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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1917)
&emMBwkIg Cribimc. IKA L. HARK, Killtor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by .Mall In Advance. .. .$1.2." Ono Vear by Carrier In Advance $1J0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Pogtoffico as Second Class Matter. KM DAY, DKCKMHKIt 7, 1!)17. Kaiser Dill. There was a bad lmlsor named Dill So greedy ho couldn't keep still. So ho stirred agitations . To kill orf all nations, But tho effort amounted to nil. He thought ho saw a fat chance To wado In and annex poor France. But Johnny Bull rose To add to his foes And drive Bill back to his ha'ntB. Then Bill got the submarine notion, To keep us off of tho ocean. Said our good Uncle Sam, Now who-cares a-dam For Bill and all his commotion. I'll show him that war is no fun When Sammy Is back of tho gun. Wo don't want the "kulturo" Of this German vulture, We're in till this war Is won. : :o: : C. F. Spencer, room G. Reynolds building, real estate, farm loans, and all kinds of insurance and '.bonds. Agent for the old line Bankers' Auto mobile Insurance Co., of Lincoln, Nob. They Insure you against loss by fire, theft, tornado, liability and property damage and collision. In fact a com plete coverage. A special policy for farmers. See me for rates. Phones office Black 314, residence Black 580. Succumbs to Surgical Operation. A Lanslnjr. Ia., paper has tho follow ing article relating to tho doath of Mrs. J. II. Thornton, formorly Miss Mary E. Kclllhor, at one time a toachor In tho North PIntto schools: "This community was rudely shock ed last ovonlng on recolpt of a tele gram from Chicago announcing tho doath there, at 3 o'clock in tho after noon, of Mrs. J. H. Thornton, as a result of an operation to which she had submitted that morning. Tho sad news Hew from mouth to mouth with a sense akin to personal loss op tho part of all, for Mrs. Thornton was a woman universally esteemed In this commun ity, whore sho was bred and born and where her ontlre life has been spent. Sho had been ailing for several years but no one, 'not oven her own family, knew It until a few months ago when n Chicago specialist examined her. She agreed with his diagnosis fully but still kept tho worst from relatives and friends. Accompanied by hor son, Dr. John W. Thornton, sho wont to Chicago Saturday evening and an operation must have been decided on for hor husband, Dr. J. II, Thornton was so notified Monday afternoon, and left for Chicago that, evening with a heavy heart and tear-stained eyes, his professional knowledge tolling him tho worst was' to bo feared. The telegram last evening told tho rest and wrote fin's to the life of one of Lansing's best, truest and noblest women a wife and mother in tho highest, holiest sense. Tho remains arrlvod on the oatly train this morning and were met at the depot by a large delegation of tho Women's Catholic Foresters, of which sho was tho Chief Ranger and moving spirit since tho organization of St. Rita's Court, No. C37. In this city seven of eight years ago. Accom panying tho body wero her sisters, Mes- SATAX AHDICATKS IX FAVOR OF WIM1EL3I Von HOHENZOLLERN Tho Infernal Region, June 28, 1917. To Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, King of Prussia, Emperor of all Ger many and Envoy Extraordinary of Almighty God: My Dear Welhelm: I can call you by that familiar name for I havo always been "very close to you, much closer than you could over know. From the time that you wero yet an undeveloped being in your mother's womb I havo shaped your destiny for my own purpose. In tho dnys of Rome I created a roughneck known as Nero; ho was a vulgar character and suited my purpose at that particular time. In these modern days a classic demon and efficient super-criminal was needed, and as I know the Hohenzollern blood, I picked you as my special Instrument. to place on earth an annex of hell; I gave you ab normal ambition, likewise an over suply of egotism that you might not discover your own failings; I twisted your mind to that of a mad man with certain normal tendencies to carry you by, a most dangerous character placed in power. I gave you tho power of a hypnotist and a certain magnetic force that you might sway people. I am responsible for tho deformed arm that hangs helpless on your loft, for your crip pled condition embitters your life and destroys all noble impulses that might otherwise cause mo anxiety; but your strong sword arm Is driven by your ambition that squelches all sentiment and pity; I placed In your, soul a doep hatred for all things English, for of all nations on earth I hato England most; wherever England plants her flag sho brings order out of cliaos and tho hated cross follows tho Union Jack; under her rule, wild tribes become tillers of tho soil and in due time practical citizens; she is tho greatest clvlllzer of tho globo and I HATE HER. I planted In your soul a cruel hatred for your mother because she was English and left my good friend Bismarck to fan tho flame I had kindled. Recent history proves how well our work was done. It broke your royal mother's heart but I gained my pur pose. - Tho inherited disease of tho Hohcnzollorns killed your father, Just ns It will kill you, and you became the ruler of Germany and a tool of mine sooner than I expected. To assist you and farther hasten my work I sent you throo evil spirits, Nietzsche, Treitschko, and later Barhardi, whoso teachings Inflamed tho youths of Germany, who in good time would be willing and loyal subjects and eager to spill their blood and pull your chest nuts, Yours and Mine; tho spell has been perfect you cast your am titlous eyes toward tho Mediterranean, Egypt, India, and the Darda nelles, and you began your great railway to Bagdad, but tho ambitious archduke and his more ambitious wife stood in your way. It was then that I sowed the seed In your heart that blossomed into the as sassination of the duko and his wife, and all hell smiled when It saw how cloverly you saddled tho crime onto Sorvia. I saw you set sail for tho Fjords of Norway and I know you would prove an alibi. How cleverly done; so much like your noble grandfather who also secured an assassin to remove old King Frederick of Denmark, and later rob bed that country of two provinces that gave Germany an opportunity to "become a naval power. Murder Is dirty work, but it takes a Hohen zollern to make a way to get by. Your opportunity was at hand; you sot the world on Are and bells of hell were ringing; your rapo on Belgium caused much joy; It was the beginning, tho foundation of a perfect hell on earth.tho destruction of noble cathedrals and other Infinite works of art was hailed with Joy In tho lnfonal regions. You made war on friends and foe allko and tho murder of civilians showed my teaching had borne fruit. Your treach ery toward neutral nations hastened a universal upheaval, THE THING I MOST DESIRED. Your under-sea warfare is a master stroke, from tho smallest mackerel boat to tho great Lusltanla you show no favor ites; as a war Lord you stand supremo, for you havo no mercy; you have no consideration for the baby clinging to Its mother's breast as they both go down Into the deep together only to bo torn apart and lelsuroly devoured by sharks down among tho corals. I havo strolled over tho battlefields of Belgium and Franco. I have seen your hand of destruction everywhere; it's all your work, super-fiend that I mado you; I havo seen tho fields of Poland, now a wilderness, flt for prowling beasts only; no merry children In Poland now, they all succumbed to frost and starvation; I drifted down Into Gallcla whero formerly Jews and Gentiles lived happily together; I found but ruins and ashes; I felt a curious pride in my pupils for It was all above my expectations. I was in Belgium when you drove tho peaceful population before you, like cattle Into slavery. You separated man and wifo and forced them to hard labor in tho trenches. I havo seen tho most fiendish rape committed on young women and those who wore forced Into maternity wero cursing tho father of their off spring, and I bogan to doubt If my own Inferno was up to dato. You havo taken millions of dollars from Innocont victims and called It lndomnlty; you have lived fat on tho land you usurped and sent tho real owners away to starvation. You havo strayed away from all legalized war methods and Introduced a code of your own. You havo killed and robbed tho people of friendly nations and des troyed their property You aro a liar, a hypocrlto and a bluffer of tho highest magnitude. You aro a pupil of mlno and yot you poso as a orsonal friend of God. Ah, Wilhelm, you aro a wonder. You wanton ly destroy all things In your path and leavo nothing for coming genera tions! I was amazed when I saw you form a partnership with tho Impos sible Turk, the chronic killer of Christians, and you a devout worship er in tho Church. I confess Wilhelm, you aro a puzzle at times. A Mohammedan army commanded by Prussian officers as sisting ono another in massacrelng Christians Is a new lino of warfare. When a Prussian officer can witness a nudo woman who is about to become a mother being dlsemuowled by a Bwarthy Turk committing a double murder with ono cut of tho saber, and calmly stand by and see a houso full of Innocent Armenians locked up, tho house saturated with oil and fired, then my teachings did not stop with you BUT HAVE BEEN EXTENDED TO THE WHOLE GERMAN NATIONS. I confess my satanlc soul grew sick and there and then I knew tho pupil had be come tho master. 1 am a back number, and my dear Wilhelm, I ab dicate in your favor. Tho groat key of hell will bo tured over to you. Tho gavel that has struck tho doom of damned souls since tlmo began is yours. I am satisfied with what I havo done; that my abdication in your favor IS FOR THE VERY BEST INTERESTS OF HELL, in tho future, I am at your Majesty's service. Affectionately and sincerely, LUCIFER II. SATAN. Louis Sybcrkrop, Box 732 Des Moines, Iowa. dBine? A. G Dolan, of Chicago, and j P. J. Miles, of Oolwln, Iowa, also tho , husband and sons John and Norbort. I Miss Gonevlevo, oldost daughtor, who teaches at Sibley, this state, will ar rive this afternoon and with Miss Rltn, at homo, this complotos tho immediate family elrclo "Docoased was the socond oldost daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kclll hor, pioneer residents, and long since called to tholr reward. Sho was aged about slxty-threo years. In hor youn gor days she followed school teaching for many years, being united in mar riage to Dr. J. 11. Thornton Cct.20,1880. Slnco that time domestic duties havo mainly occupied hor attention, but sho was never too busy at homo to ongago in social, charitable or religious work for tho uplift of hor race or humanity in general. Besides tho sisters abovo mentioned two brothers, John, of Neb raska, and Frank, of Lafayette town ship, survive her. "The funeral takes place this morn ing at 9 o'clock at Immaculato Con ception church." ::o:: Coninilssloiiers' Proceedings. December 3, 1917. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present Springer, Hormlnghnusen nnd Koch and county clerk. The following claims wero allowed: J. F. Snyder, dragging roads, $G0.22. Sundry persons, brldgo work, $475.75. C. L. Grant, road end brldgo work, $71.50. Dan Carlisle, road work, $40.00. D. P. Doduo, road work, 25.C0. A. C. Pickle, road work, $31.80. L. S. HalBted, road work, $8.00. A. C. Pickle, haying roads, $20.G0. Chas, Anderson, hauling gravel, $37.50. H. J. Piper, hauling gravel, $40.80. Win. Bontley, hauling gravel, $14.00. J. A. Harshfleld, road work, allowed for $29.50 and disallowed for $3.20. E. B. Smith, hauling gravel, $0.00. W. Yates, hauling gravel, $24.00. A. Chambers, hauling gravel, $30.00. Robert Parcel, road work, $G.00. Frank Walborton, road work, $5.00. L. E. Dledel, hauling gravel, $3G.OO. Clyde Brown, roari work, $8.00. R. W. Brown, road work, $18.00. Ed Eves, hauling gravel, $15.00. John Holt, hauling gravel, $47.00. Henry McGulre, road work, $10.00. Vesper McConnell, hauling gravel, $78.00. J. S. Davis, road work, $2.50. Theo. Wilson, keeping Mrs. Kuhn hausen, $15.00. J. R. Rltnor, bridge work, $401.11. Sundry persons, road work, $179.50. Nebraska Telephone Co., tolls, $13.55 Nebraska Telephone Co., rent for November, $1G.75. F. M. Kuser, haying roads, $20.00. W. D. Waldo, hauling gravel, $240.00. W. D. Waldo, dragging, $4.20. Win. bhlckland, care Mrs. Dowllng, $40.00. Glen Smith, road work, $23.80. Claus Andcson, dragging roads, $4.00 B. J. Gulnan, dragging roads, $4.00. R. W. Olcson, road work, $10.00. Rufus Stcbbins, road work, $10.00. J. K. Barnoll, road work, $88.00. Chas. Mason, road work, $7G.0O. Leo Shcppord, road work, $9.G0. L. R. Gunderson, road work, $11.00. Chas. Brown, road work, $G,50. Chas. Johnston, road work, $12.00. C. D Linnemoyer, road work, $10.00. II. D. Linnemoyer, road work, $1G.00. R. Larson, road work, $8.00. John Merritt, road work, $8.00. Lawrence Zollars, road work, $1.00. Vernon Shrack, road work, $8.00. W. F. Linnemoyer, roadwork, $4G.50. Road No. 393 comes up before tho board for final action; this being a consent road, all land ownorB agreeing for tho road without damages, tho board grants said petition as prayed for. Sundry persons, surveying, $17.50. Adjourno:1 to December 10, 1917. FREE OF CHARGE Why suffer with indigestion, dyspop sla, torpid llvor, constipation, sour stomach, comlng-up-bf-food-after-eat-lng, etc., when you can get a sample bottle of Green's August Flower free at Stono's Pharmacy. This medlclno has remarkable curatlvo properties, and has demonstrated its efficiency by fifty years of success. Headachos aro often caused by a disordered stomach. August Flower is put up in 25 and 75 cent bottles. For salo In all civilized countries. ::o:: Mrs W. B. Brown, who has been visiting rol'itlvos In Philadelphia for soveral months, will return homo Sun day. Sho will bo accompanied by hor mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond, who will make her homo with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Box suppor and program, December 14, at tho Canrl school houso, Dis trict 87, seven miles north and one half mllo east of North Platte, com mencing ut 8 p. m. All aro cordially invited. Miss Stella Hlnbonach, teachor. 93-3 Wanted Girl for general house work. Good wages for experienced girl. Mrs. J. S, Twinem. Phone283. tf fcte phi V Model 45 CLUB ROADSTER The sport model idea in motordom is completely ex pressed in the Oldsmobilc Club Roadster. Designed primarily to permit . comfort, intimacy and fellowship for five, this club model is further charac terized by body lines of unusual smartness and symmetry. It is a beautiful car to own, an enjoyable car to ride in, an easy car to drive, an economical car to maintain. Under the trim hood and graceful body is the famous Oldsmobilc 8-cylindcr chassis giving smoothness and flexibility for the highways, power and stamina for the byways, and representing the embodiment of mechanical excellence in motor car design. Only by performance can the true value of the Olds mobile Club Roadster be measured; and only by a demonstration can its performance be fully realized. We will gladly arrange for a demonstration to suit your pleasure. Price $1467 F. O. B. Lansing, Mich. A. N. DURBIN AUTO CO., Agents. 273 People's Mission Conference. Tho district conference of tho Peo ple's Mission church mot at tho North Platto mission, of which Rev. W. L. Ruby Is pastor, convening Thursday, November 29th, at 10 a. m. nnd contin uing until the close of the ovonlng ser vice Sunduy, Dec. 2d. It was a time of spiritual uplift to those who attended and helpful messuges wore brought at tho different services by tho following preachers: Gonl. Supt. Win. II. Leo, nf Colorado rprlngs, Dist. Supt. Jno. it. Patrick if Wheatland, Wyo., Rev. John Smith, of Maxwell, Rov. Jamos Trovlthlck, of Wheatland, Rev. Albert Augsburg, Wheatland, nnd Rov. W. L. Ruhy, of tho mission. Tho local People's Mission 1b doing u good work and is worthy of tho support of tho pooplo of North Platto. Evangelistic services' will bo held In tho mission during this week nnd over tho coming Sabbath. Every body is cordially Invited to attend theso services. ::o::- Divorces Granted. The following divorces wero granted this week by Judge Grimes: Charles Pargeon from Ethel Pargeon on tho grounds of infidelity. Plaintiff given custody of tho two children. Gus Freed from Juanlta Freed for desertion. Custody of child given plaintiff. Sarah Ward from Charles Ward, cruelty and non-support. Two minor girls wore given to tho plaintiff and two minor boys to tho defendant. V Maytlo Lass from Georgo Lass, oruolty and non-support. Tho custody of tho two minor children was glvon to tho plaintiff. Lllllo Brlggs from Levi Briggs, a- bandonmcnt and non-support. Tho plaintiff was given tho custody of five minor children, Ola Wilson was granted a legal sep aration from Georgo Wilson, a woll known farmer of Nichols precinct, and was glvon an alimony of $11,000 and tho custody of scvon minor children. Successful Dance. The dancing and card party given undor thp auspices of tho committco appointed bv tho Order of Eastern Star Tuesday ovenlng was largely attended and provod a vory pleasant ovont. Those who did not caro to danco had an opportunity to play cards. Tho music by Doucet's Jass orchestra was enjoyed R'jfreshmonts wero served. Tho party was given to raiso fundH for the Red Cross, and tho net re ceipts Tvoro about sixty dollars, which will bo turi.ed over to tho local Red Cross Chapter, UBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at his place 9 miles southeast of North Platte, 1 mile cast of Francis Mqntague's. TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 1917, Commencing at ten o'clock the following personal property: 8 HEAD OF HORSES 1 span Black Marcs 9 years old, weight 1300; 1 Gray Horse 10 years old, weight 1200; 1 Bay Horse 10 years old, weight 1200; 1 Bay Horse 10 years old, weight 1100; 1 Bay 'Horse 8 years old' weight 1050; 1 Bay Marc 5 years old, weight 1100; 1 Black Mule 3 years old in spring, 1 Black Mule 2 years old in spring. 8 HEAD OF CATTLE 5 Mlch Cows coming fresh, 1 Bull, 2 Calves. FARM MACHINERY 2 Farm Wagons, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 Press Drill, 1 2-row, 1 1-row, 1 Lister, 1 riding Cultivator, 1 Avery Corn Planter, 1 McConnick Mower, 1 Disk Harrow, 1 Hay Rake, 1 Hay Rack, 1 feed Grinder, 1 stirring Plow, 3-Section Harrow, 1 Grind Stone, 1. hand Corn Shcller, 1 Cream Separator, 3 Sets Work Harness, 1 set Driving Harness. FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS: All sums under $10 cash, above that sum 8 months time at 10 per cent interest. LOUIS GRULKE, Owner. W. A. Cauffman, Auctioneer. Ray C. Langford, Clerk. For quick action and Mittsfactory tale list your land with Thoclcckc tf ..Tr..7.i,.,ii,y.... An Electrically driven Sewing Machine guar anteed for ten years. Our price $35.00. , Come in and try it. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER CO. r