Our Purchases have been made early and consequently we ajre in a position to offer exceptional values this year. NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT -51 V?T v Every show case is bubbling over with new, snappy goods for your inspection. Courteous clerks who aie willing to show you our beautiful goods. DIXON, The Jeweler. SHOP EARLY SHOP EAJRLY f it v . . 7 sximwm if We have a complete Lenses Grinding Plant - In which we are ahle to replace broken lenses or make new ones the same day your order is given. If you are having trouble with your eyes consult Dixon's Optometrist about them as he is a SPECIALIST along this line and is equipped to give you the best of service. GUARANTEED HOT TO BREAK Investigate them, it will pay you. Harry Dixon & Son. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist " Office oyer th 'McDonald Stata Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. J. Halllgan transacted business in tho west part of the state yesterday. Tho musical hits of tho "Flora Bella" musical comedy can bo pur chased at tho Walker Music Co.'s store after "Wednesday. Diamonds are a safe investment and prices aro sure to bo higher. Our ChristmaB stock Is complete. DIXON, the Jeweler. Tho ladles of tho Christian church hhii TTinnf nt thfi church Thursday af ternoon. As on election of officers will be hold a largo atendanco of inembors is desired. Tho ladies' guild will meet In the bas,cment ofj tho iEpiscopal church Thnrnrtnv nff nmnnn TTnaf flHflfia will bfl Mosdames Grimes, Wolbach and John Dick. A cordial, (invitation is extend ed to all members Of tho guild to bo present. The road leading west from the cem etery to the Pizor place 1b being grav eled and promlss when packed lo be come a b Deed way. This road was graded some time ago, was afterwards harrowed and rolled, and now gravel ed. Tho gravol is obtained from the former Cody ranch. Dr. Morrill. Dentist Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook return ed yestorday from a visit in Lincoln and Omaha. Having acquaintances on tho Syracuse foot ball team, Dr. and Mrs. Crook rode from Omaha to Lincoln on the team's special train and were guests of tho team at tho training table at tho Lincoln hotel. Tho C. H. Walter Company will uso tho former Cody ranch as tho base of its cattle buying and feeding. At present they have 500 head of cat tie and 2,000 head of sheop on the place, and will probably keep a large number or bogs in tne future. It is tho intention of the company to place a hog wire fence around tho entire ranch. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Harcourt, who were married in Council Bluffs No vember 24th, arrived homo Friday ov enlng. Mr. Harcourt will soon enter the aviation service, and during his absence Mrs. Harcourt will mako her homo with her parents Mr. And Mrs. L. P. Jensen who will move to this city in order that Mr. Jensen may as sume tho position of manager of tho Harcourt Clothing Co. Suffers Paralyse Stroke. Councilman John Knox, of tho Sec ond ward, suffered a paralytic stroke Saturday night and yesterday his con dition was pronounced critical. Tho paralysln effects Ills entire body and he is unable to talk or take food. : :o: Slovens Buys 200 Cattle. Harry Stevens, of Blgnell, is in town today for tho purposo of driving home two hundred head of two year old Btcors which ho purchased of tho C. H. Walter Co. Mr. Stovons will put thoso steers on ensilage feed and expects them to do well. r Sell HolHtein Cattle. Tho C. II. Walter Co. sold twenty oight head of Holstoin cows Saturday to J. H. Adams, of Maxwell, who we understand will uso them In estab lishing a dairy herd. Theso cows are part of several carloadB Bhipped in from tho dairy district of Wisconsin by tho Walter Co. and wore a fine bunch of animals. -::o::- Harcourt Enlists In Aviation. W. It. Harcourt, tho clothier, while in Omaha last week successfully pass ed the necessary physical and mental test for admittance into tho aviation corps. Both examinations aro very rigid especially tho physical, which covers a period of sovoral hours. Mr. Harcourt expects to bo called within a week or ten days. : :o: : Dr. Solliy Arrives in France. A cablegram received yesterday by Mrs. Claudo Selby, announced tho safe arrival of her husband Dr. Solby in France. Dr. Selby was commissioned in tho First Nebraska field hospital corps Under Major Speolman, at Lin coln. The Nobraska corps waB as signed to tho ono hundred and fifty first field hospital sanitary train of the Itainbow division and sent to, camp in Now Jersey. On Octobor lGth tho corps embarked for Franco, but after being out five days returned to port on account of a leaky boilor. Tho corps again embarked November 15th, and tho cablegram received yestorday an nounced its safe arrival at a port in Franco. :o: : District Court Convenes. District court convened yesterday and surrounded by a dozen attorneys, Judge Grimes mado a call of the docket and a list of tho cases ready for trial noted. The Jury reported this morning and the trial of Jury casos will begin aB soon as. a Jury is em paneled this afternoon. Thero aro a number of criminal cases, mono of which nro particularly Important. Perhaps tho most interesting aro those against Charley Turner for handling and selling booze and tho gambling cases of Nick Chlros and Lcm Bailey. Twenty-five divorco cases aro docket cd and about ono hundred equity and damage cases, Tho court will be in session for at least threo weoks. "Do your Xmas shopping early' if you aro planning on pictures for Xmas presents; let this rulo apply, and so give ub enough timo to finish your pic tures and llnlBli them right. 88-C BROOKS' STUDIO. A 3IcKsnH) from tho Baltic Fields. L. W. Troster, assistant director for Nobraska of tho American Bed Cross, of lOnmhha, will bo In North Platte Wednesday, December Gth, and dcslroB to moot all tho officers, chairmen of committees and other parties interest ed in tho local Red Cross work at two o'cloclaln tho aftornoon at tho fedoral building. In tho evening at 8:00 o'clock tho Lincoln county chaptor of Red Cross will hold a public mooting at tho Franklin auditorium at which meet ing Mr. Trestor will speak on the Rod Cross Work in Europe Everybody invited. Patriotic music. :oi:- I'rlrato Williams Dies Private Orvillo Williams, of Com pany E, whoso homo Is noar Blgnell, died at Camp Cody Saturday follow ing an operation for abscess on tho brain. The body is oxpected to arrivo today and will be taken ot Blgnell for Intermont. .HJs widow, under tho now war risk Insurance act, will bo paid $25 a month for '20 years and $20 additional com pensation during her llfetimo, or until she might remarry. :o: : Wilcox Appointed Committeeman. J. Q. Wilcox, of this city, has been appointed as ono of the twonty-elght men who will constitute tho retailors' conimlttoo of tho Nebraska food ad ministration. Tho appointment was mado by Food Administrator Wattlos. Tills commltteo will meet in Omaha nex Friday afternoon in conforonco with Mr. Wattles, who will oxplain tho work to bo done. In tho ovening a Joint mooting of tho wholesalers and tho Tetailors will bo held. Restaurant and hotol keopors of tho city havo received lottorB of Inquir ies from tho hotel and restaurant de partment of tho stato food administra tion aB to tho actual number of poundB of meat, wheat flour and sugar thoy saved In Octobor and Novemboras compared with tho Bamo period In 1910. Tho owners aro now figuring out ,tho saving thoy havo mado, and find that It 1b somewhat of a tnsk to ascertain tho actual amount. This food conservation, tho hotels and res taurants find, is no Joko on tho part of tho federal government, for it tho ownors fall to respond to tho In quiries thoy aro Bubjoct to a revo cation of their licenses, for all eating places aro now conducted under a federal license. '::o:: Slionts for Sale. Nice bunch of Poland China shoats for salo at tho Howard ranch. Phono 790F031. 92-2 ::o::-. H, L. Pennington, of this city, has been appointed as official correspond ent for tho hay and grain reporting sorvlco connected with tho U, S. de partment of agriculture Mr. Pen nington's duties will bo to furnish at regular intervals tho condition of growing grain and hay, tho yield whon harvested, tho total production and the movemont of Iwy and grain whon ready for tho market. 11AILKOAD NOTES Thoo. Lowe, Jr., who for sovoral months has beon employed as switch man, loft yesterday morning for Ft. Morgan, Col., to look over a business proposition. When tho new dopot Is completed tho buildings now used us a dispatch ers' offlco and ticket oftlco will be moved to tho west end of tho yards and used as bunk houses. District Foroman McGraw haB bo como a coal merchant, that is ho has boon directed to soil at a dollar a ton tho coal which has boon loft at tho vacatp coal dock ou west Sovonth strcot. This coal 1b about tho Bamo aB screenings but might possibly be used in furnaces. j :o: : Big November Business The magnitude of tho buBlnoss trans actions of Loypoldt & Ponnington ot this city can bo gained from tho fact that during tho montn of Novomuor tho firm paid out in this locality for hay and grain over Bovonty tnousanu dollars. During last month tho firm bought 4373 tons of hay, equal to 440 cars or 2200 wugon loads. ' -j--" :'o: : Miss Albeo floes to Washington Miss Allco Albeo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Alboo, of east Elovonth Btreot, was tho third young lady to recolvo- an appointment In Washing ton and 1b now employed in tho reve nue bureau and her particular duty is operating an adding machine. Whon tho women of tho Fourth ward registered for sorvlco In tho capacity they designated, Miss Alboo signi fied hor willingness to nccopt any po sition in which alio might servo. Later Bho took tho examination, paBsod and ponding a call from tho government accoptcd a position at Augusta, Mont., as tcachor at $100 per month. Novem bor 13th sho received notlco to report at Washington, and resigning as teach or loft for that city. ::o:: Nearly Half Beglslrants Harried Tho classification of Lincoln county draft registration Bhows that of tho total of 1753 registrants, 819 are mar rlod rfnd 934 single. Ono hundred and ninety-two married men havo beon called and accepted, and forty-one re jected: while of tho slnglo men 211 havo been called and accepted and fif ty-six rejected. Of tho 1753 registrants. 1GC9 aro na tive born, twenty-two aro naturalized citizens, forty-one havo taken out their first papers toward naturalization, and 121 aro aliens who havo takon no stop toward becoming citizens. Ono hundred and oighty-flvo of tho roglBtrants aro foreign born, dlvidod as follows: Russia 10, Japan 21, Don mark 13, Norway 5, Sweden 15, Mex ico 43, Austria-Hungary 11, Germany 9, Greece 40, Italy 6, Canada 8, Ire land 2, Scotland 1, England 1. Thero are nineteen negroes among tho registrants. Try Dr. Smith, tho Chiropractor. COtf Warmest November on Record. Last month was tho warmest No vember that North Platto has exper ienced 8in.co tho establishment ot tho woather bureau forty-four years ago. Tho normal for tho month during that nnrlnil 'linn lmon 35.1 docreea while tho moan for IubI month was 40 do- grccs. Tho coldest day last montn was on tho first day of tho riionth wlmn it roclstored 24 decrees. Tho precipitation last month was sovonty- ono ono nunurcutns or an men as pnmniirnil with fortv ono hundredths aB tho normal for November. During tho month there woro twenty clear days, four partly cloudy and six cloudy. This information is outnineu irom uie monthly summary issued by Observer Shilling. I : :o: : But Little Good Com. A colored woman living with hor husband on a claim in Arthur county spent two days picking out what sho thought appeared to bo sufficient hard corn from among tho soft to mako a wagon load. Tho com was brought to town Saturday and a deal er looked it over. It apnaarou sound but whon an car was broken tho cob was found- to bo soft and moldy. It is gonorally conceded that tho per centage of good, hard corn in Lincoln and ndjoining counties is extremely small. Farmers tell ub that tho qulck or this Boft corn Is fed tho bottor, for tho longer it is loft tho softer and more moldy It will become. :o::- FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also flvo or seven passongor oar for funeral sorvlco. MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO ,; Chandler & Elcar Agency, j Corner Eighth and Locust Sts. -:: List your property for quick salo with Spencer. Somo bargains in farms, ranches and city property. Room G, Reynolds building. COL E. L. JONES AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed. Maxwell, Nebraska, bred llvo stock Bales. Phono mo or (Maxwell Stato Bank. Makes a specialty of farm? pure for dates at my expense