The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 13, 1917, Image 4

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    Buy your presents for soldiers
this week, at Clinton's.
If your soldier is in Franco now, you ought to
start your Christmas present to him right away.
And it ought to ho a real present. Don't call the
sweaters socks, kits, tobacco and such things,
presents. He's got to have them, or suffer.
And it is your duty to send them. They are
supplies. Send presents in addition.
These are real Christmas 'gifts
Things a man who lives in a blanket will be
tickled to have, and thank you for.
Fountain Pens, Flash Lights, Magazine Pencils,
Cigarette Cases, Trench Mirrors, Pocketbooks,
Letter Books, Manicure Pieces, Photo Holders,
Identification Tag Holders, Military Watches,
Safety Razors, Military Brushes.
Gifts to be mailed will be packed for safe curry
Graduate Optician,
At tlio Sign of the Big King.
J. C. Askwlg wub a paBHonger to
Lexington Sunday.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Store tf
Mrs. J. II. Day spout Sunday with
friends In Lexington.
Try Dr. Smith, tho
Chiropractor. 50tf
Mrs. Floyd Jackson left Sunday for
a visit with relatives In Denver.
For qnlck action and mtlsfactory
snio list your land with Thocluckc. (f
Mrs. C. J. Perkins and daughter re
turned Sunday from a visit In Omaha.
All "pattern hats on salo at one-half
price at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s
Mrs. J. A. Quyman and children left
Saturday for a visit with friends In
Miss M. Sicman, steam baths and
Swedish Massago, ladles and gontlo
jnen. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 8Ctf
Mrs. J. I. Smith and daughters
spont tho week end with friends In
Grand Island.
For Sale Four-room cottago. Six
hundred cash and baftincoc on easy
tonns. Phono 798-F 14. B. W. Wright.
Mrs. Harry Dixon returned Sujiday
from Omaha whoro sho had been vis
iting hor daughter for a weok or so.
Wanted By woman with child, per
manent employment; good cook and
housokoepor; country proforrcd, 'phono
79SF13. 87-2
Mrs. Belle Swarthout, of Platts-
niouth, has boon tho guest of hor sis
tor Mrs. It. D. TlipniBon for several
days past.
For Salo, or will trado for stock,
19JC Oakland light six touring car. In
qulro at C21 wost Tonth Btrcet. Phono
Rod 1017. 8G-2
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckloy, who
haVo bcon spending tho past thrco
weeks In Now York City, will return
homo today.
Mrs, P. H. Lonergan went to Donver
Saturday aftornoon to visit hor hus
band, who Is in tho employ of a nim
houso in that city.
L. II. Von Dollen, lato manager of
tho telephone oxchango, accompanlod
by his family, went to Grand Island,
Saturday wiioro thoy will mako their
Judgo Grimes nnd Court Roportor
Barron roturnod Saturday from Lex
ington whoro tho Judgo hold a court
lost weok They roturnod to Loxlngton
W. J. O'Connor returned from Oni
aha Sunday evening accompanied by
Mrs. O'Connor nnd tho bay. Mrs.
O'Connor Is getting along splendidly,
as Is also tho daughter.
Tho Episcopal guild will hold its
annual suppor .Thursday, Novembor
15. nt C:30, in tho church basement..
Tho prlco will bo forty cents a pluto.
Harry Block's latest addition to his
storo Is n largo oloctrlc llashllght sign,
extending from near the top of the
building and dlsccrniblo for several
Thirty members of tho Brotherhood
Class of ho Baptist church enjoyed a
wild duck suppor at tho church Fri
day ovonlng. Tho fowl wore killed nnd
tho suppor proparod by mombors of tho
A. W. Plumor has sold to different
pnrt!o3 in tho county about three hun
dred head of young steers which tho
purchasers will corn-feed, thus getting
rid of soft corn that would not bo
marketable. '
0. E. Eldor spent tho latter ipart of
last weok in Lincoln and mado ar
rangements for tho salo of tho $10,000
brldgo bonds Issued by tho city and nl
so tho $10,000 bonds lssuod for a simi
lar purposo by OBgood precinct.
Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Ilupfcriand Mrs.
Loulso Peters arrived homo at throo
o'clock Saturday morning from Den
ver in Mr. Hupfor's car. Thoy loft
Denver Friday noon, but after leaving
Sterling got on a wrong road which
lost them time.
Yostorday forenoon tho employes of
tho fcdoral building prosonted retir
ing asslstnnt postmaster L. C. Sturgos
with a handsomo gold watch and a
Bllvor Bhavlng BOt as an appreciation
of thotr friendship and good-will. Thcso
tokonB enmo ns a surprleo to Mr. Sturg
os nnd woro greatly appreciated.
For Salo Old school property of,
District 99, Lincoln county, section in,
township 1G, rnngp 30, will bo sold for
cash to highest blddor. Property con
feists of houso, barn and fonco. Salo
will bo hold Monday, Novembor 19th,
at 2 o'clock. By order of tho school
board. T. L. II0LLENBR00K,
SCtf Director.
Loron Sturgos, who loft yesterday
for Franco, was tho guest of honor at
a dlnnor given by a dozen or moro of
his friends Saturday ovonlng at tho
bungalow, Q. C. Hupfor officiating as
catoror. Brief addressos regretting
Mr. Sturgos' departuro, but Blncoroly
wishing him good luck, a pleasant
stay in Franco and a Bafo return homo
woro mado.
Good Banking
First and Last
The entire organization of the McDonald
State Bank is devoted solely to the businoss
of banking and nothing else.
The man who comes here receives tho
best we can &ive him in banking service be
cause we have nothing to divert our attention
from supplying him with the kind of service
suited to his particular requirements.
We believe our service is appreciated. Ask
any of our clients.
' Comein yourself and see what we can
do for youipersonally,, , - y .
McDonald State Bank.
1,250,000 jikx i.n siikvht;
ckkativk i:m:huV lost
Our first selective draft took out of
the Industrial machinery of America
ripptoxlnmtely 1,000,000 unit. An
othor 2B0.00O must be added In men
who volunteered their services to their
country. For their nbaenco from th'
employment tho nat.-on muni strike n
balance In Its uia1 workaday opera
tions, for while thaae men are undei
nrniB they cannot contrlbuto to ihr
wealth of the country by their croat
Ive labor.
The slmnle statement thak we hnvi
1,260,000 men now serving their ling is
not adequate to express tho dimension
of the Kan their, withdrawal from th
economic life of the nation has made in
our industrial machinery nnd which
to reWace will require Increased en
ergy on the part of those who remain
behind. Cold mathematics, however,
will convoy to our mind what loss the
peacoful development of the nation
has sustained through tho diversion of
so many mon to non-productive activ
Assuming the average wage of those
men to ho ?2 a day, tho loss of wage
hire Is $2,000,000 dally, or $2,750,000,000
per annum, basing tho calculation on
300 working days a year. Assuming
Hint for each dollar an employer re
ceives out of this labor ho hires a gross
return of $3 and wo confront tho loss
of $1,125,000,000 every year it is noces
8ary to maintain such a largo army In
tho field. It Is true that these mon
receive compensation from tho covern
ment, yet tho offset from this is slicht.
for tho mon still are not creating any
wealth; they cannot do so by tho very
nature of their occupation.
What creative energy, therefore, that
Is lost must be mado up from sonic
whero clso and It Is hero whoro the
conservation of human energy fills the
gap, but before It Is filled the nation
must adjust Itself to tho changed con
dltlons. It Is this process through
which we nrcJp passing a course un
avoidable nnd which all tho other com
batant nations havo either already ex
porlencod or nro now In tho process of
oxperlon'clng. Now York Financial
Food Conservation Campaign
Tho Boy Scouts have been conduct
ing a campaign for signatures to the
following 'pledgo card:
"Plcdgo Card for Unlicd Slates Food
Administration; If You Imvo Already
Signed, Push this on to a Friend.
To tho Food Administrator:
I am glnd to Join In tho sorvlco of
food conservation for our nation nnd
I hereby accept membership in th6
unitcu states Food Administration,
pledging myself to carry out tho di
rections and advice of tho Food Ad
ministrator in my home, insofar ns my
circumstances permit.
Thoro aro no fees or dues to bo naid
The Food Administration wishes to
havo as mombors all of those actually
handling food In tho homo.
Anyono may havo tho Homo Card
of Instructions, but only thoso si(,Jn
lng 'pledges aro entitled to Mombor
ship Window Cards, which will bo de
livered upon receipt of tho signed
plodgo "
ny housokcopor who may havo
been overlooked in this cnm'nalcn enn
by cnlllng nt tho Building & Loan office
Jiavo an opportunity of signing tho
pledgo enrd and recelvo tho "Homo
Card" with suggestions ns to "How
you can holp win tho war," by con
serving cyportnblo food in tho inter
est of thoc who nro Oghting our bat
T. C. PATTERSON, Chnlrmnn.
County Dofonso Council.
Notice to Bond Buyers
Directors of School District No. 55,
Suthorlnnd, Lincoln county, Nobr., will
rocolvo bids at tho offico of tho secre
tary until 12 o'clock, noon, on tho 30th
day of Novombor, 1917, for $30,000.00
school bonds bearing six por cent soml
annual intoreat, bonds In denomination
of $1000.00 ewch and paynblo three
bonds ouch year conynenotng July
1st. 1922.
Tho right is reserved to reject' any
or all bids.
CEO. C. WHITE, Sec'y,
880 School District No. 55.
: :o::-
Two hundrod Lincoln county boys
nro in the soldier qr naval canvps.
Don't you want them to havo the ad
vantages offered by tiie Y M. C. A.?
If you do, subscribe to tho fund that is
being raised this week. Don't turn
down the solicitors; give thonr what
you can afford to glvo.
Nebrnska City's allottmont for tho
Y. M. C. A. war work was $2,S00, but
at n mooting hold Sunday night $3,500
was subscribed. That's what othor
Nebraska towns nro doing. Will North
Plntto do hor "bit" uncomplainingly
and with onthuslnsm?
Major J. T. Holltngsworth, nctlng
adjutant general ot tho atato, nnd
Major C. F. Sovosson, both stationed
at Ft. Crook, Bpont yostorday in town
whllo onrouto homo from Scotts Bluff
whoro thoy Inspected n company of
tho now Sovonth roglmont
I). A. It. Meeting.
Sioux Lookout Ghaptor, D. A. R.,
held Us regular monthly meeting at
the homo of Mrs. O. T. Field Saturday
afternoon. Plans aro being consider
ed In which the chapter will co-opcr
ato with the committee on naturaliza
tion from tho Woman's Committee of
National" Defense in carrying on a
night school for nllons. The chapter
ha bought a liberty bond. Arrange
ments were mado to hold a rollc ex
hibit and colonial teas for throe days,
Novombor 22, 23 and 2), to which the
public will be Invited, Tho exhibit
will boglir on the first anniversary of
tho chn'plor'B organization and will
bo hold nt ho home of the regent',
Mrs. T. C. Patterson.
: :o: :
Women Subscribe for Bonds
In checking over the list of those
who purchased Liberty bonds during
the recent campaign, it is found that
there wore one hundred and fifty-two
women purchasers, and their total
purchases amounted to $20,700. This
is considered a very good showing.
: :o: :
Episcopal Guild Supper
Tho Episcopal guild will hold Its
annual supper in tho church basement
Thursday evening of this weok, No
vembor 15th. Tho menu will bo as
follows: Roast pork, ccranberry sauce,
mashed potatoes and brown gravy,
cabbngo salad, celery, cream peas, Par
ker house rolls, coffee, apple plo with
cheese. Price 40 cents.
-: :o: !
Why suffer with Indigestion, dyspep
sin, torpid liver, constipation, sour
stomach, comlng-up-of-food-after-eat
lng, etc., when you can got a sam'ple
bottlo of (.recti's August Flower free
at Stono's Pharmacy. This medicine
has remarkable curative properties,
and has demonstrated its efficiency
by fifty years of success. Headaches
are often caused by a disordered
August Flower is put up in 25 and
75 cent bottles. For salo In all civilized
Miss Carrlo Donovitz, who had been
visiting her sister Mrs. Harry Fleish
man, returned to Omaha Saturday.
Tho most wonderful bargains in
women's, and misses' newest coats and
dresses at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s.
It is understood that trains No. 11
and No. 14 will be taken off next Sun
day. MMMBB " Q
Well to Realize One Has Got to Want
Things Hard In Order to
, . Get Them.
Just wanting something' will rarely
obtain It for you. You've got to go out
nnd get it for yourself. In nn nrticlo
called "Increase Your Driving Power"
In tho American Magazine, n writer
.quotes nn nuthorlty as saying:
i "After nil. a man does wlint ho
Jwnnts to do. Therefore, lie must bo
tnuglit ns a child nnd he must loam In
ndult years to teach himself, to want
to do tho right thing nnd the big thing
nnu to want it so hard that ho Is
bound to arrive nt the wlshcd-for goal.
Anybody can sit down nnd sny, 'I'd like
to bo tho bend of my company, or tho
president of the United States, or the
best snlesmnn In tho world.' That much
is easy. It is exactly what tho baby
does when It sits on tho lloor nnd
squalls for n piece of candy. But It Is
a very different thing from wanting
something so much that one is willing
to set nbout it and undertake at onco
tho doing of tho Impossible.
"Tho troublo with tho average man
is that ho does not want things hard
enough. And one reuson for this Is
that ho has not been taught the value
of tlds 'wanting.' He has not been
shown In his schools and In his life
that mnn has tremendous resources for
wanting and for willing, nnd that, n,s
ho continues to will and will, ho will
llnd himself unknown and unsuspected
layers of energy. There Is aiwujs
enough energy to supply u man's de
sires for success if ho will tap the
source of It."
Ancient Form of Punishment That
Frequently Was Made Savage If
Victim Was Unpopular.
It Is less than a cjntury ago
th pillory was abolished in Britni:.
Tho pillory, as u form of tnituiv v
known all over Kurope and, iroin
necoVmts, it had a larger history In c; i
many than in this country.
Its form is, of course, familiar to nil
Tbe culprit, generally a
though men were often put In the j, "
lory for political olrenso.-, u ,n
placed on u platform, und LI., lu .id ; ..
I.r.uds wire Inclosed in a h..'m.i , :
rV::..:s. If iubllc oplnloii v,ui a.
I'.: culprl;, lilts fulo was iTtm u u...
b'.o i uv, fur tho enrngod populace beat
nnd stoned him.
Readers of Besant's novel, "The .Or
ange Girl," will know how tlds torture
was dreaded by nil classes of crimi
nals. Occasionally u prominent and In
lluontlnl personality would
Joneod to detention In tho pillory, ns
,.. Mum vuiuium;, uui, lonunaieiy
for his lordship, tho punishnTent was
never carried out. Strango scenes were
often witnessed at tho pillory, ns In
17519, when tho offender was supplied
with refreshments during his Impris
onment, and protected from tho weath
er by means of nu umbrella. London
Bakers Will be Licensed.
Prosidont Wilson yesterday issued
a proclamation plnclng bakers under
govornmont license December 10th
and subjecting them to food adminis
tration rules proscribing Ingrodlonts
and weights of loavos. Prlcos will not
be fixed, but with the standnrlzatlon
it is expected tht competition and sim
plification of distribution will force
down prices for pound loaves to 7 or
8 cents. '
Fancy broads will bo eliminated.
and tho multitude of sizes now pro-
dufced will bo reduced to four with;
standard ingrGdlonts. The weights!
will be one pound, ono and a half, two
and four pounds. Tho loaves will '
havo a croaso In tho middle to permit j
their salo in halves. In baking onlyi
three pounds of sugar will be allowed
for a barrel of flour Instead of an av j
crago of six pounds now used, nnd(
two pounds of vegctablo oil shortening
must bo used lnstend of six pounxls of
lard or oil. Tho food administration
expects to save 100,000,000 pounds of
sugar and tho same amount of lard In 1
this way. Bakers may uso only skim- j
mod milk for bread and rolls will bo
permitted only If mado in standard'
sizes and of regulation bread dough.
t 1V II
r4 ?
John Bryan, field man for the Amer
ican Beet Sugar Co., stated yesterday
that ho expected to start In a few days
writing contracts for 1918. Tills
would indicate that tho Lincoln coun
ty territory will be divided about tho
same next year as this year, with
some doubt of tho erection of a factory
at Hnrshoy until after the close of tho
war. Mr. Bryan stated that the price
of beets next year will be eight dol
lars per ton for those hauled from
tho field and nine dollars for those
that aro siloed.
"Ono hundred seventy-six thousand,
three hundred oleven,'" that's tho ans
wer to date of Nebraska to the pledge
to assist tho government in Its con
servation of food, and in every mail
additional cards aro arriving at the
Omaha offico from ovory (portion of
the state. By tho time the final count
Is mado, it is estimated that more than
200,000 families will have pledged
their assistance to the government at
this critical juncture.
HIS" v
A visit to our store will quickly
ollminato tho question, "What
choll I feiva him?" Your &ift
should bo a complete expres
sion o tho affection and senti
ment which prompted it. A
rinjj is a lasting reminder of
tho past nnd carries your mcs
softo faithfully. It is an em
blem of sincerity.
W-WAV Rin&s
carry out thcso ideals. They
nro true examples of jewelry
croft. They possess individ
uality nnd beauty. They aro
inexpensive, cost no more than
ordinary rin&s, nnd nro guar
anteed. If a setting is lost or
broken, it vill bo replaced nt
no cost to you or to "him."
Wo havo a wido variety of
designs and settings which wo
aro anxious for you to sco.
Come in nnd cxnmino them.
COME whether yoa buy or
The banks of this city were notified
yesterday that all subscriptions taken
at North Platto for the second liberty
bonds will be accepted. Those who
paid cash for tho bonds prior to No
vember 27th will receive them in a few
days; in fact wo understand a few
havo ajready been received.
The first increase in
price on these cleaners is
coming soon. We still
sell this revolving brush
machine for $30. Come
in and see it.
North Platte
Light & Power Co.
Made Right-Stays-Right
Polarine-is made in the largest and most com
plete, refinery in the world producing lubri
cating'" oil for automobile motors. Thirty
years experience and every modern facil
ity create Polarine the most popular and
widely sold automobile motor oil.
The refining of Polarine is standardized.
The result is an oil always uniform in qual
ity. No matter where you buy Polarine
here or five hundred miles from here the
quality is identically the same.
Your car will last longer and depreciate less
in value if you use only Polarine. Get Pol
arine wherever you see the sign at our
Service Stations or good garages everywhere.
the Ideal Winter lubricant
Red Ctotto GaipUne Ii powerful, epsedy wtf crammed
with mlUige. Beit for winter driving.
vv Omaha