The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 30, 1917, Image 5

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    Your Eyes
Should have the best care that is possible to ob
tain. Our Optometrist is at your service. All his
work is guaranteed to be satisfactory.
and can replace broken lenses the same day order '
is given. Just bring the pieces we do not need the
Harry Dixon Sc. Son.
M W T. Wnnrt. nt 'hno Unin n flrntnniSi
Lnif of (til.. liifMlnnl l.n. nnllsta.l 11
KflUb Ui IIIIO lU I lllllllll , UikO UIIIIOIQII IB
"the ri'rniy and Is At present stntlonet
at n. ivOgan.
r1ni1iirtlmt Hunt rti1ttn lintftnw
UllUIILlUl IJOU VllllUll, HIAVlllB, i T
ceived u pntont for ills Arthur countjl
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Mrs. Margaret Baker left Wednes
day for a visit In Omaha and Lin
coln. Our Suits must go. We aro offering
then! now at one-third to one-half off
the regular price. BLOCK'S.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Weeks came up
from Grand Island Wednesday to
spend Tbnnksglvlngwlth relatives. .
Plant peonaes and phlox now. Wc
havo them. North Platte Floral Co.
Phone 1023. 86tf
Chas. Hoffhino spent Tuesday -with
Dr. Lucas while onroute from the east
part of the state ,to his home in Chey
enne? Louis Kelly, who is talking the jour
nalistic course at the state university,
came homo Wednesday to spend
Found on street, black leather
pouch containing small sum of money.
Owner call at this office for same and
pay for this notice.
Miss M. Sieman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladies and, gentle
men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf
Misses Florence and Lucille Wilcox,
students at the state university, came
home Tuesday evo'ning to spend I
Thanksgiving- vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cauffman, of
Kenesaw, were in town Wednesday,
Mr. Cauffman coming up to conduct
the Davis sale on the Dillon farm.
For quick action nnrt satisfactory
snlo list yonr land with Thoclockc. tf
The Christian aid society will hold
an exchange at tho Walker Music Co.
store Saturday, offering for sale all
kinds of baked goods and home made
The pupils of Florence MacKay will
give a musicale Friday evening, De
cember 7, at the Presbyterian church.
All proceeds will bo given to tho Red
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds came
up from Maxwell Tuesday evening and
later left for Lincoln to visit Governor
and Mrs. Neville and attend tho foot
ball game.
Mrs. Floyd Jackson, who had been
taking treatment in Denver, returned
home Wednesday accompanied by Mrs.
Clyde Glddeon, who had gono to that
city for, that purpose
Dr. L. D. Smith, the chiropractor,
will leave in a day or two for Omaha
for the purpose of enlisting In tho hos
pitnl corps of tho army. He has con
templated this action for some time.
Former engineer Jim Flynn was
down from his Arthur county home
Btead Tuesday. Ho has proved up on
the claim, but lie likes country life so
well that ho Is not quite sure whether
he will ever return to town life.
The statement issued by tho city
treasurer of Lexington shows out
standing registered warrants in tho
sum of nearly $25,000, four-fifths of
which are school wai rants. That does
not appear- to bo a healthy condition
for a town that has such environments
as Lexington.
For Rent Furnished, rooms for
gentlemen In a strictly modern homo.
Phono The Tribune. 89tf
Among the popular song hits to be
heard next Monday evening at tho
Keith when "Flora Bella" will bo pre
sented are "Good Day, Good Night,"
"Cat and Mouse," "Young Man Take a
Tip From Me," "It's Very Hard to
Bring Up Father," "Flora Bella,"
"Give Me All of You," "You'ro Tho
Girl," "Lovo is a Dance," "Adam."
After next Monday evening every
body will bo humming or whistling
"Give Mo All of You," one of tho song
hits of "Flora Bella." There aro a
dozen other songs nearly as good, and
none of tho twenty aro slow. If you
liko catchy music, good dancing and
mirthful comedy you will certainly be
at tho Keith next Monday evening.
R. C Langford returned Wednesday
from Omaha whore ho was called to
a conference of bankers at which the
now government savings stamps wore
discussed and explained. One bank
from each county was represented at
tho meeting. These savings stamps
go on sale noxt Monday at the banks,
and within the next year the govern
ment hopes to raise two billion dollars
for war purposes through this method.
Gathered by tho Pilgrim Fathers was
the occnslon of great rejoicing, and
Gbycrnor Bradford of Plymouth Col
oify ordained u fciist, niuT K'etjnp'ari a f
day of thanks to the Gle'r o'f all
Golden Harvests.
Today, wo aro engaged In a strug
gle with rust and unfamiliar agencies
as were those first Americans and
with tho sanio devotion to an Ideal.
Tho Platto Volley State Hank pro
claims Its readiness to nsslst tho ef
fort and enterprise of this community
in every business and banking way,
anticipating that not-far-dlstant dny
,,vjien all loyal Americans will unite
In thanks to the Giver of all Victories.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
time in Choyonno and other Wyoming
terminal points, it is untlerstooa that
at tho suggestion of Mr. Jeffors, tho
Wvomlnc Governor hitn dlrnrtod flint
thero be mado a gonornl clean up of
an gamming nouses nnu nouses of III
repute at the Union Pacific terminal
DointR In that stfitn. flonl. Mnnncnr
Jeffors mado tills request in order that
employes might give tho company
greater euiciency sn tneir service, and
at the some time becomo cleaner men
Lieut. Cochran Here Next Week.
Lieut. Roy L. Cochran, formerly
county surveyor, who wns a student
at Ft. Snelling and received a com
mission .18 first. Ilnntminnt. In tlin nn.
ginoering corps, writes C. J. McNn-
niara mat ne win visit iNorth Platte
friends. next week. After entorlng tho
service in the engineering corps
Lieut. Cochran was, at his own re
quest, transferred to tho coast artil
lery corps, and of late has been sta
tioned nt Fortress Monroe, Vn.
Tho Selling Prlco of a Dodge.
In Friday's issue of Tho Tribune n
plato furnished by an advertising
agent, was printed giving the pricco of
a Dodgo touring car as $1290. This
Plato was intended for nsn In Pnnndn
and not in tho United States. Tuesday
J. V. Romigh, the local dealer, pub
lished a correction, but the linotype
man mado t.ho nrlpn nf tlm Timi inn-
Ing car read $855 instead of $885, tho
miter uemg tlio prlco f. o. b. Dotroit.
Tho selling Drlce of tho touring car in
North Platto io $985. The conflicting
prices published make thls'correction
: :o: :
Appointed Food Administrator. v
B. R. Goodman, who watj recently
recommended by a commltteo-fls food
administrator for Lincoln county, was
appointed as such by Stato Adminis
trator Wattles Tuesday. An adminis
trator has been appointed in each
county, and thov lmvn
to moot in conforonco with Mr. Watt
ies in Omaha next Wednesday. At
this conforonco the dutios of tho coun
ty administrator will ho ontll noil, nnd
they will bo told of tho government's
policies in regard to tlio conservation
of food.
FollOWinc this COllforen Mr. Hnml.
man will orgnnlzo tho cornty by tho
appointment or as many precinct as
sistants as ho deems necessary to
carry out tho work..
u; ;o: :
"Do your Xmas shopping early,'' if
you are Dlannincr on nlrtnrna fnr Ymna
presents; let this rulo apply, and so
give us enougn time to finish your pic
tures and finish them rlrrht.
Call 125 for Taxi day or night
Also five or seven passenger oar for
funeral service.
(Taken trom tne Wookly War Di
gest issued by the Vu Department.;
, live! y timo a 12-lnoh gun is tired it
coiib. unes u halt bale of cotton; n ma
chine gun m operation will uo up a
uuio in tniuu minutes; in a naval uat
tlo like tno lucont ono on Jutland over
, JUfyj !:o to ejnan'oe
homcstoad. has returned to town tdi r. i i fill limiilftll tr titt lin n ti t u 1 t t it rr
romaln permanently. Jaumou by each warship. .
For twelve days preceding yostordasfl Returning trom iiiBpoct.on trips
not nn ongino failure was roportod o:' 10,1 army and aviation camps, Col.
. r i Ur.u,... w ril.. .......... ....
tne nurd district. Trnmc on tins us " umuomu, u um am
trict has boon kopt cloared up and Son general ofiico, reports that tho
everything is running smoothly. Pr -UIlt ot aibk ranges irom bolo.v
UPU per cent to slightly below two per
Tnmnrrnw mnmlmr tlin linrwla nf tlinl .
fi. .1?. P nml tlin Tl IJ T will innlfnl t.. it..n..i . . .
a domand upon every railroad In the or 7th thero wero 1,815,000 men and
United Statos and Canada for an in- m the navy 271.B71. Of the total of
crouso hi wages, viiq raiiroaus win 2,088,571 approximately 1,400,000 vol
bo asked to make reply on or before untaiilv eiillstml
Docomber 31st. I'lirloughs for Yulotido week will bo
In order that all manifest freight granted an men nt army cantonments
Mini, l.o nvnulltnil il.n lln r...onr. WllObO fll)HP.ll(M1 CTIl hfi IlOrmlttllfl 111 tlin
has been lessened. Tho lowering of opinions of tho division commanders
tho tonnago has resulted in a rapid l onaoio mem to spend Uliristmns at
movomont of trains and though moro tnolr homes.
trains aro necossnrv there Is less . "ho Daughters of the American
"grief" for dispatchers as well as for Revolution havo "adopted" a French
ongino nnd train crowed town. Tho members of this organlza-
, . . , , Um, who have already given moro
Work on the now depot has been re- than $2,500,000 for war work, aro rais
sun ed, tho dolayod Iron and stael mg money to build houses and buy
having arrived Wednesday as did also furniture, live stock, and farming im-
some of till! mill wnrlr. Vivo rnrnonlnrn . ..... .
i.. r V - - " piuuiuiiiH tor uio vmago oi 'inioioy, on
?," !?!' ' ,0a.ha yesterday, and the Aisne, which has Buffered heavily
flirt Mir flnnr will lir ntlii tiovt ifn1i I i
. , wull uim It-om wounds nt sovon per
General Manager Jeffors passed Pr cet of tho total of all mon Bent
east Wednesday, having spent some t0 FrrtIco Blnco tho begining of tho
Wnshlngtoui The socjond year of
thd vrttr will cost tho United Statos
about tho same nn tho first, according
to tho ostlnmted expenditures pre
pared at the troasury dopai tmout.
For tho fiscal yearbeglnning next
July 1 ordinary disbursement!, not in
cluding loans to nllloe or Interest on
bonds yet to be authorize 1, aro oa-
lUmated at $12,701,000,000, as com
Ipaiod with $12,310,000,000' for tho
cunent year ondlng Juno 30, 1918.
1 .T1l. I .. .. . I . . 1 . 1 t . . 1 .. I . i .... ...
iiiiw uBuiiuuu niuiiuiuH liuuruii UU 111B
$9,500,000,000 government securities
alrojdy authorized.
A largn part of the sum must be
! ve Used by bonds. Secretary Mc-
Adoo already has announcod that
about $10,000,000,000 will havo to bo
provided by issuinco of bonds or
treasury certlflcntM between now nnd
.Tinin fin t moot 1intn irnvnriiiiinut nr.
pcndlturcB nnd nllicd loans. 1
war. He addsthat the ratio of lossos
of this ccliaracter today, because of
improved tactics and awutly mount
ing allied superiority in nrtillery, is
loss than seven to every 100 mon.
Each infantryman when in "wnr
d.ess" carries sixty-two ounces of
brass of which 47.4 ounces is con
tained in tho 100 cartridges ho carries
and tho remainder is distributed in
the various articles which go to mako
up his accoutrements.
At present 2,800 Gormnns are held
as prisoners In tho United States, tho
greater numbor of which aro detninod
at Ft. McPhorson, Georgia, and at
Ft. Douglas, Utah. Those prisoners
consist of "nlieri enemies" nnd sailors
taken Into cuptody when wnr was declared.
Tho Cnspor Oil Field
The Juico of Wyoming oildom oozes
through 44 "pages of tho Casper Dailv
Trlbuno in compliment to achlov
monts past and tho certainty of great
er prosperity to come. The edition
glows with development stories, his
torical reviews ano millionaires In tho
making. Thirty years or moro ago a
few farseoing Omnha mon 'urged de
velopment in that region and prophes
ied what was to come, They foresaw
wlmt tho Trlbuno details as actuali
ties. Many heard but paid no heed,
Fear of bucking tho oil trust restrain
ed tho enterprising, and tho prospect
fel) to later mon with tho onorgy to
dao and do.. Seven districts In Wyo
ming now yield 43,000 barrels of oil a
day, tho Salt Creek district alono turn
ing out 16,000 barrels ovory 24 hours.
Abput 4,000 mon aro employed In the
oil'torritorv contlmimm tr P-nannr Tlio
minlmjim wage. Is about $5 per day and
. i . ..' i . .. ... . . . ..
u'S milium jmy roil is uoiter llinn
$8,000,000,000. "Tho touch oft he Midas
hand Is on Casper," Buys tlio Trlbuno
scribe, "and untold wealth remains to
bo thrown Into hor lap." Hero's hop
ing tho lap will overflow Into a pipe
lino to Omaha.
: :o; : n
M. II. Douglas received a telegram
this mnrnlnir from A T-T Rtrntlioru nt
Doirglas, Ariz., notifying him that the
mo' jcnirai iiuiio mining t o., which
has many stockholders in North Platto,
had Btruck sulphides In' silver at the
ISO foot level. This moans that stock
in tho company will at onco advance.
d F. Temple loft for Omaha last
night to attend a conforonco of tho Rod
Cross workers of tho state to bo held
at tho Fontenollo Hotel thia after
noon. At this conforonco will bo sev
eral of tho head officers of tho Red
Cross Association.
All Of our now Full Rultn nt. nun.
third to one-half offff tho regular prlco.
uoou selection to all early corners.
Tho Presbyterian aid Bocioty will
ftHiold a sale of fancywork and apronB
and, servo a lunch in tho church baso
ment on Thursday, Dec 13th.
Lieut Conlin, recently commlssion-
Hfl nt lit Slmrtllnn 1 a annn.tln t..
rhnnksgivlng holidayB at ho Harry
uixon iiome.
Mr. and Mrs. Krowatz havo moved
to thoir new homo on south Ash.
McDonald State Bank.
of North Platto, Charter No. 647 In tho
oiuin ui iuuruBKa ni mo cioso oi nun-
Lccturc by Prof. Fling.
Professor Fred Mnrrnw Tfll Tin linn.l
Of tllO Donartniont nf Fnrrmnnn Slo-
tory of tho University of Nebraska, haB
uucu iiiviiuuu to rivo ins locturo on
"America and tho World War" in
North Platto. Tho fnnnltv nnd oti..
dents of tho Senior nnd Junior High
schools will look after the arrange
ments nnd tho lecturo will bo hold in
mo riuimun auuiaonum on Friday,
evening, December 7. A charge of 25
cents will bo mado nnd th
after tho expenses havo boon paid will
be used for tho relief of French or
phans. Any graduato or formor Btu-
dent Of tlin Rtntn TTnlvnroU tr ...111 4 .11
----- -- ---- tun oiuin oi iuuru8Ka ai mo
Or tllO lllirll stnilflintr irlvnn Prnfnnonn IIOHH Novpinlior 0. 1 '11 7
SonUnrv8t Hi-"-?"- d,UC...?37?,?
French historv mill linn mmlo n m,m-1 ISondB. aocurltloB. ludcrmants
uer Of trlns to Franco in ntndv tlin ir. ciiuiiih, oic. ............
nni .i "", - anK'"S nouBo, rurnituro
V ..' i'"ju moro. no is ono ana llxturoH
or tno row mon In Amorlca who can other Real Estate...
sfcy "I told you so," for ho predicted DuHunnfitB anico
tho entrance of tho TTnttnd stntnu i,,. ni.-i;2 SUK i:i,,u'
the war from" the day when Belgian of exchange... 1,900.90
neutrality wns violated. This is Dr. bbia coin
all University peoplo will unlto in contH 7,199.4c 187,108.97
uibiiik um uuizena to attend, Vntn, sim? oni no
" . . uLAisiui-i-iiza
i V... Tl., iy r. I Canltal stock nald in 1100.000.00
,n 8 BI"fl5mB' SurplUH fund .7 20.000.0(1
u utiua oi vaney mnu near North unrnvweu proiitu
it onco ,'inaiviuuai uepos-
iJw? i t 'tB .subject to
-" t.u. n. . .. .. ; . . . ....... " -
Platte, a bargain if taknn nt
A 10 room modorn realdonco nicoly chock $301,491.90
luwuwu, uiuau io BCJiooi. uenmnu coriin
. t n ... I nnnam nV .1 .. r .1
2 iz room roBKinnr.n. mniiorn nr. V""1 ""i"""-
COnt heat.! linn linpnmnnf nn.l II i;J C, 804, 08
--r- , -- - uuu...v..,v imimtc i iniiu ceriuicaies
Can bO nut In. ninnn tn sclinnl of dcnoalt lno.HHS.g
Prices aro rleht. Can nhnw thna nt er tinea chocks. iod.oo
anytime. C.F.SPENCER. TndTiffi.nfi 27.1ao.99 48r,.03B.a9
Phono rod 492. Room 6 Rovnoldn
nnl!dln ' Total ......1643,201.60
ooiiiniaio 01 MeDrasKa. uouniy or Lincoln, as
a. it juvuuiiaiu. voiiiui ui 110
.......... .1 1. n t. .1 v. .. n V. .
tiuuiD iiuiiiDU uuiirh uu iiviBU onoi
mar. me aDove siaiemeni id a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Banking Board.
w. 11. Mcdonald, caanur.
CIIA8 MoDONALD, Director
N, V. REYNOLDS, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
.1.1.. 1 T l. .t .. . . ,.T. ... V. .. int.
IIIIO Alill uaj iiuvniiiucii itflli
C V. STRAUSS, Notary Public.
Chandler A Elnnr Airnnnv
.7. . . ' c v. STRAUSS, Notary I'uunc.
Comer Eighth and Locust SU.lMy commluulon expires May 11, 1921.
Vrom tlio Wnllaco Vi'Inncr
Tho Httlo Fulk boy, wno -wob Bq
badly Injured tho lattor part of Sep
tember by tho dlschargo of a girn in
tho hands of n' companion, nnd who
has boon in n hospital at North Platto
ever alnco, was brought homo last
wcok and we understand Is qulto fully
recovered. At tho timo ho was hurt It
was not thought by tho physicians or
iiuyuno olso that ho could possibly
. urvivo tho injuries.
Tho Wlnnor has Just loarncd that
Crnnvillo Mothorsoad, who onllstod
recently and was sont to tho officers'
training camp at Ft. Snolllng, failed' to
pass; something wrong with his
heart. It was in tho right plnco, nil
right, but It wouldn't tick Just right,
nnd they, couldtUt make It, bo ho had
to quit, very much to hlo rcgrot.
Shunts for Sale.
Nico bunch of Poland China shoata
for salo at the Howard ranch. Phono
790F031. 92-2
Carry It Anywhere
You're sure of quick, comfort
nblo warmth wherever extra
herd is needed if you have a
Perfection Heater. Hcnts any
room in a few minutes; car
ried from room to room more
easily than a small chair.
A Perfection Heater Is clean,
good-looking nnd durable. Al
ways ready for instant use.
Inexpensive to buy and much
cheaper to use than coal con
sidering the present high
Ask your hardware, furniture
or department store to show
you Perfection Heaters,
Now used in more than 3,000,
000 homes.
PERFECTION Ktrc.em ouvryi
turni with a clean, hut flame.
Standard Oil Company
Nice Chicken Farm For Sale
Tho nbovo houso and out buildings and 5 acres of land for salo cheap.
Bath room and wator proof basomont. All buildings nro In good condition.
Thoro aro two and ono-hnlf acres in alfalfa; 2 irrigation wells; 250 trees;
shado and fruit; 5 room house. Easy terms. For further particulars
inqnlro.Martln Wyman at Van Clcavo'B blacksmith shop.
w B.jg ma
easy stnrts In the coldest
winter weather and llght-ninrr-lilce
ninlc-nrvi wlim
you open the throttle - these are yours when tho
motor la running on lied Crown Gasoline.
Red Crown vaporizes readily even when the
motor is stone-cold. The cylinders draw In a full
chnrge of gas that explodes at the first tiny spark.
That's why Red Crown saves the batteries of
your starter. .
And If you want a sudden burst of speed In dodg
ing through traffic, or on a country road you'll get
it if Red Crown Gasoline is in the tank. For every
drop is full of punch and power. And every gal
lon Is like every other gallon dependable nnd pure.
Get Red Crown wherever you see the sign at our."
Servioo Stations and all good garages. $L
The best winter lubricant is I'olarlne.
Flows freely in zero weather; oils
perfectly at any temperature.
Nebr..k.) OMAHA