The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 30, 1917, Image 1

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No. 92
PT ' -si-
Tho now rural touto, which will
servo the soction oasU north and north
west or tho city, will he oponod tomor
row. Tho new route, which la con
solidated with the prosent route bo
twoon tho riverH, will bo known as
Motor Route 13, and tho distance cov
ered daily by the carrier will bo sixty
throe miles. The route goes oast on
Fourth street, serving residents on the
oast end of that street, crosses the
rivor and continues oast to Gannett,
thence north to the hills, thonco woHt
to tho D. 15. McNeel ranch thence
south to the river road and east to
and across the North rivor bridge- and
north on Locust.
Tho position of carrier is at present
hold by Frank Tolllion, but a civil
sorvico examination for tho 'position
will be hold December 8th. Tho pay
Is $1,800 per year.
The new routo will servo about one
hundred families, eighty of whom have
already erected maif boxes. Tho es
tablishment of this route comes after
efforts on the part of tho patrons and
the postmnser for a period covering
ten years.
:to: :
Land Sells for $150 Per Acre.
Tho E. A. Hamilton farm of ICO
acres, six miles west of town, former
ly known as tho Otten land, was sold
Tuesday to Frank Turpio for $24,000,
or at the rato of $150 per acre. So
far as wo can recall, this is the high
est price over paid for a similar sized
-tractof land in Lincoln county.
Mr. Hamilton, who Is a passenger
c'onductor running between Omaha" and
North Platte, purchased ifio Otten
farm eight years ago. It then com
prised 280 acres, and lie subsequent
ly sold 120 acres. By holding tho re
maining 100 acres until tho present
time ho cleaned up nearly fourteen
thousand dollars.
Health Officer Visits City.
The secretary of tho stato board of
henjth spent Wednesday in town in
quiring into health conditions, and es
pecially as to tho rathor numorous
cases of small-pox. Other than insist
ing that quartino rules bo moro rigid
ly enforced, ho made no recommenda
tions but will again visit tho city in a
week to sea if tho rogulaltons are be
ing oboyod. If not he may causo tho
city to adopt Borne drastkj measures.
He Rtated that small-pox is prev
alent in many sections of Nebraska,
and so far the death of twelve adulti
have roauljed from tho disease. He
strongly advocatos vaccination as a
preventive and to stop tho spread of
the dlsdase.
-: :o: :
.. (Jet Copies of Qiicsilennire.
Clqrk Allen, of tho exomption board,
is in receipt of about two thousand
copies of the quostlonairo and also
envelopes for their mailing. No word
has been recolvod as to when these
questionairos are to be placed in the
mall and tho local board will proceed
as originally intended, making all
preparations nesossa-v and mailing
them as soon as the instructions am
received. Tho registered men will have
seven days after receiving tho quos
tionniro in wh'i:h to make returns
They will be sent out in lots of one
hundred each day.,
Lyman Sells. Addition
The Residence Park Addition in
tho south part of tho city owned by
William Lyman has been sold to Frcd
erlka Zenker. Tho sale Includes all
of blocks 14, 1G, 17, lots 3, 4, G, 7, 8, 9
and 10, In block 10, and lot3 4 and 5 In
block 15.
The consideration was $7,000 sub
ject to mortgages of $7,400.
: :o::
Fit out tho family with what's need
ed in over shoes or all sorts at last
season'. nWcos nt Tho Loader Mer
cantile Co.'s. '
. Yostorday wns a big day for tho
mombors of tho Prcsbytorlan congre
gation, not only being tho dny for th
recoption to tho new pastor, Rov. Cur
ry and wife, but it was a day of spe
cial thanksgiving becauso the church
is wholly freo from debt.
At shortly after one the momboro
present sat down to bountifully laden
tables and onjoyed one and all a fine
Thnnksglving dinner. There woro
over two hundred present and it wag
a tine sight to seo so many out to give
honor to the now pastor nnd thanks
for tho day.
After tho banquet nnd a short social
hour thoso present adjourned to tho
auditorium up stairs whoro -a short
program was givon, consisting of two
beautiful organ solos by Miss Klor
onco McKay, n vocal solo by Mrs.
Burko and ono by littlo Miss Johnson.
Aftor the oponlng selection Mr. Cros
by, as chairman of The day, intro
duced Mr. Buchanan who wolcomed
Mr. Ourry as pastor on behalf of tho
congregation. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Curry respondid and expressed their
pleasuro and happiness in being chos
en by the congregation to fill this pas
torate. Then camo the last important event
of tho day, tho burning of the note
p.galnst tho church. After a statement
of tho finances of the church Frank
Buchnnnn, assisted Jy littlo Miss
Dorothy Shuman, burned the hoto
while tho icongregatlon stood and' sang
"Praise God from Whom All Bless
ings How." 0
::o:: f
County Clerk Allon nnd Mrs, Allen
left Wednesday for a week'Bvlsit with
rolatlvos in Omaha.
It matters not what kind of a Coat
vou may like, at ho pricco you may
want to buy if for, you are suro to
And it at BLOCK'S, the store of tho
town. tvsm
Mr. Culloy bounght a piano of tho
Walker Music Co. Wednesday.
Wanted Girl for general Iioubo
Work. Mrs. J. S. Slnims, phono 38. 92-2
J. J. Halllgan transacted buslnoas
In oastern Colorado towns this woek.
Ir. Morrill. Dentist.
Frank Hoxlo camo down from his
Kolth coumty ranch to spend Thanks
giving with his family.
The Power of the New Nash
.Six has been demonstrated.
It's easy Riding qualities can
not be successfully challenged (
It has no Body squeaks, showing
superiority in Body Construction
It is in a class by itself," consid
ering its size, when it comes to
first economy
If all automobiles had Power Plants
equal to the New Nash Six drivers
would have to look elsewhere for
right arm muscular development.
If all automobiles possessed the ex
traordinary Riding qualities of the
New Nash Six, manufacturers of
shock absorbers would have to go
out of business.
If all automobiles were as free from
Body Squeaks, as the New Nosh Six
there would be less work for the
nerve specialists.
If all automobiles were as Econ
omical in fuel consumption as the
New Nash Six, the problem of con
serving gasoline supply would be
, 7 ' vt '
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
Try Dr. Smith, tho
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Davis and bohb
Will and Robert wore guests of friends
in Paxton yostorday. '
Dr. Brock, Dontist, ovor Stono Drug
Store. tf
Miss Ruth Smith, of Kearney, nr-
rlvod yostorday to spend Thanksgiv
ing with hor aunt, Mrs. Lanyon.
Mr.' and Mrs. D. P. Wilcox, of Co-
Tiad, woro guests yestorday of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Cotteroll.
J. H. Snmnor. of lllnnmltii'tnn. Knh .
has boon n minst of Mr. ntnl Mrs n. S
Huffman for n couplo of days past.
For boys of school ago, tho host
suits and mnckinaw overcoats on sale
at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s.
Chan, llnnfor enmn lihmn from Mm
stato university Wednosday to spend
inanusgiving wmi iub parents.
Mis. Frank Dornn nnd threo chil
dren loft Wednesday to visit in Omaha
and other eastern Nebraska points.
For Rent Rooms for light houso-
kooping. Phono Black 941. 91-2
Wylio Walkor, of tho Walker Music
Co., delivered a Kimball piano to tho
Ogalalla Methodist church this week
I now have funds at 5V& per cent
on choice bottom tablo land. Gone
Crook, Room 4, Keith thoatro Bldg.
Mrs. W. J. Stuart will leave Monday
for Camp Cody to visit her son Harris,
who has beon transferred to tho ar
tillery corps.
Dr. and Mrs. Conlln camo up from
Omaha yesterday morning to spond
Thanksgiving with tho Mrs. Conliu's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon
Jollne Antonldes, Carl Harris and
another young man whoso nnmo wo
did not learn, went to Denver last
night to take an examination for on
trnnco into tho aviation corps.
" Mr, nnd Mrs. Leslio BaslUns wont to
York Wednesday to attend tho Yorlc
North Platte foot ball gamo and from
there, will go to Omaha to seo tho
,Cttmp Dodge-Camp Fuhston gamo to bo
piayeu tomorrow.
Scores of now wool sergo and Bilk
Dresses Just received; any stylo
imaginable in nil tho leading shades
at popular prices at BLOCK'S.
Fv T. Redmond had planned on
Bpondlng Thanksgiving with his son
Leonard at Camp Funston, but was
notified that by reason of tho quaran
tine no visitors would bo admitted to
tho camp.
Walter Hoxlo, who has boon visit
ing his parents this week, will return
to Minneapolis Saturday night and a
row days mtor will go to Harvard unl
vorsity to completo-'his studios In wiro
less telegraphy.
The women of Sutherland are very
activo In Red Cross work. They hold
a box supor a fow ovenings ngowhlch
netted them $105, and next Wednesday
au tuo am societies or tho villago will
hold a union meeting and donato the
receipts to tho Red Cross.
Dr. Smith, Chiropractor,
Building & Loan Building.. 50ft
?Ncxt Thursday, December Gth. will
bo "smokelofis'' day in Nebraska, and
all smokers uro requested to glvo up
their cigars, clgarottos and pipes and
givo tho monoy to tho Rod Cross, or
bammy Girls or to tho Omaha Dally
Nows Soldiers' Christmas fund.
Commencing Saturday, December lr
wo will Boll our trlmmod and untrim
mod hats at cost, nothing reserved
Salo to continuo until ovory hut is
sold. Your.. for bargains, McVickcr's
All students at tho stato univorsity
when loaving for tho Thanksgiving
holiday woro notlflod that upon thoir
roturn they must show that during
their absence they had boon vaclnat
od. About a dozen North Platto boys
and girls havo boon, 'or will bo, givon
a shot boforo presenting themselves
at that Institution noxt Monday morn
Ask to soo our now wool sorgo
pleated model dross ut $12.75; It's a
wondor. At BLOCK'S of course
A few days ago two young mon
dressed in soldier uniforms drovo into
town from tho east in a Ford, nnd
shortly theroaftor traded the car for
anothor Ford. They then started east
and when reaching . Grand Island
Wednesday woro placed undor arrest
"or having Btolon in Omaha tho car
they drovo Into North Platto. They
confessed to tho thoft and admitted
they woro tho uniforms to avert sus
It matters not what kind of a Coat
you may like, at tho price you may
want to buy it for, you aro euro to
find it at BLOCK'S, tho store of the
C F. Coy, ,tho real estato man of
Paxton, has Just completed a survey
of tho territory tributary to Paxton,
and estlmatOB that there has beon 8,
000 acres ot fall wheat put in this
fall, and that about 4.000 acres have
pneon put. in ryo.,.A,Tlia noovo IB inao
pendent or uio torriiory lying norm or
tho'North rivor, where farmers always
raise a great deal of ryo. Ogalalla
Mlss.Kdna Sullivan, clork to thTTTH-
coln -county exemption board, has
completed n classification of nil reg
istrants in tho county, with tho ex
ception of those whono claims for
exemption are mill pending baforo tho
district board
Tho total numbor ot roglBtrnnta was
175S, of which 600 have beon exam
ined, 403 paBsod, 97 woro rojectod by
roason of physical disability and 105
have reported At camp.
in the classlllcatlon, farmers lend
with 792 rogistrnnts. R"J9 of whom have
not, boon called, 191 havo boon ac
cepted, and 42 rojoc:od.
Carpontors and othor trades num
bor registered G5, not called 43, ac
cepted 19, rojocted S.
Railroad shops, yads, etc. Numbor
registered 119, not called 92, accoptod
2.1, rejactod 4.
Railroad transportation department
218 registered, 147 not called, OS
accoptod, 3 rojectod.
Telegraph and tolophonoj Ninoteon
registered, nono called;
Draymon Twenty-two roglsterod,
threo accepted, ono rojectod.
Bnnkors and merchants Thirty-four
registered, 2G not called, 2 accepted,
G rojectod.
Mail olorks, office men, etc. Fif-
toon registered, 14 not culled, 1 rojocted.
Professional mon Slxty-throo regis
tered, 39 not called, 1G accepted, 8 rejected.
Clorks, barbers, etc. 119 roglstorod,
85 not called, 2G accoptod. 8 rojectod.
Laborers 281 roglstorod, 201 not
called, 62 accoptod, 21 rojectod.
Among tho registrants aro found
representatives of llftcon nationalities.
: :o: :
Display Servlco 1'lni?.
Tho Odd Follows havo attached a
sorvico flag to tho staff on tho top of
their building, with sixtoen blue stnrtt
in a Hold of white, indicating that six
teen monitors of Walla Walla Lodgo
aro now In tho Borvlce of thoir coun
try. This plnn of flying n service flag
is an oxcellont ono and ovory lodgo in
town should display ono. It is u
constant reminder that North Platto
boys arc dolntr their duty on tho front
or in enmp. It is ono wny of "Kcop
ing the homo Urea burning."
Local Team Defeated.
In tho game of foot ball nt York
yostorday tho North Platto 'team was
dofoated by a score of thirty-four to
nothing. The York team Is consider
ably heavier, have moro oxporienced
players and in tho plays yestorday
luck broko with them.
"War Bridos," tho .greatest photo
drama ovor produced will bo shown at
tho Kolth Wodncsdny and Thursday,
Decombor 5 nnd G. It la a play that is
clutching tho honrts of n nation.
Alia Naalmovn, tho noted Russian
tragedienne, plays tho leading rolo.
All of our now Fall Suits at ono
thlrd to one-half off tho regular price,
flood Soloctlon to all onrly comora.
Ernest Cnsoy, lmu beon promotod to
bo a sargcant In Co. B, 355th Infantry,
stationed at Camp FlinBton.
The most wonderful creation in Phonographs
Call and hear this beautiful toned Instrument.
It plays all records including the Pathe, with
the instant interchangeable reproducers.
The only Music Store in Western Nebraska.
vVhcn you buy a Ford car you buy on established
quantity a proven quality a motor cor that is Jiv
ing satisfaction in practically every form of service
under every condition where an automobile con be
used. Acar that may be depended on in every circum
stance. No one will dispute this fact. Then why
not place your order for a Ford at once? Runabout,
$345; Touring Car, $3G0; Coupelet, $505; Town Car,
$595; Sedan $645; One-Ton Truck Chassis, $600.
These prices f . o. b, Detroit. Your order will have
prompt attention.