of i Diamonds and Watches ' v., . A Two things stand out from all other as Christmas gifts a Clinton diamond and a fine watch. These presents are not beyond your means. You will be intensely interested in the moderate prices and big values here. Nor are they extravagant purchases. Their permanence and usefulness make them decidedly economical. ' ' f - ;f . , if Wear does not detract from a diamond's beauty and brilliance. Time onladds .tits value. . A good watch is used hourly through a long period. One can hardly find a more practical pres ent, t A Collection of fine Diamonds r Clinton diamonds are full cut, brilliant stones free from flows which detract their luster.- They? are highly desirable quality in every way. Excellent selections in white and blue-white stones. hi h Loose Stones Tiffany Rings' Men's Rings -. . Platinum Rings Brooches Pendants I A superb Watch stock We have never had a more attractive lot of watches to choose a Christmas gift from. All grades of the best movements are here in handsome solid gold and guaranteed gold filled cases. The latest thin models for men, and the fashionable odd shapes in Bracelet Watches, Strap Watches for the soldier, and watches for boys, ore here at prices representing the utmost in yalues. Howards , Elgins Walthams ' Hamiltons Bracelet Watches Strap Watches Boys' Watches Early selections and mailing are extremely important this year. A small deposit reserves any article until Christmas. " y J . ; C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician, At the Sign of the Big Ring. TJtOUT AXI SHAFFER FOUND NOT GUILTY. I. E. Trout and John Shaffor, charg ed with the Bale of intoxicating liquors, wore discharged at the 'preliminary hearing hold In Judgo French's court "Wednesday forenoon. Tho caso grow out of tho arrost of Tom McGraw for drunkonnoss Satur day night. When hauled before Judgo Illtonborgor "Monday, McQraw, Id ,order to save hlrnBolf a sontenco, a . greed to toll where ho bought tho booze, At tho preliminary hearing McQraw tcstllled that Saturday evening about 'nlno o'clock lio mot Shaffor In front of tho VIonna restaurant, that ho iiBkcd Shaffor to buy him a quart of whisky, that the latter said ho would , do so, and that ho handed Shaffor $7.50 (tho present Boiling price of a quart of whisky In North Platto). Ho stated that Shaffor wont into Timmorman's place of business, and ho fallowed a mlnuto lator. That Shaffor wont to Trout, and Hpoko to him, that the lat ter wont to tho basomont and returned with two "pint bottles of whisky which ho handed to Shaffor. McGraw said that ho and Shaffor then wont to tho alloy In tho rear of tho Timmorman building whoro Shaffer handed him tho two liottlos, and that they oach took a drink. An hour or so lator Mc Graw was arrostcd for drunkonnoss and on him was found ono of tho pint bottles with a snjall quantity of whisky In lj:. In court tho bottle was intro duced In ovldonco, and McGraw Bald It was tho ono taken from him and that It was ono of tho two ho had got ten from Sltaffor and that had been furnished Shaffor by Trout. Tho defendant Shaffor testified that ho did not Beo McGraw Saturday ev ening; that ho had not obtained any bottles from Trout, and his testimony throughout was a flat contradiction of tho testimony given by McGraw. Tho defendant Trout also contradicted In every particular tho statements mado by McGraw. In rendering a decision, Judgo Fronch said tho caso should-havo boon tried to a jury, McGraw had been be foro'hlm' bofor,e -and had never told him a Ho"; tho samo was true of Shaf for, It was' a caso of tho ovldonco of two against ono; tho testimony of tho wltnoss for tho stato was not corrob oraod; that of tho defendants was cor roborated by each othor, and though thoy had an interost in tho caBO ho would dismiss thorn, ; Tho spobtatord in!' tho court room Know that olthor McGraw had per jured himself or that Shaffor and Trout had, but they sald'not who was guilty. NO HOLD-UP PRICES ON ACCOUNT OF WAK. -::o::- Storllng Silver tho gift that be comes tiro holrloom to tho next gener ation. DIXON, THE JEWELER. Christian Sclonco (Services Sunday 11 n. m. Wednesday ovoning mcotlngB oVery wcok at 8 o'clock, Building & Loan Bldg. Room 25. To thoso ser vices a cordial Invitation Is extended to tho public. CHRISTMAS HAPPINESS For "Him" For "Her" Buy Her i Liggett's Chocolates Ivory Toilet Articles Perfumes "Stationery Wo might HOWL our heads off to tho fact - that wo aro just giving our merchandise away, and no ono would believe us, so wo will stick to tho truth and toll you truthfully that wo aro of. forlng tho greatest variety of any thing and everything for men and boys wear ever shown In this town, and while prices havo soared skyward, for tho reason that wo are in a position to take advantage of tho early offdrlng of tho larger manufacturers and own our Immense stock of men's and boys' -wearables nt tho minimum (before the war prices), wo can defy competition. You will find, upon Investigation, that your Christmas dollar will reach about . as far in our storo this year as In I former years. Wo aro not holding tho public UP, but offer you the greatest and most complete, varied lines of merchandise to bo found In any first class clothing and shoo storo in west-; cm Nebraska. Our'many lines of nier chandlso will not permit of an enumer ation, but you hot your life If It Is any j thing for a man or a boy WE HAVE IT ( and at a rcnsonablo prico. " Whether for a soldlor at tho front or a stay at homo, WE HAVE IT and wo will n6t put a HOLD UP price on your pur chases. Believe mo now, when I tell you this is THE STORE to do your Christmas buying nt. If you havo any doubts as to tho real virtuo and truth fulnoss of this little statement, just como in and satisfy yourself. y'4 ( Yours truly, ' THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. : :o: : I. 0. 0. F. SUPPEIL Tlio Encampment branch of tho Odd Follows will hold tliolr nnnual UnllJ- moro oyster supper Friday night of this wcok. All members of tho subor- dlnato branch aro mvlod to partake, aiso any transient members. J. GUY SWOPE, Scribe. ::o:: Library Notes. ? These gifts will always be acceptable to "Her," whether she be mother, sister, sweetheart, or wife i Buy Him Cigar 3 A Pipe Military Hair Brushes Smoker Sets Thermos Bottles Safety Razor Shaving Mirror and Sets These things are gifts in which a real man delights he can use, things practical. The xaPA Drug Store The Right Cigar, Kept Right, At the Right Price. Huffmans Cigar Store. The 'library was closed tho first of tho weok while tho furnaco was being ropalrod. Patrons aro .-co-operating with tho library, and books aro being roturnod much moro promptly.. . Among tho now boys' books aro Athshollor Guns of Bull Run, A story of tho Civil War; Athshollor Young Trailers, Early Kontucky Lifo; Alt shollor Texan Star; Dolnock Bo Prepared, Boy Scouts In Florida; Flfz hough Along Tho Mohawk Trail; Drysdalo Tho Fast Mall: Munroo Dorymatos, A story of tho Fishing Banks; Mason LIcky and His Gang. Tho woo tots will onjoy coming to tho library to seo Polly Flinders, Littlo Jack Hornor, Our Chlldrcns' Favorltos and Tho Twins. ::o:: Wanted Furnished room by gentle man, with or without moals. In prl voto family preferred. Addross P. O Box 454. Wanted 5 or G room tfp-to-dato modorn houso( by responsible party. Will tako long torm loaso. Address P. O. Box 4B4. Wanted 2 furnlshod rooms with kttchon connection for light house kooplng. Must bo up-to-dato. Address P. 0, Box 454. ::o:.- E. Sodormau, of Mission, Texas, which is forty ratios wost of Browns ville, Has been In this section for soma tlmo visiting his son and daughter. Mr. Sodorman formerly lived on tho land on which Sioux Lookout is lo cated,, bqt moved to Texas olght years Club Monday,' DeceiViber 17Lh, will mark the formal opehingVoou: next year's Christmas Thrift This is the third season we have conducted this club. It will be more popular than ever this year because there are so very many good reasons for saving systematically, and the "Thrift Savings Club" plans are so well suited for accumulating any amount for any purpose in any length of time. There are several plans offered. These plans which are styled "Progressive" call for a small deposit first, increasing each week; while in the "Reducing0 plans, you start with the large deposit's and decrease each week. Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan .'I Plan J Plan K The amounts named are for the Christmas Club period of fifty weeks. Other amounts can be accrued within a period of time suited . to the needs and desire of the depositors by adopting one or more of the above plans. . We Pay 4 per cent Interest on These Accounts. f s Everyone Welcome No cost to join. ' ' Come for your Membership Record Next Week. cDONALD STATE BANK. lc Progressive pays 312:75 Plan E lc Reducing pays $12.70 2c Progressive pays 25.50 Plan F 2c Reducing pays 25.50 5c Progressive pays 63.75 Plan G 5c Reducing pays 65.70 10c Progressive pays 127.50 Plan H 10c Reducing pays 127.50 10c per week pays. $5.00 Plan M $2.00 per week pays $100.00 25c per week pays 12.50 Plan N 2.50 per week pays 125.00 50c per week pays 25.00 Plan O 5.00 per week pays 250.00 1.00 per week, ,pays 5Q.00 Plan P 10.00 per week pays 500.00 DAILY HEALTH HULLETlN ISSUED BY SUl'T. TOUT. Supt. Tout, of tho city schools, Is issuing a daily bulletin in which the health condition of tho pupils in the several buildings is- reported. If a pupil is quarantined it is so stated In the bulletin, tho names of those sent homo are given, and thoso dally vac cinated named. Among tho items in tho bulletin un der dato of December 10th is this one: Uoports sent in flora tho Junior High School show that 80 tniplls havo had a successful vaccination, 56 have bad smallpox, and 103 aro prospects, that is havo neither had smallpox nor been vaccinated. This is tho report for 239 of tho 251 pupils enrolled at this tlmo. This means that 57 of-tho pupils of this Bchool aro reasonably safe from smallpox and 43 aro liable to havo It at any time. Of course there are somo who woro vaccinated a numbor of years ago and thoy may not bo immune but they aro probably offset by tho number of prospects who havo attompteu vaccination ono or moro tlmos and failed owing to natural im munity. In tho Issue of December 11th this item appoars: Tho survoy of conditions In tho Jeff orson School Is completed and shows tho following facts: Tho total enroll ment of the building last Friday was 252. Only 230 of these pupils woro re ported, tho othors bolng abBont or in somo cases wore vaccinated but as it had not taken thoy wero not reported. Tho teachers saw tho scar or tho soro from a recont vaccination of G9 pupils. 36 othors woro roportod to havo had smallpox. 131 woro prospects. This gives ois 44 probable Immunes and 56pro8pocts. This is for tho Joffer son school only. ::o:: Tho Instrument of incomparablo tono Tho Grafonola Oak, Mahogany, Walnut priced from $18.00 to $250.00. DIXON, THE JEWELER. ;:o: : Heady To Mall Qucstlonnlrcs. Miss Edna Sullivan, clork to tho oxemptlon board, is now busily engag ed In gottlng ready for mailing the slxtoon hundred questlonalros that will bo sont to tho drafted men of Lincoln county. It la no small task to place in envelopes and address thoso questlon alros. Eighty will bo sent out each day for a period of twenty days, tho first eighty to bo mailed tomorrow. Dr. Morrill. Dentist Hev. Hay Passes Away. Rev. William Hay, a Baptist evan gelist, passed away yesterday morning at his homo at 320 south Walnut street at the ago of forty-four years. Ho leaves a wife and two children. Tho deceased came to North PJ.atte last July to mako this city his head quarters whilo conducting evangelistic sorvlces In adjoining counties. For tho past several weeks ho had been holding- meetings at points In Thomas county. A short time ago ho becamo afflicted with a badly ulcerated throat which seems to have poisoned his system, and this with a slight attack of pneumonia resulted in death We have just received 50 new pat terns of Picture Moulding. This ad ded to our large stock, makes tho best assortment ever carried in North Platto. Bring your pictures in to bo framed. C. M. NEWTON. Christian Church. Services will begin on Lord's day, Dec. 16th., at 9:45 o'clock and will consist of Bible School, communion and sermon. 'The sermon will bo doc trinal and devoted to a theme of vital interest to the entire membership of tho congregation. At 3:00 o'clock the various Bible School classes and tlio chorus will assemble to have a rehear sal -of "the hymns to bo used for tho Christmas service which will be ren dered December 23rd. At 7:30 o'clock thoro will bo a song and praise service and an evangelistic sermon. In spite of the cold weather wo had all servlcea last Lord's day. The house will be warm and comfort able oven though It may bo cold out side. Strangers and visitors in tho city are welcome at all of theso ser vices. You aro cordially invited to tend. T. A. Lindenmoyor, Minister. THE UNIVERSAL CAR FORD OWNERS NOTICE We have added and installed for the convenience of Ford Owners, Machinery costing $500.00 in the last month. The most important of which is our Magnet Tester and Charger. By this we can tell you if your Crank Shaft has too much lateral, if your Coil is broke down. These things being ok. can bring your magneto up to full charge in 20 minutes without removing engine. Making your engine Easy to Start and Lights Stronger. We are equipped with genuine Ford Parts and Good Mechanics to do your work. HENDY-0GIER AUTO CO. FORD SALES AND SERVICE. Corner 4th and Dewey St. agp.