The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1917, Image 4

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IRA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher
Ono Ycnr by Mnll In Advance. . . .$1.25
One Vcnr by Carrier In Advance SJUO
Entored at North Pluttc, Nebraska,
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
Commends Sammy Girls.
Editor of The Trlbtino:
I want to say that tho Sammy Girls'
(Mub Is the most enthusiastic crowd of
war relief workers I havo met this
summer. And now they aro going to
convert tholr energy to making surgi
cal supplies to bo sont to the hospitals
In Franco, and I know they'll do n
great work along this lino, as thoy'vo
done for tho Lincoln county boys Tho(
suffering In Franco Is indescribable,
and wo need tho work of overy club I
and society In North Platte at this crit-j
the number of Americans who may bo
killed in France
: :o: :
Grocers llctvrccn Millstones.
Retail dealers in flour aro being
ground botweon the millstones of food
regulations. One regulation requires
that all cars loaded with flour must be
filled to capacity, 60,000 pounds. This
requires utilizing nearly every avail
able inch of space. Another regulation
larger number of bakers and retailers
will havo to buy their flour In less than
carload lota. This means that tho.
freight rato will bo higher and tho cost
of bread and Hour to tho consumer in
creased. j provides that they must not keep flour
I on hand over thirty days. This means
I that they must, if thoy buy flour on
hand by the cnrload, get rid of it at
leal period. Now these girls are going
to have an entertainment to raise mon
ey for war relief and I am asking that
the rate of about fifty 50-pound sacks
a day, and that is a big selling record
either for flour or bread.
The result of tho conflict Is that tho
every patriotic citizen In North Platte
help the girls that their work may ho
a real contribution toward lessening!
Player-piano, the enduring Christ
mas gift. See them at W. R. Maloney
We, tho undorslgned, after reading
4n nrMina nnncaring in tho different
news-papers, feel that in Justice to
Sutherland and ourselves, tho follow
ing statement of facts should be given
in tlin nulillc.
. ..ferritin' ttfltll HOIllO Of tllO
J,,,-!!, men of Sutherland, Geo. L
whii, n n. Oordon. C. A. Lau and W.
J. Root went up to Tryon to confer
wiih Mr. Dunn, tho editor of tho Tryon
Graphic, with the idea of trying to gat
Mr. Dunn to buy out tho Sutherland
Free Lance.
For some of tho following reasons
the 'people felt that a chango in tho
newspaper would bo for tho benefit of
Sutherland. At tho tlmo tho First
Liberty Loan Bonds wcro offered for
Bale, one of the above parties who wont
to Tryon, requested tho proHcnt editor
of tho Free Lanco to publish on tho
front pago of his paper a cut advertis
ing tho Llhorty bonds, which was fur
nished them by tho peoplo who furnish
their advertising. Tho editor was not
asked to publish it as an advertisement
for any bank, but with the namo of
both banks as tho places whero tho
bonds could bo 'purchased, and was
oven asked to use tho cut on tho front
page without any names attached, and
receive full advertising rates for same,
but refused to do so.
When tho Sutherland high school
paper was to bo printed it was taken to
our local editor who refused to publish
it, and it was consequently taken to
Hcrshoy and published there. We be
lieve this business should havo staid
in Sutherland.
Llttlo or no publicity was given to
the Red Cross work or tho Red Trlan
glo drive, which matter, wo understand,
was furnished frco of chargo, to such
papers as would print Jt.
As it was understood that tho pros
ont nowspaper plant was for salo,
this fact being brought homo to us by
tho editor himself, and knowing that
Mr. Dunn had tried to purchaso tho
plant last Bummer, wo, In our doslro
to help tho editor securo a purchaser,
and, at tho samo time, securo for our
town a llvo nowspaper man, went to
Tryon to try and get Mr. Dunn inter
ested In tho purchaso of tho Suther
land paper.
No nttcmpt whatever was intended
to In nny way boycott anybody, or to
try to forco anybody to soil below tho
valuo of tholr plant, thoro wns no
intrigue Our interest was mutual in
trying to socuro a purchaser for Mr.
Roynolds for his plant at tho full
valuo, and to Bocuro for ourselves tho
kind of a nowspapor man that wo
think Sutherland is entitled to.
A meeting was called and a largo
numbor of tho business men woro pres
ent. Nobody present attempted to
sot a prlco on Mr. Roynolds plant, no
body had any ill fooling whatovor
against Mr. Reynolds personally, and
tho proposition as finally put up to
Mr. Dunn was, that if ho could pur
chaso tho plant from Mr. Roynolds tho
business men represented thoro would
hack him in tho proposition.
"Wo, tho undersigned, certify tho n
bovo to bo tho facts In tho caBO.
Signed: W. J. Root, A. H. Yatos, G.
O. Gordon, M. C. Long, E. W. Cokor,
G.. I. -Buddln, G. C. JWhlto, Frank
Coates, C. 0. Lau, P. N. McKlnloy,
"W. V. Vanaradall.
Economy 1 A big word in war tlmo.
Don't wnsto money on useless trifles.
Bay that Playor-Plano, tho enduring
gift. W. R. Malonoy Co.
: :o: :
Tho Right of 1'orrcltiire.
Senator James Hamilton Lewis has
presented a bill boforo Congress, pro
posing that tho cltizonshlp papers bo
taken away from disloyal naturalized
citizens of tho United States and for
tho Bonding of theso people back to
tho countries from which thoy camo.
If tho national legislature enacts
this law it will bo a fitting occasion to
provont peoplo apparently unablo to
appreciate citizenship in tho United
States from gaining such status in this
country; and of ridding us of "con
sclontlons objectors," who by thoir
volco and actions endanger tho pcaco
and prosperity of tho nation, who Im
podo tho progross of preparation for
this war of democracy, and who try to
creato public opinion against tho gov
ernment and incito tho peoplo against
pecuniary responsibility and military
necessity which consists In tho urgoncy
of those measures which aro Jndlspon
slblo for socturlng tho quick tormina'
tion of tho war.
Tho peoplo of this country colloct
ivoly and dlstrlbutivoly must learn
that citizenship is a pearl of too groat
a (price ns to bo despised, dishonored
and troadod upon. I
1 miitm J 1 jl tW" -d" "
Handkerchiefs of course
And thousands to choose from too, singly or by the box,
largo size or small size, plain or elaborate, lace trimmed or em
broidered, in colors or beautifully plain white and, Oh, so
moderate in price.
Children's Fancy Handkerchiefs in cot
ton or Bilk, novel designs that nrc
sure to please, per box
10c to 25c
Ladles Initial Handkerchiefs mado of
a flno sheer cloth with beautifully
designed colored embroidered cor
ners, packed thrco In a fancy box
Ladles' Fancy Handkerchlofs, neat col
ored designs in tho corners, three in
fancy box
Fine Furs
Mr. Man, why don't you give
"Her" Furs this year? You'll be
.the finest Santa Claus ever, 'if
yo do and she will have cause
to remberber you long after
Christmas is past and gone.
Flno Jap Coss Fox sot, round muff,
animal scarf, a very handsomo Bet
Argontina Groy Fax .Sot, round muff,
trimmed with head and tall, animal
scarf, per set
Black Yorkford Lynx Set, largo animal
scarf, muff to match; a beautiful
soft fur, per sot
Soparato Muffs of Hudson Seal, Skunk,
Mink, Fox, Raccoon, Wolf from $5.00
to $10.00 each.
Apparel Notes
Ladies' Coats, a largo variety of cloth
and plush coats, prlcos each from..
Handsomo Dresses of Sorgo or Silk
$13.50 - $35.00
Ladlos' Skirts In almost endless va
riety, prlcod from
$4.95 to $15.00
Men's and ladlos' Bath Robos, well
mado from good bankots at
$4.00 $5.00
Silk Petticoats, Taftotas and Silk Jor
Boy, all colors, somo plain, somo
fancy, prlcod from
$2,98 'to $8.50
Ladies Handkerchiefs, finer qualities,
beautifully worked corners, packed
three and six In a fancy box for
Men's Cotton Handkerchiefs nicely
worked initials, packed six in a
fancy box for
Men's and Ladies Handkerchiefs in
linen or cotton, Bold without boxes. Tho
largest andh andsomest stock wo havo
over had.
Smart Ties, good looking
Shoes, quality Hose, splendid
Gloves, etc.
Men's Neckties, tho famous Cheney
make, beautiful, heavy silks in won
derful combinations of colors, priced
7K 01 nn
I Ub AND j) IbUU
Men's Hosiery, put up in holiday box
es, Interwoven biand, lisle, 3 pair
': $1.00
Silks, 2 pair for (JM f)fl
Men's GIovcb; we aro showing a largo
varloty of every stylo of men's
Gloves or Ilttens for dress, work or
Auto uso, at "7C
v t I Ub TO
I Ub to ipOiUU
These are days for choosing
practical and useful gifts, and if
you select blouses here, they
will be adorably attractive and
beautiful as well. Among the
choicest models designed es
pecially for gifts wo feature
Cropo Do Chine Blouses, fair weight
cloth, mado in tho newest styles
Georgetto Cropo Blouses, a largo vari
ety of Btylcs, somo combined with
sjlk, othorB braided or embroidered,
all shades, In prices up to
Wilcox Department Store.
The Store for
Practical Gifts
Christmas Day this year, wth our country actively engaged
in the world war, assumes deeper significance than ever.
Christinas cheer will be more necessary to all of us and in
many homes there will be absent ones. This store is splen
didly ready with its great stocks of carefully selected merchan
dise ready for distribution which will greatly help to spread
Christmas cheer throughout the homes of this vicinity.
Practicability is the
year. Even the toys assume more serious duties with their instructive and educative features.
Thus your Christinas gift expenditures will not be wasted for so many interesting and useful
things can be found in our varied stocks and all your purchases will be. worth while. Your
choice will bring to each recipient real Christmas cheer , real comfort, real use. We give here
many suggestions of specially selected merchandise suited for Christmas giving and all most
reasonably priced as you will find.
What would add more to the
those "quiet winter evenings at
home" than a pair of cozy slip
pers. We feature
Children's Felt Bootees with soft
leather solos, fancy bordered tops,
sizes 5 to 11, per pair
Missels' Pelt Slippers, soft leather
soles, ribbon trimmed sizes up to 2
Ladies' Slippers, both leather and felt,
made either with soft soles or solo
leather, nicely trimmed in cantrast
ing shades, all sizes at 0!)c to
Men's Slippers made from flno folts or
either regular or Pullman
01 OK.
oo nn
U to L
Money will go a long ways in
this store this Christmas. A
splendid demonstration of good
values and suitable gifts let us
show you these new things in
Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear
Ladles' Silk Hose, plain colors, thread
silk, a full line of plain colors
$1l00 AND $1 i5Q
Ladies' Fancy Hose,
to solect from at
a .beautiful line
$1.00 $2.00
Ladies' Fiber Silk Hose, colors, black
, black
or white, per pair
Ladles' Kid Glovos, plain or embroid
ered hacks, black, white or colors nt
$2i80 and $2i50
Fancy Collars, a great variety of
Btyles and materials, Just tho thing
for a dainty prosont, 50c to
Ribbon and Laco Cammlsolo, nicely
mado from beautiful ribbons and
heavy laco
kevnote of Christmas mernlinnfliHfi this
is overflowing
with every kind of toy young
hearts could wish for. And in
keeping with the spirit of the
times so many of the toys are
both instructive and education
al; very practical for teaching
and amusing young minds. Here
you will find
Mechanical Trains with track, well
made, durable toys at
01 OK 01 7K 00 Kn
tPli&iJ t)lifU iUU
Mechanical Toys, Autos, Fire Engines,
Japanese Toys, many novel and unique
items, well mado from wood painted
in bright colors.
Blackboards in neat frames to hang on
the wall
Game Boards, well made and durable,
a toy that tho wholo family can uso
01 7K
Vp 1 1 f U TO
Games of all kinds, several new ones
this year, always interesting to tho
iittio folks Kn - (M nn
Ub to tpiiUU
Toy Books, all kinds, paper and cloth,
clear bright colors
Sc to $1J
of every kind
Whole families of them, large
and small, dressed and undress
ed, for big agnd little girls. Don't
let your little girl look in vain
for her new doll Christmas
morning when there are so
many nice ones here. Priced so
Blooming Kids, a doll for baby, soft
and unbreakable, mado from leather
and cloth, each jQc
Dressed Dolls, good sizo, life like faces,
good cloth bodies, each 25 C
Dressed Dolls, better grado heads,
painted hair, Jointed cloth bodies,
good size each Jj()C
High Grade Dolls, fully Jointed bod
ies, Jointed wllli steol spring hinges,
beautiful heads covered with high
grado mohair wigs
$3.00 $3.50 $5.00