The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 06, 1917, Image 3

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Nebraska's Permanent Iall
festival, ffloars Qfhiimous
Exisfcnce. p Bicr and
Delter thaiJkver
w CU I
MJardD. ffosforJ, Xtv
Looked Upon as One of America's Greatest
Booster Organizations. Helped Change
Middle West from Wilderness to the Land
oj 'Promise-
K-SATt-MON Is. n soclul organization,
originated by the business men of
Omulm In 1895, for the purpose of
entertaining visitors In Omaha, and
binding together the people of the
commonwealth of Nebraska and ad
Joining states In common social re
lations. The name was derived
from the word "Nebrnska" reversed, and In Itself
shows the spirit of the organization. "Ak" Is Syr
Ian for the head of the household, or king; "Snr"
Is Arabls, meaning the household, or knights r
"Ben" Is Hebraic, meaning brothers of the house
hold. The nominal head of Ak-Sar-lien Is n king,
chosen annunlly by the Hoard of Governors to
rule for one year. A queen Is also selected In the
same way, and the coronation ball Is the cul
minating event of the annual fall festivities. The
actual management of the body Is vested In n
F.onrd of Governors, consisting of twelve business
men of Omaha, who serve gladly and faithfully
without pay of any kind except their personal
satisfaction In work well done. Some of the
members of this board have served for years, and
all devote a large amount of time, energy und
labor. Their Ideas and decisions are then turned
over to n secretary, who has the great respons
ibility of carrying to completion all the business
Depleting the many-agencies of mercy supplied by this marvelous organiza
tion. The mournful battlefield, stretcher bearers, Red Cross dogs and
field surgeons are shown conveying the grievously wounded
to tlio base hospital whose filmy curtains are parted
by statues symbolizing Angels of Mercy.
of Ak-Sar-Bcn, transacted in the name of Sum
son, the king.
Ak-Sar-Ben's board of governors for 1017 is
composed of the following prominent business
men: President, Everelt Buckingham; vice presi
dent, Gould DIetz; Frank Judson, Charles D.
Beaton, Charles K, Black, George Brandels, Ban
dall K. Brown, George K. Haverstlck, Willard D.
Hosford, Louis CV Nash, J. DeForrest Richards
nd Churlcs L. Saunders. All are untiring work
ers, keen, live-wire boosters for every legitimate
project that will build for a greater Nebraska,
and a more prosperous, better city of Omaha;
who never tire of hunting for ways and means to
advertise this wonderful land, to the end that the
fame of this greut mid-west, Its opportunities, Its
ten-fold productiveness will eVentaully be known
among every people of every civilized land on the
globe. To them this past year hus fallen the
planning of the work, the organization, the plac
ing of details, the raising of the necessary capital
to finance such a gigantic undertaking and carry
ing It to a successful conclusion, all of which has
been done, evidenced by the enormous crowds at
tending the various features the full ten days nnd
A distinctly large measure of credit Is due' the
secretary, J. D. (Dad) Weaver, jyho from ex
perience knows how to get results and "gets 'cm."
Ho has held the position for years, but owing 10
on unfortunate nutomoblle accident lato In tho
summer, was obliged to have an assistant during
the fall festivities, "and the work was very, ably
carried on by Geo. H. Dodds, acting secretary
The social side of Ak-Sur-Ben has boeu do-
Atejorejerfyh Our Arny of the Air-
veloped to a wonderful degree. A lnrgo paying
membership Is worked up each year among tho
business men of Omaha, whoso dues support tho
organization during the year. Last year this
membership reached -within u few numbers of tho
three thousand mark, and this year, 1017, despite
the great drawback of tho nation being In the
throes of war nnd from almost all sides our peo
ple have been called upon to donato their money
for patriotic purposes, yet nearly two thousand
l!vo hundred membership tickets wore sold. . This
perhaps tells the tale of loyalty to Ak-Sur-Ben
better than any other one thing.
The Ak-Sar-Ben den Is to the men of the mid
west a synonym for fun and laughter. It is at
this den that the Initiating of members occurs.
Tjnder the leadership of that inimitable organizer,
Gus Benze, a splendid corps of actors and
musicians Is organized each year, and every Mon
day night from June until October a slde-spllttlng
musical comedy, the' original composition of
Omaha talent, Is presented, and candidates are
initiated into the mysteries of the order, thus be
coming fullflcdgcd Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. In
tense Interest is kept up throughout the season by
extending Invitations broadcast to business men
of surrounding communities, nnd large delega
tions appear every Monday night. These nro
given the several degrees free of charge. Mem
bers of visiting conventions nre nlways lavishly
welcomed and gratuitously Initiated with great
pomp und ceremony.
This year the offering at the den was "Tho Isle
of Hnir," written by nn Omnlm man, the stage
settings and various scenic effects worked out by
Guz Itcuze, and the mu
sical score prepared by
a Nebraska musician.
The most widely
known feature of Ak-Sar-Ben
Is the annual
fall festival. These
festivals have been
held for twenty-three
consecutive years,
' growing larger and bet
ter every year. Other
cities have Instituted
similar festivities, but
have either abundoncd
them entirely or hold
them every other year.
Omnlm finds no trouble
In making a grand suc
cess each year. Peo
ple gather from far
and near, and tho sea
son Is made tho occa
sion of homecomings
nnd reunions of fami
lies and friends. The
doors of Omaha ore
all comers eagerly nnd
thrown wide open and
sincerely welcomed, A carnlvul company whoso
merits have been fully Investigated by the Board
of Governors, Is given n location near tho heart
of the city, and the streets are thronged by thou
sands of pleasure seekers. Tho streets of tho city
are elaborately decorated and lighted, and evening
flus Benze, and the musical score prepared by a
Nebraska musician.
Tiie most widely known feature of Ak-Sur-Ben
Id the annual fall festival. These festivals have
been held for twenty-three consecutive years,
growing lurger nnd better every year. Other
cities have Instituted similar festivities, but have
elthor abandoned them entirely or hold them
every other year. Omaha finds no trouble In mak
ing n grand success each year. People gather
from fnr nnd near, and tho season Is made tho
occasion of homecomings and reunions of families
and friends. Tho doors of Omaha are thrown
wide open nnd all comers eagerly and sincerely
welcomed. A carnival compnny, whose merits
have been, fully investigated by the Hoard of Gov
ernors, Is given a location near tho heart of the
city, and the streets are thronged by thousands
of pleasure seekers, The streets of tho city are
elaborately decorated and lighted, and evening
spectnclcs are brilliant and gorgeous. A grand
electrical parado Is presented one evening each
year. A special subject Is chosen each year by
Gus Renzo nnd the beautiful nnd elaborate llonts
designed by him hnve gladdened the sight
of ' thousands of people, and become famous
by tongue nnd inovlo throughout tho United
Stntes. "Tho Triumph of Democracy" wus tho
f M
: ' -I f i -V-
MssflizaJbeth Reed, Qii?'sr
topic of tho electrical parade on the evening of
October 8 this yenr, and was viewed by one of
the greatest throngs that over assembled In any
city In this country to witness a parade. Con
servative estimates place the multitude at num
bering about 1200,000.
A daylight parade has also been mnde a per
manent feature of the Ak-Snr-Ben celebration.
Flower parades and many others have been tried.
In the fall of 1010, the 50th anniversary of Ne
braska's statehood, a wonderful historical parado
was tho special feature. This was witnessed by
President and Mrs. Wilson, nnd was heralded
throughout the United States as the greatest dis
play of this character ever mnde. This year tho
spirit of the times wns manifested In tho Patriot
ic parade, participated In by hundreds of soldiers
from tho Omaha forts and tho state at large, ac
companied by their magnificent equipment. It Is
estimated that a throng of 150,000 witnessed this
symbol of the nations allied together In the great
struggle for. world-wide democracy.
On the evening of October 5th occurred the 23d
annual coronation ball, ut which Mr. W. D. Hos
ford wns crowned king for tho ensuing yenr, Miss
Elizabeth Reed the queen consort. Beautiful und
magnificent gowns, sparkling Jewels nnd brilliant
lights made this-a sight long to be remembered. A
grand ball followed tho coronation, participated
In by tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben nnd many uni
formed olllcors nnd their Indies. This Coronation
ball Is one of tho great social events of Omaha,
and the king and queen represent tho best
families of the city.
Omaha and Nebraska are proud of Ak-Sar-Ben.
Nowhere In the United Stntes has an organiza
tion of its kind done so much to attract people to
Its festivities. They attend from almost every
state from the north, south, cost nnd west ; they
find prosperity, push, progresslveness and per
severance of purposo on nil tides; they seo that
which a few years ago was tho arid west now the
garden spot of the world; they talk about It, ad
vertise It by mouth nnd pen; they renllzo that
hero Is the gateway to the Golden West, thnt
land of groat farms, grand people, hustling build
ing cities tho homo of nn organization thnt
means Nebraskn and nil Nebraska believes and
rejoices In It.
1805 "Fcact of Mondamln"
1896 "Feaet of Olympla"
1897 "Pageant of Qulvera"
1890 "Constellations"
1098 ."The Alhambra"
1899 "Gems of Crand and Comic Opera"
1900 "islcu of the 8ea"
1901 "When Knighthood Was In Flower"
1902 "The Festival of Fairyland"
1903 "Poem Pictures"
1904 "The Story of the State"
1905 "The World of Mystery"
1906 "The Nations of tho Earth"
1907 "Days We Celebrate and 8onas We
1908 "The Golden West and Samson in
1909 t. "The World's a Stage"
1910 "The Ship of 8tate and Samson's
Quaint Quips"
1911 "Samson's Anthology"
1912 "Gemo and Flowers"
1913 "Stories from the Arabian Nights"
1914 "Pictures from the Book of Ages"
1915 "Tales of Childhood"
1916 "Shakespeare"
1917 "The Triumph of Democracy"
Swordmakers Rewarded.
Many of tho kings of Spain accorded to tho
finest swordmuk.orjs of Toledo certain privileges,
such as exemption from cortuln Imposts und du
ties appertaining Jo tho snlo of swords, tho pur-
chaso of Iron und steel nnd other primary ma
Idea That If Fowls Are Compelled to
Molt Early They Will Lay In
Fall Is Wrong.
Laying hens should bo nllowcd to
molt naturally. The common Idea thnt
If hens nro compelled to molt early
they will quickly feather out nnd com
mence laying enrly in the fall Is er
roneous. An early molt Is not n sign
of early full production. Usually tho
Into molting hen Is the heavier produc
er. In fact n lack of feather growth Is
suggested by G. W. Hcrvoy ot tho Uni
versity of Missouri college of agricul
ture ns one of tho points to consider
when selecting hens for winter laying.
Very often show birds are- forced
Into n summer moll by a restriction of
feed. This la done so thnt the- olrds
may bo In full feather once moro
for the enrly show season. This should
never be practiced with utility Btoek.
It will causo production to stop and
weaken tho hens at n time of the year
when full strength Is needed. It Is
unwise to change tho general character
of the feed. The addition ot some oil
carrying Ingredient, however, such ns
suntlowcr seed, will nld In tho develop
ment of now feathers.
Careful Selection of Fowls and Get
ting Them Into Good Condition,
Is Best Practice.
Careful selection of tho fowls that
nre apt to bo kept for winter egg pro
ducing, nnd getting them Into condi
tion to produce a maximum yield ot
eggs, will more than repay one for
the time nnd trouble taken. Not only
Is it advantageous from many points
of view, but It Is necessary If one ex
pects a satisfactory yield of winter
eggs. Tho principal reason for mak
ing early selections Is to get uniform
fowls of the right age at tho right
time, but it Is also necessary thut
they bo properly fed nnd cared for
so that they bo properly brought to
the laying point at the earliest pos
sible date.
Slotted Trough Prevents Fowls From
Hopping In and Wading Around
In Clean Ration.
Here Is a slotted chicken trough
that will be of value in the poultry
yard. It is mndo of light material, Is
..I i i
Slotted Chicken Trough.
easily moved nnd can bo cleaned nnd
scalded with comparative ease. Tho
trough Is made seven Inches wide, tho
slot is three inches higher than tho bot
tom of the trough. Tho pnrtlnl
"roof" over tho trough will nld In
keeping out rain, dust and trash. It
also prevents tho birds from hop
ping Into tlio trough and wading Into
the ration. Tho trough should not bo
mndo longer than four of llvo feet.
Applied to All Parts of Body Powder
Is Sure Death to Lice Can Be
Made Into Solution.
Sodium fluorld powder Is denth on
poultry lice. It can bo dusted Into
the feathers so it will reach tho skin.
It should be applied to all parts of tho
body. It can be madu Into a solution
one ounco per gnllon of water nnd stir
well. Dip the poultry Into It. Tho
dipping method kills tho Hco quicker
better and more cheaply. Tho so
dium fluorld has no bad effects on the
skin, but is n little irritating to tho
nlr passages. It is, however, very
destructive to tho lice.
roar lorn mix bi nircsDio by your d runt it
without mnr qnettlon If thli -emedydoeanotbenenl
yrerycaiont Aathrnn, llronrlilal Astlima.,Iay llrtiatlilnir- No matter bow
rloltnt Ibe attack! or obiunata the cat
In elthtr torn (Clgtretta. t'lr Mlxtnrs or rowdtr)
potltlrelr Kites INSTANT VlBUHIf In ererr cu
and has permanamlr cured thomandi who had bea
conilderd Inenrable, at tar haTln tried ererr othsf
meani of relief In Tain. BnOeren are aSoided aa
opportunity of aralllng themxlrei of tbli "Money
Hack" Rnarantea oner aa through parchailn froa
their own regular Draegim they ate tnra thell
money will be refunded by nlut If the remedy t alia.
Tou will be the sole Judge aa to whether yon art
beneOtedand will get your money back If yon ar
not. . We do not know of any fairer propoalUoa
which we could make.
R. Schlllm&nn C PrttrMers, St. Paul, Minn.
Many u man at the nge of CO wishes
he was half ns smnrt ns he thought
he was nt the nge of 21.
Millions of particular women now ui
and recommend Urd Crow Ball Blue. All
sroctro. Adv.
By Wireless.
Many of the largest Japanese war
ships have been equipped with wire
less telephones which operate success
fully for distances up to-100 miles.
Climbed the Fence.
A stock speculator Just back from
his vacation says that while in tho
country he'nnrrowly escaped being cor
nered In n very lively bull movcmcjit.
Iloston Transcript.
That Itch, Burrr, Torture and Disfig
ure Us& Cutlcura Trial Free.
Tho Soap to cleanse nnd purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal. Tlicy
usually afford' Immediate relief In Itch
ing, burning eczemas, pimples, dandruff
nnd most bnby skin troubles. They
also tend to prevent little Bkln trou
bles becoming groat if used dally.
Free sample each by mnll with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Soldi everywhere. Adv.
Will Bo Found of Much Help In Feed
ing Young and Old Fowls
8tlntlng Don't Pay.
Milk will ho of great help In feed
ing both old nnd young and will return
more from tho poultry than If fed to
tho pigs. Feed generously nt all times.
Tho present high prices of feed uro
alarming, but If one can't afford to
feed well at nil times ho hud better
sell at once to some one who can.
Stinting tho feed merely gives us n
lot of rtonprpductlvo honrders, with
never nnythlng on tho profit sldo of
tho Account.
An Azteo Grain.
At the time of the Spanish conquest,
an Ivory grainy finer than mustnrd
seed, wns made into paste for molding
Into religious Idols and wns an Impor
tant food In those times of scarcity of
maize. This grain, known to the Az
tecs as "huauhtll," was among the trib
utes paid by tho pueblos to Mon
tezuma. The botanical Identity of the
Bced wns long unknown, but the col
lection of Dr. Edward Palmer In the
states of Slneola and Pnllsco Included
flsh-eggllke seeds of nn nnnranthus.
The plant wns found both wild and un
der cultivation, a paste of the seed and
Bugar being solxl under the nnme of
"smile." Dr. W. E. Safford of the
department of agriculture has recog
nized In these specimens the sacred
"hunuhtll" of Montezuma's time, and
suggests thnt this amarnnthus might
be cultivated in favorable situations.
Closely allied plants nre cultivated In
India, Tlzet, South America nnd Af
rica ns grain crops.
To Open Free Music School.
Any man or boy in Atlunta who de
sires n thorough training In tho funda
mentals of music will bo given an op
portunity to receive free training un
der teachers of recognized ability, says
tho Atlanta Constitution.
A new free music school will be ln
augurutcd and maintained by St. Phil
ip's cathedral, under tho direction of
M. Philip Schllch, organist nnd choir
master. The school will be free to all
boys moro than nine years old and to
Putting It Up to Him.
"I bought Liberty bonds a few
months ago. Now you wunt mo to
buy ugaln."
"Great Scott, man, you bought beef
steak for your children n week ago,
tool Arc you going to mnko them live
the rest of their Uvea on tho memory
of that dinner?"
Wears Short Sleeves.
The woman who wears her heart on
her sleeve generally wears Bhort
St. Paul In 11 years has had 40,878
births nnd 20.210 deaths.
Fowls Begin to Lay In Spring When
Eggs Are Scarce Insects and
Diseases Avoided.
Pullets hatched early In the fall
should lay tho following spring. This
Is a time when Inyers will bo needed.
Furthermore, ufter winter begins In
sects and disease are not likely to glvo
trouble llko In raid-summer when
sprlng-lintclicd chicks are Huscoptlblo.
BHUBBBl tA M a m ea 0gt nHJaV