The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1917, Image 1

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M o r th
4 r
Car, Of Hay Worth $721.
Tho niotit vnluablo car oI hay ovor
shipped from North Platte was billed
out this week by Loypoldt & Ponnlng
ton. Tho car was -of the furniture
model and hold exactly twenty-six tons
of extra cholco selected alfalfa, for
which was paid $27.50 a ton, making
tho carload valued at $721 on track,
here. Tho car was consigned to Oma-
I'ork Production Meeting j JIIhn Crnlglo .Wnrrled.
Tho federal govornmont has put on Miss Mngarot Cralglo and John W.
a campaign to Increase pork produc- Gray were married at the Episcopal
tlon 20 per cent during the coming ' rectory last evening by Hov. Jonos.
year. Thero Is a great shortago of j Tho brldo was for six years an om
hogs nnd pork products. More fat ployo of Tho Tribune, resigning a
and pork must bo produced for tho! couplo, of months ago to accopt a po
army and allies. Tho Lincoln county! sltlon In Dlst. Foreman McGraw's of-
meetings will be held ns follows. The
presence of overy person who' can
ha dealers and would probably bo raise one or more hogs Is expected,
shipped from thero to some other part This is a war measure that offers rare
of the country, so that tho consumor, opportunity to combine patriotism with
whoever he Is, will no doubt pay close profit.
to $1,000 for the carload. t Brady, Wednesday, Decombor 19, 2
.p. m., Bruce Brown, chairman.
Wo are holding our piano sale as, Maxwell, Thursday, December 20, 2
long as people want pianos for p. m., John Griffith, chairman.
Christmas. We still sell at our sale Hershey. Friday. Decombor 21. 2 n.
prices, which is
Walker Music Co.
a saving to you.
m., C. O. Wickstrom, chairman.
Sutherland, Saturday, December 22,
2 p m D. C. Wilson, chairman.
North Plntto, Saturday, Decombor
22, 2 p. m., Scott Reynolds, chairman.
; : :o: :
1,000 Grafonola rocouls to choose
flco. Tho groom is hi tho omploy of
tho Union Pacific as a locomotlvo
Furs! Purs!
In Mink, Ited Fox, Black Fox, Wolf,
Marmot, Baver, Lynx, Fronch Coney,
eta, in the now melon shaped muffs
and tho flat scarf sots. Especially low
priced from $1.9S to $75, at BLOCK'S,
tho store of the town.
Government Wnnts Hay. '
At Kansas City Monday the govern
ment opened bids for ono hundred and
elghty-nlno million pounds of hay, or
about 95,000 tons. Tho average cost of from, they make lino Christmas gifts.
this hay delivered at rail destination
will bo $34 por ton. Twenty-five thous
and tons will be shipped to Franco
and a considerable quantity to tho
Leypoldt & Pennington made a bid
on the hay to be delivered in Iowa
and Illinois.
; :':
:o: :
('. 31. NEWTON'S
Hook Store
(Schmnlzrlcd Building)
mi Ucwcy Street
Sunday at tho Baptist Church.
9:45, Sunday school.
11:00, morning worship, theme,
"Tho Fullnes of Time.
G:30, B. Y. P. U.
7:30, evening worship, "Tho Lay
man's Task In War Time."
1 A. C. HULL, Pastor.
Giuisou Store Bobbed. . .
Tho Ganson storo at Horshey wrb
entered Tuosdny night of this week
and .good valued at $G00 takon.
Among tho nrticles wero five fur ov
ercoats, several ladles' coats, a case
of silk waists, and overy bolt of silk
g'oods. Several clows are being fol
lowed ns to tho Identity of tho burglars.
The Twentieth Contury club met
Tuesday 'unci discussed plans for In
creasing the membership of tho wo
man's Council of Defense, and also
began preparations for serving bas
ket dinners to those of the city who
might otherwise have a cheerless
Lee Simon is the nosessor of a flno Christmas. At this meeting a very
1 McPhall piano, bought of the Walker intorestingg paper was read by Mrs.
Music Co. j Thompson on tho Americanization of
. . . .. J aliens. Making citizens out of aliens
Soldiers Airedale" Knitted Goods.' that the condition of John Kelllher, ' S rk atfJho ?U!J U ?ajr con"
nM, , .-m... ,.. .... . ' .sMerabto attention to in tho future.
knitted goods sent them by the Red' Improved.
Cross and other organizations can be
learned from this excerpt from a letter,
written by Frank Macomber, now at
Camp Cody, to a friend in which he
says: "I want to thank you for the
helmet you knitted and sent me. A
fellow here has a sweater that matches
it and asked me what I would take for
it. I told him there was not money
enough In the whole camp on pay day
to. buy It and you know there's lots
of! money here on pay day.''
I We .are prepared better this year
' than ever before, in our new. modern
Our diamonds wero bought before spacious store. You can easily find
the recent raise and are exceptional the Xmas gift you are looking for
values. ; DIXON, THE JEWELER. for your wife, motheY, sister or sweet
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Halllgan, Mr. and hVart' t BLOCK'S Store, the store of
Mrs. Chas. Yost and Miss Marjorio the town.
Den will leave Wednesday for Camp The N. N. N. club was entertained nt
Cody to visit relatives and friends. a Japanese pnrty December 8th by
Buy your lady 'friend's Xmas gifts Margaret Frodericksen,. assisted by
at a ladies' store, specializing in her cousin, Doris Silasen. An ap-
practlcal, useful wearables and fur- proprlato luncheon yas served and a
nishings only, BLOCK'S of course, pleasant afternoon spent.
w H
Beginning Monday, Dec. 17th,
and continuing during the two weeks to January 1st, we will make a special showing of
At the Dodge Sales and Service Station,
At the Corner of Sixth and Dewey Street, North Platte, Neb.
Among the cars we offer are
Dodge Brothers,
Hudson and others.
Mrs. C. R. Moroy loft ystorday for a
visit with friends in IMnttsmonth.
Dr. J. B. Rodflold has boon trans
acting business in Oniuhn for a day or
two opst.
Red Cross Sen Ice Flatrs.
In tho campaign for memborship of
tho Aniorican Red Cross that will bo
launched next week, and which every
body Is preparing for, Rod Cross Sor
vico Fhigs will bo used. Thoro will
bo throe kinds of those flags, tho small
er ones for homes; a medium size for
Mrs Fred Welngand, of Omaha, Is g( ,mnka nm, oth0f 8mInr
expected hero today or tomorrow to
visit friends.
Wo havo oi)o special bargain In n
Kimball piano. Wnlkor MusIcCo.
fix It.
frozen radiator lot
Every demonstrating car which is offered for sale has the regular factory guarantee of c
13 service and every renewed used car hears our guarantee of 30 days. You are free to .have eo
g any of the cars demonstrated to your satisfaction, hut whether you do or not, you buy every with our express guarantee that The car is. right. You cannot buy "a pig in a poke." fi
H . Some Wonderful Bargains.
Dm nrrnnnf of the advance in nrices and the nrcsent shnrlaw of rlpsirnliln -nre vnn flff
p. -- r i o j
w can buy these cars at real bargains and they will be worth'much more in the spring, as this !
next spring will see the greatest shortage ol passenger automobiles this country lias known.
Come in and look them over, and buy when you can buy right and shfoly.
Prize Offer
22 When you call also register your guess on the weight of a standard ' Dodge Brothers
25 touring car, with all tanks filled. Car will be weighed at Dirge's at ono o'clock Monday,
flrfim her zatn. ana rne ionowmc nnzes awaraeu
' V I
First Prize Utility Protected Car Heater, value $15.00
Second Prize, Spot Light, value $6.00.
In case of tie, earliest guess filed wins. Get your guesses filed at once.
or "-"'J' """" ri 't
"Service for Our Owners '
North Platte.Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Thompson will
leave in a fow days for San Diego, to
spend part or all winter.
That leaky 'radiator let McGraw
fix It. OG-2
Miss Florence Stamp has returned
from a visit with her slstor In Kansas
City and at Camp Funston.
Twenty per cent discount on Ladles'
Coats nnd Suits-. Millinery one-lmlf
price. Till: HUH.
Judge Grimes nt noon yesterday
discharged ,itho district court Jury.
Nol that all Jury cases wero tried, but
for tho reason that tho attorneys did
not havo tho cases ready for trial.
Ho Bure to havo a Columbia Grafon-
ola In your homo this Xmas.
Wo Framo Pictures, C. M. Nowton.
If you have a picture- to have
framed for Xmas, brlbg It to us now.
New moulding Just arrived. C. M.
W. D. Staorer has purchased a
player piano of .the Walkor Music Co.
Walker, Music Co. havo sold ovor
forty Brunswick Phonographs and
stili more coming.
Do sure to call and seo nnd hear tho
Drunswwlck Phonograph at tho Walk
or Music Co.'s.
H. L. Pennington returned Wednes
day from Kansas City where ho had
gone to be present at tho opening of
bids for government hay contracts. Mr.
Pennington also visited nt Canijp Funs-
- A SIk Scurf for young men, 7"c to
$I..-.0. THK HUB.
fnjifi hundred, recruits from Sioux
Cityjbassed through on bolatodl train
No. liSf yesterday evening enrouto 'to
Ft. togan. Thoy wore allowo'd suf
ficient thneittth1sitcrminal to eat
Packard!' JesBOFrench,"Laganda and
Kimball pianos nt Walker Music Co.
Mrs. Caroline Franzen died yester
day morning at the home of her
daughter Mrs. S. W. Kolly at an nd-
vancod age. Tho deceased was an
old resident of tho county, having ro
riid'od In tho Sutherland section for a
numbor of years prior to her death.
Ono son resides In Nichols precinct,
another lives at Wheatland, Wyo.
Milch cow for sale. Fresh In about
10 days. Phono C. P. Howard, 790F031
Upon Invitation of the president,
Mrs, F. W. Rlnckor delivered nn ad
dross before tho Baptist aid society
jesterday, telling of tho work being
ddno and tho noed of moro workers.
Mrs. Klllen, .of Wallace, who was In
Germany for some tlmo after the war
began, also addressed tho socloty.
Our two floors are filled with the
most useful Christmas gifts you can
find, at tho most reasonable prices pos
slblo. BLOCK'S. '
Word received Wednesday stated that
Ray Peters had an operation por
formed at Camp Funston for abscess
on tho lung, and that he was rost
Ing easy. Ills father Ashley Peters
loft for Funston Friday of last wook
Mrs. Leonard Redmond loft t,hls
week for Camp Funston. to visit hor
Nothing will bo appreciated more
and will bo moro useful nnd lasting
than a set of furs or separato muff or
scarf, which yon can find especially
priced for tho tho holiday trade at
BLOCK'S, tho storo of tho town.
A vivid idea of tho true cause for
patriotism on tho part of ovory Amor
lean In connection with tho great
world war can bo had from tho now
Mary PIckford-Artciaft picture, "Tho
Little American," appoarlng at tho
Keith theatre Monday and Tuesday,
In producing this subject Cecil B. D
Mlllo, tho genius of screencrnft, based
his play on actual facts and carefully
avoided exaggeration so often promt
nont In films of this nature. Every
detail was staged only after It had re
eelved tho endorsement of an authority
and various experts on matters per
tatnlng to the great war, wero called
In to collaborate In tho presentation
of different scenes. An drosult tho
picture has boon named as tho most
tutlons and n third slzo for churches
and places whore thero Is a largo num
ber of people working.
In tho homo whero tho head of tho
house joins tho Red Cross ho will bo
furnished with ono of tho'horne Sorvlco
Flags which will havo a largo red
cross In tho center. For each member
of tho family that Joins, you will be
furnished with a small red cross to
pasto in tho white- back ground of tho
ling and when the whole- family has
Joined, you, will Uo furnished with a
Blip to attach to your sorvlco flag
marked "100", meaning this family
is 100 Rod Cross. Whoro theso
flags aro used in stores, churches and
etc., thoy will bo much ftirger anfl
thoro will bo a rod cross pasted on
them for each employe br momhor and
when nil tho omployos and menihors
of that institution bolong to tho Rod
Cross, thoy will bo furnished with n
100 slip to attach to their ling. Ono
mlnistor has requested tho commlttco
to havo ready a 100 slip for his
church Hag, as ho says ho Is going to
havo every momber bolong. Hope- all
ministers feol tho same way.
Christmas Evo at 7:30 In the even
ing, ovory homo should placo a light
behind their sorvlco flag and show tho
world that thoy aro 100 for human
ity. At this tlmo tho church bolls will
ring out nnd choral classes will sing
nt different Btreet corners of tho town.
Lot ovory homo In America ho 100
C, F. Temple, Secy.
Mcdonald stati: dank
chiusmas sayings clu11
uhmstmas, 1017, a
1000 silk blouses, In Gcorgotto or
silk cropo, in all tho wanted shades,
all sizes, put up In holly boxes, es
pecially' priced, $2.48 to $12.G0. Pos
itively tho largest Bolcctlon In town.
Colho in and sco them nt BLOCK'S.
the storo of tho town.
During tho yonr 1917, tho Thrift Snv-
ings Club mombors of tho McDonald
Stnto Bank of this city havo deposited
upwards of $10,000.00, Uio major por
tion of which Is now bolng distributed
to Its ninny mombors for their Christ
mas shopping, or to bo left In tho hank
as a permanent Interest hearing sav
ings fund.
Theso sums rnugo in amounts from
$B.00 to $500.00, representing the weok
ly savings of tho Thrifty peoplo of
North Plntto. Such sums aro In
creased by tho bank, by the addition' of
lntorost at tho rnto of 1 por annum
for tho tlmo tho monoy hns been on de
posit with the bnnk, and Is paid to Its
mombors upon completion of tho fifty
weokly payments mndo by thorn.
Tho TrJft Savings Club featuro of
tho McDonald State Bank has proven
a most wonderful boneflt to our peoplo
In that it allows thorn to make small,
as well as largo, weokly deposits with
tho bank on Interest bearing savings
accounts to ho paid buck to them nt
this th'o Christmas Season when tho
monoy Is most needed to purchaso
gifts for near nnd denr friends and
Aro you ono of the many to rocolvo
ono of theso Christmas Checks? If not,
you should arrango to Join this Chrlst
mns "Thrift Club" for tho coming son
son and bo suro of getting a check
from tho bank next year at this tlmo.
Tho 1918 Chrlstmns Club will bo for
mally opened for mombors next Mon
day, December 17th. You can, how
ever, socuro your momborshlp rocord
by calling at McDonald Stato Bank any
day nnd start your deposits Monday,
Decombor 17th, 1917, on your Christ
mas Fund for 1918.
Evoryono Is wolcomo children as
well ns grown-ups.
To Our Gujfohiors.
If' you wish to shopin comfort make
effort to got down town in tho
forenoon. Wo will bo glad to wait on
mr-nt any tlmo, but Itjs Impossible to
waiti;on all tho trade. In two or threo
hours In any one day."1 '
. C. F. Sponcor, room C. Reynolds
building, renl estato, farm lonns, nnd
all kinds of insurance and ibonds.
Agent for tho old lino Bankers Auto
mobile Insurance Co., of Lincoln, Nob.
They lnsuro you agalpst loss by fire,
theft, tornado, liability and property
damago and collision. In fact a com
plete covorngo. A special policy for
farmors. See mo' for rates. Phonos
office Black 394, rcsidonco Blnck f80.
"Do air is charged with 'lcctriclty,,,
remarked ono of tho property boys ut
tho Mary Plckford studio ono day dur
ing tho production of hor now Artcraft
picture, "The Little Amorlcnn," at tho
Keith thoatro Mondny and Tuesday.
Inquiry on tho matter disclosed tho
fact that In ono part of' tho studio
yard a squad of German soldiers un
der the direction of a Touton offlcar,
was drilling for a scono In tho now plc
turo while In another cornor of tho
yard a wounded Fronch officer drilled
a small army of TrI-color sympathi
zers. As the drill grounds woro nono
too largo great diplomacy was no
cosslarly exorcised to koop tho two
contlngonts from coming to n serious
Make this a musical Christmas. Mu
sic, tho ideal homo gift, brings hnppi
noss through all tho year. Pianos
and Phonographs. W. R. Malonoy Co.
The Greatest Appeal of "America's Sweetheart"
the beloved girl of the U. S. A. in
A Stirring Photoplay of Great Patriotic Theme
By Cecil J. DeMille and Jeanie Macpherson.
DECEMBER 17 and 18.
War Savings Stamps
What They Are
Where to Buy Them
United States War Savings Stamps are sold in 25 cent and.
$5 sizes.
The 25-cent stomps are known as "Thrift Stamps" and do
not bear interest; but when sixteen are collected they can be
turned in as cash on a "War Sayings Stamp" that pays 4 per
cent interest, compounded quarterly.
Teach the children thrift and patriotism by giving them a $5
War Savings Stamp for Christmas. Let them help feed, cloth
and arm the soldiers with their savings.
You can buy either the 25-cent Thrift Stumps or the $5 War
Saving Stamps here. Let us tell you about them.
First National Bank
faithful reproduction' of true con
dltlons, by many who are in a position
J to Judge.