The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1917, Image 10

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    Santa Glaus Is Coming
OLD Banta Claus is coming
The time is very near
Before we realize it
Old Banta will bo here.
He'll bring us sleds and icagons,
And nuts and sugar plums,
And dolls, and furs, and dresses,
And balls, and swords, and drums.
He'll come tohen we arc sleeping,
Tucked in our beds so white,
And all the stars arc peeping
At this, our Christmas night.
He'll come with smiles and blessingi
Along the milky way,
And stop at every dwelling
Where little children stay.
He'll garnish trees with presents
And, while the world is still,
With gifts the children asked for
Each stocking he will fill.
But, better than all presents,
He'll bring to us again
The heartfelt Christmas wishes
Of "Good will unto men."
Martha Coleman Sherman in Chi
cago Inter Ocean.
His Gift to
Santa Claus
EDWARD vain seven yenrs old find
believed, of course, In Snntn
w'inus. .lust hororo ChrlstmnB ho
had proudly written a letter (his IlrBt),'
etntlng the particular Rifts ho wanted,
nnd nftcr his mother hud rend It It wna'
cnrcfully put Into the lire.
"Now," snld Edwnrd'H mother cheer
fully, "thnt letter will ro right up tho
chimney nnd direct to Snntn Clnus."
Edwnrd seemed very much Im-'
Ohrlstninn inornltiK tlie- child wna
perfectly delighted with tin shower of
Rifts nnd with the glittering tree.
"Wasn't It good of Snntn Clnus to ;
bring mo so ninny more things than I
risked for in my letter?" ho snld nt tho
breakfast table, clasping his hands Irt
nn ecstasy. After this outburst ho
grew thoughtful, then, suddenly Jump
'ing up, disappeared Into the kitchen.
His mother nnd father looked nt each
other nnd wondered. Then tho mother
followed to see whnt tho Inspiration
might be. (
She found Edwnrd standing In front
of tho kitchen stove pouring out a cup
of coffee.
"hy, Edwnrd, dear, what tiro you
doing?" his mother asked, coffee being
ono of tho child's "forbidden things."
Edwnrd looked up appcallngly. "It is
such a cold morning, mother "
"But, Edward, you know I novcr per
mit you to tnko coffee 1" ids mother In
terrupted. "No. no. mother: I do not wish to
drink it. I want to give it to Santa
Claus. lie was so kind to send mo
more engines nnd things than I naked
for. May I give him some coffee nnd
rolls, mother may I?"
Beforo his mother had time to think
of n suitable reply the .child had put
cream and sugar Into tho cup; then,
with his little face nil nglow with up
preclatlon nnd gratitude, ho earnestly
poured tho stenmlng coffeo into tho
"There nowl" ho exclnlmed, with
satisfaction. "Thnt will go right up
the chimney nnd direct to Santa Clnus,
won't It? And It will wanntip his
llttlo round belly
That shook wlion ho laugh'd lllco
A bowl full of Jolly
won't It mother?" Llpplncott'B.
Don't Say These Old
Things at Christmas
DEATl mo I It's a lucky thing Christ
mas conies only onco n year. I
don't know what we'd do If It
came oftcner.
It Isn't so much thp value of a pres
ent as tho spirit in which it is given.
I hnng my Btocklngs up just to pleaso
tho children. I dread telling them
there's no Santa Clnus. Let some ono
elso do that.
It novcr seems liko Christmas to mo
unless it snows.
I ul ways try to glvo scnslblo gifts
something useful, thnt wlU bo n re
minder nil tho year.
Money Is always such nn ncccptnblo
preseut. There Isn't one of us who has
bo much that ho can't tnko a llttlo
Don't you pity the poor nt this time
of tho year? I do.
Christinas nnd New Year's como so
closo togother. It's too bad they could
not bo separated n little. Two holi
days confng right on top of each other
that wny mnko It bo hard, but then
ho children-enjoy it.
I novcr know what to glvo father.
It's bo hnrd to think of anything for a
man. And my rich friends thoy hnvo
everything alroady. Puck.
Christmas Chimes.
ningr out, rinjr out, O Chrlstmau bolls,
Across the starlit, froaty nlghtl
Proclaim the messago of good will.
The story of the Prince of Light
The centuries roll on and on,
And yet, returning Christmas time
Awakes In each responslvo heart
Remembrance of the love sublime.
Then keep the feast with hearty cheer,
The feast or merry tnnsimauuuo,
While faith and hope and love, these"
three, . '
I Within the heart of each abide.
W, Q. Park la Good Housekeeping.
if Good King w
Wenceslas JJ
A Christmas Carol of 2?
Long Ago V
GOOD King Wenceslas W
looked out tyrf
On the feast of Stephen, C
And the snow lay round about, Jy
Deep and crisp and even. vp'
Brightly shone the moon that Wl
night, m
Though the frost was cruel; fjW
When a poor man came in eLj
sight ' Sri
Gath'rlng winter fuel. mti
First Blnger: W
"Hither, page, come stand by fra
me, - fgr
thou know'st it, telling, g
Yonder peasant, who is hcT
Where and what his dwell'
ingt" g&
Second Blnger:
"Blre, he lives a good league
Down beneath the moun
tain, Close against the forest fence
By Bt. Agnes' fountain."
First Blnger:
"Bring me flesh and bring me
Bring me pine logs hither;
Thou and I, we'll sec Mm
When we bear them thltfi
er." Second Blnger:
"Sire, the night is darker
And the storm grows
Falls my heart, I know not
I can go on longer."
First Blnger:
"Mark my steps, be brave, my
Tread thou in them boldly;
Then thou'lt find the winter's
Freeze thy blood less cold
ly." Page and monarch on they
On they went together.
Through the rude whid's wild
Through the bitter weather.
In his master's steps he trod,
Where the snow lay dinted;
That was in. the very sod
Which his foot had printed.
Therefore, Christian men, be
Wealth or rank i assessing,
Ye who now do bless the poor
RIhjII yourselves find bless
ing. One Historic Chrlstmastlde.
xnu uiumiiii'S nun u wouucriui nnm-j
once upon the literary taste as well as,
the national manners and festivities,
Mil... 1 l.-.l i a... i - j...
ot unristiiiiiHiKie.
It was at the Christmas festival oC
. n-. t a. i . .1 tt '
uiiii me unroiis uemumicu irom
King John the document which as thej
foundation of English liberties Is,
known by tho name of Magna Charta.
John's tyranny had become Intolerable,
and the hopes of the people hung on
the fortunes of the Krench cnmpnlgn,
In which ho was then engaged. After
his defeat and return to England tho
bnrons met secretly and sworo to de
innnd tho rcstorutlon of their liberties,
by chnrter under the King's seal. Hav
ing ngreed to assemble for this pur
pose nt Christmas, they separated. On
the feast of the Epiphany tho barons
asked of tho king ids continuation of
tho laws of Edward the Confessor and
Henry I. John met the barons with
an absolute refusal, but, Hurting them
linn, plended for time to consider. Thlq
was granted, and In 11115, knowing It
to be Inevitable, lie called tho barons,
to llunyniedo nnd there Blgned tho
great charter.
f Christmas Song f
TV TOW is the time when
I V holly sprays
Light all the barren
brooding ways
Ids I
And every boll, it sound
A paean in the Master's
A'oio is the time when ivies
Like beryl in the morning
And every bell, it sounds
And makes the Master's
praise its theme.
Tfntn i thn time. i7kmi tniMtlc.
I toe
Is glossy in the noonday glow,
And every bell, it sounds
To praise upon his name be'
Now is the time of ingle
The blessed day of Christ
his birth,
And every bell, it sounds
To ring his praise throughout
the earth.
QP lee's.
We want
Fat Turkeys
Ducks and G
December IS to 18.
Call on us or Phone us for Prices.
North Platte Produce Co.
: W :
I enmm B
a i
LIB Bl il WW R.n
Two things may prevent your motor from
developing its maximum power at all
Uslnff a gasoline that is not always uniform, and
Frequent changes from one gasoline to another.
You cannot keep your carburetor properly
adjusted if you do either of these things.
Standardize on your gasoline. Fill your
tank with Red Crown wherever you are.
Wherever you get it you'll find it the
same powerful, speedy, quick-starting
and crowded with mileage.
At our Service Stations and all good garages. Look
for the Hed Crown Sign.
Put Polarbie in your crankense.
It's the perfect winter luliricnnt.
Thirsty Sandy, in Wild Race Against
Time, Arrives on Quarter Minute
and Gets His Drink.
Writing In Everybody'B, Maude Rad
ford Warren enumerates some nmusing
Incidents showing tho effectB of lim
ited war prohibition In England. Orio
ovcnlng tho author witnessed the fol
towim: race umilnst time thnt was
at an hour when trnfllc Is thickest :
"Presently n shouting nild cursing
nroso nt tlie center of the Intersecting
streets. People turned, peering nnd
gaping. Streaking straight through
tho trnlllc, regardless of thundering
trucks nnd sliding cubs and obstruct- ,
lug pedestrians, came a Scotclunnn. 1
Ills eye's were glassy and staring; his
kilts were flying; his knees wero twin
kling. On lie came, straight for tho
public house, If he could get'n hand
on a glass (if his national vodka by.
0 :20A, ho was saved. Would he make
It? A group of ribald Americans
cheered lilui on, yelling nt him In race
track fashion. Ills fellow Scotchmen
Bllently juiule wny for him, nnd somo
of them even pushed people out of his
path. But they did not cheer; It was
u mntter too deep for sounds. On
eanie Sandy; panting, glaring, ho
leaped through tho door, nnd n sym
pathizer from over tho seas who fol
lowed him reported that 0 :i!f)?4 lie had
a strong Highland paw curled around
three lingers of Scotch. The enrly
closing law, thanks to good sprinting,
bad been respected--but nevertheless,'
tho trench had been taken nnd the day
I now havo funds at 5 per cent
on choico bottom tnblo land. Gone
Crook, Room 4, Kolth thoatro Bldg.
Can Remove Army.
Potrograd. Qormnny Is apparently
pormltted, undor tho nrmlstlco arrang
cd, to transfer her. troops as Bho de-
Blres, from tho Russian to any otlior
fighting fronts. She is at liberty to
luso them against tho allies as far us
tho agrcomont mado with Russia is
concorned, thore being nothing in the
ngroomont published that would In
dlcnto tbo contrary, It is known that
groat numbers of tho troops havo al
l ready been moved to othor fighting
Preferred a DcmocTat.
A Bartholomew county drafted man
who failed to appear for examination
when called, was arrested and taken
before tho draft board, eays tho In
dianapolis News. Ho said ho dldnt
wish to go to war and wished to bo
exempted. A member of tho board
told him ho could go before a notary;
public and have bis blank filled out
"I don't wnnt to go before a notary,
public," he replied. "I'd rather go bo-'
foro n Democrat."
This Tough Old World.
"Now, Willie, seo tho nico cako J
have made for your birthday."
Cun I eat It all myself?"
"Why, of course not. You would ba
"That's just tho way with you, mnmi
ma. Whenever you do give nie tiny,
pleasure, you ulways tie a string to it."
LIMIT 2000
Soldiers and Drafted Men
J. K. SEBASTIAN. Stale Mirr.
Office: Brodbeck Bldj.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
Have n wide ncmiuintunco among
buyers. Phono mo nt my expense. Live
Stock u specialty. iu niso nnntiio
Thoroughbred snles.
For Sale at
Harness and Saddelry.
Every pencil will dehorn 50 calves
from 10 days to 10 months old for
A forfeit of $5 for dny calf that
fails to dehorn. Call and get ono.
Phone Red 456.
From now until Dec. 25th
wo will pay:
$8 for Mixed Iron
$12 for Cast Iron
Tho Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
1008 West Fourth Street.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstotrlcal Patients
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
Pl.b., Oi ice 130
Phone8 Residence 116
Bolton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 Res. Black 1U2U
Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonuld Bank Building.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Clock North ot Postofiice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement casert
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. H Redfield, H. D. J. S. Simms, M.D
Talk to Me before employing your
Phono Black 997.
Licensed Embalmerg
Undertakers and Funeral DIrectori
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
Sheep and Cattle
Fanners this is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your rough feed. I have on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
Practice Limited to
Surjjory and Radium Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Office: First National Hank Building,
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nebraska,
Real Estate, Firo, Tornado and Hail
Insruancc, Special Agents Globe
LIfo Insuranco Company,
Cornor Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstair
Phono Red 572. North Platte, Nob,
Hospital Phone Black 688.
House Phone Black 688.
Graduate Veterinarian
Bight years a Government Voterlnar
Ian. Hospital 218-south Locuit BL,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Housft.
Successor to
Dru. Redtleld & Redfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 071
MITIt'K OT KINAI, llHI'llll'l'.
Estate No. 14GC. of Cnrollno Hchlok.
Deceased. In tlio County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho State 'of Nebraska: To nil por
tions Interested In the said Estato tnko
otlce thnt tho tulmlnlBtr.itor has filed
mini nccount nnd ronort of Ills ad
ministration nnd n petition for flnnl
settlement nnd discharge ns such,
which hnve boon sot for henrlng beforo
Bald court on Iiocombor 28, 1917, nt 9
clock n. tn.. wnen you mny annonr nnu
contest tho same.
Dated November 28. 1917.
4d25 OKO. E. FRENCH,
County Judge.
NOTien to cnnniTons.
Kstnto No. 1G09. of Mnrv J. OHnre.
Docensod. In tho County Court of Lin
coln county, NobrnHlcn.
too stato or ivouraska. bs. creditors
f mild estate will tnko notlco thnt tho
me limited for presentation nnd mint;
f claims apalnst snld cstnto Is April
1918. nnd for settlement of snld ins
tate Is November 30, 1918. thnt I will
it nt the county court room in snld
county on Jnnunry 4, 1918, nt 9 o'clock
m. and on Anrn 4. l'Jis. nt u o clock
. m., to receive, exnmlnc, hear, allow,
r nujusi nu cinimB nnu oujections
uly tiled. GEO. R FltRNCH
u-i-Ji County JudBO.
Kstnto No. 1G20 of Annn At. rvrinni-lm
Deccenscd, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobrnskn.
.The State of Nebrnskn: To nil nor.
Bonn Interested In Bald ICstate, take
nuiiue inni n petition nns neon lllod for
the nnnointment of Chnrlpo O'ltnnria
as ndminlstrator of snld JSstnte, which
huh uccn wei lur jionrin nerein on Do
combor 21, 1917. nt 9 o'clock a. m.
uaieci iNovemner '8, 1917.
d4-dl9 GEO. E. FRENCH,
County Judpe.
XriTICM tlV l.'IVAl IlLiIirklim
Estate No. 1470, of GeorBo Schick,
comuui in wiu uouniy ijourt or Lin-
lll Pnilntv. Nnhpnoln
Tlie State of Nebraskn: To nil persons
itnrARlofl 111 anffl nu.n.n t.l.A
Hint the ndmlnlstrntor hns filed n ttnal
uuouiit nnu report or ins ndmlnlstra-
uii uiiu u iieiuion ior nnni settlement
in iiiHcnarKe ns sucn, wiucli liave been
t for honrlnir liofnrn u.ii.i nn.if
December 28, 1917, nt 9 o'clock n. m.,
when you may nnnonr and conteHt the
Dntcd November as, mi 7.
County Judge.
Estnte No. 1511 of Llbble Johnston.
ecensed. In tho County Court of Lin
coln, County, Nebrnskn.
The btate or NDrnslca. ss. Creditors
f snld estnte 'will take notlco that the
tlmo limited for presentation and filing
t claims niramst said estate is Alarcn
14, 1918, and for settlement of said es
tate is November 9, 1918; that I will
it at tne county court room in saui
county, on December 14, 1917, at 9
'clock a. m., nnd on March 14, 1918, at
o clock n. in,, to receive, examine.
hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and
objections duly filed.
UKU. JS. miSHUi,
13dll County Judge.
Estate NO. 1466 of Frank Schick, de
ceased, in tlie (jounty court or Lin
coln County, Nebraskn.
The State of Nebraska, to all nersons
Interested In said. Estate tako notlco
that the Administrator lias filed a final
account and report of his administra
tion and a netition for unai settlement
and discharge as such, which have been
set tor nearlncr before said court on
January 4, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. in., when
you may appear and contest tne same.
Hated .December 7, 1817.
dllJ4 County Judge.
To whom It may concern:
1110 special commissioner appointed
to locate a road as follows:
Commencing at Station No. 11 of
Road No. 11 In the Southwest quarter
of Section 4, township 14, north range
30 west or tne utn p. m., runninir
thence In a northerly, northeasterly
and northwesterly direction through
tne west onc-nalf or saui section 4 and
through the west half of Section 33.
township 15 north, range 30 west, ot the
nortwest corner of said section 33,
thence north on section line between
sections 28 and 29 of said last town
ship and range three-fourth of a mile,
tnence in a nortneasteriy. nortneriy
nnd northwesterly direction through
tne nortnwest tiunrtcr or snui section
28 and the southwest quarter of sec
tion 21 to the quarter section corner be
tween sections 28 and 21 township 15
north, range 30 west, thence north on
lino between sections 20 nnd 21, 16 nnd
17 or sum towns ill) and ranee to a
point nbout 25 chains north of the cor
ner of Sections 10, 17, 20 nnd 21, thence
in a nortneasteriy direction through
the west half of sections 16 nnd 9
through the southwest qunrter and the
east hair oi section 4 or said last
township and range to a point on the
north line of said section 4 about 20
chains west of the northeast corner of
said section 4, thence northerly nnd
westerly ncross sections 33 nnu as,
township 16, rnnge 30 to the section
line between sections 28 nnd 29, thence
northerly nlong said section lino be
tween sections 28 and 29, and sections
l ami 2U to a no nt nbout ono-rourtn
of n mllo south from the northwest cor
ner or section 21 nnd thenco in a north
west direction across sections 20 and
17 to the northwest corner of section 17, -
tnence on a west nnu north direction
across sections 7 nnd 6 to n point on
the north line of section 6 about one
fourth of n mile onst of the northeast
cornor of Section 6, bus reported 111
favor of tho same as follows:
beginning at Stat on No. 11 of Road'
No. 11 in tho southwest quarter of
section 4, township 14 north, range 30
west, running thenco In a northenstelv
nnd northwestorly direction through the
southwest qunrter and tho northwest
quarter of said section 4, and through
tho southwest quarter and the west
half of tho northwest quarter of sec
tion 33, township 15 north, range 30
west, to the southwest cornor-of sec
tion .'s, township it, north, range 3U
west, thence north on section lino be
tween sections 28 nnd 29 snld town
ship and range three-fourth of a mile,
thence in a northeasterly nnd north
westerly direction through tho north
west quarter of said section 28 nnd
through tho west one-half of south
west quarter of section 21, township
15 north, rnnge 30 west, to tho quarter
section corner between sections 20 nnd
21, thence north on section line be
tween sections 20 nnd 21 nnd between
sections 10 nnd 17, snld township and
range, to a point about 30 rods south
of tho quarter section corner between
said sections 10 and 17, thence tn n
northeasterly, northerly nnd north
westerly direction through tho north
west qunrter of southwest qunrter,
and tho nortwest quarter of section 16
and through the southwest quarter of
southwest qunrter of section 9 to n
point on line between sections 8 nnd 9,
township 15 north, range 30 west,
nbout 20 chains north of the southwest
corner of said section 9, thence north
on line between said sections 8 and 9
to a point nbout 108 rods south of tho
nortweBt corner of said Section 9,
thence in a northeasterly direction
through the northwest quarter of said
section 9, nnd through the southeast
quarter of southwest qunrter nnd the
west half of southeast quarter and
through the west half of northeast
quarter of section 4, township 15 north, '
range 30 west, to the north lino of said
section 4 nbout 22 chains west from the
northeast corner of said section 4.
All objections thereto or claims for
damages must bo tiled In tho office of
tho County Clerk on or before 12
o'clock, noon, of tho 18th day of Feb
ruary, 1918, or such rond will ho allow
ed without reference thereto.
Dated nt North Platte, Nebr., this
11th day of December, 1917.
rtlljl County Clerk.