On Buying Jewelry for Gifts The question, what to give for Christmas, comes earlier than usual' this year. The sum total of all gift searchings is met in jewelry. It is useful, it is beau tiful. It is inexpensive, or costly. It is luxurious in appearance, yet economical because of its permanency. Jewelry was the first Christmas gift. Make this a jewelry Christmas. One purchases jewelry at Clinton's knowing that it has the permanence, quality and worthy character one insists on having. Even though the price is trivial, the quality is reliable. There is no after reflections on the judgment of the giver. The very name of Clinton adds prestige to your present. The display of diamonds will interest you immensely. We arc able to offer extra good values in both loose and mounted gems. RINGS BROOCHES BAR PINS LA VALIERES BRACELETS EARRINGS BRACELET WATCHES SCARF PINS WATCH CHAINS CUFFLINKS C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician, At the Sign of the Big Ring. v., "".Nf3 " - OCAL AND PERSONAL Tho S. W. S. club will glvo a danc ing party at tho Masonic hall tomor row ovpniog. Drl Schaffer, of Gothonburg, was in . town Sunday assisting Dr. Fenncr in Surgical work. f Tho county commissioners wore In session ycRtorday allowing bills and transacting other routine buslnoss. Duvall & Chorponnlng rocclvcd two carloads ot Bulcks yesterday and havo six moro carloads enrouto for distribu tion to thoir BUlt-agonts. ' A big lino of silk hosiory for Xnias. . E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Edward W Johnson, aged 32, and Elizabeth Noron, aged 19, both of Brady, woro united in marrlago by Judgo French at, his offico Saturday. For Hontr-RoomB for light house keeping. Phono Black 041. 012 " Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Ritnor. ,havo leased tho Ritnor Hotel to Mike Kuchom and will leave shortly for southern California to spond tho win tor. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Clay and chil dren, toilrlng from Detroit to Brush, Colo., passed through yostorday. Up unUl yostorday thoy had found tho roads in good shape. Don't fail to seo tho pianos at Walk er Music Co.'s and tako advantago of tho wondorful bargains. Tho assault caso' of Bart Crawloy ngainst LeeOhaso, Doth 1 of Wolllleot, In which a pitchford and a gun figured but without sorloua rosults, was dls mlHscd in tUo county court Saturday, Down at Brady a woman holpor has heonio'mployod at tho depot. TIiub oiio hy oiio aro tho femalo willing workers being absorbed by tho railroads, thoir oorvicos boing mado nocossary by tho scarcity of inalo help. Subscriptions to tho Llborty bonds soem not to have- lntorferrod to any extent 'with tho growth of deposits in tho throe North Platto banks, tho ng grogato deposits In which aro ad vancing toward tho two million dollar mark, Fo Salo For quick action unit Kntlsfactory brIo list yonr land with Thoclecke. tf N. F. Clougli received a bad scalp wound Saturday when a piece of scant ling foil from tho top of tho K. C. building whilo ho was passing through tho alley and struck him on tho hoadr It required soveral stitches to close tho wound. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook left this morning for Lincoln to attend tho Nebraska-Syracuse -foot ball game Thursday and will go from thoro to Omaha to witness tno game between tho soldier teams of Camp Dodgo and Camp Funston. Wo will still continue through this weok to soil our ladles' drosBes at a real discount. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho ladles of tho Swedish Luthoran aid society served an oyst,or suppor at tho K. P. Hall Saturday ovonlng to a largo attendance. Tho ladles In charge Baw to it that each plato sorvod con tained a sufficient numbor of oystors to BatlBfyJtho'inost oxactlng p'atron. S. C. Wills, of Woll precinct, who wan in town yostorday, is feeding a hundred head of hogs and is buying oar corn at tho rate of ono dollar for olghty pounds, requiring tho Bollor to throw ant tho softost of it. Mr. Wills says about twenty per cont of tho corn in his section Is quito soft. A farmer brought in a big load of livo turkoyB yostorday which ho of forod for twonty-lUo cents a 'pound. Down nt Loxlngton Friday turkeys sold for eighteen cents a pound live and twonty-sovoh cents dressed. This shows that North Platto is a hotter market for farm products than la Lox lngton. Tho Walkor Music Co. has sold eight pianos during thoir big reduction Halo, llllt flMll llnvn n nlnn unliuillnn a. i . w . ..vi auiuv. iiuu loft, but thoy aro going fast. C. F. Scharmann, formorly of this city, but of Into years a Chlcaco rosl- dont, sondB ub a card from Detroit In .which ho says: "I was through tho nine largest automobllo factories yos torday and today. Ford now putting! out 2C00 to 2700 poi- day, with Dodgo, uroB. second with 600. Ford wants to roach tho ono million mark this yoar. Millions In ruonoy boing mado horo and moro banka than I ovor saw In a city of this slzo, but found no monoy in tho streets." TliniiksglvJng Service. A scrvico of prayor and thanksgiv ing will bo held at the Episcopal church Thursday morning at 10:30. Everyono is cordtmiy invited to be present. ' Soldier Boy Dies. Inwald Hansen, ono of the drafted men from McPhorson county sent to Camp Funston and later transferred to Camp Cody and assigned to Com pany E, died Wednesday of last week of pneumonia. Tho remains were shipped to this city, arriving Saturday ovonlng, and -wore met by tho parents who reside near Ringgold. Sunday tho body waB taken to tho home where interment was mado. Tho deceased was a robust young man, and thoueh given the host of medical attention at camp hls-llfo could not bo prolonged Bridge Work In DENTISTRY I. it- Means filling spaces in the mouth without tho use of plates. Bridge work is anchored "(" with crowns of porcelain or gold to natural teeth or roots and when cemented in place remain splid and is not removable. When properly made it is self-cleansing and is almost as good as the natural teeth for masticating food. Its appearance closely re sembles the human tooth, very few people, being able to detect it. Little of the patients time is taken for this work, any size bridge made and set the SAME DAY. It is practically a painless operation and should be used in all possible cases for supplying missing teeth. Dr. -Walter Crook, Dentist. North Platte, Neb. Mcdonald bank bldg. r '4, PHONE 97. GIT- AND COUNTY NEWS. This Bank is for You If your account is small just as well as for tho man with lots of money. t When you &et your next pay check brin& it in and start a checking account and pay all your bills in this way. The cancelled check is your receipt for pay ment and tho stub in your check book fcives you a record of the monoy received and paid out. Perhaps you would like to start a savings lie count with part of it You will find our savings plans very attractive. McDonald State Bank. Ileal Estate Transfers Among tho deeds of conveyance Hied In tho county clork'B offico the latter part of last weok "were tho following: Anton Wehllng to R. E. Daugherty southwest quarter section 34-13-33, $4,000. Jacob Mlllor to John H. Goodonow northeast quarter section 22-16-27 $1,G00; right to bore for oil or gaa re served. Platto Valley Cattle Co. to F. W Honnlnghnusen section 29 and south west quartor section 28-15-28, ?4,000 Claua Andorson to Julius Pizor southwest quartor section 15-13-21,' ?8,000. : :o: : Ulg Show Coming1. Manngor Garman, of tho Keith the ntro; announces another big show for tho ovonlng of Docombor 3d, "Flora Bolla," a musical comedy with a com pany of fifty peoplo and twenty must cai numbers. Tho company comos from tho Casino theatro, Now York, whoro it had a steady run of six months to big audiences. Tho com pany is ono of John Corfs, which is a guaranteo that thoro aro none bet tor, "Flora Bolla" has a real plot which contors around a cabarot dancor. There Is a wealth of sconory, a flno orchestra and dancing girls galoro.- Englncor Ilolland Batlo was badly burned on tho hands and face Satur day ovonlng near Maxwoll when a short flue on a super-hoatod engine burst and tho rolonscd steam camo through tho flro box door. Ho was on tho roar onglno ot tho two pulling tho train, and as tho steam poured out ho climbed over tho col board to tho roar of tho tank to a point of snroty and tho flromnn climbed ovor tho two onglnca and notified tho head ongineor, who stopped tho train which at tho time was running thirty-five miles an hour. Batlo was at onco brought to town and placed undor tho caro of a pfryslcian. Ho suffered intonsoly from tho burns. Tho flroman waa not ln Jurod. Hpnry Cordos says tho flvo hundred and sovonty acres of fall whoat put in by Ed Hoggo and hlmsolf on their land south of Hershoy is Bhowing up exceptionally flno alnco tho recent rains. Mr. Cordea, who. haa "been spending tho summer on tho farm, will return this week to romaln during the winter. A Tew UargaliiB For Sale. 320 acrea of valley land near North Platto, a bargnla if takon at onco. A 10 room modern rosidonco nicoly located, closo to school, A 12 room residence, modern ox CODt heat: haa basement nml fnmnm can bo put in. Closo to Bchool. I'ncoB aro right. Can show theao at any tlmo. C. F. SPENCER, Phone rod 492. Room 6 Reynolds Building. 85tf Ton dollar guaranteed human hair awitchca at $$.50 at Coatea' Beauty Parlor. Mrs. Owen Jones left last evening for Los Angeles, whoro she will spend tho winter. Mrs. York Hinman will entertain tho members of tho P. E. O. tomorrow afternoon. Albrecht's fur man will hold a spe clal fur display at Wilcox Department Storo Friday. Eilene Priest, of the Owl Cafe, vis ited over Sunday with her little friend Blanch WIggs, in Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Austin leave for Omaha tomorrow morning to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs J. B. Hayes. Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and Swedish Massago, ladles and gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf Claua Anderson recently sold 1G0 acres of his land southwest of town to Julius PIzer, retaining the quarter section on which the buildings aro located. Wanted A good man for delivery car; must bo steady and reliable; good wages to the right man. Apply to Wilcox Department Store. Tho Catholic Girls' club will hold a. sale of baked gooda at the Walker Music Storo tomorrow. All donations should be sent in as earjy as possible For Sale Twenty head of pure bred Duroc Jersey pigs weighing about 150 pounds each. Inquire of M. C. West fall, Route 1, or phono 785F21. 91-2 Plant peonnes and phlox now. Wo havo them. North Platto Floral Co. Phono 1023. 8Ctf J. V Romlgh and his crow of ten men who went to Detroit to drive through a string of Dodgo Bros, cars, arrived in Omaha Sunday "night and aro expected to reach home some time today. Judge Grimes, who has been holding court at Lexington for nearly three wcoks, returned homo Friday. Next Monday ho will open court In this county and will havo a steady grind until Christmas. John Holcomb, now running a cat tlo ranch Bouth of Laramie, was an east bound passenger yesterday. He said tho weather in Wyoming had bo far been flno and tho cattle ranges woro in good shape. Our Stock of Grafanolaa la complete today later it will bo broken. Now Is tho tlmo to buy. DIXON, the Jowolor. Goorgo Austin discovered a fow days ago that ho was short a lawn sottoo which wnB probably swiped by mischievous boya on Hallow e'en Now that tho boyB had their fun of getting away with it Mr, Austin would Hko to havo them return It or at least toll him whoro thoy loft It. Call and boo tho now models In mil Unory; beautiful gold and silver laco hats, alao bright colored hats for mid winter, at Block's. VILLA WHITTAKER. When tho solocted men loft for Camp FunBton Claronco Cooper, ono of thom, was given a flno lunch by llttlo Ruth Boldon, and now ho has sent hor n bird's oyo vlow ot Camp Cody, tlio Y. M. C. A. building and other scenes, and writes that ho Is somewhat lono- Boino, for Ivan Johnson Is tho only ono he,knows In camp. Sammy Girls, don't forgot him. Wo still havo a vory good assortment of ladles' suits and coats. Suits at a big discount. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. All registrants undor tho draft law In Lincoln county aro being classified aa to vocation, this work bolnsr done for tho exemption board by Miss Edna Sullivan In an office In tho fodoral building. This classification will ollmlnato considerable of tho work whon tho gonernl classification la mado following the return of tho question Tho City Schools Mrs. Ward, of Plattsmouth, visited In the Junior high school last week. Visitors in other schools woro Lin coln, Mra. Owens, Mrs. Tobaa; Wash ington, Mr. Stroltz, Mrs. Atchey, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Starr, Mrs. Rlgg, Mrs. 'Gunsolly, Mrs. oLomls, Mrs. Christen scn, Mrs. Sadlo and Louise Samuelson;' Jefferson, Mrs. Barraclough and Mrs. Thlea. Geography pictures, furnished by Herbert Spencer, were used in Miss Eickhoff'a room last week. Ono of tho pupils brought a sea shell and a star fish to Miss Myrborg and she used them in her nature lea sons. Oral English and story telling are having a large place In tho schoola this year. The teachers realize that it is an accomplishment for anyone to stand before a group of his fellows and tell a story or give a description in good forceful English. Miss Auble's room and Miss Baker's room havo been given special mention for their progress In penmanship. Miss Holman'a history classes are using tho largo war maps sent to the high school weekly by Derryberry & Forbes. They are Interesting and ln structive to the boya and girls who are studying European history. The beginning nominal training class spent last Wednesday morning in tho Jofforson school studying methods In Arithmetic. This class saw tho Jef ferson pupils in flvo grades and heard them reclto a typical arithmetic lesson in each. In tho afternoon tho ad vanced normal training class wont to tho Washington school and observed tho work in language and grammar in four grades. There were nine in tho beginning class and fifteen in tho ad vanced. The best record yet mado by any ot tho girls In tho gymnasium classes in the matter of chest expansion Is four and threo-slxteenth Inches. This is counted good. City gaB was turned on in the chem ical laboratory this week. An individ ual gasoline plant which had been used for many years was removed to make room for some necessary improve ments and city gas substituted as a better and cheaper supply. New -sewing chairs were received by the household arts department. They are higher than the ordinary chair and enable tho smaller girls to sit at tho sowing tables. The pupils of Miss Watts' room havo subscribed for Current Events, a llttlo paper published in Washington, D. C. Thoy use tho paper for opening ex ercises on two days each week. ::o:: Mrs. Julius PIzer, who had been visiting hor mother in Salt Lake for several- weeks, returned homo Sunday. THE UNIVERSAL CAR When you buy the Ford Sedan you buy the service and essential comforts of the high-priced limousine Without the big first cost and large operating ex pense. The Sedan is like the other more than two million in use low in cost, high in quality and the most economical car to run that was ever built. The Ford Sedan is essentially a family car for every day in the year, meeting all social demands, being easy and safe for women who drive. Sedan $645 f. o. b. Detroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. Government Supervision of National Banks. A Government bulletin just issued shows that ' National Banks, under the improved and thorough system of examinations, are placsd on a basis of I the greatest safety. The First National Bank of North Platte. has complied with the Government Regulations ' for more than thirty years, and has the endorse ment of the Treasury Department. This Bank ' ,,, . has assets of over one million dollars,is a Member of the Federal Reserve System, a United States Depositary, and gives you absolute Safety $iub service. naires by tho draftod men. !