The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 04, 1917, Image 1

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    (Tit c lorih
No. 93
Dr. Mario' Amos loft last ovoning on
a business trip to Omaha.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug
Store tf
The regular semi-monthly danco of
tho Elks' club will bo hold at the homo
Thursday evening of this week.
For Rent Rooms for light house
keeping. Phono Black 941. 91-2
Mrs. Abble Shlroman, who had been
tho guest of Miss Maymo IMzer, re
turned to Kearney last evening.
For quirk action nnn tnt!sfactory
snlo list yonr land with Thoeleckc. tf
Dr. Fenner was called to Gothen
burg Sunday to operate for Dr. Shaf
fer and yesterday was called to Max
well on professional business.
Sco Hendy & Ogler quick for two
good .second hand Fords.
Announcement Is made of the sale of
the Mrs. Mabol Turple ranch of 204
acres southeast of town to Julius Pl
zer and John HalHgan. Tho consid
eration is said to havo been about $45
per acre.
The reason peoplo nro buying so
many Grafanolas they have heard Its
tone. DIXON, the Jeweler.
Mrs. Belle Swarthout, who has been
visiting, her sister Mrs. R. D. Thom
son, will, return to Plattsmouth tomor
row. Mrs. Thomson will accompany
her and will visit relatives and friends
in that city for some time.
For Rent Furnished rooms for
Tho Methodist ladles will Borvo a
cafetorla supper and will hnve a salo of
fancy articles In connection on Thurs
day afternoon, Dccombor 6th. Sale of
fancy articles and aprons will com
tnenco at 3 o clock. Suppor starts at 5
o'clock. All donations of aprons or
fancy articles to bo loft at Mrs. San
ford Hnrtman's somo time Tuesday.
"Flora Bolla" was presented last
evonlng to an audience that filled
practically every seat in tho Iioubo.
Tho play hardly camo up to genoral ex
pectations. Tho musical numbors,
while woll rendered, woro not as
catchy as some of tho former offorlngs.
The play, however, had moro of a
plot than tho average musical com
edy. Plant poonaes and phlox now. Wo
havo them. North Platto Floral Co.
Phono 1023. 86tf
Mrs. Gantt, assisted by Mesdames
W. A. Sklnnor, F. Buchanan, Carl Bon
ner and L. Cronln, entertained tho
literature department of the Twenti
eth Century club Tuesday afternoon,
Nov. 27th. It was guest day and thero
was h goou auununnco oi memuors n. Wilson, who recently returned
and their friends. After a short bus!- from Europe where ho wont on a mls
ness session, tho program was varied sion for tho Y. M. C. A., brought back
rrom uio usual orucr; mstcau or tno wuh him a messago to tho Amorlcan
regular history lesson, Mrs. P. Bar- people from acnoral Pershing,. Amorl
ron gave a thorough and interesting can commandor In Franco. Tho mos
revlow of the historical novel "Hugh sage,-'which was road for tho first
Wynno," by S. W. Mitchell. Jtlmo today, said:
If you hear tho Grafanola-thero will ''Toll them thoro Is no ground for
no longer be a doubt in your mind;,"10 heresay that Germany cannot bo
tho Tone" is tho best. DIXON, the beaten. Gormany can bo beaten. Gor
eJwolor. i many must bo beaten, and Gormany
m , , , , '-will be beaten."
Tho D. O. T. club gave Us opening ::o::
danco at tho Masonic hall Thursday
$37,000,000 n liny.
Thn second cession of tho C5th con
gress convened yosterday nt noon and
was marked by tho receipt of appro
priation ostimatos for next year's war
and ordinary expenses aggregating
$13,500,000,000, this in addition to tho
$21,000,000,000 already appropriated.
Tho ostlmnted waf cost for tho com
ing year Is thlrty-sevon million dollars
a day. f
General Hyng Holds Line .
Fighting continues In tho vicinity ot,
Hambral with unabated fury. Tho
British line9 aro holding, all territory
occupied last week still being In allied
hand and strongly defended against
bitter countor attacks. England Is
preparing for heavy death toll, losses
having been frightful In tho almosUln
cossnnt hand to hand conflicts which
hnvo characterized lighting over this
ground. German losses will bo doublo
that Of tho allies, tho lattor using
massed formation In making assaults
and losing men by tho thousands dally.
Pershing Sends Messngc
Now York, Dec. 2. Bishop Luthor
Students Want Employment
Many of the boys and girls In tho
Junloi and Senior High schools arc
and Study, weok8 on datog ot cbnfllctinK with a,"xA0"8,, i ,nttk0 "'T' Somo4, of
Miss Emma Uho Rii An vnAiiont timn m wi them. must lmvo somo Income or they
gentlemen in a Btrlctly modern homo.' evening, November 29, and received
Phono Tho Tribune 89tfmany now members. Tho club will
. . . . , , i give dances regularly overy two
luemuers oi uio iravei anu aiuuy, wceks on datog not conflicting
ciuo woro mo c-uesis oi miss nma hn cin, a vnt i.,, . ..i
Smith last evening. Papers were read Tim mucin wna r,iPni.i,d n iimnni-0i liavo t0 drop out of school. Others
na fnllmvH' "AMnntn nn.1 tl.o rPrna I " . " . " IX. . " . . . .."" want to heln out nn thnlr ornfinsntt
w " ' ' nrn nRrrn I Ml) nnmnra inr Tun nn.
want to help out on their oxpensoft
South," Miss Walker: "Picturcsnue i v t Tininnd others aro wanting to earn for
New Orleans.' Mrs. McDonald: "War a w ,.i their
ciii.o ui iuu Yuiuuu, iuios nmi- ident: Dr. Harold A. Fenner. socro-
own uso. Thoy will work bo-
fnro mill nffpr nnhnnl linnn onrl nn Rnt.
. . v v w . v.. iiuiuuii, miao " wit- men i u r xinroiu a i' enner secro- . . .. . -
taker; ''Popular Government In Ger- atry and treasurer. Tile purpose of tho ys Ma"y wi" bo. 6ll,d, to help In
Tnnnv " ATlaa Mnrrnv ' ...i. ....... . ... . 'Stores or HlinilM illirlnir Mi linllilnv
" ,u;uu is inc iurinerance oi social in- -----
1 trrmirsfi nt n minimum ovnimso. I Season. Ulliers WOU1U UOllVer gOOUB,
imnn r-ir trrtia iilinti Mtlntlnnfn ilnlim
.automooues, caro tor Btnnii emiuren,
clo typewriting and other similar Jobs.
r inder Wfn n rn rn ta tnr I no- Imvn oil cIt1o
w w (a u a uiuiui IIUJ kj UIIU li)!! iO
ior this work now. Tho service is
free and anyone who Is In need of
such help should tolephdno tho Senior
High school No. 9G7, the Junior High
School No. 501 or the Superintendent s
office No. 100. SUPT. TOUT.
Near 150 tons of well stacked liny, Lost,
north of Hershoy. Price right. . Tan rain coat at coif links
11HAT.T, GOODJIAN & HUCKLEY. please return to Tribune office
The Grafanalo
The machine ofcwith.
Best Tone
That means the
best one to buy.
O trer fifty machines
in our stock for you to pick from.
Have one in yonr home for Xmas.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Prof. Fling's Lecture.
.Professor Fling, who speaks on
"America and tho World War" at tho
Fra.ikJIn auditorium pext Friday night,
W. It. IIod8hlro retumod tho lattor
part of last week from a ton-day visit
in Donvor.
: E. W. Robas will opon a ro3taurant
In tho Mogonson building on north
Locust streot today.
I A. D. Boas, ono of tho moat wldolv
Known residents of tho south part of
uio county, is in town, having boon
summoned as ono of the district court
Albrochht. furs at Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
I Edward Johnson hns purchasod of
Clyde MoMlchael tho southwest quar
ter of section 4-9-30, paying thorofor
tho sum. of $1,900 and assuming a
mortgngo of $f00. '
Queon Qunllty "Shoes nt Wilcox De
partment Store.
Tho dozen or moro North Platto boys
and girls who aro studonts at tho stato
university, returned to that institu
tion Saturday and Sunday after hav
ing spout tho Thansglvlng vacation nt
Mrs. N. A. Davis, formorly of this
city, but of late years residing In Mis
souri and Kniisns, arrived yostorday
ot visit hor daughter, Mrs. Frank
Hatch. MrDavln is expected to arrive
lator and thoy will probably spend tho
wintor In town.
Box suppor and program, December
14, at tho Cnnri school houso, Dis
trict 87, Boven miles north nnd ono
'half mllo eaBt of North Platto. com-
IHionclng nt 8 p. m. All nro cordially
invited. Miss Stolla Hinbonach.
toachor. 93.3
Ball Brand Overshoes and Rubbers
at Wilcox Department Store.
County Grador Hoagland has Just
unisnod a mllo of road leading to
the Wyman ranch that Charley Tom
plo, who Is competent to Judco. nro-
mounces a speedway. This mllo dem
onstrates that If sufflclont timo Is
taken good roads can bo made In Lin
coln county.
For Sale 10 room houso nt 218 west
Fourth street. Also numerous articles
of household furniture. Call after
noons after Wednesday noon.
Between January first and June 30lh
thegovernmont will need call for sub
scrlptlons to ten billion dollars' -worth
of Liberty bonds. This announcement
Is made in advance bo that North
Platte and Lincoln county peoplo enn
mnko arrangements to purchase tho
amount allotted to tho city and coun
ty. Those bonds must bo sold, and wo
must conclude that wo must buy.
F. L. Moonoy loft Friday night for
Omnha to witness tho foot ball game
and will romnlu over this wcok to nt
tond grand opera.
This ovoning tho first of tho series
of Rod Cross dances nnd card parties
win no given at the Masonic hall un-
dor the "nusplcos of tho O. E. S.
JllBt n fow moro lnillrm' miltn nt rn.
ducod prlcos at Wilcox Dopnrtmont
Miss DratlflR. wlin wnn niinrniillnml
for dinhthcria. wnn rnlnnuoil tlm lnttnr
ivart of last week anil reminiml Imp nn.
sitlon In tho city schools yo3terdny.
Mnnngor Carman has booked "Birds
of Paradlso." for tho evonlng of Jnn
uary 21st. It Is0n wonderfully bright
and clover piny with sconory that Is
I nm proparod to tako caro ot two
or moro invalids nt my homo nt 520
oast Fifth street. Mra. Ida Lowls.
Tho I. E trrnilti nf tlin Ilnntlnt nnv.
Illary will moot Thursday, December
Gth, nt tho homo of Mrs. H. L. Pon
nlngton, 220 south Ash. All inomborB
aro expected to bo prosoilt.
Money to loan on rent estate, by
11 It ATT, (J00D3IA.V & nilCKLBY.
B. F. Crnndcll, Rona Crandoll. Nor
man Crnndoll and Grnco Crandoll havo
sold to John E. Hall tho west half of
socctlon 25, and east half ot southwest
quarter section 2G-9-30, for a consid
eration of $4,Q00.
Becatrso of tho Rod Cross muslcalo
that tho pupils of Miss Florenco McKny
aro giving reniay ovoning. Dccom
bor 7th, at tho Presbyterian church,
tho music lossons for that day will ho
postponed until Tuesday, December 11.
Dr. Morrill. Dontlst.
From a Grand Island popor It Is
learned that L. II. Von Dollcn, for
merly manager of tho local tolophono
exchange and lator special agent for
tho Nobraska tolophono company, has
been appointed ninnagor of tho Grand
Island exchange, assuming the duties
of that position last Saturday.
Is n-colleg6; professorbut ho-1b dlDT Th'j musical hlts-of -the-,- "Flora
forent. Ho is scholarly but 'ho has
taught history to college ifreshmon for
years and has learned that scholar
ship must be suited to the mind ot the
average person if It Ib to bo given a
hearing by tho common peoplo. He
has been accused of being hard heart
ed and he Is exacting In his clnsscs,
but ho Is giving all of his spare time
to helping tho war orphans of France
and that is not tho work of a hard
hearted man. Ho is said to bo an ora-y
tor, but ho does not make any preten
sions in that direction. Ho has lived
in Franco nnd knows hor people and
her language. Ho knows lier states
men nnd her national Ideals. Profes
sor Fling is a most fearless man and
says Just what he believes to bo right.
Tho High Schools of North Platto havo
invited him to speak 'hero and they are
going to give him a crowded houso on
next Friday night. An admission of
25 cents Is to bo charged, tho pro
ceeds, after tho expenses havo been
paid, will be given to the French war
The.W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday
'aftorftoon at throe o'clock at tho homo
of Mrs. L. C. Sawyer, 908 west Sixth
L A good attondnnco 1b desirod
ueua' musical comedy can bo pur
chased at the Walker Music Co.'s store
aftoi Wednesday.
Tho splendid program rendered at
tho Elks memorial service Sunday af
ternoon was heard by a rather small
audience. J. G. Beelor gavo an excel
lent address, MIbb Waltomnth gave a
reading and Miss Whlto a solo that
woro appreciated and tho Stamp or
chestra rendered several selections
that were fine,
JJc wise mid buy n home. Wo Imvo
some nnrgnniK 011 easy payments.
In ordor to standardize and fuclll
tato tho Rod Cross knitting tho regular
knitting committee has been aug
mented by a number of ladles. Mrs
Fremont WattB Is still chairman of
tho knitting committeo but has now as
assistants In Instruction Mrs. Bowkor
and Mrs. Todd. Four ladles In differ
ent sections of town liavo boon appoint
ed to give holp and Instruction to their
neighbors who may need It; thoy aro
Mosdanioa Gllman, Jenkins, Soron
Bon and Beelor. Theso ladles will bo
glad to give help to any who may need
Iluy Red Cross Seals and Help Fight
Tuberculosis Tlmt Exists Amongst
Mnssoro Flees
It is said that Sam Massero, bettor
known aa "Tho Yawp," who fllod tho
chnrgo of gambling against Lom Ball
oy, mado a midnight doparturo for
Chicago Sunday night. Tliior1 aro
somo other roportod "tin horns"
around town who should do likewise;
In fact if thoy do not go ot their own
accord thoy will probably bo assisted.
With Massoro gono tho prosecution
against Balloy will probably fall flat.
Tho blblo nnd now groups of tho
Baptist ladles', auxiliary will moot in
an all day bossIoh In tho church baso
omnt Thursday, Docombor Gth, for tho
pnposo of finishing quilts for our mis
sionary. All"mombors nro urged to bo
Wanted Saleslady for holiday goods
at Wilcox Department Storo,
Every kind of best Insurance writ
ten nt lowost rates, by
v.' r
In these busy dnys quick transportation from
place to place is of the greatest importance. Time
becomes more valuable every day. We cannot
lengthen the hours, but we an crowd more "doing, '
more business into every day if we have quick and
economical transportation. The facility to go and
come quickly is surely in the power f owners of
Ford cars. Always ready, summer and winter;
always dependable; always economical, the Ford car
today commands the respect, confidence and
appreciation of the people, regardless of all distinct
ions of class or trade. The Ford is the universal
car on merit alone; it has earned its universal pop
ularity through giving uuiversal satisfaction in
universal service. You require a Ford car because
with it you can make the days more, valuable get
more money nnd pleasure out of your time.
Runabout $345; Touring Car, $300: Coupelet,
$560; Town Car, $645; Sedan $695; One-Ton Truck
Chassis, $600. These prices f . 0. b. Detroit.
December 5th, At 8:00.
An inspiring lecture on the Red Cross work in
Assistant Director of Red Cross Work for Nebraska.
Show your Patriotism by being present at this
Band wilLpIayon the corner before the Matting.
Several Musical Numbers at this Meeting. .