THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, 1 ST Participates for the First Time in Allies' Council in Paris. HOUSE HEAD OF COMMISSION Board Now tn Europe la Expected to Urge Adoption of Policy of Great er Unity In Prosecution of Hostilities. Washington. Tho United Suites Is ready to participate fur the llrst time In a military conference to bo held by all the allien. An American commis sion, headed by Col. 13. M. House, chief unoiilclul adviser of President WIIhoh, Is already In Europe, clothed with au thority to commit the United States government to any agreement that muy be reached by the Paris conference. Colonel Ilouse and his associates ara cupcctcd to urge the adoption of a pol icy of greater unity In the prosecution of the wnr. One of Uie possibilities is the crea tion of n joint war council with su premo power to direct tlio disposition of troops, to supervise military strat egy and to apportion munitions nnd other economic resources among the allien. Makeup of Commission. The American war commission con sists of the following members: Col. E. M., chairman, who will act as the .spokesman of President Wilson on questions pertaining to the general policies of tho conduct of the war. Admiral W. S. Benson, chief of na val operations, U. S. N who will par ticipate In tho formulation of plans for the employment of the combined na val iorces of tho allies. den. Tasker II. Bliss, chief of staff, U. S. A., who will give detailed Infor mation on the extent of military sup port tho United States will bo nblo to give next year. Oscar T. Crosby, assistant secretary of tho trcusury, who will speak for tho "United States on questions of Inter allied war llnrinclng. Vnnco 0. McCormlck, 'chalrmun of tho war trado board, who will assist In planning n uniform policy In admin- Col. E. M. House. lstcrlng embargoes on exports and pro Visions against trading with tho en any. Balnbridge Colby, member of tho shipping board, who will 'report tho amount of tonnage building, nnd tho amount that tun bo turned out next year. Dr. Alonzo E. Taylor, who, as a rep resentatlve of Food Administrator Hoover, will co-onernto with the com mlsMoncrs of tho nllles In working out a uniform policy of food conservation and apportionment of American sup piles to the European co-belligerents. Thomas Nelson Perkins of tho prl orlty board, who will negotiate an nur omen on a plan of giving prefer ence to the shipment of vital necessl ties to the allies of tho United States. Gordon Auchlncloss, son-in-law of Colonel House and assistant to Couu selor Polk of tho stuto dopartment, who will servo us chief secretary of tho commission. May Talk Peace Terms. Although It Ih to bo exclusively a war conference, dealing with tho pros ent nnd future military situation, It 18 possible that tlio question of pcaco will claim tho attention of all tho bclllger ents. It Is expected hero thnt Gcr- many will ma'tf a now move towurd pcaco at tho conclusion of the cam pnlgn In Italy. tt Germany should manifest a dls position to forego conquests, the allies might consent to an armistice pending a dlscuHslon of peace terms. However, there Is small belief that such n situ hMihi will nrlso at this time, nor Is there any conlldenco In the story reach lug Washington that all tho EUropcu belligerents aro preparing for n peace PHMey In Switzerland In February, In the ovent of a penco discussion developing President Wilson would have hts pence commissioner already on the scene, for that olllcl'il Is none ether than Colonel House. Tho pres ident designated Colonel House several weeks ago to begin tho collection of data for Uie use of tho American dele gates to uo eventual peace confer ence. Realize Lack of Unity, Secretary Lansing's statement ro' gardlng the mission Indicates conclu sively that tho nations fighting Gur- (inauv d ' that a lack of team work W CE accounts for tho reverse, ihey hav sustained nnd for the falluro to cop effectively at all times with the well organized Cannon military machine. Until the combined resources of thu allies can bo employed ngnlnst Gcr mnny by a single directing agency, It Is contended, there will continue to ba waste of human lives and material, re verses at weak points and other mis fortunes, all serving to postpone n de cisive victory over the enemy. Mr. Lansing stresses the fact that the conference is to be a wnr and not n peace conclave. Ho does not wish anyono to get the Impression that tho United States Is thinking of pcaco while preparing to exert Its utmost to defeat Germany on the Held of battle. Tho secretary's anxiety on this score Is duo to the speculation aroused by the announcement before American troops reached the firing lino that Col onel House had been selected to pre pare for the peace conference. Inline- llately reports gained circulation that resident Wilson was expecting peace this winter and that he did not Intern' o send the American troops Into ac tion until nil hope of a suspension of hostilities had disappeared. Tho need of a better co-ordination of military activities on tho part of tho allies has been practically demonstrat- d by tho Italian reverses, It Is point ed out. Italy was clamoring for sup port for months. The cry was not heeded by England and tho United States. Secretary Lansing's Statement. Secretary Lansing's statement re garding tho conference Is as follows: "The government of tho United States will participate In the approach ing conference of tho powers waging war against tho German empire. "The conference Is essentially a "war conference," with tho object of per fecting a more complete co-ordination of tho activities of tho various nations engaged In the conflict and a mora comprehensive understanding of their respective needs in order that the Joint efforts of tho co-belligerents may nt- tain the highest war efficiency. "While a dollnlto program bus not been adopted, It may bo assumed that tho subjects to he discussed will cm braco not only those pertaining to mil itary nnd naval operations but nlso tho financial, commercial, economic, and other phases of tho present situation which aro of vital Importance to tho successful prosecution of the wnr. There undoubtedly will bo an ef fort to avoid any conflict of Interests among tho participants, and thero Is every reason to believe that tho result will ho a fuller co-operation, and con sequently a much higher elflclency and a moro vigorous prosecution of tho wnr. Tho United States, In tho employ ment of Its mnn power uud material resources, desires to use them to tho greatest advantage against Qermnny. It has been no easy problem to deter mine how they can bo used most effec tively, since tho Independent presenta tion of requirements by tho filled gov ernments hnvo been moro or less con- Hiding on account of each govern ment's appreciation of Its own wants, which nro nnturally given greater Im portance than tho wants of other gov ernments. "By a general survey of tho whole situation and a freo discussion of tho needs of all, tho approaching confer ence will undoubtedly bo nblo to glvo to tho demands of tho several govern ments their truo perspective nnd prop or placo In tho general plan for tho conduct of tho war. Limit to Resources. Though tho resources of this coun- try aro vast and though thero Is ev ery purposo to devote them all, If need be, to winning tho wnr, thoy are not without limit. But oven If they wero greuter they should bo used to tho high' est advantage In attaining tho supremo object for which wo aro fighting. This can only bo done by a full and frank discussion of tho plans and needs of the various belligerents. "It Is tho enrnest wish of this gov ornment to employ Its military and naval forces and Its resources and en emies whero thoy will give the great est returns In advancing tfio common cause. Tho exchange of views which will take place at tho conference and tho conclusions which will bo reached will be of tho highest value In prevent ing wnsto of energy and In bringing Into harmony tho activities of tlio na tions which havo been unavoidably act Ing In a measuro Independently. "In looking forward to tho assem bling of this conference it cannot be too strongly emphasized that it la a war conference and nothing else, de voted to dovlslng vrnys and means to Intensify tho efforts of tho belligerents against Germany by completo cooper utlon under a general plan and thus bring .tho conflict to a speedy and sat Isfnctory conclusion." An Official Story Teller. In seernl of. tho public libraries ot Canada story telling to children has for some yenrs been' n special feature. Each Saturday morning from fifty to ono hundred children assemble at tho library In a room set npart for tho pur- nose and called the "children's room, Tho ages of tho children vary from six to fourteen years. At St. John, N. B.. story telling hus been continued now for threo years. This year It has been found ndvlsnblo to divide the children according to ago and to hold two classes of half an hour ench. The work has steadily grown In Interest, and tho demand for books of a less trivial typo Justifies the work of tho commlttco in charge. During tho sum mer, when opportunity offers nnd n story teller of note is n guest of the city, notlco Is given to tho library, and It I" often possible to have n special , session. 1 Wreckage of two German airplanes nnd bodies of the pilots, brought down on the west front. 2 Gen. Sir Edmund Allcnby, commnnder of the British forces In Palestine, who has taken Beersheba nnd Gaza. 8 Captured German flammenwerfer or liquid fire projector. ! British engineers laying a wire road across the Sinnt desert for tho advance on Gnza and Jerusalem. NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Kerensky .and His Government Overthrown by Maximalists Led by Lenine. PRO-GERMANS RULE IN RUSSIA Immediate Peace First on Their Pro gramRetreat of Italians Con tinuesBritish Take Highly Important Passchendaele Ridge America's War Mission to Paris. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. Kerensky and the provisional gov ernment of Russia havo fullen; the Maximalists IcI by Nikolai Lenine, pro-Germun agitator, ure In tho sad dle; the premier has fled and five or more of the members of his cabinet are under arrest; Immediate peace with the central powers will be of fered by tho oxfrpmo radicals In con trol. Such Is the dispiriting news that comes from tho Sluv republic, so called. Chaos exists there und a long continued reign of unarchy Is tlio pros pect. The only hopeful fenture of the situation Is thnt, as Ambassador Bukh metefl says, the revolt Is a revolt of the few against the many. The Max imalists control Petrograd and prob ably the fortress of Kronstudt, but they have all Itusslu to reckon with, and especially the Cossacks, who have no sympathy with the plan to make u sepurate peace with the ceutrul pow ers. M. Bnkhmeteff feels sure that the majority of the Russians who fol lowed Kerensky are with tho provi sional government heart uud soul, un derstand that Russia's freedom can bo assured only by tho defeat of Germany by tho allies, and will fight to the end. Tho spirit prevailing in Petrograd, he asserts, Is not representative of the Hussion spirit as a whole. Loyal Women Fight the Rebels. Of all the armed forces In and about the capital It appears that the wom an's battalion alone remained loyal to tho government. It was stationed at tho winter palace and when that build log was attacked by the cruiser Au rora uud the guns of the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul, it fought as bravely as possible until overwhelmed and compelled to surrender. Tho bat tle lasted four hours and wus spec tacular. Tho rebels brought up ar mored cars to aid tn overcoming the resistance of the heroic women. There was no chance to call other loyal troops to Petrograd, for tho leaders of the workmen's und soldiers' dclegntcs had seized the posts and telegrnphs. Tho rebel congress was convened Wednesday night, tho officers elected Including Lcnlno and Leon Trotzky Several proclamations were Issued, ono of them stating the program of the new authority to be: "First The offer of an Immedlato democratic peace. "Second The immediate handing over of large proprietorial lands to the pensunts. "Third Tho transmission of all uu thorlty to the council of soldiers' and workmen's delegates. "Fourth The honest convocation of a constitutional assembly." It Is believed In London that Keren sky will re-establish the provisional government In Moscow und that tho Soviet will not be strong enough to hold out long against him. For tho present, however, the pro-Germans have tho upper hund. Italians Retreat to the Llvenza. As had been expected, Count Cu dornn did not attempt to make a long stand on the Tagllamento river lino against the on-swceplng Austro-Ger man armies, hut fell back last week to the Llvenza, twelvo to eighteen miles west. The enemy followed close ly, and the prospect was that the Ital Ions would speedily be forced back to tho Pluve, where their mnln armies alreadv were being established. Cu- damn issued an order including In the zone of military operations all terri tory north nnd east of the Po and Mlnclo rivers, so he muy consider the possibility of carrying his retreat much farther than the Plave. Wheth er this will be necessary evidently de pends on the speed with which France, Great Britain and America can get men, guns nnd supplies to the Italian front. Guns and supplies especially are called for by the Italians. The victory of the Germans In Italy will be far from complete unless they can capture Venice. The German com manders already have hinted that they will attack thut city from the air, and naval operations ngnlnst It nro more than possible In the Immedlnte future. As wus said before, the Invasion served to bring about a swift union of all factions In Italy, and the govern ment, while realizing the extreme grav ity of tho situation, Is confident that the enemy will fall to accomplish their military object as they have their po litical object. The Italian armies ure maintaining order and discipline and are cheerful, and the rear guards are lighting valiantly to retard the ad vance of the Teutons. s In Russia, formerly, so In Itnly, tho farther the Invaders penetrate, the more dangerous becomes their own po sition. They ure moving away from their bases of supply, und must rebuild the lines of communication destroyed by the Italians In their retreat. Cn dornu, on the other hnnd, gains the protection of rivers lurgcr than the Tagllamento, of many canals and of numerous railroads that are able to furnish nil tho transportation his con tracted front needs. British Gain Passchendaele Ridge. Sir Douglas Halg's periodical drive In Flanders, which Is becoming -a reg ular weekly feature, accomplished most Importnnt results Inst week, when the Canadians succeeded In tak ing the village of PusschcmJnele and tho ridge of tho same nnme which dominates the country to the east The drlvo was made under most adverse conditions, the ground being flooded by torrential rains, but the British bnr rage fire was perfect and the Infantry followed it so closely thut tho Germans in their concrete dugouts nnd pill boxes were stormed before they had time to get Into action. This advance brought Roulers under the guns of the British, und their uvlators also begun bombing that town with deadly effect. Following up tho retiring crown prince's army north of the Alsne, the French reached the south bonk of the Allettc, but the Gcrmnns maintained their line on tho other side of that stream by heavy and continuous ar tillery fire. Elsewhere on the French front all enemy nttacks were success fully repulsed. General Allenby reported that his troops In Palestine advanced beyond Bcershebn with splendid dash and en durnuco and thnt on Wednesday he captured Gaza from the Turks. American Patrol Boat Torpedoed. The German U-bonts found one American victim In the patrol boat Alccdo, which was torpedoed and sunk In British waters, going down In four minutes after being struck. Lieut, John T. Melvln and 20 men were lost. The Alcedo was formerly the private yacht of O. W. Chllds Drcxcl of Phlla delphla. She carried n crew of seven officers nnd 85 men. The American merchant steamship Rochester also was destroyed by a torpedo, at least four men losing their lives. An Amer lean freighter arriving at nn Atlantic port reported that her gun crew sank a German submersible that attempted to torpedo her In the Mediterranean In general, tho U-boats had a poor week, tho British admiralty report showing that only eight British ves sels of more than 1,000 tons had been sunk, and four smaller vessels. This Is the smallest number of victims for any week since unrestricted submarine warfare began. Von Hertllng May Not Last. Count von nertllng isn't likely to bo Gennon chancellor for very long, for unless he yields to tho demands of tho radicals, they Intend to Intro duce n resolution of lack of confidence as soon as the relchstng reconvenes on November 22. The count seems to havo fallen under complete control of the militarists and Junkers nnd Is now threatening the radicals with a mili tary dictatorship unless they drop their claim that one of their number should he appointed vice chancellor. The relchstng majority, with which the count solemnly announced the other day he Mould now work In harmony, is In danger of breaking up, with the result of a union of the national liber ais and uie conservatives. Sucn u coalition would have a bore majority and would he subjected to constant ut- tack by the Socialists. The prospect of a political truce, It Is admitted, is remote. Tho Budapest papers announce that tne Austro-llungnrlan ausglcten, or agreement of the two kingdoms to unite undr one emperor though huv Ing separate parliaments, will be re newed provisionally for two yenrs, The alliance, orlglnnlly signed In 18G7, Is suijposed to bo subject to renewal every ten yenrs. Japan and America Agree. Viscount Ishll's mission to the Unit ed States has been successful nnd Japan Is guaranteed her price for more active participation In the wnr. The Amerlcnn government has agreed to recognize Japan's special Interests In China arid to permit the shipment to Jnpnn of the supplies of Iron and steel thnt she needs. In return, Japan will furnish a great amount of tonnage for transport purposes, will get Into ac tion her warships, numbering about a hundred nnd already mobilized, and probably will send an army to Europe. Italy Is asking that Japanese troops be called over to help repel the Invading Teutons. Though Japan's special Interests In China nro to be recognized because of contiguity, both nations agree to main tain the open door and the territorial sovereignty of Chlnn. ' Socialists Lose In Elections. Emperor William met a notable de feat In the United States last Tuesday, when In Chicago and New York tho Socialists were thoroughly whipped at the polls. Supporting the Socialist nominees for Judges In Chicago and for mayor and other city officials In New York, were all the forces of pro Germanism, pacificism and disloyalty, and though they cast a disgracefully large vote, the defeat administered to them wus decisive. These elections were looked upon nnd rightly, as a test of the loyalty of tho two largest cities In tho country. Most of the Socialist candidates were openly anti-war men nnd some of them In their pre-election utterances came dangerously near the treason mark Hence the victory of loyalty and pa triotlsm Is cause for genuine rejoic ing. John F. Ilylnn, Tnmmany Democrat, was elected mnyor of New York nnd the stnte gave a large majority In fa vor of womnn suffrage. In Ohio, how ever, the women lost. House Heads U. S. War Mission Upon their arrlvol In a British port the administration announced the names of the members of the Amerlcnn wnr commission sent to take part In the great conference of the allies In Paris. Col. E. M. House Is the chnlr man and spokesman for the president on questions concerning the general conduct of the war. The other mem bers nrc Admiral W. S. Benson, chief of naval operations; Gen. Tnsker H. Bliss, chief of staff; Oscar T. Crosby, assistant secretary of the treasury; Vnnce C. McCormlck, chairman of the war trade board; Balnbridge Colby, member of the shipping bonrd; Dr. Alonzo E. Taylor, representative of Food. Administrator Hoover; Thomas N. Perkins, member of the priority board, and Gordon Auchlncloss, chief secrctnry of the commission. Secretary Lansing Issued a state ment that makes It clear that the al lies realize that many or their re verses have been due to lack of team work, and that one of lie chief nlms of the conference will be to bring about unity of action. For Its part, the United States seeks to determine Just how Its mnn power nnd material re sources can be used to greatest advan tage to defeat the common enemy, Mr. Lansing laid especial emphasis on the fnct that the conference Is a war conference nnd nothing else. The ad ministration Is not expecting nn enrly pence, and Is making all preparations for a long conflict. Li PUT INTO EFFECT BEGINS DEC. 15 BY ORDER Of PRESIDENT WILSON. WILL TAKE ABOUT SIXTY DAYS People of Nation Asked to Lend Alt' Possible Aid to Help Government Classify the Remaining 9,000,000 Registrants. Washington, Nov. 13. Prcsldont Wilson has put tho new muchlueryr for tho carrying out of tlic soluetlvw draft bill Into operutloii. Tho regulations and the question-- ualres under which tho second cull will bemado and which more thna 0,000,000 registrants will be required to fill out are being forwarded to local hoards, but have not yet been mndo public. i War department officials estimate- that tho whole process can be com pleted within GO days. This means tlmUno second call will bo made oa the draft forces before the middle of next Februnry, ns tho period for classification will not begin until De cember 15. 1 The president describes tho riew plan of dividing nil registered men not nlrcady mobilized Into flvo classes,, subject to military service by classes, us being Intended to produce "a more- perfect organization of onr man power'.' "Tho selective principle must bo- carried to Its loglcnl conclusion," tho prcsldont said, und lie ndded that there must be mndo a completo Inven tory of tho qualifications of each reg istrant in order to determine "tho place In the military, Industrfinl or agricultural rnnks of tho nation In which his experience nnd training can best bo mado to servo tho common good." The inquiry projected In tho ques tionnaire will go deep Into tho qual ifications of each of nearly 10,000.000 men. Tho success of the plan nnd It completion within tho esttmnted tlmo rests on the whole-tiearted support given by the people, especially by the doctors and lawyers of each commun ity, nnd the president calls upon then for thnt unstinted aid. Unearth Stores of Foodstuffs. New York, Nov. 13. Secret service agents hnve discovered foodstuffs und other property valued at more than. $73,000,000 Stored in warehouses in this city, which hnve never been re ported to tho government ns required under tho trading with the enemy act. It hns been learned. This Is only a small part of what Is expected to bo uncovered before the search ends- Flour, sugnr, eggs, butter and canned goods of various kinds are contained In tho list of foodstuffs compiled by the secret service men. Large quanti fies of Iron, steel, copper, cotton nnd chemicals nlso have been found, a pnrt of which, It was announced, I owned by Germans. Coast to Coa&t Air Lines Certain. New York, Nov. 13. Plans for es tablishing four trnns-contlnentnl olr- wuys as tho main nrterlcs of nerlal navigation In the United States hnve- been approved by the executive com mittee of tho Aero Club of America It was announced by the club here. Tho club's committee on landing" pluces, of which Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary Is chnlrmari, hns been In structed to make all possible speed In charting the route nnd selecting land ing places. Italians Turn on Enemy. London, Nov. 13. On tho Italian- front the Italian line In the north has' stiffened under the reinforcements It has received from tho British nnd French. The Gorman official com munication ndds thnt east of Aslngo, where the Austro-Qcnnuns made gains last week, the Italians In strong force- attacked the'invnders nnd recovered' lost positions. Tho Italians took" nbout 300 prisoners. In tho Sugnna vnlloy nn enemy ndvnnce guard wan captured. Finland Facing Starvation. Helslngfors, Finland, Nov. 13. Prof, von Wcndt, a delegate of the Diet, has; telegraphed President Wilson thnt ow ing to tho poor harvest tho country fnces starvation, unless food can be obtained in the United States. Over Ten Million Sign Pledge. Washington, D. C, Nov. 13. More thnn 10,000,000 Amerlcnn housewives. It was announced, hnve pledged them selves to follow the food administra tion's consorvntJon directions. ,. Presents for 8oldler Washington, Nov. 13. The Post office department hns arranged to car ry Christmas gifts to American sol diers In France who fall to receive presents. Postmnstcrs were orderedi to nccept pnekages, the contents of which the senders deslro to bo dis tributed as presents among tho sol diers, who might not otherwise ho re membered. Such pnekages. addressed! In care of the commanding officer, Pier No. 1. Hoboken, N. J., and mark d "for distribution," will ho ncceptedi If pneked properly.