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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1917)
1 THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLA'ITE, NEB., 0ECEMBER 7, -4 L917. No. 94 FJtANK STUHTEVANT FOUND HEAD TUESDAY KVEMNti. Prank Sturtovnnt, wlio hail lived In North Platte for a number of years anil followed the vocation of a carpet weaver, was found dead Tuesday In a small building on the former Dillon place In the Fourth ward in which he had mado hfs home. The lifeless body was discovered by E. W. Wright Tuesday ovenlng, and indications were that death had ensued the pre ceding Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wright had been supplying Sturtevant with a can of milk dally. They left a can Monday, and Tuesday when going there found the can untouched. Con cluding something was wrong, Mr. Wright entered the house and found the lifeless body. The remains are being hold at the Moloney morguo while an attempt is being mnde to Ideate supposed rela tives in Iowa. Tho deceased was past fifty years of ago. : :ov. Lawyers Will Aid Selected Men. Governor Neville has named three attorneys In each county of the state to mobollzo tho bar in their respective county and glvo advice to drafted men as to their duties and rights. I The nttorneys selected for Lincoln county are Geo. E. French, chairman,' J. J. Ilnlllgan and J. G. Booler. Besides advising theso men, it Is, planned to have the lawyers assist tho j boards In passing upon exemption claims. Wherever possible It is de- sired that some attorney or qualified i layman remain at tho place where tho hoard Is in session. Prices Will Dc Fixed E. II. Goodman, county food admin istrator, spent Wednosday in Omaha attending a conforence of the county administrators with State Administra tor Wattles. Fifty-six of tho nlnoty- throo county administrators wore present. Mr. Wattles told tho men nrosont that it will bo thoir duty to Investigate complaints coming from thoir respect ive counties regarding violations of some of the provisions of tho food act. Ho told them to pick from their gen eral committee a price-fixing commit-: tee consisting of from threo to live members, "and don't forget tho wom- en," ho said, "you have some splendid women throughout the state who will do excellent work on these committees if you will only give them n chance." ! "I will say, Just in passing, that we' probably have no legal right to ttxt prices, but wo'ro going to fix them Just tho same. Wo will havo tho moral support of all the peoplo back of us when wo determine upon a fair price' and no one will daro go counter to that. If n man stubbornly refuses to soli at a reasonable price, we will; TWO MASKED MEXICANS HOLD UP THKEE 31 EX. ::o:: Prank M. Stuart, who was commis-' stoned first lieutenant in the U. S.i reserve infantry at Fort Snelling, ar-' rived Wednesday night accompanied by Mrs. Stuart. Lieut. Stuart will vis-1 it hlB parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stu art, until December 15th, when he will go to Ft. Crook, having been assigned to the battalion of the. 41st infantry, which at present is stationed there. Mrs. Stuart will remain In town until after tho holiday season. Two Mexicans, wearing masks, en tered tho negro quartors at 305 oast Front Wednosday night nnd at tho point of guns secured $250 from two nogroos and ono whtto man who pro sumahly wcro gambling at tho time. Ono of tho nogroes was not disposed to comply with tho command of "hands up," nnd ono of tho highway men snapped his gun twice but for tunately for tho senogamblan tho cartrldgo did not oxplode. Whllo ono Mexican held the threo men up nt tho point of his gun, tho other wlont through tho pockets of tho' men, emp tied tho cash box and then vamoosed. Tho matter was at once reported to tho police, and a round up of all Mex icans In town resulted, but none cor responded with tho two highwaymon. Tho man hunt was continued all day yestorday by Chief of Polico Jones and the man who operates the place whero tho robbery occurred, the latter first arming himself with a forty-five cal ibre revolver about two feet long. : :o: : Coznd Couple Married Here. Carl David Andersen and Miss Blanche Woodruff wcro married in this city Wednesday by Rov. Llndenmbyor, of the Christian church. Thoy young couple drove hero in a car from Cozad and .'eturned the same ovonlng. Tho brldo has been n resident of Cozad and tho groom lives on a farm near that town, and they will mako their homo on the farm. ::o:: Most wonderful Balo of millinery at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s! All tho pattern and street hats up to $8.00 values on sale at your choice $2.50; all the best pattern hats values, up to $10.50, on sale at $5.00 your pick. rv. n, .i Train Nn. l(i wna nhmit twn linnru tho.A. W. Plumcr car was taken Wed-, late th,s morning duo to englno trouble nesdny evening from Fourth street at at Dexter which necessitated send the Elks' building. Yesterday morn-!,ng an onBlno tncre to bring In tho lng "ft was found on tho driveway at tra,n- Mr. Plumer's home, having-been run1 Be sure and see and hear tho through the night until the; supply of Brunswick Phonograph beforo huy gaBollne had been .about exhausted. lng. Walker Music Co. soon say to him, 'If you don't soli nt a reasonable price, we'll seo to It that you don't sell at all, for we'll notify tho wholesaler that this man Is unfair, and ho'U not dnro to soil to him any more.., " Annual Meeting Saturday. Tho nnnual meeting of tho Lincoln county agricultural society will bo held In tho Chamber of Commerco rooms next Saturday afternoon. At this mooting a financial report of tho 1917 fair will bo made and officers and directors elected. AH stockholders In the society are requested to attend. At this meeting plans for tho 1918 fair will be outlined. Riding or Walking You Need Good Looking Clothes No matter what your vocation in life there are times when good-looking clothes are essential. There are certain periods in your life when a good appearance is an invaluable asset. Your appearance creates an impression favorable or other wise and since good clothes make a good appearance they are an absolute necessity to every man. Here are good Clothes well made, in a splendid array of style, of thorough reliable, all wool materials and priced to suit every man. Suits Your Sure To Like There's such a variety of styles that whatever your inclinations, there is a model that will appeal to you. Every detail in the mak ing indicates expert tailoring. Suits of like quality at these prices are hard to beat. Note these. $15.00 to $35.00. Warm and Stylish Clothes Besides being an important item of dress an overcoat has a very definite function to perform that of keeping you warm on the cold winter days. Here are overcoats that will meet all re quirements made and priced to your liking. ' $15.00 to $40.00. Christmas is coming! That means you've got to put on your thinking cap. Why worry? Just a few minutes at "Harcourts" will settle that gift question for another year. DO IT NOW, and get it off your mind. HARCOURT CLOTHING CO. The Grind of District Court District court has boon grinding nlon'g this weok fairly rapidly with the youngor nttornoys of tho city con ducting tho cases so far tried. Tues day tho oaso of tho Stato against Chlros was heard, tho rosult of which Is not od elsewhere. Wednesday) tho day was taken up largely by tho coso of tho Aniorlcan Photo Slldo Co. against II. I. Block, in which tho plaintiff so- cured a judgment of n fow dollars. Yostorday tho enso of Lawson against Lowls was boforo tho Jury. This Is a damago case growing out of nn automobile collision occurring south of town last summer. Occupants of both cars woro Injured but those in tho plaintiff's enr tho most sovorely, nnd ho sued Lowls for dnmagos In tho sum of ?3,000. Tho Jury last night award ed tho plaintiff Judgment In the sum of 300. .Millions of Dressings Needed. Omaha, Nob. -Womon of Nebraska aro asked to do soma Intonslvo war rollof for tho two weeks beginning next Monday In ordor to complete 30,000 surgical drosslngs which tho Na tional lted Cross has asked of this stato. This emergency cnll has boon an ticipated as Major Grayson Murphy In charge of Bed Cross activities in Paris states that groator output of surgical drosslngs is Imporntlvo for tho proper enro of woundodmon. Ho asks that 3,000,000 ho furnished from tho United States every month and tho amount Is llkoiy to bo doubled shortly. It somotlmos takes a whole box of drosslngs to staunch and dress tho wound of ono ninn. : :o: : CITY AND flOUNTY NEWS. Sioux Lookout Chapter D. A. It. will meet with Mrs. C. F. Iddings tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. Of nil the sales on millinery tho one now on at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s out-classes them nil. H. L. Pennington left last night for Omaha to transact business far a couple of days. Albert Sherwood purchased a Ln- gand player piano of tho Wnlkor Mu Bic Co. Saturday. Mrs. Georgo Wolnbarg, of Dayard, arrived Wednesday night nnd will visit relatives and friends for a couplo of weeks. P. W. SItton, manager of tho U. P. employes' club houflo at Groon Rlvor, Wyo., arrived this morning for visit with friends. For Rent Two modern rooms. Mrs. Norrls, 400 cast Third. 94-2 Morchants who mako a specialty of holiday goods say that buying In that lino has opened briskly and thoy ex pect a heavy trado. I Miss Ruth Slzemore ontortalncd a ncmbor of her neighborhood -'friends nt a birthday party last ovenlng. At tho close of tho ovonlng spont in gamos 'jf'-TTalnty twocourso luncheon -was sensed. T .i We have' had;, splendid success with our pianu sum, unu bum.iiuvu u guuu soloction, nnd more coming. If you want a piano for Christmas come nnd make your selection. We 'can hold it for you. T On nccoupt of a bad wreck on tho Denver line of tho Burlington west of Hastings two passenger trains of that road woro detoured over tho Union iRaciflc from Grand Island to Donvor early this morning. Relatives of tho late Orvillo Wilson, who died at Camp Cody, arrived from Michigan yestorday, and tho funeral was delayed until today. Services will bo hold at tho M. E. church this afternoon and Intormont mado at Mc Pherson nntlonal cemetery. Closing out quick all tho millinery, Wo havo mado two lots of all tho best pattern hats and all to go at $2.50 and $!).00. Lot 1, sale prlco $2.50, val lies up to $8.00; lot 2, snlo prlco $5.00, values up to $1G,50. Don't dolay, como early whllo picking Is tho host, at Tho Leader Mercnntllo Co.'s. Tho ludles of tho Presbyterian church will servo a twonty-llvo cent lunch beginning nt 5 p. m. next Thurs day, December 13. Tho monu will bo creamed chicken, hot biscuits, mashed potatoos, cranberry jelly, cookies and coffee. There will also bo a salo of fancy work beginning at 4 o'clock Tho public Is Invited. : :o: : Refugees Stole From Police. Tho "gratitude" of some peoplo who found shelter In an Knst London po lice station took the form of stealing u new broom and some enameled mugs. At nuother police station they stole n clock, two pairs of boots and some provisions, and damaged some uniforms. At ono of tho town hulls where the public has been allowed to overflow Into tho polico court pre ducts the Old Testament was pur lolned, and In n public library several volumes were stolen. London Globe rho pupils taking nart in tho Rod VJIUOO lUliOI.lllU LU UC KXtU" UUAt X HUE- lay night at tho Proshytorlan church aro: Elma May Crane, Trullo Forbes, Nancy MItcholl, Dorothy Cummlngs, Mlnorva Hastings, Dorothy iDarron, Harriet Fleishman, Marguorlto John ston, Betty Turplo, Hclon Armstrong, Huldah Johnston, Frainies Edwards. Emma Roguo on tho plnno nnd Clara Soronson' on the organ. Anita John ston and Miss Thco Schwalgor will assist. Admission 20 conts. Tho tempornturo this mornlnE ns reported by tho wenthor bureau was eight abovo zoro. To tho averago fol low on tho streets it felt as though It as eight below. Tho first cold snap Is always keenly folt. Prof, Fling, of tho state unlvorslty,' will lecture this ovononlng at tho Franklin auditorium on "Amorlca nnd tho World War." Tho admission Is twenty-five wonts. Such a Contrast. Travelers who enjoy reading on nillwny Journey will nppreclato thl jstory. I A passenger wnnted to read, but ,mnn opposlto would persist In trying to 'till';. After several brief replies tilt render became Irritated. "The grass Is very green, Isn't HI' said the jilensant young mun, "Yes," was tho nnawer; "eucn chnngo from thobluo nnd red grasi ltvo've been having lately 1" Ray Pclcrs Seriously III. Ashloy Peters rocolved a wlro from Camp Ccdy Tuosday stilting that his son Ray was suffering from pneu monia nnd was not expected to llvo. Mr. Peters was nrranglng to go to Doming when ho recolvod a message &tnlirg that his son was somewhat Ira pru'ed, and ho '.oik Hided to await fur ther dovelopmonts. Ray went t Camp Cody as a member of Gothen burg Co. u, Fifth Nebraska. Protestant Eplscopul Service. Church of Our Savior, Rov. Arthur Dittos Jones, rector, Dccombor 0th, 1917, 2nd Sunday in Advent. 8:00 n. m., corporate communion of members of Woman's Auxiliary. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11:00 a.m., Monnlng Prayer and sermon. 7:30 a. in., Evening Prayer nnd nddross. St. Paul's Chapol, North Sldo, 3:00 p. m. Sunday School. ::o:: Terrific Explosion nt Halifax. Ono thousand aro dead, hundreds of othors Injured, and CO por cent of tho city of Halifax Is In ruins, as n re sult of tho oxplosion of a French mu nitions ship In tho harbor yostorday. It Is estimated that tho property loss will run into tho millions. Tho' north end of tho city was in ilames, until Into In tho aftornoon, when It was1 ro partcd tho flro had been brought undor control. Tho oxplosion was caused by ;tho collision of n Belgian rellot ship with tho Mont Blanc, n French stonuiBhip of 2.250 not tons. ::ot: FLOUlt PACK Kit WANTED NORTH PLATTE ELECTRIC MILLS. TAN ENGLISH Walking Boots $5.50 , f:J kj ' r t.I niimzmnrttml My ' V' W Si' Handsome Dark Tan Boot, imitation wing tip, medium weight flexible sole, straight heel. Price $5.50. s HOE MARKET AVES YOU ONEY ON SHOES. KEITH THEATRE BLOCK. We want Fat Turkeys Ducks and Geese WILL BUY NOW FOR DELIVERY December 15 to 18. Call on us or Phone us for Prices. North Platte Produce Co.