The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 23, 1917, Image 6

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riiough by bn'h tlu men m tln Toup, photographed tit a National iiriny cnntoumorit, uro as diverse as one emuil
possibly Imagine, they stand together In their readiness to ll','lit for Uncle Sain. Chinamen, Italian, Greek, native Amer
ican, Russian, and native of Turkey, they are one In their Americanism. .
Chemists Duplicate in Short Time
Processes Built Up by For
eign Experts.
Americans Get Manufacturing tnfor
matlon Great Britain Has Obtained
8IncB the War Started Eu
rope Takes Up American
Washington. Many of tho larger
manufacturing concerns lu this coun
try have recently obtained through
British connections lists of the German-owned
patents which have been
taken over by British llrniH slnco the
beginning of tho war. Theao lists
have been sought by manufacturers
lu this country In order to place '.hem
In a position to taku advantage ut once
of tho provisions In the Velb bill on
trading with tho enemy, which enables
American firms under certain condi
tions and for adequate compensation
to mnko use of Gcrmnn patents during,
and in some cases, nftcr tho war.
Through British representatives 15
American dycraakcrs have received
complete lists of the patents for mak
ing dyestuffs, which British firms took
from their German owners with the
authority of tho British parliament
shortly after England entered tho war.
Xt was recently unnounccd by tho de
partment of commcrco that tho Du
Pont compnny Intended entering upon
tho manufacture of-dyestuffs on a largo
scale. According to representatives of
the company, the Du Pont company
will manufacture dyes on u, consider
Hblo scalo without waiting until tho
end of the war.
Without German Patents.
So far the dyo Industry In this coun
try has bceil built up without tho aid
of German patented methods, because
tho laws of tho country did not por
mil this. In spite of this handicap
American manufacturers, according to
the department of commerce, lmvo bo
far Invested more than $200,000,000 in
the manufacture of dyestuffs, and are
now producing dyes in greater quan
tities than they wcro consumed In
America In I'.H-l. American chem
ists have succeeded in duplicat
ing on short notice many of tho
processes which were built up by
generations of aermnn dyestuffs ex
perts. A greater Impetus will be given
to the Industry, according to American
experts, when the amendment to tho
patent laws places patented German
processes at the disposal of American
mnnuracturers. There are 40 firms In
this country in tho new dyestuffs In
dustry now peudlng 00,000,000 pounds
of dyes a year.
while the war has created this crent
Industry for America and has multi
plied tno output of many other Indus
tries, tt lias also tauuht Eurono the
use of American labor-saving machin
ery and of American labor-saving de
vices, according to Albert 13. Parker of
tho firm of Marks & Clerk. EncIlRh
pntent lawyers. Mr. Parker says that
American manufacturers in the oast
frequently failed to take out nutonts
In England and In other countries bc-
causo the patented article was pro
duced In this country on such a scalo
that there was not tho sllchtest fear
of competition abroad. x
"American manufacturers should re
member that tho war has resulted In
introducing American methods nnd
mucuinery an over the world and Is
educating workmen so that it will not
be safe to rely, nftcr the war, on tho
belief that American machinery enn
continue to offset the cheaper labor
costs In foreign countries," said Mr.
"Before the war, for Instance, I
never saw In England the electric hand
trucks and motor trailers which are
used to expedite the bundling of goods
In this country at freight and express
terminals. Recently they have been
Introduced all over Enginnd, the short
age of men making It Imperative. Add
ing machines and calculating machines
were almost unknown In England be
fore the war. Now they are being put
Into use wherever they can to save
human labor. Labor-saving American
farm machinery ,has, of course, been
Introduced Into farming In all parts
of England, nnd In almost an equal
degree the use of American labor-saving
devices has been Introduced Into
other Industries. This Is more or less
true, likewise, 6f Franco, Italy, nnd
other countries. American tool manu
facturers have been virtually re
equlpptng the Industries of these coun
tries. Beforo tho war Germany was
a leader In Europe In labor-saving ma
chinery and standardized methods, but
the other countries have been modern
ized by the war In this respect. In
dustrial methods have been changed
all over tho world. The reports of tho
United States government nbound In
Instances of It. For esnmplo, It is
stated that motor lorries have been In
troduced In considerable numbers Into
the Federnted Malny states. Even
China has entered upon nn era of man
ufacturing and Is producing many
manufactured articles which were
previously Imported. It Is plainly In
dicated that after 'the war all coun
tries will put forth their best efforts
to do their own manufacturing, and
the whole world Is being educated,
largely by tho United States, to use
better lndustrlnl methods."
French and American Officers
Make Thorough Investigation
of Machine.
MM Belle Ashlyn, oncu tho wlfo of
Billy Gould, who Is to wed Alanson
Foltunsbce, bead of one of Chicago's
lending brokerage firms, lie Is now
at the officers' school ut Fort Shuri-
Several Hundred Americans, Com
manded by an Aviation Officer, Are
Learning Airplane Construc
tion In Practical Way.
Field Headquarters of tho Ameri
can Army In France. -The stray Zep
pelin, L-10, that was downed by tho
French near Bourbonue-les-Balns,
while trying to get back to Its base,
was 000 feet long nnd tho envelopo
wns 00 feet In dlnmetcr.
French und American olllcers mado
a thorough examination of tho great
craft, but tho civilians were held
back by ropes that were stretched
around tho dirigible.
Tho gondolas are connected by n
cleated cock-walk and tho whole con
struction of tho craft was said by
her examiners to bo wonderful. Tho
outer cover Is of delicate texture,
double riveted and soldered. She wns
equipped with a wireless outfit.
Gun In Each Gondola.
The machinery Is highly compli
cated and, tho driving motors wore
equipped with 12 cylinders. Thero
was n machine gun In each of tho
gondolas and the rear ono was
equipped with hammocks for tho
crew. Apparently, however, tho for
ward gondola was fitted up ns n
cabin for the commander. The lower
portion was painted black and, the
upper pnrt n dull gray, On ono side
was painted a small Iron cross.
There wcro no bullet holes visible
' In the crnft, but tho forward gondola
! had been wrecked In descent.
It baB already been suggested tbut
the craft be sent to the Invnlldes
Pnlaco In Paris,
After Inspecting tho balloon tho
American olllcers were returning to
town Just as the Zeppelin's prison
ered crew wos belug transported
through the crowded streets.
The commanding lieutenant looked
downhearted ami disgusted. Another
olllcer was a typical old Prussian
uon-cnin with a scar on his noso us
though made by a swerd welt, Tho
men wcro well built nnd woro leath
er Jackets.
It was reported hero that another
Zeppelin was captured several kilo
meters away when tho forward gon-
dola crashed Into u tree, dumping
part of tho crew to tho ground. Tho
Zeppelin, relieved of this load, then
rose, tilted unsteadily and caught
Tho Zeppelin brought down Intnct
near here carried only Incendiary
bombs, nppnrcntly for tho purposo of
self-destruction In tho event of cap
ture. All tlte explosives evidently
hnd been dropped In England.
The French evidenced tho grentest
Interest In tho prize, and many
wounded were wheeled to tho sceno
in chnlrs.
Sovcrnl hundred Americans, com
manded by nn nvintlon ofllcer. nro
lenrntng nlrplano construction in
tno most practical way possible nt
n French camp n few hours' rldo
from General Bullard's student avi
ation school.
French planes of nil types wrecked
or damaged at tho front aro Bhlpped
to this camp and nro taken apart
by tho Americans under French In
structors. They nro learning bow to
mnko repairs nnd to build new mo
tors us well. Each student snnnih
half a day learning tho theorv of
airplane construction and tho other
tiuVf In actual shop practlco taking
clown motors of all types nnd rebuild
tug them.
Tho French Instructors fromientii
remove a piece of tho mechanism nnd
then ask tho Amerlotin whnt Is miss
I 111?. Klmllnr Instruction la r.1 Vein it
assembling machines. When this
euuenuonai training is completed the
men enter tho fnctory, whero mn
chines are buyt until they nro ex
perts In. all lines of nlrplano con
structlou und repair.
Country to Profit In Future From
Highways Built as Necessity of
Warfare and Defense.
It Is the general opinion of motor
ists nrrlvlng In Wushlngton from ull
parts of the country that the war
with Germany Is nctlng ns a shnrp
prod to speed up road building.
Whatever tho war costs the nation
In dollars and lives, It will result in
the building of thousands of miles of
usnble roads In nil sections, for these
hlghwnys are now rnted ns one of the
necessities of warfare nnd defense,
says Washington Stnr.
Possibilities of nn Invasion are re
mote, but now that It has been decid
ed to send nn expeditionary force
abroad, It is certain that other thou
sands will follow, hence the mobiliza
tion of troops on the seaboard Is some
thing not to be overlooked.
Railroads nte up to their ears in
other work and hnve shown their lack
of equipment to meet ordinary de
mands of n period of fast growth and
on attendnnt Jncrense of consumption.
So other means may have to be relied
upon to hustle the boys In khaki to the
.ports, wnence tney win sail ror tne
front. For this purpose the motor ve
hicle is ready, nnd nil it needs to add
to its wonderful record of efficiency In
a pinch Is n system of roads which can
be traveled In safety nnd nt speed dur
ing nil seasons.
Ilcro on the East, where the troops
will be massed before sailing, good
roads nro considered ns of vital Inter
est to the nation Just ns the raising
of vegetables In fields and ynrds which
heretofore have produced nothing,
i Throughout the Atlantic area the
road builders are hard nt It, and, In
spite of the urgency of the calls. foi
men for other purposes, help Is being
enlisted In the cause.
An immense amount of road building
work is being done in, the South, and
In the, Central West thousands of .miles
of roads nro under wny, these forming
the connecting link nnd making pos
slblo hurried trips if such nro needed.
Experts point out that automobiles enn
take nn nrmy of 100,000 men from the
Middle West to New York In less time
than enn the railroads, and when the
hlghwnys are Improved n great cut
Cores for Canine Guests.
Denver. Colo. Although rpnw
leading hostelry does not nllow dogs
In Its rooms, they nrovldo kennels in
tho basement for tho care of canines
brought to tho hotel by cuests.
Tho kennels nro nent. mnmv ,.
"Individual," fitted up In rows nenr
tho basement entrance. BnllhnvH
bo seen each morning taking Uio four-
rooieu gucsiB ror un airing In u park
nenr the hotel, and It Is said the mtn
for tho aristocratic nnlmnls furnishes
u substantial increase in tho hotel bill
of the owners of tno dogs.
Concrete Road in Maryland.
will be made In the running time of
tho motor cars.
Tho West Is not overlooking any'
thing lu tho wny of road building.
There Is not a state in which It lo not
ono of the big movomeuts, even In a
part of the country which is least af
fected. What Virginia Is doing is being un
dertaken In greater or le6s degree by
many Eastern states.
Estimated Cost of $900,000,000 to Get
Surplus Farm Products to Mar
ket or to Railroad.
After careful Inquiry It has been
found thnt tho nvcrnge haul of the
American farmer In getting his prod
uct to market or to the nearest 3htp
ping station Is 12 miles, and the uver
ago cost of hauling over tho common
country roads Is 25 cents n ton per
nillo, or ?3 n ton for n 12-mlle haul
An estltuuto places the totnl tons
hauled at 300,000.000 n yenr. On the
estlmnto of 53 ti ton for 12 miles this
would make tho total cost of getting.
mo surplus prouuets or tne farm to
tho local market-or to tho railroad no
less than $000.000,000 n figure greater'
thnn the operating expenses of nlJ the
railroads of tho United States. If any
thlug could make r.n argument fc
"good wngon roads this statement ami.
ly may.
Litter In Hen House.
Litter kept on tho floor of the poul
try house should be removed when
over It becomes damp nnd filled with
droppings that do not dry. White
washed walls mnko the poultry house
lighter nnd moro sanitary.
Patchlna Old Gravel Road.
Patching done in tie proper manner
wnen tne rouu is wot, followed by
road drag, will maintain an old gruv
roud surface fis nood as new until it
so bndly worn that an entirely new sur
face, is required.
Bureaus Give Out Information Concerning War
WASHINGTON. The committee on public Information was created as a
war machine. It has been the object of more derision and public ridicule
thnn nny other war machine, nevertheless It goes merrily along, grinding out
wnr knowledge for the people. At the
outset George Creel, chairmen uit out
to be the official news bureau of the
government. He attempted to do the
work of the 400 newspaper men sent
here by all of the large newspapers
nnd press associations. This policy
wns soon dropped and today tho com
mittee on public Information Is work
ing for the news thnt the newspaper
men don't get.
Dozens of government bureaus
hnve Interesting Information conct a-
lng the wnr. This lnfonjiatlon, however, is inaccessible to newspaper men.
The committee on public Information is the one instrument which can dig it
In much the same manner ns n well-orranlzed newspaper works, so the
committee on public Information operates. There is un organization for the
dissemination of dally news. The editor, formerly a New York newspaper
man, directs a staff of reporters.
A staff of feature writers Is also maintained by the committee. These
writers "dig up" unusual stories about the. government and the war. In due
time these stories such as the recent Gcrmnn plot exposure are released
for publication simultaneously throughout the entire United Stutcs.
Photographs nro recognized ns important for news purposes. To .this
end the committee bus set up a photograph department. Ofllclnl photographers!
take pictures of war Instruments nnd features. These pictures uro then sup
plied to the newspapers at cost.
To turn the wheels of this Information organization, 25 trained news
paper men hnve been secured. Tho entire stnff of the organization numbers
more than 100.
Reward for Doing Helpful Thing on Street Car
HER face was about as sociable looking as a hatchet, but her bundle was
heavy, so another woman In the cm who knows weariness when she sees
It got up and offered her seat. It Is venturesome, of course, to tender such a
courtesy to n sister In your own age
zone every woman knows why but
nothing Is ever an nil-round failure in
this world. Praise bel
"Thanky, ma'am. I'm half ready
to drop. I never look for a man to
give me n scat any more I don't know
how it Is, but gentlemen seems to be
petering out I've benner runnln' roun
on my two feet ever since, sun up.
Have you got $orns? '
The woman, unchored to n strap,
ndmltted her lack to the pther woman,
who was developing n sociability no hntchet could ever hope to achieve.
"Well, that's one thing you got to be thankful fori But are you married?"
Her tone of Inquiry Implied that corns nnd matrimony were In the same
class. The strap-hanger owned to splnstershlp.
"My, you are n lucky woman t Muster been born with n silver spoon in
your mouth!
"I like that suit you got on. Ought to lust you years for best. What
do you do for u living?"
Tho woman was not addicted to confiding her nffnlrs to the housetops, but
she owned up. Possibly there wns n reason,
"My, you must hnve a head on youl But be enrcful not to overdo your
self. I hud a cousin once by marriage that wrote for Blankses' well-known
pills, but she died sudden. They snld It was natchrel causes, but I always
laid It to her overdosln herself because she was paid in pills. Must you be
AVhlch Is Just to show, women dear, that no matter how many rebuffs
come our way It Is always worth while to do the helpful things for the occa
sional rewards we get, generally In the consciousness of a kindly action done,
nnd once In a while in n thread of a yarn like this.
"Big Chief" Unrecognized by Washington Crowds
WASHINGTON Is a busy city these days. A person has to keep his eyes
wide open if he wants to see everything that is going on, and then he is
apt to walk right by something or somebody he very much wants to see. One
thousand people missed seeing n cer
tain man the other dny, although they
looked directly at him. He is amnn
of international renown, particularly
well known In the United States.
But he didn't seem so well known
(ItiZnW&nh l i5! till 1 1 118 on lcnnBJivania avenue inni
3'T:vfsaiiml3 UL-Jl (flr morning, as ho crossed tho wide street
In front of the White House. Yet he
was u mnn to command attention nny
where. He was Immaculately dressed In a
dark fedora, light gray coat nnd pin
stripe trousers. lie was tall, and carried himself with such a military car
rlago that ono would have taken him for nn army ofllcer, if It were not known
that all army officers those-days must wear their uniforms nt nil times.
Even nt that several persons took him for nn urmy officer. Ho had a sur
prisingly good chest on him, nnd held himself so well. As he crossed Penn
sylvania avenue Into Madison place automobile horns tooted nt him. Peoplo
scurried out of tho usual rush of vehicles at this point, nnd with them
scurried our hero.
Nobody noticed him particularly. A taxi driver scowled at him. A messen
gei boy from one of the government departments brushed by him with the
weight of the whole war on his shoulders. Two women Jostled him ns they
If he had been Sccretnry McAdoo, n hundred and one persons would have
turned to look nt him. If he hnd been Secretary Lansing or Secretary Daniels,
n hundred und ono persons would have turned nnd looked. Hut ho was none
of these.
He was only President Wilson.
When Society Reporters Turned Wine Into Water
WHATEVER a congressman does in Wnshlngtou has got to look right to
the folks buck home, or they'll wnnt to know tho reason why. There's
likely more thnn ono politician who leuds a dual life, one for home consump
tion and tho real one among the pomps
irrro WMtH.
nnd vanities nnd the flesh pots of wily
Thero was a marriage miracle not
long ngo iu Washington among tho
smnrtest of congressional circles, when
the wedding wine was turned Into wa
ter rather than tho water Into wine.
A congressman can do most nnythlng
ucrobntlcally and diplomatically, Just
so it listens good back in his district.
Constituents uro such sensitive plants.
Thev all have to bo humored. Tho
congressman's only duughter was getting married and the occasion was cer
tainly worth n few gallons of champagne, und vintage wine at that. But a
still, small voice imdementh tho congressman's wedding wosklt murmured
anxiously that ull this hymeneal convlvlollty wouldn't rend so well back home,
that champagne, uven at long distance, was terrible stuff for oue's constitu
ency to digest. .
Tho host looked nround npprehenslvely nt the Boclety reporters present.
Then he took them Into his confidence.
"My district," ho said ingratiatingly, "is pretty well disposed toward
prohibition. It wouldn't do me nny good in my next campaign to be identified
i nny wny with boor.e. So when you folks send out your stuff, please flavor
it with np'.lllnurls nnd ginger ale and cut out nil advertisement of the fcsz