The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 09, 1917, Image 1

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N.o. 86
limtti:nancy at ii!.minu
Word received from Uyron U. Oberst,
who onllsted In Company K nnd went
to Cnini) Cody, la to the effect that hd
line been promoted td second lieutenant
of Company IJ, 134th Infantry. Short
1 after reaching Demlng Mr. Oborst
was appointed a corporal, and this la
now followed by a second lieutenancy.
Lieut. Oborst when entering the ser
vlc was determined that he would not
long remain a private If conscientious
work would win promotion, and his
determination has won.
. Mr. Oborst'B friends In town will cer
tainly be pleased to loam of his pro-
'motlon and hope to hear of further advancement.
The domestic Erienco department of
tho Twentieth Century club met Mon-j
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. C.
Plelstlcker. Tho subject for tho day
was "Tho Nation's Meat Supply." Three
very Interesting papers were road by
Mosdanies J. S. Davis, Otto Thoelecko
nnd I. L. Stobbins. Tho hostess dem
onstrated baked macaroni iprcparcd
with peanut butter as a meat substi
tute dish. The department hopes with-.
in two weeks to have a young lady,
from from the Department of Agri
culture at Lincoln hero to demon
strate meatless dishes nnd whontless
broad. Tho time and place will be
announced later.
Capt. Rolfe Ilalllgan returned from
Washington to Camp Cody this week.
While at the national capital ho was
given Instructions in tho army in
surance bill, with the purpose of ex
plaining It to the soldiers of tho Thirty-fourth
division, j)f which the One
Hundred and Thirty-fourth regiment
Is a part. Each unlisted man and of
ficer will be urged to take out a pollcv
fdf $4,500 or more $10,000 being the
Writing from Camp Cody, one of tho
boys of Company B says that the
company has loen recruited up -to 250
from men transferred from Camn
Funston and that the company would
bo put through Intensive training for
six weeks. This Is taken by some to
mean that about January first the men
now at Camp Cody -will be sent to
The Episcopal guild will hold its
annual supper November 15th, at 5:30
p m., In the church basement. The
price will bo forty cents a plate.
All dress hats included In our sale
Saturday. It will mean a great saving
to you. McVlckera' Millinery.
Frnnct'ls ('ko Weils .Miss Rurgner. ;
Francis Cane and Miss Junla Hurg-i
no wore married Wednesday evening I
at eight o'clock nt tho home of tho
brido's sister Mrs. Fred Louden. Toj
the strains of a wedding march ren-
derod by Miss MncKay the ccouple,
took position under a wedding belli
suspended from an archway where;
the ceremony was porrormed by Rev. I
Hull. Tho bride's gown was of whlto
embroidered net and she carried lllllosi
of the valley nnd chrysanthemums;
while Mrs. Louden as matron of honor,
wore a gown of yellow luessalino and;
her bouquet was whlto and yollow;
chrysanthemums. Ueatrlce Loudon
carried tho ring In a lily. The groom
was attondod by Fred Loudon. Room
decorations woro In white nnd yollow.
Following tho ceromony a four course
dinne'r wns served.
Tho bride Is tho daughter of Mr.1
nnd Mrs. J. E. Burgnor, now of Grand
Island, but for a numhor of years res
idents of this city, and she Is well
and favorably known. Tho groom
who recently camo hero from Omaha,
Is nighly spoken of by all acquaint
ances. Mr. and Mrs. Case will make
North Platte their homo.
: :o: :-
Kiullcnl Seize retrognul
Potrogrnd, Nov. 8. (9 a. in.) Gov
ernment forces holding tho Winter
palace were compelled to capitulate
early this morning' under tho fire of
the cruiser Aurqra and tho cannon of
the St. Peter nnd St. Paul fortress
across tho Neva river. At 2 o'clock
this morning the woman's battalion
which had been defending tho Winter
palace surrendered.
The workemen's nnd soldiers' dele
gates are in complete control of tho
Premier Kerensky w'as reported last
night at Luga, 85 miles southwest of
Delegates from tho Raltic and Black
Sea fleets hnvo declared In favor of
the workmen's and soldiers' council,
according to Reuter's Telegram com
pany. : :o: : r
Mrs. II. P. Hansen left yesterday for
Cheyenne to visit her son for a few
All Fall and Winter Suits at Cost
and less at Block's.
.Mrs. Ell Hansen, whoso husband was
recently transferred to Cheyenno, left
for that city yesterday to make her
home. i .
A special meeting of Sarah Rebekah
lodge will be hold at the hall Satur
day evening for tho purpose of Initiation.
Leonard II. Robinson, aged forty-!
seven, who was the Hrst North Platte
man to roach the lighting linos in
France, bus been promoted from pup-!
ply sergeant to first sergeant of Co.
13lh Engineers (Railway). His son,;
Leonard Robinson, Jr., enlisted In tho
aviation corps and reached Franco a!
tew days lutor. Hero Is the unusual I
instance of father and son, Imbued
with a patriotism that Is certainly
most eominondnblo, lighting tho bat
tles of their country on foreign soil, I
glying their lives, If necessary, toj
win. A
Turned down by reason of his age;
from enlistment in othor branches ot
tho service, Mr. Robinson porsovorod
and finally passed in tho onglneorlng'
corps; and having 'passed himself, ho,
was not content until his son who.
. . ... . i
wus aiso Keen to eniisi was passou
Into tho aviation sorvlce.
The wlfo and mother, equally In
tonso In her patriotism, Is keoplng the
home fires burning and 'providing for
the two younger children by working
as cook at tho stockyards until tho
savings of the father and son
sont her.
To the credit of tho Spanish War
Veterans, of which Mr. Robinson wns
one, it can be said that they are mak
ing arrangements to send father audi
son a Christmas box. tho coodness of
which will not only delight them, but'
will remind them that friends at homo
remember them and appreciate their
pntrlotlc service to the country.
A romplete canvass of tho city un
der the dlrortlon of tho Rod Cross
Chapter, was made Wednesdn'y to se
cure money for the 'purchase of
Christmas packages for tho soldlors.
Two score ladles and a number of
business men woro engaged in the so
liciting. Tho full amount secured had
not been turned over to the committee
.up to last ovqnlng. In Tuesday's Is
sue the committee stated that 180
packages to cost two dollars each had
been allotted to Lincoln county, but
Inter a letter was received stating thnt
tho allottment to tho county was 3G0
pacoknges, thus calling for donations
of seven hundred and twenty dollars.
II. Illrschfold returned yestordny
from Chicago where he devoted several
days to purchasing goods for his cloth
ing store.
Block Is- selling all Fall and Winter
SnUs at irost and In some Instances at
less than cost. This statement can bo
verified by a call at this store.
A special from Lincoln to tho Omnhn
e dated yesterday says: "Tho. No-
lfruska State Council of Defense, with
to aid of the Stato Highway cominls-
on. Is asked by the National Defense
ouncil to take Immediate steps to
put the Lincoln Highway in usable
Qondltlon and "keep It so." Tfie com
munication, from Goorgo T. Porter,
cjhlpf of tho section of co-open tton
with states, Is that the Lincoln High
Way, running from ocean to ocean,
cbii be made n useful adjunct to rail
road transportation. "With tho con
stant lncroaso of traffic across tho
Country, tho transcontinental highways
are becoming Increasingly Important.
Of these tho most advanced Is tho Lin
Coin Highway, a largo section of which
floi In your state," the lettor ads.
It Is 'pointed out thnt outo vehicles
destluod for uso by tho government of
our allies can bo run over tho highway
to tho seaboard on tholr own powor,
and In doing so can carry folght, thus
making n considerable" saving to tho
AKRAMii; FOR THK Y. 31. (!. A.
Dh-s. Hofl'hliio Dies.
Word received In town yosterdny an
nounced tho death nt Choyenno of Mrs.
Chan. HolThlno, nee Lucy Frnzier, n
former resident of this city. Particu
lars of tho death woro not given. Tho
remains will bo brought horo for in
terment and tho funeral held Sunday.
but the hour and placco has not at
Jliis writing been decided.
l'rolcslunt Lplscopal Services
Church of Our Saviour, Row Arthur
Dittos Jonos, Rector, November fl,
pd Sunday after Trinity.
8:00 a. in., Holy communion.
9:45jU. m., Sunday school.
11:00 a. in., morning prayer and Ber
jnon. 7:30 p m., evening prayer and nd
ilross. , 3:00 p. in., Sunday school at St.
;Paul's chnpol, North side.
: :o:
That New Overcoat of Yours-
it From Our Superb Stock!
You've pot to pet it soon why not hnvcono that has real
style and class an outer parinout' that roflects the modern
spirit of youth and up-to-dateness? You can secure one of
(jur famous Adler Collegian Overcoats at moderate cost
and lune the satisfaction of wearing a garment of national
Whether you want a dressy topcoat or a big, rangy ulster,
you can find in our assortment of Collegian Overcoats just
the model that will suit your every taste and requirement.
The -style is there, the value is there, and the price is right.
And you will find our new Collegian Suits for Fall and Win
ter wear equally-attractive, whether your age is 17 or 70.
Those who art' particular about their shirts and neckwear,
who want the newest and most correcct styles, yet at mod
erate prices find in our stocks an unfailing source of sat
isfaction. This season our assortments are more attract
ive than ever. They have been selected with great care
and with an intimate knowledge of our customers' tastes
and requirements. And in underwear, hosiqry.and acces
sories. w( are supreme. -
Miike Your Selections Whilo these Superb stocks are
The boys and the children we can supply their every
need in clothing to as excellent advantage as we can out
fit their fathers and older brothers. Good, dependable
suits that will stand the hard usage of school and play
suits for "dress up" occasions and all at prices that rep
resent unquestioned values,
Three Doiicguu Roys in Servlco
Noel Doncgan enlisted yesterday In
tno ineciianlcal arm of tho federal
servlco and leaves tonight for Ft. Lo
gan. He hopes to bo transferred to
tho engineering corns after reaching
Ft. Logan. This Is third member of
tno Doncgan family to ontor tho ser
vice. Joo is an officer on n torpedo
boat in tho coast defense, Cyril Is at
Camp Funston and now Noel goes to
help win the Avar. That's certainly
loyalty to country a loyalty that Is to
bo commended nnd of which tho nar-
onts, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donogan;
should feel proud, notwithstanding tho
grent sacritlce they make.
Young People's Rnlly
Tho liaptlst Young Peoplo's Union
will Hold a Young People's Rallv
Week beginning Sunday, Novombor 11,
and lasting through to Friday, Novem
ber 1C. There will be services eadli
night at 7:45, closing promptly nt 9:15
The young peoplo hnve boon divided
into flvo groups each group to take
charge of tho program on one night,
each' group yieing with tho othors to
have the best program and attendance
The pastor will also address tho
meeting each night. Tho thomes for
tho week are:
Sunday night "What to expect of
unlly Week."
Monday night, " Jack Homer and
tho Pie.'
Tuesday night, "Tho 'Call of tho
Wedno3dny night, "Religious Slack-ers."
Thursday night, "Tho Abundant
Friday night, "Seed Time and Har
A mooting was hold last night at
tho Chamber of Commerce rooms ui
the Sixteenth District of the Nobrnska
War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A.
Very Important business was trans-!
noted In tho completion of nn organ
isation proparnloiy to the big drlvo. of
noyt week. Tho following olTlcors
worn elected: District Chairman, Har
ry Dixon; district publicity director.
Dr. T. J. Kerr; district cnmpalgn di
rector, L. K Martin; Lincoln county
chairman, C. O. Wolngand; buslnoss
district chairman, J. J. flnllgan; 1st
ward chairman, W. K. Shuiunn; 2nd
ward chairman, J. II. VanCloavo; 3rd
ward chairman, W. 10. Starr; 4th ward
chairman, J. L. Loudon.
All committees woro appointed nt
this meeting and aro asked to meet
tonight with tholr chairmen at tho
Chamber of Conimorco rooms for flnnl
Instructions In carrying on noxt week a
cnnVpalgn. Tonight's meeting Is very
Important and every ono should bo
prosont nt 7:45 p. m.
This district, No. 1G, Is composed of
tho following counties: Lincoln, IColth,
Arthur, McPhorson, Logan, Grant,
Hokor nnd Thomas. Tho campaign Is
for $25,000,000, making Nebraska's
$250,000; tho 10th district's quota
quota $11,500, and Lincoln county's
quota $4,000.
T. C. Patterson lolt Wednesday night
for Denver to transact buslnoss, ox
pectlng to return tomorro,w.
At a mooting of tho oxocutlyo board
of tho local Rod Cross Clihptor tho
work of tho sinallor towns In tho coun
ty and surrounding territory was dis
cussed, and whilo tno towjis that havo
boon organized havo boon doing ex
cellent work, thoy havo not roally
bjen given tho nttontlon thoy should
have by tho local chnptor and there
aro other towns In tho county that do
sire to organize. It was decided to give
this work more attention. It wns also
discussed and decided to Invito tho
Tryon chnptor to bocomo a branch of
tho North Platto chapter.
Miss Elizaboth Hlnman resigned as
soorotary and tho vacancy wns filled
by tho election of C. F. Tomple. Mrs.
G. U. "Dent was elected chairman of
tho executive board and Mrs. J. S.
Slmms vice chairman.
A flnnnco committee composed of E.
J. VniiDorhoof, M. J. Forbes, J. Q. Wil
cox, . S. Clinton and W. J. Lnnd
graf wbh appointed.
C. F. Templo and- Mrs. W. H. Mc
Donald woro appointed ns a public
ity committee
Tho roport of Mrs. W. II. Dlalock na
dologato to tho stato mcptlng was road.
This rdport was very comploto, and
will bo published In a noar issue.
Tho work of tho Rod Ci;oss chapter
Is to bo 'pushed much more vigorously
thnn hns boon necessary in tho pant,
and every citizen of Lincoln county la
wanted to become a membor of tho organization.
Nowhere can you find a more attractive assortment of the
rew headwear stiff hats and soft hats of various shapes
and weights caps of gorgeous colorings and caps of more
sedate hue we have them all, waiting for you to make
your selection.
' Como in and Inspect These Most Unusual Showings.
Harcourt Clothing Company
Nick Cliiros stntomont that there are
twenty-llvo nlaces In town whore cam
bling is indulged In may bo over
drawn, yet talk on tho streets is to
tho effect that horo is moro gambling
In town 'at present than for a numbor
of years past. Perhaps not all games
can bo ferreted out, but If tho police
1 aro actlvo it would booth thnt. thoy
i should bo nblo to occnslonally uncover
i p. game.
J A decided clearance Saturday of
pretty trimmod hats nt $4.00. $5.00,
$7.50 and $8.00. All individual nnd
distinctive styles thnt will appeal to
1 tho woman who wants a stylish hat
at tho same time practlco economy.
Every model has been severely re
duced In prico for this salo. Villa Whlt
tnkor, second floor nt IJlock's.
Tho Sammy Girls havo recolvod from
tho peoplo of Wallace a largo box of
knitted goods for tho soldlor boys. The
box camo unexpected and was thorc
foro a vory pleasant surprlso. hTe
Girls request Tho Trlbuno to thank
tho Wallace peoplo for their appre
ciated donation.
C. iP. Howard, John Fowlor nnd
Honry Dobko returned this morning
from South Omnhn whoro thoy inar
koted cattlo. Thoy said thoy Btruck
a good market and obtained very sat
isfactory prices.
-: :o:
The Optlmistlo View.
Tho Rising Young Artist All that. I
f havo accomplished In nrt I owo to tho
I st rugglo for tho necessaries of life. Tho
Cartoonist That's tho way to look nt
U If tho cost of living goes high
enough you'll bo greater than Michel
ingelo. Art Young In Masses.
Her Taita.
Tho actress you woro talking about
Is crazy over frco notices."
"I should say so. Even when she
goes to lunch tho first thing slio orders
Is a puff." Baltimore American.
Don't Do It Till They Are Receipted.
How to cut your grocery, meat and
coal bills In half:
Ubo an ordinary pair of scissors.
Che Most Complete
in. teCity ,
HE store whoro your nee'ds
tire understood and your
wishes instantly gratified,
is the store whore you like
to make purchases. Because
of our amazing collection of beauti
ful and artistic things &old and
silver ware, jewels, cameos and
works of art our sore has become
an inspiraticn'to our patrons.
Wo lmvo selected only thoso articles which
nro sura to please. We hnvo insisted upon
tho lu&liest quality, tho best designs, tho
most careful workmanship. Our customers
nro permanently pleased.
In the selection of rings wo exert tlto utmost
'coro. That is why wo sell tho famous
W-W-W Guaranteed Rings. Wo know in
celling them wo givo you tho utmost in de
sign, quality and workmanship. Tho gem3
nro beautiful, tho settings solid gold. Each
ring 13 absolutely guaranteed against crack
ing and loss of settings. " They ore priced
as low as $3.
The Jeweler.
Glazed Kid Boots
A big variety oi these
popular new Boots J in
the latest styles await
you here.
Real Kid Boots are gett
ing more expensive every
day but we have many
beautiful styles, and the
prices range from
$3.50 to $7.00.
Our showing of Browns
and Greys in high heels for dress, and Browns and
Blacks with military heels for walking, is complete.
It will pay you to inspect these money saving val
ues before you buy your Fall Boots.