THE 8EMIAVEEKLV TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Based On Cost Per -Tablet S3" ril I ii it Had To Give Up Was Almost Frantic With the Pain It Saves 9Vc. CXSCARAE? QUININE Ko advance In price for this 30-year. , old remedy-35c for 24 tablets Some eoM tbleU now 30c for 31 tablets Figured on proportionate coet per tablet, jrou save 9tfc when you buy Hlll'a Cnr t1A In 54 hourt grip b.ckirftf.u,. 24 Tablets for25e. At any Drugstore Thousands Find Relief IN THB RELIABLE OLD SAFEGUARD D O D D'S Kidney Pills IN all parts of the country, every day, sufferers from kidney troubles nro saylnct Goodbyo, backache; coodbye, pains; Dodd'a Kidney Pins havo settled you for cood." They know the efficacy of this fine old remedy which so many people have employed with success. Yon can bo free from kidney Bis, from eventual IJrlght'a Dieraso and possible death.. If you start Immediately to tono the kidneys with Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Bo sure you nco on the box the noma with tureo D'a, It protects you. Every Draesht Stlh Dodd'a and rcf undt your money If diteatUfied Nebraska Directory vipUR RSDISTOR IS FROZEN OU LEAKS SEND IT TO US. F. F. FINK, Auto Tinner .212 S. 19th ST.. OMAHA, NEB. and 212 S. 12th St., LINCOLN, NEB. ALSO LAMP AND FENDER REPAIRING. VAN ARNAM DRESS PLEATIR8 & BUTTON CO. 336.7 Paxton Block Omaha, Nab, Accordion, knife. Bide, Bimce. box. ' nunburat and combination pleat ing, nemsmcning, picot eaging, pinking, ruchlnp.coverlnRbuttorjB, all Btyles and sizes. Price List free. The Soldier. Wo linve heard from onb of our cor-, respondents abroad somewhere In darkest England, says an exchange. And he relates that an American sol dier accompanied him to a shop In London, where he wished to purchase a book. And whllo the soldier was waiting, he, too, saw a book he thought he'd like, and ho asked the young wom an its price. "Three and six, sir," answered the shop assistant. "Which Is the three and which Is the six?" asked the soldier. "There aren't two sorts, sir this book is three nnd six." "Well, that makes nine," said the soldier. "Can't you add? I'll take It. Nino what pennies or pounds?" GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for nil ailments that nro caused by n disordered stomach nnd inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, ferraeutntion of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in tho stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intestines, cleans nnd sweetens the stomach and alimen tary canal, stimulates tho liver to se crete tho bile nnd impurities from the blood. Sold In nil civilized countries. BO nnd 00 cent bottles. Adv. Laundered Soldier's Watch. Being laundered didn't hurt n wntch at San Antonio, Tex. The watch was thoughtlessly left by the owner in the pocket of his nnny shirt. In tho pock et it was carried to the laundry and wont through the big washing machine. One of the Inundry employees felt It !n the pocket just In time to snve It from going through the wringer. The watch was still marking time. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co.. dolns business In the City of To ledo, County and Stato aforesaid, and that Raid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for an case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the uso of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18S. (Seal) A. W. Oleason. Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 7Ec. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Lots Yet to Be Done. There may come n time when you'll ho ashamed to admit that all you did In tho great war was to buy a few Lib erty bonds. Exchange. Now Zealand has 104 butter and 302 rhcese factories In operation. St. John, N. B is Cnnndn's second city In volume of customs receipts. PERSISTENT COUGHS are dangerous. Relief Is prompt from FIso's Remedy for Coughs and Colds. Effective and safe for younc and old. No opiates In PISO'S A (ElfratmttH fficit. Dr. Sjmuurli Duffirtfi MAY tho blessing of tho light that shown at midnight come to the hearts that are shadowed and tho homes that aro dark. May the blessing of the, Manger Cradlo come to that innumerable company against whom the doors oi hope and peace and rest are shut. Q May the blessing of the Holy Child come to every one who has forgotten that thou, O God, art his father and that all men ar? brothers. J May the blessing of the Guid ing star come to those who wan der in tho night and cannot find, the homeward way. q May the blessing of tho Stable come upon all hearts, wakening a kindly sense of kindred with every living thing that walks the field and forest or wings the air or passes along the paths of tho seas. New York World. fis- Christmas Observance THERE Is very little of the right motive in coinniemornttng the birth of Jesus the Savior. The spirit of .the modern Christmas is to lave a good old time, feasting and business activity, witli the Holy Child Tesus a figurehead. Such is a very great offense to Al- ulghty God. An offering to God In .ho spirit of righteousness, by humility, vorshlp, mortification, In self denial ind go'od works, should be the first luty In celebrntlng Christmns. Itenlly a number of hours simllnr to Lent ought to be considered, after svhich would come the feast and re lolclng. Respectful thnnkfulness to the Lord 3od of Hosts for his love and pity for i sinful race in his priceless gift of a 3a' lor such would bo a fitting grace iefore partaking of the good things ind many blessings that he has been pleased to bestow on nil people. What vould a person think in giving n re- :cptlon and supper to have the guests tinsten to the dining hall nnd devour the food without giving the honor nnd espect due to the host first? Almighty 3od is trcnted In a similar manner In .elebrntlng the modern Christmas. 3eorge Cashel in Philadelphia Press. The Old Christmas Hymns. Happy is tho man or woman who, laving left behind the schooldays and he home gatherings, still sings the old lymns nnd Joins in the readings of the Dhrlstmns chapters in some slmplo ihurch service designed to perpetuate ho true spirit of the day. Soft, soft, so sleeps the little stranger; Croon, croon in tender notes and mild! Lovingly beside the lowly manger Broods the Mother Mary o'er the Child. Hush, hush, for far away lies danger! See, see how winsomely he smiled! Yearningly beside the lowly manger Bends the Mother Mary o'er the Child. Time, thou art the ruthless ranger, And yet we all must needs be recon ciled, For still for us beiido the lowly manger Leans the Mother Mary o'er the Child ! Cliotoa Scollird in Alailcc't. tffiaru mmr- jBt 'R 4? j it mam jp i mmmmmmm r wmm r " i ii i I A I I I III III Willi I iilMH V I ' m i I HI m II.IH I i I I III II i antai! I J I I tVPSVVWttU. - m. Jv I II II ill I I I 1 1 I III !i YAC7?l I t V ''I SSiSSSBS.:ifclS;- Hh.-.. . i JCK 'LSBlBtBSBBBBKSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM r -,:..f I MssaBfM '..'H'.'' vSss JsSHssH I T I I I sHssssVB'rSBssssBssslHsBKcVBflsnMisKv .-j ...T .--.JT Wi7 -'JisssHr ?n I 1 I zaps m... .'-mi szmM s I -V-na-rmH 17 w - t - --T f., V V I AyVS VY .wL Child ii this, who. laid to rt.t. On I 7 4t w v I I tgjtBjB-ja- t r r , fiirt I , an. themsiweet. While ihep-berdt watch are keep Injf XT "TUi-i Iwy Lrj. TUlt, this Is Chrlt the King! Whom f 7 A fAfj wlV' hep-ber(J piard and an . cell ungt Ilirle, baits ta tx-y L?26 H r 1,7 'fir M ,rr-f i lx l I Why lies lis In such mein estate, So bring Him lncen, gold, and myrrh, IT " aMmK k A'-Jl A Where oa and an are feedine? Come ceaiant. Klnr to own Him. . U J7'' , U.Wmr K rA S . VW AW Cood Chritlan,(ean for sinners hers The King of kings, salvation brlnrsi VCvTvy' lOA V SAW LAI The sllentWoid is pleading: Let loving hearts enthrone Him. 6M? CA' ' ,- IVtfM. I'll I Fk NtIU' ttUl ,hU pierce "im "'rouh IUI"' he ,on o" h'th, JCl . ; 'T-fp i 'irasT rwM and Suffering of Kidney Com plaint Doan's Made Her Well. Rt.. VrnnXztnriA Pa .kvk A 1,1 . m ays l VVIU OiUlt ed my kidney trouble. My Kick began to ache and? cot sons and lame. My joints and ankles became swollen and Ijiuiuiui auu lb icit as 11 needles wcra sticking in to mem. l nnauy iiau to give up and went from bad to worse. act right and the secre tions were scanty and dlttrrmlntr. T ka,1 .. ful dirzy spells when cv- ed black: one time I Sbstttr cotildn t see for twenty minutes. Aw- iui pains in my ncau set mo almost stand the least noise. How I suffered! Often I didn't care whether I lived or aicn. "I couldn't sleep on account of tho terrible pains in my back and head. Nothing seemed to do mo a bit of good Until I lilrnn tnVlnir Ttnnn'k rrjA.t rills. 1 could soon see they were help- iiih uiu, uic.uacKacno stoppcu, my Kid neys were regulated and I no longer had Am ihrrv annlln rr .linnmn , I I still take Doan's occasionhlly and tnT Keep my kidneys in good health." "Sworn to before me. F. W. CASSIDY, JR., Notary Public. Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c Box DOAN'S "p'SSV FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. f Every Woman Wants FOR PERSONAL HYfllENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for tea years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore oyes. Economical Has eitraordmary cleaniina and setmlcUal power. SamplaFraa. 50c all drusauu, or pMtraid by The PAltooToilfl Company, Bortoo. MaM. W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 49-1917. A Touch of Nature. The sccno Is a crowded bus. A sol dler, back from tho trenches, sitting In n corner near tho entrance, puts Ida hand into his pocket for his fare, nnd pulls out n shilling and sonio coppers. The bus jolts violently and, to the sob dler's dismay, tho shilling slips from his lingers Just as lights go out, as they always do In Loudon, In these days, when a bridge Is being crossed. Tho passengers with one nccord begin to gropo for tho soldier's shilling, Frald It rolled off, mute," Bays tho conductor. Then lights go up again, and discover thrca pnsscngers ench holding out tho shilling. Christian Scicnco Monitor. HEAL ITCHING SKINS With Cutlcura 8oap and Ointment-- They Heal When Others Fall. Nothing better. Quicker, safer, sweet. er for skin troubles of young and old that itch, burn, crust, scale, torture )r disfigure. Once used nlwnvs usml occnuso these Bupcr-crcamy emollients tend to prevent little skin troubles bo- iomlng serious, If used daily. Fred sample each b.v mnll with Book. Iddrcss postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston, sola everywhere. Adv. An Average Load. "Thero goes whnt you might call tho nvorugo suburbanite." "How do you place him?" "He's currying homo something his wlfo asked him to get nt a department store, a steak, a head of lettuce aud o new record for his phonograph." important to Mothorn Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants nnd children, nnd seo that it In Uso for Over UU Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Some Reason. Probably Delilah's hair wns getting thin and she became enraged at Sam son because he refused to uamo tho hraud of hair tonic ho used. Not bo Bad. "Is this son of yours adolescent?" "Oh, no, sir; he's Just a llttlo queer In tho head." The Oulnlna That Dees Not Rffeet Head Because of 1U tonlo and luxaUve oDect, Laxatlrs llroinu Quinine can bo taken br anyone without pausing nerrouinuss or tinning In the head. There Is onlr one "llrouio Cjulnlne." 11. VV. UllOVH'S signature Is on box. 80c. Not n Clean Take. "Can Allco take tho high C?" "Not without knocking off come of the bars." Smile, smile, beautiful clear white clothes. Red Cross Ball Blue, American made, therefore best. All grocers. Adv. Tho difference between a skin-deep beauty and the other kind is that you ect tho other kind nt tho drug store. Dr. Pierce's Pellets nro best for liver. bowels and stomach. One llttlo Pellot for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. An old bachelor says that tho vocal (zing at n wedding Is even more de pressing than Iho singing nt a funeral. filler WW UiMQ le Inr Tlrail Cuac M0VIQS Ucd Eyes Sore Eyes 3 i Qrannlatod llselUa. lte.ta 5 g llof roshes Restores. Murluo la a Favorite 3 E Treatment for Hyos that feel dry and smart. 5 g Olvoruiir lljos as much of your lovlna care a a as jour Teeth and with the same regularity. 5 6 CARE FOR THK. YOU CUKOT BUT NEW ETUI a g Bold at Druif and Optical Stores or by MalL a Aik Midas En Rsmtdy Co, Chlcigo. for Fret Book aiuiiuiiiiiuiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiia