Will
speak on Knitting on Sunday, Knitting
at Church, The New Thrift Stampa
and kindred thomos. ..
Epworth League nt 0:30. ni.
Evening worship nt 7:30. Special
music by tho orchestra. A cordial
invitation In oxtended to all. '
Tho ladlos aro Invited to bring their
war knitting, especially Sunday morn
ing. Sunday ovonlng tho honor roll
will bo read, a special s.orvlco In
connection with tho samo.
Miss M. Slouian, stoara baths and
Swedish Massago, ladios and gentlo
mon, Phono 807. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf
Loron Hastihgs has returned, from
Long Beach, Cal whero he Is In tho
employ of tho government navy yard.
On, and after, December 15th, I will sell for
Cash Only.
You get the benefit in prices. I pay the War
My prices, and quality of goods will get your '
Huffmans Cigar Store.