The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 27, 1917, Image 5

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Your Eyes
Should have the best care that is possible to ob
tain. Our Optometrist is at your service. All his
, work is guaranteed to be satisfactory.
and can replace broken lenses the same day order
is given. Just bring the pieces we do not need the
Harry Dixon 8c Son.
Graduate Dentist
Office over th McDonald
State Bunk.
Misses Irene and Mario Stuart re
turned yesterday from a visit In Den
ver. Ralph Merrltt and wife, of Staple
ton, -vvero North Platto visitors last
Mrs. G. T. Field loft Sunday night for
Los Angeles -where she will spend the
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Plttman have re
turned from a ' trip to Excelsior
Springs, Mb.
'j. F.'Abornathy, of the North Platto
Monumental Works, transacted busi
ness In Cozad yesterday.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over -Stone Drug
Mrs. Clyde GIddeon is visiting with
friends' in Denver, having left for that
city Sunday morning".
Mrs. Edward Seyferth left Sunday
morning for Denver to visit hor daugh
ter, Mrs. Wm. McGlone.
Tho literary department of the
Twentieth Century Club will meet with
Mrs. Edith. Gantt this afternoon.
About an inch of snow fell Sunday
evening, part melting as it fell, but
enough remaining in the frozen state
to well cover tho ground.
Miss Florenco McCracken was in
and bought a Smith & Barnos piano
of the Walker Music Co.
Christian Science Thanksgiving ser
vice, Thursday morning at 10:30,
Builting & Loan builting, room 25. All
are welcome.
Arthur McMellon purchased a Jesse
French & Son's piano at tho Walker
Music Co.'s big piano sale.
Ferdinand Streitz, who had been sta
tioned at the navy yard at San Fran
cisco, has been, assigned to tho coast
artillery and transfored to Ft. Mc
Dowall. i
Last week a boh was born to Mr.
and Mrs. B. It. Fletcher at tho Gener
al Hospital and a son to Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Hite at the Nurse Brown
Blankets, all kinds at all prices
within tho reach of everyone. Out
ing gowns, everything to make you
One of the boys at Camp Cody writes
that under an order issued by the sec
retary of war soldiers at tho camps
will not bo permitted to write letters
for publication in their' homo papers.
Mrs. Dr. Thornburg, formerly Miss
Maymo Kelliher. a teacher in tho North
Platto schools thirty yeas ago and a
Sllster of John D. Kelliher, of Maxwell,
died recently at her homo in Iowa.
Wo haVo some wonderful bargains
in millinery in our department at
Block's. Every hat has been reduced
to a low figure. VILLA WHITTAKER.
There seems to be a general cry
among the farmers of Lincoln county
for stock cattle and hogs to feed the
soft corn.. Ab there is much soft corn
In all sections of tho state and In Iowa
tho demand for cattlo and hogs is
greater than tho supply.
Xmas is only ono month away,' don't
delay your shopping too long.
Howard Dalega and Herman Knott,
of Spaulding, Neb., woro North Platte
visitors last week. Mr. Knott came to
look up a location and is very much
pleased with the country surrounding
North Platte. ' Ho is a relative of Dew
ey Kern, of Iowa, who was reported
missing In Franco.
J. P. Larson Wed 5TFss Keller.
Cards received In town Saturday an
nounced tho marriage of 'Joseph Lar
son,': formerly chlof clerk to District
Foroman McGraw, to Miss Luclllo Mill
er Keller at tho homo of her parents,
Rov. and Mrs. S. L. Keller U Fromonl,
last Thursday. Tho coremony wns
performed by Rev. Harman, of Oma
ha, formerly of this city. Tho brldo
is well known in North Platto, having
spent scveial years hero as a regla-'
tercd nurso in tho employ of tho Don't
& Quigley hospital and later In tho
General Hospital. Sho Is a very bright
and lovable young woman, and while
resident of the city won tho friend
ship and esteem of many of our peo
ple. Mr. Larson Is a splendid young
man whowas immensely popular with
North Platto people, and when ho was
promoted and transferred to Green
River his leaving was very much re
gretted. Mr. and Mrs. Larson, following tho
wedding, went to Omaha to visit for a
few days and will then go to Green
River to mako their home.
cOririiii!zo Ministerial Association.
Tho pastors of tho Protestant
churches met in the Baptist study
Friday afternoon and ro-organlzcd the
ministerial association, which became
disorganized through four of tho for
mer minister lbaving town. Rov. Hull
was elected president of tho associa
tion and Rov. Lindenmoyer secretary.
Regular meetings will be hold on tho
first Sunday of each month.
Columbia Grafanola
The acme of
Musical Perfection.
The instrument
with an unsur
passable tone.
Will you have one to gladden
your home Christmas?
! DIXON, The Jeweler.
Union Services
Union Thanksgiving services will bo
held at tho Baptist church Wednes
day evening at 7:30. Rev. Koch, of
tho Lutheran church, will read tho
president's proclamation, Rev. Lin
denmoyer of tho Christian church will
deliver tho sermon and Rev. Hull will
direct the service and tho music. At
tho close of the service a thank offer
ing for tho Armenian and Syrian suf
ferers wll bo taken.
We have a few fall suits left and in order to clean
them up quickly we ofler
All $30, $35 and $40.00 Suits at
All $25.00 Suits at
These are some of the best styles and cloths we have
had this year and are especially cheap considering the
woolen goods market.
Enrlo Wrlpht Goes to Philippines.
Earle Wright, who is with the
Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, enrouto to
tho Philippines, writes "that thoy ar
rived at Honolulu November 15th and
that ho Is feeling fine, though tho
weather Is very hot.
Earlo enlisted in October at Grand
Island, was sent to Ft. Logan, as
signed textile Nineteenth regiment, and
a few days later embarked for the
Philippines for island service.
Si urges Tow on tho Deep.
Loron C. Sturges, who was detained
in Now York for a week, is supposed to
have embarked at Now York yester
day for Franco. His detention in Now
York gave him an opportunity to visit
on two occasions with Everett Evans
and Alvln Sandall, who are now sta
tioned at tho Brooklyn navy yard.
Hero's hoping that "Pop" will have a
safe voyage.
i ::o::
Wo have a very fine assortment of
silk, also tho sorgo, dresses which wo
aro selling at a real discount, and all
alterations free. By buying a dross
with this discount, alterations free,
you cannot possibly buy tho material
at theso prices.
Introducing a New Star.
"War Brides'', tho first production
by tho Herbert Bronnon Film Corpor
ation for Selznlck-PIctures, will bo
seen at tho Keith theatro on Wednes
day and Thursday, December fifth
and sixth. This photo-drama will in
troduce to moving picture patronB a
now star, Nazimova. Well known on
tho stage, she Is now making her debut
on tho screen in a film version of tho
play, by Marlon Craig Wontworth, in
which sho mado a sensational success
in vaudeville. Sho had rofused all
others until Bho saw "A Daughter of
tho Gods," which Bronon wroto and
directed, and was so charmed by thn
work that she signed a contract to
appear under his direction.
"War Brides" Is an intensely dra
matlc story, but while It has to do
wJlh conditions brought about by
war, there aro no nattlo scones. A
trench is shown, and tho effects of the
fighting upon tho troops, but no bat
tlo scene Is enacted. Tho main story
has to do with tho sufferings of tho
women at homo. Joan, tho young
widow, defies tho military authorities,
and urges tho young women of tho
vlllago to refuse to become brides of
the departing soldiers. Sho is lmpris
oned, but escapes, and leads a band
of mourning women to meet tho King
and protest against war. Her own in
dividual message sho dolivers In a
most dramatic manner.
Herbert Branon has excelled him
self in this production. His previous
sucoosscjs, "Neptuno's Daughtor,"
"Tho Soul of Broadway," "Tho Clem-
onceau Case' "The Kroutzer Son
ata," and others, have won for him a
reputation second to that of no oth
er director in tho world, and ho stakes
WjIs reputation upon "War Brides'' as
his greatest work down to tho pros-ont.
A Washington dispatch dated Sun
day says that operation of all rail
way lines east of Chicago as ono cen
tralized system wns decided on by
tho railroad war board to obtain a
maximum of efficiency In traffic
movement. Cars and trackago facil
ities will bo pooled, regardless of own
ership of tho railroad's individual in
terest. This almost revolutionary movo was
announced after an all-day confer
ence botweon members of tho war
board and tho government officials at
which many romcdies woro offered for
tho frolght congestion that has para
lyzed transportation In tho east. It
was adopted as tho best and readiest
means of meeting n situation that has
threatened tho production and dis
patch abroad of war matorlals.
Tho roads will be operated by a
committee of vice presidents of tho
linos, under tho genoral direction of
tho war board itself, comprising fivo
of the country's railway heads. Tho
committee of vico presidents will bo
given full authority to adopt any
measures found nocessary to accom
plish a unified operation. ....
Tho operating program calls for the
Diversion of locomotives, employes
and machino tools from western to
eastern railroads.
Utilization of repair shops on west
ern lines for repairing eastern equipment.
Pooling of tracks and equipment
in, tho cast wherever practicable
'Pro rata distribution nmong eastern
roads of open-top cars on basis of ton
nage carrying capacity of tho equip
ment in tho pool.
Diversion from congested linos of
all freight that can bo handled by any
open route.
Will Pennllzo Food Hoarders
Food Administrator Wattles writes
Tho Tribune that food hoarding will
be severely dealt with by tho food ad
ministrator. Buying any sunnlv of
food stuff greater than for Blxty days
uso will bo considered sufficient ovl
denco of hoarding and In tho matter of
sugar, bocauso of tho scarcity, sup
plies for moro than two weeks will
bo construed as hoarding.
Sales of sugar In 100 pound lots Is
directly contrary to tho spirit and let
ter of tho ruling and will bo dealt
with severely. Tho Department of
Justice has ruled that tho Individual
who buys in unlawful quantities shall
bo prosecutod and tho sellor shall bo
Jointly llablo. Stops aro now being
taken to prosecuto tho mall order
houses who aro shipping into tho stato
In violation of orders and tho buyers
as well.
"Theso rulings will bo Btrlctly on
forced," says Food Administrator Wat
ties, "and violators must bo prepared
to tako tho con8cquencoB.,'
: :o; t
Many Attend Reception
Tho recoption tendered Rov. and
Mrs. Frank Koch by tho Lutheran
congregation at tho parish house Fri
day qvoning was largely attonded by
church people, and thoro woro prosent
ns guests Rov. and Mrs. Cram, Rov.
und Mrs. Hull, Rov. and Mrs. Llndon
moyer, Rov. and Mrs. Jones and Rov.
and Mrs. Curry. As attondants woro
admitted by a committeo of ladies and
men thoy woro presented by formal
introduction to Rov. and Mrs. Koch
and lator yoro Borved with light re
freshments. J. E. Sebastian prcsldod
as chairman of tho program and In
troduced Rov. Cram, dean of tho North
Platto ministers, who on behalf .of tho
clorgy gave tho guests of honor a
hearty welcome. Rov. Cram injected
into his remarks Bovoral good storlos
which he well told. Tho wolcomo In bo
half of tho congregation was mado by
Dr. O. H. CresBlor, who also amusod
his hearers with several stories, and
assured tho now pastor that tho con
gregation would most heartily support
him. To theso addresses of wolcomo
Rev. Koch mado reply, reciting somo
of tho kind considerations already
shown him by tho congregation,
among which was a drlvo seven miles
In tho country to a chlckon dinnor, a
repetition of which would probably
not bo declined. Mrs. Koch was pre
sented with a basket of llowors and
voiced hor appreciation of tho kindly
mannor in which sho 4iad boon re
ceived by tho church ' membership.
Following this wolcomlng program,
thoro was an hour of Informal goodrol
lowshlp. ,
i j
Expensive Charity.
Not In a good many years, porhapa
novor, has a charity show boOnVso
much in tho public oyo as thorocont
army and navy bazaar in Now York
city. Tho bazaar was hold for tho
laudablo purposo of securing monoy
for comfort kits for tho Boldlorsand
It was a tremendous success. Undor
tho ablo management of 'AVafdfimar II.
do BUlo tho bazaar took hTUie'vOBt
sum of $715,475.93. Tho boys in tho
trenches woro to havo comfort kits un
limited. Tho money was counted and
tho debts disbursed and thon it was
found that tho not amount loft for tho
ipurchaso of comfort kits was $754.
Tho dear pooplo had spoilt ono hun
dred dollars at tho bazaar for ovory
dollar that seeped through to tho sol
dlors and sailors.
Dr. Smith, Chiropractor,
Bulldlnc & Loan Building..
Mrs. J, H. Krause, who had been vis
'itlng her daughtor Mrs. Arthur Tramp
for ten days, returned to West Point,
Neb., yesterday.
Ford Cars conio Through tho Rig Do
Irolt Plant Llko Wheat From u
Threshing Machine.
During tho month of Octohor tho
Ford Motor Company mado 79,075 cars
In tho last six months tholr produc
tion waB 4G9.135 or at tho rato of 038,-
270 Iper annum. The estimated pro
duction for tho year was placed at
900,000, about 3,000 por day, but thoro
is small doubt that unless war condl
tlons provent that thoro will bo moro
than ono million Ford cars mado with
in tho Ford fiscal year August 1, 1917,
to August 1, 1918. Staggering as aro
those figures this tremeridouH t(ri
umph of manufacturing possibilities
It Is equally astonlshlngto know that
demand Is ovor ahead of production
and that thoro has not been a day,
since August 1st last, that thero has
not been orders on hand for moro than
100,000 cars for Immcdlato delivery.
A Few Days More
Piano Sale
as they are going fast.
We are making room for a big lot ofjPHONO
GRAPHS and PIANOS that are coming for our
CHRISTMAS trade and must have the room.
soldjat a great sacrifice. You must make a quick
decision and act at once as these bargains will not
last long.
The only Music Store in Western Nebraska.
Nice Chicken Farm For Sale
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
Tho above houso and out buildings and 5 acres of land for sale cheap,
Bath room and water proof basement. All buildings aro in good condition.
Thoro aro two and ono-half acres In alfalfa; 2 Irrigation wells; 25Qjltroes;
shado and fruit; B room houso. Easy terms. For further particulars
Inquire Martin Wyman at Van Cleavo's blacksmith shop.