The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 13, 1917, Image 8

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    IltA L. BAKE, Uilltor and Publisher
One Year by .Mall In Advunro. . . .$1.25
One Vt-ar by Carrier in Advance 51.51)
3uterl at North IMatto, Nebraska,
Postofflce as Second Class Matter.
jtu.sin:i to tiik last.
Ofhaha. Twenty to thirty carloads
of new sugar from tho hoot sugar fac
tories of western Nebraska ami uoio
railo pass through Omaha each day to
suiifply the oast, although llttlo if any
Is stopped to supply the needs of Oma
ha consumers.
Local dealers explain this flagrant
neglect of Omaha from the fact that
I In. dimnr ullnrtncrn U'flH LTOHt HI'. Of
longer duration and more acute in the!
oast than it has boon In the wost.i
Thus the first sugar from this year a (
crop of beets Is rushed to tho oast to
check the pinch there. .
Among the Jobbers and grocers in
Omaha, howovor, there is a feeling
that tho situation will now bo rapidly
rollovcd. For some days many res
taurants have taken tho sugar bowls
from the tablos, and have sot them
out to a guost only when ho ordered
a coroal or some other food which
normally requires sugar to make It
palatable. VVhon coffeo is served the
waitor asks the guost If ho cares for
sugar. If ho doos tho waitor brings,
ono or two lumps on a little 'plato.
Most storoB lfavo limited customers
to 25 cents worth of sugar, and somo
havo on cortaln days limited them to
10 conta worth. Today, however, Hay.
don Brothers aro soiling as much as
30 conta worth to a cuBtomor.
:o: ;
Al ltnl on lYimch Sell
Uncovor mon, horo Ho throo soldlorS( The Durhln Auto Co. is figuring with
bravo, (three dlfforont lot owners for the oroc-
Tho first to glvo tholr lives our Liberty Uou of n garnge, and feel quito conll-
to savo, . ,ient that ono of tho throo will put up
On French noil wo havo laid thorn to n blIiMng cariy next spring.
rest, .
Tlioy'g'ave their llvos, they gave their Thoso In need of painting, paper
very host. i hat.glng and decorating ate assured
In ba'llbwed ground we've placed the!-'
sacred dust,
Their souls are vlth that God rUoi
doaloth Just, I
Their deeds rccordou now In song and
, story,
Through endless yoars with Increasing
Of tliolr own freo will they loft tholr
happy homos,
To fight 'for freedom within sight of
Pareo's domos,
'TIb right wo pause a moment to honor
' tho dead,
Renewing our fealty for stern duties
So we aro com'lng ENRIGlIT, ORES
HAM and HAY,
It need bo five million In battlo Array.
With determined zeal and unfaltorlng
To fight LIBERTY'S foe, and- to win,
B, F. A,
: :o: ; -
Kearney Wins From Locals
Tho North Platto foot ball toam wbb
defeated at Kcarnoy Friday by tho IiIkIi
school toam of that city by a score of
sixteen to nothing. Tho Kearney toam
outweighed tho North Platto hoys olght
poundB to tho man. Norrls and Plzor
suffered knockout Injuries In tho came1
anu woro forced to rotire. For a tlmo
It was feared Norrls' Injuries woro ho-
rloua but ho has slnco about recov
ered his normal condition.
-: :o: :-
Burden on U. S.
T.ni1rn Tim Pnll rt tinmlAi TfArnn
Hky pioans an lndollnlto 'prolongation,
oi, tiio war, wim a noavior bunion ror
the United States and her allios to
bear up under, according to views ox
pressod in nearly all of tho London
press. None go Into tho situation la
dotnll but thcro Is none that scorns
to doubt authenticity of tho latest Rus
sian revolt and tho extent to which
It has spread.
. .I : : o ' :
Dr. Morrill, DontlBt.
i... r.
Tom L. Green returned Friday from
Omaha where he 'made a ghlpinsnt o:
cattle from his ranch near alas: Well.
For sale, rent or trade, -180 aero.
The Eye Koonis. 81-6.
Mrs. Frank II. Adams, of Los An
geles, nee Miss Lola Gillette former
ly of this city, is visiting friends In
Dr. Smith, Chiropractor,
. Building Loan Building., fintf
Addison K. Cook, of Loxlngton, who
went to Uemlng with Company E, haj
freon commissioned a lieutenant in
that company.
See our optometrist about your oyen.
15very bit of his work Is guaranteed
to give satisfaction. I
Work on the Knights of Columbus
building which had boon delayod for
a couple of weeks by the non-arrival
of white tile brick, was resumed Sat
urday. Kivo head of horses for sale. See
Artiflolal Ice Company
t y. McMichael returned tho latter
mir(j 0f jast Wook from Torrington,
Wyo.. where he had been superintend
ing tho construction of a businss build
ing for several weeks.
Gus Hamer, of liuchanan precinct, at j
ono time a resident of tho city, vlblt
ed friends Saturday. Tho older he
grows, he said, the less frequently he
comes to North IMatto.
For Salo Nearly now Hot Blast
ccoal stovo. Inqulro of P. A. Norton,
309 wost Second. 85tf
O. K. Kobinson, who has been clerk
In tho postofflco for a number of years,
succeeds Loron Sturges as assistant
postmaster, and rocelvoa a raise in
salary of $200 por year.
For Salo Puro bred Duroc Jorsoy
hogs, both uoxos. Inqulro of or ad
dross, Blankenburg Bros., 1305 north
Locust Btroot, North Platte. Nob.
Phone Kcd 851. 81-G
luujiuciury wurn u moy umpiuy juiiuh
Hugu. Phono Black 092. 38tf
Mrs. Geo. B. boat loft Swiday for
I Omaha where she visit for a couple of
I weeks. Mrs. Dont has Just recovered
I from an illness that confined her to the
houso for two or threo weeks.
Brady, which had been without a
resident physician, has had that want
supplied. Dr. C. E. Vandlvor, latoly
located at Ogalalla, will elvo tho peo
plo of Brady and vicinltyStho benefit
oi nis services.
Tho Romlgh garage received two
cars of Dodges last' week, which only
partially filled tho orders on fllo. Tho
Hondy-Oglor Co. also received ship
ments of Fords, hu that company Is
still thirty short on filling Its or
ders. The congestion In tho lotoil yards
was relieved to such an oxtont Friday
that flfty-sovon cars of local freight
which had been "burled," was dug out
and switched on Alio dopot tracks.
Somo of thoso cars had been In tho
yards for ton days.
Local dcalors aro receiving more or
loss coal each day, but none of thorn
aro getting stock ahead, tho receipts
bolng Just about sufficient to supply
mo uomanu tins warm weather. Should
cold and stormy weathor como tho
storv would bo dlffnrnnt.
A ro'prosontatlvo ,of a manufacturing
confcctlonor who was In town Satur
day stated that this would bo his last
trip on tho road, as tho scarcity of su
gar would compol jils firm to "practi
cally go out of business. What la true
ot h,B h, sa,(- ,s truo f oth
ors. Confections, howovor, aro a lux
ury mat wo "can got along without.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott returned
Saturday from a visit with tholr son
Ron and Avlfo at MadlBon. Wis. Don is
now tho head of tho mechanical en
gineering oxtonslon of tho University
of Wisconsin at a salary of $2,800 a
year, and has vhargo of a numbor of
assistants located at a numbor of tho
manuracturlnir conters in that stnto.
Costs too Much
When you need a lilvlo extra
hent about the house, light n
Perfection Henter instead of
starting an expensive coal fire.
The Perfection warms the
ipot or room you want liontcd
for much lets than' coal costs
nnd without the dust nnd dirt.
Durns eight hours on a gallon
of kerosene.
It is clean nnd dependable;
costs little and Ui.cs long. Can
be carried from room to room
more easily than a small chair.
At lmrci'varc, furniture, or de.
pnrtmanl atores.
More than 3.000,000 Pcrf sction
Heaters in use.
For rouftj ux
Standard Oil Company
Saver; from 1S to 25$ ol
every letter-writing hour
his new invention permits
your typist to keep her eyes on
her copy. The machine
dosen't have to be looked at, or
the scale watched. The time
saving is automatic. There is
no other typewriter like this.
Fully protected by Remington
The Self Starter, while add
ing to speed, adds nothing to
2013 South Nineteenth St.,
Governor Neville has revised the
schedule recommending days on which
all aro asked to abstain trom eating
meat or wheat foods. This Is-to get
Nebraska Into lino with tho rest of the
country under tho requost from the
national food administrator that all
voluntarily observe ono day each
week on which no meat will be con
sumed and one on which thoy will eat
no wheat product.' It Is not intended
that any should fast on these days,
only that they uso somo substitute for
tho Xoods to be conserved. Roiteration
of tho argument In favor of this saving
is warranted by tho importance of tho
need. Wheat and meat must bo had
for tho armies and for tho hungry
abroad and so tho home folks aro re
quested to deny thomsolvcs Just a lit
tlo. Along with tho observation of the
days designated reasonable economy
nnd rigid watchfulnoss in the caro of
food should bo tho constant practice"
Food is vital to tho boys who aro gUl
Ing out to' fight for freedom and small
savings will make a tremendous ng"-
gregatc. If victory comes it will be
because ovorybody has dono something
: :o-
Stenographer and Typewriter Exams.
Until furthor notico examination for
bookkeeper-typewriter and clerk-book-
kooper, for both mon and women, will
ho given every Tuesday. The teommis'
slon urges that qualified persons take
examination for positions as stenog-
rapnor anu typewriter as tho sunnly is
not nearly equal to tho demand. Wom
en are especially urged to tako tho
examination if qualified, and if not to
tako a course of study that will fit
them, as this Is tho only way in which
somo can no meir "bit."
boo Mrs. Gloason nt tho toostoffico
for information and application!
tor !
County News.
Albert Morris sold I1I3 nuartor sec
tlon of land south of Horshoy tho first
luu " UUK- lu " puny irom mo cast-
em part of tho stato. recolvlmr for
onmn COft i-t m .1 iir
Qmu vuw nuu anu io nor uuro ior
,if iiviit. iiiuutuii iuuiuiig mo toiai
price paiu $it por acre. Albort has
now msposcu or nis Holdings south of
IIUIH11UV nnu as SiaiOU in n rnr.nnr.
Issuo will move south of Cozad In tho
njiiuin wuuro no owns a iarm. Her-
shoy Times.
Dr. Gordon made a hurrlod trip to
umaiin, lrlday. with his thirteen yonr.
uni sun, uciwoii, who ihui swauowod a'
sanuimr. -jno sandbur had lodged in
Vis mroat, and was removed with
somo difficulty, but the lad is alright
now. Lowell was engaged In bumiuK
loaves wiinn he annoxed the 'bur, and
In attempting to blow It from his mit
ten drow It Into his throat whon a
gust of smoke momentarily choked
him. Sutherland Free Lance.
-: :o: :
Plnno For Salo
No reasonable offor will be rofiiHod
If . Hllhmlf tpd nt ntirn for n hlili (tm fin I
second hand piano which we havo
come into possession of nt North
Platto. Quality guaranteed nnd liberal
tonus will bo olTorod to rosponslblo
party. If Interested In a proposition of
tills kind don't fall to writo THE DEN
Colorndo, at onco for' particulars. 83-4
Frosh country oggs, ovon at forty
flvo conta a dozon, aro "practically un
obtainable. Ono grocer said Satur
day that ho had not recolvod an ogg
from fnrmors last wook. Ho had at
tempted to socuro thorn nt Cozad,
Gothonburg nnd othor towns, but was
told that tho supply was hardly equal
to tho homo consumption. It is possl
blo, howovor, to socuro storage eggs
In about any quantity you doslro.
All tho tenchors in tho Loxlngton
schools from tho first to tho eighth
grades, Inclusive, filed a petition with
tho school board last Monday night
asking for a twonty-flvo por cent ralso
In tholr salaries. Tho board has takon
tho matter under consideration.
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also five or8ovon passongor oar for
funeral service.
Chanfllor & Elcar Agoncy,
Cornor Eighth and Locust Sts.
the cost of the typewriter. It
is part of the machines
Try the time saver on your
own letters. We ure constant
ly making demonstrations
throughout the city they
involve no obligation on your
part. Shall we put you on
the list? Write or phone us.
Descriptive folders also mailed
on request.
Washington. Amorica's first rdcon
struction hospital where men wounded
overseas will bo fitted for occupational
pursuits commensurate with their In
Juries will be built by the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks at Bos
ton. Tho Elks war relief commission
after a meeting announced that the
government lias agreed to accept the
Funds for erecting tho institution
will be available out of the $1,000,000
relief fund contributed by the 500,000
Elk of tho country.
Wets In Ohio Claim Lend
Columbus, O. Tho wet majority in
tjiiio is now placed at one thousand
one hundred and sixteen votes, with
a few more precincts to bo tallied for
a completo figure. The count over the
stato will bo so close that ft will tako
an official figure to determine tho out
come. ,
: :o: : -4-
Nollco lo Contractors
Directors of School District No. 55,
Sutherland, Lincoln county, Nebraska
will recelvo bids at the office of tho
secretary until 8 o'clock a. m., on the
30th day of November, for tho con
strujctlon of a now school building at
Sutherland. Heating and plumbing
to Do let separately. All bids to bo ac
companlod by certified check for 5
or amount of proposal; 75 bond re
quired of successful contractor. All
proposals to bo sealed and addressed
to Geo. C. Whlto, Sec'y.f Sutherland
Plans may bo had at the Coates Lum
ber Co.. North Platte, or at tho office
of tho secretary,
Tho right is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
8G-G GEO. C. WHITE, Soc'y.
Congressman Klnknid srfmt Sat
unlay forenoon In town visiting friends
whllo enrouto oast from Goring, whoro
ho bad gono to Investigate tho now
Goshen Hole Irrigation project which
will havo a main canal over ono bun'
ilrnrt mil l nrin ntifl will nnaf 47 Krtfl .
1 . ... . ... T ' 1
uuu. it win require about threo years
to completo tho work. Congressman
Klnknid. Congressman Montlell and
Senator Warren, tho two latter of
Wvnm nr nrn rnnnnnoniln tnr-
ing this protect, which eventually will
mean much for western Nebraska,
..Q.. .
For Snlo
Five passenger Chovrolot Touring
Car, 1017 model. Same as now.
OIimp for cosh. Phono 510. 84-tf.
Terms reasonable guarantee
satisfaction. For dates call
at any bank in North Platto.
J. it. BEDFIELl).
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfiold
Office Phone 642 Res. Phont S7C
The Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
100S West Fourth Street.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstotrlcnl Patients
JOHN S. TWIXEM, 31. 1).
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given lo Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
Phone. Reaidence li5
Itollon Jlullilhif,'
Office hours 0 a. m. to 5 p. in.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Offlco Black 333 Ros. Black 102U
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North ot Posloflicc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D.
J.B. Redficld.M.D.
V. Lucas, M.' D.
J. S. Simms, M.D
Talk to Me before employing your
Ltconsod Eiabalmera
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
Sheep and Cattle
Farmers this is the year and the
time of the year to get stock to eat
up your .rough feed. I have on
hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs
and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come
and talk to me.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Bndium Therapy
728 City Nntlonal Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Office: First National Bank Building.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nebraska
$6 per Tosio
North Platte Junk House.
Itenl Estate, FIro, Tornado nnd Hnil
Insruance, Special Agents Globe
Life Insurance- Company.
Cornor Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs
Phono Red 572. North IMnttc, Neb.
Hospital Phone Black S38.
House Phone Black 633.
'Graduate Veterinarian
Bight years a Government Veterlnar
Ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Coart Houift.
Soldiers and Drafted Men
J. E. SEBASTIAN. State Mirr.
Office: Brodbeck BIdg.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
For Sale at
Harness and Saddelry.
Every pencil will dehorn 50calves
from 10 days to 10 months old for
A forfeit of $5 for nny calf that
fails to dehorn. Call and get one.-
Phone Red 456.
Soaled olds will he received at tho
offico of tho county clerk of Lincoln
county, Nob., until 12 o'clock noon on
tho 19th day of November, 1917, for
tho $10,000.00 Osgood Precinct
Bridge Bonds bearing six per cent
semi-annual interest, bonds in denom
inations of $1,000.00 each and payable
ouo bond each year commencing July
1, 192S.
019N1G County Olcrk.
Notico to Bond Buyers for Sale
of Bonds.
On November 19, 1917, 5 o'clock p.
m., scaled bids will bo received by tho
mayor and council of the city of North
Platte, Neb., for tho $10,000 state aid
Osgood precinct bridge bonds, mado in
denominations of $1,000.00, run 20
years, optional after five years, draw
five 'per cent seml-nnnval Interest,
payable July and January. Tho coun
cil reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
019N1G O. E. ELDER, City CCerk.
Jistray Notice
Taken up on section 25-13-30, south
of tho Baker school house, by the un
dersigned who there resides, on Sep
tember 10th, 1917, an iron gray, two
year old mare, weight about S00
pounds, no brands discernible. Own
er Is requested to prove property, pay
charges and tako animal away.
80-10 R. G. TATTISON.
Estate No. 1603 of Nicholas Wiley
Grandey, docenaetl, In tho County Oo u-t
of Lincoln County Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
time limited for presentation and niinr
of claims against said estate is Feb
ruary 16, 1918, and for settlement of
said estate Is October 12, 1918; that I
will sit at the county court room in said
county on November 16, 1917, at 9
o clock a. m., and on February 16, 1918,
at 9 o clock a. m. to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
olonl3 County Judge.
Notice of Petition
Estate No. 1509 of Mary J. O'Hare,
deceased, in the county court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested in said estate take no
tice that a petition has been filed for
the probate of an instrument urport-
Inir to ho rhn lnnt tvlll nn,1 inoinni.t
of said Mary J. O'Hare and for tho
as executors of said will, whlnh Jinn
been sot for hearing heroin on Novem-
uur ou, ivu, at a o ciock a. m.
Dated November 1, 1917.
6n27 County- Judne.
Estate No. ir.11 of Tnii
deceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln, County, Nebraska. .
The Stato of Nbraska, ss. Creditors
Of said estate Will takn nntlro Hint tlio
time limited for presentation and flllnpr
of claims against said estate is March
ii, imn, anu tor settlement of said es
tate Is November 9, 1P1S; that I will
sit at the county court room In said
county, on December 14, 1917, at 9
o'clock n. in., and on March 14, 191S, nt
9 o clock a. in., to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
nl3'Ul County Judge.
AUIHam "NVjirren nnd tho unknown
heirs, devisees.' legatees nml imruni.i.1
representatives of William Warren and
all other persons interested in tho es
tate of William Warren; Joslo Warren,
and the unknown liolrs. ii...n'
tees and norsonnl rciireamuofii.,.,, nr
Josie AV'arren and all other person In
terested In the estate of Josie Warren,
defendants, will hereby take notico that
on the bth day of October, 1917, Eliza
KIser, plalntltf, in an action wherein
the said ISllisa KIser Is plaintiff and tho
above named defendants, aro defend
ants, filed her petition In the District
Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
axainst Hald defendants and each of
them. Plaintiff alleges in her petition
that she Is the owner in feo simple and
, .... l'ossijsslon of North one-half of
1rOt.,10c.ln 'ou"ty Clerk's Sub-division
of the South one-half of tho Northeast
Quarter of section 32, In township 11,
North of nnise 3U, West of tho fith P.
""P' J1"! lmrt of Lot 10 lying
W ost of Lots 7, S and 0 In snld Sub
lUyision deeded toAntonStenner.ns said
lt 10 I? Platted and of record in tho
ofllco of the Gounty Clerk of Lincoln
ocunty, Nebraska, all located in Lin
coln county. Nebraska, and that tho
said plaintiff has been In tho open and
adverse possession of tho satno as
apalnst the defendants and as ngalnst
all persons claiming: by or through the
defendants, nnd each of thorn, and
apatnst the whole world, for more than
ten consecutive years Inst past; the ob
ject and prayer of plaintiff's petition Is
to quiet tltlo in tho plaintiff in nnd to
North one-half of Lot 10 In County
Clerk's Sub-dlvlslon of the South ono
half of tho Northeast Quarter of sec
tion J2, in township 14, North of range
30, west of the Cth P. M., except that
par.t f. I"ot 10 lylntr west of Lots 7, 8
and 9 In said Sub-dlvlslon, deeded to
Anton Stenner. as said lot 10 Is platted
and of record in tho offlco of the Coun
ty Clork of Lincoln County, Nobraskn,
and to exclude each and all of tho said
defendants from all right, title, Inter
est, claim and demand In an to said
land of whatsoever kind or nature nnd
for such other and further relief as
may be Just and equitable.
ou aro further notified that said
District Court on tho 8th day of Novem
ber, 1917, made and entered an order
permitting service by publication upon
each of tho said defendants for four
consecutive weeks, as required by law.
And said defendants are further notified
that they aro required to answer said
petition on or before the 24th day of
Decomber, 1917.
nl3d7 Her Attorney.