IRA L. HAKE, ttdllpr nnil Fuliltshcr SUBSCRIPTION HATliS? inn Vnnr tiv Tttiill In Advance. .. .$1-5 One i'cnr (,'ilrrlcr In Advance $1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofaco as Second Class Matter. LOCAL AND PERSONAL rninAY, xovemiikk h.j, i17. A Populnr JMnce. Mrs. Wm. Jeffers, of Omaha, Is the miost of Mrs. E. F. Seehergofand oth- r Mends In town, having arrived yo-j terday. . i . T t( Tfie campaign for funds for tho K. C. war camps has not beon pushed vor vigorously In North Platto this wook, hut the success bo far Is reported to ho very satisfactory. The commlttco IB hopeful that tho Bum allotted to LIn coin county will bo raised. Tho Columbia Grafanola has tho I clearest, most natural and distinct tono of any of tho various talking machines made. You must hear It Detroit litis been oiton spoken of as before you make your dccdilOn, lost tho "Wondor City," dwing to its mar-iyou ,nako ft iniBtako. DIXON, tho volous growth in population, Jumping jowolor; &i!PZl?toi?iZ Subscriptions In Nebraska for tho doubling ltsolt in t Past sovon years fund w(n amount tiio auioniouuo uiuuBuy DUt., ,naa r,nn nnn which Ia Ml ..- m-;.,,lniln trrnlVtll 10 1101 1CS8 UlUn OUU,UUV, WIUUIl JO spons bio lor t hi m raolous growth tho BlaU) Detroit makes more than two-tniru 01 . " tpv , ,. , tntt HUm nil tho motor cars mado In America In tho country at 'arKotno total sum rTr.,1 Vl,n TTnr,l Mnir fnmtinnv tirodUCOB wm OXCCCU Illiy IHllHUIl uuiiuib, ui befter10 the mot- Mloon million more than tho amount or cars mado In Detroit. So probably nKeu. tho greatest factor In tho growth and D not unit until your nuto raillalor tronoral development of Dotrolt Is tho iH ilnmuired by freezing. Uso John- Ford Motor Company. About the llrst K,)nH Freeze Proof. It Is guaranteed. question tho visitor to Detroit asks is jexull lruK Store, Agents Wlioro IS mo rorur 10,110 ,,, ,,,,, fnr. unal.n i North 1 11U UUUIIIIIU V avtw - - - " ST An Electrically driven Sewing Machine guar anteed for ton years. Our price $35.00. Come in and try it. ' NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER CO. lng tho month of October. Think or , . ,,,., YPKtor. Itl They camo from cvbry part pi 5'' tho niaW of tho Penny Mor tho civilized world, and go , away Ir ,1 "ftXd So town over for a pleased amazement uvoi uie ujjB' , f Hnlosmnn ho oxnocts in a could receive lies in the fact that theso thousunds of visitors aro conducted MAV lCCD CMfi AfiCMCMT DIMftl llirti ruui biiunuuiiiuni iiiiiw through tho Ford factory overy month without in tho least disturbing tho ovon regularity of tho more than 33,000 workors. : :o: : Oovornmont .hollovos in the manu facturing ability and experience of Dodgo Brothora. "Ordnance Order for Bodge HrotlierH." (Motor Ako.) Dotmlt. Nov. 2. Dodgo Brothora havo recolvod a contracct from the government for $30,000,000 worth of ordnance. They aro to finance tho un dertaking without outside aid. Some tlmn niro. a 40 aero slto for a factory was purchased, and tho ground has lioen broken. It Is niannou 10 rusn Mia'titbtory to completion and to havo It In operation In tho early part of next vear. trlvlmr employment to about 8.0QO men. This BiiporsedeH tho plan AiA U05 finding a habitation for his now man. Tho Tribune acknowledges an in vitation to attond tho oponlng Of tho now home of tbo First National Bank at Ilershoy tomorrow. This Is a beau tltul Uttlo building, a credit to tho bank und to tho -village of Horshey Don't forgot tho candy salo of the Junior Gloo Club at Dorryberry 6c Forbes Saturday, November 24. L. P. JoiiBon. formorly of tho liar court & Jensen firm, spont a day or two In town this week visiting Wm Harcourt. "When Mr. Harcourt, who has passed examination for tho army sorvlco Is called to tho colors, Mr, Jensen will como bore to tako the management of the Harcourt Clothing CO. I will do nlaln sowing at my homo ;olLo Paulson,G02 west Sixth. Phone 89-2 for the Saxon nlant leaao, . , J. V. ROMIGH. Dealer In Dodgo Bros. Motor Cars. i'rotofitant Episcopul Services Church of Our Saviour, Rov, Arthur DIttes Jones, rector, Novombor 25, 1917, Sunday noxt boforo Advent. 8:00 a. m.,'holy communion. fWK n.. tn.. Runtlav school. ll:o6?n. in., morning prayer and sor- mnn. 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and ad- drnHM. ' 3:00 n. m.. Sunday school at St. Paul's chapol, North sldo. , -"Q ; i . Tlio Sky tlio limit Arguniontsi In tho eastern railroads' 15 por 'ceht advanco rate caso boforo thn Intoratnto Commcrco commlBBlon closed Tuesday with a statement of counsel for tho roads that ovon if UiIb Air. and Mrs. J. J. Ilalllcan plan to spend Christmas with tholr sons Cap tain Rolfo Halllgan and Captain Vic Hallfgan at Camp Cody. From, thoro they will go to southern California whero Mrs. Halllgan will probably snend tho greater 'part of tho winter. Mr. Halllgan returning after a short visit. Nothing will add moro choor to tho hearts of tho Soldlor.Boys nt Christmas tlmo than a picture 'of the homo folks Make tho appointment today. 88-f. BROOKS' STUDIO. Poto Souder, formorly with tho Hopdy-Ogior Co.,1 and later omployod in an automobile plant In Detroit, is now in tho engineering corps at tho Orcat Lakes Naval Training Camp Ho has Bent His brother Sam Souder a picture of his cpmpany, nnd writes that ho likes tho' work and camp life mucn uoiter man no expected Anyone desiring n good, comfort Jersey City Judge Rules In Favor of Girl Whose Intended Sought Return of Sparkler. There can be no Indlnn givers on tho Jersey sldo of tho nudson, so ruled a Judge In Jersey City, writes n New York correspondent. As n result of tho decision n young swnln Is out a $150 diamond ring, which he wanted n blue-eyed, petite blonde to return to him. Tho two were encaged, nnd, according to custom, ho placed the sparkler In question on her left hand. They then quarreled because she, according to his testimony, preferred the tango, jazz nnd foxtrot to sitting on a sofa nnd dis cussing their future. Therefore ho broke off the engagement and demand ed his presents back. The Judge was called upon to decide whether an engagement ring was a gift outright or merely a gift contin gent upon tho fulfillment of a promise to wed. Tho court then arranged a 1lllt 4 4...1.Atift .linl- worked to perfection, so far as Hio lormsreabonHOieguurumue TU u,c younB woimm WB tou' I satisfaction. For dates call Incrnnsn Is granted thoy Boon will ask Fnr mi nrlvnnen of IinnroxlmatolV 15. por cent In class and commodity rates le. well located office, Hiillahlo to a y . . . ,, lawyer, dentist or real ostuto man's nnd 10 per cent a ton on coal and coke. , , t ,ook U m "What in tho Intention of tho rall-.0f rooms In Twlncm building. Front roadil?" aiiked Commissioner McChord, "To mako tho Hky tho limit?" "As cost Incroaoos, rates must go' up If wo aro to proccod on a sound basis," answered John S. Pattorson of counsel for tho railroads. !o:: FKEK OF CHANGE Any adult BUfforlng from cough, cold or bronchitis, Is Invited to call at tho drug storo of Stono's Pharmacy and get absolutely free, a samploB bottlo of Jloscheo's German Syrup, a Booth lng and healing remedy for all lung troubles, which has a successful record of fifty years. Gives tho patient a good nlghh ''h rest froo from coughing, with nlKht's rost froo from coughing, with frdp expectoration In tho morning Regular Blrof. 25 and 75 conts. For salo in all civilized countries. -j:tv. ' Smash lUndcnburg Line. Wednesday tho British on a thirty two tilllo front pushed back tho' Gor ing, fyQOO'pnBonor and a largo numbor mana to adepth of five mllo. captur- "tVBuiiB. At one point tho' Germans aro on tholr mat line of dofonso. . TJiO'. Infantry chnrgo was preceded yby tlio British tanks which mudo gatis 'in tho Gorman lines For quick iicllou nnu Katlsfactory sale list your land with Thoeleckc. tf The Nurso Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital f l inns West Fourth Street. For tho treatment, of Medical, Surgical 'ZUm and Obstotrical Patients. - JOHN S. TWINEM, 31. 1). Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building nU, f Oltice 13U Phones Re8idence i15 l)It. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. Helton Hnlldlng Office hours 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Res. Black lUZU Offlce phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Notice to Contractors Directors of School District No. 65, Sutherland, Lincoln, county, Nebraska, will recelvo bids at the offlco of tho secretary until 8 o'clock a. in., on. thp 7Mi ilnv it nopomtini'. fnr fhrf flnn- Btrurction of a now schefal building 'nt Sutherland. Heating nhd plumbing to bo let separately. All bids to 1)0 ac companled by certified chock for 5 of amount of proposal 7D bond re quired of successful contractor. All proposals to bo sealed and addressed to Geo. C. Whlto, Sec'y., Sutherland, Nohr. Plans mny ho had at tho Coatos Lum ber Co., North Platte, or at tho offlco of tho secretary. Tho right Is resorved to reject any or all bids. 8G-G GEO. C. WHITE, Sec'y. LIMIT 2000 OLD LINE ON Soldiers and Drafted Men GET YOURS TODAY. J. E. SEBASTIAN. Stnto Merr. Office: Brodbeck Bldg. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. W. A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. View. 89 HltATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. The Vienna Cafo served whalo Bteak to Its diners Tuesday, and it was pro nouueed very good. It will bo served TiiPHilnv of fn.flh wnnk mnntlnsn dav- - j - If It can bo socurod. Ir. Hupfor re eclved IiIb flrat consignment of twenty povMuls from Seattle, and has placed an ordor for ono hundred pounds which is duo to arrlvo boforo noxt Tuosday. In appoaranco whalo steak resembles tho round Btoak of a beof. Frank Crutchshlngor, construction ongltioor of tho now dopot, haB boon in Omaha for a couplo of days trans acting business. Ho is not altogether a. happy man. Nlnoty days ago work on tho dopot was going along rapidly and smoothly, and everything pointed to tho completion of tho building by Docembor llrst. But alack and nlas, things bogah goln awry; strikes de layed stool platos for tho floor tronch oh and hoams for tho balconies, other material-wasylolayed week after week; In fact ovorv day brought great gobs of gloom for CrutchsiiiKor, until' now j tho dato of tho tomlilotlon of tho build ing 1b problematical. Work Ib moving along somowhnt slowly; tho asbestos shingles uro being put on and tho concroto for tho tlio flooring, but oth er than UiIb not much 1h doing, and thore's still lots to do. The Matterhorn. The Mntterhorn was tho favdrlto. peak of those who "went In" for tho hazardous sport of mountuln climbing In the Swiss Alps. jNow reports say that there Is no moro mountain climb ing being done. It Is ensy enough to guess wljy, writes Niksnh. For those who went around the, world looking for hazardous occupations before tho wnr there la now no need to, riiakof ex tended search,, , to stop at exptmsjj'O hotels, or to hire a retlnuo of guides: Nineteen nations ofTer'.the ndventirrfr moro qr less qf a snhiry alpn.g with hoard, lodging and hospital facilities for the pleasure of risking, his no'ek. No wonder mountain ..cjlmbtng has fallen off. There are thoHe ' who say that lt will never again regatn Its old high estate. They rather think avlatlbn will attract most of' tho devotees wno survive tho wnr. But your true moun taineer laughs at such a suggestion. For him there Is no thrill to replnco tho ono he feels as he swings by tils fingertips over a COO-foot drop. at any bank in North Platte. R. I. SHAPPELL, Auctioneer. SUTHERLAND, NEB. ' Havo ,n wide ncqualiilancc among buyers. Phono me nt my expense. Live Stock a Specialty. 1V111 also handle Thoroughbred sales. BLACK DIAMOND DEHORNING PENCIL For Sale at. A. F. FINK'S Harness and Saddelry. Every pencil will dehorn 50 caives from 10 days to 10 months old for $1.00. A forfeit of $5 for any calf that fails to dehorn. Call and get one. Phone Red 456. J. B. BEDFIELD. PHYSIOIAIN Ji SUHGEOK Successor to PHYSICIAN fflSUHG EONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Astray Notice Taken up on section 25-13-30, south of tho Baker school house, by tho un dersigned who thoro resides, on Sep tember 10th, 1917, an Iron gray, two year old mare, weight about S00 pounds, no brands discernible. Own er is requested to prove property, pay charges and tako animal away. 80-10 R. G. TATTISON. Notice to Bond Buyers Directors of School District No. 55, Sutherland, Lincoln county, Nebr., will Trilk tn MWnrf Pmnlnvinrf vnnr receive Dlus ai tno 011108 01 ine secre iaiK to MeDeiore employing your tary untll 12 0.clocki n00I1( on tuo 7th NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block, North ot Posloflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. J. B. RedGeld, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. S. Simnis; M.D FARMERS Auctioneer. COL. DICK HAYES, 15 SOUTH WILLOW ST. BEEEYBEEEY & FORBES,! Licensed Esbalmers tlfldertakera and Funeral Director! j P&y Phono 284. i ' Night Phono Black 688. Notice to Kon-Itosldcnt Defendant Byrdo M. Johnson, defendant, will tako notice that on tho 10th day of July, 1917, Prdnk L. Johnson, plain tiff, filed his petition int ho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, I against said defendant, the pbJ'ecUand Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Farmers this id tlio year and the French Aristocracy Works. '' Tho opening; of a shop by Viscoun tess Gort nttracts far more notice ,ln England than it would in France, where mnny nristocrnts earn their lin ing In less lucrative ways than thoso of a Wend end milliner. Tho present Marquess do Torcey D'Ktallonde keeps an Inn nt Cnrnnc, tho Marquee do Fol- prayer of which are to obtain a dl- time of the year to get stock to eat vorco irom uio sum uoienuani. on uiu ,, -f.MrtV, faaA T V.r.,r n grounds that the defendant willfully "P yur , Ugh feed I have on nbtindnnnii tho ninirttiff without ?ood hand and for sale dOUU feeaing Iambs cause for more., than two years last and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come past, and on tho further grounds that and talk to me, defendant committed adultery ,anu plaintiff has not. .cohabited vlth do ! fendant ulnco tno discovery of said offense You.nro rcnuifod to answer said do 1 tltion on or before Monday, tho 31st day of December, 1917. n20- FRANK L. JOHNSON. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. . Notice To David Porter, non-resident de- Hgne Is an omnibus conductor, the fendant; . You aro horoby notified that Cnmto do Rosgrnnd works in a flour on tho 2Gth day, of July, 1917, Lottie mill, tho Bnron do Solgny Is n postman A. Porter filed a petition against you und tho Comto do St. Paul Is a clerk; . in tho District Court of Lincoln Coun M. Jean do Retz of tho same family ns ty. Nebraska, tho object and prayer of u .....!., i ion ,n.,. which aro to obtain a dlvorco from Z 3 .i.rrn. ri r w3f ' on th0 eround o.' non-support and the Comto dTInuteroche, descendant;' .,.,,. .?, ,, h,i fnp nin 0 4.1.,,. ...1. A. I Ml. ul uiu uirn.iT nu, i I'umfiiu, ia r lot the minor children, tho issue of said leged to have cried out, "Mcssleure les I'marriago to-wit: David Portor, aged 'Anglais, tires leg premiere," Is a gen- ,14 years: Norvln Portor, aged 12 years; TUB MOKK HKKAD AND UUTTElt T1IH YOUNGSTI2H EATS tho cturdlor ho grows. And what a lot most hoyB can get away with. Es pecially it tho broad bo Bproad with such delicious creamery buttor as is to bo had horo. No wondor ho likes It. You will too onco you tnsto it. Try a pound today and with Its first tasto you'll rosolvo that horeaftor no othor butter will satisfy you. Prlco ho lilgh or, but quality best. North Platte Creamery. PHONE 02. . WE BDY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed anq Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed arid all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST.r' PliONE 09. davme, 'and tho Ylscomto do Bordc- ncucho used to clean lamps at the GTuro du Nord for three francs a day. - For Sale Flvo passengor Chovrolot Touring Car, 1917 model. Same as now. Clump for casji. Phono C4C. 84-tr. Dorothy Portor ngod 10 years; Els worth Portor, aged 7 years; Ruth Portor, agod 2yoars. You aro required to answor said petition on or boforo Monday, tho 31st day of December, 1917. LOTTIE A. PORTER, By GEO. N. GIBBS, 1120-1 w .Jler Attornoy. r The Nation's Heed ;fineaa ot Mfours Immediately upon tho declaration of war, tho whole , Bell Telephone System, Jucludlng our service, our equti inont and our trained mon, was pledged, unroservedly, to tho government. Wo have been called upon for men for the urmy signal corps, for telephone equlmientfor the eanins at home nnd tho troops In the lleld.andfor long distance service iTe tween the various army headquarters. Wo rap. perform our, full measuro of service 10 uie imuqn pmy wnen we nun- die government requlrPimjiits roOINaOORDITj till private needs. ahead of NEBRASKA , TELEPHONE 00. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 7S8 City National Bank Building. Omalia, Nebraska. E. W. FETTER Physiclnn X RAY Offlco: First National Bank Building. day of December, 1917, for $36,000.00 school bonds bearing six per cent semi annual Interest, bonds in denomination of $1000.00 each and payable three bonds each year commencing July 1st, 1922. Tho right is reserved to reject tony or all bids. GEO. C. WHITE, Sec'y, 8C-G School District No. 55. Notlco of Petition Estate No. 1509 of Mary J. O'Hare, deceased, in "tho county court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said estate take no tice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an Instrument purport ing to De tno last -will and testament of said Mary J. O'Haro and for tho appointment of Anna and Josie O'Haro as executors of Baid will, which has been sot for hearing heroin on Novem ber 30, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated November 1, 1917. GEO. E. FRENCH. nGn27 County Judge. NOTICE ISO CIUSDITOIIS Estate' No.- 1G11 Of Illlhln .Tnhnntnn (lece.iBed, In the County Court of Lin coln, County, Nebraska. The State of Nbraslca. sa. Crdltnr of sahl estate will take notice that the nine limited xor presentation anil flllnfj of claims analnst saiil estate Is March 14, litis, nnu ror settlement or said es tate Is November 9, 1918; that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on December 14, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m and on March 14. 1918. at 9 o'clock u. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. . , GEO. E. FRENCH, nl3ull County Judsre. Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nobraska, Big Prices for FURS, HIDES and all kinds of JUNK. Mixed Iron $6.00 per ton. Clean Cast Iron $10 per ton Bring your Furs to mo before you slilii nnu get my price. L. LIPSHITZ. DIENER & KENNEDY Real Estate, Fire, Tornado and Hall Insruancc. Special Agents Globe Llfo Insurance Company. Cornor Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs Phono Red 572. North Platte, Nob, Hospital Phoao Black 38. House Phoae Black 633. W. T. PRITCIIARD, Graduate Veterimarlan Bight years a Goveraaeat Veterlaar laa. Hospital 218oatk Locast 8L. o&e-kalf block soatawsst of tho Caart Hons. IjKgai. notici:. William "Warren and the unknown heirs, devisees, leirntccvs and personal representatives of William Warren and all othor persons interested in tho es tate of William Warren; Josle Warren, and the unknown heirs, devisoes, lega tees and personal representatives of Joslo AVarren and all othor persons In terested In the estate of Joslo Warren, defendants, will hereby tako notice that on tne stn day or November, 1917, Eliza KlBer, plaintiff, In an action wherein tho said Eliza Kisor Is plaintiff nnd tho above named defendants, are defend ants,, filed her petition In tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. against said defendants and each of thorn. Plaintiff alleges In her potltlon that eho is the owner in feo simple and In the possession of North ono-half of l,o t iu in county dork's sub-division of tho South one-half of the Northeast juarier or section 32, in township 14, North ot ranfjo 30, West of tho 6th P. M., except that part of Lot 10 lying Wost of Lota 7, 8 and 9 in said Sub division deeded toAntonStenner, as said lot iu is piatteu anil or record in tho olllce of the County Clerk of Lincoln ocunty, Nobraska, all located In Lin coln county, Nebraska, and that the said plaintiff haa boon in tho open and ndverse possession of tho same as against tho defendants and as against nil persons claiming by or through the defendants, and each of them, and ngalnst the whole world, for more than ten consecutive years last paBt; tho ob ject and prayer of plaintiff's potltlon Is to quiet tine in tno planum in and to North one-half of Lot 10 In County Clerk's Sub-dlvlslon of .the South one half of the Northeast Quarter of sec tion 32, In township 14, North of range 30, west of tho 6th P. M., oxcept that part of Lot 10 lying west of Lota 7, 8 nnd 9 In said Sub-dlvlslon, deeded to Anton Stenner. as said lot 10 is platted and of record In the office of tho Coun ty Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, and to exclude each nnd nil of the said defendants from all right, title, inter est, claim nnd demand In nn to said land of whatsoever kind or nature and for auch other nnd further relief as may be Just and equitable. Vou are further notified that Bald District Court on the 8th day of Novem ber, 1917, made and entered an order permitting service by publication upon each of the said defendants for four consecutive weeks, an required by law. And said defendants are further notified that they aro required to answer said Betltlon on or before the Z4th day of December, 1917. ELIZA KISBH, By GEO. N. GIBBS, Her Attorney, )ecomber, 1917. nl3d7 1