The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 16, 1917, Image 4
T , You must buy the soldier's gift early , Will you sond a Christmas present to a boy with the colors across scas? If lj gets if. on time, you will buy it early. Early means "right now". If your present is notmrlcd oif its Vfiiy within the next few days, it is not going to get there by Christmas. ' What does the soldier want? There will be extraordinary sentiment attached to the Christmas proiOnt the soldidrt receives. It should be something of permanent value, and yet it must bo omething ho ca$ ' carry on his porson or in his kit. MILITARY WATCHES Probably the best selection you can make. The one you buat Clinton's will bo af Satisfactory timokocper. Khaki and leather straps. Luminous dials, Plain dials. POCKETBOOKS ; Made of gcntiinc leather, well finished and strongly sewed. CIGARETTE CASES Sterling, silver plate and leather. He ought by all means todiave one of tho$o. ,t , WRITING TABLETS Compact and convenient. He will like this immensely. Genuine leather OTHER GOOD GIFTS Fountain Pens, Magazine Pencils, Trench Mirrors, Safety Razors, Manicure Pieces, Photo Holders, Playing cards in Cases. C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician, At the Sign of the Big Ring. LOCAL AND PERSONAL JuliUB Hahlor wont to Slilnoy Tuob ilay ovonlng to vlHit IiIh son for a day or two. Dr. Smith, ChLropractor, Building & Loan Ihilldlng.. GOtf MIbb Hazol Smith roturnott WodncB diiy from a vlBlt with frlondB In Grand island. ; Dr. Morrill, Dentist Tho B. P 0. ElkB will obsorvo Sun day, Dccombor 2il, as tho tinnual tnom orlnl day. Mrs. Frank IIoxlo nnd daughter IIol 011 lmvo boon npondlng tho past Bovoral duya In Omaha, For Sale Noarly now Hot Blast fcconl Btovo. Inoulro of P. A. Norton, 309 wost Socond. 8Ctf Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Thompson return ed Tuesday ovonlng from a visit In Konnnrd nnd Omaha. rtntlnrr llniuinln mi Rain at Tho Load- or Morcnntllo Co.'a at 12Vj and 15c n yard, uost in uio city. Minn fnrn Hnnlnn roturnod to Lox lngton TucBday night after a vlalt with Mlrs. Qoldlo woodgnto. Wantod An experienced girl for goiicrnl hounOAi.iU. Phono 183. Mrs. J. S Twlnem. 87tf Mrs. Ilonry Clark loft Tuosday for Alllanco whore her husband Is now located as a funeral director. Mrs. SwartH, who had boon tho guost of Mr. and Mm. J. C. Don, roturnod to hor homo In Arnpahoo yestorday. Elinor Coatcs wont to Lincoln Tues day ovonlng to nttond a mooting of tho coal donlors of tho Btnto and to rocolvo information on tho subject of coal prlcoB from tho Btnto fuel ad ministrator. Wo glvo special attention to ladles' houso droBses and aprons and can glvo you tho vory boHt nt nil tlmoB Includ ing oxtra slzos. Most nnyono can ap preciate a good hoiiBo dress 88-2 E. T. Tit AMP & SONS. ChaB. J. McNamnra wont to Loxlng ton Tuesday to ibogln tho prollmlnnry aurvoy for Btreot paving which will bo put in noxt Bprlng. Tho district which hns boon rormcu cans lor n.uuu square yards of pavomont. Lutheran (J Iris' club will hold an exchange Snturday, November 17th, at tho Dcrryborry & Forbes furnlturo Btoro. Cut Ilowors, plea, cakes, brond, doirtrhnuts. candy, fresh oggB and chickens will bo on Bale. 87-2 A Donvor architect and members of tho Storllnir board of education woro in town Tuosday Inspecting tho Junior high BChool budldlng. Thoy woro ravor Arrested for Speeding. Jako Wright and Elmer Tilson, both driving grocers' delivery cars, woro ur rested yesterday for Bpcedlng nnd each paid a flno nnd costs in tho sum ot $9.80. Tho boys started out on a race nnd when doing their be3t were hitting n rorty nine cup. ::o:; 31 ore Homes Quarantined Six nioro houses havo been quaran tined for small pox, three "Wednesday and three yesterday. Five of tho hous es aro north of tho track, tho other Bouth. n ono of tho houses olght mombors of tho family aro afflicted Two cases, both adults, have assumed a virulent ionn. ::o:: aren for Navy Wanted Ensign' F. Q. Condit, stationed at Omaha as recruiting officer for the nnvy, writes Tho Tribune that 200 firemen for tho navy aro wanted from this state, nnd thoy aro wanted aw fully bad. And not only llremen aro needed, but 100,000 seamen. "Why don't moro of our young men enlist in tho navy. KEITH THEATRE, THURSDAY, NOV. 22 THE SEASON'? MOST PROMOTNG- MUTICAL ATTRACTION- Smsrfest or musical comedies MftBGMiGT MftYO LhV&GNCG (itflNG Music ?y PQEDE&ICK. V &OVEGS SMART COSTUMES i9302)T Muac LAR.GE BEAUTY CHOKJJ5 IlIS "bridal NIGHT V If'' A A INTHECifARfllNG MUSICAL SUCCESS WW 'j!1! WITH EXCEPTIONAL CJiTT. rl. 3ZeWQQQQN TWINS' GLMfi YOUUN 1 JUC WLMPDGG 5ILLY mYVQ UQ&QY ULLPOQP CLAQ(C GQGY MPQGAQCT OWQN QfQDIG QOSV LUCILG CLYWG LILLIAN CLQGIC ALfCG tiflVDLGY AO mom me NIFTIEST SYMPUOIy ORCHESTRA EVER C0AED AWAY FAOM BROADWAY" Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Soot Solo Tuos. Nov. 20, 7:30. No extra charge for war tax. Tho government assessment on all tickets in cluded in tho prlco. Curtain 8:30 promptly, No one seated after rise of Uio. curtain until end of first act. SILLY WORSHIP OF WEALTH Entertain nt Conservation Dinner I r t "t t . -. I ably im-pressod with Its arrangements' . j. . 00ot ubbikwi ..y aire, w n,i nJ.trni.iinn nml wont homo fully.?. Davis, Mrs. M. L. Scott, Mrs. J. Si nnd construction nnd wont homo fully BatiBflcd that Storllng noeded Just such a building. Twlnem, Mrs. H. M. Grimes and Mrs-. M. E. Crosby, entertained tho members of P. E. O. and their husbands at n "conservation dinner" nt Uio homo ot Mrs. M. E. Scott Tho dinner was and other iiouaohold furnlturo. Phono For Sale Old school cu ass. ss- Jonh McConnol, of Somerset, has on' n..n.1 ' ITnrnfnril hull "1101111 Mis chlof" nt tho International Llvo Stock K'von complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Exposition which avIH bo hold at Chi- A. Cnry, of Missoula. Mont. The cngo. Docembor 1st to 8th. This nn- hostesses proved that a "conservation lmal, valued at llvo thousand dollars, dinner could bo a decided success. Is recognized ns ono of tho best In tlioi 7::o: Z Jay Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith, and Victor Anderson, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Androw Anderson, left United States nnd Is cortnln to attract attention at tho Chicago exposition. proporty of J District 00, Lincoln county, section le. nt noon yestorday for Omaha whore Co. Supt Gantt returned Tuosday night from Omaha whoro alio visited friends and transacted school business for sovcral days.- Thoso In need of painting, papor hanging and docoratlng nro aflsurod satisfactory work It thoy employ Jullua Hogn. Phono Black G92. 38tt Dr. and Mrs. N. McCabo and daigh ter Mario returned Wednesday ovon lng from tholr trip to Now York and other eastern points. It you aro still to buy your fall suit now Is tho tlmo to buy them whon you can savo from $5 to $15 on tho suit you may select at BLOCK'S. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stack, Jr., an nounce Uio arrival of a son tho early part of tho Avcok. Mother and babo nro roorled to be doing nicely. Wanted Young lady to assist In studio work. Steady advancement to capnblo person. Apply by letter, ns written applications only will bo con Bidored BROOKS' STUDIO. S8-2 towiiBhlp 1C, rnngo 30, will bo Bold fori thoy will enlist in tho servico of their cash to highest bidder. Proporty con.j country. Thoy will mnko application hsts ot house, barn and fonco. Salo.for tho aviation corps, but if Uiov fall will bo hold Monday, Novombor 19th, I In this thoy will onllst In tho navy, at 2 o'clock. By order ot tho school. During tho past year tho two boys have ucuii lurmiuK on ino ,1. 1. smun place 8oi!thwcst of town. Thoy were nlso school chums and thoy hope to keop together In tho federal service. bo.rd. SGtt T. L. HOLLENBUOOK, DIroctor. W. C. T. U. will hold a social meet ing and reception at tho homo of Mrs. BosttCk, 702 east Fifth Btreot, Tuosday afternoon, Novcmbor 20th. There will bo a program nnd refreshments will bo served. A Bpoclal Invitation Is oxtond cd to all. Jtoss Is Sntislled. Writing to John Noblo from Camp Funston. Amos Ross, ono of Lincoln county's drafted mon says: "I have a good Job now. as I havo been ntonotntod Owing to tho fact that I will movo mechanic, and get good wages. I am mil componeu to urin, and have a good my ontlro stock from tho Wilcox Dept. Storo Docembor 1st, to my now de partment nt Block's, wo nro reducing all trimmed hnta to remarkably low figures. Ono lot of hats formerly soil ing up to $8, nt $3.50: ono lot soiling up to $5 at $2, and ono lot nt $1.50. Sale begins Saturday, Novombor 17, at 9 o'clock nnd continues until Novem ber 25th. VILLA WHITTAKER, At tho Wilcox Department Store. Every One Must Save Tho country is depending upon its thrifty mon nnd woman ns never before for it needs nil our resources nnd the cnroful conservntion of everything. There is no greater aid to thrift than n savings account in tho McDonnld Stnto Bnnk where spare money draws interest at 4j, compounded semi-annually. We invito the thrifty people of Lincoln County to co-operate with us for the benefit of themselves and their country. McDonald State Bank. place to stay with plenty to ent. I am feollng flno nnd like army life much "" man 1 inougni 1 would. 1 ex pect to apply for a furlough to go home for Thanksgiving and visit with nil my friends in North Platte, but whether they will Krnnt mo such I do noi yet kuow. Lonn of Relics Asked Tho D. A. R. earnestly solicits Uio loan Of any rollcs VOll ninr hnvn dnto hack to Uie civil War timns nml earllor. for tholr "Relic Exhibit" 4p bo nein at mo nomo or Mrs T. C. Patter son Novombor 22, 23 and 24. rioase notify any of tho commit! Fiold. Mrs. Sponcor or Mrs. York Hin man and they will gladly got thorn. Some very .Interesting thlajrs have h1- rMiv ixHn promised, nuch us old coin. 000K8, iinen, stiver, picture, cloth inr and letters. Pleas help this ex- nitMi ir voh on as North Piatt has novor had anything Ilk Utia and it wm im instructive and educational Saturday will he children's dar. Colon ial ladiee will serve colonial tea af ternoonn and evenings. Joe Sondrrs Weds Miss Andersen Joo Souders. broker of county treas urer ssam sounors. and amomljor of uie a. a iiurntn Auto Co., was mar ried early Wednesday morning to Misa Ameua Anderson, whose parents re sioo on a farm west of town. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Hull nt nis Home, a oafo woddlne breaV fast was sorved and the covjplo left on No. 16 on n wedding trip to Omaha. The weddlnK was kont a secret until the day before, even then only tho rel atlros of tho contracting parties were advised, nnd these relatives wero Uie only people present at the coremonr Mr Souders Is a splendid young bus iness man or exemplary habits, and his bride Is a young lady highly esteemed oy an acquaintances. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Carnations . , 32 cents per dozen Hoses . . M per doien C J. PASS, Greenhouses. General Tendency to Gloat Over Sight and Sound of Money Something Hard to Understand. The tendency to glont over tho sight trad sound of money may bo less per vasive than It seems. It may be only a temporary predisposition, leaving us tit heart clean, wise, nnd temperate. But there is a florid exuberance In the handling of this recurrent theme Which nnuseates us n little, like very rich food eaten in n close room, writes Agnes Reppler in the Atlantic. Why Bhould wo be told that "Uie world gapes In wonder" ns It contemplates "an Aladdin romance of steel nnd gold?" Tho world hns other things to gape over in theso sorrowful days. "Once n barefoot boy now riding In a 5100,000 private cnr." There Is n hendllne to catch the public eye, nnd mnko the public tongue hang wnterlng from Its mouth. Thnt cnr, "early Pull man nnd the late Germnn Lloyd,"'Is to tho American reader whnt the 2,000 black slaves with Jnrs of jewels upon their bends wero to Dick Swlveler a vision of tasteful opulence. More In timate journnllsts tell us that n "Finan cial Potentnte" eats baked potatoes for his luncheon, nnd gives Ills friends notebooks with n moral nxlom on each page. We cannot really care whnt this unknown gentlemnn eats. We cannot, under nny concelvnble clrcum stnnce, covet n moral notebook. Yet such Items of information would not be painstakingly acquired unless they afforded some mysterious graUflcatlou to their renders. $10.00 Minimum for Hogs The immediate fixing of a mini mum price of hogs of ?1G per hundred pounds has been asked in Uio report of a commission appointed by the United States food administration to investigate tho cost of producing swine. The commission reports that tho equivalent value of 13.3 bushels of corn for 100 pounds of average hogs must be established to get a stimula tive market and Uiat tho ratio of 14.3 bushels of corn to 100 pounds of hogs must bo decided upon to raise produc tion to 15 per cent above normal. : :o: : Wanted By woman with child, per manent employment; good cook and housekeeper; country preferred, phone 79SF13. 87-2 31. E. Church . Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Ep worth League G:30 p. m. At 7:30, special music by tho choir and orchestra. The theme of Uio hotur will bo "The Ninety and Nine," Christ's message as related to present world conditions, the German Kaiser and Christ. ::o:: For Salo Four-room cottage: Six hundred cash and balanceo on easy tonus. Phono 798-F 14. E. W. Wright. Miss Bessie Smith left at noon yes terday for Wood River where she will visit friends for several days. Five head of horses for sale. See Artificial Ico Company. 85-C WHEN YALE COLLEGE MOVED Village of Saybrook, Where It Was First Located, Bitterly Fought for Its Retention. During our walk we came upon a bowlder In theanlddle of 11 field lnlnld with a bronze plate which told us that there wns the orlgtnnl site of Yale col lege. Saybrook did not see the college go to New Ilnven without n struggle, and one of Its incidents Is piquant to recall tho famous battle of the col lege books. In December, 1718, the trustees, nlrcndy migrated to New Flnvt'ir, desired to remove the college library, which had been left behind In Saybrook. But Saybrook refused to give It up, and so stubbornly that tho governor nnd council hnd to come flown from nnrtford and set the sher iff nnd his assistants to work. These, however, found the house In which the books were kept barred and gunrded by "resolute mun," and even nfter tho shorlff had broken In nnd placed a guard over tle books the book-lovers nf Saybrook did not yet give In. On the morrow It was found that the carts that were to transport the books had been disabled, and when others were procured nnd start finally made. It was found thnt even the bridges along th road hnd txn destroyed In ad vance of thorn 1 When before or since Haa a village shown such a furious pas sion for learning! Richard Le Gal ttenne In Harper's Maim sine. Tho clearance sals of all the millin ery Including all the high g ratio pat torn hats at Mt pries moans a big mou rn- saving opportunity at The Leader Mtikcautile Co. s Mr. and Mrs. B. Cram, of Iuka, Kan , arrived Wednesday fora visit with Uiolr son Rev. B. A. Cram and family. :;os FREE OF CJIARGE Any adult sufforlng from cough, cold or bronchlUs, Is Invited to call at tho drug store of 'Stone's Pharmacy and get absolutely free, a samples bottle ot Boschee's German Syrup, a sooth ing and healing remedy for all lung troubles, which has a successful record of fifty years. Gives the patient a good n!gbh8 rest free from coughing, with night's rest free from coughing, with free expectoraUon In the morning. Regular sites, 25 and 75 cents. For sale In all civilized countries. THE MORE BREAD AND BUTTER THE . YOUNGSTER EATS tho sturdier he grows. And what a lot most boys can get away with. Es pecially If Uio bread be spread with such delicious creamery butter as is to bo had hero. No wonder ho likes it. You will too onco you taste it. Try a pound today and with its first tasto you'll resolve that hereafter no other butter will satisfy you. Price no high er, but quality best North Platte Creamery. rnoNE G2. v WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, "Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHOE 99. Saves from 15$ to 23 oi . every letter-writing hour SELF STARTING TYPEWRITER his new invention permits your typist to keep her eyes on her copy. The machine dosen'thaveto be looked at, or the scale watched. The time saving is automatic. There is no other typewriter like this. Fully protected by Remington patents. the cost of the typewriter. It is pare oi tne machine. Try the time stiver on your own letters, we are constant ly mnkind H Amnrntrntinnc throughout the city they involve no obligation on your pun. we put you on tho list? Write or phone us. Descriptive folder also mailed uu icq u US I. . The Self Starter, while add ing to speed, adds nothing to REMINGTON TYPE WRITER CO., iiui j South Nineteenth St., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. -