The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 20, 1917, Image 7

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"Blue" and Worried?
"Blue," worried, half-sick peoplb
should find out the cause of their trou
bles. Often it is merely faulty kidney
action, which allows tho blood to get
loaded up with poisons that irritate the
nerves. Backacno. headaches, dizziness
and annoying bladder troubles arc add
ed proofs that tho kidneys need help.
Uso Doan'a Kidney, Fills. Thousands
thank them for relief from just such
A Nebraska Case
Xf rn IT n r rf a f m .
Hfumn MeLaio nn,l " Hrtlf tTwi I Hup
Hevcntconth Bts.,
Foils City, Neb.,
enysi "I guttered ter
ribly with kidney
trouble for years.
ThnrA vonn Inmannaa
In my back and sides til
nnd hn ImnliU ,ln -L
voloped Into rlieu
mntic pains. It kept
Betting worse. x
tried Doan'a Kidney
Pills and after using
three boxes I was
entirely cured. My
limbs which had
tlAAn wnllan aa
again their normal size and all tho
soroness had disappeared from my
Joints. The trouble has nevor re
turned." Get Doan't at Any Store, 60c n Box
DOAN'S syxDxiv
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 45-1917.
Raise High Priced Wheat
on Fertile Canadian Soil
1 Canada extends to you a hearty invita
jj tion to settle on her FREE Homestead
j lands of 160 acres each or secure some
" of the Ic
Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat is higher but
Canadian land just as cheap, so the opportunity is more at
tractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed tho world
by tilling some of her fertile soil land similar to that which
during many years has averaged 20 to 45 bushels of wheat
to the acre. Think of the money you can make with wheat
around $2 a bushel and land so easy to cct. Wonderful
yields also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming
in Western Canada is as profitablo an industry as
grain growing.
ItM aLl A!Srir3 W. V. BENNETT I
1 12 A pMSSfI Hfl Room 4, Dee Oldg., Omaha. Neb. M
J"A5Tj S SjR Canadian Government Atent H
W Oroer-r enroll
Murder Will Out.
A French woman with a sense of
humor once told this story.
Sho was walking up u flight of
stairs In ono of those Paris apartment
houses with n mirror at tho head of
each landing.
As she glanced up, panting, she
thought sho saw n woman descending.
She said to herself: "Well, if I wero
that fat old woman I should know bet
ter than to dress in that ridiculous
wny." '
When she reached tho head of tho
stairs she confronted herself.
Marriage is n poor eyeopeuer for
those who are blinded by Jealousy.
Small Pill
Small Dose
Small Price
have stood the test of time.
Purely vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to banish biliousness,
headache. Indigestion and to
clear up a bad complexion.
Genuine bears signature
Generally Indicate a lack
of Iron In the Illood fi
Carter's Iron Pais
Will help this condition 1
Nebraska Directory
Done promptly.
Free price lilt.
nrerwnp a bjij .tiu ii mm
WW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1T1 HWbmMMI iT IT TBiTPI
17 f Tf?Q TAKE-A -TIP
W. imJ tn4 wtat Mi tnr la Jf ur
tr..i..Wrts uiluim Ufc.t.U.ttrW
hit iwr MblbhuL It'. frM t IfUUM.
Supplying the Names.
"So you havo twins ut your house?"
finld Mrs. Nnbor to little Jack.
"Yossum," he suld soberly, "two of
"What nre they going to calf thorn,
my dear?"
"Well, I don't know for sure, but 1
think their nmues Is Thunder nnd
Llghtnln', 'cause Hint's tho nnmcs papa
culled thorn when tho doctor cniuo In
nnd told him nbout them." New Puck.
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
Is taken Internally and acts through tho
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
destroys the foundation of the disease
gives tho patient strength by improving
tho general health and assists nature In
doing IU work. flOO.OO for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE falls to cure.
Drugglnts 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Chenoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Music of the Wind.
The wind In tho trees sounds po
etlcnl. But the hot nlr that accoin
pnnles somo fnmlly trees docs not.
Docs Not Linger.
At this season of tho yenr she real
Izes thnt tho summer resort kiss sel
dom hns lasting effects.
oriced lands in Manitoba.
The Government this year Is asking farmers to put In
creased acreage into grain. There is a great demand for
farm labor to replace the many young men who have
volunteered for service. The climate la healthful and
agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and
churches convenient. Write for literature as to reduced
rail way rates toSuptof Immigration, Ottawa, Caa..orto
We you? CREAM
Largest cash buyers In tho middle west.
Ship direct to us. Quick return of empty
cans guaranteed. Wo pay dally. Our motto
Is "a square deal." Write for price list and
shipping tags. Give us a trial.
Throuah and Through.
The two men in blue were exchang
ing confidences on the veranda of a
big military hospital In France.
"Did you go to the big society
party they gave for us crocked fellows
"Yes," said the other and shuddered.
"What did you think of it?"
"Bellcvo me, old bloke, I'd rather
hnvc another bnll go through me thnn
go through another ball."
Housekeepers Can Save
$200,000,000 on Food
In thestf days whon the high cost of liv
ing pinches nearly every homo, no waste,
should bo overlooked. Ono of the most
flagrant and the most easily prevented, It
the destruction of food by rats. One rat
will often do a hundred dollars' damage oi
food and property In a single night, and a
careful estimate gives over $200,000,000 at
the value of foodstuffs destroyed annually
by these pests. Exterminate them with
Stearns' Paste and aavo this enormout
l loss 01 ioou. A sninu pox oi oieurns
Fasto costs only 35 cents and Is usual
. ly enough to completely rid the house ol
rats and mice; also effective nsnlnst cock-
roaches and waierougs. auv.
Remunerative Bite.
Tho old soldier was showing how
fields are won.
"The worst time I ever had," ho said
"was when wo wero besieged. We onlj
had one bite n day for a fortnight, an
that -was horse llesh."
The young soldier sitting at (he oth
or side of tho taproom chipped In :
"I remember living for a month oi
ono bltd, and thnt was out of my owi
The old soldier flushed.
"I don't believe 11!" ho said, angrily
"Bcllevo It or not, It's true I" snl
(ho young man. "A dog took n mouth
ful out of my leg and tho compensn
tlon kept mo llko a lord for foui
Gray Matter Counts.
"The author of tills story Is a clevei
diap." "'That so?" "Yes, It takoi
hrnlns to sell such rot." Judge.
Honest men are almost as scarce at
silent women.
Save Your
Cash and
Your Health
Tba UiuUrcoM cure for JO years
la tablet fcrm fe. aure, no opiate
curt cold la 24 bout trip In 3
dy. Maseybtelclfltfalli. Get the
ftnuine bux with Hed top and Mr.
IlUI's otctuie on it.
Coiti le, civet
more, lavei money.
2TabUU lor 25c.
At Any Drug Stor
Fowls Forced to Sit on Damp Ground
Are Liable to Take Cramps and
Other Diseases.
Ducks, both old and young, should
have a dry, comfortable place to stay
In at night. If forced to sit on tho
damp ground they nre ltable to take
cramps and cold In the head. Tho
latter Is almost certain to turn to
Provide suitable houses If you wish
to bo successful. The houses need not
be very expensive, but they should bo
substantial, so that they may bo used
for the same purpose several years In
There Is usually somo shed or
building that can bo converted Into
a duckhouso at small expense. Where
only a smnll flock Is kept this plan
Is advisable.
If the roof Is good tho rest Is easy.
If tho weatherboardlng is not suffi
ciently close to keep out drafts In cold
weather, cover the outside with tarred
paper or strip with lath.
A board floor is better than an
earth floor because tho ducks will often
stir up tho ground In n very disagree
able maimer where there is tho least
sign of moisture.
In cold weather ducks should be kept
In the house because their feet are so
tender that when they come In contact
with the cold ground they suffer great
ly nnd hobble along as though their
backs wero broken. However, they
should not be kept housed more than
is really necessary.
Burlap Curtain Is Placed Over Open
ing to Keep Out Wind and Snow
During Stormy Weather.
As I believe the housing of poultry
fully ns important as their dally feed,
I am sending the picture of the poul
try house my husband built for me,
writes Mrs. J. M. Freeman of Sawyer,
Mich., lu Farm Progress.
This houso was designed some
years ago by Dr. P. T. Woods, a
prominent poultrymun. Since build
ing this house, two years ago, I have
not had u sick chicken on tho
place. The front In boarded up 18
Inches from the ground nnd down
nine Inches from the top. The open
ing Is covered with heavy quarter
Inch mesh wire, over which we put
n burlap curtain in stormy weather
to keep out wind and snow. At other
times It Is always-open.
A houso of this style, which meas
ures 12 by 1G feet, will house from
30 to 35 hens comfortably, with good
Superior House for Poultry.
results. At present during very blus
tery weather 70 per cent of my hens
are laying. Their grain food consists
of corn, wheat and buckwheat. When
confined they nro supplied with green
stuff, such aB cabbage, beets, etc.
I always keep plenty of scratch
ing material on tho floor, In which
they nre fed three times a day, thus
keeping them constantly nt work.
They also have fresh water threo
times a day. I will be glad to fur
nish exact measurements of this houso
to anyone wishing them.
Shed With Curtain Front for Use In
Severe Weather Is Sufficient
Avoid Warm Building.
Although turkeys do not need a
good houso for winter, they should
havo n shed of some kind. Simply n
shed with n curtain front, to bo let
down In severe weather, and it roost
well up toward the top Is all that Is
needed. In such n place they would
bo comfortable In most nny weather
and will have conditions nearly llko
outdoors. Tightly built, warm houses
nro not necessary or advisable.
Those of Best Quality, Newly Laid, Are
Worth More Than Market Prlco
to Customer.
If average quality fresh eggs nro
selling on tho market for 35 cents per
dozen, selected, best quality new laid
eggs, should be worth twice ns much
to those who appreciate what is best
In foods. At no time should high grado
new-laid eggs bring less than CO cents
n dozen at the point of production.
Cracked Corn and Oats, Fed in Mash
With Cornmeal and Beef
Scraps Is Excellent.
It has been proven that a mixture
of cracked corn und oats, fed along
with a dry mash of cornmeal und beef
wraps, bus glve;i even better results
tu the laying pens than has a mlxturo
coutainlng wheat.
Fasten Helmets at Bacx.
Soup-plate helmets worn by British
troops tu Franco tire to bo adopted by
the United States troops lu prcfcrcnco
to tho French pattern of protective
headgear. Tho wearing of theso tin
hats, by tho way, though It has proved
of great value against certain species
of attacks, shrapnel, for Instance, Is
not entirely without Its dangers, writes
a war correspondent. When they wero
first Introduced tho men nnturally put
tho strap under tho chin, but so many
wero killed by having their necks bro
ken by bits of shell hitting the helmet
In front that the order was made to
fasten It nt the back of tho head.
Electrlo Furnaces.
Tho electric furnaces of Shclllcld,
England, nlono can now produce 00,000
tons of steel per year, and It Is an
ticipated that In 1018 the output from
theso furnaces nlono will bo 150,000
Carton Blckley of Sandusky, O., In
four yenrs has saved 13 lives In nc-cldents.
Middle Aged
Are Here Told the Best Remedy
for Their Troubles.
Prcomont, O. "I was passing through the critical
period of life, being forty-six years of ago and had all
tno symptoms incident to that cnango neat ungues, ,
nervousness, and was in a general run down condition,
so it was hard for mc to do my work. Lvdia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to mo as
tho best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved
to be. I feel bettor and stronger in every way slnco
taking it, and the annoying Bymptoms have disap
peared." Mrs. M. Goddek, 025 Napoleon St., Fremont,
North Haven, Conn. -"Lydla E. Pinltham's Vegeta
ble Compound restored my health after everything clso
had failed when passing through chango of life. There
is nothing liko it to overcome tho trying symptoms."
jars. txonEHCE 18&lla,hox 1D7, Worth Haven, uonn.
lot Susdk m$
At the Post Office.
"Vhnt did she do when you told
her It would cost 3 cents to scud a
letter hereafter Instead of 2?"
"Umph sho got so nugry sho
stamped her foot."
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot,
the great kidney, liver and bladder rem
edy. It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. Dr. Kilmer used it for years in his
private practice. It helps tho kidneys,
liver and bladder do the work nature in
tended they should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
It is sold by all druggists on its merit and
it will help you. No other remedy can
successfully tako its place.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once. .
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Dinghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Krnssll In Juno exported 4,3(M,070
pounds of crudo rubber.
Mndras In 1010 exported ?-H0,005
worth of sandalwood.
Royal Baking Powder
saves eggs in baking
In many recipes only half as many eggs are required, in some .
none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder
is used, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted.
Try the following recipes which also conserve white
flour as urged by the government.
Corn Meal Griddle Cakes
1M cups com mal
lA4 cups tolling wstsr
cud milk
1 tablespoon shortentnf
1 Ubleipoon saolasisi
mi cup floor
i teaspooa salt
i teaspoons Royal Baking Towdtr
Betid corn meal In bowl with bolllngr water i add milk,
molted shortening and moUiieij add flour, salt and
baking powder which have bon sifted togetheri ml
well. Sake on tut greasod griddle until brown,
(The Old Method called for 2 eggs)
Send for our new booklet "5$ Ways to Save Eggs," Mailed free on request:
Address Royal Bakino Powder Co,, Dpt. W.; 135 William Street; New York
Suffered Several
Mrs. Ellzaboth Routhor, 1002 11th
SL, N. W., Washington, D. 0., writes:
"I ondorso Poruna as a splendid
tnodlclno for catarrh nnd ntomach
troublo, from which I Bufforod sov
cral years. I took It for several
months, found my health was re
stored and have felt splendidly ever
since. I now tako It when I con
tract n cold, and it soon rids tho Byo
torn, ot any catarrhal tondoucloo.''
Reads Like Fiction. I
-X 1 I L - - 1 1 . ...... I
unc u uie most unuauai buivukis
yet recorded In these days of subma
rine warfare, says Popular Science
Monthly, Is thnt of tho Norwegian
steamship Kongsll, whoso cargo of
grain swelled to such nn extent on tho
Inrush of water through tho ragged
hole torn lu her side by a torpedo, that
tho hole was clogged up and tho water
prevented from flowing In nnd sinking
A party of fishermen, clnmbcring
aboard to discover tho troublo, wero
nmazed to find that the rugged hole on
ono side and hull platen torn loose on
tho other by the force of the explosion
had been effectively plugged by the
swollen grain. Tho fishermen wore
afraid to attempt to tow her because
tho rush of tho water along hor sides
might have washed uwny tho effective
grain scnl. Accordingly, they Impro
vised bnlcs made of cotton filled with
grain and forced these into the holes,
This made tho stoppage secure enough
to enable the vessel to be towed to a
nearby port.
Lacks Appreciation.
Somehow or other a man never ap
preciates what ho has acquired with
little effort or cost.
Tho fickleness of some women Is
whnt makes them interesting.
Don't attempt to swindle a mule;
ho Is apt to get back at you.
1 esp brown ssgsr
IU eupa water
I cap idd raltlns
3 ouneoa citron, cat fine
y cap snortemng
flour and baking
gather. Mix weft
nn ahntlt 4K
Its My
for a
Thoso who object to liquid medi
cines can procure Peruna Tablets.
Fall Run of Distemper
'(SPntlNQ" A. small outlay ot money brings very
jrvuuj great results. It la n euro curp and s
preventive If you uso It as per dlre&tlorts. Simple, safe
nnd sure. The Jl stso la twlco tho quantity and (in ounes
more than the COo nlie. Oct your horses In best condition
for late fall and winter. All druggists, harness deal
ers or manufacturers.
Sl'OHN MUDICAL, CO., Manufacturer!!, Ooshen, In.
r7 J
The Point of View.
Tho kind-hearted woman stopped to
reprove the youngster who had chased
u cnt up a tree.
"You bad boy, suppose you were n
cat, would you llko to havo anyono
chase you In that fashion?"
"dee I wouldn't I, though, If I could
climb like that I" said tho youngster,
has been a household panacea all over
the civilized world for more than half
n century for constitution, Intestinal
troubles, torpid liver und tho generally
depressed feeling that accompanies
puch disorders. It Is n most valuable,
remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys
pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on
headache, coming of up food, palpita
tion of henrt and many other symp
toms. A few doses of August Flower
will Immediately relievo you. It Is a
gentle laxative. Ask your druggist.
Sold In all civilized countries. Adv.
Wireless to Africa.
Hy the erection of a chnln of sta
tions for a distance of 1,800 miles up
the Congo river It will bo possible to
send wireless messages all the wny,
across Africa.
Contrary Adjustment.
"I want n squnro dent In this fight."
"All right ; try another round." rBal
tlmnre American.
Milkle8s, Butterless
',4 taaipooa salt
I teaspoon nutmeg
I teaspoon elsnamoa
1 cup Hour
l cup nre nonr
S teaspoons Eoytl Baking Powder
Boll sogar, water, fruit, shortening, salt and spices
t..lV.. aiMmM 9 mltintAfl. wh an maai a A A
' nowdor which have been sifted to
bake In loaf pan In moderate
(The Old Method Frr Cake called for 2 eggs)
Iklirta&fftTuilHC., Bt. II, Puti, Sik.