The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 23, 1917, Image 3

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The roof is the last to go
I'1 on your building; but the selec
tion of an efficient and econom
ical roof is of first importance.
If you will use
on your building you will get the
most efficient roof, and mill cut down
the cost of the roof materially.
' CERTAIN-TEED Roofing ii eco
nomical to buy, inexpensive to lay,
and it cosu practically nothing to
maintain. It it weathertight, fire re
tardant, clean, unitary and gives the
utmost roofing service over a period
of years. CERTAIN-TEED it guar
anteed for 5, 10 or IS years, accord
ing to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply.)
There are many roll roofings, but only
one CERTAIN-TEED. At it costs
no more to lay a CERTAIN-TEED
Roof than it does to lay a poor roof,
it will pay to get the best, and save
on renewals and upkeep. You can't
tell the quality of roll roofing by itt
appearance, or by feeling of it; your
only safety it in the label. Be sure it
Paints and Varnishes
are made of the best
quality materials and
mixed by modem ma
chinery to insure uni
formity. Made for all
uses and. in all colon
and sizes. Any
dealer can get them
for you. With paint
and varnish, as with
roofing, the name
is a guarantee of
quality and satisfaction.
r Certain-teed
Products Corporation
New York. Chkira Philadelphia. St. Louis,
Borton. Clerelud. Pimbarih, Detroit. Boffilo,
Sin FnncUco. Mllmukec Clnclnniti. New
Orleans. Lot Anrtlet, Mlnneipolli, Kinlll CItr.
Seattle. IndlinapoUt. AtUnu. Memphis, Richmond.
Grind RasMs. Nathrlllc. Silt Like Clir. Dei
Molnet. Houston, Daluth. London, Sydney, llinni
Fast Runners.
She looked with Some apprehension
over the glngliums spread before her
"These don't look like fast colors to
me," she1 said.
"Indeed they are, mu'nm," nnswered
the shopmnn. "You just ought to see
them when they begin to run."
$100 Reward. $100
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
Is, taken internally and acts through the)
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
destroys the foundation of the disease.
Klves the patient strength by Improving
peneral health and assists nature In
doing lta work. J10O.0O for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE) falls to cure.
Druggists 70c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Time gets tiwsiy from nn old mini til
most as uulckly its money does from
n young one.
37 More
For Your
Get the Genuine
No advance in price for this 20-year-
old remedy 25c for 24 tablet!-Some
cold tablets now 30c for 21 tablets
Figured on proportionate coit pr
tablet, you save 9J4c when you buy
Mm (jure tola
in 24 houri (rip
In 3 days Money
back if it falls.
At any Drue Stora
For Constipation
Carter's Little
Liver Pills
will set you right
over night.
Purely Vegetable
Small Pill. Small Dote, Small Price
Carter's Iron Pills
Will restore color to tho faces of
those who lack Iron In the blood,
as most pale-facxd people do.
(Prcpnrcd by tlio United States Department of Agriculture.)
(1.) Fl st-clnss seed corn Is senree nlmost every spring.
(2.) Extended plnntlngs mid rcplnntlngs prnellcally exhausted
the hold-over supply Inst June.
(8.) In some sections this yenr's crop lias liecn destroyed by
drought or early frosts. Farmers of these sections should now nrrnnge 0
to securo seed from localities possessing climatic conditions similar to
their own.
(1.) In the localities favored with a crop this year, next year's
crop muy be destroyed, and there should now be selected n supply of ,
locally adapted Bccd for 1018 nnd a rhold-over supply for the 1010 J
(5.) Hailstorms, Hoods nnd droughts yearly destroy millions of
acres of young com, making second and third plantings necessary.
Seed corn dealers who provide umple supplies of seed of early matur-
Ing vurlctles render valuable service by prompt deliveries for these
emergency plantings.
nowledge of Details in Life His
tories Important.
Biological Survey of Department of
Agriculture Would Like to Know
More About Habits of Obnox
ious Rodents.
(From the Unltod States Department of
To prescribe the most effective
measures for the control and eradica
tion of rodents and obnoxious wild
anlmnls, the most Intlmnte details of
the life histories of the animals must
be known. The biological survey of
the' United States department of agri
culture Is in need of this information.
It would like to know, for Instance,
more about the breeding habits and
young of ground squirrels, pocket go
pliers, kangaroo rats, pocket mice,
wood rats, grasshopper mice, and bar
vest mice. Accordingly, the survey re
cently has sut a request to Its field
naturalists asking for more detailed
study of many of the American mam
mals. Other persons Interested arc in
vited to send In reports of their study,
Food Habits of Rodents.
Particular attention should be given,
the request states, to locating and dig
ring out the burrows of the various
ground-Inhabiting species. Measure
ments and detailed sketches showing
the character of these underground
habitations, the nesting and food
chambers, and other peculiarities
should be made. Insufficient lnfornia
tlon Is available as to the quantity
and character of the food many such
animals store In their underground
retreats or In other pluccs.
The underground hnblts and young
of shrews and moles, as well as win
ter chambers and nests of hibernating
rodents, are insufficiently known. The
breeding habits of bats are almost un
known, and every opportunity should
be tuken to study them, the statement
adds. Hut caves or roosting places
should be carefully examined and re
ported in detail. Close attention
should be given to the food intuits or
till species and their relations to agrl
culture and forestry.
Photographs Needed.
Field naturalists In charge of bio
logical surveys of certain territories
should familiarize themselves with the
survey's collection of species from
their ureas and be guided In their Held
work by the needs of the collection
Good photographs are needed, partial
larly of the smaller species, their
haunts, nesting places, nnd of what
ever else Illustrates their habits. The
need of study as described for habits
of animals applies with equal force to
birds, the rtatement adds.
One of Easiest to Make and Found
Most Satisfactory Have Enough
and Keep Them Clean.
Troughs for pig feeding may not
amount to much In the sum total of a
farm's equipment, but they are very
V-Shaped Trough.
necessary In pig feeding. A few feet
of lumber, some nails pud a saw nnd
hummer, coupled up with a llftlo time,
will furnish these.
The time-honored V-shaped trough
Is one of hc easiest to mtiko and one
of the most satisfactory after It Is
made. It is familiar to every mnn who
owns and feeds swine. See that you
havo enough of them and that they
are kept; clean.
Do Not Give Solid Before Liquid Food
and Avoid Feeding All Sizes of
Animals Together.
It Is n mistake not to feed the liquid
before the holld food.
It Is a mlstako to feed constipating
food and do nothing to correct it.
It Is u mistake to feed breeding-stuff
as If you were fitting It for tho market
It Is a mistake to feed all sizes to
gether whenever the smuller ones uri
at a disadvantage-
Mixed With Ground Rock and Kalnlto
It Makes One of Best Fertilizers
for Farm Use.
By mixing from f0 to GO pounds ot
the ground rock with each barrel of
hen manure nnd adding 40 or 50
pounds of knlnlte ns a source of pot
ash, It makes one of the best nnd most
highly concentrated manures avallnble
for the lawn, garden nnd fruit orch
ard. In addition to Its mnnurlnl value,
It possesses the further advantage of
being free from weed seeds. As a fer
tilizer for corn this mixture Is unex
celled, and excellent results hnvo been
obtained by using a small amount In
the hill covering It with dirt before
planting the corn.
Sanitation and Good Feeding Methods
Help Reduce Losses Keep Meat
Animals Healthy.
Proper feeding and sanitation arc
two Importnnt preventives of dlsense
losses In farm animals. If carefully
applied these measures may jirevent
many losses of meat anlmnls. Keep
the nnlmnls sturdy and disease-resist-
nnt by feeding a good, wholesome
diet. Young animals need particular
care and should be kept growing. A
balanced ration should be fed one
that contains enough digestible pro-0
lein ui supply me uvuua ul uuuv uuu
A- .. 1 1 J'l
muscle growth.
Device Shown In Illustration Is Con
venient Because It Obviates
Kneeling or Stooping.
A device that Is very convenient In
husking corn is the one shown In the
cut. The fodder can be placed on this
rack to save kneeling nnd stooping.
The two wheels should be on a 2
fnnt nxlo to which are attached the
Handy Husking Rack.
eight-foot handles propx'rly braced to
prevent spreading. Such a rack can
be easily wheeled from shock to shock
nnd the twine can be carried In a box
on the frame. Farm and Home.
Rodents Eat Chickens, Stored Grain
and Food Prepared for Table
Mice Also Harmful.
Itnts eat chickens, stored grain,
corn, wnear, aim otner smau grain,
and some of the food prepared for
the table. The grain farmer does not
notice the loss of grnln readily since
much of It Is picked up In tho
field by mice and rats. However,
some Idea of the loss can usually be
gained by examining the crib in spring
when the corn supply becomes low.
On some farms several bushels of corn
will have b6cn shattered by rats and
mice nnd the germs of the grain- re
moved. . This represents merely tho
grnln which wns partly eaten. It docs
not represent thnt which was entirely
consumed by the rodents.
Handy Thing to Have in Hen House In
Winter to Sprinkle Under Roosts
and for Dust Bath.
Before the frost and cold weather
sets In be sure you havo collected a
few barrels of dry earth road dust,
line dirt In the corn Held or potato
patch, or anywhere that Is most con
venient. This Is n handy thing to
havo In the fall and winter for sprin
kling under the roosts, and for a dust
bath. It absorbs ammoila, keeps down
odors, and keeps things shlpshnpe. It
will pay to attend to this when It can
be so easily done. It costs but little,
nnd Is a real advantage.
When Buying Purebred Cattle KnowU
edge and Character of Man Who
Bred Them Is Important.
One thing ought always to be con
sidered when men start out to buy
purebred cattle. That is, that the
knowledge, skill and character of the
man who bred them Is about as im
portant us arc the animals they are
to buy.
V-" ,j V.yon miry tunutyy
Make Your Soldier
Boy Happy Willi
a Comrade Kit
Containing 8 packages of fresh-
baked good things to eat Alpine
Creams, Fig Bars, Peanut Wafors,
High Teas, Lemon Snap3, Coconut
Snaps, Ginger Snaps and Vanilla
Midgets. All packed securely in a
substantial shipping container.
Comrade Kits Only $1.00 Each
Order today of your grocer.
Baked, packed and guaranteed by
Snow Whtto Bakeries
The essence of hunim Is sensibility,
warm, tender reiiow-reeung wmi nil
forms of existence.
The man whose business makes him
dishonest Is In a very poor business.
Notice to Si
The Experience of These Women Prove That
There is a Remedy for Your Illness. ,
Aberdeen, Idaho. "Last year I Buffered from
a weakness with pains in my side and back. A
friend asked mo to try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vogo
tablo Compound and I did so. After taking one
bottlo I felt very much better. I have now taken
throe bottles and feci like a different woman.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Compound is tho
best medicino I have ever taken and I can recom
mend it to all suffering womqn." Mra. PEUCY
Prbstidqd, Aberdoen, Idaho
Kingfisher, Okla. "For two yeara I suffered
with a severe femalo trouble, was nervous, and
had backache and a pain in my side most of the
time. I had dizzy spells and was often so faint
I could not walk across the floor. Tho doctor
said I would havo to have an operation. A friend
asked mo to try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound. After taking ten bottles I am now
well and strong, have no pain, backache or dizzy
spells. Every one tolls mo how well I look and I
tell them Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound did it." Miss Nina Soutiiwick, R. P. D.
No. 4, Box 83, Kingfisher, Okla.
3kas rstedl m3 sick wsmcm
LTUIA btfimnnrl OTt.Ulk.INE.
In a Bad Way.
"What do you know of the charac
ter of this man?" was asiced ot a
witness at a pollcu court the other
"What do I know of his cliurncterv
I know It to be nnblcachable, your
honor," he replied with much em
phasis. Christian Register.
That Itch, Burn and Torture With Cutl.
cura Trial Free.
A hot Cutlcura Sonp bath is soothing
to Irritated skins when followed by
n gentle application of Cutlcura Oint
ment. Use Cutlcura for evcry-dny toi
let preparations to prevent bucIi trou
bles. After this treatment buby sleeps
mother rests and hcalmcnt follows.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
"Marry money, my hoy
marry mon
"It's Just ns easy to love a rich girl
as a poor girl."
"But It Isn't as easy to get 'em to
marry you, old top."
will quiet your cough, soothe the In
(lamination of a sore throat and lungs,
Btop Irritation In tho bronchial tubes,
Insuring u good night's rest, free from
coughing and with easy expectoration
In the morning. Mudo and sold In
America for fifty-two yenrs. A won
derful prescription, usslstlng Nature lu
building up your general health nnd
throwing off tho disease. Especially
useful In Jung frouble, asthma, croup,
bronchitis, etc. For sale lu ull civil
ized countries. Adv.
Wooster, ()., Is consolidating mu
nicipal olllces and abolishing several
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Sa Bmnrtlnc J"t r Comfort. K) cents it
brocglsu or mall. Wrlta for froe Hfo Book.
Relaxation, Assisted by Beautiful and
Benevolent Thoughts, Cited as Sure
Cur) for Sleeplessness.
A noted hyglcnlst tells of n mnn who
wns on tho bordcrlnnd of nervous
breakdown nnd the Joy of brnln nnd
muscle was fast receding, notes the
Ohio State Journal. Hut he got well
and sound again by attending- safely to
his relaxation. Insomnia wns his
greatest trouble, nnd when he went to
bed It was to toss and bob around In
mind and body until he fell Into u
restless sleep. He cured this by re
laxation. That Is, by yielding his body
to the gentle pressure of bed nnd pil
low and not trying to hold himself up
by nervous exertion. It Is the old doc
trine of power through repose, a love
ly lden, hut not always realizable.
The trouble Is one soon forgets the re
laxation, and so tries to practice It
that ho Is apt to fall Into a center
The hyglcnlst leaves out the main
Idea. He resorts to the will power,
while the real secret Is a resort to the
mornl.powor, which means falling un
der the sway of beautiful and bene
volent thoughts, and then the relaxa
tion will take care of Itself. One of
these methods Is to think ot the peo
ple you don't like, nnd then proceed
to lovo them all, and you will find the
pillow mid the bed will render their
full service and sustain all your phy
sical and mental Infirmities.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels nnd stomach. One llttlo Pellet
for a laxative, thrco for a cuthnrllo. Ad.
One opportunity s enough for the
man who knows to take advantage of
At Your Druggist's
"Seo anything unusual on jour" trip?"
"Yes. At one ot the places where
1 stopped I found a ticket agent who
didn't seem annoyed when I asked for
n ticket."
There is only one medicine that really
Btanda out pre-eminent nv ii medicino for
curable nilments of the kidncjH, liver
nnd bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's SwamivKoot stands the
hiahent for tho reason that it ban proven
to be just the
remedy needed in thou-
tanils of distressing enftcs.
snndu iinon thouxanil
i n
Swnmp-lloot, a phynician's prescription for
special diseascH, maucs menus quicniy uu
i cause Its mild anu immediate cneci m
Foon' realized in most cascn. It is a gen-
! t!3, healing vegetable compound.
I Start treatment at once. Sold at all
! drug EtoreM in bottles of two frizes, incdi-
um and large.
However, if you wish firat to test this
I (treat prepamtfon send tci cents to Dr.
Kilmer k Co., Hinghiiinton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be ure and
t mention this paper. Adv.
The Sort.
".laggs regards local option with a
sort, of tigerish rage."
"Yes; a bllnd-tlgerlsh rage."
Important to Nlothore
Examluo carefully ovory bottlo ot
CASTOBIA, that famous old remedy
for lufunts and children, and sec thnt It
Bears tho
Signature of
In Urio for Over 30 Yoare
Children (JrV for Hotelier B Castoria
From Florida.
Suit Case Kver travel South?
Alligator Uag Sure thliig; that was
my oiii iiome, you Know.
"I can't take that, I must have Rod
Cross Hall IJlue. I have used it for
more than ten years. My white
dresses, linens and lace curtains aro
snowy white. I simply can't do with
out Red Cross Ball Dluo You will get
It? All right, I'll wait. 'Adv.
Fnlrvlew, Ky nioiiii lent to Jeffer
son Davis Is delayed by labor shortage.
Mr. Rcutcr Went Through a
Terrible Siego of Kidney
Trouble. Doan's Brought
Back His Health.
"After nn iniury I was In tcrrlbio
shapo from kidney trouble," says I),
ltcuter. North St.. West Chicago, 111.
"I couldn't stoop becauso of the avful
pnirw in tuy buck and the steady, dull
misery almost urovc mo
frantic. I had to bo help
ed out of bed mornings,
the pains ncrosa my kid
ticyn were mi bad and no
body knows the ngony I
went through. I couldn't
do anything nnd was al
most nrjpicw; n Fccmcu
I would never get well. 1
"The urine paused far I
too often and burned like
ttpnlilinir wntrr. Till nns
Mr. Renter
sago were scanty and I had no control
over them. At times everything in
front of me grew dark and I couldn't
nee for several minutes. I perspired
profusely nnd I wns thirsty all the
time, ror two years I suffered, trying
medicine nftcr medicine without relief.
I was jut nbotit discouraged and didn't
think I would ever be able to work
n train
"Hearing about Doan'S Kidncu PWs
1 uned them nnd four boxes cured me.
My kidneys becamo normal, my back
cot well nnd strong and all the other
troubles dtaippcarod."
Sworn to before me,
JA8. W. CAIUt, Notary Public.
GetDoin'a at Any Store, 60c aBes
JLtollet preparation of m.rlt.
IWp. to eradlcat danOrnff.
Pnr R m ! nrln m Cain MBit
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair J
- too, and 11.00 tt DrarcUtA
W. N. U., OMAHA,
JNebraska Directory
Rooms from $1.00 up single, 75 cents tip donble.
hogsamsheep STOCK YAKUb'UrwlA
i m sctMroJ
you serylJe reff&rdtes ot ths cost ot product!
Quarantstd (or 8,000 mils. A trial will convl
i convlnc.
vou ihtv ore the tst.
Export Ura and tub repair
wanted. Write tor samples
fnsr. County agent wanted.
and particulars.
2 in 1 Vulcanizing Co. H.V.ttr.
1510 Davenport St. OMAHA, NEB.
F. F. FINK, Auto Tinner
317 S. 20th ST., OMAHA. NEB, an
212 3. 12th St.. LINCOLN. NEB. t.AJ.i AND FEND11U IUCPAtlUNO.
Done promptly.
30x3. (7.70! 30x314.
18.60; 83x3& 11005; 83x4,
!IZ.2li CJtl, IIB.W, KXIH, 110.30.
noivsuirt ur
tires and tuoea. Tire and tube repairing
! P'clnlty. Kxpert auto radiator repairing.
Douir. 2911. 1S14 Davenport St, Omaha, Nt
auio parts y$ price, arviuh wunvva.
and supplies.
real. Alt
lioime In the west.
ClUICUIUfS Kixstman goods. W? par re-
rinioninu turn poatuse on aqlauintr-
1813 Firnim Strtil
tiumin KodaK CO.
amaba, ncd.
tafca a prompt and fftctlro remedy oaa
tbat acta quickly and contain no opiate,
Yon can get auch a remedy by aaklac for
Free price list