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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
(IRACK VKCE3IAN 1IKS KK03I , kOVKKDOSB OR CHLOROFORM is a Your . Glasses Can do you a wonderful amount of good if they fit you properly but if they don't they will do the same amount of harm. It is better not to wear glasses at all than to wear glasses that do not fit perfectly. If you are in doubt about them fitting you see our Optometrist about them, he is a specialist along this line and can serve you well. WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES. Harry Dixon & Son. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL New Coats and Dresses aro still arivlng daily at BLOCK'S. Mrs. Lena Salisbury returned last eveninf from a six weeks visit with relativos at Aurora. Miss M. Sieinan, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85t Please phone me your magazine or ders and Xmas gift orders as I want to forward them after November 17. Phono Red 104. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell. Tlie J. V, Jtomlgh garago. is now demonstrating the Cadillac eight, a car that ought to look good to the man who has a little more than $2,000 to invest. Dr. Mitchell, Dentist, announces the removal of his dental offices to the First National Bank building. 87tf The high school foot ball team ac companied by Coach Baskins left yes terday for Alliance where they will play the team of that town tomorrow afternoon. Knnnlnl sale of now Sorco Dresses for Saturday only at $12.75 at BLOCKS. The concrete base for the brick pav ing around the new depot is being laid. A half dozen or men aro employed in . this work, and more would bo engaged if they could bo secured. Bear in mind that -wo handle the Henderson and La Princess corsets r and can give you tho best values at the prices of any corset made. 88-2 B. T. TRAMP.& SONS. Tho Nevita club was pleasantly en tertained by Mrs. Thos. Austin Wed nesday afternoon. Tho afternoon was spent in konslngton and the guests of the day "were Mesdames Hayes, Rlten- our and Russell. 5 LET US HELP YOU PLAN YOUR FARM SALE We ltavo clerked ho many sulos In . , tills community that wo nro prepared t ' - i to offer you suggestions and advice r you will liiul quite valuable especial ly In tho mutter of credits. Wo can save you tlmo and money and rollovo you of all troublesome de tails. Got our terms nnd set tho date. Wo will, If you desire, advertise your sale, eniratro tho auctioneer, provldo an ex perienced clerk, for you, assume pay you cash. Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. Mrs. J. I. Smith has been spending the past week with friends In Wood River. Dr. Morrill. Dentist Mrs. Wood White was tailed to Grand Island Wednesday toy the illness of her mother, Mrs. T. M. Halnline. Five room house for rent, 321 south Chestnut Inquire of Thos. Simants, 303 south Chestnut " 88tf Wm. Harcourt returned yesterday from Omaha, where he had been trans acting business for a couple of days. For Rent Furnished rooms in mod ern home. 305 west Third street. Phono Black 171. 88-2 For Sale Pure bred Duroc Jersey hogs, both Bexes. Inquire of or ad dress, Blankenburg Bros., 1305 north Locust street, North Platto. Neb. Phone Red 851. 84-G Special prices on all suits for ladies, and a now shipment of coats; some now novel features in coats. 88-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS. The Domestic Science department of tho 20th Centyry club will hold its regular meeting Monday, November 10th, at 3 p. m at tho homo of Mrs. Ralph Smith, 523 west Second. For salo, rent or trade, 480 acres. The Eyo Rooms. 84-G. J. B. McDonald returned Wednesday from Omaha, whero ho spent ten days on business connected with tho Crown Tiro Co., of which ho is treasurer. Tho company expects to begin making tires about January first, tho delay being due to inability to securo the machin ery, orders for which were placed last March. Try Dr. Smith, tho Chiropractor. 50tf Alma Youlln, who sings tho prima donna rolo in "His Brlday Night'' with Frederick V. Bowers, Is a favorite so prano in musical comedy. Sho will bo remembered for hor appearance in tho past two seasons with Hyams & Mclntyre in "My Home Town Girl." It Is said that Mr. Bowers has composed a number of beautiful songs particu larly suited to her. - 0 SPECIAL TOR SATURDAY Carnations 35 cents per dozen Roses $1.00 per dozen C. J. PASS, Greenhouses. iniiko nil settlements nil notes taken and Grace Freeman, aged about twonty ono, neat appearing and a trained nurse by vooation, was found dead in nor room Rt the McCabs Hotel at 4:30 TuMday afternoon The deceased ar rived Sunday from Grnnd Island ami registered, giving hot' address as ( cnl ar Rapids, Iowa. She infoniied at taches of tho hotel that sho was n trained nurse, and her business card bore the adtlreai of Ord. Nob Monday afternoon Mr. Wolngand in passing through the hallway .heard groans issuing from the room occupied by the girl. lie pushed back the part lf-openod door and nskod it she waa sick. She replied sho had an intense headache. He noticed a bottle lying beside hor nml anked what modicino sho was taking. "ChlorofornV' was the reply. Mr. Weingand remonstra-' ted against her using tho diug, but sho 1 laughingly roplied that sho was a trained nurso and knew how to uso it. A physician wns suggested but to this sho objected, stating that if ho ob Jocted to hor being in tho howso she would go to a hospital. Tho girl re mained in the room until Tuesday noon when sho wont out on tho streets, ro turning about 1:30. In tho meantime Mr. Wolngand becamo protty well sat isfied that tho girl was a chloroform drlnkor. Tuesday afternoon about 4:30 he concluded it would bo woll to inquiro about her condition, and re ceiving no responso to n knock the xloor of tho room wns open ed and tho woman was found lifeless in bed, sho having taken off hor outer garments. The coroner was notlflod, and an examination of her effects dis closed three bottles of chloroform, one of, which had been partially emp tied. Inquiry by(phone at Ord dovcloped that she had no relatives there, but that sho had been an Inmate at a hos pital at Grand Island, presumably-taking treatment for tho "dopo" habit. J. S. King and wlfo, of Cedar Rapids, andt hreo other relativos of the dead 'jgirl, arrived last evening and this morning accompanied tho remains to Fullerton, Nob. : :or : Percy Scliott Promoted Word received from Camp Cody this week announced that Percy Schott, who was second lieutenant or Com pany E, had been promoted to first lieutenant. Mr. Schotts advanvance- ment will be learned with pleasure by his friends in North Platte. ::o:: Iter. Koch Arrives Rev. Franklin Koch, who has been called to the pastorate of the Lutheran church, accompanied by Mrs. Koch, arrived from Omaha last evening. Rev. Koch will hold his Initial ser vices at the church Sunday at the usu al hours. : :o:: Taking Government Loans The Osgood precinct federal land loan association, of which Carl Holl- man is secretary and treasurer, has received $20,000 on cloven applica tions and will recelvo between $30,000 and $40,000 on other applications with in tho next fifteen days. Mrs. Peters Retires , Mrs. Louise Peters, who has been associated with the Timmerman Hotel since its construction, part of the time as lessee of tho rooms and later on a porcontago basis, retired tho early (part of the week, disposing of tho furnish ings to Mr. Timmerman. Tho latter will conduct tho hotel personally, giv ing nil his time to It "flnbes" Refused License. A young man eighteen years old and a girl of fifteen applied to Judgo French Wednesday for a license to wed. Tho boy's paronts llvo in Iowa and he did not havo their written consent. Tho girl's parents were with her, and were willing to glvo their consont to tho marriage of tholr daughter, but even this they could not do. Tho Judgo Informed tho applicants that ho could do nothing for them. : ;o: : lied Cross Attendance Increases Tho increased attendance of workers at tho work rooms in tho federal building and tho Washington Bchool is very encouraging to tho Red Cross society. In fact tho attondanco at tho Washington school work room has so Increased that thoro is need of moro tables, chairs, clipboards, etc. If anv ladles havo any such articles that thov will lend to tho society please notify either Mrs. W. H. McDonald or Mrs. Fred Rlncker and they will sco that they aro taken whero needed. : :n: : OH Drillers In Runner County. Tho parties who aro drilling for oil In Banner county, north of Kimball, Neb., havo reached a depth of -1,000 feet and aro prepared to go 4,000 feet deeper. It is understood that tho Standard Oil company is financing tho drilling (proposition and- that leases on 10,000 acres of land havo boon tak en. On tho Banner county project, two drilling rigs aro at work, tho machin ery used bolng of the latest Improved typo. Tho holes being sunk are twon-ty-two inches in diamoter. A Few Ilnrgnlns For Snlo. 320 ncros of valloy land noar North Plntto, a bargain if takon at once. A 10 room modern rosldenco nlcoly located, close to school. A 12 room residence modorn ox copt boat; has lmsement and furnaco can bo put In. Close to school. Prices nro right. Can show those at any tlmo. C. F. SPENCER. Phono rod 492. Room C Reynolds Building. 8Etf ::o' At tho Christian Church Sunday 9:45 n, m., unlflod service consisting of bible school, communion nnd sor mon, thomo, ' Nebraska Mission Flold..' An offering for tho Nebraska Christian Missionary Socloty will bo lifted at this service. 7:30, ovonlng worship and sermon, themo, "Ib tho Blblo tho Word of God?" Tho Indies of tho congregation aro earnestly urged to bring their -weekly reports for food conservation commlt- teo to tho Sunday services with them. Strangers and visitors in tho city aro invited to attend Uioso sorvlces. T A. LINDENMEYER, Minister. : :o: : For Salo I Skeleton Road Cart. Ap 66 W A Sale of Pianos and Piano Players at prices that never has been equalled in North Platte. This Is A Big Statement, But True. Our Reason. We are overstocked with high grade Pianos and have nearly a car load of Phonographs coming soon. Our store is small. Commencing Saturday, November 17, We are going to put our entire stock of Pianos and Piano Players' on sale at prices that will sell them. If you want a Piano come and investigate. You want a Piano, we have it at your own price. This is not a lot of cheap Pianos, but such as Packard, McPhail, French & Sons, Kimball and others all brand new Pianos. Don't fail to come early and see these bargains if you are interested and let us show you that what we tell you is true. KAILKOAD NOTES Chas. Boguo loft Tuesday night for Salt Lake City whore ho was called on business connected with tho B. of R. T. Order. Thes 'scarcity of men Is shown by tho inability of tho Union Pacific -to securo tho sorvlces of threo men for Work at tho Ogalalla coaling plant micro tho pay Is $90 a month, a bunk houso In which to sleep nnd free fuol. Engineer E. E. Moody returned Wed nesday night from a stay on his farm In Missouri. Ho brought back sam ples of ear corn and apples grown on his farm, the former bolng Very largo In hIzo and perfectly ripened and tho latter very nice in slzo and flavor. A now tlmo card will go Into effoct on tho Union Pacific Sunday, Trains No. 11 and 14, on tho Denver run, will bo taken off and trains No. 3 and 10 In stead of being consolidated with Nos. 15 and 14 will bo run through from Omaha. The Inspector for tho state commis sion has found many instances whore cars havo been hold from four to thir ty days. In some cases tho fault was with both tho shipper and tho railroad management, In other cases it was tho shipper only and In many casos It was all tho fault of tho railroad. Coal for Union Pacific uso at this this week, and yesterday a number of cars wero unloaded at tho storago yards. Empty coal cars aro bolng hur ried wost, still taking precedent over manifest frelghht. It Is probablo that tho season of coal shortago for local dcalors is now for a tlmo at least past. On ono of tho wost bound passenger trains Wednesday was tho omployo of an Omaha frolght dopot who was so nearly mobbed by his follow workmen a week or bo ago by reason of his pro German 'utterances. Ho was guardod by two soldiers. Ilia- destination Is riipOBod to havo Imjcu tho detontlon rump at Provo, Utah. Tlje inspector of the state railway commission, who spent a cou'plo of diys In town a wook or so ago, has l' led his report In which ho says: "The I nlon Pacific Is short of motive powor. The Inspector found olgljt manlfost trains on tho Union Pacific In tho North Platto yards without motivo power. Delay in movomont of cars Is caused by onglno troubles,,, yard con gestion and labor shortage. ShlpporB havo caused delay not loading or un loading promptly. FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or sovon passongor car for funeral service. MOOENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler & Elcar Agency. Corner Eighth and Locust Sts. n snlo list your land with Thnclockc. tf Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cohn, of Wallace, wero visitors In town yesterday. Wanted A second hand organ in good condition, chapel stylo preferred, v 't Want A WALKER MUSIC CO. North Platte, Nebraska. Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovor Stono Drug Store. tf Mrs. F. R. Lotidors returned to Min neapolis Tuesday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson. Plant pconaos and phlox now. We havo them. North Platto Floral Co. Phono 1023. 8Ctf Isabollo Tngador has filed a 'petition in tho district court praying for a di vorce from her husband Jnmos Tnga dor on tho grounds of cruolty. Sho asks for alimony for hor support. Havo you soon our now corduroy Tunis ror gins, 88-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Miss Ellon McCarthy loaves today for her homo In Spauldlng whoro sho will bo united In marriage noxt wook to Edwnrd Grolsor, of this city, who is omployed as an engine Inspector. Aftor a wedding trip thoy will make tholr homo in this city. Women's bungalow aprons nt boforo tho war prlcos, best materials. Balo price 79c all sizes. Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. 6, ' THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sednn, with its exceedingly conifortublo and refined furnishings, its neat appearance nnd every-day-in-tho-yenr utility, is nn especially attractive motor car for women, meeting so fully all the demands of social and family life n delight to women who drive because of tho easy, safe control. Summer nnd winter it is always ready never a doubt about that nor never any fears for trouble on the way. Then the coat of operation and up keep is very small. Sednn, $G45 f . o b. Dotroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. Pi Tolophono Men Do Their "lilt." By moro tlinn $3,000, tho 408th Bat talion, U. S. Signal Corps, which In cludes tho Bell tolophono employes who volunteered from this Btato, re cently carried off tho honors In tho second Llborty loan campaign con ducted among tho Signal Corps bat talions at Llttlo Sllvor, N. J. Tho battalion of Boll tolophono raon from this vicinity bought bonds amounting to $22,550 whllo tho noxt highest battalion subscribed but $19, 250. While theso former Boll telephone .employes wero carrying olT camp hon .ors, 2,137 of their associates at homo subscribed for $127,550 In socond Llb orty loan bonds or $2G,550 moro than thoy took of tho first Llborty loan. By making theso subscriptions through tho Company, tolophono omployes aro onablod to fpny for tholr bonds on a monthly Installment baBls. "Do your Xmas shopping early,'' If; you aro planning on pictures for Xmas presents; lot this rulo n'pply, and so glvo us enough tlmo to flnlBh your pic tures and finish thorn right 88-0 BROOKS' STUDIO. ply at Besack's barn.. 854 Phono Black 502,